Three versts how much. We understand the length of the length: the verst is how much? Sustainable expressions with the word "versta"

As often in texts telling about Russian history, there are units of measurement, which are now out of use. One of them is the verst. Look ...

Musta - what is it? Mustra - how many kilometers?

From MasterWeb.

08.04.2018 14:00

As often in texts telling about Russian history, there are units of measurement, which are now out of use. One of them is the verst. Even for having an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was measured in the versts, without knowing specific numbers, it is not very easy to imagine, about the big distance there is a speech, whether it is about what is said, and how to understand allegorical folk expressions with this word, much experienced it Use in direct value and consumed now. And so I want to represent what we are talking about, to evaluate the events that have occurred from a position close to their participants.

Musta as a measure of length

The versta is the ancient Russian length of length. Now it is not used, applied before the introduction of a metric measurement system, which happened in 1924 in the USSR.

The verst was used to determine the distances, mainly when the path length is designated. That is why such a mile called traveling. In modern units, such a verst is equal to five hundred seedlings.

Along with traveling, there was an interaidist verst, which was used in measuring land areas. The centering versta was twice as long and was equal to one thousand sages.

Mustra in relation to the length of the length of the metric system

In most countries of the modern world, a metric system of measures has been adopted. The most familiar and common units of measurement for long distances in it are kilometers.

How much will be a verst one kilometer, remember and present easily - the versta is equal to one kilometer and 66.8 meters. Meeting versta, respectively, will have a twice value - 2,1336 kilometers.

Reliable long distances are measured in small units, but if there is a need to determine how much in the miles of meters and centimeters, it will not be difficult. It is enough to know its attitude to a kilometer and divide the value by 1000 or 100000, depending on the required final result.

So how many meters in the mile? This value for travel verses is 1066.8. With regard to the Mechanical Unit of Measurement will be 2133.6 meters.

When transferring to centimeters, the numerical value of the versts in kilometers must be multiplied by 100,000 - it turns out 106680 centimeters for travel and 213360 for the mid-level verst.

Versta in ancient Russian units of measurement

The verst more than once in history has changed its actual length. She oscillated - from 500 to 1000 sages. However, for travel versts on the duration and prevalence of use, identity prevails five hundred seedlings, and the partial immediately approved as equal to a thousand.

Initially, the soot was equal to 2 meters of 16 centimeters or three Arshinam, each of which was 72 centimeters or 16 tops. In the time of Peter I, the entire Russian system system was revised, and the usual units were expressed after magnitude, multiple English. Then the quantitative content of the plant has changed and it has become equal to 2 meters and 13.36 centimeters.

Solovetskaya vest

Solovetsky Male Monastery, built on the Isles of the White Sea of \u200b\u200bthe same name, is known for many facts and is not only Russian, but also by the world cultural and historical heritage protected by UNESCO.

With his name is connected and a unique length of the length, which appeared in this amazing place. Solovetskaya Mustow is equal to 1 kilometer and 84 meters - these numbers express the length of the length of the walls of the monastery. In Solovetsky versts, distances on the islands of the location of the monastery compound were measured.

Versta and english units

For preferring the English system (now the more used in the United States than in the UK) is more convenient to immediately translate the ancient vest into the usual units. The most common imperial measures to determine the lengths of the distances are miles.

How much will the verso in one mile? This value should be counted simply. The main thing is to know the ratio of mile and kilometers, as well as kilometers and versts.

Mile is 0.6214 km. As for the versts, its value is 1.0668.

The verst will be equal to 0.6214 multiplied by 1.0668 and will be 0.6629 miles.

What else called the vest

The vest was not only the length of the length, but also the tag itself, used to designate the segment of the path equal to this unit - a pillar on the side of the road.

Painted in black and white colors, applied by stripes, wooden poles with numbers, denoted by the distance, noted the versts, like kilometers at a later time, and to this day indicate kilometer poles. The numbers written on them correspond to the remoteness from the original point of reference - the "zero kilometer", often installed at the main post office of the settlement.

The verst poles, or the versts, were installed on the most important roads of state importance, often referred to as pillars.

Even earlier, the vests called the length of the groove, which the peasant lasted during the plowing of the field. How many kilometers in this verst - does not have any meaning in this case, the digital expression is not important, the main thing - the furrow should have been even and have a length in the entire field. That is why the word "versta" was associated with a long smooth line.

Sustainable expressions with the word "versta"

Inheritance from former times, when the word "versta" was used in everyday life, the modern Russian language had numerous sustainable expressions of different semantic values.

The phrase "Kolomenskaya verst" is used in relation to a very high growth person. The Summer Tsarskoy Palace was once located in Kolomensky near Moscow. A very wide, good and smooth road was marked unusually large red pillars, who noted the versts. This fact also gave rise to such a joking statement.

"For seven miles of Kisli brute" - one of the options for the expression that denoted the far and useless way is essentially. Prehistory tells about a man who does not want to cook food and get to her means, but preferring to walk to a distant family to eat. The far road took away so much strength and time that eaten enough only on the way back, and the hunger returned again.

"For a mad dog - seven miles not a hook" - the expression indicates the situation when one's own continuity makes it take to fulfill any case much more effort than really required.

"Seven miles to heaven and all forest" - a joking, ironic statement about the long-lasting speech or a long-hard road.

"See / visible for the mile" - about the noticeable or noticeable published.

Relative words used in modern speech

The word "versta" has many single-tempered forms, the use of which is widespread in modern Russian.

The word "workbench" means a table designed to carry out certain works with products made of wood or metal produced by manually, there was also a straight length of its main part.

"Gone" - now this is a set, mixing together the components of printing or virtual editions or documents. Previously, this term designated the ability to smoothly sew pieces of fabric.

"Persener" is equal, in modern speech is used for age.

This is not the entire list of historically related words (now their composition may differ), but the above terms are used most often.

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Measuring unit meter or kilometer entered the source relatively recently. In about the XVIII century, other terms acted in Russia. Today, the "versta" - the Word, which is found only in the historical literature, the chronicles and folk fairy tales. Therefore, most people not only do not know how many kilometers in 1 miles, but what does this word mean.

Historical reference

Mustra, or the field, as it was called before this, is a unit for measuring large distances. Initially, the term was used to designate the length of the standard furrow during the pack. However, in the consequence of the length of the length passed to measurement and in other areas. The word with the roads became particularly much.

Along every road, special striped poles were installed. They were put at an equal distance to celebrate the length of the path between the villages and cities, so over time they also became known as the versts. Such a concept also appeared as a midwayer, which was equal to 2 ordinary.

Top: How much is it?

Although the term was used long enough, at different times they understood different distances under it. But in all cases there was a barn coin.

  • In the chronicles of the XI century, it was indicated that in the field 750 seeded.
  • In 1649, Russian Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich established the size of the verst in 1000 seedl.
  • Even later, by the beginning of the XVIII century it was found that the versta is 500 seats, and the way or the rivals of the versta is 1000 seats.

It is this value of 500 mines reached our time, so this quantity is calculated how many kilometers in the field. Although in historical literature, you can find other digits, for example, in the Brockhaus dictionary, one versta is 656 seeded, and Euron in its edition translated it to 875 seats.


The versta is 1 km 67 m, so if you have to quickly calculate the distance by historical records, and you need to quickly navigate how many km one verst, you can rudely equate it to a kilometer.

For a more accurate calculation, you can use the formula:

  • 500 x 213.36 m \u003d 1066.8 m.

Where 500 is the number of seats in the verst, 213, 36 m - the length of one plant. This means that in a modern measurement system, one versta is equal to 1, 067 km or 1066.8 m.

How to translate the field to other values

The meter and kilometer belong to a single metric system, but not in all countries they are the main and popular measurement tools. In order to facilitate the task, how to translate miles or feet to the versts, or find out how many yards in them, use the calculators system:

Here you can find other outdated measuring units of different countries.

The lengths of length in Russia were unsustainable values, therefore, with replacing them for meters and kilometers, people came to a common understanding of the length. And even for the outdated length of the length today, a stipulated value of 1067 meters is taken to have an approximately general view of it.

Wives. row, order, line, straight line, location in twist, goose. Drink the mile, direct order, on the thread. | Roven, friend, couple, couple, straight: What to become, under the way, suit, under the measure. He is not a verst, not in the mile, not under the milestone ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

S; MN. Loafers, Luisst; g. 1. An old Russian length of length equal to 500 seats or 1.06 kilometers (applied before the introduction of the metric system). Calculus the distance in the wings. Lives in two versts from here. Passed with a mile (approximately so much) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

See the pair, a decline in the mile, in the mile up, in the mile of becoming, in fifty (seven, a hundred) will be a vert (ride) Kisel (Breaking), under the mile ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and Similar expressions in the meaning of expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. ... ... Synonym dictionary

The versta is a Russian unit of measurement distance equal to five hundred seedlings or a thousand five hundred Arshinam (which corresponds to the current 1,066.8 meters, to the reform of the XVIII century 1,066,781 meters). Mentioned in literary sources with XI ... Wikipedia

Versta, versts, wines. Last and miles, mn. Luissts, Worst, verstam versts, wives. Russian measure of length, used before the introduction of metric measures, equal to 500 soot., A little more than 1 1/15 kilometer. || A milestone (statute.). "There's an unprecedented storm ... ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

Versta, s, mn. Loafers, wools, wives, wives. 1. Old Russian length of length, equal to 1.06 km. Calculus in the preservations (but: it lives in two versts). Passed with a mile (i.e. near the versts). Behind the vest or for the must to see who n. (Missed). Seven wool to ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Russian length of 500 samentons (1,0668 km). Up to 20 century There was an interaidist verst (1000 sages; 2,1336 km), used for the intertime and determining distances between settlements ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Ukr. ORDER, other Russian. Vista age; couple; peer; Measure length, st. Slav VLAST ἡλικία (sup.), Bulge. Lit age, Serboorv. Prost row, look like. VRSTA series; line; view; Age, Cache. VRSTVA layer, FIGL. VRSTVA, Polish. Warstwa ... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language Max Fasmer

Versta, s, vest, complete; MN. liestones, wool, splash; calculus in the loft; But: in five versts ... Russian verbal emphasis

verst - verst, s, wines. Left and Spot, MN Luisst, Wool, and the old Russian length of length, equal to 500 seats or 1.06 kilometers. Until the 20th century, there was an interaidist verst (1000 seedlings: 2,1336 km), which was used for surveying and determining distances ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns


  • Russian Measure Set of 2 books, Yakutin Yu .. Russian measure. In it, the bottomless depth is highlighted in it, and the immense wealth of Russian culture, art, the universal greatness of the spiritual and moral worldview of the Russian ...
  • Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Icon painting and restoration workshop St. John Damaskina ,. We bring to your attention the album "Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Icon painting and restoration workshop St. John Damaskin" ...

Today we can easily count the distance using a ruler, roulette and even a laser. The unified measurement system allows you to communicate in the world in a single mathematical language. Anyone knows what a meter or kilometer is, but what are the lengths of the length in Russia? In the works of Russian writers, the word "versta" is often found. Is it how much translated into a modern measurement system? The proposed article is devoted to this question.

In the absence of measurement devices were carried out using body parts. To answer the question: the verst is how much, it is necessary to get acquainted with other measures.

The length of the phalange of one of the fingers (index) corresponded to the vertex (4.4 cm).

With the use of the palm you can measure the span, and the small and greater. The proposed picture shows how it happened. Small span accounted for about 18 cm, and large - 23.

From the XVI century in Russia, the elbow was used. They called the distance from the elbow flay to the compressed fist. If the measurement was made with an elongated palm, then thought to the end of the middle finger. Therefore, the length was not constant: from 46 to 38 cm.

Arshin is the length of an elongated hand, which was 71 cm. And to avoid confusion, a wooden ruler was made with metal tips. She was considered as a staterant Arshin.

One of the most used lengths of length was a soybean (from the verb to "pull"). She used the scope of hands and calculated how much a person could reach their help. The distance between the arms divorced in different directions was more than 213 cm.

But the path was counted with the help of the versts. Initially, it was called "in the field". Where did the new name come from?

The origin of the concept

There are two versions of the appearance of the word "versta":

  1. Linguists believe that it is derived from the verb "Vertete". And equals the length of the groove, which the peasant could pass without tired to turn the plow.
  2. There is also an assumption that the basis of the concept is the "platter", where the sound of "B" was gradually reduced during the conversational speech process. It is close to the concepts of "Verve", "rope" - measurement of space. Until today, we use, for example, the verb "Cold". It means - to rush to catch up with the missed. "Verstation" is a "top up" means to measure in length.

But still, the versta is how much? To answer this question, let's deal with what they happen.

Path verst

The above-mentioned length is mentioned in historical sources from the XI century. At the same time, various meanings were understood under the vests. It all depended on how much the chief in it included and what was their length. Today we are guided by the figures defined by the reform of the XVIII century.

To understand, the versta turn to the Cathedral Casting of 1649. There, their number was indicated by the number 500. But how to translate it into meters and kilometers? Since the size of the plant itself was constantly changing, the data is taken as the basis after Peter I reform, when it was 213.36 cm. And to calculate how many meters in the verst, the size of the soot is necessary to multiply by 500:

  • 2,1336 m × 500 \u003d 1066.8 m

Now we will transfer the received data to kilometers:

  • 1066.8 m \u003d 1,0688 km

Meeting verst

Until the XVIII century, there existed in Russia and the russian verst, allowing a narrow strip to separate one possession from the other and determine the distance between settlements. Her name comes from the word "mezha" - the border between land. The named wagon included 1000 saplex.

And in order to determine this time as in the mile of kilometers, the following steps must be performed:

  • 2,1336 m × 1000 \u003d 2133.6 m \u003d 2,1336 km

Square vest

To measure the area and soot, and the versta had the indicators raised to the square. What are they equal? Square soot - 4552 m², and a square verst - 1 138 062.24 m².

"Versta Kolomna"

Everyone heard the mention of but where did this expression come from? In the past times along the roads, special pillars were usually raised, which, by the way, were called the versts. And the most demanded during the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was the path along the route: Moscow - Kolomenskoye. Along this road stood gigantic sizes. Since then, it has been led to very high people to call the "brave Kolomenskaya".