Laying shallow tiles on the wall. How to put a tiled on the wall: put the tile with your own hands with the photo of the instruction

It is unrealistic to just take and start gluing ceramic tiles. First, the laying always begins at least 2 horizontal series. Secondly, the surface of the wall itself must be prepared, align it, strengthen and remove various trash.

The final result of the wall lining with decor from the collection
The surface under the laying of the tile can be aligned or prepared as follows:

  • Stuning the surface of the lighthouses with cement-sandy solution, if the walls are generally curves or not trimmed.
  • Calve the walls with putty, if the old plaster of normal strength, but there are minor irregularities on its surface.
  • If the surface of the drywall, then the mesh of fiberglass is mounted on it and the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe wall on the grid is put off with cement putty or tiled glue.
  • If the wall is covered with a gypsum putty, then to increase adhesion with tiled glue, the entire surface is dried with a brush or broom, after which it is applied to the entire wall area with a penetrating primer, a betogrount, betokontact or their analogue.

Attention! If priming penetrating primer is planned, it is necessary to spend the surface from dust. If this is not done, wet dust will come and rolls over the surface of the roller, as a result, crystallization will occur - a thin film that does not increase the adhesion, but on the contrary, it can make that glue will not hold on at all on the wall.

After all the necessary actions for alignment of the surface, it is necessary to accurately determine the future location of the tile on the wall itself. To do this, you first need to find the highest floor point at the bottom of the wall. If the floor is not yet lined with tiles, along the perimeter of the room at the base of the wall pass through a long bubble level and, thus, determine the site where the screed is the most raised. In this place on the surface of the wall 1 mark make. Next, from 1 marks, they measure up the wall of about 10-15 mm and produce a second mark - it will be a zero future.

Alignment of the wall surface on which it is planned to lay a tile
In the second stage, the height of the facing material is measured precisely roulette, which is planned to put on the wall. For example, the height of the tile is 30 cm, it means that from the previously found zero point up the wall surface is measured this distance and put a mark. After that, a long bubble level is applied to the resulting mark, it is exhibited in an even horizontal position and a smooth line in the entire length of the wall is shown along the entire length.

All laying of ceramic tiles wall will be made from the above line. However, that the tile does not slip down under its own weight, on a solid line to the wall, it is necessary to temporarily mount the emphasis. As a stop, you can use a smooth cutting board, the remaining unnecessary metal profile or the wall panel. Temporary installation of the stop to the wall is made by conventional metal dowels.

Determine the location of the future vertical row of cutting

The wall is prepared, the focus under the tile is mounted, but before you begin to lay the tile on the wall, it is necessary to decide where the vertical range of not a whole tile will be located. To do this, you need to measure the width of the tile and the total length of the wall. The length of the wall is divided into the width of the tile and determine how many full vertical rows of the tile will fit on the wall. As a result, a short distance will remain. If this distance is less than half of the width of 1 tiles, then such a narrow wedge on the wall will look ugly. In this case, two vertical wedges are made on the wall at each corner. If the distance described above exceeds half the width of 1 tiles, then such a vertical range of cutting tiles are placed in the corner that the least available to the eye.

Tip! The site on the surface of the wall, which is the least noticeable, is located outside the door to the room or side of the entrance in the opposite corner.

For laying tiles on the wall need the following toolkit:

  • Deep bucket or similar tank for the manufacture of glue;
  • Perforator with a mixing nozzle;
  • Rolling spatula and flat small spatula;
  • Level and square;
  • Rubber cizyanka;
  • Platecores or USM (Bulgarian) for cutting depending on the thickness and strength of the facing material.
Production of working glue
  • In a bucket or other capacity, it is necessary to pour 3 liters of water;
  • To fall asleep the powder of dry glue for tiles so that it forms a small slide over the water;
  • Mix the substance to mix a perforator with a mixing nozzle in drilling mode to obtain a homogeneous thick mass;
  • Leave the resulting adhesive mass for 10 minutes at rest, after which I mix the entire substance again.

The process of laying a tile on the tile glue on the wall

First of all, the wall cladding is made by solid tiles, and the cutting is produced closer to the end of work. The prepared working tile glue is applied on the wall with a spatula or trowel and are distributed to create a layer equal to the thickness using a comb. Then the adhesive composition is applied to the opposite side of the tile and it is distributed similarly. The tile applied to the wall, resting on the mounted focus, and slightly press. Similarly, several more ceramic tiles are placed nearby. After that, on 1, the first glued tile is installed vertically level and shocks of rubber xy give it an even position vertically. Next, the level is applied to the entire row of 3-4 tiles horizontally, and the rest of the tile is adjusted by 1 first tile. After leveling a small row of tiles, cross-plates from PVC are placed in intercutric seams.

On the first day, it is desirable to lay out the maximum area of \u200b\u200bthe solid parts of the facing material. On the second day, first of all lay out a vertical row from the risen tile. After that, bring all the cladding to the ceiling overlap. On the third day, you can safely dismantle the fastening attached to the wall and proceed to the finishing of the lower horizontal row. Before glue the lowest row of tiles, it is pre-cutting and prepared with a dozen small lane strips of paint tape and a smoking of a wooden bar of more different chips.

The sequence of work during finishing the lower row is similar. The glue is applied and distributed on the wall and reverse side of the tile, the tiles are applied to the wall and leveled using a level and a queen. However, under the very lower horizontal edge, the tiles will need to pick up and insert wooden chips, while in the upper portion of the tile, cross are pre-installed. In principle, wooden chips are enough to temporarily fix the tile on the wall until the glue does not cure, but for confidence, the pasted and exhibited tile of the lower row is additionally fixed with the tile from the top row of wide scotch strips.

Aligning rows of tiles with PVC cross

Shutkish seams

A few days after complete wall decoration, using knife and pliers, crosses from PVC are removed from all intercine seams. Also from the bottom tile removes the locking tape and lower wooden chips. On all the seams between the cafeter, they pass the sharp blade of the knife to remove the glue of glue and, if possible, burst the seams.

The next step in a small bucket is poured about half a cup of water and fall asleep dry grout for seams. All the resulting mass is mixed with a spatula to the complete absence of lumps. Next, the cooked grout is applied sequentially on all purified and prepared interputric seams with a rubber or silicone spatula. After filling the seams, you should wait about 30 minutes so that the grouting is a little hardened, after which the tiles and a sponge passage along the entire surface of the tile.

Attention! Above it was described how to work with a cement-based grip. If the facing is made in the bathroom or any other room with high humidity, it is recommended to use an empty based on epoxy or furan resin. In this case, it is necessary to specifically explore the manufacturer's instructions specified on the tare with the grout.

The last stage is the most important!

We call all your friends, friends and relatives, show them our new finish in the bathroom and boldly declare everyone: - I did everything my own hands!

Often those who have conceived to put the tile on their own, do not think, from which side you should start laying the tile. And this is a very important point.
Experienced masters know that if you correctly start laying the tile in the bathroom or kitchen, then the material will leave less, and therefore the finance will be spent less. It will also shrink the time for laying tiles and design in the bathroom or the toilet will look better.

By and large, the question: "How to start laying the tile" does not have a unambiguous answer. But there are several moments for which the masters determine which side to start laying the tile.

First you need to decide on the sequence of laying tiles in the bathroom or kitchen. It is advised to start laying the tile from the walls, and not from the floor, because During work from the walls, the material may fall with which the tiler works and the new tile on the floor will be damaged. Another reason why laying should be started from the walls is the time of drying the tile. So that the tile glue fell entirely, you need to wait from several days before the week. At this time, you will have to stop the repair work in the bathroom or toilet, and this is too much time.

Laying scheme

Before starting to lay the tile in the bathroom or toilet, you need to decide on the location of the tile. To do this, draw design on paper and make the necessary calculations.

Next, you should make even marking on the wall, moving the tile from top to bottom without a solution. It should be noted the position of each tile, thereby determining the future position of the tile. The lower row will correctly lay the last amount of sliced \u200b\u200bpieces.

How to lay a tile on the walls

Tile on the walls begin to lay the corner, which is first rushing into the eye at the entrance to the room, is usually the opposite wall from the entrance door. On the second marked thread or level, a row on the wall must be attached to the rail, making sure that it costs exactly. After that, you can start laying tiles on the wall.

To avoid crawling the tile, at a time you can upload no more than two rows. You can put two rows of tiles for each wall and so in a circle. As long as the row will be laid on one wall, on the other it will come up. You need to start the facing from integer elements, and the lower rows can be put out of damaged.

If the novice tiler wants to lay one wall at the other, it can be safely said that nothing happens - the tile in the corners will not come down, and the seams will range from 3 mm to 3 cm, which looks very ugly.

It should also be considered that if there are external angles in the kitchen or bathroom, then the tile laying occurs with them, as it will not work in the outside corner to finish a series of damaged tiles on the outer corner.

The lower row should be laid last. Most often, laying the bottom row, the tile has to cut. This is done by a special tool - plastic cutting.
Between each row of tiles in the bathroom or kitchen, you need to put cross-bass - special accessories for working with tiles.

In case the glue is accidentally overloaded to the finished work, it should be removed immediately from the tile, to avoid frozen. After the laid tile in the toilet or the bathroom completely dry, all the facing should be wiped first with a damp cloth, and then dry. After that, you can proceed to the grout of the seams.

Drawing on the wall

It should also be considered that if the owner is going to lay out a certain drawing in the toilet, then start laying the tile from the center of the image. If this is not done, the drawing may be aside the wall.

To determine the center of the wall in the kitchen or in the toilet, you need to establish a diagonal diagonal using the cord, where the diagonal will be intersecting, there is a wall center.

It is necessary to start putting the tile from the center of the image and continue the row into one and the other side of the center. After the central row is posted, it will become clear where to move on and work will go faster.

Laying tiles on the floor

Where to start laying a tile on the floor in the toilet?

  1. There are three options with which experienced tile tires are starting to spread the tile on the floor. Buildings occurs from the farther corner opposite the door. This is a standard way that is suitable for laying a tile in the kitchen, but if in the bathroom, this angle is closed with a shower, then use this The method makes no sense.
  2. Laying from the door of the door. In this case, putting the tile starts from the angle that is closest to the door. This method is used most often, since the plumbing is usually located on the opposite side.
  3. Laying from the center of the room. The center of the room is placed four tiles, from which the floor laying continues.

There is one simple way to determine which of the three options to use. You should measure the length of the row and split the resulting result on the width of the tile. If the resulting residue is less than half, then start laying the floor tile follows from the beginning of the row. This method does not only save the material, but the layout looks more accurate.

Before starting work, the floor is carefully cleaned and aligned. Next, it is necessary to create a waterproofing trough, which will protect the floor from various kinds of leakage. To do this, use waterproofing - liquid or rolled. Over the insulating layer is ground to increase adhesion tiled adhesive.

Shutkish seams

You can rub the seams after the facing will dry completely. You should remove all the crosses and you can proceed to the grout.

The grout is selected by the color of the tile, divorced in water to a homogeneous mass and is uniformly applied with a rubber spatula between the seams.

After part of the sword seams, it is necessary to wipe them slightly damp sponge so that the seams were smooth and beautiful.


Many are thinking about how to save during repairs. The first thing you do not need to save is on the quality of the tile, so in the future this savings can do even more expensive.

You can not put the tile where it will not be visible, for example, on the walls where plumbing devices will be installed. Only, it only needs to be remembered that the walls will require additional protection against moisture - be sure to launch, to predelve, it is possible to paint.

Also, you can not put the tile under the bath, especially if all the space under the bathroom is closed with a screen. The floor where there will be no tile, should also be protected from moisture.

Roman wide

Reading time: 6 minutes


The cost of high-quality laying of one square tile is approaching the price of the finishing material itself. Consequently, many people are interested in how to put the tile on the floor and the walls on their own.

Having completed repairs in the bathroom, the man is sincerely rejoicing, because in the room now everything is new. Over time, he begins to notice that the sink was covered with a rust and lime bloom, the souls flows, and the tile flowed, crackled or fell off. As a result, thoughts on renewal renewal appear.

Trying to reduce the cost of repairing in the bathroom, they want to know the secrets and subtleties of laying tiles. Mastery cladding tiles may be mastered any. If there are doubts, read the article in which you find overall information on the installation of the tile.

Facing a cafeter organizes a durable and beautiful decorative coating. Upon completion of the finishing works, the perfect surface will be obtained.

  1. Seams. In the case of the wall tiles of the seams are horizontal and vertical. If it comes to the floor, perpendicular and parallels come to the fore. The width of the seams should be the same. Minimal plastic crosses of the same size help to achieve such an effect.
  2. The vertical of the seams is customary to check the plumb. The size of the maximum deviation of the seam from the vertical axis should not exceed 1 mm. If the deviation is large, the first row is to blame.
  3. The width and vertical of the seam is determined by the skill of laying and tile quality. Ideally, the size should coincide in height, width and diagonal. Contrary to the fact that the material is assembled in the Calibrated packages, the difference in size is not always possible.
  4. The plane of the surface, lined with tiles, must be as smooth as possible. It is not possessing it is easy - to the plane, attach the construction level and suck the money bill under it.
  5. Beginner tile, laying the tile on the non-vertical wall, climb the rows. Closer to the top of the glue layer increases and can crack, and the tile fall off. In this case, about the ideal plane you only have to dream. Avoid this will help pre-aligning the wall.
  6. In some cases, the material is not distinguished by a flat plane. Consequently, at the very end of facing works, "Amur waves" are formed. To check the quality of the tile plane very simply take two tiles from one package and attach each other. If there are cracks between the front parties, this indicates the unsatisfactory plane. The plane is customary to check vertically and horizontally.
  7. Tile lined plane must match the level. As the theory says, the tile is put on the maximum smooth surface. That is why uneven floors and walls are pre-aligned with a screed and plaster. Uneven walls can not be aligned with glue layer. As a result, it turns out a thick layer of matter, which will adversely affect the strength.
  8. The tile is put into the plane so that the adhesive layer does not increase much.

When laying a tile, be sure to observe the plane, horizon and level.

Video advice

If the bathroom are uneven walls, pay attention to alignment.

How to put the tile on the floor

There is an opinion that his own laying of tiles on the floor is a time-consuming and complex procedure. People who adhere to this opinion are very mistaken.

  1. To begin with, we prepare the floor. From the surface, we remove the dirt, wetting clean water and align the solution. Paul is primed and let dry.
  2. The tile on the floor is put in two ways. The first provides for the use of cement mortar, the second - special adhesive.
  3. Take four tiles and arrange at the corners of the room. During the laying of other tiles, they serve as landmarks.
  4. Tile lay parallel window line. The masonry of the first row begins on the first, located in the corner. Be sure to align in terms of level.
  5. In the case of cement, the tile is recommended to be seen to the floor. If glue is used, apply to the tile and apply to the surface.
  6. Putting the second tile, close to press the first. Remove the excess adhesive mixture and divided by plastic crosses. The result will be seam.
  7. Sometimes the whole tile does not fit. In this case, cut using a special tool.
  8. After completing the laying, wait a day. After the expiration, we proceed to the seams.
  9. If the tile is laid on the cement, excessive solution to remove, and after 48 hours, pour cement milk. After two days, the cement is removed by leaving only the seams.
  10. In the case of glue after drying the seams, it is grouting, using a flexible spatula.

After completing the laying, the surface is defined. If the tile stacked at cement, the room is allowed in a week. In the case of glue - after 48 hours.

It is recommended to separate the walls in the rooms with an overwhelmed moisture of ceramic tiles. It turns out a beautiful waterproof coating, which will serve over long years. The surface of the material is not susceptible to chemical exposure, so a variety of means are used for cleaning.

A step-by-step plan for laying a tile on the wall will help to avoid common errors and excessive costs.

  1. Calculate the number of tiles. With the help of the roulette, measure the width and length of the walls, and calculate the area. Add another square to the resulting value.
  2. Choose the tile carefully. The surface must be smooth, without flaws and beggars.
  3. In advance, plan the location on the paper to find out when you have to trim.
  4. Prepare walls before laying. According to the rules, they should be aligned and primed. The quality of laying is completely dependent on the evenness of the walls. Curved walls to align plasterboard or plaster.
  5. After completing the wall surface alignment, proceed to laying. Special glue and device for cutting the tile are recommended.
  6. At the wall to attach the tile to lay out the first row as soon as possible.
  7. Using a spatula with a tooth, glue apply to the tile and distribute over the surface. If the wall is smooth, the thickness of the adhesive layer is in the range of 5 mm. If the curve, the thickness of the layer increases to eliminate the deviation.
  8. The first tile is attached to the rail and corner of the room. Horizontally glue the following. Using the level, check the vertical and horizontal.
  9. Between the tiles are inserted with cross to get even seams.
  10. Tile to put a row behind next. After 5 rows, take a pause to glue. Adhesive mixture that goes out through the seams, delete.
  11. Having finished work, wait 24 hours. Then, without fear of rubbing the seams with a special composition. Apply the grout is recommended by a flexible spatula.

Training video

Carefully reading the information, proceed to laying the tile. If the result of labor is distant from the ideal, do not be discouraged, because the savings and precious experience is worth it.

Put the tile on plasterboard

In rooms with high dampness and temperature drops for alignment of walls, drywall are used. This building material equalizing the wall, structures closing the wiring, sewage and tap pipes from it.

Special rules for the preparation of the surface and styling of the tile on the wall made of plasterboard are developed.

  1. Under plasterboard, make a crate. The base is mounted using a timber or metal guides. The tree is pre-covered with a special moisture-resistant impregnation.
  2. Screw plasterboard on the crate. The distance from one self-reserves to another does not exceed 20 cm. As a result, the plasterboard will not bother under the weight of the tile and the masonry will remain the whole.
  3. Enter primer. If the walls are blocked with the roller, use a special form to press the extra liquid.
  4. Apply the primer on plasterboard in two layers. Upon completion of the procedure, wait a bit so that the surface is dried.
  5. Slip the joints and screws of the screws. Use gypsum plaster and narrow spatula.
  6. Wait until the plaster dries and remove the irregularities with the skin. Strengths strangled.
  7. On a sheet of paper, make the tile layout to calculate how much finishing material is required. Get the tile in the store with a margin.
  8. Prepare glue. As part of a simple procedure, it is important to adhere to the proportion specified on the bag. Through a drill and mixer nozzle mixture.
  9. The finished mixture is applied to the wall with a smooth layer through a spatula. Then they are carried out by a special scraper, resulting in a furrow. In this case, the material fits well with plasterboard.
  10. Stacking start from the bottom row. Vertical and horizontal Check the level. Tilenits recommend using plastic crosses to achieve smooth seams.
  11. After laying 5 rows, make a breather. While resting, the tile sticks to the base.
  12. Having completed tile laying, wait for a day. After that, apply on the seams a special grout with a small flexible spatula. Remove the excess grinding mixture immediately.

If it seemed that laying the tile on the plasterboard was a complex event, believe it is not so. Take the confidence and patience and proceed to work. A few hours of practice, your actions will become more confident. The main thing is not to rush.

Laying the tile in the bathroom

Many companies offer the Turnkey Bath service. The service deserves attention, but it is expensive. It is more profitable to learn how to put the tile on your own at home.

Before starting the main work, work as a pencil and ruler. On the basis of the measurements obtained, create a surface plan and determine the location of the tile. Be sure to check the location of friezes, borders and other decorative elements.

To strive so that in the corners of the room did not produce a narrow strip of tile, as it looks ugly. Also decide on the laying and size option. After completing the calculations and calculations, proceed to work.

  1. Prepare walls, thoroughly aligning. The smooth surface depends largely on the initial state.
  2. If the wall, which we intend to bite, is painted earlier, the paint is completely removed. The glue is bad cling to painted surfaces. Cut the paint is recommended for a perforator with a special nozzle. Using the tool provides high speed. True, accompanied by noise. If there is no perforator, use the grinder with a special nozzle.
  3. If the mechanization does not work, a hatch or a spatula will come to the aid, if the paint layer is weak.
  4. Remove the garbage from the wall and boot twice for greater reliability.
  5. Before starting tile work, solve the issue with communications. It concerns the sewage, wiring and water supply. Eliminates the task of the shock drill. The temperature indoors should be above 8 degrees.
  6. Start the preparation of glue. In a bucket with water with small portions, pumped the mixture and stir the mixer. Specify the proportions on the package.
  7. To glue the glue well, soak the tile in the water for 10 minutes.
  8. To obtain the most smooth masonry, it is recommended to apply the level. Between the tiles, install crosses from plastic. They will help make seams extremely smooth.
  9. So that the laying of the tile differ in smaller and quality, put the first row correctly. This will help the water level and metal profile attached by marks.
  10. Aligning and uploading the surface, start laying. Apply the glue mixture on the wall and dispense through a spatula with teeth. Then attach to the wall tile.
  11. The tile on the wall is placed below up. Having posted the first row on the installed profile, proceed to the second row and so before the ceiling. Surface plane Check the level as the verticality of the installed tile.
  12. The tile on the floor is stacked by a similar principle. It is recommended to start with a long corner and slowly move in the direction of the door. To increase the convenience of masonry, use the construction thread.
  13. After completing the laying, leave the work for 2 days. After proceed to rubbing the seams.

If you repair a bathroom without help, do not be afraid, be patient and move forward. Remember, all the great masters in the past began the same. I practicing a little, bring your hand and increase the level of skill.

How to put the tile in the kitchen

Each has to repair the kitchen. The best material for facing kitchen surfaces is a ceramic tile. Its service life is calculated by decades, and after cooking pork and beef wash the kitchen is much easier.

True, almost always a person turns out to be at the crossroads. One way provides for the involvement of the master, and the second is an independent work. Since the second option is cheaper, the majority prefer to it.


  1. Prepare. From all the walls to remove outdated coating and trim wallpaper. Remove the oil paint layer from the wall is almost unrealistic. In this case, make it on its surface notches and boot several times.
  2. Solve the issue with wiring. Sockets set at an altitude of 90 cm.
  3. Determine the level in the horizontal plane. It will help determine the place of laying tiles on the wall.
  4. Having received markup, secure a flat bar or metal profile.

Without tools, the task will not work. For stacking tiles, drill, nozzle-mixer, two spatulas, cross, milling cutter and flexible spatula, sponge. The list of materials is represented by tiles, glue and grout.


On the back of the tile from the factory, an arrow or a special icon is applied. Place so that the arrows or badges look in one direction. As a result, the discrepancy will be insignificant.

  1. Stove the tile on the wall by setting the rail to the next earlier. Through the level to set up vertically.
  2. Glue the top tile, which in a similar way to align on the plane. To control the seams, it is customary to use crosses, the size of which depends on the desired width.
  3. The remaining material is placed in a similar way to the angle of the room. Immediately puts the lower row, then the upper, between them the cross.
  4. In the corners, the tile is cut with a grinder with a special circle or stoveturis.

Holes for switches and sockets are cut with drills and cutters. Hurry up with solving the problem is not worth it.

After completing the laying of the tile, wait the day. Then we safely close the seams of grout. Now it remains to put the tile on the floor.

Methods of laying tiles

Completing the subject of the article, consider popular ways to lay the tile at home. Some of them will help visually lift the ceiling, others - expand the room or hide defects.

  1. Direct masonry . Beautiful and simple solution for rectangular facilities. Provides for the use of narrow tile and vertical laying.
  2. Diagonal laying . It will help to revive the room. Ideal in square rooms. The main advantage is the ability to mask oblique walls.
  3. Chess . It is often found in old kitchens and bathrooms. In a small square room, chess laying helps to achieve a wonderful effect.
  4. Displaced laying . Represents the perfect harmony of alternating and lines. Most often used in rectangular premises. Selecting a large tile, through the displaced laying, visually increase the room.
  5. We did not consider the topic of choosing the color of the tile color, because personal preferences come to the fore. The main thing is to pick up competently and tastefully. Good luck in repair and to new meetings!

In such places as a kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom often a ceramic tile is used for wall decoration. Tile is one of the most popular building materials, and this is explained. It is easily cleaning and perfectly shows itself in a wet environment. But when using ceramic tiles there is a disadvantage - the cost of its installation is high, and it can come in (and sometimes exceeding) to the cost of the tile itself. From this problem there is an output - laying the tiles on the wall with your own hands. In this article we will tell about how to put the tile on the wall, as well as about all the necessary preparatory activities.

Preparation of wall to laying tiles

Regardless of whether, expensive or cheap tile is placed on the wall, the quality of the finished surface will largely depend on how well the draft base is prepared. With a perfectly level basis, the process of sticking tiles on the wall occurs at times faster, which is why the wage masters often increase the price for their work in the presence of large irregularities on the walls. In order to save time and nerves, pay special attention to all previous installation tile stages.

So, the preparation of the wall to laying the tile begins with checking its evenness and, if necessary, its alignment. The long rules and water level of the wall in several places are checked for large gaps, duties and drops. Small irregularities on the wall surface (up to 1-2 cm) can be aligned with tiled glue directly when installed, but you need to understand that this requires a certain experience. In addition, the time for tile work with this approach increases at times. Therefore, for the beginner, the best option will be high-quality preparation of the foundation, as it is much easier to do it.

As a rule, the alignment is performed using plastering, but the method is also distributed in which the walls are aligned using the construction of plasterboard structures, on the perfectly level surface of which the tile is installed.

The process of independent plastering walls on lighthouses, we disassembled in, which is required to read before finishing. It is only worth noting that in wet rooms it is not recommended for plastering to use compositions on a plaster basis. This is due to the ability of plaster to absorb water, which is fraught with the formation of fungus on the walls.

If the wall surface is quite smooth and does not require plaster, produce its mandatory stripping. For this, the spatula cleaned the wall to the plastering layer, completely removing the remains of the old paint, whitewings, detached pieces of plaster, extending all chips and cracks. All these shortcomings are lubricated by the usual tile glue until a smooth surface is obtained. The presence of sprinkling areas or sections with old paint or bliss significantly worsens the contact of the tile glue with the wall.

After leveling the walls produce its priming. The primer, absorbed into the plaster layer, improves the adhesion of the tiled adhesive with the base, binds all the dust, and also prevents the fungus on the surface of the wall. The primer is applied to the wall with a regular roller or a wide brush in several layers, giving her to completely absorb plaster.

For better contact, the tiles with the wall often use special compositions with the addition of large river sand or granite crumbs. Such a composition - Betonacton - creates a rough structure on a flat surface of the wall, which contributes to the best fastenability of the coating with the base. If it is impossible to buy a concrete contact, it is necessary to make notches on the plaster in order for the adhesive composition better to be fixed on the wall.

Selection of ceramic tiles for walls

The selection of tile is an important stage not only from the point of view of the designer approach. It so happened that the lower the price of the tile, the worse, its geometric shape, which in turn leads to difficulties in its laying. When laying the tile of irregular shape, it is difficult to obtain the same seams and a smooth surface without drops. It also leads to the fact that when using such a material it is difficult to achieve a thin seam on the joints of tiles. Therefore, if the seam size is of great importance for you, choose either foreign samples or domestic tiles in the price range above average. The photo below shows the differences in the shape of tiles from one pack:

You need to pay close attention to the tile format. The large-format tile lay out alone will be quite problematic. In addition, with a lack of experience, it is possible to encounter a material overrun that at high cost such tiles will lead to unjustified expenditures. For beginner tiles, it will mostly work with finely and midformat tiles.

In addition to sizes, the form of ceramics is important. When choosing it type, you need to rely on the design of the project of the future room and on the need for a trim. For example, when using a wide rectangular tile in a narrow room, you can face either with the need to lunch small fragments in the corner, or with the need to double the number of tiles for finishing this wall.

All these nuances are individual for each particular room and project, therefore there is no universal solution for all rooms.

When choosing tiles, it often happens that the option you like is intended for laying on the floor. It is not forbidden to lay outdoor tiles on the wall, however, such a tile is often made of a porcelain stoneware, which is at times a stronger than ordinary ceramic tiles and more complicated in trimming and drilling. This must be taken into account, since when laying a wall tile, much more trimming is produced than when.

The last advice when choosing a tile is that when buying it is necessary to check the numbers of parties on each pack of the material and acquire the tile of only one article and the party number, as it will save you from the differences in the color range of a particular batch.

Tile layout

An important point in laying any ceramic tile is its layout. In modern repairs, it is important to prevent the formation of narrow trimming and tile residues along the edges. For this, accurate markup and layout of it either on paper, or in a computer program, are performed in advance. The essence is that equal parts of tiles remain on the edges from all sides, and the whole elements were in the center. This layout is considered the only true.

Tools and materials for laying tiles

The main device necessary for working with tiles is a tile. The lack of slab cutter is a barrier for many masters who want to lay out tiles with their own hands. A qualitative tool is usually expensive, however, today there are many services and shops offering the entire necessary tool for rent.

For laying tiles on the wall, you can use both manual and electric stoves. Electric tiles are convenient because it does not need special skills to use it - it works as an ordinary circular saw, only instead of a saw disk has a diamond circle. Dust in such a device settles in a water bath. The advantage of electric stoveturis is the speed and quality of the cut even small pieces of tiles, as well as the ability to drink tiles under 45 degrees. The disadvantage is the need for maintenance, cleaning and washing after each working day.

In addition to stoveturis, the main manual tiler tool is a toothed spatula - a smoothness, with which the glue is applied to the tile and walls, and is also distributed over its surface. Convenience lies in the fact that with the help of teeth on the spitel, the uniform thickness of the seam of tile glue is achieved. The teeth are of different sizes, so for each specific case, its size is selected. For convenience, we accounted for a table that helps to quickly determine the sizes of the toothaper for your needs:

In addition to the spatula, you will need the following tools:

Before direct laying, the tiles produce its sorting to determine the marriage, the tiles of an uneven form, differing from others in size and colors. This procedure is carried out both for cheap and for expensive tiles. High-quality smooth tiles are used in places in places. Tile with shortcomings or minor defects are allowed on trimming, or used in hidden places.

Cutting and trim tile

In the presence of smooth walls and the correct sizes in the room, experienced masters produce cutting tiles to all walls immediately in accordance with the pre-developed layout. This is done in order to save time and do not cut the tiles after gluing each subsequent row.

If you are not sure that you will be able to get into the size, taking into account all the errors and the thickness of the seams, we recommend that it is recommended to bring trimming to the place to avoid errors.

Laying of ceramic tiles on the wall

The process starts with placement of the room. As for the markup horizontally, it is determined in advance prepared layout scheme. All you have to do is to make an accurate cutting tile according to sizes. When the vertical marking can be several options.

As a rule, the laying of the wall tile is starting not from the floor itself, but from the second row, it is done to obtain an ideally even row, which is impossible to do when laying out from uneven floor. But often the layout is made so that the start of the tile was one level with the top edge of the bath, in this case, the starting row is measured taking into account the size of the bath.

Tile layout options may be set, so in the simplest embodiment, the markings of the second row are made: on the floor there is a distance equal to the thickness of the floor tile and the adhesive layer (6-8 mm in the presence of an even floor) and take this point for the level of the future of the first floor. From the level of the first floor, the distance is equal to the sum of the heights of the wall tile and the seam between the sex and wall tiles. At the resulting point around the perimeter of the room there is a line. It will correspond to the lower border of the seam between the tile of the first and second row.

The first row of tiles will be glued together in the latter queue after laying all the wall and floor tiles. In case of error in the calculations, this series can be cut without damage to appearance, as the joint at the bottom is filled with a sealant and will be impaired.

On the border of the marked line on the wall, a metal profile is mounted, to which the first working series of tiles will be installed, and which will prevent them from sliding down. After soaring glue, the profile can be dismantled.

After marking and preparation, we begin to knead the tiled glue. Here you need to pay attention to two points - consistency and quantity. The glue consistency is chosen such that the ridges are not spread after the distribution to the toothed spatula, but also not too thick. The composition should be elastic and easy to apply on the wall. The amount of solution is chosen in such a way that the time of his life does not end until its full use. The lifetime of the solution is indicated on the package, after this time the glue loses its elasticity and dry out. If you do not have a lot of experience in laying out tiles, we advise you to knead a small amount of glue first, then the required quantity will come with experience.

The tile is stacked, starting with the angle of the wall, on a smooth layer of glue, which is applied with a toothed ironing on the wall. If there are smooth walls, glue must be applied only on the wall. In the presence of irregularities, the glue is applied onto the wall and on the tile itself by the usual spatula and smash with a toothed ironing. Modern technology for the production of ceramic tile does not require that it is wetted before laying. On the contrary, it may lead to a violation of the correct adjoining it to the wall.

In order to observe the parallelity of the tile planes and the wall in the horizontal direction (in the vertical, this parameter is controlled by a bubble level) in the first row, you need to mount the so-called beacon tile. To do this, the whole tile or any trim is temporarily mounted in the opposite side of the wall. After that, a long rule is applied to the first and beacon tiles. If there are gaps between the rule and plane of the tiles, then their position is adjustable until the gaps are completely eliminated. In parallel with these should be monitored by the verticality of the installation of tiles.

After the glue of the first ceramic element, on the same principle, the second, checking the correctness of its installation by rule and the level, not forgetting in addition to parallelism, control the horizontal level of the attachment. After that, the beacon can be removed, and control the control on two already installed tiles.

At the junction between two tiles, it is necessary to install plastic crosses for adjusting the gap between them. Crossings need to be installed and under the suture simulation tiles between the current side and the first next to which will be mounted at the very end. In addition to the seams, the crosses are installed in crossings between the tiles, to form the right adjoints. It is worth removing them immediately after the tile glue starts to be captured and squeezed. If you have time to completely dry the glue, the extraction of plastic from the seams may be a problem.

The entire further laying process is repeated similarly. It is important at each stage to control the verticality and horizontal of the installation of the tile and adjust its position if necessary.

After laying the entire wall tile and drying the glue, go to the cleaning of the seams and filling them with grout. To do this, it is convenient to use a small spatula. The grout rubbed into the cavity of the seam, distribute evenly and give a little silent. After a few minutes, the grid wifble sponge is neatly wiping until the formation of a smooth smooth seam. After that, it is left to complete drying about a day. A day later, all surplus grouts are erased by a wet cloth with tiles. It is important not to leave the grout on the tile for several days, since it will be more complicated every day.

The seam between the floor tiles and the wall is usually filled with no grout, but a sealant. To do this, choose either white sanitary sealant, or sealant in the color of the grout. This is done in order to compensate for the temperature expansion of the tile and avoid cracking the grouts in the seams. Especially important is if there is in the screed. In the video, it is shown below how easy it is to make a neat seam between the wall and the floor with the help of sealant.

As a rule, after laying the tile with their own hands, many recognize that their fears were in vain, because the whole process does not represent much difficulty. A good help in this case will serve the use of high-quality tools and good preparation of the draft surface.

Finally, we suggest you watch the video in which the master describes the process of laying wall ceramic tiles:

Not all novice masters know how to put the tile on the wall, but to fulfill these works strive on their own, going around without the help of qualified specialists. Facing the walls with ceramic tiles does not apply to the number of the most complex manipulations carried out during the repair, but non-compliance with certain rules and requirements may cause the entire cladding from the wall surface. It is possible to avoid this only if all the work related not only directly with the laying of the tile, but also the preparation of the surface will be performed exactly correctly and sequentially.

Features and varieties of facing material

The beginning of work on the installation of tiles on the walls is associated with the choice of finishing material. The final result depends on the quality of individual products. First of all, it is necessary to determine the choice of tile quality:

  1. Tile.
  2. Ceramic.

There is no special difference in the strength of products, but tile thanks to the application of the glaze looks more aesthetically, although it is more difficult to work with her, since the glaze - the coating is quite fragile and the products are closed and break. Ceramic tiles for walls are distinguished by a high degree of strength, and it is more often used to finish the bathrooms or bathrooms.

Laying tiles on the wall with their own hands begins with a detailed study of the material. It is important not only to choose the most attractive externally products, it is necessary to check and the geometry of each individual part.

Even minor irregularities of ends or minor defects on the surface can cause cracking during installation. Laying the tile on the wall requires great caution and marginal attention. This is especially true of a trim. Fragile components need to be cut carefully and exactly, twice trim or smooth, eliminating inaccuracies, is strictly prohibited. This processing of the product is not kept and crack.

How much smooth surface of each tile is equally important. Minor deviations (bulging) within 1 mm at first glance are not visible, but during the installation of the tile on the wall, all defects are sometimes manifested with an unexpected force. You can avoid similar trouble by choosing more expensive imported products, but if there is no possibility to spend big money when buying a facing material, you will have to adapt to less expensive, but also less quality species.

The next step is to check the corners. Their value should strictly correspond to 90 0, otherwise the discrepancy between the seams is to align that with the help of cross and change the distance between the tiles.

The so-called calibration is important. The length and width of all separate tiles from one batch must completely coincide, otherwise again ahead of the novice master is waiting for a discrepancy on the seam.

Tile thick need to be checked in the store, open each package. Despite the fact that in accordance with the existing standards, the thickness is allowed between individual products up to 2 mm, it will be quite difficult to work with such items. By purchasing facing materials, you need to try to choose those whose thickness difference is minimal (no more than 1 mm).

What to put

Modern manufacturers offer for masonry tile on the wall to use a variety of adhesive compositions that distinguish between the amount and quality of the components entered into their composition. However, all the implemented compositions are divided into:

  1. Mastics. Ready-made mixes, packaged in buckets and having a certain shelf life after opening the container.
  2. Dry mixes requiring self-preparation. It is them that is strongly recommended to use, laying the tile on the wall, qualified wizards.

Dry mixes have a number of advantages. They are prepared in the right amount, they preserve elasticity longer, but the main thing, using such a composition, can be corrected (adjusting) minor defects on the surface of the walls.

If there are small emptiness or cracks and cracks in a depth of no more than 2-3 mm, such a surface is not placed. These flaws can be eliminated using a adhesive composition prepared from a dry mixture. In those places where minor irregularities were detected, glue lay a thicker layer, then controlling the level, achieve the creation of an ideally smooth surface.

Tile laying technology on the wall requires the use of a ready-made mixture or compliance with accurate proportions when cooking adhesive solutions with their own hands.

Choosing glue for tile, you need to pay attention to the features of its composition and purpose. Some mixtures are created specifically for laying tiles on the walls in rooms with high humidity, while others are designed to perform finishing works in the conditions of constantly changing temperatures. The choice depends on the characteristics of the room in which the walls will be facing tiles.

Preparation for the beginning of work

Preparatory work is the most important stage. From how qualitatively the surface is prepared, it will depend on how long the tile cladding will be launched. The process of preparing the surface is long and requiring not only patience, but also a certain skill:

  1. Work begins with the removal of old decorative coating. If there were wallpaper on the walls of the room, then remove them is required without a residue. On the surface there should not be even the smallest blocks of paper. If you do not pay attention to them in the preparation process, after applying to the surface of the adhesive composition, such islands of paper absorb moisture and start peeling from the wall. They, what is called "pulled" with a solution, and the tile will go away from the wall.
  2. Purified walls are processed by primer using the composition of deep penetration with the addition of antiseptics. This will not only strengthen the walls, but also protects them from the appearance of fungus and further growth of mold.
  3. After the soil is completely dry, you can start aligning the walls. For this you need to make sure that there is no damp. If it exists, you have to plaster the walls, creating a flat and correct plane.

If the tile has to be put on the smooth, but painted walls, then there is no lining onto their surface to ensure a high level of adhesion. The final stage of preparatory work - priming. The primer is chosen like "concrete contact". After its complete drying, the surface of the walls is covered with a protective film, and it becomes slightly rough, which guarantees high-quality clutch of materials.

Application of primer - mandatory manipulation. Otherwise, there will be no high-quality adhesion of the tile glue with the surface of the walls and protection against the negative impact of moisture, fungus and mold.


In accordance with the ceramic tiles developed for cladding of walls, it is possible to start tile laying after a full-fledged accurate markup is performed. Starting a markup, you should decide what you need to achieve in addition to creating a pattern or picture. The technology of laying ceramic tiles on the wall provides two markup options:

  1. Using small sized trimming.
  2. With minimal tile consumption.

In the first case, first put only one-piece tile and only in the last stage, the trimming is stacked, closing the remaining small space between the last number of parts and an angle. In the second - before putting the tile on the wall, measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe decorated surface and cut the tile in such a way that small trimming is not at all.

Tile laying rules require to determine the height of the first row. If we are talking about works in the kitchen and mounting apron over the working area, then, noting the bottom limit for the first row tile, strictly in terms of the level of the line, which later serves as a guide for fastening the metal profile. This profile will serve as a support for tiles from which the first row will consist.

Stop the tile on the wall in the bathroom, the bathroom or other indoors start from the floor. From this point and perform marking. In accordance with the height of individual parts and the width of the seam, the number of rows to be settled and the sizes of trimming are determined.

Performing markup, take into account the size of the cross, which will help maintain on all surfaces the same width of the seams between the rows.

Tile crosses are not always used when mounting. Tile facing can be laid in a seamless method, butt into the joint. It all depends on the created pattern, preference premises or designer solutions.


Finding out how to put the tile on the walls, you can start working. Start from the bottom line markup (start line) and mid wall. It was for her who should come the central seam, which is always striking and attracts attention. Conditions need to be left for styling in the most remote corners, on attracting outsiders.

  1. On the wall of the wall, tile glue is applied with a wide spatula, closing the space slightly higher than the height size of one tile, and in width equal to this parameter 3-4 parts.
  2. The comb's spatula remove the excess glue.
  3. Glue is applied to the tile so that at the edges the thickness of the layer is approaching 0, and in the middle there was at least 3 mm.
  4. Onty using a toothed spatula, remove excess glue.
  5. Tile applied to the wall, leaning on the start line (metal profile or floor).
  6. Now it needs to be sprinkled with a rubber hammer, aligning in terms of level.
  7. In the same way, it is placed in the second tile, inserting tile crosses between them in the upper and lower corners.

Thus, they raise all rows, leaving the space from the last tile to the inner corner. It is laid in the last place, after a special decorative rail will be installed.

Completion of installation - laying trimming. They are left at the last moment, since this work requires special patience and diligence. Laying small pieces of tiles are needed in strict accordance with the created pattern or pattern, using tile crosses and checking the correct installation of the level.

And the last manipulation is putting the seams. For this purpose, dry mixtures that are prepared in the desired quantity, adding cold water and bringing to the consistency of thick sour cream. Layout in the seams between the tiles with a rubber soft spatula, moving across the seam. Fill in the space between the tiles of the grouting mixture, the lined surface of the wall is wiped with a dry soft cloth, removing excess grouts and cleaning the surface.

In more detail, the video process:

It is possible to perform all the work on laying facing tiles on the walls yourself, it is only important to observe the sequence of performed manipulations, carefully and seriously approach the selection of products and strictly follow the recommendations of professionals.