The bites of bed bugs - what looks like and what to treat (photo). Photos of bites of bed bugs Small body bits

Update: October 2018

Pliers and bugs are small insects, sometimes invisible to the eye that can deliver a lot of trouble to a person. Meeting with them is likely both in nature and in your own dwelling. In most cases, a person presents a food interest for these insects. In this article, we will consider how to differentiate and treat certain types of bites, get acquainted with the methods of struggle and prevention with clusters and ticks, as well as flea.

Bed bugs

By themselves, the bites of bed bugs are not dangerous to the transfer of any diseases, although the possibility of transmission through the insect of the pathogens of Tularemia, Siberian ulcers, brucellosis, smallpox through the insect. The bite of the bite does not cause painful discomfort.

But a significant skin rash, an allergy, an unpleasant smell from the body, and an inesthetical skin view often bring a psychological trauma to a person who, not knowing the reasons for his state, begins to search for terrible diseases and closes in his problems. Thus, the consequences of the bite of bedbugs are the physical and moral suffering of man.

How to detect an insect indoors?

  • Brown-brown spots on bed and underwear, which remain from the accidentally crushed by man insects.
  • The accumulations of eggs, excrement and scales, remaining after the linky of the cloud in the groove between the parts of the furniture, under the furniture, in the niches for linen sofas and beds.
  • Specific odor in the premises (with strong infection).

Symptoms of bite bed bug

  • Multiple small stains on a red body, resembling small acne or mosquito bites. Traces of bedbug beds bed
  • Minor swelling of the affected skin.
  • Strong itch.

However, these symptoms are not always present. Cooking, adult barbopoys a special enzyme into the skin of a person, making his bite imperceptible both in sensations and externally - redness and itching is missing. Bright symptoms arises from people with a tendency to allergies, with a strong infection of the premises, as well as the bite with young features of the bugs.

What looked bed bugs look

To distinguish the bitter bites from the bites of other insects is easy. As a rule, this is:

Treating Clabop bites

There is no specific treatment for bitees of bugs. Minor skin rashes are independently resolved for 3-4 days. Therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms and should be carried out in parallel combination of clusters:

  • Careful skin hygiene with detergents in the evening and morning.
  • Lubrication of the damaged skin with hydrogen peroxide or anti-loving ointment (phenyatil) 3-4 times a day (see)
  • With a strong pronounced allergic reaction - the reception of antihistamine drugs for 3-5 days (Loratadine, Zirtek, Telfast, see).

How to get rid of bed bugs

The most effective is the sanitary treatment of infected rooms, which is carried out specializing in this organization. Very often, attempts to remove annoying insects independently end with the fact that people are simply getting rid of infected furniture, however, this is not a guarantee that all individuals left the residential premises.

Chemical methods

These include the use of insecticides, which should be handled furniture, slots, plinth, floors, and other places in accordance with the instructions. Processing should be done twice, the second time - two weeks after the first processing, when young individuals from the surviving eggs can hatch.

Independent use of insecticides requires accuracy and caution. Whatever safe insecticides cannot be processed in the presence of children and pregnant women. It should be strictly followed by the instructions, especially the dosage of the drug, as well as perform personal measures to prevent poisoning.

Most effective insecticides:

Natural methods

These include the use of plants: Pijm ordinary, wormwood in fresh or dry formulates in the most typical habitats of bugs - under furniture, in the cream, on the floor, etc. It also helps the processing of premises and furniture decoction from the leaves of the marsh rod. These methods are safe for humans and suggest use without evictions from the room.

Another natural method is to make out of contaminated furniture on the street for several days, which is effective at minus temperature and under heat. Insects do not withstand frost and straight solar rays, therefore dying during the day. In addition, they are deprived of the power supply, which speeds up their death.

Dust pliers

Dusty tick, DERMATOPHAGOIDES, has microscopic dimensions 0.1-0.5 mm. There are about 150 species of dust mites. As a synanthropic arthropod, lives in a person's dwelling. The life cycle is 60-80 days. Urban apartments are the ideal habitat of the dust tick, since they have an optimal reproduction environment and livelihoods: a temperature of 20-25 s and an increased humidity plus a permanent power supply that serves a dead epithelium lost by a person. In large quantities are found in home dust, beds, sofas, carpets.

Harm for man

These small inhabitants of urban apartments do not bite a person, but bring tremendous harm to their livelihoods. Fekes of dust ticks contain digestive enzymes that contribute to the destruction of human skin and, falling into the respiratory tract, cause strong allergic reactions to the bronchial asthma. For tick-over bronchial asthma, spring-autumn aggravation and night attacks are characteristic.

Most often, antigens of the feces of dust mites are caused, and.

Symptoms of tickless allergies:

  • invertible rhinitis, not related to an orphan disease, which is difficult to treat with vasoconstructuring and other drugs. Suddenly begins and also suddenly ends, there is practically year-round in advanced cases;
  • nasal congestion;
  • tear;
  • headaches;
  • itching and redness of the skin, dryness and;
  • dry cough;
  • attacks of suffocation at night.

Treatment of allergies caused by dust ticks

Tick \u200b\u200ballergies is a global problem, since the complete destruction of house dust ticks is impossible, and every year an increasing number of people with increased sensitivity to the antigens of the dust mites are recorded, especially children (the percentage of the growth of allergy children is 6% per year).

This is the most active household allergen, the amount of dust mites in 10 μg per 1 grams of dust 3 times increases the likelihood of bronchial asthma.

The most effective is the holding of aspect treatment: allergen-specific immunotherapy. The method is to introduce extract of allergens of ticks of home dust into the body in gradually increasing concentration. Thus, the immune system gradually gets used to an allergen, the acuity of an allergic reaction decreases and the sensitivity to this allergen is generally reduced. Correctly conducted treatment leads to the fact that allergic completely ceases to respond to the allergic component of the home dust tick and gets rid of the symptoms.

This method is preferable to traditional antihistamine treatment, applied in children from 5 years and adults. Allergies, especially on home dust ticks, is poorly corrected by antiallergenic drugs, the body gets used to them, the use of increasingly strong drugs in greater concentration is required. At the same time, human immunity weakens, the body becomes sensitive to all new allergens, and allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis gradually develops into asthma.

Important value is maintaining the cleanliness of the premises:

  • daily wet cleaning
  • minimization of "Vileware" Items: Carpets, Soft Toys, Plaids
  • permanent air ventilation
  • the imposition of special air purifiers, which allegedly wash the air, new-fashioned vacuum cleaners are rather advertising progress of producers of these goods. No device is capable of getting rid of the dust tick 100%. And in population of ticks of public places, kindergartens, we can not affect offices at all.

A variety of hardware procedures, full nutrition, proper drinking mode and a healthy lifestyle positively affect the immunity and increase the body's resistance to allergens.


The fleas are small insects in size in 1-4 mm. The body has a surplus shape, so the insect is difficult to catch. Large jumping due to the presence of long rear legs and high "maneuverability" - flea with ease of moves from place in place in thick animal wool

The natural owners of fleas are warm-blooded animals having woolen cover. A person, as an organism for constant vital activity, does not represent interest to flea. Fleas that can live on a person for some time and bite it, called Pulex Irritans, feline fleas, Ctenocephalus Telis, can also eat human blood. In the dwelling of a person can get off animals, as well as on the man itself, attaching to his clothes.

Harm for man

In addition to pain at the time of bite and constant itching after a bite, flea bites can turn into serious diseases whose carriers are these insects: plague, dermatophiliasis, pulmonary, rat, rickettsiosis, tularemia, listeriosis, diphydiasis.

Secondary infections, which arise due to combing the wound, turn into furunculosis, abscesses, ulcers and ulcers. The allergic reaction to the flea bite leads to extensive skin irritation, which in the end it can end in neurosis and insomnia.

Bloom bites on man

Most often fleas bite into the lower limbs. With habitat in the plaids, mild flea furniture can bite for other parts of the body. Cooking, flea is tightly attached to the human skin, it may look like a black point.

The symptoms of the bite bite bright, confuse them with other types of bites difficult. Cooking, insect introduces a special enzyme in the wound, which dies blood. The bite itself is accompanied by a sharp pain, which goes into itching and burning. There remains a hyperemic spot with a diameter of about 5 mm, in the center of which is a bloody point in the place of bite.
The stain swells, the hemorrhagic point remains visible for 3-5 days and causes significant itching. Under the development of an allergic reaction, urticaria arises.

Children may also have both general symptoms, especially with multiple bite: subfebilitation, anxiety, diarrhea.

What to do with bluff bite

  • Processing the place of bite by antiseptic - hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, permanganate potassium.
  • To impose a cold compress in place of bite.
  • Apply an anti-flagey or anti-allergic ointment on the bite zone.
  • During the entire period of the resolution of the bite on the skin, it is important not to comb into the wound, since it will extend the period of skin restoration and threatens secondary infection. Soda sodes will help relieve itching (1 tsp of soda on a glass of water).
  • If the wound is nevertheless incited, a sterile cotton swab tampon with antibiotic-containing ointment (, gentamicin, etc.) should be applied to the affectionant.

How to get rid of fleas

  • To withdraw fleas in domestic animals using special insecticides.
  • Disinfection of animal habitats - litters, soft houses. To do this, they need to be soaked in a solution of a domestic disinfectant, then wrapped in water with a temperature of about 50 s and make it good.
  • Treatment of an apartment, a car salon with a special insecticide, thoroughly observing the instructions and safety rules - tetrix, efficient ultra, solid, chlorpyriimark. If necessary, processing is repeated in 2-3 weeks.
  • In case of intolerance to chemicals, you can use the grass to be wormwood, which should be decomposed in the apartment, especially on the floor and at the entrance.
  • Roll into a dust bag for a vacuum cleaner, where the fleas with pleasure live and glow.


Ticks are a real threat to rural and urban residents, starting with warm spring days and ending in autumn. Every year an increasing amount of infected ticks is recorded, a bite of which can cause dangerous diseases such as tick-free encephalitis, and others.

Attachs are attack both per person and animals in order to get food - blood. React to temperature and smells of warm-blooded, feeling them from a distance of 5-10 meters. In anticipation of the victim, they are sitting on plants, clinging for human clothes or animal wool in front of the front paws at the moment when he hurts the plant. Not immediately dumped, so the victim has the opportunity to notice it and shaky.

There are about 48 thousand types of ticks in the world.

  • The very real threat is carried by the bite of a tick of the ixodic, causing borreliosis and),
  • Arthropods, causing various tick rush.

Ticks live not only in forests and parks, they can be found on the green zone of the local area, low shrubs and even the grass. As a rule, above 1 m vegetation do not rise. The sizes are small, only 2-4 mm, notice the tick is very difficult, it is almost impossible to feel it at the time of attack.

How is the bite of the tick?

Detect the bite of the tick is almost impossible. Tick \u200b\u200bbites are lubricated by a special painkillers, so it is practically not taking. Especially honeycomb people can feel discomfort in the form of a pulling pain, the feeling as if Sorinka came under clothes, a needle.

The tick is trying to choose sections with gentle and thin skin, which is easier to contact:

  • exhaust area;
  • armpits;
  • chest code;
  • groin and genitals;
  • buttocks.

At the time of the bite, the tick attracts the skin and places in the wound with a hypostite, a special gross throat with ticks holding a tick. In the blood suspension process, the tick is significantly increased in size.

If the tick is infected with borreliosis, the bacteria - the pathogens fall into the blood of a person only when the tick begins to suck blood, because It is inhabited in a gentletic headband, and this is a few hours after the bite. In this case, the early removal of the tick can prevent the disease.

How to remove ticks - first aid when tick bite

If there is an opportunity in early time to get to the medical institution - this should be done, the doctors quickly and without consequences will be removed. If there is no such possibility, the tick should be removed as quickly as possible:

Wood on hand rubber gloves, plastic bag.
Remove the tick:

  • with special devices (Tick Twister, Ticked-Off, The Tickkey, Trix Tick Lasso, Anti-tick). These are always attached detailed instructions for use.
  • with thread. The strong thread is thrown on the head of the tick at the very base, i.e. Near the skin in the form of a loop. The ends of the thread are neatly tightened, after which, after holding the thread ends, the ticks should be brought clockwise or counterclockwise - a couple of movements, and the tick is easy to remove from the wound.
  • with a tweezers. The tip of the tweezers gently capture the head of the tick and unscrew it, not joining the abdomen and not twitch.

After removing the tick, you should put in a glass jar.

  • Remove the remains of the tick sterile needle if they remained in the wound. It is best to use a sterile needle from a new syringe, as a last resort, you can take an ordinary needle, to hold it over the flame, a minute after cooling, treat alcohol and only then remove the tick.
  • Proceed with an antiseptic wound.
  • Send the extracted tick to the laboratory for the study.

Consequences of the bite of the encephalitite tick - symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis

The hidden period is 5-25 days, but most often the symptoms are manifested in a period of 7-14 days after the tick bite. General symptoms characteristic of this infection begin sharply and brightly, i.e. The patient can clearly designate the hour of the beginning of the clinic:

Forms Encephalitis

The target organ of the disease is a brain (see). Several forms of encephalitis flow, which have their clinical features.

  • Foreign form

Diagnosed in 40-50% of cases. Fever, main symptom of the disease, last 5-6 days at 38-40 C. After the temperature drops, the main symptoms disappear, but weakness and lethargy remain for a few weeks. Complications arise very rarely.

  • Meningheal form

This is 50-60% of cases. Proceeds with pronounced general intoxication (hyperthermia more than 38 s, heat, chills, sweating, headache of high intensity), as well as symptoms of inflammation of brain shells: nausea and vomiting, reduce the elasticity of the occipital and cervical muscles (difficulty when trying to bring chin to neck), Asymmetry of the face, expansion of pupils. Recovery is long, remission flows in a state of weakness and breakdown. Possible chronization of the process.

  • Focal form

The hardest way. Characteristic: high temperature, violation of consciousness with nonsense and hallucinations, severe intoxication, cramps, disorientation in space, respiratory impairment and heart work. Most often goes into a chronic form.

  • Chronic form

Develops for several months and even years after the disease. Frequency - 1-3% of cases from the total mass of the diseases. The patient has a constant twitching of the neck, shoulder belt and face, tendon reflexes and muscle tone in the limbs are reduced, the psyche is disturbed, develops dementia.


This disease occurs with the damage to the nervous system, joints, heart, leather, very often goes into a chronic form. 10-14 days after the bite begins early stage of the disease:

Stage of distribution of infection (2-3 weeks - 2-3 months after bite)

Crimean hemorrhagic fever

Heavy viral disease transmitted through the bites of ticks of the genus Hyaloma. The disease is distributed in the Astrakhan, Rostov and Volgograd regions, the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory, Volgograd and regions, Dagestan, Kalmykia, Central Asia, China, in the south of Ukraine, in the Crimea.

Symptoms of the disease

  • Occur within 2-14 days after bite.
  • The initial period last 3-4 days: sharp hyperemia, intense headache, losses in the body, especially in the lower back, strong weakness, vomiting, absence of appetite, dizziness, violation of consciousness.
  • During the ranking period there is a jump-like decline T - first falls for 1-1.5 days, then rises and keeps up to 7 days, after which it falls again. There is a petechial rash on the chest and on the side surfaces of the abdomen, the bleeding of the gums, bleeding from the ears and eyes, internal organs, the nose. The condition deteriorates sharply, blood pressure falls, tachycardia occurs, lethargy, confusion of consciousness. Mortality reaches 25%.
  • During the period of recovery, lasting from several months to 1-2 years, a person feels weakness and fatigue, pain in the heart, dizziness and headaches, decreased blood pressure.

What can not be done when tick bite

  • Panic. Important actions in such a situation are definitely not needed. Remember - not every tick is infected, but also to relax too early.
  • Remove the skin ticks with bare hands - there is a risk of a virus in the body through skin microgeneration.
  • Take the eyes and mucous hands, which touched the toll.
  • Use oil and other liquids to deprive oxygen ticks - in this case, the aggressiveness of the tick increases.
  • Put pressure, sharply pulling the tick - it contributes to the injection of saliva and gastric content in the wound. The sharp pulling of the tick threatens it with a gap - part of the segments will remain in the body.

Prevention of diseases

It is assigned after the study of the retrieved tick, if it turned out to be infected.

  • Burrelioz - a course of antibiotic therapy, depending on the drug is carried out within 5-20 days after the bite.
  • Cleaning encephalitis is the maintenance of immunoglobulin derived from the blood of a human disease. Very often gives serious allergic reactions. In Europe, immunoglobulin does not apply, antiviral treatment (iodantypyrin for adults, anaferon for children) is prescribed.

Prevention of tick bites

  • Dress up dense clothes of light tones when sowing forests, parks. Clothes should be tightly adjacent to the wrists, the ankles. Place the pants in the boots.
  • Wear a dense headdress.
  • Use special dischargements that are applied to clothing or skin: Defi Taiga, Off, Ftalar, etc.
  • Do not go past high grass and shrub.
  • After visiting the forest, carefully inspect each other, as well as animals that were with you. If the forest walk is long - inspect each other after an hour, using bright cleaners with minimal vegetation. Special attention is paid to the favorite tick pieces of the body.
  • Do not put fresh grass into the house, branches - there may be ticks.
  • People professionally connected with frequent visits to forests are vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis.
  • Collecting into the forest, take with you everything you need, which can come in handy when the tick is pricked. Developed special sets: an anti-tick module.

The bites bites are characteristic of the fact that in most cases they are confused with the bites of other insects, various rash on the skin and even injuries, but about the actual reason begin to think in the latter.

At the same time, the bite of the bite of the bite of the bite is quite easily recognizable because it has pronounced specifics.

On a note

There are cases when bed bug bites could not recognize and confused with chickenpox and allergies even dermatologists. Still, today with similar lesions in hospitals rarely appeal. Therefore, to know how the bites of bed bugs look, preferably everyone.

What looked bed bugs look

Blind bites look like mosquitoes, but a little more painful and more clearly defined. From the outside they look like rounded flippers of red with a pronounced bustling in the middle (see photo):

The main distinguishing feature of bed bug bites is their grouper and multiplicity. It is characteristic that during the feeding every insect makes several punctures of the skin, sucking a drop of blood from each hole.

In the photo below, the characteristic paths of bites are well noticeable:

Blinds feed although not organized, but collectively. Therefore, in most cases, a large number of red swells located near the other can be found on the human body in the morning. Specific bedlop "tracks" here are clearly visible.

On a note

Bed bugs there are several dozen species, but they bite everything is about the same, and the differences between them are not noticeable without a microscope. And wherever the person does eat these insects, their bites always look equally.

See also our clusters experiments:

We catch bedbugs and test different means on them - see results ...

But the sensations of a person from bites are already more subjective and unequal. As a rule, adult men are less sensitive to such bite, and sometimes they do not notice them at all (and do not know how they look). And the redness themselves are already weakly noticeable.

In general, the bugs prefer to bite women and children. They have a thinner skin, closer to her are blood vessels, is not so expressed by the smell of the body, which can score the smell of blood.

Below are several photos of children:

The people have prejudice that bugs very selectively bite people. It is incorrect, but men for bedbugs are a really less attractive source of food.

"My poor child has suffered from these terrible bite. I could not even suspect that these creatures may appear in the house. All dermatologists in the city name knew, and only one after the inspection firmly said that these are insect bites.

Oksana, Belgorod-Dniester

An adult bug when piercing the skin and the wall of the blood vessel begins to enter into the fabric and blood saliva containing natural anesthetics. As a result, during the feeding of a bite of a homemade bed, the victim is usually not felt, and itching appears only after resorption of saliva components, 15-20 minutes after the bite. The insect by the time he has time to safely relate from the scenery.

It is interesting

The main consequence of bedlop bites is sleeping, lack of normal rest and frequent injury to the psyche: for many people shock, the feeling that insects are crawling in a dream and drink their blood.

For more information about the danger of bed bug bites, see a separate article :.

A little bit about the bites of other types of bedbugs

  • water scorpions are bugs, externally reminiscent of real scorpions, but dwelling in ponds, lakes and plain rivers. The bite of water scorpion is very painful, but is an exclusively protective reaction in the insect. The blood of man these bugs do not eat.
  • Gladeshi - also, in the people called "water axes". Their bites are very painful, but also produced only in self-defense order.
  • Clap-predanets, mostly common in the tropics and distinguished by bright color and large sizes. The bites of individual species can be fatal for humans. These bugs feed on other insects and mollusks. Among them are transitional forms that feed on human blood. For example…
  • Blinds-triatomas are the sad well-known kissbop (the skin reaction to their bite looks like a trace from a strong kiss), chagas disease carriers. From this disease in the tropics of South America every year more people die than from malaria or any other disease caused by the simplest.

However, all these types of bedbugs are biting, then only in the natural habitat. In the same houses, and even more so - in bed, only bedbill attacks a person.

Processing bite covers

In most cases, the processing of bed bugs is not required. At home, these bites are not threatened with nothing, and when quickly and efficiently fighting clusters will not be repeated.

However, with a strong allergic response to bites, it may be necessary to combat allergic consequences.

It becomes particularly relevant to the processing of travelers, often spinning in low-cost pensions and hotels in which blood circulation can be. The sometimes arising situation with the impossibility of observance of hygiene the next day after bites can provoke inflammation and suppuration.

"On the last day, on Sulawesi, we already in the port we settled into a cheap guest, because normal guest houses were already closed. A terrible room stuffed with clouds. We began to bite even before we fell asleep. We left the keys on the bed, took things and went to sleep on the beach ... "

Pasha, Moscow

In all cases, bite covers first need to rinse with warm water with soap, and then lubricate with alcohol.

Any manifests themselves well: Afloderm, Menovazin, gels based on propolis. Menovazin, by the way, will help and in the occurrence of allergies.

In tropical countries in pharmacies, you should buy any ointment from allergies or insect bites, they give a good result.

But the best protection against bite covers is to destroy the insects themselves. For this, there are many means today, however, you still need to be able to choose the best preparation among all this variety.

For most cases, a very good choice will be a rather powerful remedy for bugs delta zone that has no smell and safe in use. It is also important to take into account that if bugs come to the room from neighbors, it is advisable to produce joint disinsection, and at the same time.

5 rules for choosing a service for the destruction of bugs

Article assessment:

See also:

Tools from bedbugs:

Your phone is shipped.

Soon we will definitely call you.

Comments and reviews:

To write "Photos of bed bugs" 86 comments

    My husband scared me, he had some red specks like acne, and he says that it can be bugs. I was already frightened, because we have a small child, 8 months old. How to find out if they are or not?


    • I know how to determine the bug this or not, because I myself experienced it. Approximately 11 or at 12 o'clock in the morning you need to look good bed, because if it is bugs, they will come out first because of hunger. See them easily: big bugs are 5 millimeters, and you can only see small when they crawl.


      Under the plinths need to look.


      Dichloofos is good to fix, and learn, they or not they.



    I was bitten, it's tin! I walked off ...


    Sei Gada for me for a causal place.


    • They removed the apartment through the Internet in St. Petersburg, for a week in August. It turned out in the apartment even there is no bed linen, the first night slept over the bedspread, in the morning all the bold - no mesh on the window (1st floor). Thought mosquitoes, bought a bed linen, all sorts of rapestors. For a week they lived - everything is fine, the truth was, they were already scratched constantly, then we went for a week of vacation to myself. And also constantly in the morning got bold. They sinned on the midge shallow, the husband had a back as from the horror movie: all in such blisters, again they made a discount on midge, mosquitoes, etc. And now we are in Moscow for 2 months after vacation, and we are constantly someone Jalith, just like on vacation. It turns out that bed ticks were picked up (slept in St. Petersburg on a dirty bedspread), now we also go in bite. Tell me, how to get rid of it?


      • Do you want to get rid of your husband? So his bites will be held and he again from a person from the horror movie will be your prince!


        All the corners are needed, all the mattresses, all the clothes turn the dichlorophos, or boil 10 boxes of mattles and sprinkle everywhere. And the bites smear soda dissolved in water, in a slight warm.


        • You just calculate the bed and everything will be fine. But I say that they will not disappear, but just at night, maybe they will not bite you.


      • Reply

    We went with friends to Europe by car, through all major countries in Europe. So in Amsterdam, after the night in (in appearance), a normal hotel (the truth is not very expensive) found four bite on his hand, one under the eye, and one in a century. Caught terribly! And the bumps were large enough! In general, the hand was incredibly incredibly, and I combed her finally in Spez! All swollen nafik! (And looked at the hand, I decided not to scratch my face, no matter how hard it was. It was difficult, but I rested. In general, on the face under the eye, it was in front of the day / two and turned out as if in a head with a head. Head squeezed , but still something like a burger left now, and you will not do anything with it (it has already been more than a week). In the eyelid, I combed itself. And I broke in my hands, and my hand was swollen. Now, it seems, it has passed but the red Spots with sores in the middle. In short, bugs - goats! (And be careful, removing the hotel in Amsterdam. It was clear that it was pure and checked. If I knew every millimeter in bed would look.


    • Cracops may be sorry, and in 5 stars. Read what is going on in New York. They are just hanging from this attack, especially in recent years. Many with them mini pshikalki take. And they themselves picked in any hotel. Also, you always ask for a check-in. Do you have a problem with clusters? They are obliged to tell you the truth. If they tell you - well, yes-aa, they used to be, now no one seems to complain, then everything is clear. If hard "no, absolutely excluded," then most likely everything is OK. And the bags in such places are better not to lay out, but leave on a stool for suitcases.


    I have in the bed bed, they bite terrible. What can be destroyed, not harming the fetus (I'm pregnant, for 6 months)?


    • I bought a German household steam cleaner, steam in it reaches 140 degrees, and the bugs are not maintained at 60-70 degrees. They are very afraid of hot and die. If you process the apartment by a steam cleaner 1 time per week for one and a half or two months, then the bugs will disappear.


      • We tried it too. But the problem is that he did not get bugs inside the mattresses and upholstery. They are there, somewhere inside, wove their nests. If, of course, somewhere on the shelves under the mats, then yes. Pooper can help.


        • People! Buy a tool from bedbugs and extend the apartment. We were tormented by a very long bug. TRANSFER GET. Super means, although expensive.


      • You are sure that this can. I am pregnant on 5 months old. And I bite and bite me. Tell me, what should I do?


    • Just do not you yourself try to get technical alcohol and splashing in those places from the sprayer. Eggs are dying from this. But, of course, to derive this way is unlikely to succeed. They just won't be so bite. If you sleep on the mattress. Remove large technical packages for garbage (usually black), cut, buy tape for pipes and how to make a large plastic case for the mattress tightly, sneaking all the corners. Put the bed (sofa) with legs to put plastic on special coasters, they are sold on the Internet. Protect beds from bugs from the floor. Move the bed from the wall. Clean sheets (often wash, stroke). White, so that the traces can be seen and which side they will be written to you. All pictures, mirrors, frames next to the bed, remove (read my comment, we just tried, I would not beat this word - everything). Alcohol is such a temporary sparing advice. And it is better to go and fully processed.


      Call the disinsection service, necessarily 2 processing, after 4 hours you can use the apartment. Checked, other methods are in vain spending forces.


      • No, service does not help, I tried myself.


        • Alas, and our services did not help, after the first processing, bites began again. Said - wait on 21 days, then we will come again and again. Waited - now for another 14 days wait, so in the contract it is written. We arrived on the second processing - you do not have any bugs, but so that there are no complaints, we will process. Cold couples, hot couples, each time they were ventilated, soapy, lasted. Mattresses changed. Then there were cheeks smoke. After - again bites. Thrilled all upholstered furniture (two sofas and expensive bed, trimmed matter). Mattress Barley Paroshubra daily. The bites continued. Again called specialists - how good you threw the furniture! Processed. As usual, with a guarantee. The bites continue. Neighbors argue that they are all right.


    We had bugs in the apartment, appeared after the trip and stop in a suspicious hotel for a couple of days. And there I did not notice anything like that, I just hurt some chemicals on one of the floors. I thought: maybe they are etched by something?
    In general, they were delivered and did not understand what and how much. Discovers did not immediately. It was just something, it was impossible to understand for some incomprehensible points. Only in a couple of months at night, I woke up with horror from the fact that something crawled in the wrist area. It was a bug. Bending a wooden bar from the bed, I discovered just clusters of bed-burning excrement. It is strange how they could spread so quickly and still be unnoticed.
    Of course, they scared the means, and the most expensive. Filled everything that is possible, including the mattress. For almost ten days they went to bed in the living room, with all precautions. All the lingerie has been played and overcame in the electric dryer under the high temperature.
    Returning back, he found a lot of dead under the mattress under the wall under the wall under the wall. But life in the mattress itself continued. Packaged in specials. Plastic bag with an internal sprinkler ordered from America. No, they continued to live after a month. The mattress and the bed frame (very expensive, France had to be thrown out). Since the material has already had black characteristic points. The nightmare lasted 2 months. They simply did not retreat. They switched to rosettes for us in the living room. Special powder, sprayers of the most modern firms did not help us. We called professionals.
    All sprinkled and treated brought to the balcony. Lingerie Everything had to be backed up, in black packages tied scotch and also separated from other things.
    Curtains, eaves, furniture. Everything was processed. The apartment could only return after 8 hours. Feeling of squeezing, fatigue. After two weeks, the processing was repeated, just in case. After that, they disappeared. The problem is that contemporary bugs have very large immunity and survival. We ourselves even tried the smelly vile carbofos, which is forbidden to use in the houses in the EU, for example. Only those who specifically hit the product were died. My advice: Believe me, I do not work in this firm and I do not get any benefits from this comment. If you just feel that there is a problem and went far - use professionals. We lost a sofa, a bed and a mattress, because they were tightened, but they could not cope.


    Three days ago, experts on the processing of apartments from the bugs were called. Hot fog. Cold fog and barrier, and today again bite and found a bug. Is that - I had a bad processing? So much effort and everything in vain? Or how to understand it? Tell me what to do.


    • After processing fog, a week can bite, this is normal. They will die anyway. We were so told until we see more!


    Throw out all the bed with a sofa and burn.


    • You know, burn - this is, of course, the way out, but sorry, I bought a new sofa less than a year ago for 32 thousand and I have no more money. Therefore, this is not an option for me.


    I remember rented a hostel. And before that, they never bite the bugs and did not know how biting and look. As I settled in this hostel for the night, I was tempted as if mosquitoes, then the second night completely body, and 2 nights I had a temperature and itch. I aroused an ambulance, they told me that it was allergic and scarlet Supratine. And tomorrow I went to the clinic, where Sajran, Almaty. So there I didn't attribute 10 different tablets and injections from allergies. From this I became worse. Mom arrived in the next day, she immediately learned that these were bugs, immediately processed. I moved and it became easier for me, after 3 days I stopped taking these medicines. So, if you do not know yourself, then doctors can raise you!


    I work in the protection, watch 30/20, so, we live in the location, 6 people, and these minor frills bite only me. As I just did not proceed my bed, you still bite. Yesterday I wake up early in the morning from wild ferrous, I was all a skill: face, body, hands, legs! This is a full paragraph! In general, do not lose in vain time if they discovered bedbugs, then immediately call specialists, otherwise it will be tin.


    Does these creatures live on clothes? Or is it all necessary to throw it all?


    • Live ... I know by girlfriend.


    Buy a raid (I was with a lavender). Spray on the bed in the morning, and in the evening all the rules.


    I think Alexey is right that you need to throw everything and burn.


    In my case (two-storey house, bedrooms - on the second floor) helped processing Chem. Tools (red dichloofos, carbofos, FAS powder and even ordinary crayon from cockroaches) and grasslands of bitter and pizzy. The grass was blocked by empty spaces behind the cabinets and under the beds, put on the shelves in the cabinets, in the pillow and under the mattresses. The aerosol chemistry was treated with slots in the floor, in plinths, sockets, joints in bed (I had to develop for processing, and after anew to collect), cracks under the cabinets, adjoining and joints of the stairs steps, etc. Dry chemistry wake up behind the plinths, under the cabinets, bedside tables. The rear walls and the lower surfaces of the cabinets, bedside tables, the lower sides of the stairs, the tales of stairs, thresholds, door and window frames, etc. After aerosol treatment, the day did not enter the bedrooms, the doors were stuck around the perimeter with painting scotch. To sleep two nights had to be in the dining room and lobby, on the sofa and clamshells, on freshly underwear. After a day, the bedrooms were rooted, conducted wet cleaning, where it is necessary. But left dry chemistry, as well as grass in hard-to-reach places for people.
    Troublesome, but helped. The main thing is to handle all adjoining rooms at the same time. It is also necessary for the neighbors too, if they are, at the same time.



    And we are even prof. Processing did not help the first time. Run from neighbors.


    Activity begins at night from 23:00 and until 3:00 am. Himself is not very bustled. How to detect: Buy white linen without any flower, drawings. The major are immediately visible, but there are quite small, with a millimeter, and those after the bite red, crushed - a little bit of blood. A month ago, Pravil himself, turned over the whole room - found in the sofa and carpet. The carpet on the trash, the sofa is a pity, because the apartment after repair. In the morning, all underwear is washing from the closet Zakin, bedding too. Right throw everything into the bath and pour boiling water, from there in the washer slowly. Again processing the whole apartment and sofa. In general, work, work to save money for furniture and disinfection, here. Good luck to all 😐 P.S. In general, where did they come from, I still think with the purchase of a sofa?


    • Where did you come from? Made a repair, bought new furniture and left to put the tile in the kitchen and the hallway. Invited masters - and please, along with the cafeter of our bedbugs left!


    Last year got rid of. There was a lot, nothing helped, only spent money. Then Fufanon advised, bought 15 rubles in the Lovehouse of Life. This is a Dutch agent, a nadogymicat for plants. Helped immediately: the 2-room apartment spent less than a hundred. Already a year passed until not. Only necessary to process all: and sockets, plinths, and places of chandeliers.


    • Hello, and tell me, please, how did the apartment, furniture and things treated? We have a private house, 7 people live, and only one bites me something. I thought that the mosquitoes, and then looked at the bite of bedbugs - and one in me.


    I read and do not understand ... I have bitten legs and hands, especially under the mouse. Small bites, and I did not feel at all that someone bit me. The worst thing that looks like a rash, not at all as shown in the pictures.


    I was also biting me, almost all night I did not sleep, the whole body was cleaned. Then she got up, turned on the light and discovered a couple of bedbugs in bed - they were red, satisfied blood. They immediately killed them. And began to look for and kill them. It turns out that they come out from under linoleum and from under plinths, they live under them. Go hunting in the dark. Then I began to not turn off the light, slept at the light. The next day I bought a Chinese crayon, smeared them around the pastels of the line. Sleeping quietly. And in the morning I look - they are dead near the border of the Chinese chalk, they could not reach me.


    • Straight Some ...


      I almost described from laughter))


    They removed the apartment, for a long time we live, before you did not notice, and now there is no horror, it is impossible to sleep. What to do, how to get rid of them? Recently, neighbors traveled, maybe it is that they interfered from a neighbor?


    • Yes, everything can be!



    We removed the apartment with a clouds, we were sophisticated completely on the second day. We moved, I, like, all the things of the blankets and pillows shakeped, and scattered outdoors, and when she lied in a bag again sharding. And moved to another apartment, all things put in places and made processing. Then, when sat on the sofa, a little insect noticed, did not have time to catch. For half a month, no one bite us, and suddenly there were three points on the hands of the son. I immediately began to ride, and the next day I saw one bed, killed. No longer saw and there were no spots. My whole body itching is almost, but not visible spots, bugs can bite without spots? I almost brought all things to the balcony, except for children. Help me please get rid of bugs, I worry about the sake of children, I have two small children!


    I also do not know what to do. I was asked to look at the apartment. I went to watch and check out the evening. Selects the TV on the sofa and turned off the light. I look - in front of the knop nose. Quickly jumped and turned on the light. And there were so many of them. This is horror ... Then I quit and went home. Now I am not my own. As a patient, I go, scratching. Now I worry: can I transfer them to my home? Please tell me? ((I ask you to.


    • Yes, you can!



      That's right, there is nothing to lie on other people's sofas!


    We live in my mother-in-law from the first night, he noticed that the child was boring, combing, smearing the boroplas, helps well. Break from the mother-in-law is useless, she has such deposits of old rags that were not surfling and erased since the time of Brezhnev! I'm afraid, from this apartment suffer to our with things. I will order on that apartment to order. I say that, perhaps, in the sofas of the bugs, the child is bitted and I, and he says: "Yes, no, can not be! My mom - never! " In general, I do not even know how to finish them. Well, I'm sorry for a child.


    How to get rid of them, people? Picked up at the girlfriend when she spent over her, they moved to me 🙁


    Buy the Kukaracha tool. All familiar who encountered such a problem helped! Pour the whole apartment to them, the effect will not definitely make long wait. The tool, of course, specifically smells, but everything, as in the instruction, and after 6-8 hours there will be no smell. After 2 weeks, repeat. In three different apartments came across and never let down this method.


    I do not understand, it seems, and it looks like biting bedbugs, but the husband and the child does not bite, nothing?! Maybe it is?


    • Yes, maybe such.


      I also bite among all.


    Tell me, please, and if you throw everything on the frost? Will help them get rid of them?


    Of course, it will help, in the army always did, for the whole day, and normal)


    I have this joy reaches 2.5 months. Only arms, shoulders, forearms are squealing. Everything has written off on nervous disorders (with three children there is enough problems), plus it was only. The bites are small, it is painful and squeezed, thought - scabies. Klopov did not observe at all - well, I did not see and that's it. I sleep separately on the sofa, children in their place separately. The week in a row (to change the schedule well) - came out a day, I sleep at night, from 1:30 I get up and madly scratched. An hour later, I fall asleep, but there is no normal sleep - your hands in terrible blisters. I switched to your feet - I saw 10-15 bloody points on a sheet, but I did not comb your legs to the blood, sent a lamp to the sheet closer - and here they are, young and daring. He took off her sheet, shake in the bathroom, killed everyone who remained, calm did not bring. Well, at least I know the reason for the persecution, and then everything is confident - the nervous breakdown, allergies, and then scabies. For the skin, if there is, then fervent birch broom, after the bath / soul, sleep with this driver, wipe it bites once or two a day. Still helps 1-2 tsp. Soda on a glass of water - itching and burning goes.

    Friends, look more carefully on the bed, more often change the bed children, bugs do not like smooth surfaces, and what to ride - decide for yourself, but do not hesitate!


    I found several bedbugs in the corner of the sofa, crushed everyone, examined the sofa. I live in the hotel, will they appear again?!


    Damn, woke up: It seems, nothing to do, but then I look at the hands - Issue. Then legs, what is it? Bugs?


    What a kapets, two weeks ago, discovered a couple of such bites on the cheek, but I look at the evening, the whole face in these pimples. Thought with mom that this is an allergy to the pills, for sick. He fell into bed, began to hide her arms, the legs are all red. Climbed into the Internet, read about these creatures. I look at the sheet, and there they are, any sizes. I give them to press. Lord, now terribly afraid to sleep, well, what is it for the punishment of God? I'm afraid to say, it will be better, but you will have, good luck to you!



    My story began with the fact that I spent the night for three nights, and he had bugs (I still did not know what kind of problem). I came home, the next morning I discovered two outflows on my hand, I began to google, well, and the conclusions were asked by by themselves. For a year now I suffer with these clusters. But also the whole year I can not fully understand, all the same, or not. It seems that the red dots appear by the track, but there never had more than three (mostly two), and they are always located not exactly along the line. In addition, they appear only on shoulders and back (sleep without pajamas). These very "bites" do not bope with me (only in rare cases), it is not. In general, I always had pimples and stains on my back. Hands, legs, belly clean. Sometimes there was a small brown specks on her sheet (maybe from acne, as to know). Klopov never seen. Everywhere I watched, for the night I put alarm clock - I did not find it.

    And the thing is that throughout the year they carried out processing many times. They themselves tried to process, washed all the underwear, the bunch of furniture rose, caused a lot of professionals, even once we had heat treatment. So much nerves, forces and money killed. After all, how everywhere is written, it is easier to fight at an early stage. But stains and peculiar paths all appeared exactly. Mom says he saw the dead, but I did not see them and not sure that she saw the bugs. Here, 2 months ago, I decided that all this is simply self-sustaining, and those two points came up after a friend, just did not immediately notice. We decided to do no longer processing, see how it will be. Two months passed, like, bites did not appear, although sometimes it seemed that there were. And today I discovered three points on the shoulder on the shoulder, all itch (some kind of mysticism).

    There is no longer forces, but I don't want to get around with them. I want to know whether there is a 100% option to find out whether there are bedbugs, except to wait until they spread and they themselves are not climbing because of all the cracks. Help!

    I also had bugs at home after moving. But the sister advised to buy essential oils in pharmacies (what, I do not remember, I bought different) and splash all over the house (sofa, bed, etc.) every day. She said that bugs die from steam and frost. Just was winter, I hung all bed into the courtyard, and the sofas handled the steam iron every day and splashed the essential oils. Ugh-pah, bugs disappeared after that. And today I came from Almaty the whole red from the bitles of the bugs in 2 days. Now again is concerned, I did not grabbed bedbugs with a suitcase ...


    Tin, very creature biting.


    As I understand you, it is very difficult to get rid of them! If they are in the apartment of a multi-storey house, and you morified them with all sorts of kerchiefs against bedbugs, extending the plinth, wallpaper - not the fact that you got rid of them. Before starting to starve them, rub your neighbors on your floors, upper and lower floors. Find out whether someone has these "vampires". And otherwise everything will be a stupid, because they are crowned with apartments on the apartment. I was so lucky - Moril 3 times, but it turned out that the neighbor from above (Elderly grandchildren) their pond pond, and that, she doesn't live on my apartment. It's a shame, so much spending. Plive now dear on these bedbugs. Yes, and dichlorophos does not help!


    Carbofos will accurately help the bugs. Sold dichlorophos, but some with the smell of carboofos. Thrick with different dichlofos so that klopiks are not accustomed to, for some reason, for some reason, the Russian production of dichlorophos. For loyalty - Gel Dohlox! In order not to spoil furniture, apply on paper leaves, spread. Dichlophosy once a week. Maximum half a year - will bring. They will descend all. Do not forget to crush the egg layout, not a nail, but sell.


    They fell on the bedbugs on a removable apartment. They already tried many of all sorts of money, but it seems that they have resistance to all pyrethroids and even cypermethrin-containing drugs. Small "Masha" kills them, but not all. The same with other drugs. Learn the tables of active ingredients and the compositions of insecticides before purchase.

    Nevertheless, you need to handle it necessary to reduce their quantity and localize. If you have warm-blooded animals or birds - give someone until you cope with the clouds. Do not torment them nor themselves. Leave - risks either to poison, or bugs will be eaten and multiply.

    Start by patience, get ready to overcome the depression - any bugs whipping from their bites are able to drive into depression from powerlessness in a few days.

    Ferry not all and handle, but something he will just spoil. Option of moving and "wait until they die from hunger" is better not to try - the risk of transporting them too large. The bugs are extremely survivors, they have a lot of different behaviors (alone biting almost in the open space, others in closed, others jump from the ceiling, fourth biting even in the afternoon, and so on). Adults without food can live all their lives - about 18 months. Fertilized females can delay pregnancy and display offspring when food appears.

    Further - free enough space in the room. At this place on the floor you will sleep on an inflatable rubber mattress. We buy a special non-drying glue, for example, NORAT, such as mice. Absolutely non-toxic, but so sticky that it is best to drop it, it turns out not a small salt of salt. From wool - only solvent or gasoline. Ribbons from flies in general in the span - I felt, bugs are able to overcome them. Plug Paul along the contour with paper scotch, on the tape, apply a layer of this glue with a thickness of 2-3 mm. All the gaps and damage to the floor inside this circuit rip the painted scotch tape. If the floor is dark - think how to make it light, ideally almost white (and even a film). Inflation mattresses and sleep on them inside such contours. In the morning, if there are bites, view the mattresses and bed linen, and that it is impossible to view - at least until the evening in the freezer from -18 to -20. As an option - the oven, but it is extremely flawed. Watch everything to have time to volatile. The idea is that the blood inside a knocked cluster freezes and breaks it. Checked on themselves - in the same room "Purely" for 4 months.

    That is, you yourself are bait for them. No other babs for bedbugs! Cut-stands are very different, so thought thoughtfully into the words "helps to control the number of bugs." That is, some individuals and truth will climb into the bait, but others will not even turn their attention.

    Here they advise bright clothes and light sheets. Sheets - Practice has shown that in the morning we collected the maximum number of bugs with a dark burgundy sheet. Also effective terry towels instead of pillows. If the floor is light, and around an irresistible outline, then at least small and medium bedbugs are hiding in clothes and bedding. It's hard to attach large so much - you need to wait about 1.5 months. While they are hungry so much that they decide to cross the contour. Some stick, but little.

    Chemistry, in my opinion, is ineffective and has a bunch of side effects: allergies, drowsiness, enhanced hair loss can be fatally dangerous for pets.

    Do so that they can freely get to you inside the contour, jumping from sofas, tables, other furniture, but back - only through glue. Even hungry bugs are poorly jumping horizontally, and these 2-3 mm glue for them are irresistible.

    Another effective methods are to put out the bugs on the sofas, and then closure with polyethylene sofas, and without cracks. Sut off the room where they are, from the rest: the glides of the adhesive - on the floor near the exits, and on the walls, the ceiling and the feet of furniture - the usual polyethylene tape. The bugs are sculpted on it.

    If there is no barriers, and you do not bite at least a month - then we can assume that you coped with the clouds. Power period of bedbugs - from daily for small up to 5-7 days for adults, 30-day individuals. Remember that 20% of people do not even feel bites. And their bugs bite and successfully breed. Separate people such when checking, bugs remained, or have come good.

    This summer we got rid of this rubbish, but in October, it seems from the neighbors, new people came. Already asked, but naturally, the neighbors would be silent and it is unlikely to coordinate the herbs of the bugs - they will rather be afraid of disassembly and lawsuits. The most stupid will be accused of all of you and even threaten.

    It's good here, and it is bad that in fact no one can prove anything. The case when you just entered, and there for several years already hundreds of bedops have lived, you can not even consider it - so they are difficult not to notice and do not feel the smell when examining the apartment.

    I wish you the strength and successful combination of clouds!


    Hello, I was at work and there were big bugs. There I started rash. I came home, to leave the start, it is terribly swollen, swollen and red, all over the body. Tell me, the bugs now have at home, or is it old bites?


    Cutles are pipets!


    Someone will tell you - can the bugs exist if I have not seen them at home? Can they (if exist) bite only in the summer? In winter and the spring there was nothing like that. Last summer, bites appeared, similar to bed bits - with terrible itching, to blood. He was treated at KVD from allergies. Nothing helped! Scary mass and stains, as from the bites of bugs. Moreover, one doctor said that this helicobacter infection could manifest itself. But the small hole-puncture was still on many "bite." Cropped with powerful antibiotic therapy from HB. Maybe the coincidence, but itching passed and the stains passed 2 weeks after antibiotics. But! October has come by that time already. All winter and spring was all good. And then again - on the feet of bites, itching, there is no strength. Increase, every day one or two bite. Antibiotics drink no sense. In March there was a strong bronchitis - he saw antibiotics for three weeks. That is, Helicobacter disappears. And again these bites.

    At the neighbor's scenes of cockroaches. Can bodles and cockroaches coexist with her together? (I heard that they do not get along together). Can these bugs (if any of it) come, so to speak, at night, bite me and leave the ravis back to the neighbor?)) I have no cockroaches - I smell with a chalk near the entrance, a kitchen, a corridor, a bath every week. Before the entrance door, the fatty walkway is small. If you do not sit down (more than 2 weeks), then I notice semi-sick cockroaches. Answer please. Forces no easy - can the bugs be in the apartment if I have not seen them?! And can the neighbor "bite" come? And why only in summer? More our house is completely built up around the perimeter - the bank, the store, two cafes.


    Oh yeah. It's just a quiet horror entangling in the night. So smart creatures that even scary. I appeared about a month ago and, I must say, a fairly disturbed me. At the father, so at all the allergic reaction went pronounced. Anaphylactic shock and big cones all over the body. I have already spoken him many times that you need to call specials, and he is suspicious of nature and says that they will steal our things. I now do not know what to do. But I'm sure exactly - it is impossible to run this problem. Their population is growing rapidly, and this question is extremely thin. If you give them to bite yourself, they will become more, but they will be careful. If you do not bite and constantly run - they will interfere in other rooms and then the infection area will expand. So it came out with me. Now these creatures are everywhere! It is necessary to convince the battle to make treatment, I do not intend to tolerate all this vakhanalia.

    By the way, interesting observation. At the very initial stage of detection of infection, I passed the entire sofa with insects. At night, I went into the room and just fell into the sediment. They crawled like crazy throughout the room and they were unrealistic. Apparently, they woke up and understood that they were etched. Started rapidly crawl. Three Claops at all sat on the ceiling plinth about a week and watched us. Why nature created such cunning, smart and insatiable creatures - a mystery ...


    A year and a half tormented with itching, with sores. Girls have the same rash in the form of blisters. All allergists passed, smeared with different ointments. No effect. Then one nurse said that it seems to bite bedbugs. All night silent, children sent to the sofa, and on the bed itself. What is the strangest, the eldest son and the baby did not have such blisters. Observations did not help. Well, everyone thought, it means that some kind of impassable allergies. Satisfied, I decided to look at lunch under the sofa. Looked - pure, but suddenly I saw the husks buckwheat. I was surprised, because I recently soap the floors and did not prepare food from buckwheat. I looked at me - I see the legs, and stinks. I have a hysterical. Here let's look into the sofa slot, and there they ... it was horror!

    Caused specialists. A week once again. I am so conscientious and shame in front of children, as I did not see them. In life, they did not come across them, and did not know that there is such an abomination. Until now, disgust, squeamishness. Things where it fell in public places is not a lie. 23 days passed from the second processing. Well, it seems, there is no blister, nothing is itching. The sofas we lost, after six months only we will take a new one. Fear interferes. Cracops lived in the sofa, and there Son slept with her daughter. Son did not bite, and the daughter was silent. Therefore, be careful, now the epidemic of the bugs. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!


    Do not try to ropes themselves, it is useless (extra spending forces, nerves and money)! Call professionals, and get rid forever!


    It is also very appropriate to use nuclear bombs, light grenades, arson of the apartment of the neighbors, followed by injuries with pyrethroids in her apartment! And in general, comrades, especially do not be discouraged. If the problem approaches more thoroughly and with the mind, then everything is possible.


    Was in China, in Suifenhe. In the hotel bold bugs, tin ...


    Once with horror, I discovered the beds at home. I lived in this house (five-story) 38 years old, this is for the first time. What did I do not know. The struggle against dichlofos began, but it was 100% failure and waste of money. Dichloofos is sprayed through the air, and bugs, if you encountered, hide in secluded places, slots, furniture slices on furniture, etc. Then I tried to spray with a cypermethrin solution - also ineffectively. Maybe some bugs and milk, but their eggs in such alkali remained where to do not get. After a long torment and ponday, I decided to try to destroy the bugs to the ferry, but where to take it?. I went shopping and saw a little manual saparir, bought. The struggle began, probably already 20 times. I had to sweat. My husband and I are completely (as far as possible) disassembled bed to have access from all sides. HOORAY! It turned out to be the most effective way, since their eggs die from the couple. But the ferry had to be treated 2 times, it is for reliability. After such a struggle with the clouds for six months, we won them.


Swelling, inflammation. There is pain, burning, itching. Types of insect bites on the skin are distinguished by the location, soreness, the speed of the recovery of the skin. A person may suffer in his own apartment, house, in nature. Photos of insect bites are presented below.


Small insects begin to attack at the end of May, when the air temperature approaches +20 degrees Celsius. Huge colonies inhabit wildlife near water bodies, shady forest, as well as in basements, city parks. To the house, the apartment penetrates through open windows, doors. From the bites of insects you can suffer in your own house, without leaving his walls, or on a picnic.

The moment of bite is felt immediately or after the pest flew away. It all depends on the painful threshold, human sensitivity. Who bited, determine the external symptoms. The attack in most cases does not cause serious consequences, is limited to a local response to the skin.

  • swelling;
  • minor swelling;
  • redness in diameter up to 1 cm;
  • strong, unpleasant itch.

On a note!

Insect bites in children are more pronounced, pass on their own during the week or the use of special preparations is required. The peculiarity lies in the fact that they bite for open areas of the skin, leave indiscriminate traces. Photos of insect bites are presented below.


Breastseed creatures of black color, up to 3 mm. They make a man at the end of May, early June - when pine blooms. Massively live in wildlife, they do not penetrate into the room. They bite in the bright time of the day, in the evening are hiding. You can suffer in the forest, the city park, near the house where trees grow, there is vegetation, in the country.

Insect bite on human skin has characteristic symptoms:

  • redness in diameter up to 0.5 cm, the center of the dark point is the baked blood;
  • painful sensations;
  • strong itch appears after a while;
  • the bite on the human body takes place for 2 weeks.

The moshcar attack rarely ends with a strong allergic reaction, folk remedies are used for treatment, pharmacy preparations based on natural components. Photos on the skin of the bite midges are presented below.


This is the case when the insect bit was bitten, and who exactly to find out. Do not attack people, but they can cover things into things on the body during their nature. Put the tiny bug is not difficult, it follows painful, injection of acid.

Footprints from insect bites - ants, differ from other presence of white education in the center. Around the red spot. The size in diameter does not exceed 1 cm. Strong edema after the insect bite appears only in the case of individual intolerance to the forming poison. Education on the skin passes gradually for 1 week, pharmacy preparations, folk remedies are used to accelerate the effect.



Inhabit May to September, in early October, hide in nests, hives, preparing for wintering. They do not differ in aggressive moral, biting to protect their own life. Collect floral nectars, feed on juices of sweet fruits, you can suffer, resting in nature or, buying sweets on the market.

On a note!

Do not notice the attack of a striped bee is impossible, because it immediately fits a strong pain. If even everything happened too quickly, the person did not have time to consider the pest, to determine who bitten, it is possible by the presence of sting. Externally reminds a saw with small teeth - it is well lined, but it is impossible to pull back.

Thaying insects injected toxic substance that causes an allergic reaction. The bee leaves the sting, and with him a part of the abdomen. Being inside the wounds, "weapons" continues to pump poison. The severity of manifestations depends on the amount of toxic substance, the individual characteristics of the body, age, the bite spot. The bee is hardly tolerated, people with weakened, pathologically weak immunity.

  • blister with a deepening center with a dark point - sting;
  • redness in diameter more than 1 cm;
  • swelling, swelling;
  • local temperature rise on the affected area;
  • pain, burning;
  • as they spend the wound, itching appears.

The swelling of the insect bite can spread to the respiratory organs, larynx in case of severe allergies. In addition to the local reaction, within 20 minutes after the bee attack, it appears:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • fever;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • temperature increase;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • skin pallor;
  • changing blood pressure.

Traces of bites with a normal immunity reaction pass in 2 weeks, painful sensations disappear in 3 days.


An annoying striped beings become as active in the late summer, early autumn. Massively fly near ripe, fallen, border fruits, meat, fish, drinks. Adults are powered by juices, larvae feed protein food.

Attack is rushed in case of danger to your own life, but to regard how a threat can any sharp movement of a person. Unlike bees, do not leave the sting, they are able to bite immediately several times. Wounds from swelling, are inflamed. Often develops allergies with a deterioration of general well-being. The bits in the field of face, neck, larynx are most dangerous.

The consequences of insect bites:

  • swelling;
  • redness and seal;
  • there are holes in the body, where the OSA stares sting;
  • pain, burning;
  • edema.

In young children, people with an increased tendency to allergies increases the temperature from the bite of an insect, weakness is observed, nausea, pain in the stomach, etc. With a conventional reaction on insects, painful sensations take place for 3 days, the skin is restored for a week.

If a child, you need to attach a cold compress, watch it well-minded for 20 minutes. The appearance of another alarming symptoms is a sign of strong allergies.


Show activity from March to October. Inhabit the grass, on small shrubs. More likely to be skiing while relaxing in nature. The tick is studying the body for some time, chooses the most favorable place, then dug. The process almost always remains unnoticed, a few days Araned can calmly drink blood, sticking in the body. It is found either by chance, or it occurs.

On a note!

They have properties independently disappear, satisfying in full, but often detected up to this point. The pest head is under the skin, the body sticks out outside. You can pull it yourself alone using tweezers, thread, or seek help from specialists.

If the ticks could not be caught on the hot, the bites can be recognized by the following signs:

  • redness in diameter 1.5 cm;
  • in the center, a dark spot with baked blood;
  • bite from bite, seal;
  • inflammation;

Skin is restored without special treatment for 7 days. If the tick was a carrier, in 14 days deteriorates well-being, symptomatics appears, resembling flu. It is required to immediately appeal for help from experts, pass tests, it is necessary to inform about the attack of the tick.


You can suffer from arthropods in your own inattention, negligence. It is biting only with a threat to your own life. A man of nutritional value for them does not represent. Very rarely, living in the corners of the rooms, furniture, household appliances, can bite away by residents of wildlife -, false black widow, etc.

Spider bites two points. On the front of the head there are helixers with poisonous glands. Artistic contacts skin, injected poison. The pain instantly appears, local allergies develop.


  • bite two points;
  • redness;
  • edema;
  • inflammation;
  • after a few days an abscess appears after the bite, the suppuration, itching.

There are 2-3 days there are unpleasant sensations, but the epidermis is restored for a long time - up to 2 weeks. With an increased tendency to allergies, the deterioration of well-being is weakness, dizziness, headache, discomfort in the stomach.

Disrupts the work of the heart, respiratory organs, increases blood pressure. Without the provision of qualified assistance, a person dies from choking, heart attack.


Symptoms of head pediculosis:

  • strong itching;
  • spots on the skin, inflammation;
  • dermatitis from bites with prolonged infection;

It is necessary to take action immediately, because insects quickly multiply. Use folk, professional agents. In the absence of therapy, the development of dermatitis, the disorder of the nervous system, the deterioration of general well-being is observed.

Bed bugs

On a note!

Claps show activity in the dark, attack the sleeping person. It remains on the skin a round spot, accompanied by a strong itching. The main symptom is the location of the wound in the form of a track. Insect for one meal bites up to 5 times, bites are placed in pairs through small intervals. With a large number of bugs, the stains merge among themselves.


They bite, which appear in the apartment, house by the end of summer. The bite instantly causes pain, discomfort. Plowness appears, redness, seal. Itching is missing, no strong allergies arise. Unpleasant symptoms take place in a few days without special treatment, the epidermis is restored quickly.

The danger of bite is the possibility of enhancing infection. Flies are carriers of Tularemia, Siberian ulcers. Chemical, mechanical methods are used to destroy pests. After the bite you need to rinse immediately, to disinfect the wreck.

Bite bed bits

A wonderful sense of smell allows you to find the most convenient sections of the human body (it is interesting that the skin covered with her hair does not dress, the reason - the hairs prevent comfortable nutrition).

Bedlop has a long trump, resembling a mosquito, which allows you to quickly reach the blood vessels. The larvae also feed on only blood. Discern the bites of bed bugs, both adult individuals and young larvae are quite simple - the first can bite, pre-painting with a special substance, the second delivered significant pain people. They are not satisfied with one bite, but quarrel to a new place and continue to be harvested with blood.

Interesting, but by no means a pleasant property of larvae - for growth, they need a lot of food, this is the reason that they come out to bite and eat much more often than adult individuals. Trace the movement of young individuals is easy - they leave a path from bleeding points, which usually takes up to a tent.

  • cunning, looking by the accumulation of micro-tests located by islands;
  • a linear, characteristic stretched path.
  1. Attentive study allows you to find punctures performed by the trunk.
  2. The impairment of the skin with a thorough review is highlighted by a bright red point.
  3. The participant appearance of characteristic acne speaks about the growth of the population.
  • neckline;
  • neck area;
  • facial part of the head;
  • the back of the limbs.

The position of the chosen victim during sleep affects the territory of the body, the back, buttocks, chest, stomach, affected by clouds. After the growth of the population of insects, busted areas of the head appear.

Antiallergenic drugs, ointments are completely useless. Itching, decreasing, occurs again after a short temporary gap.

Itchy acne, the coincidence of several signs should be the reason for visiting the Cabinet of a specialist. The doctor will be able to assign proper treatment, will advise further necessary actions to get rid of bedbugs.

In the morning, waking up from a sweet pleasant sleep, you can find a chain of red dots on the body with dried blood dots. These obvious symptoms of bedbugs are left after their bloody feast, overwhelming from place to place. In some cases, you can feel a strong itching, but most often scratching the bold place is the usual human reflex.

How bodle biting - bite is an affordable incident, but also there is no particular danger for a person, only if a huge blood-resistant family does not live in the room. Also, we should not forget that each organism is individual, therefore allergic reactions may occur, accompanied by:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • feeling a shortage of air;
  • vomit;
  • strong muscle spasms.

Especially seriously reacting to the bits of kids bugs. Rarely, the damage to the skin can lead to a difficult outcome - anaphylactic shock. Here you will need immediate treatment, and in no case by people not folk methods - only by qualified specialists can save their lives! Signs of anaphylaxia:

  • sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • labored breathing;
  • strong muscle spasms and vessels.

If the cause of such symptoms is the bitles bites (it is possible to figure out this in the chains of dried blood drops), you should contact immediately for medical help, and even better - to transport the patient to the medical institution.

  • The resulting strong itch will help alleviate a special ointment - Afloderm. It must be necessary at hand, going on a long journey.

  • If there is a danger of infection of tiny wounds, the Vietnamese will provide immediate and necessary assistance.

  • Menovazin is one of the most common means used in cases where the lesses are accompanied by an allergic reaction. If the ointment is directly after the morning waking up, it will be possible to forget about unpleasant consequences soon.

  • If the bitles bites do not go long, but even significantly increase in size, antihistamines should be taken. This is usually a diphroller, but the diazoline will perfectly cope with the problem.

If the symptoms do not disappear, and the defeat on the body of the body continues to grow, do not wait until the problem passes on their own - you need to immediately contact a qualified doctor, pass a thorough inspection and get the necessary assistance.

Immediate assistance in the absence of complications from bite covers can be provided independently by using simple means from home first aid kit.

The easiest way to remove itching or painful sensations is to be carefully rinsed by insects the place of cool water with any hygienic agent (soap, gel, foam). You can also prepare a concentrated solution of soda (on a glass of boiled cool water - 30 gr. Kitchen agent) and wipe with cotton disk, impregnated with liquid, redness on the body.

A quick way to relieve pain and strong unpleasant itching is to wipe the affected area on the body of the ice cube. If there is a suspicion that bugs settled in the room, and there are no time for immediate treatment of the apartment, it is possible to freeze the crushed and turned into a homogeneous pasta of fresh parsley. Frozen cubes will effectively remove the redness and discomfort.

The tincture of propolis on alcohol will help not only quickly remove redness on the body, but also will hold the disinfection in some cases. It is especially important if the bugs began to bite a small child, it is better to protect and process the wounds especially carefully.

Dedovsky methods include the following:

  • Garlic. Before use, soak for 1 hour in water room temperature, then cut into lengths in length and attach to the damage meter 60 to 80 minutes.
  • Garlic, radish and horseradish. Cut all products with cubes, then crushed in a blender and put the finished mass on the wound for 30 to 40 minutes.
  • Potatoes with aloe juice. Finely cut the components and grind in a blender. The finished substance is for 60 to 90 minutes.

All procedures according to the above methods can be carried out up to 3 times a day.

Blind bites - Dangerous consequences

  1. Insect attacks occur at night or early in the morning, which adversely affects sleep mode. Permanent lack of sleep inevitably entails:
  • decrease in immunity;
  • loosening the nervous system;
  • violation of the heart and other organs.

Insecurity leads to a decrease in working capacity, motor activity, increasing nervous excitability.

  • Allergic rash caused by busting can lead to complications:
    • places of processes come true;
    • edema appearing as a result of allergen ingress in blood increases;
    • combing lead to the emergence of wounds, yasels.

    In advance to predict the response of the body on bite bugs. There were cases of anaphylactic shock in children.

    • in children. The less the age of the child, the stronger the traces of the buses will be visible;
    • people with a weakened immune system, as well as old men;
    • in allergys.

    Allergic responses of the body caused by the result of bugs are not held for a long time and may remain life.

    Tumors appearing after the processes are gradually increasing, when combing become mells and ulcers.

    Permanent headache accompanies the attacked. Painful sensations are explained by the presence of a strong stimulus in the blood, as well as regular lack of sleeping.

    Often, the bugs penetrate the room through the ventilation holes, rushing to the smelling smell of fresh human blood. It is important to remember that bedlop bites can carry a serious danger.

    You can protect the apartment from the invasion of insects with the help of plants allocating a strong fragrance, which does not like the bloodstrokes - wormwood or lavender. Once a month will have to change raw materials, but the room will be reliably protected from unpleasant guests.

    For the same purpose, it is possible to use a table vinegar or even naphthalene, but hardly the neighbors will be delighted with such prevention, so it is better to use the help of herbs.

    Blind bites, like other insects, is an unpleasant phenomenon that is accompanied by negative consequences. They are combed to blood, which contributes to the injury of infection and, as a result, the focus of inflammation appears at the site of the bite. When the bites are much, then the manifestation of an allergic reaction is possible, the person worries the unbearable itch, and the bite places are covered with blood crust.

    In this regard, a natural question arises, what to do if these bloodsowing insects started in the apartment. It is very important to determine that bites are not from mosquitoes, but from bugs. This article is designed to make a person to navigate the situation that does not promise anything good.

    There are 5 signs for which you can identify bite bite. Here they are:

    ALL Note:

    • Komarov is easy to identify on the characteristic "comlarn" pisch, and the bugs are selected to their victim almost silently.
    • Mosquitoes are able to terrorize the owners of the apartment every day, and bugs are rarely eating, so their bites appear with periodicity of 7-10 days.
    • After the bite of a cloud in the center of the wound, a small droplet of blood appears, and the bite of disassemble is itching, which you can't tell about the bites of mosquitoes. After the bite, the mosquito does not feel strong discomfort.
    • Mosquitoes are able to quickly move along the dwelling, easily looking for their sacrifice, which you can not tell about the clouds. They prefer to bite a person in one place. If suddenly the victim decides to change its position, then the bugs will look for it for a long time.

    Blind bites require immediate processing to remove the feeling of discomfort and protect the wound from the penetration of various pathogenic microorganisms into it. This can help both folk remedies and pharmacy drugs.

    How to act:

    • If the bug was bitten by a child, then it is necessary to take into account his age, before giving it a tablet from allergies.
    • If the bug bitten a pregnant woman, then it is necessary to take into account the fact that antiforms are contraindicated in such a position. It is possible that they will have to do folk remedies, such as aloe juice, plantain juice, hunter and chamomile decractions.
    • Special attention should be paid to children and future mothers, so the best option is to see a doctor to a dermatologist who can take the right decision and prescribe the right drugs.

    Wound processing steps:

    • After the bite, the wound need to be immediately treated with soap or soda solution, propolis or alcohol. As an option is the processing of wound with alcohol-containing liquids, such as cologne, perfume, vodka or moonshine.
    • The segment of the bite should be applied a segment of gauze moistened in cold water.
    • In case of severe discomfort, take an antihistamine drug.
    • After that, the bite place is processed by ointment or gel, which are designed to combat insect bites.
    • In case of serious consequences, when there is no worsening of well-being, it is better to seek help to the doctor a dermatologist.

    When the bugs attack their sacrifice, after their bite on the body of a person there are several wounds, the number of which can reach 10 pieces, and even more. Naturally, discomfort in this case is very tangible and immediate intervention is required. Mazi and gels will help to save a person from negative consequences. Plus, the use of sorbents and antihistamine drugs will help to get rid of serious complications, such as allergies and poisoning of the body toxic substances.

    Effective means include:

    • The drug "Phenistyl-gel" will quickly help remove burning and itching.
    • Balm "Rescuer" will help to quickly heal the wreck and remove swelling.
    • Menovazin will be able to relieve the risk of allergic reactions with multiple bite.
    • Balm "Asterisk" will also help cope with the negative consequences of bite bite.

    The bits of the bedops do not take place without a trace, so doctors always prescribe antihistamines and sorbents that help to remove toxins from the human body capable of leading allergic reactions.


    • Suprastin.
    • Fexophenadin.
    • Claritin.
    • Tefast.
    • Zoda
    • Cetirizin.
    • Suprastinex.
    • Zetrin.
    • Diazoline.
    • Erius.
    • Loratadine.
    • Ebastin.

    All on the note! Allergy pills should be each, since it is possible to suffer not only from bite bits, but also from the bites of other insects, such as bees or wasps. Although the ants also do not differ in large size, but their bites bring no less discomfort. Especially hurts bite red ants. The home first-aid kit must be tablets from the last generation allergies that do not cause drowsiness.

    As sorbents are accepted:

    • Activated carbon.
    • Polysorb.
    • Enterosgel.
    • Polyphenol.
    • White coal.
    • Smacks.

    Part of the sorbents has a broader spectrum of action, withdrawing toxins from the body, as well as a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the intestine and the stomach.

    Folk remedies

    When there is no pharmacy tool at hand, then you can do the folk remedies that suggest the use of natural natural components. To relieve irritation and itching, as well as to disinfect the wound, it is permissible to use:

    • Plantain, processing his juice.
    • Tincture of propolis.
    • Decoration of the Hypericum or chamomile.
    • Apple vinegar.
    • Aqueous solution of soda.
    • Aqueous soap solution.
    • Aloe juice or flesh.