Put asphalt coating. Asphalt base

Multiple operational properties have asphalt and asphalt concrete. What the difference can be understood on the basis of a detailed analysis of indicators and characteristics. Asphalt concrete is a modified composition. It contains components for additional strength and reliability. Materials have many similar features. The same is also the scope of their use.

Features and main characteristics of asphalt

To answer the question than the asphalt differs from the asphalt concrete, it is necessary separately to deal with each of these materials.

People associate asphalt with a car dear or sidewalk. The material can be artificial or natural. The parameter is determined depending on the content of the bitumen which is in the range from 13 to 75%.

Asphalt is a mixture of bitumen, gravel and sand, which is used in construction. Most often. Mineral powder is added to the artificial option.

The main difference between the asphalt from the asphalt concrete is that the artificial components are taken in the last option.

The scope of use of asphalt:

  • The main coating of roads with medium load.
  • Improvement of sidewalks and playgrounds.
  • Alignment of the area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

Asphalt can be applied and not intended. For example, made from it, printing engravings and varnishes.

Advantages of using asphalt:

If there is a choice of asphalt concrete or asphalt, then you need to choose after a thorough analysis of the requirements for the future surface. For example, the first version of the material is waterproof and more durable. It received such properties due to the addition of modified thermoelastoplasts. The stability material is several times higher than the bitumen.

Disadvantages of using conventional asphalt:

  • The composition will last long only in the case of properly kneading.
  • For laying requires special heavy equipment.
  • High cost of delivery, loading and unloading of material.
  • No resistance to plastic oscillation. This characteristic is fixed with technical errors or the absence of experience in this area of \u200b\u200bbuilders.
  • Increased risk of cracking in the surface during the cold season.
  • The fragility of the material increases with increasing air temperature.

Features and main characteristics of asphalt concrete

The material has a wide scope of application. It is focused not only to create road coatings. The asphalt concrete is obtained by thorough mixing of bitumen and chemical components.

Inert substances are added to strengthen the mixture. They allow the surface not to deform even in case of severe load. Asphalt concrete is characterized by hardness and durability. To enhance these properties, crushed stone, gravel and sand is used.

If we consider asphalt concrete, then its main difference from asphalt is the possibility of careful seal. The characteristic is achieved through artificial additives. The material is already fully sealed before the start of work. The difference between the materials also lies in the method of laying and the necessary equipment. Without their presence, it is impossible to start road works.

There are cold mixtures. They gain strength when coolcing the surface. Hardening is obtained by eliminating their carbohydrate composition. It enters immediate connection with air and begins to evaporate. Chemical reaction occurs between additives and bitumen. Due to this, it is possible to get a durable coating. It has the following advantages:

Asphalt concrete is also characterized by a number of shortcomings:

  • In the cold version of the mixture increased water resistance. When using a hot version, the indicator is reduced three times.
  • The coating suffers from shear loads. Waves are formed from exposure.
  • High cost in comparison with conventional asphalt.

Selection of use

Asphalt concrete and asphalt, the differences of which lies in the operational properties, are selected under the conditions. For example, the second option is advisable to use on the surface with an average load. Such a coating is suitable for pedestrian walkways and sidewalks. The weight of the human body creates a small load. Asphalt is also applied on roads with minimal traffic. They should not regularly ride freight or heavy mechanisms.

Asphalt concrete is specially created for large tracks and highways. Thanks to him, it is possible to associate remote cities of Russia. The surface does not suffer even from regular movement on it of cargo transport. Potholes and pits appear only in the case of an accident, and not from wear. Coating repair is made at any time of the year. The cold mixture quickly frozen and serves a long time.

In large cities, the roads are also made from asphalt concrete. They do not require regular maintenance and retain external characteristics. This issue is difficult to compare with asphalt. He may suffer even from a minor impact. It will take expensive repairs. It is carried out only in warm, not rainy weather.

Asphalt and asphalt concrete are used to create space by which people and cars will move. The second version of the mixture has better durability and service life. However, asphalt concrete is more expensive. It should be chosen for the surface if there is a significant load during operation.

Asphalt is enough for pedestrian and cycling paths. He will last long on a little street. No washed overpay if the movement is minimal. The coating is difficult to repair in the cold season. It is advisable to perform work only in the summer.

Asphalt concrete is a modern reliable material that is applied to the improvement of urban and private territories. The asphalt is used for sidewalks, styling access roads, roadbeds, playgrounds, etc. Coatings made of asphalt concrete are characterized by high quality, fortress and durability.

When laying sidewalks from asphalt concrete, the choice of material, the design of the work and the technology of the sidewalk construction is made. As a result, when complying with all rules and requirements, it will be convenient and safe coverage that will continue for many years.

Below, we will consider in detail the typical designs of sidewalks from asphalt concrete, we learn their advantages and disadvantages, as well as we will analyze the technology of laying sidewalks with their own hands.

Features of the asphalt coverage of sidewalks

Specialists allocate two types of sidewalks - monolithic and prefabricated. Prefabricated structures imply the laying of sidewalks from concrete or stone plates and pavers, monolithic is the laying of a solid canvase from asphalt, cement or concrete.

For the design of the sidewalk from asphalt concrete, three types of asphalt are used:

  • Sandy;
  • Cast;
  • Fine-grained.

The cast asphalt concrete is stacked using special equipment in the hot condition and resurrected by vibration rollers. The sandy mixture of asphalt concrete is most often used for repair work - elimination of holes, cracks, fill the additional top coating layer.

For sidewalks, one layer of asphalt with a thickness of 3 cm is stacked.

The composition of the asphalt concrete mixture according to GOST 9128-2009 includes:

  • Bitumen;
  • Gravel and crushed stone;
  • Sand;
  • Plasticizers.

In the building materials market, you can find several types of asphalt, depending on the type of work, different compositions are used. For example, asphalt with a storage grade from M1200 is used to lay the road leaf, and the asphalt concrete for sidewalks M1000 is used.

Certain requirements are presented to the paving coverage:

  • High wear resistance and abrasion;
  • Stiffness and strength;
  • Coupling with shoes in order to avoid slipping;
  • Resistance to moisture;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Aesthetic appearance.

The process of asphalting of paving tracks

The technology of laying asphalt paving and pedestrian tracks is no different from the asphalting of the roadway. Specialists use two types of asphalt concrete:

  • Hot asphalt - used to lay a new web.
  • Cold asphalt - most often used for repair work.

Working with cold asphalt concrete can be carried out in any weather and any time of the year. Cold asphalt can be purchased in the store and perform meal repairs yourself.

Asphalting work is carried out in several stages. For the best result, it is necessary to strictly observe the correct sequence of actions.

  • Marking of the site;
  • Preparation of the foundation;
  • Installation of borders;
  • Creating a sandwicted pillow;
  • Emulsion processing;
  • Laying asphalt.

Preparatory stage

Before starting construction work on laying asphalt concrete, the sizes of the sidewalk, its borders and the place where it will take place are determined. It is important that large trees do not grow at the place of future work, since their roots in the future can damage the coating.

The selected place is thoroughly cleaned, shrub and trees (if any) are uprooted, the whole garbage is cleaned. Then the boundaries of the track are placed.

Preparation of the foundation

Within the specified sidewalk borders, you must dug "Bath". For this, the top layer of the soil with a thickness of approximately 30 cm with a thickness of 30 cm is removed, and it is thoroughly tamped.

The next step will be the installation of lateral borders. Borders have two main destinations - to aesthetically arrange the boundaries of the sidewalk and keep the asphalt solution from the spreading during styling work.

The process of installing borders:

  • On both sides of the track to dig parallel trenches;
  • Stretch the control thread, on which elements of the curb will be laid;
  • To lay bricks or other selected materials on the cement solution.

Preparation of sandwicted pillow

After laying, borders begins work on the formation of a rubble pillow.

  • A layer of sand is falling asleep on the prepared base, its thickness should be 15 cm. The sand is rareled (evenness can be checked by a construction level) and thoroughly tamper;
  • On the sand layer, the crushed stone layer of a large fraction is poured and a good tamper;
  • On the resulting base is laid waterproofing;
  • On top of the waterproofing layer, the crushed stone of the shallow fraction or gravel, recalls;
  • The layers are poured with water and tamper, water will provide a dense fit of the layers to each other.

It is necessary to build drainage holes in advance so that rainwater does not accumulate on the sidewalk.

Sidewalk Styling Technology asphalt concrete

Asphalt work work is better to entrust the experts, since they have a special technique in their presence, but if desired, the installation can be performed independently.

For the device of sidewalks from asphalt concrete, the following tools will be needed:

  • shovel for scattering the mixture in the site;
  • mops-engine for moving the surface;
  • manual skating rink for tamping asphalt;
  • sealing for lubrication tools.

Materials require only a ready-made asphalt concrete solution and a special emulsion for impregnation. Three main types of impregnating compositions for asphalt are distinguished:

  • The bitumen emulsion is the most common and affordable, but not distinguished by high quality indicators, so the coating requires regular update.
  • Coal resin - its main advantage of resistance to petroleum products and durability;
  • The acrylic polymer impregnation is the most expensive option, but the highest quality of all. This species is used on extensions with large loads, such as tennis courts and stadiums.

For the finished base with the help of the shovel, the mass of the asphalt concrete is folded with a thickness of 3 - 5 cm. Then the mops are thoroughly smoothed over the entire area and the manual roller is torn - the roller movement should be only in a straight line.

In order for the working tools and the roller, the mixture of asphalt adhesions. They must be smeared in advance with diesel.

The finished surface is impregnated with asphalt emulsion or special paint intended for asphalt.

Impregnation can be of different colors.

Advantages and disadvantages of asphalt

The asphalt coating gained great popularity due to the large list of positive qualities, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • Affordable price - all materials can be purchased in the store and independently make a solution;
  • The speed of laying and drying the coating - work is carried out in a short time, the complete drying of the asphalt occurs after a couple of days;
  • The simplicity of repair work is enough to remove the deformed part and put cold asphalt on its place and carefully tamper;
  • Appearance - coating is smooth and smooth, it is possible to choose the desired color or shade;
  • Strength and resistance to deformation;
  • Water resistance.

The main disadvantage of coating from asphalt concrete for sidewalks is an unpleasant odor from bitumen evaporation, which may appear in the heat.

We are all accustomed to so asphalt roads and sites that their absence is surprising and discontent. Coatings of this type are present almost everywhere. Asphalt roll not only roads, but also sidewalks, sports grounds. Such surfaces are able to withstand significant mechanical loads. It should be noted that this artificial material becomes particularly popular in the period from spring to autumn.

What types of exist

Now apply covers only two types:

  • Asphalt.
  • Degteva.

As for the laying temperature, the asphalt formulations are divided into two types:

  1. Hot type coatings. They are placed at temperatures above 140 degrees. This requires a special technique. Hot asphalt coating is characterized by high strength, so it is used for laying roads, urban streets and squares.
  2. Cold asphalt. This type of mixture is also called warm, and prepare it using bitumens, which reduced viscosity. Cold material is placed at a temperature of from 80 to 120 degrees. Asphalt coatings of this kind are most often used in the courtyards, in playgrounds, sidewalks and other places that are not exposed to large loads.


All asphalt mixtures are divided into three classes in the size of the grains of mineral components.

The first class is large grains. The biggest of them can reach four centimeters. The material of this caliber is suitable for laying the tracks. It is able to withstand a large number of trucks.

The second class is medium grains. Their largest size can be 25 millimeters. Such material is used to enjoy pedestrian streets and squares.

The third class is small grains. The mixture particles in this case do not exceed the size of fifteen centimeters. The small fraction allows you to achieve dense grain fit to each other. Therefore, in the process of the rambling, the surface is perfectly smooth. The coating of this class is suitable for refurbishing yards and sports sites.

About improvement

Any coverage has its advantages and disadvantages. Asphalt is no exception. Its dignity can be considered the possibility of using specialized equipment in the process of laying. Note that the construction concrete, for example, is placed only manually, which is incredibly hard.

The main disadvantage of this artificial material is considered its strong smell. And all because in the composition of the mixture there is a bitumen, which under the influence of high temperatures begins to smell strongly. It delivers certain discomfort.

If we talk about asphalting, then this process is quite complicated. It requires a clear overall technology. Note that for each individual stage of laying there are its norms. If all the rules are respected, then the finished coating will last for many years. It should also be added that in the process of laying, a variety of equipment and equipment is used. Therefore, it is not enough to simply attract experienced specialists and study in detail the technology. You need to have a license confirming that the company has the right to provide relevant services.

In addition, the Contractor should know how to correctly calculate the thickness of the future cover, how to mark the markup, make all the necessary work. He is also obliged to guarantee quality. This is very important, because each of us knows how domestic companies like to save on this process. As a result, the road surface is scattered in just one season.

Laying road surface

So, laying asphalt is a multistage technological process. It is not easy to perform it, especially in the cold season. It is important to show extreme accuracy and scrupulsiness. If the standards are violated, the consumption of materials will increase significantly, and the coating will come faster into unsuitability.

But for a start, let's figure it out of what an asphalt coating is. And the following components include its composition:

  • Crushed stone.
  • Sand.
  • Bitumen and bitumen emulsion.
  • Mineral powder or stone flour.

Each of these components is taken in strictly defined proportions. In no case cannot be replaced with pure crushed stone and sand with stone products.

The workforce begins with the fact that the terrain is carefully placed. The asphalt should be on the same level with the Earth. That is why the soil itself is prepared at first. Its loose part is removed using a bulldozer. It turns out a bath for laying material. It is falling asleep with sand, which is sealing with a vibratory roller and cover with a special material. It is called geotextile. Its function is to prevent the rubble falling into the sandy layer. Due to this, the level of strength increases.

The asphalt itself is placed either on the rigid base of concrete, or on a rubble pillow. For its preparation, crushed stone three types. Initially, the largest look is falling asleep, and then medium and small. As it is added, each of the layers also tamps with a rink. When the pillow is ready, it is necessary to pour an emulsion from bitumen.

The final stage is the laying of asphalt, which is thoroughly mixed with small sand and flour from stone. This mixture is heated to the desired temperature and laid by layers. Each of them should be about seven centimeters thick. In the process of laying use asphalt paver. This serious technique is equipped with a multitude of sensors and its own computer. Upon completion of the process, the finished coating is again poured by a bitumen emulsion.

Note that the technology can change. It all depends on what type of material will be used in the process. For example, hot asphalt laid at all as cold. The update of the existing coating is also performed by other technology. In this case, there is no need to make a new base. You need to either just remove the old coating, or provide the high-quality clutch of the old and new layers. Note that it is impossible to lay asphalt in rainy weather. This will lead to too rapid cooled of the composition, which will prevent it in appropriately.

If the laying of asphalt will occur in winter, it is necessary to use a warm asphalt concrete. Its main difference is the content of special additives. It is due to them that laying asphalt in winter becomes possible.

As for the installation of cold asphalt, it is usually used in patching. The fact is that the cold coating reaches the necessary strength due to compression. In other words, the finished mixture is simply placed on the desired site and trambet with heavy machinery. At the end of the repair work, the traffic movement is completely restored, which also helps to increase the strength of the mixture. Cold asphalt is good because it is possible under all weather conditions. Moreover, such a technology allows you to minimize the amount of waste. The material that will remain can be used in the future.

On defects of asphalt coating and ways to eliminate them

Now let's look at what defects can appear on asphalt coating, we will understand the reasons for their appearance and in how to eliminate them.

  1. Short waves repeated every half meter. In this case, most likely the composition is unevenly fed to the screw feeders of the stacker. As a result, the pressure of the smoothing plate on the surface is constantly changing. To eliminate the flaw, you need to carefully examine the batteries of the asphalt paver and the smoothing slab itself. It is also necessary to pay attention to the temperature of the composition and its stability.
  2. Waves of long type. Such a marriage arises due to the oscillations of the composition and its temperature. Also, the reason may wage in sharp changes in the movement of the rink. In addition, this flaw may be a reflection of the irregularities of the country itself. Defect is eliminated by monitoring the operation of laying mechanisms and the quality of the working composition.
  3. Rales in the middle of the stacked layer, in its edges and over the entire surface. It is most likely to blame, most likely, the asphalt paver itself, or rather the slab smoothing. Also deformation of the coating can occur due to the low temperature of the working composition and the presence of foreign components in it. It is possible to eliminate breaks by strict control of the operation of laying equipment. Single breaks are latched only by falling asleep hot mixes directly in front of the road roller.
  4. Uneven surface texture. This defect appears due to the fact that the composition is separated, its temperature decreases or it is simply incorrectly fed to the stacker. To eliminate the flaw, you need to determine the reason for its appearance and control the work of the asphalt paver.
  5. Cracking. This defect can manifest itself at the very beginning of the directional process. The problem may be covered in excessive plasticity of the composition or its high temperature. Less often the surface is cracking due to a large temperature difference between the mixture and the base. In this case, the asphalt composition is checked and adjusted, the sealing mode is corrected. Can help also replace links of road rollers.
  6. Bituminous spots on the surface. This flaw occurs at the very beginning of operation. It can make a coating more slippery, especially if it rains. The reason for such a defect is too much bitumen in the composition of the mixture, its bundle, the presence of water in it. It is possible that the basis contains too much bitumen. It is possible to eliminate this disadvantage by controlling the level of moisture and bitumen in the mixture, changes in its composition. In extreme cases, fat stains can be sprinkled with small sand.
  7. Low quality seams in contact strips. Such a trouble may occur if not to follow the rules of laying. Naturally, it is eliminated by strict adherence to the technology of laying asphalt coating. Also, experts are recommended to warm up cold spikes with gas burners, and then drip them with a rink.
  8. Unequal thickness of the layers. Marriage of this type arises either due to the fact that the smoothing plate is not adjusted, or due to the fact that the stitch itself was driving too quickly. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the operation of the asphalt pavement machine.
  9. Longitudinal cracks. The flaw of this kind arises due to the fact that the bottom layer is badly tumped. When the roller moves, this layer is shifted. As a result, cracks appear. It is possible to eliminate the defect only partially, and that while the mixture has not yet cooled.

Video. How do asphalt do?

When the construction of a personal house is completed, the stage of design of the household plot comes. The design of flower beds, the sidewalk, the landing of different plants is only a small list of the necessary operations to be done to make a person. Many homeowners have a personal vehicle. That is why the presence of a high-quality driveway to housing is simply necessary. Few people decide to perform asphalt concrete coating on their own. However, in this article we will consider all the subtleties and nuances of this process.


The asphalt is made from a special mixture. This solution is used everywhere. With it, there are tracks, squares, streets and even garden tracks. However, there are certain norms of asphalt coating. All this is spelled out in special GOSTs. There is also indicated. More than a century, this meal composition remains without any changes:

  • Most importantly, the mandatory presence of bitumen material as a binder component.
  • Be sure to have, in a certain dosage, career sand, as well as mineral additives.
  • The last necessary component is a synthetic additive.

When only the use of asphalt concrete coating was launched, the bituminous material used was natural origin. However, due to its limited amount in nature, there was a need for a synthetic analogue. This analogue is made from oil waste. It is used now.

Sand uses mined in quarries, but they use crushed stone, slags and crushed rocks as mineral supplements. Additives are used to increase individual coating characteristics, such as frost resistance, viscosity indicator and much more.

What are the compositions?

The market of manufactured material for coatings is incredibly extensive. Types depend on the dosage of internal components, such as additives. Professionals divide asphalt on such types:

  • For registration of paving coating, the roots in the garden or the courtyard. Based on sand mixtures.
  • Fine grinding solutions laid urban streets with non-intensive transport traffic, as well as permanent repairs.
  • The asphalt of large grinding is used to create a preservation. It is performed in the case of using a multi-layer processing method.
  • The coating made using bitumen and polymers is used in the device of roads at bridges or large road junctions. Their distinctive feature is considered higher durability and fortress.
  • Concrete, which contains crushed stone and building mastic, recognized as the most durable. Therefore, it is used to create an asphalt concrete coating on high-speed tracks.
  • The treatment of coatings of the sports direction is performed using concrete with bitumen rubber components.

Rules of laying coatings

The device of the asphalt concrete coating is quite a serious business and does not matter who will perform it. The technology of functioning in the arrangement of asphalt is registered in a special SNIVIP, as well as GUT. Understand everything that it is written sometimes it is difficult to even professionals, but at this point we will try to understand everything thoroughly.

Preparatory work

The design of the asphalt concrete coating.

It doesn't matter what you will do, you need to start with the placement of the territory. It is necessary to accurately determine what kind of place there will be a track. Previously, you should also perform drainage and drain systems. Underground structures at the time of the coating of the tracks must be installed.

During the preparatory operations, it will be important to decide on the asphalt concrete coverage, it will rather say about the materials of this coverage. If motorworkers will be used by pedestrian asphalt concrete coatings, then motorists will be advisable to make a special gravel-rubble layer of about 15 centimeters wide. The width of the surface layer of the coating will then fluctuate from 5 to 6 centimeters. With asphalt concrete coatings on a gas station, about 30 centimeters make the width of the gravel layer. The top layer of asphalt lays around a couple of layers.

When the track is marked, they begin to dig a trench for it. Often, outdoor coating and sidewalks are performed at one height, because of this, the soil is cleaned with the entire width of the asphalt "cake". The technology of mounting high-speed trails is slightly different, but we will not disassemble it.

After the surface soil was removed, the trench must be carefully tumped. You can perform it with a rink. If provided, it is better to install them at this stage. Asphalt "Pie" will be in such a kind of formwork from borders. You can also perform special ditches for removing water.

Next, the technology provides asphalt concrete processes on the formation of a crumbling layer. For sidewalks, there is enough single ball, if a more powerful concrete is needed, then crushed stone is laid in several layers. The lower layer is a special drainage for groundwater. It is performed from a large rubble. Further reservoir will help to distribute the pressure on the asphalt surface.

The latest processing of the reservoir of the illegam is in the formation of the last rubble layer of the fine fraction. It will help make the entire pillow of durable and monolithic. Each of the layers are subject to a thorough traam. If the asphalt concrete coatings are subjected to serious pressure, then crushed stone with a roller at least 6 times. During this operation, it should additionally undergo water treatment with a crushed stone.

Making asphalt at home

The preparation of a mixture of concrete and asphalt is considered a complex process. However, there is a huge number of people ready to experiment. Such mixtures will not be applied to the tracks, however, for the design of the asphalt at home they are quite suitable.

Classic method

Additive makes cold asphalt more durable.

For the manufacture of asphalt concrete coating, sand, bitumen material (resin), as well as fine crushed stone are necessary. From the inventory you will need a large container and bucket. For cooking, the mixture of asphalt is better to use the fire, it is cheaper and safer.

We put in the container of sand-crumb additives in proportion 2 to 1 and thoroughly stir. Add water and place the container on fire. At the same time, we begin the preparation of the bitumen additive. Here you will need a metal bucket. Over the fire, it is necessary to melt a bitumen resin in the bucket. When the additions of the mixture in both booster boils, they can be mixed. After mixing, we return the container on the fire again and continue to boil until the water is completely discharged. Surface trim concrete is performed while the solution is hot.

For road coverage, various new technologies apply.

Styling technology Cold asphalt

Such technology is quite simple and suitable for areas of territories where there is no possibility to make a coating of hot asphalt. This is non-sidewalk, entrance to the house, playgrounds, and also used to repair the road surface.

The process of laying cold asphalt is the delivery to the place of asphalting the finished mixture packed in bags. Then the mixture is poured, roll up and tamper with vibratinglitis.

The main advantage of this laying technology is the possibility of asphalting at low air temperature -25 degrees

The lack of cold asphalt is the coating is not designed for greater load.

Technology "foamed" asphalt

This technology consists in secondary use of the coating, which is mixed with other components of the asphalt.

Under the influence of high temperature and injection of water, steam is formed and air bubbles are obtained.

These fine bubbles contribute to the improvement of mixing mixture. The asphalt base increases in volume and reduces its viscosity.

The advantage of this type of asphalting is its good grip with plated layers and wheels of vehicles

Another advantage is economy, such a coating is cheaper than ordinary asphalt.

Technology of formation 2 layers at the same time

The coating technology consists of overlaying one layer to another. The monolithic structure is obtained due to the lack of gaps between the layers.

The advantages of this technology is the wear resistance and reducing time for work

With such laying of asphalt, expensive high-quality mixtures are used, but they are placed by subtle layers.

Technology "draining" asphalt

This characteristic of a good clutch with a lower asphalt coating, misses moisture into a porous structure from above.

The advantages of this type of laying is a safe movement of transport for such a coating during rainy weather.

Pants are not formed, but spread or absorbed. This type of coating for high-speed trails and in residential areas is used.

There is still a lot of new technologies for laying asphalt coating, which are already applied to the construction of roads or are still under development.