Wall insulation of foam blocks outside. We turn the ice hut in the Lubyana, or how to insulate the house of foam blocks insulate the ceiling in the house of foam blocks

In private construction, foam concrete and gas-silicate products are widely used. The buildings erected with their help are well kept warm and almost not freezed, but for this it is necessary to comply with technological standards.

If the masonry was carried out incorrectly and the thickness of the walls is insufficient, then additional insulation of the house of foam blocks will be needed to maintain a normal microclimate. Maximum thermal resistance is achieved by placing an insulator in the middle of a three-layer enclosing structure.

Advantages of outdoor insulation

The bubble material structure itself is a good thermal insulator, but sometimes it is not enough. If the need for thermal insulation still arose, for example, when the housing is built in an extreme climatic region, the exterior warming will be the best solution (from the inside the foam blocks are usually not isolated).

His advantages for the property owner is:

  • high-quality sound insulation;
  • reduced heating costs;
  • preserving the overall integrity of the building and its protection against temperature drops (constant freezing and thawing can lead to the destruction of the blocks in just one weather season);
  • conclusion of the dew point beyond the building, allowing to increase dryness of the walls (in the usual condition, condensate accumulates in the depth of the foam block, creating an ideal wednesday to grow mold);
  • preservation of the useful area from the inside of the house;
  • protection of enclosing structures from the frozen and the appearance of cracks.

Selection of thermal insulator

Foam concrete facilities are often insulated with mineral wool, foam and expanded polystyrene. These fillers are distinguished by low cost, simplicity of installation and a variety of configurations.

When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account the vulnerability of foam blocks to high humidity and correctly calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe insulated space. In the case of vapor-permeable and cellulose), the installation of an additional layer of waterproofing will be required.

For water-repellent substances (foam and expanded polystyrene), the device is required to remove possible condensate from the walls of the walls.

The main advantages of mineral wool are its fire resistance, heat loss resistance and environmental safety. It is widely used for insulation from within the building and for external insulation.

Separate particles of Minvati repel water, but all the canvas absorbs well, and therefore, when installing such material, it is necessary to drain the waterproof film. In addition, incorrect laying of the insulation can lead to its shrinkage and the need to re-conduct finishing works.

The low heat transfer coefficient in the foam and its derivatives makes it one of the best insulation for private construction. Insulators of this type do not miss steam, do not absorb water and do not lose shape with time.

The disadvantage of this substance is its vulnerability to ultraviolet radiation when used outside the building. Unprotected walls are destroyed under the influence of sunlight, and therefore, the better the foam will be plastered, the longer the building is like.

When using foam from the inside of the construction, it is necessary to consider the issue of fire safety, because when melting, the material may be distinguished by poisonous substances.

This type of foam is particularly effective as a heater for foam block buildings. In the process of producing the granules of raw materials, they do not bother among themselves, and they are melted into one mass, which significantly increases the strength of the material and its protective properties.

The negative factor will be the high price of such thermal insulators. The cost of polystyrene foam starts from a thousand rubles per square meter.

All measures on the thermal protection of enclosing structures are carried out in accordance with the technical standards. Studying documentation will help correctly calculate the thickness of the insulating layer, and also understand which material is best suited for this region.

To perform work, you will need:

  • pre-prepared foam plates;
  • construction glue for fastening;
  • plastic dowels;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • primer material;
  • plaster;
  • facade paints.


Before starting the laying, you need to clean the surface from dirt and garbage. The remnants of the dried solution are knocked off from the walls, and all cracks and irregularities are thoroughly ground. The primer procedure is important for the arrangement and does not give glue to seep into the thickness of the blocks.

Exterior on the walls are fixed by starting metal profiles. In the future, the first layer of the insulator will be installed on them.

For the effective adhesion of the material with the treated surface, the adhesive solution will be needed. Its mixing is carried out in a separate container using a special drill nozzle.


Polyfoam, intended for insulation of walls, is sold in the form of finished plates. The coincidence of the joints worsens the tightness of the design, and therefore the laying is carried out in a checker order from the bottom up. To avoid drying the solution and overpowering the material, at one point in time, the whole wall is covered with glue, but a separate area. It is necessary to attach a sheet of thermal insulation and fix it.

Additional mounting is carried out using dowels embedded along the edges and in the center of each plate. The fragility of foam cells makes it impossible to use metal screws, and therefore insulation is carried out using plastic fastening elements.

Excessive load, which the insulation is experiencing, often leads to damage. Timely installation of steel grid will strengthen the design of the walls and will not give the material to expand beyond its limits.

Proper reinforcement involves the lubrication of foam glue, fixing a fine grid on it, resistant to chemical exposure, and applying an additional layer of adhesive solution. In order to avoid cracks, the laying of the mesh at the joints is carried out.


After the completion of the installation work, the surface outside the building must be brought to aesthetic and finished look. To do this, it is plastered and applying the facade paint. Different types of decorative plaster increase the moisture resistance of the surface, keeping the house from mold and fungal lesion.

Do I need foam blocks? The answer to this question depends on the thickness of the walls of the building and the climatic zone. If such a need is, it is enough to insulate the facades with one of the common insulation, for example, foam, and in the house will become more comfortable, and the design itself will be further protected from negative external influences.

The outdoor insulation of the house of foam blocks is an important component of the whole structure. After all, it is thermal insulation room and, accordingly, the price for heating. Today we will look at how to warm the house from foam blocks outside.

Today there are a lot of materials on the retail sales market, with improper performance of work, the money spent will not give the desired result. On the video in this article you can see how this work is done, and choose the desired material.

Warming house of foam blocks

The insulation of houses from foam blocks begins with the right choice of the desired material. After that, calculations are made and purchase. Let's deal with the order than to insulate the house of foam blocks outside and how to do it right.


So, the better to insulate the house of foam blocks outside, it is not difficult to answer this question. The material must carry the temperature differences and increased humidity.

Attention: you need to combine the insulation and its thickness for each wall separately. For example, the wall on the south side gets more heat. So layer can be done less than the rest. To protect the house from various rodents, the lower belt of the facade is insulated with extruded polystyrene foam. Building angles are insulated with a thicker layer material.

Warming outside the house of foam blocks is most often made by the following materials:

Mineral wool
  1. This is an inorganic material that consists of a large amount of fibers intertwined with each other.
  2. It is made by melting a mountain or sedimentary rock, as well as metallurgical slags.
  3. For insulation, several types of minvats are used: glass (glass fibers) and stone (rock).
  4. Wool slabs are used for various methods of insulation. "Wet" - consists of 3 layers. This is thermal insulation, reinforcing layer and "fur coat". "Hinged ventilated facade" - facing, ventilation layer, insulation, frame.
  5. Advantages: Heat resistance, high thermal insulation, resistance to damage, resistance to moisture absorption, excellent sound insulation (noise reduction up to 20%). The period of use reaches 30-40 years.
Styrofoam This is the most common material that the walls of buildings are insulated.
  • Production began in the 1930s. To date, it takes a leading place among all insulation. It has very good thermal insulation. It is due to the manufacturing technology consisting of foaming polystyrene with special equipment. As a result, small air bubbles appear.
  • Light weight and resistance to penetration of moisture. It is ensured by the fact that the foam contains 98% of air from the total mass.
  • Another advantage is the low cost of manufacture and a small price of warming. When finfoplast, heat loss decrease by almost 70%.
  • Thanks to modern technologies, it has a greater refractory (not lit and resists fire well). However, the polyfoam is very easily "surrendered" to small rodents. If they are present in the territory or indoors, then from the use of this type of material will have to be abandoned.

ATTENTION: how to insulate a house of foam blocks, here you need to look at the structure itself. After all, the foam attracts rodents and they live in it perfectly. Therefore, for residential premises it will be not the best option.

Preparation of walls

Now consider how to insulate outside the house from foam blocks, and here it will already be necessary to perform the correct installation technology. Everything can be done with your own hands, and therefore the price will limit itself to the value of the materials.

High-quality and long exploitation of the insulation is due to the proper preparation of the foundation and base for subsequent work.


  • First of all, all the elements that protrude be dismantled for the plane of the walls. These are grilles for ventilation, gutter, exterior segments of fans and air conditioners, lighting devices. If communications and engineering networks fall on the surface where work will be carried out, they must be removed. Decorative parts of windows and eaves are subject to dismantling. It is very essential for old houses.
  • Walls under the layer of plaster need to be examined for sustainability. Retreats from verticality and irregularities can be detected using aluminum rules, plumbing and cords. If there are problems, they are marked with chalk so as not to miss.
  • When a large dispersion is observed in the building in the level of planes or there are durable and thin parts of the wall, they urgently need to be corrected or deleted. Only then proceed to the work on the insulation of the facade.
  • Pieces with oil paint are carefully processed, because it gives a bad clutch with the surface and lowers the ability to skip steam. Mushroom, rust and mold remove from the walls. Cracks are ground with wide brushes with special compositions having a high degree of permeability, and put off until complete drying. Thighters of up to 2 millimeters can be not embedded, but large ones are aligned with slices of insulation.
  • After fulfilling all activities, preparatory work is terminated. Now they begin to insulate the polystyrene foam.

Fastening the base profile

The insulation of the house foam block is done at one level. We must not disrupt geometry. Before going to work, you need to find the starting line.


  • For this, according to the project, there is an extreme point below the surface for insulation. The label is then moving to all the angles of the hydroretum building (the principle is based on the theory of communicating vessels). The marks are connected to each other. The line was found.
  • Dowels strictly on the markup attached the base profile. It is necessary to give emphasis and prevent the movement of the extreme row of insulation (raw glue has greater mobility).
  • Depending on the width of the insulation, the starting plank is selected. It is fixed by clogged nails with the pucks of the gap of about 300-350 millimeters.
  • Starting plank can be connected in various ways. A method for connecting edges with diagonal sections is used or using an angular connector (for the interface). To compensate for extensions under the influence of temperature between profiles, plastic elements are installed.

Installation of outdoor windowsides

The house of foam blocks to insulate the outside, taking into account all the openings. Engineering these sites is recommended before fixing the insulation on the facade.

Planks for protection against water are installed to the window:

  • The windowsill is made for the level of the wall for no more than 30-40 millimeters. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the insulation on the wall. When the installation on the starting profile takes place, the cavity is formed under the windowsill in which water will accumulate. Slices of insulation will help to get rid of it. They are stirred with glue and shook down.
  • After mounting the windows there are small places for subsequent insulation (about 20-30 millimeters). Here is the foam, the width of less than the standard material used. To leave a place for other layers, you need to subtract 1 centimeter from the thickness. For insulation of external slopes, the foam is not necessary to trim. It can stand for a level of 1 centimeter.

Glue solution

The glue is able to quickly stick and harden. To do this, with the insulation sticker, you need to prepare the exact amount of solution required for this period of time.

  • Bucket is taken and dry mixture falls asleep. Poured water in the desired proportion. The entire mixture is mixed with a drill on low revs before the formation of a homogeneous mass (no lumps). Time shutter speed (about 5 minutes), and mixing is repeated for another one minute.
  • When the glue mass began to stick, it should be mixed again. It is categorically not recommended for dilute of density use simple water. Depending on the thickness, it is possible to combine the methods of applying the solution. This compensates for the drops of planes.
  • On the sides of the insulation plate, the glue band is flashed (about 2 centimeters height). In the middle evenly put beacons. This will help if irregularities are large (more than 15 millimeters). Less - bands are applied both around the perimeter and in the middle. They are 3-4 centimeters width. The glue must occupy half the sheet or a little more (50-60%).

Sticker insulation

The slopes are already insulated, the windowsills in their places - the walls of the wall begins. The facade is insulated by a certain technology. Fixation first on glue, and then dowels.

Attention: I should immediately say that when attaching the insulation should not be deformed, otherwise it will lose its properties.

  • The process begins from the bottom where the installed bar is located. Used 2 spatula. The first is designed to apply glue to the second. The little sizes are about 8 centimeters, and large - at least 20.
  • It is necessary to apply adhesive mixture only on the wall, and not on the leaf area. Uneven wall configuration allows you to put a lot of more. This is necessary when there is irregularities. As soon as leveled, the solution is smeared on a straight and uneven. The fastening of sheets is t-shaped.
  • When laying sheets in their place you need to leave a small gap (2-3 cm). Then he is harvested by the rule or long halfrsome on the level of adjacent plates. Over the base and the inside there are excess glue. They should be removed. The level is checked by the vertical plates, and flatness - control threads.
  • Polyfoam presses one to one at a short distance (about 2 millimeters). Adhesive solution in no case should fall into the seams between the plates. If it still happened, then the distance is filled with separate small pieces or gate. The threshold between the joints must be no more than 3 millimeters.
  • The prerequisite is incomprehensible to the joints and slopes near the doors and windows into one perpendicular line. The combination must be or higher, or below. Distance not less than 20 centimeters. If the situation is obtained when the plates are glued to different materials (the brick goes into the tree), then it is necessary to leave the minimum clearance of 10 centimeters without docking.
  • The corners of the facades have another way of compound (toothed). This also applies to outdoor and internal. To prevent the formation of cracks, it is necessary that a long seam of the vertical direction does not turn out as a result of the plates. This can be avoided inclusing the extreme rows to the adjacent wall area. Be sure to be maintained a release to cross the surplus and corners. When the glue froze and the angle decided if the foam can be slightly cut or polished. Cresses with a large knife or saw with a coated or metal line. This will allow you to cut smoothly and gently. It is impossible to touch the already glued slab. There will be a violation of the connection of the material with the wall. If you need to fix, then the mixture is re-applied and glued in a new way.
  • Now you need to wait a certain period of time. Not less than 3 days. This will allow glue to high quality, and the material will take its normal position. If insulation is performed independently without professionals, as well as other assistance, it is recommended to do it with some sections. One part is made from the bottom from the ground, the second from above with the help of forests (scratches). In order not to carry them back and forth, glue the material first from the bottom level.
  • When the whole house is insulated at a time, the sheets of foam will be outdoors for at least a couple of weeks. The sun dries it, and the rain will add moisture. From such impacts, the quality of the material will significantly decrease. The processed areas must be in the width of minimum as the ability, and the height is in the growth of the worker.

Fingering insulation

Sitting the plate on the fresh solution is also not advised. It provokes adhesive masses to the leaf, which will inevitably lead to the separation of the edges.


  • For fastening the insulation, special dowels are used. They are called fungi. This is a plastic sleeve, on top there is a large diameter hat. It is driven by a metal or plastic nail. Metal is not recommended to choose because it is more expensive (leads to an increase in the price of repair) and has a good conductivity of cold air.
  • The density of the distribution of nails per square meter is 6-8 pieces. They are attached to the center and in the corners of the insulation leaf. If the size of the house is large and large plates are used, then additional fasteners are needed. This will make it possible to correspond to reliability and stability, as well as wind loads. Dowels are driven at the corners of the building and near the slopes at a distance of 20 centimeters from the border of the plate.
  • The holes of the required diameter and depth are drilled with a perforator. Before mounting the dowels, all dust is cleaned. The length should be slightly more (1-1.5 cm) than the rod. This will allow rapid garbage to not interfere with the installation of a dowel. The length of the fungus is calculated as follows: the thickness of the insulation sheet is taken, 10 millimeters are added to other layers and is summarized with the magnitude of penetration into the wall (about 40 millimeters).
  • The dowel is inserted into the resulting hole and fixed. A rubber hammer is taken, and if it is not, you can use your own fists.
  • The fixation of the dowel should be closed with insulation or a little higher than it (no more than 1 millimeter).

ATTENTION: There are cases when the hat appears and does not go further. This means that the cone is deformed or the hole is drilled enough deeply. It hurt the garbage. The plastic fungus is pulled out, the dirt and the hole is cleaned deeper. Dowel is inserted back and fixed in a place.

Reinforced layer

It is used to protect the insulation. To do this, use glue solution and fiberglass grid.

  • For the sizing angles, the openings use individual pieces of reinforcing grid. Dimensions: 200 × 300 mm. You can take and more. This will eliminate the occurrence of cracks from temperature drops, mechanical effects inside the corners.
  • So that all the corners of the building, decorative protrusions and the slopes are not crossed and are durable, they are enhanced by perforated corners. They are made of plastic or aluminum and comes with a grid. The solution is superimposed, the corner is tightly pressed and levels in all planes. Before installation, the perfoker is adjusted under the desired size.
  • If extra glue made, it must be pulled onto the wall. The corner has holes, thanks to which, with the help of nails, you can align and pull it on the stove. The time will wait for the original layer completely frozen. After the reinforcing grid is installed.
  • To strengthen the insulation, a special grid is used, which is designed for such works. It consists of fiberglass, which are impregnated with alkaline substances. Due to this, it can withstand the necessary loads. To protect the mesh from the effects, a special solution is applied. It differs from the glue mixture, which the insulation is attached to the facade.
  • Before you start setting the grid, the slabs must be prepared. They are polished by hand with graters or sandpaper with a large graininess for gross work. This will eliminate all the irregularities that could form at the junctions. After processing, all the resulting garbage (dust, dirt, abrasive particles) must be removed. The height of the walls is measured and on this size the grid is cut by strips. The glue is applied with stripes equal to the width of the complicated grid pieces.
  • The superimposition of the solution is best to do with a metal grater. The layer must be uniform and not fat. Approximately 2 mm. After applying, the grid is unwinding to the entire length and is applied to the plane. It is necessary to press it with a smooth spatula. After that, the edges are leveled. Traffic starts from the center. Excess glue smoothed over the surface.
  • While the solution does not hardened, an additional one is applied on the layer. After aligning it, the grid should not be visible. Now it is worth the wait until everything dry and hardens. Everything is finally polished by sandpaper, and small recesses are sweeping. After 3 days, the walls are dried and will be ready for the priming quartz. This will facilitate the process of subsequent decorative shockting.

The insulation of the house of foam blocks outside is a sufficiently responsible question. It is not necessary to hurry here, and you need to do everything carefully and thoroughly. Check out the photo and make a work plan, the instruction will not allow you to miss the items.

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State Architectural University. 11 years of experience in the field of design and construction.

Flooded house Never leave without finishing. This is due to the unpretentious appearance of the walls. Together with the facade facing, it is often thermally insulated, which should protect the structure from heat losses in the winter and maintain normal temperature and humidity conditions in the premises. It will be more correct to insulate the house of foam blocks, made outside.

Why better warming outside

It is possible to have thermal insulation on both sides, but if you have the ability to correctly select a solution for insulation outside. This is justified by the following facts:

  1. When the thermal insulation is located, the free space of the room decreases, the insulation of the walls outside does not affect the internal dimensions.
  2. The outer location of the thermal protection allows you to increase the service life of the supporting structures. They are reliably protected from freezing and external adverse effects. The placement of the material from the inside does not give such an effect, protection is ensured only for the room, the surface of the walls remains cold.
  3. The next fact follows from the previous one. If thermal insulation is performed from the inside, the outer wall remains cold. At the same time, the dew point (condensate falling, moisture from steam) falls inside the carrier structure and can lead to its destruction. When the thermal insulation material is located outside, the moisture is not formed inside the wall.

Perform the protection of walls from the inside makes sense only under special circumstances:

  • work is carried out at high altitude (this is practically not applicable to the house of foam concrete, since the strength characteristics of the material do not allow to build high walls);
  • the facade finish (without insulation) is completed, the performance of work is correct (outside) will require serious financial and temporary costs.

If it is decided to carry out the insulation of the walls from the inside, it is necessary to accurately carefully monitor the quality and safety of materials and the observance of technology (laying vaporizolation, waterproofing). It is better to give preference to more natural types of insulation, such as eco-plating or insulated plaster.

It is possible to perform thermal insulation of walls from the inside of Minvata. It is effective in terms of protection and will not block the passage of air through the enclosing structures.

Cold air insulation options

Protection of the walls of the foam block house in the general case for all cases of insulation is performed equally. Before starting work, you need to take two solutions:

  • selection of insulation;
  • selecting a finish method.

When the house is located in the areas fairly favorable from a climatic point of view, these two decisions can be combined by choosing "warm" plaster. The material simultaneously performs two functions. To increase the strength characteristics, the layer is laid along the reinforcing grid made of fiberglass. Work is carried out in the following order:

  • cleaning the surface of rigid dirt, dust and fat;
  • applying a bed of primer;
  • the first layer of plaster;
  • fixing the reinforcing grid;
  • next, you need to apply the required number of layers of plastering;
  • the finish layer can be paint on silicone base.

Selection of insulation

There are several options that belong to the most common:

  • mineral wool;
  • styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • equata;
  • polyurethan.

It is best to choose that material that does not block the movement of the air through the walls of the foam house.

Mineral wool becomes the most economical material that meets this requirement. Warming of Minvata is important to carry out the characteristics of the material.

It is necessarily necessary to perform the following events:

  • steamproofing from warm air (the cheapest option is a plastic film, but it will not allow the walls to "breathe", it is better to stay on more technological vapor insulation membranes);
  • waterproofing from cold air (again in this case it is worth choosing a waterproofing or parodiffusion meme branch);
  • the air-ventilated layer for removing moisture from the surface of the material is arranged between the thermal insulation and the trim and is taken with a thickness of at least 50 mm.

Selection of material sheaturing

At this stage, you need to choose the appearance of the house. For facing a house of foam blocks, the following materials will be suitable:

  • siding;
  • lining;
  • block house;
  • brick.

Siding is the most economical and widespread option. If there are sufficient funds worth considering the other options. The lining will allow finishing under the bar, and the block house under the log.

In general, the installation of thermal insulation and plating is performed in the following order:

Foam block sizing diagram Siding
  • surface cleaning;
  • fixing vaporizolation;
  • assembling frame of wooden bars (section depending on the thickness of the insulation) or metal profile;
  • installation of insulation with fastening it on a plate dowel;
  • fixing the waterproofing (if the frame is made of wood from the wood, it is possible to mount the construction stapler with a mandatory sickness of the joints of the scotch, it is relevant for vapor barrier);
  • installing the trim, the mounting method is selected depending on the material selected.

Another option of the exterior decoration of the house is the construction of the top of the brick. In this case, metal or plastic links between two parts of the wall must be provided. The thermal insulation is mounted before the construction of the brick wall and protects it from external influences.

Foam blocks are very often used for the construction of private houses, this is explained by their available cost, as well as high heat and sound insulation.

All work on the insulation of the house can be divided into those that are conducted outside and those that are performed inside the house.

It does not matter whether you decided to warm the walls of the house on your own or will you invite specialists for this, you must first decide where to do it, outside or inside?

Both ways have their advantages and disadvantages.And to understand which one to choose in your case, you need to get acquainted with them.

Advantages of insulation of walls inside:

  • the appearance of the house does not change;
  • such work can be carried out at any time, regardless of weather conditions;
  • will require small costs;
  • work is performed quickly.

But this method has a number of significant flaws that need to be considered when choosing it for insulation of the house:

  1. before performing work, you will have to completely free the room from furniture and other items;
  2. there is a reduction in the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room, which is very relevant in small rooms;
  3. there is a displacement of the dew point inside the wall, from which it becomes wet, and fungus and mold begins to form on the walls inside the room.

Conducting these works outside the house is also not the ideal option, as it has some drawbacks:

  • to fulfill such work, you will need to build forests, and these are additional costs not only finance, but also time;
  • the appearance of the facade is changing, and this is not always permissible;
  • performance depends on weather factors: in the rain, snow, with severe wind it is impossible;
  • with violation of the technology of work, after some time, such as it can disappear.

Among the advantages of the specified method of insulation, it is worth noting the following:

  1. there is no need to move and endure furniture;
  2. the free space of the room is not taken;
  3. the dew point moves to the outdoor part of the wall, so in the room there will always be dry and mold and mold on the walls are not formed.

If you want to insulate the walls of your house as much as possible, it is recommended to simultaneously hold both outside and indoors.

But if the facade you will be separated by facing stone or tile, you will have to make insulation from the inside.

What to insulate

Since the foam block has not very high strength, then for it, it is necessary to use lightweight materials.


The most commonly used insulation for the outer walls of the house:

  1. Mineral wool. This is an inexpensive material having high thermal insulation characteristics. It is permanent, so the moisture is not delayed inside the blocks, has a long service life, not a fuel. It is necessary to protect the material from moisture well, otherwise its characteristics are reduced, and it is necessary to work in the respirator.
  2. Polystyrene foam (foam). This material is not afraid of high humidity, it is frost-resistant, has an affordable cost. Note that under the action of sunlight there is a foam destruction, therefore it requires additional coating.


If you decide to conduct the specified works within the house, then first decide whether it is necessary to do this.

Foam concrete has high heat and soundproofing characteristics, and if you additionally warp it outside, then it is also not necessary to do it inside.

When solving, insulating only inside, you will receive the result in which the walls will freeze, steam condensation occurs, and therefore the fungus and mold starts indoors.

If you decide to warm the walls from foam blocks inside, it is simultaneously necessary to do outside the house.


Inside the room is best used as a heater to use fiberglass or basalt cotton wool, and so that it can be laid it, it is recommended to take not in rolls, but in the stoves.


This material acts not only as a heater, but maybe the finish coating.

Before using it, the walls must be highly aligned with the help, they must be clean and dry. The only drawback of the traffic jam is its high cost.


If you insulate them the walls of foam concrete, then about 95% of heat will remain indoors. Due to the presence of foil, warmly returns to the room.

The plates are placed tightly, and all the joints are sickling with scotch, after which you can start the installation of the finishing material.

Polyurene Foolder

This is a foam material, with which the quality is close to all gaps and emptiness, therefore the cold bridges are not formed.

Through this material for 20-30 seconds after applying and will serve at least 50 years.

The disadvantage of polyurethane foam is its low vapor permeability and the fact that additional equipment is required to apply.

Outdoor thermal insulation with your own hands

In case of insulation of walls from foam concrete, it is necessary to take into account that this is a rather fragile material, so experts recommend to mount the insulation not on ordinary self-tapping screws or dowels, but on glue or plastic screws so that cracks in the block are not formed.


For insulation, it is recommended to use slab materials, it can be mineral wool or penplex:

  1. first walls cleaned from dirt, stains and dustif required, then their leveling is carried out;
  2. surface covered in primerwhich will not give glue to absorb the wall and perform the role of waterproofing;
  3. to install plates, use special glue for outdoor work;
  4. at the bottom of the walls fix the metal guidewhich in its width corresponds to the thickness of the insulation;
  5. glue are applied along the edge and in the center of the plate, after which it is pressed against the wall and hold a little, work is performed from below and gradually move up;
  6. after mounting the insulation, the reinforcing mesh is used.which sits on the glue, after which, instead of plaster, the house can be listed with the clapboard.

Under Siding

It can be done in another way: the waterproofing film is first fixed on the wall, then the vertical guides are mounted, mineral wool is inserted between them.

Then it is covered with a vapor barrier film, make a crate to create a ventilation gap and cut the wall with a wall.


Another way to insulate the walls outside are thermopanels. This material is a layer of foam, which has a finished cement solution.

You can choose the thermopanel at your discretion, she can imitate almost any facing materials.

Between the panels are fastened with the help of special locks, and they are fixed using a dowel, after which the fasteners are massaged by cement mixture.

Installation of thermopanels can be performed almost at any time of the year.The main thing is that the walls are dry and smooth.

  • If you are predicted by the walls of foam blocks in the primer of deep penetration, then additionally lay the waterproofing film inside the hanging is not necessary.
  • The frame made from the metal profile, fasten on, the step corresponds to the size of the insulation. Foil, located on the plates, should be directed inside the house.


As you can see, after, you can insulate in different ways and materials. When performing these works, it is necessary to remember that in this case, it will only be enough to make the insulation of the walls outside.

If you decide to do it inside, then you must have the same work and outside the building.

Useful video

Warming outside the walls of foam blocks, video:

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The foam blocks are the special construction blocks of white, consisting of gas-silicate and foam concrete. Such material is excellent for low-rise and for high-rise buildings. The structure of raw materials has a high adhesion to any finish, but some premises owners are still solved on additional insulation. The process of fastening various types of thermal insulation is simple, it can be carried out independently.

The relevance of the insulation of houses from foam block outside

Initially, foam concrete blocks were designed specifically for the construction of houses with single-layer walls. Thanks to good properties of heat conservation, the building laid out by foam concrete does not require additional thermal insulation. Due to the fact that in the expanses of the winter of winter are harsh, builders recommend additionally insulation at home with the help of various materials.

House built of foam blocks

On the other hand, foam blocks are considered fragile raw materials, and with a debt of the minus temperature, it can be frozen and absorbed moisture. To do this, insulation of walls outside, which gives the following advantages:

  • significant savings of space, which cannot be said when insulation from the inside;
  • the integrity of the blocks is not disturbed, as if internal insulation was used: the insulation layer additionally protects the blocks from the freezing;
  • condensate does not accumulate inside, but is output from where it is removed using air flows.

It is better to use light options as a finishing material on top of the insulation. For example, the finishing brick will be too heavy, so most builders apply paint.

Types of insulation

Polyfoam application

One of the most popular types of insulation for finishing and thermal insulation of the facade of the building is a foam or polystyrene foam. The material has acquired success due to its properties: it does not miss moisture at all. Polyfoam has good resistant to minus temperatures, low cost significantly reduces insulation costs.

Warming at home outside foam

An important point is that on top of the insulation of this type it is necessary to finish work. The foam is unstable to the effects of ultraviolet, so additional finishes are needed in order to ensure that the raw materials are not destroyed.

The most popular types of polystyrene foams for insulation of the house of foam blocks outside are such stamps:

  1. Polyfoam Knauf Term. It has good vapor permeability, produced in sheets of 1x1 meters. Thickness starts from 50 mm, used at temperatures from -140 to + 80 degrees. The cost of one sheet begins from 150 rubles, the cost per pack of 10 pieces is 1450 rubles.
  2. CARBON ECO. The size of one sheet is 1180x580x30 mm, the last figure indicates the thickness of the material. Operating temperature from -70 to +75 degrees. The cost per pack of 13 pieces is from 1250 rubles.
  3. Heat insulation URSA XPS. Polyfoam is suitable for insulation of facades from foam block. Sheets are sold with sizes of 1250x600x50 mm. For a pack of 8 pieces will have to give from 1100 rubles.

Heat insulation URSA.

When insulation, it is worth paying attention to the side of the house: for example, on the south side you can install a thermal thickness insulation than on the north side.

Use of mineral wool

Inorganic material consisting of a large number of intertwined fibers, has a mineral wool name. This insulation is in demand at least the polystyrene indicated above. The material contains mountain and sedimentary rocks, as well as metallurgical slags. The main advantages of Minvati with foam concrete insulation:

  • high thermal insulation properties;
  • heat resistance;
  • high sound insulation;
  • resistance to absorbing moisture;
  • terms of operation: 30-40 years.

Mineral wool insulation

The most common brand of minvati for insulation is Tekhnonikol. It offers insulating material of basalt type technolate extra. Products are supplied in a pack of 8 plates with a size of 1200x600x50 mm, while in the assortment there are options with increased thickness. The cost of such a pack starts from 554 rubles.

Penoplex - analogue of foam

This material externally campaign on the foam, however, their production technology will differ. In the manufacture of fasteners, pressure and exposure to high temperatures are used. At the outlet, it turns out very light, but durable material, which is differently called extruded polystyrene foam. This raw material is resistant to compression, environmental friendliness and immunity to moisture and mold.

In the building materials market for insulation of facades from foam concrete, such options are offered:

  1. Thermal insulation Penoplex Comfort. Plates are produced with sizes of 1185x585x30 mm, while the thickness can vary. The material is made by 4, 7, 10 and 13 plates in the package. Behind the pack of 13 plates will have to pay from 1,400 rubles.
  2. Penopelex facade. It is made specifically for the insulation of facades, produced in different thickness from 30 to 100 mm. Cost for one sheet - from 100 rubles according to the thickness.

Using Polympoths for thermal insulation

The thickness of the insulation of the penplex must comply with modern standards, it is from 30 mm. Plates of material are fixed to the wall of foam concrete with glue or on a dowel.

Features of technology insulation with various materials

When the heat insulating material is selected, you can proceed to the preparation. This requires to make the appropriate calculations of the number of insulation, as well as pick up the tools. In almost every case, it is better to perform work together with a partner, as it is more convenient to fix the overall sheets.

From the tools, special dowels with hats will be required, when laying foam, it is also necessary to mount the guide profile from the metal. You will need a drill, a screwdriver, a perforator. When insulating the "wet" method uses specialized glue. Also necessary materials for seaming seams.

How to insulate the house of foam blocks outside the foam?

Before insulation of the facade of foam blocks, it is recommended to make careful preparation. Walls should be cleaned of excess sand, dirt and garbage. If there are influxing mixes on the surface, they are cleaned with a perforator. The process of insulation of foam in step bypass looks like this:

  1. Application of primer - it will provide increased adhesion of glue with the foam concrete surface.
  2. Installing the base profile at the bottom of the wall - it will serve as a support for the insulation.
  3. Preparation of glue - is carried out using a special nozzle for a drill along the type of mixer.
  4. Preparation of foam - the material must be made rough with a needle roller.
  5. Application of glue on the foam with a spatula.
  6. Fastening foam plates on foam concrete: Upward, umbrella dowels are attached at the corners and edges.

Insulation foam outside

When the process of mounting the insulation is complete, it is necessary to wait a little time for the shrinkage of the material, and then proceed to finishing work.

Insulation of foam concrete mineral wool: stages of work

When choosing a mineral wool as isolation, you must have certain skills to work with it to perform the process according to all the rules. The procedure is better to two with a partner, according to the following instructions:

  • clean the walls, achieving a smooth surface;
  • process the area under warning with antiseptic;
  • install fastenings for the crate;
  • attach thermal insulation gaskets;
  • possely below the wall guide base;
  • insert the insulation, securing it on a dowel: they must be screwed into the wall to a depth of 40 mm;
  • to lay the windproof membrane on top of mineral wool.

Use Minvati for thermal insulation outside

To finish the facade of the house, warmed by Minvata, it is recommended to use plaster and further painting.

Warming with Polymphax: Rules

To use Penoplex for thermal insulation of the house of foam concrete outside, it is recommended to comply with a number of rules that will help maximize the heat inside the room without loss. Step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  1. Alignment of the surface of the facade, sealing cracks.
  2. Processing ground mixture.
  3. Making glue.
  4. Sticking the plates of the fastener and the subsequent fastening of them on the dowel.
  5. Installation of reinforced grid for finishing finish.

In this case, the work can be performed by one person, since the sheets of fasteners are lungs and quickly can be installed. It is not worth using additional materials for vapor barrier, because Pleesoplex does not have good vapor penetration properties.

What material is most preferable: possible harm to health

If you pose a question of operational security, then all of the above materials will not harm a person with a competent installation. Each of the presented types of raw materials is manufactured using anti-high-livest additives, which prevents fire from fire and leads to self-filing.

Comparison of various materials for the preservation of heat

Despite the fact that in the process of producing mineral wool, formaldehyde binding components are used, it will not highlight harmful substances due to the location outside the building.

Answering the question whether it is necessary to insulate a house built from foam blocks, it should be noted that additional thermal insulation will never interfere. The use of foam plastic, mineral wool or polyplex will only strengthen the thermal insulation properties of foam concrete and will allow you to preserve the heat inside the room.