Types of paint and methods of coloring of the tile in the bathroom, patterns on the tile and further care. Stencils and kitchen decor painting ceramic tiles in your version with our tips

Nowadays art painting ceramics Available to everyone. In free access, at democratic prices, you can purchase acrylic paints on glass and ceramics. Ceramic products are mainly dishes and tiles. If the ceramic dishes without drawings find it quite difficult, then a monophonic ceramic tile is the cheapest material. If you do the repair, then your own decorated tile, it will look awesome. Of course, it is difficult and expensive to cover each tile, so the drawing is better to do 1 out of 9 or even 1 of 24 tiles. Depending on the overall design solution.

Of course, every artist once the question arises: "What to draw?". And when it comes to repair or gift to a close person - this question is doubly relevant. You need to take into account many options. These options are provided in our article.

For those who do not know how to draw at all, but very wants - stencils for painting ceramics. Simply select the desired stencil - click on it and print. Put it on the copy, and the copy of the tile. Pencil repeat the drawing on the stencil - it will appear on the tile. It remains to circulate the contour and paint.

All stencils are divided into several groups:

  • Borders - a repeating pattern, which is used for the entire length or height of the wall.
  • The filled pattern - the drawing falls on the whole tile, it has clear boundaries. If you draw on the tile, the boundaries are referred to themselves.
  • A simple drawing is different drawings, no special difference.

Stencils of simple drawings:

Dove is a very simple stencil. It can also be used as a border.

Butterflies are good in that 2 people using 1 stencil do not draw them equally.

Sympathega pineapple, so asks to decorate your kitchen.

Miniature - "Tree on Sunset Background".

Easy composition with spring flowers. You can transfer the entire composition to the ceramics or select 1 of its element.

Stencils filled drawings:

Such drawings are mainly made in the technique of stained glass window.

Give these sketches of color and they will play.

Beautifully laid tile long time decorates the room, but over time I want to update the interior. Remaining old tiles and laying a new - time-consuming, a long process that requires financial costs, it is not always possible to implement it.

Today, paint is made for tiles, with which it will be possible to quickly and with minimal costs to change the design of the room. It is possible not to be limited to the painting, but to apply the decoration with thematic patterns, apply stained-glass ceramic patterns. Those who are not strong in drawing can use stencils.

You can paint the tile in several methods, including:

  • painting;
  • creating drawings;
  • applying patterns;
  • update color;
  • capital dyeing.

Split walls allowed in the technique of landscapes, abstraction, still lifes, portraits. Figures are applied using stencils or are created independently. Patterns can be applied to separate fragments of the tile or on the entire area. When updating the color, it becomes more saturated. If it is decided to completely paint the tile in the bathroom, replacing the color, patterns, drawings, images, ornaments, then this work is considered a capital. The method is selected depending on the purpose of staining.

You can update the tile on the floor. The difference consists only that it accounts for greater mechanical impact, as a result, the coating will be faster. Therefore, a larger number of layers are applied to the floor tile than on the wall.

You can paint different compositions:

  1. epoxy dyes;
  2. on acrylic basis;
  3. satin enamel.

The advantages of applying epoxy paint is that it quickly dries. After staining, there is almost no unpleasant odor. Acrylic paints are characterized by brightness and saturation. They can even work unprofessional. After applying satin enamel, there are no divorces, images have enveloping velvety.

Types of paint

For staining, standard paint is not suitable, since with time it is peeling and peeling. Therefore, special dyes are used:

  • On latex basis. Such paint has a good clutch with the surface. Differs wear resistance, does not harm health. For painting tiles in the bathroom, waterproofing is required, therefore rubber formulations are used. In a dry room, acrylo-latex paint is used.
  • Stained glass for glass. The surface on which the mixture is applied should be smooth and purified. The coloring makeup is characterized by a high cost. It is used to create beautiful drawings.

  • On an oil basis. Before painting on the surface you need to apply primer.

  • Epoxy. They have waterproof, they stick well to the surface, over time will not be peeling. Before using epoxy paint, the tile must be treated with a primer based on organic solvents.

  • Polyurethane. They have resistant to temperature drops, to humidity, so suitable for use in the kitchen, in the bathroom. Different wear resistance. But first, the surface must be coated with primer (not aqueous, but from organic solvents), and only the field is applied to the tile.

  • Alkidic compositions. Different with good clutch with the surface. Alkid enamels are suitable for dry premises.

  • Automali. Originally designed for painting cars. They include: pigment, resin, solvent and hardener. Such paints can be applied to smooth surfaces, including on ceramics.


The answer to the question of how to paint the tile depends on the purpose of staining, temperature conditions and humidity, allocated financial resources, etc. The full painting of the tile is carried out latex, epoxy and oil compositions. The drawing is applied with special colors. They are more expensive. Before applying these dyes, the surface is not required to grind.

Budget variants include acrylic mixtures. In addition, after drying, the paint is almost no unpleasant smell. If you need, the acrylic painting can be easily removed. For applying, use a brush or roller. The epoxy composition dries quickly, they can paint the tile on the floor and the ceiling.

Walls and gender are sometimes lined with porcelain. It is characterized by increased strength and beautiful views. Substances for porcelain or glass are used as paint for porcelain stoneware. Before staining, it is necessary to clean the surface by hand with sandpaper or grinding machine.

Work in the bathroom

Painting tiles in the bathroom can be made with their own hands. Pre-surfaces that are not supposed to be processed, sealed with painting tape so that they are not splashing with primer and dye. Such surfaces most often include edges of baths, sinks, countertops, ceiling. Paul, bath, furniture are closed with old newspapers or film. Outlets and platbands are removed or stuck with painting scotch. The following tools and materials for painting ceramic tiles will be needed:

  1. Paper emery small.
  2. Roy, sponge.
  3. Brush.
  4. Cleaning and detergent.
  5. Paint (for wet premises).
  6. Brushes, rollers.
  7. Primer. It is not required for all coloring agents. The type of composition is selected depending on the paint and must provide increased grip.
  8. Painting tape.
  9. Aqueous acrylic varnish.

Tile under painting should be cleaned from dirt, mold and degreased. The surface preparation occurs with the use of cleaning products, brushes and sponges. For more resistant staining, it is recommended to grind the tile of shallow emery paper.

Full coloring of the tile

Painting the tile most often begins with primer. For this, the surface should be dry. The composition is applied with a brush or roller. Then the tile should dry. After that, the paint is applied in several layers. At the same time, the new coating cannot be applied until the previous one will dry. The dye is applied with thin layers of a roller on a large area and a tassel in hard-to-reach places. To extend the life of the painted tile, it is covered with varnish. It is applied to a dry surface. Full coloring performed independently, finished.

Patterns on the tile

Instead of fully paint the tile in the bathroom, it is recommended to update it using ornaments and patterns. For this purpose stencils. The surface should be pure and low-fat, treated with primer. Stencil should fit tightly to the surface.

Further care

The update of the old tile does not end immediately after staining. It is necessary to protect it from the effects of external factors so that the coloring composition does not work and not washed off with water. It is suitable for water based lacquer. It creates a solid transparent film that protects the paint.

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Hand painted ceramic tile is a creative, pleasant and simple way to make a "highlight" in the kitchen interior or bathroom. Playing the tile with your own hands, you not only twist your artistic talents and a great taste, but also you can save on the finish, because the finished color tile with painting or patterns is more expensive than white.

In order for the paint to keep on the tile surface, you need to use primer.

Required tools and materials

It is worth it to decide on the working "web", that is, tiles. It should be with a smooth surface, without patterns and relief, white or color monophonic. It is not recommended to paint outdoor tiles, as it is susceptible to increased mechanical effects, and the drawing will not last long. You should not paint those tiles in the bathroom, which often gets water. Due to high humidity, even moisture-resistant paint will eventually begin to peel and dress up.

Tools that will be needed for painting ceramic tiles:

In order to increase the durability of the pattern, place the tile in the oven for half an hour.

Stencil. It can be purchased in specialized stores or do it yourself. Having liked the drawing (it can, for example, cut out of the log) pastes on the cardboard and cut down the contour. For beginners in design, the best choice for beginnings will not be very complex geometric ornaments.

Stencil of large sizes, which can be placed on two, four or more tiles immediately, will allow you to create a real original highly artistic panel. It will be especially advantageous to look at the Kitchen "Apron".

It is not necessary to limit the stencils, you can use curly scrapers to create beautiful wavy lines or foam stamps on the tile.

Paint is applied on them, then prints are made using stamps on the tile.

It is important to choose paints. For complete staining of the surface of the tile, oil, epoxy, latex paints are used. Special acrylic paints for painting ceramics are used to create patterns. When using such paints, it is necessary to take into account that they are usually very bright, so before use, they should be diluted with legers or solvents.

The contours of the drawings are described by special contour paints selling in small tubes with thin dispensers. Such paint creates a kind of barrier that does not allow other paints to spread.

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Proceed to the creation of masterpieces

For tile paintings, acrylic paints diluted with legels or solvent are best suited.

The order of work during the painting of ceramic tiles is divided into the following steps:

  1. Cleaning and degreasing. Includes processing with detergent with a rigid sponge. It is possible to degrease the tile, pouring on a sponge of sand and a pretty lighter surface, or rub it with vodka or alcohol.
  2. The next stage is grinding. It is needed then to remove the topmost smooth layer of tiles. It can be produced by finishing the surface with sandpaper or bar for sharpening kitchen knives.
  3. Next, you need to apply primer. It is necessary to provide a good combression of paints with a smooth surface of the tile. It is recommended to use epoxy primers with high adhesive properties; For tiles in the bathroom will need moisture-resistant primer. It should be remembered that it is possible to paint the tile only after 24 hours, that is, after complete drying of the primer.
  4. The paint is applied in 2-3 layers. Full staining of the tile is made by a foam roller or sponge. Before applying the subsequent layer, you need to wait until the previous one will dry, after each use, the roller should be squeezed well.
  5. The drawing on the stencil is painted with a special soft tassel. In order for stencil during operation, it is shifted, it is fixed by aerosol glue of temporary fixation or ordinary scotch. A brush must be kept strictly perpendicular to the surface of the tile, while the paint is applied with neat strokes. Random drops of paint should be removed with a cotton wand, a blunt mat or toothpick.
  6. At the final stage, waterproof varnish is applied.

After the paint finally dried, the tile can be boldly washed, without fear that the drawing would come down or hang out. It is important to remember that the painted tile should dry at least 24 hours, and it may take up to 2 weeks to complete drying.

It is worth mentioning that the moisture-resistant vinyl stickers can be alternative or addition to the artistic painting of the tile. As in the case of the painting tile, it is extremely important that the working surface is dry and absolutely clean.

Another way to improve the decor is border ceramic beads on the tile.


Decor use to diversify the facing, add bright accents, make the design more fun. But even better if this decor is made at your interior. Photo printing on the tile allows you to draw any drawing or photo, or break it into a few details, and then lay out the whole wall. From this article you will learn what method of photo printing is better and how much such beauty will cost.

We make stencil and apply patterns in the bathroom

If your tiles are part of a large-scale reconstruction project, you may have drawings of architects of this room. Often a copy of this is all that we need to calculate your needs for you. Alternatively, you can do it yourself, in this case the detailed plan of the entire room is rarely needed. Instead, the total calculation of the required area is great for background stoves, with more accurate height measurements and widths necessary for the areas where you are going to have a decorated panel.

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Methods of seal

Printing on the tile can be made by four ways:

  1. With firing
  2. Decol
  3. Sublimation,
  4. UV printing.

Each of these technologies has its pros and cons, but the best are the first 2 ways, they remain suitable for use up to 50 years. The remaining methods of application of drawing do not allow proper stability to mechanical and chemical impacts.

What it looks like

Find out how many decorated and the background of the tiles you will need. After you spend measurements, they need to be transferred to the number of tiles in which the size of the tile and the width of the solution are included. Another problem is that usually in the middle kitchen or bathroom. The total tile area will be a mixture of hand-written manually and simple tiles. The decorative panel can be the right choice for the focus point, for example, over a sink or stove. It can be combined with some plates of one decor, mixed with simple plates in other areas of the room, possibly with the design of the boundary tile to surround the panel and omit the rest of the room to combine all different areas.

Based on this table, it is not difficult to understand that the most qualitative way is with a firing. But this technology increases the manufacturing time and material cost.

Print technology with firing

Firing in the furnace

  1. You choose a tile collection without a picture. The presence of texture depends on the selected collection. Companies that make photo printing on ceramic tiles offer ready-made options, and some are generally working with their proven collections.
  2. You choose any picture you like with good quality and resolution. Print is done directly from the file. You can apply a pattern on one tile or divide it.
  3. A drawing is applied to the surface of the tile using ceramic inks. Some companies allow you to make several trial options to choose the best color.
  4. To protect the surface is covered with powder glaze and the tile is sent to the muffle furnace for firing at a temperature of +900 degrees. The glaze can be a glossy or matte, regardless of the selected collection, according to your desire.

After firing, the surface is not inferior to the factory applying the glaze. In addition to the wall decor, an outdoor tile with a pattern or even a porcelain tile can also be made.

The good news is that many people are pleasantly surprised by how little it is worth having something created for you. We have experience working with relevant commissions in budgets and are happy to discuss and quote various options without any obligations.

Curing under UV rays

We also recently presented some digital print versions of our own hand drawings, which are almost indistinguishable from the original. This is the recreation of our most popular designs, and we gradually expand the range. To see what we have, we get to our gallery and choose "tiles with digital printing" in the "Tile Types" section.

Sublimation printing technology

Principle of technology:

  1. On special paper, an image is printed using sublimation ink.
  2. The paper is applied to the tile and clamping in the thermal depress for 3-12 minutes at a temperature of 180-250 degrees. Due to this, the paint is converted to gas and deeply penetrates the glaze layer.
  3. To obtain a qualitative result, the color of the workpiece must be white or close to it.

Digital Decal

Decoli method has been used for a very long time, simple words this drawing a picture through a copy.

Equipment for applying images on the tile

If you need some specific solution from the point of view of design and size, you are likely to find that the Commission painted manually is the answer. To give you some idea, we look forward to our price-based collection for one stove decorated. This includes the cost of the tile itself, if this is our standard 5-inch tile.

If the initial idea exceeds your budget, there are many ways to reduce costs without taking too much to jeopardize what you want. Sometimes the money spent on the road background can be wasted when a more economical background tile looks as well after staining. Some beautifully rich complex designs can be drawn on a very economical white tile.

  1. The picture is printed using a digital printer on a gummed paper. Ceramic ink are used.
  2. The drawing on paper is covered with a varnish for ceramics and dried.
  3. The sheet is soaked in water and the drawing is transferred to the tile. After removing air bubbles, the tiles are dried 8-12 hours at a certain temperature (depends on toner).
  4. To secure the pattern, the tile is burned in a muffle furnace for several hours at a temperature of 750-900 degrees.

UV print

The panel intended for a large area is possible above the stove, can fully fill the space. Alternatively, a smaller panel may look very efficient, surrounded by simple plates. The restriction of this design is only eight tiles, as well as a decorative frame, limits the cost of this project, but makes a wonderful focus surrounded by smooth tiles.

If you have a focus with the decorated tile panel, you can bind it with granite tiles and, possibly, tiles with one decor in other parts of the room or use simple tiles in the rest of the room if the budgets are tight or you after a simpler look.

UV printer

  1. The billet is placed in the machine and the drawing is applied using UV ink. Ink instantly harden under the influence of UV lamps. There are restrictions on the size of the blanks.
  2. To obtain a brighter and rich color, the printer can increase the number of passes by 50%, as well as the sublayer to use white ink, but it increases costs the cost.
  3. To protect the fine paint and impoverished gloss, it is sometimes covered with varnish, but even with it it will last only 6-12 months.

The video shows an example of printing by conventional ink on a stroke printer with varnish coated:

Ready options and to order

If you live within reach, you are very pleased to visit our studio to see our work and discuss your ideas. However, we are accustomed to working in the international range of customers, and geography is not an obstacle to our work with you.

How much is the seal

  • Printing with firing will cost 9-13 thousand rubles per square meter, depending on the volume of order. This price includes material (white tile), printing and roasting.
  • Porcelain tile with a pattern made for similar technology will cost approximately 10% more expensive.
  • Sublimation method of application costs from 1400 to 2900 rubles per square meter Depending on the volume. Plus, it will be necessary to buy or pay extra for the workpiece from 60 to 210 rubles per piece (depending on the size). If you make a magic order, 1 Element will cost from 170 to 450 rubles (depending on sizes - from 10x10 to 30x30 cm).
  • UV printing from 1000 to 3900 rublesDepending on the number of layers and passes of the printer.


If the relief is not important for you, the sublimation printing on the tile will be profitable. According to the characteristics, it is not inferior to the print with the firing, but it is cheaper. The cost of 1 element of the manufactured software can be compared with the purchase of a finished decor.
But this is not the only way to apply a photo on the floor and walls. On the floor, you can replace the tile with a polymer bulk floor with a 3D pattern, and the apron protect the glass panel with the photo printing.

We ask 50% for order confirmation. The remaining amount is paid upon completion. More about our conditions will be provided in our quotation and is also available below. We supply the global market and with pleasure we provide our tiles all over the world. Delivery price will be provided with your quote.

We are good in the packaging of our plates, and breakdowns are unusual. Unfortunately, standard conditions for parcel couriers exclude damage to ceramics, so tiles are sent to you at your own risk. However, we offer additional insurance for yourself for 15 pounds sterling per box.

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Especially for readers of the journal "Country Club" Famous artist - Daminova's decorator Flera friendly invited our editors to his workshop and told about how easily and quickly decorate the interior and generously shared with us the secrets of their skill.

One of the most popular interior transformation techniques is a decorative painting. Painting can, both dominate the interior and to be a separate component. In any case, the painting adds uniqueness and allows you to give the room a special emotional color.

In addition, customers can independently organize their tiles from our workshop. We want you to be delighted with your commission, and we strive to ensure that you are satisfied with all that we do, whatever it is. Design fee is paid in advance. The 50% deposit for the color of the tile must be paid in advance, and the remaining part must be paid for the collection or before sending a completed order.

Payment of the deposit is the acceptance of the order. Cancellation, as a rule, leads to the fact that the balance becomes mandatory. The foregoing excludes any costs that may arise for couriers and supplies that are the responsibility of the client and will be paid upon completion of the order.

Step 1 Prepare a workplace. We place on the table all the most necessary and begin the creative process. At the beginning of our work, it is necessary to degrease the surface of the tile using any degreasing means, which is used in home everyday. It is necessary in order to clean our tile and prevent collapse of paint. Moreover, the paint is much better on the purified surface.

Please note: the tiles supplied must be approved by the client before fixing in place. Replacing lost or broken slabs will be charged with a premium 50% higher than the initial purchase price to reflect the additional required work. A few words that you probably know about the meaning and, perhaps, one or two that you do not.

The background tile is an unsigned tile used as a basis for hand painting, but in general, for consistency, it is also used, smooth glazed for the facing of other parts of the room, where the hand painted is not required. The panel is a block of hand-written slabs that are collected together to make a decorative photo or panel, sometimes with a frame of the border tile.

Step 2 We take the usual graphite pencil and apply a drawing. You can draw everything that the soul will wish. On the Internet and interior journals, a huge number of drawings for tile paintings are represented, or, you can come up with the topic for painting yourself - it all depends on the desire and imagination. Our artist turned to a spring floral topic. After the cold winter, so I want something bright and sunny that the master of the master involuntarily begins to draw all the favorite flowers "Pansies". By the way, before applying the drawing on the tile, we recommend that you stretch on paper.

Border tiles are a narrower tile than the main, commonly used along the edge of the tile zone or, often around the decorated panel. Single decor - decorated tile with a single design that can be used by itself. Usually white, but accessible in different colors.

Image transfer methods

Space width is a question for personal preferences. Stencil and coloring ceramic tiles are a fairly simple project to decorate the forgotten areas of the house, which can use some designer strokes, such as kitchen, bathroom or utility room. With attention to detail and simple precautionary measures, you can screen your own design or choose from many available in stores for home improvement.

Step 3 take the brush and start to paint tiles. For our "Pansies", we use shades of yellow, green, purple, blue, brown and white colors. Draw paints on ceramics is very easy - they are similar to the usual watercolor. You can start the painting with any detail of the picture. In our case, we decided to start from the flower itself, put the paint with neat smears. We chose brightly purple, blue and yellow. As the Flear advises: "At the same time, it is important to be in harmony with you and not be afraid to spoil something," the drawing itself tells everything. Trust yourself and everything will turn out! ". Then proceed to the drawing of the stems and leaves of our flower, - for this, the master chose the light green and yellow colors. An important attribute of our composition is a terracotta pot, for which our artist carefully selected the shades of brown. During the creative process, try to feel the picture - it will help you "revive" it and correctly allocate the falling shadows from the leaves and from the pot. Finally, the last touch. Draw "eyes" to our flower, for this we use white paint.

Use the soap for dishes and water or a household cleaner with a brush for cleaning or spongy scrubber to make sure the surfaces you are going to paint, flawlessly clean. There should be no dust, dirt or scratches on the tiles.

Cover tiles using binder primer. Make sure you have chosen a primer that is designed to work on the tiles. This will help paintwork smoothly and will allow him to constantly bind to the stove. Follow all instructions on the primer container. Let the soil completely dry. Then prepare the paint, following all instructions on its container.

Step 4 Then it is very important to give paint to dry. Usually full paint drying occurs at least 24 hours.

Place the stencil over the tile and tighten it tightly to the masking or another stable ribbon, which can be deleted later, without leaving the balance. If necessary, hold firmly stencil on the tile with one hand, and the other hand paint or wipe the paint from the ceramic tile. Use a small paint at a time, so that you can be sure that the paint does not work under the stencil and does not destroy the design. Repeat as needed on other tiles.

Give the paint to dry before sealing. Then apply a layer of transparent urethane to seal the paint on the tile. Follow all instructions on urethane and coloring containers; The coloring container must say how long you should allow paint to dry before applying the sealant.

Step 5 Next, you need to burn the tile so that the drawing becomes more resistant. To do this, put the tile on the tray, and put it in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees. After that, it is necessary to wait when the tile completely cools.

How it's done?

Place the tiles or tiles in a safe dry place so that the urethane sealant worked. He must dry and install at least one day. The longer it is installed, the more difficult it is Uretan. If the tiles are on the wall or on the floor, make sure that they do not occur or are not wound until the sealant sets up to two weeks to achieve the best results. Finally, clean any brushes, containers and stencils using paint diluent to remove paint, primer and sealant.

Step 6 As soon as the tile cools, it will acquire an unusual glossy glitter. Now the moment has come when the tile must be glued. We apply glue on the back of the tile and glue to any surface, or can be glued into the frame, it turns out a picture. Remember that such a tile is purely decorative character, so it is not suitable for the bathroom - the paint may not withstand high humidity. But in the kitchen, the painted tile will bring the element of sophistication in the interior and will become an excellent decoration. If you decide to make a picture from the tile, it will be great to look in the living room, bedroom or in a gazebo.

Manually painted ceramic tiles add details and individuality to any decor, but they can be quite expensive. Tiles that will be applied to practical use, such as triviters, stands or countertops, should be fired to make their durable finish. Shooting is not possible if the tiles are already attached to the wall or to the tabletop. The key to painting ceramic tiles, which cannot be fired, is the launch with a durable primer, compatible with both ceramic surfaces and acrylic paints.


Tile in the kitchen older aging, losing its appearance. It is not necessary to engage in the replacement of the tile at all, in this case it can be reappeted. Replacement? Even with the most simple version - - the occupation is costly, and it is possible to reorganize it with its own.

The most important thing is to choose waterproof materials with high adhesion (clutch) with a tile surface. And the work itself can be performed with the most elementary tools for painting work, additionally, using the stationery prengeons.

Apply stencil

To update the tile, it can be stenched on it (see article "" about their types). First you need to clean the surface. To do this, we will need a brush and any detergent.

Then the surface is cleaned with alcohol, after which he wipes dry silicone-carbide paper. After this procedure, the surface of the tile will acquire roughness. This is done for better paint consolidation. And after that, the tile is covered with primer.

Patterns are applied using special paint for glass. The choice of pattern is perhaps the most difficult thing in this matter. Go to the Internet, there you will find many variants of patterns. After the pattern decided, we make stencils. Then, putting the stencil pattern to the wall, just paint its carved areas.

Tip: In order not to be inclined when the tile decoration is performed, and for better fixation of the stencil, it needs to be fixed to the wall with aerosol glue. Traces after it will not remain, but it is just enough.

Drawings can be applied different format. For example, a repeating pattern is applied to each tile or make a large composition. The second option is the most complicated. Perform such a task only a person having certain abilities. If you do not possess them, perhaps one of your friends has a similar talent.

So, we applied the image. Now it should be covered with varnish. After that, our scenery is ready. It can be applied on the walls of any room. Just remember that the abrasive materials cannot be used to clean the reorganate tiles.

Vinyl decoupage

You can update the tile with vinyl. Special interior stickers made on the basis of this material are sold in stores. Images are applied to such stickers. This material is sufficiently racks to mechanical effects, it has excellent water resistance. Vinyl film can also be decorating ceramic tiles in any room.

Interior stickers can be bought in construction stores; If there were not there, then you can try to make a purchase via the Internet. There is a large selection of similar stickers with the most diverse drawings.

The film pasted on the wall is also covered with varnish. Be sure to ensure that after sticking under the film, there are no air bubbles. But if they still stayed, then push them with a needle. Traces from this will not remain, and the air will be released.

Decoupage with paper or napkins

And there is another way to update the tile. This method is perhaps the most efficient, but at the same time the least costly. This is a way to decorate the old tile paper. This is done as follows: a certain drawing is printed on translucent paper, then this figure is cut and glued to a dense paper base.

A tight paper sheet with a pattern is impregnated with glue, and then glued to a pre-skimmed surface. Instead of paper, you can still take a cloth with a pattern. The dried paper is covered with acrylic varnish. After this procedure, the paper acquires moisture resistance. Now she will serve you long enough. And if the paper decoupage you get tired, it can be easily removed from the surface of the tile.

The drawing on the tile always looks original. When repairing, individual tiles with a pattern can be an excellent addition to the design. And you can always apply the drawings on your own.
And for this it is not necessary to be a steep artist - just get tiled and stencils, special paint for drawing on ceramics, screen brushes and aerosol glue, as well as a can with water in which the brushes can be washed. Or the kitchen is not at all difficult!

Before starting to draw on a ceramic tile, the tile itself must be wiped from dirt and dust, even if at first glance it will seem absolutely clean. To do this, you can use ordinary alcohol or vodka, after which it is necessary to wash the tile under running water with a rag with a small amount of a simple detergent for dishes. Before drawing, it is also a dry to wipe the surface of the tile.

Stencil better pick up according to. While the tile will leak after washing, it must be coated on the reverse side by aerosol glue. It is not necessary to do this - you can simply sprinkle it with water to impose on the tile. But for the novice artist, the aerosol glue will be much more convenient - your stencil will not "ride" along the tile during drawing.

You can choose a color for first paint application. It is better to first take those colors that are combined with others in the figure, but, then, those that contrast with a common background. In the process of drawing on a stencil, the brush must be kept perpendicular to the surface of the tile, and the paint itself apply point. This is not the most strict rule for drawing on the tile, but if you calm the brush on the surface, then the paint can be touched under the stencil. Then your drawing will not be too accurate. It is also important to ensure that the paint does not flow, therefore it is not necessary to gain it in large quantities.

After you finish first color, you can start up. It is important that you will not "stand up" for the trait features and did not mix paint. When it comes to similar paint tones, it is not much noticeable, but for contrasting colors is important.

Different colors of paint can also have a different consistency. If you use too liquid paint, then you can use a sponge of the foam instead of the paint brush. In principle, you can simply cut a small piece of sponge from the washcloth, which you usually wash dishes. It is necessary to draw a sponge with a seemingly "wicked" movement - the effect of drawing will be very interesting.

The fact is that the brush leaves imperceptible stripes, and the sponge allows you to create a coating that will be slightly rough, as if very small paint drops remained on the tile. It looks beautiful, especially if you want to highlight some particular item in the figure. You can do this not only with color, but also drawing style.

After the drawing is fully completed, the stencil can be removed. Paints for ceramics dry fast enough. After it completely gets free, you can safely wash the tile. Moreover, for this purpose you can even use solvents. But if you want to further consolidate your first masterpiece, put a tile in the oven under the temperature, which is indicated on the paint packaging (the manufacturer usually recommends it).

The painting of ceramic tiles will come in handy when you reach the death of the throat one-photon. You can do it yourself. The painting of ceramic tile is a pretty simple procedure and each can perform it. We simply briefly highlight the main points and nuances.

Price by drilling hole with diamond crowns

Diam. Holes in mm.Work with brick and screed in rubles per seepWork with concrete in rubles for seepWorks with reinforced concrete in rubles per seep with the diameter of the fittings\u003e 16 mmIn reinforced concrete, rub / seep the diameter of the reinforcement above 16 mm
25-52 16,2 21,8 25,8 26,8
62-82 17,2 24,3 28,1 31,0
92-102 22,0 29,6 33,5 37,3
112-122 23,7 31,3 38,1 43,3
132-152 26,7 35,3 42,0 47,5
162-182 31,2 41,1 47,5 53,8
202-222 38,0 47,7 53,8 60,7
232 42,6 56,8 60,7 67,7
252 45,8 62,5 67,7 76,6
282 49,3 68,0 76,6 86,2
302 54,1 71,8 86,2 98,0
352 63,0 80,1 98,0 106,8
402 76,5 90,0 106,8 120,1
452 88,3 105,8 120,1 143,7
502 103,7 120,2 143,7 160,6
602 118,8 137,5 160,6 175,0

Painting of ceramic tiles in your performance with our prompts

To begin with, you should get a stencil with which you will apply drawings again and again. To make a stencil for painting ceramic tiles in the bathroom, the following materials will be required:

  • Durable gasket;
  • Thin cardboard or film for lamination;
  • Primer;
  • Aerosol glue 9 can be replaced with paper adhesive tape;
  • Tracing and pencil, as well as a marker;
  • Sponge;
  • Paint for tile;
  • Cardboard cutting knife

The painting of ceramic tiles must be performed very carefully. It will not be easy to make sure that the stencil is adjacent to the cafée tightly. In the reverse case, the paint simply leans through it. To this not happen, the masters recommend using aerosol paint.

The entire procedure for painting ceramic tiles is as follows. It is necessary to take a stencil, put up the paper up on paper, cover with a smooth layer of glue. Then we are waiting for 5-10 minutes and apply to the cafes. If excess glue remains on the tile, they can be removed using gasoline or rhythm alcohol.

The painting of ceramic tile begins with the fact that the surface is degreased, that is, wipe with alcohol. If you have to put paintings on a large surface, then the primer is useful. It is the latter to increase the adhesion between the basis and the paint layer. When painting ceramic watches, how to keep the sponge. It should be strictly in perpendicular position. Do not rush, otherwise you will get a lubricated pattern.

Now we'll figure it out how to make a stencil for painting ceramic tiles.

  • Copy the drawing through the cushion on the material for the stencil;
  • Ready lines need to circle already a marker;
  • In order not to cut the surface of the subject on which you work, put something dense under the cardboard;
  • And then boldly cut out all the details that will be painted subsequently;
  • Attach the resulting stencil on the tile. Use either adhesive tape or glue that you are more manifold;
  • Painted carved places using thick paint. We do not recommend liquid, for they are too fluid;
  • We wait until the paint dry, and remove the stencil. I obey the remnants of glue;

We prepared one stencil for painting ceramic tiles - turn them, as you wish, in different directions. Then the interesting drawings will turn out.

For drawing pattern on ceramic tiles We will need paint on ceramics and stencils. With the help of a stencil, you can decorate your apartment or house with an exclusive tile. The drawing tile has a rather high cost, and the exclusive tile is even more expensive. In order to make an exclusive tile, we will need: tile, stencil, paints on ceramics, paint brushes, water with water and aerosol glue.

Preparation of stencil and tiles.

Tile must be wiped with alcohol or detergent from dirt and dust, and then wipe dry. At that moment, while the tile dries, Berm stencil and apply glue on his opposite side. It is necessary for the apex, the convenience and simplicity of paint.

Drawing pattern.

What color to apply the first to solve you. But most likely it is better to start with the TMM, since in the case of the lining of the second light color on the first layer, it will not be too noticeable.

When applying paint, the brush should be kept perpendicular to the tile and apply with tangent movements. It is necessary to do so that the paint does not register under the stencil. Also note that the paint brush is not enough to not spread.

We apply the second color. We have done similar to the first (method of mixing paints). Thanks to this, you can not worry that you are inappropriate to stop behind the line and ruin the first color. In addition, not rarely similar misconduct the pattern of coloring.

Applying a third color. The third color of Berm is radically different from the first two. Therefore, we use a simple approx, which will help us avoid unwanted klex. To do this, you need to cover the napkin neighboring area of \u200b\u200banother color. Acrylic paint dries almost instantly, so spoil the previous colors is almost impossible.

Change brushes.

Different color, paint may differ in its consistency. If it is too liquid, then the brush can be changed with a sponge. Draw blast movements.

Also with the replacement of the instrument, we get another needed and useful side effect. With the help of a sponge, you can achieve a uniform rough coating, and with the brush, the surface is obtained with the effect of the strips.

Removing the stencil.

Acrylic paint dries almost instantly, so the stencil should be removed immediately after applying the last color and washing tassels.

Error correction.

In the event that part of your drawing turned out to be smeared, do not be discouraged, because the aircraft can be corrected. But it should be corrected immediately until the paint dried. Very simple and qualitatively inaccurate smears can be removed using a stupid end of ordinary matches.

After the paint finally dries, the tile can be safely soaked even with the use of solvents. To paint in the best way fastening on the tile E additionally can be put in a hot oven.

Unique interiors!