Water plastic. Plastic pipes for water supply: characteristics, choice, brand

Many people set plastic pipes for water supply pipes in their homes, which are an excellent substitute for metal analogs. The structure of the polymers used for their production significantly improves the stability of products to shock effects and temperature drops. Due to their use in water there is no rust, harmful impurities and an unpleasant smell. In today's review, we will look at which pipes are better to use for water supply, other spheres of their application, specifications, prices and features of self-installation.

Table 2. The cross section of the water pipes for the house

Image of material Pipe section, Ø, mm Description

25; 50 Thin-walled polymers for home water pipes and heating from polychlorvinyl.

AnyPolyethylene pipeline. Prost when performing installation work. It is used to connect to the power supply system and for the construction of the drain (sewage).

16 × 2.Metalpolimerous two-layer product. It is used mainly for the inner wiring of the filing cold and. The presence of a steel or reinforced fiberglass layer inside the product significantly increases resistance to mechanical effects.

20; 35 Polypropylene has good resistance to temperatures. Used for mounting water pipes and heating systems.

Polymer pipes are the same cross section, as well as with conversion on one of the parties. This design allows you to connect areas without special mounting elements (couplings, fittings). Widely used to install risers and installation of waste systems.

Weighing indicators

Polymer tap pipes have a different weight. It depends on the following indicators:

  • material material;
  • the magnitudes of the outer diameter;
  • pipeline wall thickness.

We give a simple example: 1 m of plastic with an outer diameter of 16 mm weighs about 100 g. Please note that today there are no guests that regulate the type of material and the weight of finished products.

Table 3. Weighing plastic products

Outer diameter of the pipe, mm Internal section, mm Wall thickness, mm Weight, g (1 m tubes)
16 12 2 115
20 16 2 170
26 20 3 300
32 26 3 370
40 33 3,5 430


Table 4. The strength characteristics of plastic pipes

Ø Pipes, mm Maximum operating pressure indicator, MPa Permissible maximum temperature, ° С Working temperature,° FROM Indicator of hydrostatic destruction of the pipe, MPa (t.=95 ° C.) Indicator of hydrostatic destruction of the pipe, MPM (t.=82 ° C.)
20 1 95 82 5 2,5
25 1 95 82 4 2
32 1 95 82 4 2
40 1 95 82 4 2
50 1 95 82 3,8 1,9
63 1 95 82 3,8 1,9

Temperature characteristics

To properly select polymer pipes for heating and water supply, it is necessary to pay attention to the labeling, which is applied to the outer surface of the product. So, when designating PN10, the PPR type is allowed to use products for connecting to cold water supply.

Tip: In addition to labeling, there are colored stripes on the surface of the plastic. For example, the blue band with marking PN10 denotes that the product is intended for cold water supply at a flow temperature to + 45 ° C. Red - the product is allowed to use hot and cold look.

PN16 suggests that the polymer withstands the pressure of 1.6 MPa and the operating temperature - up to 60 ° C. PN20 indicates the possibility of using products at a pressure of up to 2 MPa and temperature - up to + 95 ° C. If the PN25 marking is installed on the pipe, it can be used under greater pressure, since it has a high-strength reinforced structure.

Advantages and disadvantages of polymeric products

For heating systems, reinforced pipes are recommended. They can be reinforced with an aluminum layer (outside) or fiberglass (inside). In the latter case, the material is more reliable, since the appearance of the deformation of the material arising from the effects of high temperature is eliminated.

Tip! Reinforced plastic pipes almost a third more expensive than polymer counterparts. Nevertheless, it is they who provide a long service life of heating systems and exclude the risk of emergency situations.

What types of pipes for water supply are often used

Polyvinyl chloride pipes for water supply (PVC)

It is believed that it is PVC pipes for water supply to be the first to be used to replace old systems. With their help, water supply is mounted and, and the laying of contours is possible, both inside buildings and from the outside. The peculiarity of this type of product is the connection methods.

They can be knitted with each other using cold welding, as well as using the "in the socket" method. Installation of PVC pipes is carried out with a minimum number of the plumbing tool and does not require a special preparation master.

Please note that the appropriate fittings will be required to create a plumbing (heating) circuit. At the cost of PVC, the pipeline is the cheapest, if compared with other types of polymer products. For this reason, such pipes are enjoyed by great consumer demand.

pVC pipes for water supply

Polypropylene pipes for water supply

In contrast to polyvinyl chloride products, polypropylene is a single-layer design, and also consists of several types of materials. On sale this type of pipeline is standard length - 4 m. Exterior dimensions of products are 16-125 mm.

To connect different sections of the system, special equipment is used, which allows welding with a thermoplastic method. Polypropylene easily connects with steel pipes of various diameters, for which fittings are used with appropriate carvings. In most cases, this type of pipeline is used when installing the circuit of the supply of cold water, but it is also applicable for heating systems.

Polypropylene pipes for water supply


Not so long ago, metalpolimerous pipes appeared on the domestic market. In essence, they are metal-plastic products, in the design of which there is a foil from aluminum, which significantly reduces the expansion of the material when heated. Polymers withstand temperatures up to 95 ° C, resistant to bend deformations. Installation is carried out by pressing compound parts or by screwing.

metal plastic pipes for water supply

Low Pressure Polyethylene (PND)

Polyethylene pipeline is used to arrange drainage and. From other types of plastic products, they are distinguished by the possibility of using under conditions of low temperatures up to -20 ° C. The maximum diameter of the product reaches 160 mm. Pipes are joined by:

  • applications of electric welded couplings;
  • butt welding;
  • fittings (brass, polypropylene).

On the finished products there is a marking, which means how the pressure of the plastic can withstand. Thus, if there is a literator "C", its strength does not exceed 0.6 mp, "T" - 1 MPa.

PND pipes for water supply

Pipes are made by special processing of the starting material under greater pressure, resulting in increased resistance to temperature drops. When "stitching" is most often used peroxide method and electron irradiation method. The crosslinked polymer is usually used for equipment and laying water pipelines. To date, these products are considered the most durable and durable.

What pipes are better suitable for installation of the water supply

Rech pipes for water supply

To replace the water supply, you should use plastic materials. The compound of the component elements of the system is carried out using a special welding machine. Installation is performed very quickly and does not require special knowledge from the artist. Among other materials, the plastic pipeline is the cheapest, has a long service life and environmental safety.

How to perform installation of plastic pipes for water pipes with your own hands

In order to properly distribute the water pipeline at home, the water supply layout should be made, calculate the number of connecting elements, as well as fasteners. Please note that laying of highways from the outside is allowed, as well as by mounting into pre-prepared wall niches (shoes). When drafting the scheme, it is necessary to consider those places where the plastic highway will pass through the walls and. You should also calculate the number of contour turns, knees, fittings and couplings.

After purchasing equipment, cutting the mains of the desired length is embarking on the soldering of elements using a special machine. For various diameters of polymers, there are certain nozzles that allow you to quickly docile various parts.

It is better to use professional equipment for installation work and avoid the handicraft methods of compounding polymers. This will avoid defects when assembling the contour and the possible leakage of the joints.


Acquisition of pipes for the water supply arrangement of the dough is interrelated with material and cost. Some home prefer the optimal ratio between cost and quality, others try to choose the most effective solution. Currently, the plastic pipeline for water is very popular, which has better characteristics compared with the metal option.

Types of plastic pipes

When arranging pipelines, the following materials are used:

  • metalplastic;
  • polyethylene;
  • polypropylene;
  • polyvinyl chloride.

The desired type can be chosen in appearance - on the color of the pipe or the color strip on it. For example, if the product is blue, or this strip passes according to it, then it is intended for cold water supply. Red pipe products are used to create outdoor heating, white - heating system and hot pipeline. Yellow pipe is designed for gas supply.

Plastic water pipe has many advantages:

  1. Strength.
  2. Durability.
  3. Elasticity.
  4. Small weight.
  5. Does not change the chemical composition of the flow fluid.
  6. Low degree of thermal conductivity.
  7. Easy installation.

Technical parameters are indicated in regulatory documents.

As for the shortcomings, they are quite a bit:

  • restrictions on the temperature of the medium;
  • possible difficulties with fitting fittings;
  • differences in the laying of different types of pipes.

The choice of plastic products for hot water base is based on certain operating conditions and the requirements for communications. The purchase of products for the supply of cold water depends on the method of laying the system and other factors.

PND pipes for water

One of the types of plastic water pipes are produced from low pressure polyethylene. These products are intended for various water supply systems. The PND is an environmentally friendly material, whose characteristics make it possible to withstand a wide range of temperatures without changing mechanical or other qualities.

This type of pipes is not afraid of the effects of ultraviolet rays, has sufficient flexibility and stable frost. In general, flexible water pipes are fairly in demand. Due to elasticity, you can reduce the number of fittings, which contributes to the acceleration of the installation.

The smaller the joints at the plumbing, the more reliable and safer in operation. The technical parameters of the pipes make it possible to carry out installation work at a temperature of up to 20 degrees of frost.

Polypropylene pipes

Such material is environmentally friendly and secure in operation, and is used when creating pipelines for various purposes. A number of polypropylene pipes give a warranty in 100 years.

Products are resistant to high temperature modes, so ideal for hot water pipelines. The fluid temperature in them can reach 75 degrees. Reinforced pipes are able to withstand hydroydars and a large internal pressure. Such three-layer products: the outer and internal are represented by polypropylene, and the average - the compound of polypropylene and fiberglass.

Laying polypropylene pipes

The compound of polypropylene products is inexpensive and simple. Installation is made using diffuse welding or special fittings, both methods provide tightness.

For work requires:

  • fitting;
  • rotameter;
  • insulating material;
  • shock fittings.

Measurement and further control of water flow occurs on the inner surface of the pipeline. Thanks to fittings, it is possible to achieve clutch reliability. The shut-off valve allows you to control the fluxes of hot or cold fluid, and the insulation serves to protect the water supply from external influences.

To connect to metal structures, a standard fitting with a brass sleeve is applied to it, and has an outer or internal thread.

When welding polypropylene pipes for hot water, seam is formed, having a strength exceeding the products themselves - this will require a special device. Depending on the characteristics of the material, they can be used in lines with a pressure of 10, 16, 20 atmospheres.

Metal-plastic and PVC products

Also widely used plastic tubes for water, for the manufacture of which is used aluminum. Multilayer metal-plastic products are ideal for water supply. The outer and the inner layer consists of plastic, and between them is an aluminum layer. The weight of such pipes is small, and the strength is significant.

If products are required to create a hot water supply, then buy white plastic pipes. Blue metallastic products has the technical parameters according to which it is permissible to be used only in water supply systems, where the maximum fluid temperature does not exceed 30 degrees.

The lack of metal-plastic products is the difference in aluminum compression speeds and plastic in the event of a sharp leap temperature. The aluminum layer has more speed and for this reason the strength of pipe compounds in a complex with high pressure is reduced.

PVC pipes for hot water are not used. In addition, their use in living conditions is not recommended due to the presence of chloride (read also: ""). At the same time, resistance to low temperatures, various climatic changes, allow you to successfully use their products in pools and water parks.

Stitched polyethylene pipelines

The price of pipes made of stitched polyethylene is much higher than other materials. As manufacturers assure, such products will serve until hundreds of years. They have increased flexibility, due to which long pipelines can be equipped with a minimum amount of joints, which respectively reduces the likelihood of leakage.

Pipes sell with a diameter of 1.6 to 6.3 centimeters. They are suitable for the arrangement of hot water supply.

But at the same time, we must not forget that, like any other material, stitched polyethylene products have some disadvantages:

  1. They cannot be operated with strong sunlight.
  2. When installing, it is unacceptable to use glue for isolation - this will lead to premature wear of products.

When installing products made of stitched polyethylene, it is necessary to use compression and press fittings. A flexible plastic water pipe does not require high time and money for installation, since there is no need to create a lot of joints. And this is essential if the pipeline is considerable length.

Before choosing pipe products for water supply, it is necessary to carefully examine product characteristics: permissible pressure, maximum temperature, dimensions. If you make the wrong choice, the plastic water pipes will quickly fail, and will soon be replaced.

Therefore, you should not hurry, it is better to carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the products presented in the market. However, it is undesirable to save on the pipeline, since high performance is a guarantee of a long service life.

July 29, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction work (bookmark the foundation, construction of walls, roof design, etc.). Domestic construction work (laying internal communications, roughing and finishing). Hobbies: Mobile communications, high technology, computer equipment, programming.

As you know, Poseidon, the Lord of Water, managed this element with the help of his magic trident, forcing the rivers and lakes to flow in the direction of him. In modern construction, everything is not as easy as in ancient Greece, so if you want to use the benefits of civilization, you will have to choose and install plastic or metal-plastic pipes for water supply.

The topic of choosing these products is very relevant for me, as in the near future I'm going to make repairs in the studio apartment, which the son acquires in a mortgage (now documents issues).

The house is a new building, so there is no engineering communications, only vertical risers. Therefore, we will do everything from scratch with him. I think that you, inquisitive homemade masters, will be interested, which plastic pipes are better for water supply.

Therefore, we will deal with the possesses of the pros and cons of existing options right now, without postponing, as popular wisdom says, for tomorrow.

Varieties of plastic pipes for water supply arrangement

Immediately warn that under the term "plastic pipes" there are several types of products from polymers. They are distinguished by the price, diameter and several other technical characteristics, which determine the scope of use. I will talk about the features of each variety, and you can choose the appropriate specifically to your situation.

If you are going to install plastic pipes for water pipes with your own hands, pay attention to the technology of assembling engineering systems. Some details must be glued, others twist, and sometimes weld.
If you do not know how to solder pipes, I recommend paying attention to other varieties, where glue or threaded fittings are used for the connection.

So, proceed.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Constructive features

I put this species at first, as the polyvinyl chloride, in my opinion, is superior to other varieties by applications. By adding certain additives to this plastic, manufacturers receive pipes with different operational properties.

I most of all dealt with rigid PVC pipes. They are losing in flexibility, but acquire other properties:

  • well tolerate high temperature;
  • have durable walls;
  • do not burst at low air temperature.

In addition, although it is not necessary under household use, such pipes can be used to transport aggressive liquids (acids, oil and petroleum products, fatty liquids, and so on). At the same time, the plastic itself is absolutely non-toxic, does not give water to a foreign taste and does not paint it.

There are several varieties of PVC pipes:

  • non-pressure (flarified);
  • pressure;
  • for gaseous media.

Given that the water in the engineering network of the urban apartment is submitted under pressure, the second type is used to design the water supply. They are painted in gray and correspond to GOST Russia at number 51613-2000. The allowable fluid pressure in the system is from 6 to 16 atmospheres.

The dimensions of plastic pipes for water supply are as follows:

  • the length of individual elements from 1 to 6 meters;
  • pipe diameter from 16 to 630 mm;
  • the ratio of the diameter of the pipe to the wall thickness corresponds to the standards of SDR17, 26, 33 and 41.

Advantages and disadvantages

I will stop a little on the pros and cons of this type of pipes. I will list not all, but those that I personally consider important. All collected a sign so that you were more convenient for you, my readers.

Benefits disadvantages
Non-toxicity High temperature intolerance (more than + 65 degrees Celsius)
Chemical impact resistance The need for thermal insulation in external gasket if the ambient temperature is lowered below - 15 degrees Celsius
Antiseptic Reducing plasticity with reducing air temperature
Small weight Exposure to scratches and chips when installing
Excellent throughput Difficulty docking with pipelines from other materials
Smooth inner surface that prevents the accumulation of mineral deposits The complexity of disposal after use
Infertility corrosion
Nonbitating (in the fire do not support burning and promote flame damping)
Long service life
Tightness and reliability of connections
Ability to use for laying a water supply in a movable ground.
Ability to maintain integrity in hydraulic blows
Low thermal conductivity

Use of use

I advise you to use PVC pipes for water supply, the temperature of which is between 0 to 45 degrees Celsius. Most often, such pipes are used when designing commercial or production facilities, more often - when installing sewage.

Well, a few more advice that I have formed when working with such pipes:

  1. Buying pipes for drinking water pipes, be sure to check the certificate of conformity. You later drink this water.
  2. Make sure the wall has a constant thickness over the entire length, and the pipe is round.
  3. If you see on the surface of the pipes on the surface of plastic bulge or roughness, go to another store.
  4. Buy Italian or German pipes. Of course, the cost of Turkish products is less, but also worse quality.


These pipes are made from polypropylene - a chemical reaction of propylene with metal catalysts. By a simple language, I can say that such white granules serve as raw materials, which are melted at the factory and squeeze through a special machine - extruder.

Advantages and disadvantages

I really like these pipes, and I often used them to design. The main advantages can be called the following:

  1. Ability to carry high temperature fluid. Polypropylene becomes mild only at 140 degrees Celsius, but melting at 175. Therefore, they are suitable for both hot and cold water supply. Yes, what to say there, and I did heating at the cottage from them.
  2. Resistance to corrosion. There is no comparison with the metal that used to be used for water supply. I laid the pipes in the basement with high humidity, and in general they can be installed even in the sleek rooms or an aggressive environment.
  3. Lack of electrical conductivity. Polypropylene is an insulator, so neither static electricity or wandering currents nor the electroplating pairs will cause you inconvenience.
  4. Wear resistance. The type of pipes under consideration has a long service life. Even with me in the country where the water in the heating system does not differ in high purity, while I do not think about replacing.

Although plastic pipes and do not overgrow with mineral sediments, I recommend installing filters at the entrance to the apartment. It will save the engineering system and household appliances from damage.

I can not not note a few flaws, because of which sometimes you have to look for alternative solutions:

  1. Sensitivity to light. If the pipelines are open, that is, the sun will often shine on them, the pipes will fly away and lose strength over time. But for the toilet and bath it does not matter, since there engineering communications are disguised panels or are laid inside the walls.
  2. Fragility. Although the pipes are reckless, a careless blow, for example, a hammer, can destroy them.

Features of use

So, based on the described above, I can say that the pipes are great for the installation of cold and hot water pipes. The maximum fluid pressure inside should not exceed 20 atmospheres, and the temperature is 95 degrees Celsius.

If the installation is made correctly, plumbing, according to the manufacturers, will serve more than 100 years. Although this is not confirmed by anyone, since the polypropylene tubes appeared not at the beginning of the last century, but much later.


Polyethylene pipes made of polymerized ethylene gas are often used to supply consumers with drinking water. They possess all the advantages of plastic pipes, but differ from the analogues of very high plasticity.

The polyethylene tube is so flexible that it is sold not by segments, but in rolls. In addition, I can safely attribute the benefits of this type of products:

  • lack of rust and plaque on the walls of pipes even with long use;
  • very small weight;
  • easy constructing complex engineering communications;
  • durability;
  • low cost.

Standard polyethylene pipes cannot be used to transport hot water. When heated, polyethylene softens and is placed plastic, which can cause the formation of a breakthrough. In addition, the material has a large linear expansion coefficient, and this leads to a charge and destruction of pipelines.

However, I have already met in stores a special type of polyethylene pipes that can transport liquid hot environments. That is hot water. There is a special polymer, but I did not delve into the essence of the technology.

Such pipes have the following features:

  • can be used to mount pressure water supply;
  • able to withstand the inner pressure of the fluid reaching 10 atmospheres;
  • can be operated at a fluid temperature from 20 to 110 degrees Celsius;
  • suitable for mounting drinking water supply systems.

However, they are most often used to improve the main engineering systems, where the diameter of plastic pipes for water supply reaches 100 or more centimeters.

From stitched polyethylene (REH)

These pipes are allocated in a separate section, since due to the special production technology, unique properties are acquired, which distinguish them from conventional polyethylene products.

For those who do not know, under the word "stitching" implies a special procedure that occurs at the molecular level. And, of course, it has nothing to do with threads and needles.

Anyway, plastic tubes made of stitched polyethylene have the following features:

  1. High strength. This I want to mention separately. Even with long-term operation in extreme conditions, when the temperature inside exceeds 90 degrees, the pipes will serve not one dozen years. And maybe much more.
  2. Form stability. If it does not affect the pipes from outside, they retain their original form and operational characteristics even if the water temperature increases to + 200 degrees Celsius.
  3. No cracks. I have not yet met with the situation when the pipes made of stitched polyethylene gave the crack by themselves, without any exposure from the outside. Therefore, in the reliability of the designed and assembled water supply, you may not doubt.

The strength of the pipes is maintained even at a negative air temperature. I read about the tests when the pipes were cooled to - 50 degrees Celsius.
And when they hit, they retained their integrity.

  1. Flexibility and strength. Moreover, these parameters are in an ideal ratio. You will be able to exit, as you need, and at the same time they will retain the necessary strength throughout the service life.
  2. Resistance to chemicals. Of course, it doesn't matter for the water supply, but I will still say anyway. Such pipes can be used not only for water supply, but also for transporting aggressive liquids.

Another point is abrasive resistance. Even if the water in your water pipe is not different in cleanliness and sometimes sides of sand or scale, the products under consideration will endure the impact of abrasives, while retaining their characteristics as much as you need.

By the way, about the service life. It directly depends on the conditions in which they will be used:

  • if the fluid pressure does not exceed 9 bar, and the temperature is 95 degrees, the service life will be at least 15 years;
  • if the pressure is the same, and the temperature is two dozen degrees below, the pipes will serve more than half a century.

Pipes from stitched polyethylene Personally, I advise you to use for mounting heating. However, no one bothers to make a water supply line. Although the price will be slightly higher.

Metal plastic

In the last place for the request of the presentation, but not much important, I placed metal-plastic pipes. They are a puff cake consisting of several parts:

  • food polyethylene, with which the water is in inside the pipe;
  • foil reinforcing layer;
  • dense external polyethylene protecting the pipe from mechanical damage.

All these layers glued together with a special composition. Products acquire the flexibility of plastic and the strength of metal products. In addition, I mean a few more features:

  • resistance to corrosion;
  • frost resistance.

They can be bend in any direction. After flexion, they retain the form they have gone during the entire period of operation. This property I often used if you need to mount a complex engineering system in the house.

They can be used to transport the liquid medium with the following parameters:

  • temperature up to + 95 degrees Celsius;
  • pressure from 10 (if the temperature reaches 95 degrees) to 25 (at a temperature of 25 degrees);
  • the maximum fluid temperature that does not destroy the inner layer of polyethylene - +130 degrees Celsius.

Dobornye elements for metroplastic pipes - twisted, twisted and allowed water.

Installation of metal-plastic pipes is simple as possible. The compounds are performed using threaded fittings, and the corners are not necessary at all - it is possible to simply under the adjusting angle, inserting the special spring inside.


As you can see, the choice of pipes for the installation of water systems is quite large. And I do not dare to give a specific advice. Guided by the information I outlined, you can choose yourself. And if you want to tell about your experience in buying water pipes, you can do it in the comments.

As a bonus, I can offer watch a video in this article, where other aspects of repair in apartments and private houses are considered.

Plastic pipes are long products with a constant diameter of the section, which are widely used to create water pipelines, heating and sewage systems. The popularity of these products is due to an economical price, low weight and hygienicness. The products are not subject to corrosion, do not react with the aggressive medium and are distinguished by low thermal conductivity, which makes it possible to avoid heat loss when transporting hot water. The smoothness of the walls allows you to increase by 30% compared with the steel of the movement of the fluid. At their surface, the flap does not accumulate, and the cross-sectional area remains unchanged throughout the service life. Since the walls remain clean, they are not a favorable medium for breeding bacteria. The ease of plastic structures simplifies and speeds up their gasket. The lack of plastic can be attributed lower than that of the metal mechanical strength and non-ultraviolet radiation. The polymers have a limited temperature range of operation, which does not allow them to apply, for example, with steam heating.

Types of plastic products

To date, three types of plastic products are produced: polyethylene, polypropylene and PVC. Polyethylene pipes are made with a diameter of 20 to 160 mm, they can be used when mounting the pressure and non-free systems of residential, administrative and industrial premises. These products maintain temperatures up to -20 degrees and stands to pressure drops in the water supply system, but the temperature range does not allow them to be used for a hot water supply and heating system. When placing pipes into the ground, its mobility has great importance, since polyethylene may not withstand the load.

Polypropylene tubes are characterized by a higher degree of rigidity and strength, but they are much worse than it requires the use of more fittings. The advantage of this polymer is the ability to withstand temperatures up to 95 degrees, so that such pipes are suitable for mounting heating systems and hot water supply. For this reason, polypropylene products are highly popular, which also contributes to the democratic price of pipes and fittings. Products can be connected by welding and withstand sufficiently high pressure, therefore it is used in the structures of irrigation systems. Sewer polypropylene pipes for non-pressure systems are manufactured. They are convenient for allowing a hermetic dock with old cast iron products.

PVC pipes are significantly limited in use, since the material after a certain period of operation is released toxic substances, so basically this type of product is used when laying sewage systems. The important advantage of this material that promotes the scope of application is the resistance to the aggressive environment. Products are distinguished by a wide range of sizes for pressure and non-pressure systems.

What plastic products differ from metal-plastic?

All plastic products consist of one dense layer of material, that is, they differ in uniformity. What is most important in thermal expansion. It is due to the difference in the indicators of this parameter three-layer metal-plastic pipes begin to flow at the joints. The diameter of plastic products is practically unlimited and is 16-160 mm, while metal-plastic products are produced in the range of 16-63 mm. Due to the thicker walls, polypropylene pipes withstand more significant pressure drops and have more preferred mechanical characteristics. The thermal conductivity of metal plastic is higher, which is a plus for heating systems, but minus in hot water systems. The advantages of metal-plastic structures are a wider temperature range and ultraviolet resistance and atmospheric oxygen. Installation of plastic water supply does not require expensive equipment and less spent on time and effort. He can even install newcomers.

PVC pipes for water supply are characterized by simplicity of installation and low cost, while not less reliable and durable than pipes from other types of plastic. Polyvinyl chloride is a common plumbing material, which one of the first came to replace the metal. Its use made it possible to significantly reduce the outer diameter of the water supply, since the smooth surface of the material provides increased bandwidth.

Characteristics and features of PVC water pipes

The main feature of polyvinyl chloride is chemical inertness, which allows to transport acid and alkaline solutions along it. For household needs, this material can be bought in order to lay the water supply under drinking water because it is distinguished by high ecology.

The main advantages of PVC water pipes:

  • low weight, resulting in ease of installation;
  • low price (compared to other polymers);
  • resistance to salts, alkalis and acids;
  • even inexpensive PVC pipes are non-toxic for drinking water;
  • durability (50 years or more).

The only drawback of polyvinyl chloride is low heat resistance (up to +65 ° C), limiting its use in heating and hot water supply systems. In Moscow's houses, PVC pipes are used mainly to laying water pipes under drinking water or for other purposes that do not imply high temperatures.

Our range of PVC pipes

The online store "Santekhkomplekt" offers a full range of pressure and non-pressure PVC-based tubes. There is a pipe product for all running sizes. The pipes of Russian companies Aquasfera and STC are widely represented, as well as European brands COMAP, FIRAT, HENCO and UPONOR. We work directly with all the listed manufacturers, providing our customers with the highest quality products and affordable prices.