Wax autumn leaves. Flower conservation methods: in glycerin, gelatin and salt how to keep autumn maple leaves

The shape of the maple leaf is easily recognizable. It can be seen on the Canadian flag, and indeed, it is unlikely that there are people in Russia who cannot imagine her. Very beautiful maple autumn: their sheets acquire a beautiful color, somehow in a special smell. Children and adults collect them in beautiful yellow-orange bouquets, which, perhaps, can be called golden autumn symbols.

But stored in this form not very long. How to extend your life? And what else can you do with them? In fact, mass options. First of all, you need to choose the right leaves: they must be pretty fresh, the process of rotting should not yet begin to begin. Having gathered enough, you can think about how to save them. The most popular way is to stroke them with an iron through newspaper sheets. It will help remove extra moisture from the leaves and prevent rotting. But this measure can spoil their beautiful color somewhat. Another well-known way is to attach maple leaves into a book for a while, it does not hurt her if you make a blank for herbarium newspaper. But a couple of months, in order for the result for sure it turned out good, you have to wait.

So, what can be done with dried leaves? Firstly, the same bouquet that eats much longer, especially if you cover it with a special composition, which enjoy florists.

Secondly, they can be used for appliqués, herbarias and similar crafts. Someone even makes beautiful roses from them, turning in a special way several leaves around each other. Such flowers can be covered with paint and make beautiful Christmas decorations from them, especially since manual work is now very valued, especially if it is such an exclusive.

In addition to the decorative function, maple leaves can perform the role of the drug, they are quite widely used in folk recipes. So, it is believed that they have invalid, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties, and

also can serve as a counter aerated, diuretic, antipyretic agent. There is even an opinion that the maple leaf has an anesthetic effect. However, such funds are better not to use without consulting a doctor, since only a professional can correctly choose the patient medication.

By the way, not all maples have the same form of leaves, but there are about 160 species in this family. The number of their shares differs, they can be round or more

elongated. But almost all the peoples somehow honor these trees, they are located in famous Japanese gardens, maple leaves inspire poets and composers to create poems and songs.

In addition, it is valuable wood and beautiful honey. In Canada, the symbol of which it is, has already been made from it for a long time which is added to the desserts. This is how the meaning of this tree for a person is great. Regardless of how much maple is useful and practical, it is simply beautiful, and its leaves can long resemble romantic agents about warm autumn days and people who were near.

There is a way, and not one, save the flowers in almost the priority form. We are talking about preserving colors in glycerin, gelatin and, of course, salts. What canning can do without salt! The last method is suitable only for compositions in closed vessels and does not imply pulling the flower from the solution ..

I note at once, the flowers in gelatin and glycerin remain the same flexible and only slightly change the color. Become more faded. If you want to get a truly magic result, do not pull. And as soon as you get a bouquet as a gift, tele several flowers for canning. The only "but" - too young foliage canning with glycerin is not amenable to

It is better to take dense, not too young flowers. Oddly enough, too young foliage canning with glycerin is not amenable. Excess leaves are better to remove immediately. Carefully consider the flower, which decided to put it. If you see damaged petals and leaves on it, then such a flower is better not to use. The stem must necessarily trim, remove the skin or bark (if it is a branch of lilac or an apple tree, for example) approximately 7 cm from the bottom and breed. It is necessary so that the solution is better penetrated into the flower.

Glycerin is divorced by water in the ratio: 1 part of glycerol to 2 parts of hot water. The resulting liquid is poured into a jar, a vase, any other beautiful vessel at a height of about 20 cm and removed into a dark cool place. Penetrating into the leaves, glycerin sucks their liquid and the glycerol is replaced by glycerin evaporating from the leaves and moisture stems. The fluid level should be maintained, therefore, as drying, the solution must be addressed. This concerns only open containers.

In closed vessels, the level is practically not changing. On full impregnation leaves from two weeks to two months, depending on the size and thickness of the stems. But the result is worthy of admiration! For this it is necessary to gain patience and wait. Consolidated in this way of plants, retain their elasticity and flexibility and do not require special care, they can be wiped with a dust wet cloth.

On full impregnation leaves two weeks to two months, but the result obtained certainly admires!

You can preserve and separate leaves. It takes much less time from 2 to 3 weeks. But also need to take into account some features. Fern leaves, for example, after cutting, milk juice are isolated, which can be clogged by moisture channels in the stem. In this case, the end of the stem should hold over the flame until it darkens.

Glycerin guarantees us only the safety of the flower shape. But the color can be "put" yourself.

In order to give plants the necessary color, you need to feed the plants with artificial water-soluble dyes, adding them to the glycerol solution. You can use green, acrylic, oil, silver, colored transparent varnishes, now shops for creativity, provide us with a large range of similar products.

It happens that plants unsuccessfully mothballed and there were white oxidized spots on them, which spoil the appearance of our plants. The situation can be corrected by whitening the plants a couple of days in the following solution:

1. Water 500g.
2. Denaturized alcohol 160g.
3. Acetone 160g.
4. Shangic acid 50g.
5. Acetic acid is 99% -10g.
6. Sodium bisulfate 120g.

Flowers in decorative bottles.

The beauty of these decorative bottles is difficult to convey words. And even a photo cannot completely convey to you their brightness and tenderness.

To create a composition, you need a transparent bottle of beautiful shape. It must be well to wash and disinfected with boiling water. Plants can be laid immediately, breaking the stem, and pour the glycerol and water with a solution in proportion 1: 2. For a better effect before bookmarking in a bottle of plants, you can put a few days to such a solution so that they will be impregnated with them. Then lay the flowers in a bottle, carefully paint them, carefully flood with a solution and hermetically sealing the neck. Gorelshko can be additionally decorated with twine, ribbon or pour with a surhum

Fresh roses or petals, dahlias, lilies, chrysanthemums, etc. are well suited for decorating bottles. At the same time, the bottle can lay shells, beads, strung on the thread, small statuettes, beautiful buttons. Live flowers can be replaced with artificial ones.

Another reliable preservative is a strong solution of gelatin with sugar, approximately 1/1. You can also use a very strong saline.

Flowers in a bottle or bank can not be put on a tight, they should hide inside the sount. Compositions inside the bottle may be different, but sometimes one flower is enough.

Method with salt.
It is necessary to cut, ready to dismiss the buds of roses in such a way that the flowers remained the colors. The cooking salt is calcined on the cast-iron pan until it turns into a very small dry powder. After you need to take a tin box and pour a layer of the already calcined salt on the bottom. It is necessary to put buds on the salt, but so that they do not in any way come into contact with each other. The buds will fall asleep to the top, after which the box needs to be sealed. When fresh flowers are needed, roses should be taken out of the box, carefully clean from salt, slit stem and put it into the water. They will come to life and dissolve. It can be done differently: pour the calcined salt into the cardboard box, put flowers there, fall asleep them as salt, then close the lid, put the box in a plastic bag and remove into a cool place. In this case, when fresh flowers are needed, you need to get plants out of the box and omitted them for 2 hours into a bath or a bucket with warm water for two hours.

From dried leaves, colors and herbs, you can create unique pictures - both exquisitely complex and completely simple, which even small children can do. There are several methods of making paintings, and perhaps you yourself will come up with something new.

Collect and dry beautiful plants and do with the pleasure of creativity with the children, develop fantasy, accuracy and feeling beautiful.

Collect leaves, flowers and herbs For future paintings, it is possible from spring to autumn.

Dry They are better in old heavy reference books or magazines. Fat plants stalks are dry poorly, so they are recommended to cut along in half. Leave the plant in the book for 10-14 days.

Glue Take a thick enough so that the drops are not formed.

If you think colored but transparent petals must be superimposed on the dark background and save their original color, then you first need stick them on thin white paper Cut the contour and then turn on the composition.

So, we hold the autumn day you got into the park or in the forest and gathered a large collection of beautiful bright leaves and plants.

Appliques can be done like from freshly broken leaf and dried . If you want to save the leaves, you can recommend two drying methods.

First, well-known, method - Investing leaves between the pages of the old unnecessary book. Each leaf is better to lay on both sides with a paper napkin.

The second method - express drying of the leaves using an iron. Just remember that the leaves are not sterile, so it is better to iron them on the surface, which then do not mind throw out, for example, on large sheets of paper. From above on a leaf before ironing, too, you need to put a sheet of newsprint or paper napkin. And now more.

Powder drying

This method of drying flowers and leaves is not faster and simple. For him, bulk substances will be required, which have hygroscopic properties: sinking river sand, semolina or corn croup, salt or pushed chalk.

Powder drying and its advantage: it fully retains the shape and living color of plants or inflorescences.

Sand learn in a frying pan so that there is no moisture left, and let it cool. Put 2 cm sand in a cardboard box and lay out flowers on it.

Gently sprinkle with sand, until they cover the plants completely.

After two or three weeks in the bottom of the box you need to do the holes so that the sand is poured.

Dried flowers slightly shake to remove sand residues.

Such flowers can be used for volumetric patterns or preparation of floral compositions.

Drying of faster plants

There are also plants that fastened faster than you have time to dry out (hydrangea, bully, heather, chicory). They need air drying with skeleton diving.

The bottom of the stem cut at an angle of 45 degrees and put in the vessel with water to a height of 7.5 cm.

Drying plants with hot way (express drying)

Hot drying, that is, the drying Iron is the perfect option when drying the leaves for herbarium is needed for tomorrow. Also hot drying can save the original color of cornflowers.

Wipe the leaves with a wet cloth or cotton disk to remove dirt and dust. To wet too much and rub it not to damage the fragile surface.

Stop ironing board with clean paper and spread the leaves on it.

If you use newspapers - be careful, as typographic paint can be imprinted on both the leaves and the surface of the ironing board.

Top cover with another sheet of paper.

Switch the iron to the minimum temperature and check that it does not turn out to be water. If your iron is not too high, then you can set the temperature closer to the middle, but not the maximum, because too hot iron will spoil the leaves.

Follow the leaves several times, then remove the paper and turn them over the other side. Cover the paper again and join.

Repeat the procedure until the leaves are absolutely dry.

Drying plants for garlands and crafts

Leaves and flowers that you want to use not for herbarium and paintings, but to create garlands or other crafts, you need to dry without the press.

For drying the plants, spread on paper and gently straighten.

Flowers tie beams and hang out squeezing down. In the room there must be good air circulation and relative dryness

Drying plants and leaves under the press

Drying leaves under the press is the most famous and easy way.

The leaves and flowers simply shift the paper sheets or paper towels on both sides and put under the press or in books and magazines.

Paper must be changed every day to remove the absorbent moisture.

Flowers and leaves will be ready to use a week later.

If the billets have become too fragile, lower them into a solution of water and PVA glue (on 4 parts of water 1 part of the glue), and then dry.

The leaves dried and treated in this way are the perfect exhibits for herbarium.

Drying plants on the grille

Some plants can be dried in a horizontal position on the grille (for example, ivy). Some better not to turn up upside down (Physalis).

Drying flowers in the oven

Single large flowers whose petals are rich in liquid, like, for example, roses or tulips, can be dried in the oven at a low temperature.

Carefully watch the process: Flowers should not be fun.

Before starting work, shipping Table Kleenkaya so as not to relieve it with glue. Prepare the basis - a sheet of cardboard, assembled or dried leaves, scissors, glue (better than PVA), tweezers.

First need come up with a future picture . Then compose it on a separate sheet. And only then start gluing individual parts-decisions to the base. The glue is best to apply droplets around the edges. If you apply glue to the entire surface of the sheet, then when drying the applique, it can be swallowed.

Ready picture need put under the press For one or two days. Do not forget to do for her frame!

Types of applications

Patch applique.

Try to start working from inventing pictures that do not require cut out of the leaves of any details, and the leaf applies. There are a lot of such pictures: butterflies, mushrooms, chickens and other birds ... The missing items can be painted or made from other natural materials.

I finish on simple pictures, children can start invent multi-tiered images. In this technique, the leaflets stick to each other layers. Application will get bright and fun if the leaves will differ in color.

Silhouette applique.

In this form of the applique, the extra pieces of the leaflet are cut off so that it is exactly what a small artist conceived.

Modular applique (mosaic).

With this technique, the picture is created by sticking the set of identical or close to the form and size of the sheets (or, for example, maple seeds). So you can make itching fish, the tail of a rooster or firebird.

Symmetric applique.

Used to create separate images or integers having a symmetric structure, as well as to obtain two completely identical images (for example, reflection in water). To do this, pick up similar leaflets to get an image with its "reflection" or symmetrical in itself ("Butterfly", "Dragonfly", "Landscape with a lake", "Boat on the river").

Ribbon application.

A variety of symmetric appliqué. Her difference is that it allows you to get one or two, but a lot of identical images - ornaments. A whole "dance" trees, flowers, mushrooms, butterflies, etc. are obtained.

It is time for autumn blanks. We are not talking about canning tomatoes or cucumbers. Who in the family has children of preschool and younger age, will understand what it is about. Ahead of the school year and time of regular crafts.

We will harvest autumn leaves.

Methods Many: Can I press leaves (remember school herbaries?), Keep using wax paper, laminate, use silicogel and even dried in the microwave.

In our opinion, the optimal way to preserve the leaves is with glycerin. Not the fastest, but the leaves remain soft to the touch, are stored for several years, suitable for crafts, and for decoration of premises.

It will take:

  • Glycerin (sold on any pharmacy, it is cheap)
  • Containers or trays
  • Autumn leaves
  • Paper for absorption (napkins fit).

1. Choose beautiful leaves. It is better that they were without spots, bulges and not twisted. Put them in a plastic container.

2. Mix 1 part of glycerol and 2 parts of water in volume.

3. Pour the mixture on the leaves. So that the leaves do not flood, you can add them to something, for example, to put a smaller container from above.

4. Leave for 2-3 days. After that check. If the leaves are still dry to the touch, leave for another couple of days. The leaves should be touch soft and elastic.

Bright paints of autumn and I want to catch and delay longer. The leaves are just a miracle of shades, which should be decorated with an apartment in the framework of the color therapy. 🙂 But as often, bringing home some beautiful sheet, we notice that it quickly loses color and shape, and use it in the decoration is useless.

Today, the most successful ways, take water, soda, books :))

Water and bouquets

The easiest way to save the leaves is longer - disrupt them straight with branches. Do not say that on the branches autumn leaves hold very hard, but still it is a big chance to save a bouquet in original form. Before putting the composition in a vase, cut the branches with a sharp knife and slightly split. You can add several spoons of glycerol or teaspoon of sugar and aspirin tablet. Periodic splashing of the leaf water from the spray can help a bouquet of saving its fresh charm.

Skeleton and decor

The skeleton in the decor is a somewhat strange combination, if only it is not about leaves and colors. This technique allows you to do so tender things that I can not believe that they have natural origins.

It is necessary to prepare a soda solution (approximately 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) and gently decompose the leaves in the solution. Proviss them on a small fire from an hour to two, to the darkening of the leaves, periodically supper soda. Then lay out the leaves on paper and beat a bristly toothbrush on them. The pulp of the sheet crepts and remains a cute skeleton. 😉 The next sheet must be dried, you can paint or leave the resulting natural shades.

Some florists prefer a dry skeleton method: it is possible to clean the leaf from the pulp without prior soaking. In this case, it is better to use a brush from natural bristles, and the tougher there will be a pile, the better.

To not be too fragile after cleaning, you can sprinkle it with hair varnish.

Acrylic varnish and garlands

Simple and stylish garlands - very decorated the veranda and the house, but if the leaves remain in their original form, without losing the form and color. Help beauty can special floral sprays or acrylic varnish, which is also sold in a spray - in construction stores.

The leaves sprinkled with such a varnish look shiny and fresh, protected from damage and do not fade. Lacquer is designed for wooden furniture, plastic, glass, but also leaves it will protect 🙂

Also for leaves you can use a special floral varnish for glittering colors. Another means is ordinary vegetable oil, which can be applied to the leaves with silicone tassel.

Drying in the book and vertical decoration

For the type of decor, where you need smooth and clear lines, the leaves can be dried by the old proven method. Spread them between the books of the book, and then shift each day to a new page. The moisture from the leaves is completely absorbed in about a week, to strengthen it is worth omitting them into a solution from water and plow glue 4: 1 and dry well. And then you can already use the leaves in the original form, or paint.

Pictures of leaves sandwiched between two glasses look very stylishly, and such a decor is preserved for a very long time, the paint does not fade.

From leaves stored in this way, you can make a panel, which seems to be written by oil paint.

Beauty of autumn leaves can be enjoyed not only in the fall. Some rustling methods can lead to loss or change of color leaves. However, there are numerous ways that help preserve color and form for a long time. After reading this article, you will learn how to put the autumn leaves to please you in the cold season when trees on the street are bare and unsightly.



    Choose bright leaves. Collect freshly hard, bright and sufficiently soft leaves. The leaves can be slightly dry, but not to such an extent that they will break or spin on the sides. Choose whole leaves. Avoid torn or slightly pitched leaves.

    Cover the leaf with the adhesive substance on both sides. For decoupage, a white adhesive agent is used, which when dried, becomes invisible. You can buy the adhesive substance in the store where goods for creativity and needlework are sold. Use the brush-sponge for applying the adhesive substance. Put the leaves to dry on the newspaper sheet.

  • In most cases, decoupage should be done on the same day when the leaves were collected. If you post this occupation, the leaves are dried, become brown and brittle.
  • If the leaves are very wet or if you raised them straight from the tree, without waiting for them until they fall, they should be dried for several days. To do this, put the leaves inside the big book.

Wait until the adhesive is completely dry. It should not stick to the fingers. On the leaves, it should also be completely transparent.

Repeat on the other hand. Turn the leaves to the other side and apply the adhesive substance on them. When the second side is dry, the leaves will be ready to use. This method allows you to save the color and shape of the leaves for a long period of time.

Using paraffin wax

  1. Take fresh leaves. Collect freshly ending bright leaves. Paraffin wax coating will give the leaves a beautiful shine. See each leaf, rub it with a paper towel before switching to the next step.

    Mount the paraffin wax in one-time dishes. 450 g paraffin wax should be melt in one-time dishes, heating it on slow heat.

    • To melt paraffin wax faster, cut it into large pieces, and distribute them evenly along the bottom of one-time dishes.
    • If you do not have a disposable tank for melting paraffin wax, take a shape for the cake that you do not plan to use more for cooking. Wax can spoil the shape, so do not use the dishes in which you cook.
  2. Remove the molten wax from the stove. Be very careful, since melted wax is very hot. Gently put it on your desktop. Make sure that the container with wax does not turn over. This is especially important to consider if you have animals or children in the house.

    Immerse each leaf in molten wax. Keep a piece of cuttings and dry it into the wax several times. Take care that both sides of the sheet be covered with wax completely. Do not brings your fingers close to hot wax so as not to burn. Repeat the above actions with the rest of the leaves.

    Spread the leaves to dry. Put each sheet covered with wax, on the wax paper and leave in that position until the wax hardens. Give the leaves to dry for several hours indoors without drafts. After the leaves are dried, they should be removed without much effort. Thanks to this method, the form and color of the leaves are saved for a very long time.

    • For security reasons, you will check the desktop with a newspaper, and then put the wax paper. Thanks to this, the wax will not fall on the desktop. If the wax falls on the table, it will be very difficult to remove it.

Use Glycerin

  1. Choose fresh leaves or a small twig with leaves. If you want to put a whole branch with autumn leaves, give preference to this method. Choose a branch with leaves that are firmly attached.

    • This method can slightly change the color of the leaves. Yellow will become more saturated, red and orange shades will become brighter.
    • If possible, find already fallen twigs instead of tearing them from trees. Remember that such actions can damage the tree.
    • Do not take branches with patients or with subporpite leaves. This method will not bring the desired result if the leaves were captured by frost.
  2. Cut the end of each branch. Remove the end of each branch with a hammer so that the fresh tree can be seen. This should be done so that the branch is better absorbed glycerin. Otherwise, he will not reach the leaves.

    • If you want to put only the leaves, without a branch, you can skip this step.
  3. Injack the glycerol solution. It can be purchased in the store. To prepare a solution, mix in a large capacity of 530 ml of liquid vegetable glycerol with 2 liters of water.

    • Glycerin is a natural substance obtained from plants. This process of storage of leaves is environmentally friendly.
    • If you want to put a branch with leaves, add four or five drops of dishwashing liquid. Thanks to this, glycerin is easier to penetrate into the wood. For the best result, use dishwashing liquid without color and smell. In addition, a liquid surfactant can be used, which can be purchased in a shopping store.
  4. Place the branches with the leaves into the solution for three to five days. Spreads and leaves will have to absorb glycerin for three to five days. Put the container with the solution and branches in the dark place.

    Remove branches and leaves from the solution. The color of the leaves will become brighter. In addition, they will become more elastic. You can use a whole twig or separate leaves for the manufacture of different fakes.

Use microwave oven

    Put fresh leaves between two paper towels. This is a good way to dry leaves for fakes. However, be prepared for the fact that the color of the leaves can become a dim. Place fresh leaves on a two-layer paper towel. From above, cover them with a single-layer towel.

  • Use freshly ending leaves that are still well flex. Do not take the leaves with twisted ends, torn or on which there are stains.
  • For the best result, leave a small space between the leaves so that they do not stick.
  • Dry leaves in a microwave oven. Place the leaves in the microwave oven and heat them for 30 seconds. After that, continue heating for 5 seconds.

    • Autumn leaves should usually be heated from 30 to 180 seconds before they are finally dry.
    • Be very careful when you put the leaves in the microwave. If you leave them in the microwave oven for a long time, they can light up.
    • If the leaves look burned, most likely, you worried them in a microwave oven. If the leaves are twisted at the edges, then in all likelihood they have not long been in a microwave oven for a long time.
  • Leave the leaves for the night. Put the leaves in a dark place without drafts and leave their minimum at night and a maximum of 2 days. If you notice that the leaves begin to flicker, they urgently need to be processed.

    Treat the leaves acrylic sprays. Leaves need to be processed on both sides. Wait until the leaves are dried. After that, they can be used to make fakes.

    Using book

      Place the leaves between the two sheets of paper. Unfortunately, using this method, you will not be able to save the color of the leaves. Place the leaves between the two sheets of thick paper for printing.

    • Use dense printing paper, not a thin tracing. Otherwise, the leaves can leave stains.
    • Lay out the leaves in one layer. Do not put the leaves on each other, otherwise they can glue.
    • Choose leaves in good condition. They should be fresh and wet. Cuttings should not be dried or twisted.
  • Put a heavy book on paper. In order for the book and on the working surface there is no stains, put paper napkins or toilet paper between a sheet of paper and a book. They absorb moisture from the leaves.

    You can also put the leaves right in the book, but in this case it is worth using the old book, which will not be pity, since the stains can remain. Put the leaves between the pages of the book. For a better result, put each sheet of at least 20 pages.

    • Use the telephone directory if you have it.
    • Put a heavy item on the book. Due to this, the leaves will become flat and dry. You can use other books, bricks, or any other heavy item.
  • Check the condition of the leaves in a week. They should be dry. If they still have not been dry, we should continue to dry for several days.

    Using paper paper

      Choose Fresh Leaves. Use wet, bright and freshly ending leaves. After the procedure, the leaves will become shiny.

    1. Dry leaves. Place the dry leaves between two paper towels. Lay out the leaves in one layer so that the free space remains between them. Find paper towels on each side. I am smooth each direction for 3-5 minutes.

      • The advance drying of the leaves will help them save their color and quality after covering the leaves with wax paper.
      • Do not use the steam function on the iron when drying leaves. Couple will return moisture leaves. Use the dry ironing feature.
      • Try the leaves to the touch after you speak them within 3 - 5 minutes. If the sheet is still not dry enough, bring it for a few more minutes on each side.
  • Add to bookmarks:

    Autumn leaves - the climax of the season. Colorful leaves can be even more attractive than flowers. Be that as it may, in order to decorate the house with autumn foliage, you will first have to prescribe them or put it. Fortunately, it is extremely simple and there are 4 main ways for the conservation and preservation of paints of autumn leaves.

    Selection of leaves for saving

    Whatever method you choose, your leaves will demonstrate their best qualities if you are guided by the following recommendations when choosing them:

    1. Choose the leaves are relatively flat, not twisted.
    2. Look for the leaves on which there are no stains or bulges.
    3. Do not be afraid to use the leaves at different stages of color change.
    4. Leaves with a low moisture content is better to dry under the press. More elastic leaves, like Magnolia or Rhododendron, good candidates for glycerol or silica gel.
    Selection of leaves to save a fascinating occupation for children. And since they are closer to Earth, they often have the best overview for choosing.

    Pressing under weight - the simplest method of preserving autumn leaves

    The pressing of autumn leaves under weight is the easiest way to save, but these leaves will not hold on as long as past conservation. In order to dry leaves with the press:

    1. Choose relatively flat and thin leaves, low moisture content.
    2. Place the leaves between the sheets of newspaper or wax paper.
    Then select a few of your most difficult books and proceed to the second stage ...

    Gag out leaves weighing

    To prevent the leaf twisting, you need to apply considerable weight.

    1. Put the paper with the leaves inside the thick book. You can also add several books or stone from above, to increase weight.
    2. Keep the book in a dry place and check in about a week. Make sure the leaves were dried and not rotted. It is likely that you will need to hold the leaves under weight inside the book for another 1-2 weeks before they are completely dry and will be ready for use.

    Tip: If you have more dense leaves, flush them in a diluted solution to mitigate the tissue. Or try to cover the surface with a thin layer of vaseline.

    Ideas for design:
    . Scatter pressed leaves on shelves or tablecloths.
    . Make Iquiban, filling the basket with your extruded leaves.
    . Pressed leaves can be used to decorate the table. Make a composition of leaves on the table or tablecloths and cover with a transparent cloth or cellophane from above.

    Preservation of leaves in wax paper - Great lesson for children

    Perhaps this is one of the few classes when children will gladly take the iron.

    1. Choose thin leaves with low moisture content that have not started to twist.
    2. Make a "sandwich": Put the leaves between the two sheets of wax paper.
    3. Cover your place for ironing by a piece of old fabric, so that you did not drink it with wax.
    4. Put your sandwich over the old fabric.
    5. Cover your sandwich by another piece of old fabric.
    6. Heat the iron to the maximum, but do not use steam mode.
    7. Slowly drive the iron backwards on top of the fabric. Do not press at first too much, otherwise you can move the leaves. As soon as the paper starts sealing, use the full weight of the iron and keep it 4-5 seconds in every place.
    8. Raise the rag to check melted and sealed paper seal. The leaves will be visible much better when the wax grows.
    9. Allow the sandwich cooler, then cut out separate leaves. Leave small edges around the leaves so that the waxing paper remains sealed.
    Such leaves can be saved for several months.

    Ideas for design:
    . The leaves treated with wax are well suitable for children's games, and you can collect collages for hanging.
    . Print individual casting to the curtains or glue to lampshades to create an autumn mood.

    Drying of leaves in the microwave stove

    Microwaves - a great fast way to keep anything. You can only use a microwave oven, or speed up the process with silica gel, which will be described below.
    1. Select the leaves that still saved freshness and moisture. Do not use dry fallen leaves.
    2. Make a sandwich, setting individual casting or flat twigs with leaves between two paper towels.
    3. Put a sandwich on the tray and install in the furnace.
    4. Turn on the microwave for 30 seconds and then check the leaves. The thicker or with a great content of moisture leaves, the more time you will take it.
    5. If the leaves have not been dry not yet, continue to dry, observing 30-second intervals and check until the leaves are dry.

    Warning: leaves can catch fire, just like any other thing that was left in a microwave for a long time. Therefore, continue to follow. Do not wait until the leaves reveal or curl. They can save heat and continue to dry a few seconds outside the microwave, if you do not want to cut them.

    Application of silica gel to save autumn leaves

    Silica gel is a white powder resembling a salt that you can meet in small packages in shoes. Silica gel absorbs moisture and significantly speeds up the drying process. You can buy a packaging of silica gel in any store for crafts or you can collect and save small packages that you encounter everywhere.

    1. Select leaves that are still wet and flexible. Silica gel allows you to put the thicker leaves too.
    2. Pour the silica gel with a layer of about 2-3 cm on the bottom of the microwave meal.
    3. Place the leaves on top of the silica gel layer, leaving the place between them and to the edges of the dish.
    4. Fully cover the leaves by another layer of silica gel.
    5. Put the dish in the microwave oven and turn it on the middle power by about 2 minutes. It is very difficult to determine the specific time for drying, so it depends on the size of the dish, the number of leaves, the number of silica gel and the power of your oven. It is better to periodically check the condition of the leaves through short time intervals.
    According to the experience, 3-4 sheets on a dish with a size of 8 x 8 with 3-4 cups of silica gel occupies about 2 minutes per medium power.
    6. Let cool and remove the leaves.

    Tip: Leaves are preserved longer if additional layer of acrylic resin is coated.

    Ideas for use: these leaves are the same as dried under the press, and can be riveted or connounced for autumn compositions.

    Use of glycerin to save leaves

    The preservation of leaves with glycerin is the best way to preserve their elasticity, and they can remain in such a state over several years. You can save individual leaves so much or even small twigs.

    The hardest part of the process is the purchase of glycerin. Now Glycerin is very hard to find. Sometimes it is found in the stores on the shelves next to the hand lotion. You will have to search. You can also ask in pharmacies.

    To save individual leaves

    1. On a flat tray, make a solution from one piece of glycerol and two parts of water.
    2. Place your leaves into the solution.
    3. Cover your leaves another dish, so that they turn out to be completely in solution, as shown further.

    Leaves in glycerin solution

    Installation of a smaller dish in size from above will help them immerse themselves in a solution. And this also means that you can use fewer solutions.

    Start checking in 2-3 days. The leaves should be soft and plastic. If the leaves are still dry, leave them in the solution for another 2-3 days.

    When they eat, remove them from the solution and wipe the stains.

    Preservation of small twigs in glycerin solution:

    1. Cut small twigs with leaves and immediately immerse the stalks into a container with warm water. Let them stand there about 2 hours, away from the straight rays of the sun.
    2. Make a solution of 1 part of glycerol with 2 parts of water and bring it to a boil. Then reduce the fire and on slow heat, negotiate it 5-10 minutes.
    3. Allow the solution to cool completely.
    4. Pull the sprigs from water tank, and their ends to break the hammer in order for a large surface to absorb the solution.
    5. Put branches into a solution with glycerin. Keep away from direct sunlight and other heat sources until the leaves appear small drops of dew. This means that the leaves absorbed everything they could.
    6. Remove the twigs and wipe the leaves.
    7. Suspend twigs down leaves for drying.

    Ideas for design: Glycerin leaves can be used in all kinds of creativity. They are especially well suitable for wreaths and garlands, as well as to decorate the table, rings for napkins and large dishes.

    Preservation of pressed and canned leaves

    None method will not allow you to use the leaves forever. Even the leaves sealed in the wax paper will eventually be dried and folded. If you want to extend the existence of your masterpieces for a slightly longer period, use a variety of floristic preserving agents.

    And of course, the next year there will be other leaves, and every year your skill and creativity will only develop.

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    A special presentation of bouquets of dry flowers will give leaves and fruits that have saved their color and texture due to the processing of special technology. Of the fresh fruits and just cut leaves create excellent compositions. But these components can be used and as an addition to bouquets of dry flowers, from which they are so different texture, shape, painting. The leaves and fruits are especially good in the Golden, when bright colors come to the shift of the sad beauty of flowers.

    Glycerin assistant

    The processing technology based on the use of glycerin helps to save the beauty of autumn leaves: their colors will become brighter and richer, a glossy shine will appear. After such treatment, the leaves can be kept painting for several years.

    Preparation of leaves

    If the stem is the bottom leaves, remove them. Cut the boring with obsessive stems (5 cm). Slightly screeching their ends with a hammer or split the cross-snap-knife to the solution to make the solution faster.

    Make a solution

    Constantly stirring, distribute 1 part of the glycerin in 2 parts of boiling water, then bring to a boil on medium heat and cool slightly. Pour to heat-resistant container, cover the lid and shake to mix the solution well. (If there is an extra portion of diluted glycerin, it can be cooled and stored for further use in a hermetically closed container). Slowly, slowly lower the stalks of plants into a hot solution: it should cover them at least 8 cm. Place the container with plants in a cool place, protect from direct sunlight and leave until completely absorbing the solution. The appearance of moisture droplets on the leaves indicates that all glycerin has absorbed. (The process of absorption can take about three weeks.) Regularly check the blanks, because the stems of some plants absorb the glycerol solution faster. If the liquid is dried, but the droplets appeared not on all the leaves, add an additional portion of the solution into the container (at the same time it should be hot, but not boiling). When the leaves are completely absorbed by glycerin, remove them from the tank and wipe with a dry cloth. Before using the workpieces, dry them within two weeks, hanging on the rope. Billets covered with waterproof varnish can be used to compile bouquets of fresh colors. (Such mixed bouquets without fears are placed in water.)

    Preserving large leaves

    Large leaves of some plants, such as fig tree and Japanese Aralia (Fatsia), cannot be completely impregnated with glycerol solution, so their edges become brittle. These leaves

    canned otherwise: separated from the stem, then 2-3 sheets are placed simultaneously into a shallow container with a solution. When they change the color and the edges at the same time will not be brittle, you can consider the process completed (it will take about one or three weeks). The leaves are removed from the solution and decompose on the shocking paper for drying.

    Leaves of garden trees are collected in dry weather. Damaged or affected leaves are not suitable for "" conservation.

    Leaves of evergreen plants are harvested at any time of the year, and the rest of the plants - at the end of summer.

    Filodendron leaves are very beautiful, but they are not preserved: during the processing process they can change the color.

    Do not use young spring leaves: they are covered, not to withstand processing.

    Autumn canned "" leaves are stored between the pages of the book, but they treat them carefully, because many of them become fragile.

    Perfectly carry the preservation in the glycerol solution of corn leaves, which can then be turned on a stick (dried, they will get an unusual form).

    Attach leaves

    Put each sheet on a thin wire, disguising it suitable in color with a tape.

    When can serve fruit? Fruit treatment is much less time. It is best to put them in the late summer - the beginning of autumn, although this can be done at any time of the year. Such canned food, looking very effectively, will serve as a wonderful addition to any composition.

    Shine on an ambulance hand

    On the skin of the apples, apply a transparent varnish. Thread through the tail of the apple a piece of wire and connect its ends: such a fruit is successfully used in the preparation of compositions. Choose several apples of different color.

    Bright Pumpkin Family

    Representatives of the Pumpkin Family are usually grown out of seeds in the open ground, in a well-lit place. In the fall, original fruits of various shapes appear (round, oval), which can be small (up to 5 cm in diameter) and the size of a plate (up to 30 cm). The peel at the pumpkin -Borny, smooth. Coloring is unusually diverse: creamy-white or orange, green and greenish-white; There are also striped fruits. Collected completely ripe pumpkins in the late autumn, on the eve of the first frosts. The fruits are broken, keeping a small stem, cleaned, dried in the sun a couple of days, and then stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated room. Ripe pumpkins are covered with varnish, but more impressively they look in their natural form, so you can restrict the peel polishing. Under the trees and bushes, you can find leaves deprived of green fabrics (that is, their cozovy). They resemble lace and can become an indispensable element of the future composition.

    Raw material

    Especially picturesque are the erections of magnolia leaves, which, if necessary, whiten or tinted. In specialized stores you will be offered ready-made lace, but you can make them from the leaves of ivy, laurel or ostolist.

    Weave lace

    Pour 225 grams of any detergent in 1 liter of boiling water. Put the leaves into this solution and stirring with a wooden spoon, boil them for 30 minutes. Rinse the leaves under cold running water and spread them on paper for drying. Remove green leaf tissue tissue towards the central resolution to the side. Rinse the leaves again, dry and spread between sheets of watering paper for drying.

    It is time for autumn blanks. We are not talking about canning tomatoes or cucumbers. Who in the family has children of preschool and younger age, will understand what it is about. Ahead of the school year and time of regular crafts.

    We will harvest autumn leaves.

    Methods Many: Can I press leaves (remember school herbaries?), Keep using wax paper, laminate, use silicogel and even dried in the microwave.

    In our opinion, the optimal way to preserve the leaves is with glycerin. Not the fastest, but the leaves remain soft to the touch, are stored for several years, suitable for crafts, and for decoration of premises.

    It will take:

    • Glycerin (sold on any pharmacy, it is cheap)
    • Containers or trays
    • Autumn leaves
    • Paper for absorption (napkins fit).

    1. Choose beautiful leaves. It is better that they were without spots, bulges and not twisted. Put them in a plastic container.

    2. Mix 1 part of glycerol and 2 parts of water in volume.

    3. Pour the mixture on the leaves. So that the leaves do not flood, you can add them to something, for example, to put a smaller container from above.

    4. Leave for 2-3 days. After that check. If the leaves are still dry to the touch, leave for another couple of days. The leaves should be touch soft and elastic.