Does electronic cigarettes are harmful to others: from two evils choose the smaller. Whether smoke smoke is harmful to smoke

The liquid smoke is a flavor sold in the form of a concentrated mixture that allows you to imitate the natural smoking of fish, meat, sausages, cheeses, and also give the specific taste of soups, hot and other dishes. There is synthetic and natural origin.

Methods for obtaining, composition

Before talking about, harmful or not liquid smoke, it is worth mentioning methods for obtaining this substance.

Smoky fluid of natural origin was known to people in the 19th century, when Russian Chemist V.N. Karazin first tried the method when preparing products to preserve their freshness. The technology of obtaining liquid smoke in a natural manner is based on dissolving the elements in the water released during the injection of wood. Sawdust of hardwood of trees (cherry, beech, apple tree, alder) are burned at a certain temperature, while the smoke is passed through a container filled with water. The resulting condensate passes several degrees of purification: first eliminate insoluble particles - ash, tar, then remove harmful chemical compounds - carcinogens. As a result, only two components of the future fluid remain - the condensate of smoke and resin. They are removed by applying such technologies as distillation, concentration, absorption at the membrane level, and then the resulting mixture is stored in tanks to "aging", filtered and packaged in container.

Thus, given the composition of liquid smoke of natural origin, it can be said that the product is not so harmful as its analogue made from chemicals.

Composition of liquid smoke synthetic origin

Often, doctors warn the population that the benefits of smoked are minimal, and the product prepared using chemical additives, harmful and even dangerous to the body. Thus, liquid smoke of artificial origin is nothing more than a mixture of water and chemical compounds contained in different proportions. It can be:

  • acids (from 3 to 10%);
  • carbonyl compounds - aldehydes, ketones (from 2.5 to 4.6%);
  • phenols (up to 2.9%).

Water in such liquids is from 11 to 92%. Also, some manufacturers are added to the spice.

Does the body damage the liquid smoke of synthetic origin - the doctors cannot say unambiguously. Laboratory study of mixtures for smoking continues until now.

Use of liquid smoke

The main criterion, which is guided by the hostess when acquiring mixtures for smoking is time saving, since there is no need to soak meat or fish in marinade for several hours, burn sawdust, wait for dishes.

Another reason to replace natural smoking with liquid smoke - the desire is not harmful to health, since with the use of a product prepared on the smoldering chip, the dangerous carcinogens do not fall into the body (if you believe the manufacturers of the substance).

Positively affects the use of smoky fluid on the taste-aromatic properties of the dish. Meat and fish, closed in a mixture "liquid smoke", in taste almost no differ from products treated with the method of natural smoking. They also acquire a specific smoky aroma and an appetizing golden or brownish shade.

Possible and real harm

Nutritionists and nutrition specialists are confident that the benefits of smoking fluids are exaggerated, and in most cases, not without the participation of manufacturers who need to implement their product, entering the buyer to delusion. Harm with all this turns out to be noticeable.

The first thing is to pay attention to the physicians, caution of liquid smoke consumers - the emergence of allergic reactions of varying severity. Someone allergic is observed immediately after a single use of dishes prepared using chemical additives, others complain about the symptoms after regular smoked meals. Therefore, many doctors call on to give up the purchase of liquid smoke, as well as selectively approach the choice of smoked shocks presented on store shelves. It will not be superfluous to study the composition of both the additive "liquid smoke" and smoked goods.

Also, meat and fish treated with smoking liquid are harmful to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which inevitably leads to the occurrence of ulcerative disease, gastritis, other pathologies. It is worth it or not to use similar products to people who have already suffer from the listed diseases, it is not necessary to speak, because the answer is obvious.

No need to forget about smoked, sold in the finished form. No one excludes that a spoiled fish or meat will come to the buyer, whose stale smell was simply "interrupted" with liquid smoke.

In some countries, the authorities went on emergency measures, banning the implementation of liquid smoke itself, recognizing it with the strongest carcinogen and products that are wounded with it. The prohibition touched the fluid produced by natural method and synthetic (chemical). In a number of other states there are norms, strictly regulating the content of chemical compounds and the concentration of smoking fluid. That is, the government itself with a support for medical analyzes recognizes the harm of health substance.

The European Food Safety Agency is wary of liquid smoke, which annually monitors the existing samples. However, the exact data on how it is reflected in the state of the body is no mixture for smoking, they cannot doctors to tell and about all the consequences of the use of products, in the preparation of which was used liquid smoke.

And some researchers argue that the substance leads to the formation of cancerous tumors. So, Scott Curner from Jones Hopkins University found out that the pyrogallol contained in liquid smoke causes damage to the cells of the cells.

Products-substitutes for smoked liquids

To give a golden shade, replace the harmful liquid smoke can be a husk, tea with welding. Smoky smell is obtained using some varieties of whiskey or soy sauce. Also use a mixture of mayonnaise, curry spices, wipe garlic and soy sauce. In the soups, instead of smoky fluid, it is better to add smoked ribs or meat, the concentration of the substance is much smaller, and the fragrance of the finished dish will not be worse.

As disputes about whether the liquid harm is harmed, do not subside, it is better not to use dishes prepared with its addition, but prefer products made by the traditional way - smoke on chip or sawdust.

1. Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) - colorless, devoid of smell poisonous gas. It blocks hemoglobin in red blood cells (red blood tales) and thereby interferes with the transfer of oxygen blood (especially dangerous for people with a disease of the cardiovascular system).

2. Dust, causing hair in the eyes.

3. Smoke, which makes breathing, leads to a nose and throat.

4. Overacted ozone is a high concentration of ozone molecules at an altitude of 0-5 km., Toxic, causes problems with light, inflammation of the throat, tearing and dry eye.

What to do to facilitate your condition

- To reduce the toxic effect of smoke components and Gary drink natural juices and there are fruits in which antioxidants are contained.

To swim and visit the pool (the lungs work very actively, and the particles that fell inside can be removed during active breathing).

Maximum use of wet gauze bandages, to reduce the risk of small particles in the lungs.

Refuse contact lenses in favor of ordinary glasses.

Symptoms of poisoning.

- Dizziness.
- Headache.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Pain in the chest.
- In the risk group, people with respiratory diseases, such as asthma, lung emphysema, as well as chronic allergies and people with nasopharynk infectious diseases. The delayed consequences of inhalation of air with accordion and smoke are possible.
Man, for a long time inhaling forest fires, risks suddenly to die. Carcinogens accumulate in the human body. As a result, paralysis of the heart muscle or a sudden liver failure may occur.

Comparatively recently emerged electronic cigarettes became an apple of discord between researchers, smokers and non-smoking, but sometimes forced sometimes or constantly be near the lovers of "Sky." Is the electronic cigarette harmful to others as common, or its distribution is rather good, since there is a destructive effects of tobacco?

This device is essentially an individual inhaler (in the form of a cigarette, cigar or tube) with a mini generator. The latter produces pairs (aerosol) from the liquid in the remnable device cartridge. Inhalation of the dispersed pair creates the illusion of ordinary smoking.

These devices were created to deceive the chicken body, which decided to throw a detrimental habit, but they are more used as a harmless substitute for ordinary smoking. But is it really harmless?

The fluid that is sprayed in this device is a mixture of several components:

  • glycerin
  • propylene glycol,
  • nicotine (in some varieties of liquids for ES it is absent),
  • essential oils
  • flavors.

Glycerin forms pairs, and propylene glycol dissolves essential oils and creates irritation of the respiratory tract, as if a person smoked the usual cigarette. These two components occupy a lion's share. When inhalation, they are harmless. Moreover, the composition and properties make it possible to widely use them in pharmaceuticals and the satellite, as well as aromatic additives. Nicotine - yes, harmful, no doubt. True, here it is less than in traditional. But even its minimum presence worsens the work of the heart. That is, Nicotine is the only thing, because of what about electronic cigarettes they say that they are "the same dizziness." But it is for an active smoker.

We are primarily interested in the fate of non-smoking. It has been proven that "passive" smoking, that is, forced to find next to those who smoke are very dangerous, since most harmful substances are contained in exhaled tobacco smoke.

Studies found that the surrounding smokers people consume significantly more poisoning substances than the smokers themselves. Tightening, they start in a cigarette the combustion process, which produces smoke with carcinogenic substances. The bulk of this smoke smokers inhale themselves, and the rest is released out. And here in these "remnants" harm is significantly higher than in a switched smokers. And they, these substances, are passive to smokers, when they breathe to the tobacco smoke, in which different plates dissolved.

We clarify that all hazardous substances appear when burning tobacco. In the electronic analogue of the tobacco cigarette there is no burning. Therefore, there are no carcinogens and harmful resins. And nicotine is almost completely absorbed by the active smokers when tightening. The exhaled contents have a low nicotine concentration and cannot be applied to those surrounding as terrible harm as tobacco smoke.

Who is: what kind of cigarette is harmful?

Nevertheless, if nicotine is present in the electronic device, its decay products are in the air. How many? And what is the real damage of electronic cigarettes for others?

The answer, as always, gives science. Researchers experienced an experimental way, how many nicotine introduces to their light lover of wipeing (that is, a person, inhaling a pair of electronic cigarette), and how much it gets near. Two volunteers were placed in one room of a small quadrature for eight hours. With a frequency of five minutes, one of them smoked an electronic cigarette, the second had to be content with exhaled couples.

Then they conducted measurements and calculations, and it turned out that the maximum content of nicotine is 60 times less than allowed by labor protection standards. It was estimated that at least three months it would be necessary to be near Viper with a non-smoking person to "dial" the standard tobacco cigarette "give" to him.

It would seem that the answer to the question is harmful to the smoke from the electronic cigarette for others, it is unambiguous: practically no. Why?

  1. The device does not highlight harmful and dangerous connections.
  2. From clothes, hair, the mouth of the smokers does not come unpleasant odor.
  3. Thanks to flavors, exhaled couple has a pleasant aroma.
  4. A qualitatively manufactured device is safe from a technical point of view (careless appeal will not lead to fire).

And yet it is impossible to be approved with a 100% guarantee that steam is absolutely safe from it - simply because the question has not been studied deeply, with a large number of subjects, at different angles of view. One thing is clear: while in a long time next to the person actively using this invention, the people surrounding it will not harm their health as it happens from the neighborhood with tobacco fans.

There are egg opponents of electronic cigarettes that lead their arguments against their distribution due to possible harm to non-smoking.

We bring them to respect the balance of opinions:

  1. A pairs inhaled by a passive smokers can lead to unconscious dependence on nicotine and make a non-smoking smokers.
  2. Propaganda of the harmlessness of electronic cigarettes and fruit flavors can attract new members from among children and young people into the ranks of smokers.
  3. Not being tobacco-containing, this invention does not fall under anti-nicotine prohibitions and "decompose discipline", being used in public places.

If the first two arguments are purely hypothetical and can hardly be perceived seriously, then the third requires discussion and, perhaps, solutions to equate electronic cigarettes to the usual on the negative impact, and on the basis of this, to limit the wipeing. But if "electronic smoking" and needs limitations, then for certain categories.

To whom it is unwanted to use:

  1. Minors - so as not to get used to smoking.
  2. Pregnant women and nursing mothers - due to the unprovelessness of harmlessness for the fetus and child.
  3. Abstinents - did not smoke and do not start!
  4. Allergies.

All would be good, but ...

So, we found out that for those surrounding electronic cigarettes are much less harmful than containing tobacco. But only if their manufacturer acts in good faith. After all, electronic analogs of tobacco products, in contrast to the latter, are not subject to certification, and the composition of the liquid may not be checked.

In addition, the lack of large-scale clinical trials leaves doubts about the safety of electronic cigarettes for both the active user and the involuntary "robes".

What is the way out? Of course, the people do not smoke at all. This invention is able to help those who independently can not get rid of this addiction. Since the Viper Fortress establishes on its own, it is necessary to regularly reduce it and go to penetrate electronic cigarettes. Either do the opposite to the described, namely: to significantly increase the nicotine component of the smoking fluid, which is likely to lead to a complete abandonment of smoking - and tobacco cigarettes, and electronic. There are confirmation of it. So the electronic cigarette will benefit and smokers (we will consider - former), and others.


In this video, you can observe an interesting experiment on the analysis of the smoke of ordinary cigarettes and steam from electronic - for harmful substances.

"The smoke of the fire creates a comfort, the sparks go out in flight themselves ... etc." And also: "Write the blue night with fires .." What summer without fires? The fire warms and combines people, you can cook delicious soup on the fire, and then fry kebabs on coals. But it is impossible to say that only the benefits of fires. There are harm, and very significant. We are not talking about forest fires, considering that people who read this article are quite careful and bonflash in all the terms of group-safety. It will be about the dangers of the smoke of a conventional fire. Often people think that the harmful smoke is obtained only if you burn rubber, plastic, PVC, cardboard, painted boards. This is not true. Please note that in this article we write about the dangers of smoke from burning ordinary firewoods from birch, pine, aspen and other dry trees.

So what happens to the tree when burning? One of the most detailed descriptions of the process can be found in the book d. F - M. n. Khosheva Yu.M. "Wood furnaces. Processes and phenomena. " Elemental mass composition of absolutely dry wood of all wood breeds of approximately the same: carbon 49-50%, oxygen 42-44%, hydrogen 6-7%, inorganic part 0.1-2% (potassium oxides, calcium, sodium, magnesium, silicon and etc.). Wood contains also 0.1-1% of the associated nitrogen - it is precisely such "wood" nitrogen can form harmful emissions of nitrogen oxides during wood burning (atmospheric nitrogen into the interaction with oxygen when burning firewood does not enter). The listed chemical elements are created in the wood three main groups of chemical compounds of type natural polymers: cellulose 39-58%, hemicellulose 15-38% and lignin 17-34% and up to several percent of waxes, resins, tannins, fats, essential oils.

The main feature flame burning of wood It is the ending of burnout is calculated with a change in the composition of combustible gases of pyrolysis of wood (so-called "volatile") and with a change in the velocity of volatile. Essentially, the lamps burn in the gaps between the lamps as in microtopes with hot charred walls of wood. Inside the fire, the lack of oxygen can occur for the complete combustion of volatile, and the fire turns into a gas generator that suppresses combustible gases into the flame over the wood. Flame-free combustion Solid fuels are called a drainage. The drainage is characteristic of what can occur more slowly than fiery burning, and can be carried out at a relatively low combustion temperature.

Scheme of stains on the wood surface. 1 - wood, 2 - heat flow deepwood, 3 - air intake, 4 - exit volatile from the thermolization zone through the coal layer / with flame ignition or in the form of a SIZOD /, 5 - "cap" of exhausting products of CO2 and CO 6 - radiant heat flow, 7 - coal zone, 8 - wood thermolysis zone, 9 - exit volatile from pores of wood with condensation in the form of white smoke.

One of the most harmful products of combustion and thoughts of wood is visually visible smoke - gas in small solid and liquid particles. The chimping process is called in foreign literature of the emissions of particles of substances - "Emission of Particles of Matters" / PM /. Usually, "heavy" white smokes have a particle size of 1-10mkm, black smokes 0.1-1mkm, "light" SIZY haze - less than 0.1 μm. US Ecology Services consider particles with a size of less than 10 microns, and especially less than 2.5 μm, the most harmful component of flue gases, since these particles are able to freely act through the protective system of the lungs in Alveola ( /)

Major splashes of emissions of smoke and carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) occur when dropping fresh firewood to the fire, it is in these moments that there is an increased yield and white, gray and black smoke due to the appearance of the unnegunted wood surfaces and due to the increased exit of volatile products thermolysis. The flue gases contain a large amount of water vapor, and the chemicals of wood formed mainly during the combustion of the chemical substances, and not with the physical drying of the source wood. Note along the way, that gases have the ability to dissolve in water, including drops of condensate. If the solubility of nitrogen 0.015 m3 / m3 and oxygen 0.031 m3 / m3 is not large, then the solubility of carbon dioxide is 0.88 m3 / m3, sulfur gas 39 m3 / m3 and hydrogen chloride 440 m3 / m3 are significant. Therefore, for example, the presence of sulfur in the fuel leads to the translation of the droplets of water mist in a drop of sulfuric acid.

We will deal with the composition of the white, gray and black smoke of the fire. White smoke is an aerosol of small droplets of liquid wood pyrolysis products. When heating wood, evaporating water is fond of the pairs of oils ("dages"). Boiling water, as is well known, well "distilts" many hydrocarbons, especially aromatic, which actually gives white smoke the specific smell of "soot" of smoldering wood. These waters with "weaving", formed inside the village near the hot burning zone or decline, are combined in the fifth of cold wood, cooled, and in the form of white smoke and come out of wood (mainly through the ends of the lane). As it grows, it is full of white smoke begins to evaporate and finally flashes flames. At the same time, the white smoke may damage at all.

A gray smoke may proceed from hot charred, but not burning flames, surfaces of lane, including smoldering grooves. Such a sizy smoke is formed as a result of evaporation and subsequent high-temperature condensation in the fog of the most difficult oils and resins. Moreover, the more high-boiling the condensing resin, the "land and easier" looks like a gray smoke. Size smoke differs from white smoke a significantly smaller particle size. A particles of size less than 400 nm preferably dissect visible light in the purple spectrum region, and do not absorb it as large particles of white smoke. Therefore, the transition from the "heavy wet" white smoke, to a dry siza smoke, occurs gradually through grayish-bluish haze, familiar like smacks of cigarettes.

Black smoke is essentially burnt tar ("elementary carbon", soot). Black smoke occurs when thermoapping hydrocarbons, mostly in the flame, with insufficient oxidation. Black smoking is very characteristic of combustion of materials rich in carbon and, especially containing benzene rings (benzene, fuel oil, polystyrene).

Black smoke formation scheme

When combustion, 1 kg of wood is released 7.5-8.0 m 3 gaseous combustion products. Their, except for products of complete burning, includes: carbon monoxide, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, acids and other complex organic compounds.

Of course, a sharp harm to the health of one or two in the evening by the fire will not apply. But we must try to avoid inhalation of smoke and keep in mind that smoke from the fire delayed in the body much longer than tobaccoAnd it has a greater number of carcinogenic substances.


Khoshev Yu.M. "Wood furnaces. Processes and phenomena "2014

Is the smoke marijuana harmful, including under passive smoking? / What Are Negative Effects of Cannabis Smoking and Secondhand Smoke?

We hear about the dangers of inhalation of smoke since childhood, be it a smoke fire or smoke cigarettes. Since I love Marijuana and sometimes smash in the presence of outsiders, I wanted to get an accurate scientific response to the question, whether the inhalation of smoke marijuana harms health, especially considering that the popularity of hemp grows, and smoking still remains the most popular way to use it.

I found out that the smoke cannabis is even more rombing than tobacco, and although the opinion is widespread, as if he, unlike tobacco, health, research shows that inhalation of marijuana smoke, including passive, may be harmful to cardiovascular vascular system.

What are the effects of passive inhalation of smoke marijuana?

In the recent, held by the University of California in San Francisco, scientists studied the effects of cannabis smoke when it was passive inhalation in rats, while measuring such a parameter as "an" arteries indirectly mediated dilatation "(that is, how much arteries are expanded or narrowed). In a nutshell, if blood flow is blocked, and then unlocked, the blood vessels should expand in order to skip the increasing blood flow. For clarity, imagine a device that squeezes a person's hand when measuring blood pressure.

According to Dr. Matthew L. Springer (Matthew L. Springer), whose team carried out this study, mediated by the bloodstream dilatation - this is "real-time working mechanism, which is more effective in healthy vessels than in patients, and especially young people without cardiovascular Risk factors. "

To study the effects of passive smoking, the researchers gave sedative rats - it allowed them to carry out accurate measurements and minimize damage. Then they have blocked the blood flow in a large artery and measured dilatation after the blocking was removed. Part of the rats at the same time buried the smoke marijuana, others - no. The experiment was built in such a way as to determine whether the smoke has an impact on dilatation, that is, it decreases or no ability of vessels to expand after removing the lock. Dr. Springer explained: "From the 90s, we know that the tobacco smokers caused by the blood flow of dilatation worse; This is also reported to those who are constantly subjected to passive influence of tobacco smoke. The effect is observed even when people do not inhale smoke directly during the experiment. "

The result of the experiment was unambiguous - rats passively inhaled marijuana smoke, showed a decrease in dilatation, that is, their blood vessels expanded not as fast as the control group. In fact, after a minute of inhalation of smoke, dilatation was not restored to a normal level when measured after 90 minutes. Such an effect did not surprise researchers, considering how many toxic substances are contained in smoke. "The combustion of any vegetable material leads to the emission of many toxic substances, including volatile organic compounds and harmful gases, such as acrolein, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde, explained Dr. Springer.

Is the harm of marijuana smoke exposure to cannabinoids?

The next question that researchers were set were - whether TGC or other cannabinoids are involved in the deterioration of blood vessels. To this end, they used cannabis, in which there were no cannabinoids (TGK, KBD and others). When the rats inhaled smoke without cannabinoids, his impact on dilatation was exactly the same. This suggests that TGC and other cannabinoids themselves do not affect the deterioration of dilatation.

"We have shown that the deterioration takes place even when there is no TGC in marijuana and when the cigarette paper is not used, - said Springer, - we also made sure that during the cultivation of marijuana, pesticides were not used and that it did not contain any twigs or seeds ". Thus, scientists managed to prove that the chief psychoactive component of marijuana (TGC) or other cannabinoids, for example, having a large therapeutic potential of the CBD, do not harm vessels.

Do these effects have the effects when cannabis vaporization?

Dr. Springer explained which conclusions can be made from this study. "It is worth emphasizing that our results do not necessarily have an" anti-drug "character, since we have shown that the problem was caused not to the marijuana itself, as a psychoactive substance, and its smoke. We hope that these results will enroll people think about how they use cannabis / TGC / CBS, and make a conscious choice before exposing themselves, their home, neighbors and friends inhalation risk of smoke. " Considering the negative impact of smoke on health, marijuana lovers should consider smokeless methods of use, for example, vaporization.

In order not to be unfounded, we asked the question of Dr. Springer, whether the WAPPorization is really a healthier way of cannabis use. "This is a reasonable sentence," he replied, "however, we do not know this for sure." Not only TGC, but other substances are present in pairs produced by the Vaporizer. The most reasonable conclusion from our results is to look for a smokeless way to eat TGC. "

Vaporization, products with marijuana, as well as outdoor use - all this is much less harmful ways of use compared to smoking. And although the kosyachok in a circle is still very popular, it is worth considering the vaporization or the use of marijuana to food, as it will save our own health and health of others, which are the main victims of passive smoking.

Smoking Cannabis in legalization

There are a lot of questions related to passive inhalation of smoke marijuana. For example, many adult marijuana smokers cannot use a substance at home, which means that they will increase the risk that they will do it on the street or in other public places, that is, they will expose to smoke surrounding. This situation looks especially stupid in those states where marijuana is legalized, but there are no public places where it can be legally use.

Dr. Springer explains: "I believe that passive smoking needs to be avoided at any cost, and it does not matter whether it is about tobacco or marijuana. Laws prohibiting smoking in public places should be rewritten in such a way as to include and marijuana ... People who stay with others, especially parents of young children, should know that smoking marijuana in the presence of children is as bad for their cardiovascular Health, like smoking cigarettes with tobacco. In my opinion, it goes without saying when it comes to recreational use. "

Now that the control of drug control simplifies the rules of studying marijuana, research seems to determine the future of the use of marijuana. We should understand all aspects of how this plant affects individual and public health.