Choose a two-channel coaxial chimney for a gas boiler, installation tips. Coaxial chimney, install coaxial chimney options

In the modern world, the coaxial chimney for the gas boiler began to be very popular. With the proper installation, such a pipe performs two important functions at once: displays the combustion products and ensures the necessary air flow to operate the heating system. There are several types of chimneys that differ in design, material and technical properties.

These designs differ in some characteristics.

Basic characteristic

In order for the system of heating, in which the open flame burning, it works, it is necessary to follow two rules: a regular air flow is needed in sufficient sizes, and a safe output of combustion products and spent gases should be adjusted.

If in the private sector it is possible to use a chimney, then in the conditions of an urban apartment, it will be very difficult to implement this option. However, in both cases, this method will have a lot of significant minuses:

  1. For flame burning, a significant air flow is needed, which will be borrowed from residential space. This contributes to the occurrence of drafts, and also increases the arrival of cool air from the street.
  2. Chimneys installed in private homes are most often performed in the form of brick blocks with vertical or horizontal channels for smoke. Gas boilers are categorically forbidden to connect them to such chimneys.
  3. In order to make a separate chimney with removal in the apartment, a lot of money will be required. This is a difficult task, since, in addition to large financial costs for installation and manufacture, it will take permission from the executive authorities that are responsible for the visual component of the city.

In this video you will learn how to modify the coaxy chimney:

In view of these factors, the installation of coaxial chimneys for boilers is considered the most rational. In addition, this is an economical option that does not require huge funds for the purchase and installation.

Appearance and principle of work

The design of such a chimney consists of one long metal pipe located inside another, shorter, but possessing the largest diameter. In addition, there are various connecting accessories in the set - the knees, clamps, lining, and also receiver to collect condensate.

The varieties of such equipment may have minor differences, however, the device diagram and the principle of operation are almost identical to all systems:

  1. Thin inner tube is necessary for the output of combustion products. It is made of high quality and reliable stainless steel. The inner end is connected to the opening at the outlet of the boiler, and the outdoor is outlined outside the residential premises.
  2. The outer tube is responsible for the influx of air from the environment in the burning area. Its inner end joins the opening at the entrance, and the outer is excreted from the residential zone.
  3. Waste waste due to thrust is discharged into the atmosphere on the inner tube, and clean air along the outer tube enters the burning area.
  4. The outer tube does not in contact with the hot gases directly, however it is in the region of a strong temperature difference. This item can be made of cheaper steel.

Do not forget that the kit includes various connecting devices

Varieties of chimneys

On how the burning products will be made, it affects the type of gas boiler, as well as the layout of the room that will be heated. This process can occur in two ways: through the outer area of \u200b\u200bthe building in the side or through the ceiling overlap and the roof of the private house. Therefore, coaxial chimneys for gas boilers are divided into two types: vertical and horizontal.

Vertical coaxial chimney for a gas boiler is operated only in the private sector. It is designed to remove the waste elements through the ceiling overlap. This method is more sparing in an environmental plan and allows you to achieve a full-fledged heat exchange between the incoming and outgoing air. The placement of the mouth of the pipe affects the formation of good thrust.

With the vertical placement of the pipe in its lower area, it is necessary to install a special receiver for collecting condensate. The vertical variety of chimney has a higher cost, since more labor-intensive in the installation, more material is consumed to create it.

The horizontal type is the only available option for boiler equipment that can be connected in an urban apartment. Such a removal can be equipped independently, since this will require a minimum of materials. Installation is also simple, the device for collecting condensate will not need to be installed. Water can flow into the street naturally due to the negative tilt of the chimney.

The horizontal option is one of the optimal for the corresponding boilers.

Advantages and disadvantages

The coaxial system has many advantages compared to other varieties of chimneys. You can highlight such advantages:

  1. Clean air, which is needed for burning flame, moves from the street along a closed equipment system. To operate the device, air from heated space is not used.
  2. This scheme does not allow carbon monoxide or natural gas to enter the premises. There will be no drafts in the house, the operation of the system will not affect humidity and air temperature.
  3. Coaxial chimney increases the productivity of the gas boiler, the consumption of natural gas will be economical, and the amount of substances allocated to the environment will decrease.
  4. The smoke canal is reliably protected by the air layer, so there is no open contact with the surrounding structures and objects.
  5. In terms of competent installation and operation, the possibilities of ignition or receiving burns are excluded.
  6. The acquisition and installation of a coaxial pipe will require much less financial costs than buying and arrangeing another kind of chimney.

This equipment has a lot of advantages.

Such a system has only one disadvantage - the freezing of condensate on the surface of the outer pipe into severe cold. However, this is an absolutely solved problem. The end of the chimney can be insulated with basal or mineral wool.

Some masters are confident that the condensate freezing can be avoided if you shorten the pipe. Professionals do not recommend changing the design with their own hands. Manufacturers have developed a model with a glider against ice formation. It can be used to prevent freezing.

Air flow into this pipe occurs through its holes in the lower area. This invention is designed to work even in conditions of harsh frosts. The device has a nozzle for the inner tube, inside which is placed a special spiral. Holes to obtain air along the edge of the pipe at the same time are distributed from below.


The horizontal type of chimney is easy enough to install, besides it takes much less space. To obtain the highest quality work, it is necessary to follow a number of requirements:

  1. The outer tube must be 2 meters from the ground.
  2. Distance from pipe to doors, windows, ventilation channels, etc. Vertical and horizontal should be at least 0.5 meters.
  3. If a window is present above the ventilation hole, the distance to its lower domain should be at least a meter.
  4. Under the coaxial pipe must be free space of at least 1.5 meters. At this distance there should be no obstacles, pillars, walls and fences.
  5. If there is no receiver for collecting condensate, then the pipe must be placed with a slope to the ground. Its angle should be from 3 ° to 12 °.
  6. It is forbidden to remove the channel to any other space except the street.
  7. If the gas pipes and the details of the chimney take place nearby, you should withstand between them a distance of 20 cm.

The chimney tube can be placed under a canopy or balcony. The closer to the balcony there is a chimney hole, the more the length of the exterior of the pipe should be. It is believed that with a horizontal installation scheme, the smoke length should not be more than 3 meters. It is not always true. Some varieties of equipment have a length of 4-5 meters.

To make the installation of the coaxial chimney with their own hands, you need to stock the necessary materials. The list of tools may differ depending on the situation, but most often such devices are required:

  • pipes themselves;
  • adapter connecting chimney and boiler;
  • tee, knee;
  • crimp clamps for efficient fixation of parts.

Most often, all equipment for mounting is supplied with chimney. To spend the pipe through the roof, wall or overlap, you should use fire-resistant gaskets. They are required to protect from ignition and overheating materials near the chimney.

Installation and operation

Installation and proper connection of the system to the boiler is a simple process. To set the horizontal chimney, you need to follow the phased instructions:

  1. First you need to place the gas boiler in your place, and on the wall of the building outside the center of the intended pipe outlet.
  2. Now the boiler should be temporarily removed and with a perforator and cutting crowns drown a hole in the bearing wall. Its diameter should be greater than the size of the outer tube by 20 mm.
  3. The adapter must be connected to the opening of the boiler at the output. When connected, use the sealing gasket. After that, with the help of self-screws or screws, you should attach the adapter flange to the surface of the boiler.
  4. The pipe must be connected to the outer nozzle of the adapter. To create reliable fixation it is impossible to use any sealants.
  5. Be sure to check the tightness of the compounds and fixing the fasteners. If everything is done correctly, the pipe will be cut into the hole in the wall.
  6. Now the boiler can be returned to its former place and secure on the wall. The smoke tube needs to be installed with a slope of 3-5 degrees towards the street. It should be fixed in the wall with small pebbles.
  7. The soles between the outer casing and the wall should be chopped by polyurethane sealant.

Quality ventilation

Although the spent substances overlook the hermetic channel, and the air intake occurs outside, you need to take care of good ventilation of the room in which the boiler is placed. This will allow to maintain the ideal indicators of humidity in the room, which will have a positive effect on the work of the equipment and will prolong its service life.

Whatever quality system, it can fail after a while. If a small breakdown occurs in the boiler room, in high-quality ventilation, the carbon black gas will be out of natural way. In this case, the risk of gas poisoning is significantly reduced.

Coaxial chimney is a reliable, efficient and easy equipment. In order for the system to work efficiently, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for installation and follow the instruction manual.

The advantages of such a chimney


Anyone wants to be warm in his house. After all, it is precisely from this to the comfortable stay of the whole family. Those who have no centralized heating should take care of him. In addition to installing the boiler and other components, it is necessary to solve the chimney question. Without it, smoke from combustion of fuel would be straight into the room. Previously used ordinary pipes for this. However, coaxial chimney invented over time. What is this device? What is its advantage? These issues should pay special attention.

What is a coaxial chimney?

Coaxial, then one subject in another. The chimney was so called, because he also had one pipe, mounted to another. Inside, they are not in each other, but are connected by a jumper. This device is intended for gas boilers, convectors, radiators, and other devices with a closed combustion chamber. Coaxial chimney has 2 tasks:
  1. ensures the constant arrival of air, for burning gas in the chamber,
  2. displays fuel combustion products.

construction of coaxial chimney

The principle of his work is easy to understand. On the outer tube, air flows, and harmful substances are out of the inner. Usually this design is about 2 m, and it consists of the following parts:
  • straight pipes - they form the chimney channel channel itself;
  • collection for condensate - as water vapor accumulates in the pipe, you need to not give him to get into the boiler;
  • tee - used when connecting to the boiler;
  • the knee, bent 90% - this part helps to make turns in chimney;
  • cleaning - allows for regulatory work;
  • tip - protects against precipitation and wind.
This is the design of the standard chimney, but if its direction is horizontal, then more often the composition will be as follows:
  • straight pipes
  • bended knee
  • side tip.
3 types of steel for the manufacture of coaxial chimneys are used:
  1. stainless
  2. acid-resistant
  3. galvanized.
In addition to these options, there are combined structures where parts from different steel are combined. Due to the fact that the device is made of high-quality material, it is not destroyed. These are the highlights that you should know when choosing a coaxial chimney.
But that he worked well, it is more serious to approach the acquisition of equipment. Before buying, some points will have to take into account:
  • make a detailed line of highway with precise size,
  • what kind of fuel,
  • outdoor temperature,
  • isolation of the room,
  • boiler performance, can affect the choice of pipe,
  • quality product
  • wall thickness.
Taking into account all this, it will be possible to choose the pipes of suitable diameter, length and so on.

The advantages of such a chimney

There are many arguments in favor of using a coaxial chimney.
  • One of the most important advantages is that oxygen necessary for burning gas, takes off the street. Conventional boilers are powered by air from the room, so it becomes stuffy.
  • Heat loss is also reduced. This happens due to the fact that fresh air enters the outer tube, which heats up from the inner. Therefore, this air is also warm. This design significantly reduces the heat loss of the heating line.
  • Ecology process. Due to the fact that such a process has a high efficiency, the gas in the boiler is completely burning. Because of this there are no emissions harming atmospheric and man.
  • Prevents fire. Also, as an external pipe heats up, the inner cooled. Therefore, if the flammable items will come into contact with the chimney, it will not be a large temperature for ignition.
  • People do not have to breathe smoke or carbon monoxide. Everyone is unpleasant when a strong smell of smoke from the furnace appears in the house. This adversely affects the human body. But, since this chimney gives the necessary oxygen necessary for burning, then all processes occur in a closed chamber. So, nothing falls into the room, and you do not need to breathe smoke or equip the exhaust.
  • A large assortment. The choice of this equipment is very wide. Therefore, you can pick it up for a system of any power.
  • Compactness. Coaxial chimneys have small dimensions, thanks to which there are no many places from the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  • Installation. Installing this design is very easy.
So, of the points listed above it is clear how convenient to use coaxial chimney.


Speaking of installation of this equipment, it should be remembered that there are 2 options - vertical and horizontal.
  1. Vertical pipe output applies if there is no possibility to mount it in the wall.
  2. Horizontal installation is carried out, provided that the boiler has forced ventilation. According to the rules, the maximum length, horizontally installed chimney should be no more than 3 m. But, before installing it, it is better to familiarize yourself with the instructions from the manufacturer.

standard and coaxial chimney

Next, it is worth considering the basic principles of installation of this device.
  • First you need to choose a place for boiler and pipes. Mount them should be simultaneously. In relation to the boiler, the chimney must be 1-1.5 m above. If there is a need, the pipe can be lengthened to 3 m in height. And in relation to the Earth, the design is raised by 2 m. Also, you need to observe the distance at least 0.5 m from the windows, ventilation holes and doors. The windows located above the chimney must be a friend of it at a distance of 1 m. No obstacles, like the walls, should not be closer than 1.5 m.
  • The next step is to check the purchase. It should be verified that all parts of the device in place. Otherwise, in the midst of the installation process will have to run to the store for the missing item.
  • Now you can proceed to the work yourself. First drill a hole in the wall. Its diameter is measured by chimney.
  • The pipe is started in a hole, and then connects to the boiler, with the help of a clamp. Collecting all parts of the chimney, it is necessary to observe the angle in relation to the Earth. This is done in order to glasses condensate for the building, and not in the boiler.
  • The hole made is closed by mounting foam around the chimney.
  • For aesthetic species, various nozzles dressed on the joints. They can be attached to liquid nails or construction glue.
  • If the pipe is derived through the roof, then it is important to use insulating nozzles and non-combustible insulation. Also do not forget to leave the air layer between the overlap and chimney. The hole through which the pipe is derived should be carefully sealed.
  • The last step will be checking the system.
It is very important when installing the chimney, adhere to safety. Since the pipes can be sharp, safer work in gloves. Strengthening and sealing compounds can be exclusively refractory materials. Adhering to these installation and safety instructions, it will work out to make a high-quality exit for smoke.

However, there is a problem with which you can still encounter - freezing of the chimney. If you ignore this opportunity, the frost can lead to a breakdown of the heating unit. At the moment, experts believe that the problem is in the wrong heat engineering calculation. Since the efficiency of the heating apparatus depends on how heated flow air, the constructors reduced the pipe diameter to exit the combustion product. They have increased efficiency. However, precisely because of this, there is more condensate in the inner tube, which subsequently freezes. To avoid this problem, it is advised to correctly select the diameter and the length of the pipe.

Gas boilers with coaxial chimney

Seeing the benefits of such a chimney, many want to use it. However, for this you need to choose the right boiler, because to use the coaxial chimney, you need a closed combustion chamber in the boiler. For this, the devices are suitable for gas. But should they acquire them? What do they differ from ordinary boilers?

the yield of coaxial chimney from the wall of the house

Nowadays such equipment is in great demand. What is the advantage of a gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber?
  • Today, in order to install the boiler, the safety technique is required specifically reserved. It must be properly equipped and have an inflow ventilation. If there is no such room in the house, then you need to either make an outdoor chimney, or redeem the house. Both such options are unfavorable from a financial point of view. Therefore, the solution of such a problem is a boiler with a closed combustion chamber and coaxial chimney. Thus, it can be emphasized that this equipment will significantly save money.
  • You can install such a boiler anywhere at home, regardless of ventilation. The only important condition is the distance from the window. Therefore, this room may be a attic, kitchen, ground floor and so on. About many boilers do not tell such.
  • Installation of chimney. This is another argument in favor of a gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber. To establish a coaxial chimney for it, you do not need to have special skills, but just adhere to the instruction.
  • Another advantage of such an apparatus is the high efficiency. This moment is very important in terms of fuel economy. As already written above, the hot air coming out of the inner tube heats the cold air, which is sent to the boiler along the outer tube. Due to this, the energy is not consumed on the heating of the air entering the apparatus. All heat efficient is used for the coolant.
  • This process is to consider from the reverse side. The outer tube, taking the heat in the inner, cools it. Thus, all the equipment does not heat up to a dangerous temperature, which can lead to a fire. Other chimney boilers do not have such firefighters.
  • Due to the high efficiency, gas equipment has and high environmental characteristics. After all, if all the gas is burned inside, by means of constant presence of oxygen in the chamber, it means that harmful substances are not produced into the atmosphere.
  • Residential safety. This is another obvious advantage. Since the closed combustion chamber, neither gas nor smoke fall into the room. In addition, the probability of fire is excluded.
It is not surprising that today this equipment has great demand for the market.


What can be concluded from the above information? Coaxial chimney is a very practical and useful invention. Unlike the usual, it performs 2 functions at the same time - output of combustion products, and input to the chamber required for combustion of air. Of these advantages, it is especially possible to allocate high efficiency, safety for people and atmosphere, simplicity of installation. This is what every person expects from the heating system. In addition, this chimney is compatible with the most popular type of gas boiler.

Heat in the house is the main component of coziness and comfort. There are many ways to heat housing. And if it is centralized heating for apartment buildings, then owners of their own homes prefer to install a variety of boilers. Heating equipment, working with fire, can not do without a devices of the device. A new, more advanced equipment comes to replace the traditional pipes. An increasing number of homeowners is solved on the installation of a coaxial chimney, a more practical and effective device for removing smoke.

The concept of "coaxial" assumes the presence of two items inserted one in another. Thus, the coaxial chimney is a two-circuit design of the pipes of various diameters, located one inside the other. Inside the device there are jumpers that prevent parts from contact. Equipment is installed in heat generators equipped with closed combustion chambers. These include, for example, gas boilers.

Coaxial chimney is designed in such a way that the inner tube is designed to remove the combustion products into the atmosphere. Having a larger outer diameter is used to supply fresh air to ensure burning

Due to the special device of the standard coaxial chimney, it performs two functions at once: it creates uninterrupted air intake required to ensure the process of burning, and the combustion products will be outward. The length of the device most often does not exceed two meters. It is mainly intended for horizontal location and excreted into the street through the wall. It is less likely to meet the design, derived through the ceiling overlap and roof.

The special design of the coaxial chimney allows it to function in a principle completely different from the usual device. Oxygen required for burning enters the boiler outside. Thus, there is no need to provide a constant influx of fresh air to the room by venting, which is inevitable for traditional chimensing channels. In addition, another number of problems typical of standard chimneys are successfully solved:

  • Reducing thermal losses due to heating from outside air from the inner reducing hot smoke pipe, which results in a higher efficiency of the system.
  • Reducing the risk of fire on the contact areas of flammable surfaces and the smoke channel, since the inner tube, giving the heat to the outer, is cooled to safe temperatures.
  • The high efficiency of the system allows you to complete fuel combustion, thus the unburned particles are not thrown into the atmosphere and do not pollute it. The boiler equipped with coaxial chimney is environmentally friendly.
  • The combustion process, including oxygen flow and gases, passes in a closed chamber. It is more secure for people, since the combustion-hazardous products for them do not fall into the room. Therefore, the arrangement of additional ventilation is not required.
  • Saving places due to the compact size of the device.
  • A wide range of chimneys intended for different systems.

Features of the installation of such a smoke system

There are two main types of coaxial chimney arrangements: horizontal and vertical. The direction of the chimney canal is determined individually for each boiler. It should be borne in mind that horizontal devices are installed only in the case of using a heating device with forced ventilation. At the same time, according to the bottom, the maximum length of the horizontal portion of the coaxial chimney should not exceed 3 m. However, some manufacturers install other restrictions for their products. Therefore, before designing a structure, you should carefully read the characteristics of the device.

With competent design and subsequent installation of a standard coaxial chimney, it is necessary to take into account the dimensional parameters that are indicated in the scheme

Vertical applied if for a number of reasons it is impossible to equip the channel to remove the smoke directly through the wall: closely located windows, a small street width, etc. Installing a coaxial chimney can also be carried out obliquely. We start installing the system from the correct selection of the device.

According to the standards for installing an internal coaxial chimney, the diameter of the boiler exit should not be greater than the diameter of the discharge channel. We definitely control this moment, referring to the chimney passport, where its diameter is indicated. Connection to the boiler is made using the knee, tee or pipe. At the same time, each subsequent element is attached to the previous one so that obstacles for removal of combustion products are not created.

The list of elements necessary for mounting depends on the output nozzle on the side or upstairs. In the second case, the chimney will bring it easier. For the first option, the horizontal assembly of the device parts is used. The design is displayed in a vertical position using brackets of various modifications. For mounting coaxial pipes, a special transitional node is used. At the same time, the clamps rigidly fix the junction area with other elements. The use of homemade adapters and lengthening with the help of boosting tape and applying sealant is unacceptable, since it is a very unreliable and unsafe version.

The withdrawal nozzle can be located both in the side and above relative to the heating device. In the first case, it is assumed the mandatory presence of a horizontal section

When installing a coaxial chimney, it should be remembered that the outlet should be at least 1.5 m above the heating device. The withdrawal of the pipe is centered at an angle of at least 3 °, it is ensured by the unimpeded condensate flow. In addition, the yield of the coaxial chimney is best to have at an altitude of not lower than 1-1.5 m above the surface, otherwise it is possible to clog. If a complex system is mounted, its total length should be about 3 meters.

Requirements! In the design undesirable simultaneous presence of more than two knees. From the output nozzle to the nearest windows, there must be a distance of about 60 cm, and to the gas supply pipes - the minimum half of the diameter of the outer feed pipe.

Fragments of struggle should very tightly lie down and enter each other for a distance of at least half of the diameter of the channel cross section. For the waters of the chimney around the obstacles, we use special knees with different angles of inclination. It is possible to use two elements at once.

The most responsible part of the work is the roof. It requires to perform work with maximum fire safety design. To do this, use special insulating nozzles, fastened non-combustible isolation and be sure to leave the air layer between the overlap and the pipe. Based on the requirements for the installation of coaxial chimneys, in order to avoid possible contacts of the chimney with various objects, special protective covers apply. If the chimney is removed through the roof, then the outlet is thoroughly seal and cover the special apron, which should well close the joint. If through the wall - any non-combustible materials. Coaxial chimney is always cold - this is one of its distinctive features.

Sometimes homeowners complain about icing chimney when horizontal mounting. In this case, it is necessary to use special protection:

It should be aware that for each heating device must be mounted its smoke, "alignment" is unacceptable.

Coaxial chimney should be equipped individually for each heating device. However, with competent design, a variant of the "cascade" connection is possible.

Coaxial chimney is an active design that improves the fire-prevention and environmental characteristics of heating boilers, as well as improving the efficiency of their work. Installation of the device can be made independently, however, if there are doubts about your own, it is better to entrust this very responsible work to professionals. After all, as practice shows, work on the installation of chimneys requires skills and compliance with safety, and the competent installation of revisions or stake without the help of specialists is practically impossible.

Everyone knows that the performance of heating systems, which use the principle of fuel burning, is impossible without oxygen supporting combustion and properly removal of spent gases. Today, for the creation of autonomous heating systems, various gas equipment uses the widest demand. It is compact and safe, convenient to use, perfectly automated and does not require the permanent intervention of the owner into the work process.

Device and appointment of coaxial chimney

This device externally resembles a motorcycle exhaust pipe. In fact, it is a specially designed design, a pipe in a pipe with different diameters that are inserted into the other inwards and rigidly fixed with each other. On the inner tube, combustion products are displayed, and through the space between the inner and outer tube with the combustion chamber, the air is required for burning. Coaxial chimney for the gas boiler decides at once two main tasks: the output of the exhaust gases and the supply to the air device.

Such chimits are made of round-section pipes, and the internal is most often produced from the aluminum alloy, and the exterior of steel, thickness 1; 1.5 or 2 mm. The ratio of the inner and outer diameter for wall and floor heating devices is 60 to 100 mm. Chimneys are used for condensation boilers, with a ratio of diameters 80 to 125 mm.

Two types of coaxial chimits are distinguished: horizontal and vertical. The easiest in the installation, and, accordingly, the common smoke system of this type is the horizontal chimney. The vertical coaxial chimney is quite complicated in the installation and is therefore used if the horizontal installation is not possible or from the heating device to the street wall more than 4 m.

Advantages and disadvantages

As mentioned above, this type of smoke system is used only for gas equipment with a closed combustion chamber, namely:

  • Dual-circuit heating boilers wall and outdoor arrangement with a closed combustion chamber.
  • Gas water columns.
  • Generators and convectors.

The main advantages of such an air intake system and chim response are:

  • Safety. In such a smoke system, heat exchange occurs between street air and spent gases, as a result of which the temperature of combustion products is reduced.
  • Air heating coming from the street by contacting it through the wall of the pipe, significantly increases the efficiency of the boiler.
  • The coaxial chimney is taken out of street air, and not out of the room, thereby not a discharge, which prevents the normal operation of the boiler and the natural circulation of air indoors.
  • Simple installation and a large number of accessories.
  • Significant savings internal space.
  • No oxygen from the room is not used.

The most attractive for use of chimneys of this type are apartment buildings, since the release of carbon monoxide and fuel combustion products is not made in the ventilation shaft, but directly into the atmosphere.

There are also disadvantages in such chimensions, namely, a fairly expensive insulation to prevent the frostization of the appendix of the chimney. The possibility of frosting the tube's glider is quite high. This happens because the temperature of the outgoing gases is too small and not in a state of pulling out, resulting at the outlet of the wet air. The effects of icing can be quite serious: repair of burners, combustion chambers and turbocharging.

Installation and installation requirements

As mentioned above, there are two main coaxial chimney mounting schemes: vertical and horizontal. When installing, certain rules for installing a coaxial chimney regulated by SNiP 2.04.08-87 should be followed; SNiP 2.04.05-91.3, as well as the Code of Safety Rules in Gas Economy.

The total length of the coaxial chimney cannot be more than 4 m. If a large length of the smoke system is required, the coaxial chimney of a larger size should be used.

With vertical installation, the chimney passes through the ceiling overlap and the roof. In order to establish a system in a vertical position, a special adapter is applied.

It should be noted that such an adapter - the device is not universal and each manufacturer produces this device strictly for its equipment. Special extension cords are used to achieve the required length of the smoke.

To ensure tightness when the chimney pass through the roof and protection of it from atmospheric precipitation, a device called the terminal is used.

When installing a vertical smoke system, it is necessary to be guided by the rules that regulate its height, depending on the location in relation to the skate of the pitched roof.

Most often, the vertical coaxial chimney is mounted in private houses. But there is another version of the vertical smoke system - collective, which is intended for apartment buildings. Common coaxial chimney in an apartment building makes the use of individual gas heating devices completely safe.

Horizontal output of exhaust gases, most often used for wall heating equipment. The horizontal scheme implies the withdrawal of the chimney through the outdoor wall to the street.

When installing, it is necessary to take into account the slope of the chimney in 2-3 °, to prevent condensate from entering the boiler.

For passage through the wall, two types of fixtures are used: basic or horizontal. Difference of these sets is only an adapter for connecting to a heating device. If when the wall is passed through the wall, it is necessary to hide the beam, reinforcement, etc., then special taps and knee are used.

Self installation

To establish a coaxial chimney with your own hands simple enough and make this work can be able to any home master with the presence of elementary skills for using the power tool.

To perform work, you will need a kit, which includes: pipe with flange, clamp, adapter for connecting to the boiler unit and coaxial knee. If it is necessary to purchase a special extension of the coaxial chimney.

  1. In the desired place, make a hole in the outer wall. It should be noted that the yield of the chimney should not be located to the window, closer than 0.6 m.
  2. Connect the adapter to the boiler.
  3. To it, with the help of the crimping clamp, connect the smoke directly. If you want to bring the design to the wall, then use the knee. Fix all crimp clamps.
  4. Output the pipe through the hole, handling the slope towards the output of 2-3 °.
  5. Get shock with mounting foam or mineral wool.
  6. Close the pipe outlet decorative overlay.

It should be noted that at each turn of the chimney, 90 ° decreases the maximum length of the coaxial chimney by 0.5 m.

One of the most effective means for heating at home is the heating system connected to the gas boiler. Boilers using gas as fuel quickly warm up, well support temperature and inexpensive in operation. In addition, a good gas boiler often ensures the heating of water, which is very convenient and profitable.

An important component of the heating system that allows the boiler to work is a pipe that displays combustion products into the atmosphere. The burning of combustion products can carry out coaxial pipes for gas boilers, which will be discussed in this article.

Problems of ordinary chimneys

As mentioned above, one of the main problems arising from the use of gas heating equipment is the removal of combustion products from the system. This is a serious drawback, and most other sources of heat of such quality are deprived of - and here you have to take care of bringing carbon dioxide and carbon black gas.

Chimneys that can have different designs and are created from different materials - metal, ceramics, bricks and many other materials are used to lead these substances. The installation and characteristics of the chimney are directly dependent on its purpose, design features and other parameters.

All chimneys suitable for such a description, in addition to the merits, have a lot of flaws. First, it is worth noting the problem associated with the output and air supply through one pipe - sometimes it leads to a deterioration in the system. However, this problem looks slightly compared with the next.

Secondly, any chimney eventually clogs, with the result that the thrust in the boiler becomes much worse. If you leave the scored chimney for the gas column in the apartment without attention, then at a certain point it will break completely, and the heating system will stop working. In addition to stopping the work of heating, the scored chimney threatens the fact that gas combustion products will fall into the residential premises - and this cannot be allowed in any case.

Installing a coaxial tube of a gas boiler, as a solution

The problems described above are sufficiently unpleasant, but the technology does not stand still, and the construction sphere has not exceeded - coaxial pipes began to be used as chimneys. Coaxial tube is a design that includes two pipes, one of which is located outside, and the second, respectively, inside.

The inner tube has a smaller diameter - the standard value is usually about 60 mm. However, sometimes the larger diameter of the coaxial tube for the gas boiler is selected. Use a pipe with a diameter of less than 60 mm as a chimney does not work - such a section is not enough to effectively withdraw combustion products. In addition, the small diameter of the chimney often becomes the cause of full blocking by various sediments, even taking into account the low exposure of the coaxial pipe to such a factor.

The outer tube has a larger diameter - the average value for 60 mm inner pipe is 100 mm. Simple calculations allow you to say that the dimensions of the pipes are correlated in the ratio of 1: 1.5. The pipe with a diameter of 100 mm provides air supply to the boiler in continuous mode. In addition, the outer shell is necessary for the condensate removal, which is highlighted on the inner tube.

Regardless of the selected sizes of coaxial pipes (and their configuration can differ significantly from standard values), the installation of a coaxial pipe of a two-circuit gas boiler is carried out using clamps and special fixtures. When installing, it is necessary to achieve a lack of direct contact between the two pipes - in fact, the coaxial nature of the structure involves the presence of a two-axis mechanism.

Advantages and disadvantages of such a decision

Coaxial pipes in combination with gas heating equipment provide high-quality operation of the entire system. This is largely due to positive qualities inherent in the formation of chimneys.

The main advantages of coaxial pipes look like this:

  • A significant increase in the effectiveness of the heating system;
  • Safe and constant output of combustion products;
  • Good design protection from clogging;
  • Condensate is discharged from the system for a safe contour, and air flows into the system;
  • Low probability of malfunctions;
  • Easy design with high efficiency.

All these advantages in aggregate are seriously raised by the efficiency of the system as a whole. For example, a constant supply of fresh air along an external pipe provides a system necessary for combustion with oxygen. Condensate is also held on the outer tube and gradually dries, therefore the inner part of the system is protected.

The aspect with condensate is very important - it provokes most of the internal damage to the system. As a result of the separation of condensate and the concomitant oxidation processes on the surface of the pipe appear solid precipitation, which subsequently need to be cleaned. The use of a coaxial tube with its special characteristics allows you to significantly simplify the cleaning of the design.

However, coaxial pipes have several drawbacks, including:

  • High cost of materials;
  • Standardization of pipes does not allow creating an individual configuration design;
  • Mounting coaxial chimney is very difficult to spend independently;
  • When installing, you must comply with a number of security requirements, which is not always done.

Requirements for the installation of coaxial pipes

To implement all the positive qualities of the coaxial chimney, the following requirements must be followed:

  1. The slope of the pipe from the axis should be about 3 degrees. This requirement will allow the system to independently divert condensate from the pipe. Otherwise, the elimination of moisture will take place too slowly, as a result of which the system will be purchased and cannot perform its functions.
  2. The pin withdrawal should be located at an altitude of 1.5 meters from the ground and at a distance of 0.6 m from the nearest window.
  3. When installing individual structural elements, it is necessary to use fittings, avoiding various handicrafts for connecting pipes. In addition, bending the pipe is more than three times unwanted - an excessive amount of turns reduces the strength of the structure.
  4. The length of the coaxial pipe for the gas boiler may increase only with special sealants or mastics purchased from pipe producers. Inappropriate materials may cause a violation of the integrity of the chimney.

Installation of the coaxial tube of a gas boiler, carried out in compliance with these requirements, will allow you to collect a reliable and high-quality design.

Mounting coaxial pipe

The installation of the coaxial tube of the gas boiler refers to the category of complex processes - the design of difficulty, and the requirements for it are fairly serious. In addition, you need to think about how to install the pipe on the most simple scheme in order not to complicate the already problematic installation.

The process of installing pipes for different boilers is practically not different. For example, you can take a standard chimney, which includes pipes with a diameter of 100 and 60 mm (external and inner pipes, respectively).

The algorithm for installing coaxial pipes is as follows:

  1. First you need to prepare all the equipment and design the future design.
  2. In all overlaps and obstacles through which the pipe will pass, it is necessary to drill holes, the size of which should be 10 mm to exceed the diameter of the outer tube. 10 mm tolerance is required to install fixtures.
  3. The base is connected to the output of the boiler. Most boilers have a conclusion on top, so there should be no problems.
  4. Next, the bottom of the pipe is installed. Its fixation is carried out with the help of clamps and fittings.
  5. After installing the first segment, you can start setting the remaining elements of the coaxial chimney.
  6. The pipe connectivity should be treated with a sealant or similar material.
  7. The last step is to check the system for performance, for which you need to spend a trial launch.

It is necessary to connect the pipes tightly and efficiently - on how well the sequodes are docked, its operation depends. The outer and inner tubes should be located on one vertical axis and strictly parallel to each other relative to each other - any contacts are not allowed. As practice shows, a small displacement occurs during operation, but it is slightly and does not affect the performance of the system.

The number of fittings and knees is best minimized. According to the requirements, 3 fittings or 2 tribes can be installed on the three-meter segment of the pipe, but this is the maximum allowable amount - the smaller there are different connections, the more reliable there will be a design.


The installation of the coaxial pipe of the gas boiler is quite complex, but in the future it pays off the efficiency of the heating equipment. When designing and installing, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and approach work with all thoroughness to create the most reliable and high-quality design.