Curtain selection for giving: Original ideas, photos. Curtains for giving: Choose design and sew ourselves (26 photos) Country curtains in country style

Not everyone pays due attention to the design of the interior of the country house, believing that it is only a temporary chain on the weekend. From what they suffer. Those who have created their second housing conducts much more time in it and receives much more pleasure from it.

For example, for a beautiful and pleasant interior, it is enough just to purchase curtains for cottage style.

And in general, such a simple design element, as the curtains are able to significantly change the inner atmosphere, which reigns in the room, make it more comfortable and comfortable.

In this article we will talk about how to make curtains for giving with your own hands - we are confident that our peculiar instructions will be useful to you. We also tell you in detail how to choose the curtains and what is the advantage of a particular style.

Such a variety of country

Choosing curtains to the country, pay attention to the design of the design as Country, which means "rustic".

Interestingly, there are several directions of this interior option. And this should not be surprised - rustic design in each country of the world and even in certain regions of individual countries differs significantly ().

Today, several "under-styles are bright:

  • russian;
  • french;
  • american.

Note. Curtains on the veranda in the country or in the room, of course, it is best to choose in this country, which will allow you to create an appropriate place atmosphere atmosphere.

Consider each style in more detail, which will help you determine the choice of an acceptable option.

Russian Country

Curtains for the terrace in the country or for rooms in Russian rustic style are characterized by simplicity of tissues. Most often this siter. It can be both monophonic and small pattern.

A good option is the models of patchwork sewing.

Images are applied to the curtains:

  • plants;
  • birds;
  • of people;
  • geometric shapes.

Note. If you pick up the design in the Russian rustic style, then note that this design is assumed the curtains and on the doorways.

French Country

In this case, it is more correct to speak - Provence and it originated in the French province of the same name.

Even if you choose the curtains on a magnet for giving, but you want the rooms to reign the refinement of Provence, pay special attention to the color scheme of the curtain.

They can be:

  • lavender;
  • white;
  • blue;
  • blue.

It is important that the curtains are made of natural fabrics:

  • batista;
  • flax;
  • sitz.

Note. It is important to complement the interior so-called companion tissues. In its color, they must harmoniously combine with shades of the curtain. Such fabrics are used as covered, capes, tablecloths, etc.

You can complement the design of window openings by pickups or ordinary tapes made in the form of colors.

American Country

This style is characterized by:

  • simplicity;
  • defined coarseness;
  • but naturalness, naturalness.

At the same time, even if you choose the curtains for the gazebo in the country in the style of the American country, then they must be a certain colors:

  • checkered;
  • floral;
  • neury.

So, no matter what direction you choose to design window openings in your cottage house, the curtains must be made from natural material:

  • batista;
  • cotton;
  • flax;
  • sitz, etc.

Incredibly wide and color range of possible curtains, although it is best to give preference to warm shades:

  • beige;
  • honey;
  • okrovoy;
  • various tones of red;
  • as well as green and its various colors.

Note. If you choose the curtains of flax, which will be decorated with bows or lace, it will create a unique rustic comfort in the country house, characteristic of the houses in which lovely and kind grandmothers live.

By the way, if you have a wooden structure, instead of ordinary, traditional eaves, it is recommended to use lighter:

  • on strings;
  • ribs.

Council. Be sure to cover the curtains and the terrace, even if it is open - so you can protect yourself from summer heat. In this case, the curtains for the veranda are most often used in the darity of PVC.

Mediterranean style

Another excellent design option is the so-called Mediterranean style.

It is characterized by:

  • large light;
  • large windows;
  • transparent or translucent tissues;
  • plant ornament on the curtains.

Two main directions stand out, each of which is inherent in its colors.

How to make curtains yourself

If you are not satisfied with the price of the models presented in the store, you can sew short curtains for the cottage yourself.

There is nothing complicated in this:

  • you will need two fabric canvas;
  • the length of each tissue must correspond to the desired length of future curtains;
  • do not forget to provide a small margin on the bending;
  • width depends on the width of the window opening and the estimated assembly - most often the width is about two or three window openings.

Council. To collect charming folds, it is recommended to use special ribbons for curtains or just to shoot the folds in the top of the curtain. There is one more option - hang curtains on a special tubular cornice.

The magnificent curtain option is your own hands - this is a curtain arch, which is a great solution for the beautiful design of the window opening.

Most often, such a model is short and great for:

  • kitchen;
  • dining room;
  • verandas;
  • residential part of the house.

For sewing such a version of the curtain, a solid cut of the tissue is needed, whose ends will be much longer than the central part and reach the windowsill or descend even slightly lower it.

In order to make an arcuate form, you can enter in two ways.

The first provides the following actions:

  • one piece of tissue is taken and an arc is cut into the lower part;
  • at the same time, the supply of bending is envisaged;
  • cropped edge is processed by a special oblique baker;
  • at the top it is necessary to select a little cloth to form folds.

The second version of the curtain sewing assumes:

  • cutting two arcs;
  • the upper part of the curtain is stretched;
  • the hinges for hanging to the eaves are attached to it;
  • also at the top it is recommended to fix the finishing tape.

Soft, attractive and charming folds on the curtain are formed by the tissue itself, which will hang over the windowsill on the oblique line.

The carved lower arc is the same arch. Do not forget to apply it.

In conclusion

As you can see, you can use cheap curtains for the cottage, the main thing is that they are beautiful and neat, which will allow them to fit into and make it the interior truly cozy and incredibly nice.

The video presented in this article will help you get more information on the topic under discussion.

A cozy house is a house in which the interior looks completed and harmoniously. And it is textiles that plays an important role in creating a cozy interior. Today we will talk about an important element of the country house - curtains.

How nice to look out of the window decorated with curtains from a natural or artificial canvase, light tulle, developing from the blow of the wind. And the taste is chosen by the completion of the whole composition.

Curtains are of different styles and directions, colors and textures, price categories and destination.

Country house, cottage - a place of rest, the ability to get in touch with nature. And most often his interior is characterized by simplicity of the interior of the city apartment.

The usual modern interiors of cities are rarely transferred to the village house. Here, preference is given to the styles created by generations, which addressed the most valuable architectural heritage of the past, such as country, Provence, Scandinavian, English, Russian hut, less often classic, baroque. Such interiors are inherent in warm tones and natural fabrics.

Curtains in country style

Country style is literally translated as "rustic". And for each region is characterized by local features of this direction in the interior. Everyone has the right to determine and choose for itself the closest in spirit and the world-minded style.

Someone is based on the creation of the interior of the giving childhood memories - spent time in the village of grandmother in a cozy house. Others, traveling around the cities of Europe, falls in love with French Provence, which certainly want to embody in the decoration of a country house, or the Mediterranean interior. The third to country is American or the style of Scandinavian countries.

Russian Country - This is a familiar rustic hut. For textiles are characterized by simple (domain) fabrics, sitherges are monophonic or with a small pattern. The curtains were decorated with an embroidery cross with a stylized image of plants, birds, people.

An important attribute of the Russian hut was a bunting curtain. This is a peculiar partition separating the living part of the housing from the kitchen and furnished corner. Often the curtains hung on the doorways.

The windows usually decorated with short curtains with lace or embroidery.

French Provence - The style of the solar French province rich in vineyards, lavender fields and a variety of spices.

The abundance of the sun and the hot climate dictated the presence in the interior of light, but cold shades: white, blue, lavender, in order to create a relaxed fresh atmosphere inside the house. The style is characterized by a large amount of textiles from natural fibers (flax, sitherium, batter).

On the windows light curtains with characteristic of this edge with motives: flowers, lavender sprigs, grape clusters. And of course, do not forget about the companyon tissues, which are present in the decoration of the house in the form of tablecloths, napkins, pillows and covered.

Additionally, the curtains can be decorated with ribbons, pickups in the form of brushes and colors. Often you can meet in the curtains in Olive-style combination of several close-clothes tissues, as well as the presence of Ryush and Ruffle.

American Country - colorful colonial style ranch, daring and simple, slightly rude, but at the same time natural, with natural materials and simple forms. Textiles are characteristic of floral or checkered colors.

And so summarize: Curtains for cottage style are curtains in a rustic style, assembled from natural materials, such as flax, sitherium, cotton, batter. In Country, it is customary to use the layering of colors and textures: curtains in a cage with inserts from the pesto painted with small ornament of the fabric.

The color scheme for the selection of tissues is diverse, however, the distinctive feature is warm tones: the shades of beige and ocher, honey, green, shades of red. In Country style, it is also permissible for the presence of a lambrene above the window, but in a slightly different interpretation than in a classic style.

The folds of flax, decorated with lace or bows of satin ribbons, create an atmosphere of a grandmother's village house and coziness. Application of easier suspension system Curtains instead of eaves (on ties or ordinary tapes). Such curtains will simply look at the wooden house.

Mediterranean style

Mediterranean style - embodies several directions. As far as the Mediterranean Sea, the Mediterranean styles are so diverse. The main standing styles are Greek and Italian.

Greek Mediterranean is inherent in colder shades: white, blue, blue.

Italian style is characterized by a warmer gamut: beige, sand, olive, yellow.

Mediterranean style involves a lot of light indoors, so the windows are usually large, decorated with transparent and translucent flowing tissues often with floral ornament.

Beautiful curtains do it yourself

We give a few examples how to sew curtains for giving with your own hands.

Simple curtains of two parts sew from two fabric weeds. The length of the cut corresponds to the length of the curtain plus reserves on the bending. The width is calculated depending on the width of the window and the desired assembly, as a rule, it is two or three windows widths.

You can collect folds using a special curtain tape, or shifted folds in the top of the curtains, or to "ride" on the tubular cornice using the stipulated scenery. You can decorate the curtains with decorative lambrene and pickups in tissue or contrasting tone.

Curtain Arch - a simple solution and a beautiful windows framing. This is usually a short curtain, which is organic looks both in the kitchen and in the residential premises.

The curtains from a single piece of fabric, the ends are much longer than the center, reach the windowsill or slightly cover it. The arcuate form can be achieved in two ways. We offer two options.

In general, a piece of fabric corresponding to the finished product plus a bending stock cuts out an arc in the lower part of the web. The edge is treated with oblique baking, the top is awarded to form folds. The scope can be decorated with Ryusha.

The second method of sewing is similar to the first, but two arcs are cut. The upper arc (section b) is stretched, the finishing tape, loops or hooks are sewed to it, which are attached to the eaves.

Falling soft folds curtains are formed by fabric, which hangs on the oblique. Lower arc and there is an arc framing the window. It must be asked or processed by baker, you can sew a ruffle.

You can decorate the curtains not only the windows of the house, but also the veranda. Even an open terrace will be transformed, and in sunny weather will protect from scoring rays if the curtains hang on it. The curtain of dense fabric will be able to protect against wind and rain.

For the terrace, rolled curtains are suitable, which are easily lowered and rising. Raised or lowered their position will depend on weather conditions.

Modern cottages today are cozy, comfortable, decent country houses. We come here in order to spend the weekend or leave the whole family. Country houses have now been noticeably transformed, and no longer like small sheds, in which the economic inventory is kept. Their design is carefully thought out and is cleaned carefully, because the place to rest must be cozy and pleasant. An important role in the design of suburban country houses is also playing curtains. They create a style and give a fresh and residential look at the premises.

The cozy house is now, this is a room in which the interior looks exquisitely, completed and harmoniously. Curtains on the windows play an important role in the design of a cozy interior. How nice to see the window decorated with curtains from, air light tulle, which develops from wind blowing. Successfully selected eaves is the final link of the entire composition.

Curtains for the cottage, photos of which are presented in this article, can be of different styles and directions, textures, colors and price categories.

Color range of fabrics that can be used in Curtain Curtains diverse, but still there is one distinctive feature, which is desirable for designing this type of window designs - warm, cozy textile tones. The color palette is usually applied in accordance with the design style of the room.

Styles suitable for curtains in country houses:

  • Country;
  • Provence;
  • Country style;
  • Russian hut;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Italian.

It is perfect for the design of a country house and a Mediterranean style, which includes a huge number of accessories inherent in the vast Mediterranean coast. By combining the original curtains with him, you will have an excellent composition that promotes rest and relaxing in nature.

Curtains for giving: Material selection parameters

In accordance with the solar or the north side, the windows of the houses come out, pick up a dense or transparent material for curtains. If a large number of daytime bright light falls into the room, then to ensure coolness in a hot hot afternoon, it is recommended to cover the windows with tight curtains. The windows that are shaded by trees are walked by tleal curtains, allowing you to skip warm air into the house from the street and not obscure light.

Curtains for giving need to pick up competently. They largely depend on the appearance of the house, and the state inside it. Using this decor element, you can perfectly decorate the room and arrange such a kind of what you want.

Cottage, the place is not suitable for use Gardin with lambrequins and other decorative elements. Simplicity is appreciated here. Often summer houses are equipped with a veranda or gazebo. In such premises, you can also use curtains, but hardly on the veranda they can perform the same functions as the curtains inside the house. In each of the individual cases, it is necessary to competently relate to the selection of material for curtains, or finished products.

Basic parameters for selection of curtains for cottages:

  • Practicality curtains;
  • Functionality of the canvas;
  • Easy to use and care;
  • Material density;
  • Easy fastening.

Conventional curtains in the country are best sewing from natural material. It does not accumulate a lot of dust, and also very easily cleaning. In addition to this, the curtains should pass the air well, which is very relevant during the hot months. The best option is cotton, stem, linen, products or canvas combined with synthetics.

Choose curtains for a country house: nuances of design of window openings

In a country house in which the owners really want to relax from the noise of a huge city, classic curtains with soft lines and calm colors made from natural materials are perfect.

Curtains for a country house must be chosen taking into account that the owners in this room are comfortable and cozy. You should not burden the products with excessive elements of the decor on the curtains, let it be simple curtains from the Citz, another cotton fabric or tleeper curtains.

When you choose textiles on windows to a country house, you must consider some nuances that will help easier to cope with the task.

Nuances of window openings:

  • Are there trees and shrubs outside the window that create natural shading;
  • To the courtyard or on the street there are windows that need to be issued;
  • Method of registration Curtain: Do you yourself want to sew them yourself, or get the finished product, it is better to take a fabric easier for self-sewing.
  • Whether your curtains will be decorated with embroidery or other decoration; today it is perfectly used for Curtain Hamaleon Curtain Houses from Organza, maybe you will be interested in this direction;
  • In the country house for mounting the curtain, it is advisable to use simple eaves with clothespins or rings.

For attachment, the curtains should not apply champs. These are complex fasteners that are not suitable for giving.

Rustic style at the cottage with your own hands: photo of the best interiors

Creating an interesting interior where you need to relax and relax, the task is not so complicated. Moreover, the style is evacuated by itself due to the fact that we usually remove everything to give everything to us in the apartment, or another place of constant habitat.

Rustic style at the cottage with their own hands, the photo of the options of which is offered to your attention, one of the most successful options. In this case, the curtains on the windows, this is the element of the decor that connects together the functional purpose of the room, and the interior items that we introduce into a country house.

Thanks to this style, you can experiment, fantasize, combine various items, add or remove design elements. The design of the indoor space in a country wooden house in a rustic style allows the combination of objects of both the old days and the modernity, which is good to those who are used to living in comfort, and will not be able to do without a long time without a television, television, laptop and other equipment.

Features of the curtains in the rustic style inside the country house:

  • The canvas from which curtains are made should reflect the culture and traditions of their native people;
  • The quality and structure of the fabric should not go into incision with unity with nature and history; the presence of rough decoration and short curtains are welcomed;
  • In the kitchen interior, the image is appropriate, or at least the location of the antiquity objects, or wood products made by their own hands;
  • If you prefer rolled curtains, wooden rollers will fit for this style;
  • Placement in the house is simple but multifunctional furniture.

Rustic style does not tolerate unnecessary items. Elements of furniture or decorations that go into incision with the idea of \u200b\u200bstyle make a chaos and discomfort in the interior.

How to pick up curtains for cottages (video)

Today, urban residents are happy to spend time at the cottage. That is why the design of the interior indoors plays a very important role. If you feel great and look at the interior of the cottage, then you may want to come here not only in the summer on weekends, but also all year round. After all, a country house is a resting place, and a good opportunity to get in touch with nature, take a break from the urban fuss and feel better. And the fresh air of country spaces will benefit all family members, and especially children who love to frolic on the square under the warm rays of the Sun, or in huge snowy snowdrifts.

Curtain design for giving with your own hands (photo in the interior)

The cottage is distinguished by a warmth and family atmosphere, which, including the curtains in a wooden house. With the help of textiles, you can change the interior at least. Curtains in the country house save from the heat and contribute to creating comfort.

A special approach to the window design with curtains

A wooden house outside the city is a pleasant place for a town-dweller, where you want to go back and spend all weekends. Wooden walls and natural curtains transmit the feeling of nature and freshness of the forest. The design of the house sets up for relaxation, the decor of the window opening also plays the latter role. It will organically combine the color of the curtain with textiles or upholstery of furniture. For decoration, you can take a fringe, brushes and bows, pickups.

Rules of window design with curtains in a wooden house:

  1. Roll curtains are used independently in the laconic interior, and they can also be added to the porters to create an interior in any style.
  2. Short curtains look original and give the interior a special appearance.
  3. Translucent tulle can be folded twice, such design will be functional.
  4. Curtains look good with garters, while the type of fastening with tape or rings is suitable.
  5. When decorating the window, the lambrequin need to take into account the color of the walls and not to do it too lush.
  6. For the decor of the kitchen window in a wooden house, curtains cafe, tulle and blinds will be suitable.

It is important to choose natural materials for curtains, observe a sense of measure when choosing a decor, correctly combine light options with a dense porter, pick up the curtains lighter or darker walls.

Style Solution of a wooden house

Given the interior design style, you can choose the corresponding curtains that will benefitly emphasize the general view of the room.

  • The Provence style is characterized by special brightness of colors. The spacious window can be decorated with light curtains with a floral print and attach them to a wooden europe with a loop or bows.

  • The classics can be made in a wooden house if you choose a light heavy curtains from velvet. But it is worth remembering that such material requires frequent care, especially in the conditions of the country house.

In the photo, an example of a classic interior in a country house where it can be seen that the classic is harmoniously combined with rolled curtains.

  • The style of the chalet is suitable for a spacious two-story wooden house with a second light window, which will be decorated with light light curtains with a fastening of a row or braid.

  • Country style is easy to recreate in a wooden country house due to natural materials of decor, log walls, ceiling with beams, natural textiles and simple curtains. Check out the ideas of Curtain style design.

  • Modern style The wooden interior will emphasize the curtains from organza and other modern materials that are combined with the color of the decorative elements of the interior.

  • Eco style can be emphasized by the curtains of natural shades of green, brown or beige color.

Types of curtains for a country house

Curtains create the mood of the room, and therefore it is important to choose not only the material, but also a suitable view of the curtains for a country house, which will meet the requirements of the room.

  • Roman curtains are suitable for designing any room in a wooden house, as well as veranda. They look simply, but at the same time stylish. The design allows you to adjust the degree of room lighting.

  • , like Roman, you can combine with classic porters, decorate ribbons. Suitable for creating in the wooden house of Eco, Scandinavian and modern style.

  • Suitable for bedrooms and living room. Suitable for the window of any form and look good with any kind of fastening.

  • In a wooden house, it looks harmonious in the nursery, in the kitchen, attic. Can be supplemented with garters or Roman curtains.

  • French curtains With gravel-glazed chiffon are suitable for creating a classic style in a wooden house. They can be combined with long porters as a tulle.

  • Curtains with lambrequen Suitable for both ordinary and triangular wooden windows. Lambreken can soften the angles, become an emphasis or reorganize the wall above the window opening. Also Lambreken can be hung in the kitchen on its own or in addition to the blinds.

  • On ties, bows or loops are suitable for the decor of a small window in the kitchen in a wooden house of country style or Provence.

  • It is suitable for a laconic design of the bedroom window of a wooden house, a country office or attic. They are easy to care for them, and they can be combined with tissue curtains. You can also watch photos of blinds on the windows in the interior.

In the photo example of decoration of wooden blinds of the recreation area. Such an idea will find an embodiment in the house with the Erker.

Types of Carnizes and Methods for Fixing Curtains

For a wooden house, string, tubular and bugged eaves of wood are suitable, as well as metal with imitation steel, copper bronze and adhesive tips. Aluminum or plastic cornice is suitable for the erker. According to the mounting option, both ceiling eaves and walls are suitable.

The curtains themselves can be attached to the chalks, rings, ties, loops and braid.

  • They are engaged in the upper part of the rings of a large or small size, which ride on the cornice. The uniform arrangement of the rings create spectacular folds on the cutter.

The photo shows an option with champs that are easily moving on the eaves in a wooden house. Roman curtains are harmoniously combined with them.

  • Mix the seam inside with plastic loops on the rings that hang on the cornily. Create waves on the fabric and are easily removed from the cornice.

In the photo, an example of the most common attachment of direct curtains to the eaves - on the rings.

  • Curtains with strings Mixed to the eaves with tapes tied to a bow or node. The more denser the curtain, the thicker should be a tape.

  • Mixed on tubular cornice with the help of sewn tissue loops. Suitable for classic and modern interior in a wooden house.

  • Curtain Kulisian They are distinguished by silent discovery due to pocket, through which the fabric on the cornice is hungs. This fastener is suitable for curtain cafes, niche curtains and an attic wooden window.

In the photo example of the design of the trapezoid window Kuliska, where the cornice repeats the form of the opening.

  • They look dynamically due to frequent folds because of the sewn laces, which are tightened. This option looks good with peroxide and lambrene.

Selection of curtains from windows

The country house is distinguished not only by the inner and exterior decoration, but also a type of formation of wooden windows. Non-standard window opening can be stylishly decorated with correctly selected curtains.

  • Trapezoid window You can drag into fully or partially, combine tulle with blinds or rolled curtains.

  • Triangular window In a wooden house, you can arrange, masking his shape, or vice versa, highlighting. The cornice can be installed above the window, or along the sides of the triangle. Curtains can be from the tissue of different density, depending on the style and purpose of the room.

  • For windows in the house with the second light Roman curtains and direct curtains from natural fabric are suitable. The wooden window should not overload with the decor, it can spoil the natural beauty of the window. Light gauges are suitable with crochets along the edge of the frame of a more dense tissue. To make the window even higher, then the cornice in the living room needs to be attached under the ceiling, and if you need to visually divide the zones of the floors, it is better to mount the curtains over the lower window.

On the photo, an example of window design in a house with a second light, where the task of separating the zone of the first and second floors is successfully performed using the height of the opening of the cornice.

  • Combine all windows into one composition. You can make overall curtains and curtains on the sides.

  • For attic in a wooden house Simple curtains are suitable with fixation of the free edge with pickups. Also fit the Roman and on the challenges with an additional eaves under the window.

Selection of material and color curtains

The color decoration of the window depends on the size of the room and the window, as well as the amount of natural light. The spacious and bright room can be done even more with the help of air white curtains, and dark brown curtains will be inappropriate in a small bedroom. For a wooden house, curtains of green, white, cream, beige, brown, in a cell or striped, but without complex drawings and ornaments. From natural fabrics, cotton and flax will look better.

  • Different with durability and ease of care.

  • Make a bright focus on the natural orientation of the interior. It is best to use an unpainted tissue.

  • Well passes light and air, suitable for decorating the window in the bedroom and in the hall. You can use classic white or painted tulle in that color that will be combined with the porters. Also, tulle can be fixed in different ways and not combine with classic porters.

  • Porther fabrics Suitable for creating an interior under ancient. Curtains for giving can be made of flax or velvet, which will find a response in the design of the sofa, pillows or napkins.

The photo shows a modern wooden house design with dense porters. Such a solution will always be in fashion and emphasize the style in simplicity.

Curtains in the interior of the Road Houses

  • Long classic curtains with tuna are suitable for the living room, Roman curtains that will harmoniously look at a wooden finish. Lambinen is appropriate or peroxide design.

  • Blinds are suitable for the kitchen, curtain cafes that will skip the sun's rays even through a small window.

The photo shows the Roman curtains in the interior of a wooden kitchen, where the practicality of the material and ease of care is important.

  • The dining room will make a pleasant place to meet guests translucent curtains and straight curtains.

  • In the bedroom and children's It is necessary to give preference to curtains from dense material, which protect from the Sun, as well as transparent yoke in combination with rolled curtains.

The photo shows a bedroom with classic curtains, where the curtains are combined with the color of the walls, and tulle - with accent pillows.

On the photo an example of a nursery in a wooden house, where two windows are draped with different types of curtains, such design divides the space into two zones.

So, when choosing a curtain for a wooden house, it is important to take into account the style, the strength of natural lighting and the texture of the fabric. Walls from a bar or logs by themselves look beautiful, because the easier the curtains, the stronger the interior of the house will look like.

Photo gallery

Below are photo examples of using curtains in a wooden house in rooms of various functional rooms.

Evgeny Sedov

When the arms grow out of the right place, live more fun :)


The country house is a sweatman for residents of a megapolis, a place where you can fully relax and relax. A beautiful and cozy interior sets up on the right wave and helps forget about the bustle. An important role in creating a completed picture is played by curtains. What design to give preference depends on the environment.

What to choose curtains for giving

Choosing curtains for cottages, focus on the following tips:

  • Buy practical to use the canvas. It should not burn out in the sun, quickly get dirty, swear. Optimal fabrics - sitherges, cotton, flax. They also provide good air exchange.
  • On the sunny side hang a long tight material - so you save the coolness in the hot season. For the Northern side, short curtains will go, for example, tulle on half of the window.
  • If you need curtains on the veranda in the country, pay attention to the moisture-proof fabric (PVC).
  • Do not burden the country curtains with heavy lambrequins, rings, massive curtains. This element of the decor must create an atmosphere of ease.

Curtains at the cottage in the Mediterranean style

The design embodies the tenderness of Italian and Greek marine landscapes. Special features of style:

  • big windows;
  • bright rooms;
  • translucent and transparent flowing fabrics;
  • monotonous material, plant ornaments;
  • cold shades of curtains (blue, white, blue) for Greek style, warm (sand, yellow, olive, beige) - for Italian.

Curtains in country style

Curtains for giving in this design will be a highlight of the interior. The style is very simple, but attractive. Curtains are made of natural fabrics: cotton, flax, sither, silk, batted. The material has a simple pattern - a strip or cage, and in the finish, various decoration elements are welcome: applications, lace, bows and cords. Country style models fill the space with comfort, create a feeling of heat. For the price, such curtains come out inexpensive.

The main task of the decorator is to preserve proximity to nature, the feeling of simplicity, lyrical mood. Choose cloth of green, soft blue, white, brown flowers. There will be very practical short curtains in the country style until the middle of the window, you can stay on the curtain cafe with Labreken. This option is optimal for the kitchen. Try to experiment with contrasting colors: Green top Cut the white bottom, decorate monotonous fabric with bright ribbons and inserts.

Another wonderful style that allows you to move away from the city bustle and fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the sunny French province. The interior of Provence demonstrates a large amount of natural textiles: Batista, Citz, flax. They are represented in bright, but cold shades. The curtains on the terrace on the cottage are sewn from gentle-purple, white, blue materials, which depict flowers, bunches of grapes, branches of lavender, small roses. They are successfully combined with the upholstery of furniture, tablecloths, napkins and other elements of the decor.

Curtain length for giving may be the most different. These are very short materials covering ¾ windows (suitable for small openings), and medium-sized canvas, and tissue to the floor itself. Creative curtains are decorated with fringe, tassels, tied with ordinary loops or bows. Suitable under the style of Provence fabrics in the middle and small cell. The price of curtains can be completely small, and the finished options will not be cheap, especially exclusive work.

Curtains in rustic style

It is known that the rustic style is the same country, only with the national Russian flavor. He is inherent simplicity of grandmother's cozy hut. The curtains for the open veranda in the country and for residential rooms are represented by a monophonic sieve, household materials with a small pattern, embroidery. Embroidery with a cross with the image of people, birds, plants is very popular. Finished curtains for a wooden house often imitate painting under Khokhloma, Gzhel. Such samples cannot be cheap, but the high price justifies itself.

A good version of the dacha curtain is a combined window decoration. Such curtains are made from different color and texture fabrics. They are suitable for any room. The advantage of combined curtains - they can be sewed from old powders, tissue residues. Thanks to this, the decor of the window will cost you quite inexpensive, if not free. You can experiment as you like - for giving all options are good. Examples of combinations:

  • Fabrics of one color scheme. Two and more adjacent colors are used.
  • Contrast materials. Choose bright shades that do not merge with each other. They create a living atmosphere and unusual color effects in the room.
  • Fabrics of different types. This is a siter, flax or cotton with large lace inserts, ruffles, selections. Actually, if you have a cut of a cloth, which is not enough for a full-fledged chart. In this case, most of the curtain can be represented by one type of fabric, and the lower rope is made from another material, contrasting color.

Prices for Curtains for Cottage

At the points of sale of textiles and online stores you can find both ready-made curtains and fabrics for self-sewing. The cheapest are monotonous sections of natural materials, and the price of a curtain with patterns, prints, upholstery of decor elements is high. The table shows the approximate cost of curtains and tissues for the cottage:

How to sew curtains do it yourself

A small master class will help you independently make inexpensive, but original curtains. Try to open the talent of the seamstress and make a highlight to the interior of your cottage! How to sew curtains in the Mediterranean style (the easiest option)? You will need such materials:

  • suitable fabric design;
  • scissors;
  • roulette / centimeter tape;
  • threads, needle, pins;
  • sewing machine.

Action plan:

  1. Measure the width of the window. Fabrics will be twice as much.
  2. Determine the length of the curtain. Secure the top edge of the web and imagine where the curtain will end. Add to the resulting value for another 15-20 cm per battery.
  3. On the floor or big table, make a pattern - so you facilitate your task. Then cut the need from the fabric.
  4. On all sides of the canvas, excluding the upper edge, make the podgiba, subtit them with pins.
  5. Make the hand markup, then step the edge of the typewriter.
  6. Top edge Bend to the involving side, fix the pins and push - it will be a bending for fixing the curtains on the cornice.
  7. If desired, hide the outer part of the seam.
  8. Make pickups from the remains of fabric or thick ropes.

Video: ideas for curtains to the country

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