Measuring repairs to eliminate bulk floors. Repair of polymer polyurethane, epoxy bulk floors Price

Forms for bulk sex Nowadays are very widely used for finishing alignment of the base for decorative flooring. They came to the soul and professional builders, and fans seeking all in their home to fulfill their own. Such popularity is explained by the fact that it is convenient to work with these construction mixtures, they are well distributed over the surface and quickly frozen, letting it soon go to the subsequent stages of the finish.

But if the basis for the preparation of the basis, as well as the preparation, fill and distribution of the composition on the surface, the technology will be broken down, after the flooding of the floor, or during its operation, defects of various kinds may appear, including cracks. Such in the absence of work experience, unfortunately, it happens quite often. And therefore, the topic is the "filling floor repair of cracks" is very relevant.

This publication will consider several issues that may arise with such situations, including the possibility of getting rid of the problems that have appeared.

Causes of cracks

The reasons for the occurrence of cracks on the bulk layer of the floor can be quite a few, and they are most often associated with violation of manufacturing technology and laying. This may be an incorrectly prepared surface, an overdue or cheap low-quality dry mix, elevated humidity, low or too high indoor air temperature and more.

Cracks, bloating, detachments - effect or use of a low-quality mixture, or violation of the technology of work

Repair of defects and all the more reworking the floor - the matter is not easy. That is, the appearance of flaws is better not allowed in principle. Therefore, it makes sense to still dwell on the main points that determine the quality of the bulk coating.

  • Optimal temperature mode - This is one of the main conditions for obtaining high-quality coverage. Therefore, the mixer manufacturer gives certain recommendations for the use of material that is necessarily placed on the package. As a rule, the temperature range for work varies between +5 and 30 degrees. But this is the limit, and it is best to draw fill at temperatures from 15 to 25 degrees.

This is due to the fact that at too low temperatures, the adhesive abilities of the solution and the base material are reduced, especially if their temperature is seriously different. Because of this, the bulk layer may begin to flap from the concrete screed and crack.

If the pouring of the solution is carried out at elevated air temperatures, an uneven grasp and solving the solution can occur, which will also lead to cracking of the coating.

  • The level of the humidity of the baseit may also cause defects on the filled floor. Therefore, before proceeding to work, it is necessary to check this parameter - it should be not more than 4%.

If the floors were aligned with a rough screed recently, then from the date of its laying should pass at least three, and then four weeks, depending on the thickness of the layer and temperature. Only after this period of concrete will pick up enough strength, and it will take extra moisture from it.

If you pour the solution of the bulk gender on the unreasonable foundation, then the moisture not involved in the hydration process will definitely be discharged by the finishing layer, as a result of which cracks will appear.

The moisture meter is, of course, not everyone. But the control of the humidity of the foundation can be used by another proven way.

A square cloth made of polyethylene film (at least 100 microns thick) with sides of approximately 1000 × 1000 mm are cut out. It is spreads on the concrete floor and attached to it around the perimeter of construction scotch. In this position, this improvised "measuring device" is left per day. If, after this period, the film remained dry - you can fill. But when the traces of Spains are visible or, even worse, droplets of condensate - the concrete tie has not clearly reached the necessary condition.

  • Failure to comply with surface preparation technology under bulk sexwill definitely lead to the deformation of the finish layer. The basis must not only dry well, but also, it is desirable to polish. Industrial or manual grinding machines are used for this purpose.

When carrying out this process, the pores of the concrete structure opens, which will contribute to the creation of high adhesive characteristics of materials. Next, the surface must be carefully cleansed from dust and dirt residues, applying a powerful vacuum cleaner for this. Eliminate all fatty, oil, bituminous spots are also necessary - they should be considered up to the "healthy" concrete.

Prices for bulk sex

bulk floor

  • Detergents.In preparing the base, except for the vacuum cleaner, the cleansing agents are used to clean it, which should use special acid - the converter of cement deposits. After surface treatment with this composition, it must be additionally polished.

Cannot be used to clean the concrete detergents of household chemicals, as they are absorbed into the structure of the material, and it is completely impossible to remove them. Components that make up the detergent can also lead to the detachment and cracking of the bulk.

  • Lack of or poor-quality deposition of primer - One of the common reasons for the sad fill results.

Properly primed base is always a prerequisite for high-quality bulk sex.

The purified surface must be properly primed, and it is desirable to apply the composition of the same manufacturer for this process that it is planned to align the foundation. The primer should be applied to the entire surface of the base - it is impossible to miss even very small sites. And it is better to produce this process two or three times, waiting for the drying of each layer. The primer will connect the structure of concrete and create the prerequisites of good clutch of the base and bulk gender.

  • Basic concrete screed repair. If the screed is old, but in a fairly good condition, thin cracks can be invisible. But after grinding the surface or drying the primer layer, cracks can manifest itself.

The bulk floor cannot be laid on such a basis, so the screed must be repaired. This process can be carried out in a traditional way, that is, the crack is expanding, ground and poured with a concrete solution or a more elastic and fast-frozen material, for example, one of the appropriate concrete of powdered concrete

Sealing cracks with special repair makeup

Such repair formulations very often offer the same companies that are engaged in the production of mixtures for.

If the repair is carried out in the traditional way to apply primer, the special solutions are used after drying it.

Repair of screed with surface reinforcement with sickle grid

Some masters are used to strengthen the screed-sickle grid, laying it into separate areas or completely on the entire surface.

If you do not repair cracks on a rough screed of the base, then they can manifest themselves through a layer of bulk sex.

  • Incorrect application of a liquid sex. Consideration and cracking of the bulk can violate the technological process of kneading the solution, its fill and distribution over the surface. Therefore, it is necessary to act, exactly observing the manufacturer's recommendations placed on the packaging of a dry building mixture.
  • Insufficient strength leveling base, screed. If the rough screed is old, or is made of a poor-quality solution that does not have good strength after ripening, then the bulk floor will begin to quickly collapse. Therefore, the repair of an old draft screed or the arrangement of the new should be made with maximum quality. If necessary, an old, unreliable screed and dismantled at all, and the new one instead is stacked.

Important Termination Rules Concrete Screed Rules

In order for the basis of the floor to be durable and reliable, you need to know how to approach its arrangement. This process with all the details is described in a special publication of our portal.

Prices for cement

  • The absence of damping tape around the perimeter of the bulk gender.The technologies of arrangement of any type of floor, whether it is a capital screed or an aligning bulk layer, provides for the mandatory use of a damper tape, which is glued at the bottom of the wall throughout the entire perimeter.

Ignore the laying of damper tape around the perimeter of the floor - it is to lay a "Slow Action Bomb"

This material is designed to preserve the surfaces from the deformation and the appearance of cracks, since it is able to compensate for the expansion processes of the material when temperatures change.

  • The layer thickness parameters are not met. The manufacturer indicates the characteristics of the mixture the allowable range of the thickness of the bulk floor layer. In case of non-compliance with the recommendations, the coating can acquire the effect of the "pillows", which will result in detachable of the frozen solution from the base.
  • Drafts.When performing fill and distribution of the solution on the surface of the draft screed and during the frozen composition, all windows and doors are kept closed. Drafts must be completely excluded. Failure to comply with such a rule can also be able to cause the swelling and appearance of cracks.

How to repair a defective bulk sex?

It is necessary to immediately note that it is not always possible to repair the bulk coating. In some cases, it is necessary to completely dismantle the poor-quality layer and then, after conducting comprehensive preparatory operations, shut down a new one.

The first step after pouring the bulk mixture distributed over the surface surface, it is necessary to carry out the audit of this layer for the presence of any flaws.

If a crack or other defects have been found, then you should not immediately begin to eliminate them. It is necessary to trace them for "behavior" for several days. Only after that it will be possible to decide on the tactics of further action.

If the cracks expanded and lengthened, they went numerous branches from them or other flaws were formed - detachment and bloating, which occupy more than 15% of the surface, then, unfortunately, the coating will have to dismantle and carry out the surface leveling is re-started, ranging from the preparation of the basis.

If defects are localized in individual sites and do not strive for expansion and growth, then repairing the surface is quite possible.

Repair of cracks

The repair work of cracks is carried out in the following order:

IllustrationBrief description of operations performed
The detected crack should be gently expanded.
The tool for this process must be chosen depending on the thickness of the bulk layer. Most often, the extension is made with the help of "Bulgarian" by setting a disk for it to work with a stone. Another tool suitable for expanding the cracks (with a large thickness of the layer) can be a perforator with a special chisel nozzle.
The crack must be expanded to 8 ÷ 10 mm, to the depth of the layer.
If necessary, the crack is limited, making in its edges of the transverse pressure - it will not give her to grow long.
Next, the separated or remote areas must be cleaned well.
It is better to do this with the help of a building vacuum cleaner, since inside the remains of a slot solution, small garbage and dust should remain inside.
The next step is a thorough priming of all surfaces of the crack on the full depth. This process is desirable to even produce two or three times, waiting for the dry layer drying.
The soil will connect the material and create a good adhesion for the repair solution.
It is better to use primer and a bulk mixture of one manufacturer.
Next, it is necessary to dissolve the required amount of a dry mixture of bulk sex and pour the resulting solution into a prepared crack. A flooded solution should be aligned with a flush with the main surface.
If, after drying, the solution in the repair "patch" will fall, then you will have to walk along the crack of the primer, and then re-fill the irregularity to the top of the solution.
After drying the solution, the crack and the surrounding surface should be polished.
To do this, you can use the Bulgarian with an abrasive nozzle ("cup") or a construction manual grater with an abrasive mesh strained on it or sandpaper.

Repair of blinking blooms

Such defects as local detachal of the layer require more extensive work, but can also be repaired without removal of the entire bulk coating.

The sequence of work is not much different from repairing cracks

The process is made on the same principle as the repair of cracks, but has some nuances. Therefore, it is also worth considering step by step:

  • After carrying out the audit and detecting the discovered and locally sweating sections of the liquid coating, before dismantling the layer, the damaged area should be marked.
  • When laying into the zone of the future dismantling, the entire oxide or cracking area should be included, plus a minimum of 100 mM unaffected deformation of the area into each of the sides. This must be done due to the weakening of the adhesive abilities of the leveling layer and the base. If you neglect this recommendation, then the swelling of the coating may continue next to the just renovated zone.

The blooming or cracking area will have to be removed completely, with the capture at the edges of "healthy" sites - at least 100 mm
  • Removing the damaged area is carried out using the Bulgarian, which makes cuts along the markup lines. The cuts will limit the growth of the deformed area.
  • Next, the chopping floor is made inside the carved zone. This process should be done by applying the perforator, or manually using the chisel and the hammer. Work must be done very carefully, so as not to touch the "healthy" sections of the coating, otherwise you will have to unwittingly expand the repair zone. In addition, it is necessary to strive to not hurt and not damage the leveling black screed below.
  • Prices for an angular grinding machine

    corner grinding machine

  • The next step is to prepare a dismantled area to the new fill. First, pieces of broken solutions are removed from the repair area. Next, the liberated area must be thoroughly speaking.
  • The next stage is a thorough primer of the purified zone. Especially abundantly and gently, without the "gaps", it is necessary to apply the composition on the edges of the zone, that is, on the ends of the intact bulk sex throughout the thickness. It is better to apply primer into two - three layers that should absorb well and dry.
  • Next, a solution is prepared for filling the repaired floor segment. It must be identical to the main layer and in composition, and consistency.
  • The fill of the solution must be made, given its future shrinkage during hardening. The magnitude of the shrinkage is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the mixture. In the case of a small thickness of the fill layer, you can also neglect the recommendations. But if the solution is poured into a thickness of 70 ÷ 80 mm, it is advisable to immediately calculate the shrinkage, relying on the instruction.
  • To pour a thick layer, taking into account the future shrinkage on the perimeter of the infiltable area, it is necessary to equip a low formwork from plywood or wooden regions.
  • Then the fill is made.
  • After the solution calms down, the formwork is removed.
  • Some wizards set a formwork inside the perimeter of the repaired segment, on a rough screed, made of thin in 3 ÷ 4 mm plywood. Thus, after the removal of the formwork elements between the main floor and repair layer, a small gap is formed. The formed seams lay and deepen the twine, after which they are flooded with the same solution. In this case, the solution into the gaps should be filled with a depth of at least 5 mm above the laid by the twine.
  • After drying and hardened the solution, the repaired area, as well as the surface of the floor around it, polished. At the same time, the heat-processed field of the floor should be periodically verified using a horizontal building level.

Before laying on a decorative finishing material, the protruding surplus of the damper tape mounted on the perimeter of the floor is cut. And then the primer is applied to the entire surface.

* * * * * * *

So, they found out that the causes of the appearance of cracks and blooms primarily are violations of the established rules technology. Therefore, having decided to determine the floor alignment on their own, it is necessary to clearly follow the recommendations of the manufacturer of the mixtures - ranging from the preparation of the base and kneading the solution, ending with the fill and distribution of it on a rough screed.

If professionals are invited to fulfill this work, then you should not choose a random brigade of builders. It is better to apply to verified firms, which are engaged in such work for a long time. In addition, their services provide qualified private finishing builders who can present video and photocheurship of their skills. And then with a large share of probability it will be possible to hope that repair work on the bulk sex will not be required at all.

Additional information content of the article below the video:

Video: Technological methods of floor repair

The use of modern filling (or bulk, as they also called) floors are especially relevant in cases where repair work is carried out urgently. This uses special self-leveling mixtures, the main advantage of which is the simplicity of application - even far from construction, after reading the instructions will be able to prepare a qualitative base for the final fill.

Other advantages of self-playing hash mixtures

Attention! The fill thickness, as well as the composition of the mixture itself, directly affects the drying time of the mixture before applying the coating. So, every 3 mm needed to withstand the day, that is, 6 mm have been withstanding for two days, and 9 mm, respectively, three.

What will be required in work

The fill procedure begins with the purchase of all the necessary. Here list of materials and equipment:

  • self-leveling mealy mixture;

  • primer (ideally deep penetration);

  • mounting level;
  • electronic moisture meter;

  • electrode, nozzle-mixer to it;

  • the capacity of the corresponding volume for mixing the solution;
  • needle roller;

  • raklia;

  • putty knife.

Bay floor do it yourself: technology

It is necessary to carefully prepare for any work, and the fill of the floor with the leveled composition is not an exception. Therefore, along with the tools, you need to choose this composition.

Stage 1. Selection of self-leveling composition

Self-leveling composition for the floor (layer 3-20 mm) 20 kg

When buying, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer's advice and follow all the recommendations. Resperating themselves firms necessarily indicate the packaging "Viable B" of the mixture (the time for which you need to have time to finish working with it) and the maximum thickness.

In addition, the packaging should have a duration of the strength that is required for movement on the floor, laying linoleum, ceramic tiles, parquet, and so on. It is also very important, because for each material such a period is different.

Stage 2. Preparation of the foundation

Step 1. Initially, the old flooring, plinth, doors are dismantled, the entire furniture is removed.

Step 2. The base is preparing a grinding machine or metal brush. Soluble leveling mixtures, oil, glue and crumbling concrete are removed.

Step 3. All formed cracks are rebounded to a V-shaped form by a triangular scraper, after which the horizontal surface is checked using a two-meter rule.

Attention! At the same time, the gaps between the rule and the floor should not exceed 2 mm.

Step 4. On the walls there is a level of future filling floor. If the walls are plastered, the plaster is removed by 30 cm above this line.

Step 5. The floor is vacuumed and processed by a degreasing powder.

Step 6. All cracks and cracks thoroughly put off with special glue or conventional cement mortar with a small amount of resin.

Preparation of the foundation

About level difference

Consider the concept of the level difference. It is used to designate the difference between the lowest depression on the surface and the highest convexity. If this indicator does not exceed 2.5 cm, the gender is filled with a building aligning solution before applying a primer layer (a leveling mixture and sand in a ratio of 2: 1). For applying, a trowel is used.

If the difference is on average 3 cm, then before applying the primer, the floor is covered with a construction corrective composition (cement and sand in the ratio of 1: 2.5).

Attention! All these events are carried out in the absence of a self-leveling mixture for this thickness.

Stage 3. Check the foundation

Step 1. The humidity of the concrete coating is checked. If it exceeds 4%, then the base should be dried. To check the surface, a regular rubber rug is fitted and pressed. If after 24 hours the color of the base under the rug remained the same, it means that everything is fine with humidity.

Step 2. The base strength is checked. Concrete must withstand compression of a minimum of 20 MPa, and the separation is more than 2 MPa. For such an inspection, chisel and hammer will be required. The chisel is applied to the base at an angle of 90ᵒ, after which several blows are applied with a hammer. If after that the surface did not colaw down, but there were still noticeable traces, it means that the quality of the coating meets the requirements.

Stage 4.

For applying primer, a brush or roller is used. A dry and porous surface will have to be processed several times after applying each new layer it is necessary to pause to dry the primer.

Programmer performs three functions at once:

If the pouring of the floor passes in several layers, then the primer should be applied before each new layer.

Attention! In rooms with high levels of humidity, the waterproof layer is applied over the primer.

To improve adhesion, the primer layer sprinkles sand. The average sand consumption is no more than 200 g / m². After that, the surface will acquire the roughness required for clutch. After the day after applying the last layer of primer, you can start filling.

Stage 5. Preparation of the mixture

This procedure should be taken seriously, since at low quality fill the coating will be hopelessly spoiled. For mixing, a drill with a nozzle-mixer m is used, while the finished mixture must be poured over the surface as quickly as possible.

Attention! When pouring, air humidity should not exceed 75%, otherwise condensate is formed on the surface, which will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the coating.

Initially, all components in the proportion indicated on the packaging of the leveling composition are covered in the prepared container. Then the container is placed in another, already with a large volume filled with cold water. This will reduce the rate of increase in the temperature of the solution and, as a result, will give more time to fill.

The components are mixed at low turns of the drill (no more than 400-450 rpm) until a homogeneous mass is formed. This can be defined "on the eye", but you can use the reception to which experienced builders resort.

Step 1. First, the lid from the deodorant or air freshener takes. The ring is cut out of the lid and placed on a flat surface - for example, on a piece of glass.

Step 2. The ring is filled with a finished mixture and lifted.

Step 3. If the mixture spread evenly and formed a stain with a diameter of 2-3 cm, it means that it is already ready for the fill. If the diameter is smaller, then the mixture turned out too thick and high-quality alignment is unlikely to happen. And on the contrary, if the diameter is greater, then the resulting solution is too liquid - it is necessary to add a slightly leveling mixture.

Stage 6. Pouring

Step 1. The solution is used immediately after preparation, since the gap between the fill of the next portion should not exceed ten minutes. It is better to perform this procedure together - one will knead the solution, the second pouring.

Step 2. The solution is poured parallel to the wall with a bandwidth of 35-40 cm. At the same time, a spatula is used for alignment - this will allow you to better distribute the mass.

Attention! The fill begins with the wall distant from the entrance door. All the room must be pouring at once, without stopping, otherwise the differences are formed.

Step 3. The solution is rolled by a needle roller for removing air and uniform distribution based on the base.

Step 4. After that, the new portion is smoothed and rolled. It continues until the whole room is filled.

Step 5. After filling (about 2 days), it is recommended to apply a transparent polyurethane coating on the surface.

Step 6. At the time of drying, the floor must be protected from drafts, rays of the sun and temperature drops. In the future, you need to adhere to the following requirements:

  • it is possible to walk along the aligned coating after 10-12 hours;
  • subjected to moderate loads - after 24 hours;
  • full drying to occur in 48-72 hours;
  • the laying of ceramic tiles is allowed only after 3 days;
  • installation of parquet, linoleum or plastic - in a week.

Attention! If the room is heated by the "warm floor" system, then the first heating can be carried out only a week after the end of work. You need to start with room temperature, gradually increasing it - about 3ᵒs per day.

Video - the bulk floor do it yourself

Stage 7. Slotch of seams

After soaring the bulk sex, the sutures are carried out (just as in the case of a concrete tie). On the perimeter of the coating, grooves in 1/3 of the fill thickness are done. The lace is inserted into each groove and covered with a sealant. This is done to avoid the formation of cracks, which is especially relevant in premises with a large square.

As a conclusion

When working with self-leveling ryx, floor should not forget about safety measures. The room should be well ventilated (but without a draft), also need to use protective equipment - respirator, rubber gloves. Only in this case can be created housing without prejudice to one's own health.

The brilliant filler floor with a mirror surface will make any room more spacious and more attractive.

Update gloss, eliminate scratches and restoration of the appearance of the polymer floor to the original.

Polymer bulk floors are a type of modern finishing coating, widely used in various spheres. Due to high aesthetics, they are used to finish public spaces: offices, shopping areas, exhibition halls, lobby, etc. Strength and durability make them an ideal solution for the production sphere, but it is necessary to take into account the feasibility of their use for finishing floors in warehouses and in the workshops, as they have a fairly high cost.

Name of works Price work Price Mat-fish
Obtaining defective sites (including hollowing, clearing for laying RemStaba Mapey High Flow and epoxy repairing) Grinding of square. m. 300.00.
Preparation of concrete base for laying RemStaba Mapey High Flow. Surlechnism device with a perforator with a recess of 5 mm. sq. m. 300.00.
Laying the repair mixture of mapes with a thickness of up to 20 mm. Wetting concrete. sq. m. 800.00 1400
Laying polymer concrete strip thick. 10mm along the def. Suture m. 500.00 200
Repair of cracks in the floor plate with extender, cracking cracks with filling epoxy composition M.P. 500.00 200.
Application of epoxy repair coating, grinding a sq. m. 2 500.00 1000
Repair of the deformation seam of concrete floor with a polymer remission with a slit re-deformation seam and filling it with polyurethane sealant M.P. 750.00 300.
Repair of concrete floor cracks by a polymer remission of 20-50 mm width of 20-50 mm M.P. 1 000.00 600.
Repair of chosel and pits in concrete pcs. 400.00 200.
Repair of small cracks in concrete and prevent detachment. sq. m. 550.00 100
Repair of a cavern and small holes in concrete. sq. m. 700.00 200
Repair of polymer floor - sq deletions. m. 1,500.00
Repair of the wear of the topping coating - the wear of the Topping kv. m. 450.00 300
Polymer floor renewal - WITH CV. m. 550.00 500
Repair of concrete discontinuities with polymers thick. 5mm. sq. m. 1 500.00 2000

The coatings of this type are made on the basis of polyurethane, epoxy or methyl methacrylated resins. The floors of all presented categories are distinguished by excellent technical characteristics. However, even such coatings from time to time required repair of polymer bulk floors, to perform who will be able to specialists from the Soyuz company.

Restoration of polymer floors with varnishes and mastic

The most common problem during the operation of polymer floors is loss of gloss and deterioration of the appearance of the coating . For their recovery, special varnishes and mastics are used, presented in the modern market fairly large. Excellent results provide Mastics "Selbstglanz". These tools form a high-strength film on the surface, which protects the floor from damage, guarantees the anti-slip effect and significantly facilitates the care of polymer coatings.

It can be performed using matte mastic or glossy high-strength mastic "SELBSTGLANZ", which, after applying, forms a film resistant to mechanical damage. It is possible to restore the shine and the aesthetics of coatings using Citric and Prosept Multipower Polish. In addition to the designer function, these tools are performed and the practical problem, restoring the protective coating layer and extends the service life of the bulk sex.

Repair of polymer floors Practically in all cases is made using two-component protective varnishes. Soyuz specialists use safe coating varieties, whose advantages include rapid drying, absence of sharp smell, high wear resistance, moisture resistance and mechanical damage, and excellent decorative properties. Difficult damage to the coating and the causes of their appearance despite the presence of a huge number of all sorts of mixtures of the highest quality in the modern market, the appearance of serious defects on the surface of the finished coatings - the phenomenon is quite common. The cause of damage in most cases is the low qualification level of the performers.

Repair of bulk sex May be needed when identifying the following defects: concrete tie upper layer. The emergence of this defect is a characteristic phenomenon in violation of the Rules of the Concrete Screed Rules. Under the influence of mechanical loads, a more durable top layer peers from weak susceptible to the bases; sip.

Repair of polymer bulk sex It becomes inevitable in disruption of the deadlines of the drying layer, as well as applying to the surface, contaminated with dust or oil, or an excessive wet base; polymer coating disclosure with primer base. The cause of the occurrence of a defect is a rough violation of the mixture fill technology. The detachment of this type most often occurs on poorly polished areas, as well as in cases where the fill was made on a contaminated or wet base.

Besides, repair of epoxy and polyurethane polymer floors It may be needed when it is formed on the surface of cracks, chips and chosel.

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It became after repair

repair of industrial floor

repair of bulk floors, price

When identifying serious damage to which all types of peeling of the polymer layer are related to repair of industrial floor Requires the removal of damaged coating, after which the base is clean and the primer, as well as the fill of the plot of the repair mixture. In cases where the cause of damage is the low strength of the screed, the optimal solution is the complete reconstruction of the floor with the removal of the polymer layer and the concrete base. After that, our specialists will fill the screed and applying a polymer coating with full technology compliance.

Polymer Floor Repair Price In this case, it will include the cost of filling a new coating, as well as dismantling the old one. With minor damages associated with coating wear, it is possible to apply a new thin layer of the mixture. At the finish stage, specialists are applied lacquered and mastics, which guarantee protection of coverage from loss of shine and aesthetics. The Soyuz company guarantees high quality restoration work and the efficiency of their conduct. We cooperate with the leading manufacturers of polymer floors, and therefore, we know absolutely everything about such coatings. Our specialists will perform repair of bulk floors, price which will pleasantly surprise you. Call, we will refund the polymeric floors beauty and reliability!

If it comes to artificial environmentally friendly coatings, then the bulk floors are called. In addition, this is aesthetic and prestigious solution of floor design in a residential apartment. They are distinguished by high wear resistance and absolutely waterproof. When using high-quality polymer materials, the need to carry out the repair of bulk floors occurs extremely rarely.

Polymer floors have a high margin of strength, which allows them to move well the effect of external loads, while remaining hermetic and elastic. All listed features allow to exploit bulk flooring for 15 to 20 years, but long service life becomes possible only in the case of accurate compliance with all technological processes during their manufacture and installation.

Compared to other types of coatings, they have a number of significant advantages.

Polymer floors:

  • resistant to mechanical impacts and abrasion;
  • retain the integrity even after falling to the floor from a height to one meter of the object weighing up to 10 kg;
  • retain the basis, say concrete, from destruction;
  • Can be resistant to dust, antistatic, hygienic, chemically racks and others.

The wonderful characteristics of industrial floors, for example, resistance to temperature drops, the effects of acids and other chemicals, etc. Make them especially in demand.

The ability to perform them in different textures and color schemes of the coating allows you to choose a bulk floor under the interior design of a particular room.

However, even under the most favorable conditions, it is sometimes necessary to repair polymer floors, because With the flow of time, they are contaminated, cracks appear on their surface, roughness may occur, partial peeling, the formation of small grains on the floor surface, etc. In most cases, the repair of apartments whose bulk floors need prevention can be carried out in a short time with the help of polymer building materials.

On a note

However, it should be aware that during repair work you need to use only compatible mixtures with repaired flooring. Among other things, the repair makeup should provide good adhesion with a draft floor.

When repair is needed

The need to perform such works usually occurs in certain cases:

The most common defects and how to eliminate them

The bulk floors are an improved version of the standard concrete screed. Despite its good parameters, it has a number of disadvantages - the likelihood of cracks and chosel, rough surface, hygroscopicity. A logical step was to add an outdoor protective layer, which would compensate for all the shortcomings. Polymer mixtures were used as the main manufacturing material. Along with wear resistance, they are durable and easy to install.

The total diagram of the bulk sex is a sequential application of concrete layers, primer and polymer fill.

The main advantages of this technology are the reduced weight of the flooring, reliability and the ability to improve the aesthetic type of coating. To implement the latter, a special canvas with the selected pattern is installed on the dried layer of primer, and then the transparent polymer is poured. As a result, the original designer coating is obtained.

But even in this solid structure, defects may appear, the elimination of which must be executed quickly. The main types of integrity disorders have the following external signs:

  • Formation of cracks on the floor surface and partial peeling. These defects may occur if the polymer mixture was applied with a thick layer, or the installation was carried out on a contaminated base. To eliminate these shortcomings, the flooring in problem places is removed, the concrete base is carefully determined, after which a new composition is poured.
  • The appearance of rough sections. This defect is usually a consequence of the excessive viscosity of the polymer composition. To eliminate it, it is necessary to reduce the viscosity and increase its layer.
  • Peeling. This situation is possible if the installation of a bulk sex was carried out on a wet or contaminated base. This drawback is quite difficult to eliminate, because Problem areas need to be removed to the base of the draft surface, which, in turn, is carefully prepared for applying a new layer.
  • The appearance of grains. This defect appears in the case of using dirty tools during the installation process. Best grains are removed using a grinding circle, after which the fresh layer is applied to the treated surface of the floor.
  • Lost, small scratches. These defects are easy to eliminate. To do this, the entire surface of the repaired floor should be seized, clean from dust and all sorts of pollution and dry well. After the preparatory work on the purified surface, a new layer of polymer composition is applied. We should not forget that the level of humidity in the room in which the work has to be performed should not be higher than 60%. If for any reason, the installation technology is not observed, the bulk coating may begin to peel. And on its surface can be formed enough deep cracks. The consequence of the manifestation of such flares can be a complete selection of floors, which is quite a time-consuming and costly.

What to do if defects have discovered

In general terms, the repair work process can be divided into the following steps:

  1. weaknesses on the bulk sex, that is, where it can be easily removed;
  2. carefully using milling and grinding align the exposed base;
  3. detected cracks are expanded, then the resulting holes are poured a specially prepared repair mixture;
  4. the surface is purified by the resulting dirt and dust by an industrial vacuum cleaner;
  5. apply a new coating.

To minimize the costs to remove the above defects, specific technological schemes should be applied.


Professional repair of polymeric floors begins to find the causes of the violation of the uniformity of the surface. Often they are violations of the installation technology of coatings. For example, before applying the primer, the concrete layer was not performed, at which cement "milk" is removed and the screed is weakened. The presence of dust and dirt between the coatings is also the cause of detachment.

External manifestations of these factors are in bloating of the polymer coating and its small progressants with a directional external effect.

To eliminate it, the following works should be performed:

  1. Analysis area of \u200b\u200bdamage. The exact definition of its boundaries will reduce the complexity of the work and consumption of materials.
  2. Remove the polymer layer, check the primer state. If it is satisfactory, then you can proceed to the fill. Otherwise, the average layer is dismantled.
  3. Before starting work, the surface is degreased, the solution is mixed according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  4. After filling with a special roller with spikes, air emptiness is removed. The new layer is aligned and after frozen is grouped.

The last item is more important to preserve the appearance of integrity. If you do not take these actions, it will be clearly visible the place of replacement of the polymer flooring.

This method is often applied if the apartment repairs are required. Bulk floors Even in new homes do not always meet the quality of their manufacture.

The polymer coating can be flawed from the base, literally with pieces, due to poor purification of the base from moisture, dust, fatty deposits of organic and mineral origin or any other pollutant. This defect is considered one of the most difficult, because if the total area of \u200b\u200bdamaged areas will be too big, the total coating is required. It is more convenient to do it by performing apartment repairs. Bulk floors hardens around the week, and this time can be productively used to perform another repairs cycle.

Situations when a complex detachment occurs, characteristic of not solid concrete mortar at the base. If the term of his rejection was not resistant, then excessive moisture remains inside. The polymer layer has hygroscopic properties - water absorption from outside. Its outdoor part has been protected in the installation process. Using alignment and processing, the surface voltage forms a dense area.

Since water vapors, leaving the concrete base, are concentrated in the primer, then over time it takes place. The optimal way to eliminate this defect is the installation of a new floor in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage. This procedure fully complies with the rules of installation in a slight exception.

In places of connection with intact, its edges are processed by mastic, which will ensure the adhesion of the new layer with the rest of the floor.

The appearance of cracks and chosel

Most often, potholes and cracks occur in bulk floors offices and industrial premises. During operation, the loads are neglecting the standards of loads, as a result of which the coating not only loses the appearance, but also deformed.

The nature of damage affects only the upper polymer layer and in very rare cases - the primer. When this problem appears, immediately perform the repair of offices. Bulk floors are a connected system of several materials. It is enough in one place to disrupt the integrity, as the reaction will acquire avalanche-like character. As you use, damage will increase, affecting not only the upper flooring, but also internal components.

The optimal way to eliminate the defect is to carry out the operational fill of the new solution on the damaged area. To perform this work requires such actions:

  1. Inspection potholes to identify its actual sizes. Sometimes there are hidden cracks. If they are not processed properly, then a similar problem may occur again.
  2. With the help of a grinding machine, edges are aligned and cracks are expanded to 1 cm width. This is necessary for applying a fastening composition.
  3. Surface treatment with mastic, which is designed for bulk floors.
  4. Preparation of the polymer solution according to the manufacturer's instructions. For sealing optimally use special repair formulations.
  5. Pouring the mixture and surface alignment. In case of need after hardening, it is possible to make contours grout.

Upon completion of the work about 2-3 days, mechanical effects on the region of the restored floor covering are undesirable.


Over time, the polymer surface can be covered with small cracks or lose the proper appearance.

If their depth is less than the polymer layer, then you can make a small cosmetic repairs. But it is first necessary to check the dimensions of each defect - if they have significant dimensions, then the overhaul of the floor is carried out according to the technology described above.

To improve the strength characteristics of the repair coating and the best coupling with the main floor surface, it is specially deformed - stroked. Further, this base is poured a new polymer mixture. The technology of its preparation and installation completely repeats the primary laying of the floor. Upon completion, it is necessary to solve a certain time. It is determined according to the instructions.

We also note such defects as:

  • Cracks and peeling.Film peeling, cracks on the surface of the coating most often
  • too thick layer of polymer;
  • a sharp decrease in the adhesion of the material with the base when the last is not cleared enough.

The damaged area in this case is removed, grind to the base, the concrete base is cleaned and re-covered with the same polymer as previously.

  • Uneven surface. On the surface of the floor, due to the too high viscosity of the composition, a roughness is formed, resembling an orange crust. To fix the defect viscosity of the material reduce and complement its layer.
  • Unnecessary inclusions and grains.This is a defect from dirty and crude tools - extraneous inclusions are mixed with the polymer. The only opportunity to get rid of them is to try the surface with grinding circle, then apply a new layer.
  • Dislaiming and clouding. If the composition turned out to be too liquid or well mixed, as well as in the case of an improper ratio of components, the surface is stratified and the floor whites. Improve its condition can another finish layer.

This shows how important it is to comply with the technology of the device of bulk floors.

On violations of technology, in particular, insufficient ventilation, low surface temperature (2-4 ° C), violation of the ratio of components also testifies to the too long-lasting process of rejection of polymer floors.

Repair of industrial floors from polymers

Industrial floors are considered one of the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of shops, public institutions, warehouses, industrial facilities, etc.

In appearance, they resemble linoleum without any junctions, but differ in high strength. Despite the seeming simplicity of the device of industrial floors of this type, special knowledge and accurate compliance with the fill technology are required for their installation. Any violations may cause various coating defects.

  • An important role is assigned to proper preparation of concrete base.Since any defect is, for example, potholes and cracks, repeated on the finishing coating. To eliminate, say, a crack, it is necessary to produce its extender to the entire depth of the base, to be primed and filling out the repair makeup and fuel the polymer composition.
  • Lack of primer or its insufficient numberleads to the formation of craters and small through holes.

  • Due to violation of the cooking technology for filling Small bubbles may appear on the surface of the industrial floor, it can be in an inhomogeneous, sticky even after the end of the polymerization process.
  • Compliance with the styling technology provides not only the durability and durability of bulk industrial floors, but also helps, for example, align small irregularities of the base from concrete.