Comma before or. Difficult cases of punctuation

You already know that soyuz- This is the service part of speech, with the help of which make up the relationship between parts of proposals, individual offers in the text or between words as part of a simple supply.

Soyuz"AS"Very often requires the separation of different syntactic structures.

To understand when you need to put a comma in front of the union " AS", And when not, look at the following examples.

Comma in front of the union "AS"put

1. The commas are highlighted or separated by the revolutions starting with the union"AS"

1) if they Recalculate , without other shades of value (" AS" has the meaning " like»).

For example: Under him Caucasus , as a face of Almaz, Snow the eternal shine. Her voice ringing , like a bell. Her eyes glittered, green , like gooseberry. And he saw himself rich , as in a dream. (Wings) hands trembled , how to mercury. (Gogol) air is clean and fresh , as a kiss of a child ... (Lermontov) as a seagull , Sail there whites in height.

Comparative turns in our language not only transmit similarity or distinction, but also give the tongue beauty and expressiveness.

The punctuation rule of comparative turnover is not so difficult: it is always allocated with commas on both sides.

For example: Down below , like a mirror , Glossy water. Around the high chela , like clouds , Cocks are black. (Pushkin) at the bottom , as steel mirror, Lake jet lakes. (Tyutchev) sparkled brightly in the sky , like a living eye , First stars. (Goncharov) Anchar , like terrible watch, It is one in the whole universe (A. S. Pushkin).

What are the difficulties and where does the errors come from?

First difficulty - not enough thoughtful attitude towards the text. If you do not understand that in the offer something compared with something, you will not notice the comparative turnover. Hence the simple conclusion: always try to understand the text you write down.

Second difficulty It is that there are syntactic "dwarfs" and syntactic "giants" among comparisons. This is how the comparisons may look like - "Dwarfs", they can be accidentally and not noticed.

For example: I am myself , like a beast , was alien to people and plenty and hid , as a snake (M. Yu. Lermontov).

But how comparisons may look like - "Giant": In front of them , how petrified ocean waves during a storm, Mountain ridges were spread.

What trouble can you do with such a proposal?

First, just forget to close the turnover of the comma. This trouble happens with all common turns: "catching" his beginning, many do not hold it in memory to the end - and then goodbye, the second comma!

Secondly, without thinking about the meaning of the turnover, cut the "Giant", hurrying to put a comma ahead of time, for example, after the word petrified, and thereby turn offering to complete nonsense.

2) if a in the main part of the sentence there is an index word so, so, so.

For example: Lyceum gave Russia such people , Like Pushkin, Pushkin, Delvig. The bar was in the same amazement from his generosity. , Like a Frenchman himself from Dubrovsky's proposal. (Pushkin) Nowhere with a mutual meeting, are not crushed so noble and naturally , As in Nevsky Prospect. (Gogol) the features of his face were the same , Like the sister. (L. Tolstoy) Laevsky is certainly harmful and also dangerous for society , Like cholera microbes ... (Chekhov) Everything around some church, and oil smells as tight as in the church. (Bitter)

3) if a Turnover starts a combination like I..

For example: Trees , Like people , Have their fate. To Moscow , like the whole country, I feel my sovidity , as an old nurse (POUST). In her eyes , as in the whole face, There was something unusual. As with last year's competitions, Athletes of the Russian Federation turned out to be ahead;

4) if a soyuz "AS" turns on in the introductory offer . The following expressions are most often used as introductory proposals:

As I remember, as we said, how we learned how some think, as well as combinations, as now, as one, as a rule, as an exception, as usual, as always, as before, as now, asetc.

For example: It was , how you yourself can guess, Our heroine. Residents of home all , as one , Palked to the courtyard. I see , as it is now , the owner itself ... (Pushkin) classes began , normally , At nine o'clock in the morning. I remember , like now , His first teacher at school. How there is no purpose , There was no penny in your pocket. Commas , usually , DEPROSCHEST TRACKS. Spartakiada , normally , passes in summer.

But! These combinations are not secreted by commas, if they are part of the facred or closely related to it in meaning.

For example: Classes begin as usual. Snowfalls are in December as a rule (\u003d usually). Yesterday passed as usual(i.e. as usual);

5) in revolutions no one else, like nothing but; such as well as.

For example: Front Rhine Waterfall not other , aslow water ledge (Zhukovsky). But before her was no one else , as Traveling egl, famous collector legends, fairy tales, legends. This was no one else , as Flyl.

2. If an application with the union"AS" It has the value of causality, it is allocated by commas.

For example: As a true french, In the pocket, Tatyana (A. S. Pushkin) brought Trick. Why did he bring a verse Tatiana? - as a true Frenchman.

If there is no additional values \u200b\u200bof the application, it is allocated with a comma.

For example: Such a tool , How screwdriver , Always come in handy in the farm. There is no other question here.

3. In a complex proposal when attaching a presidency:"AS" He acts as a supervisory union and connects an apparent offer with the main one.

For example: Itsees , as a field fatherremoves. Lovejumped out before us , How from under the earth pops up assassinand struck us both at once. I watched a long time , How the candle burns.

(Reminder: How to distinguish a complex proposal from a complex? In a complex one part of the proposal, you can ask a question. On the example, which was higher: " I watched a long time - for what? - How the candle burns". In complex proposals of part of the part of the part).

Comma in front of the union"AS"not put

1. Turns with the Union"AS" do not stand out commas

1) if a at the forefront in circulation acts the value of the circumstances of the action (on the question as?); Typically, such revs can be replaced by a cleaner case of a noun or nascha.

For example: How degrees fell to the cart. (Lermontov) (Compare: sprinkled Grad .) How smoke dispersed dreams. (Lermontov) As a demon of cunning and evil (Lermontov) (Compare: demonically cowar.)

Cancer how the heat is burning. (Nekrasov) In anger, he as thundered as steel spurla. Horse as Buran flies like a blizzard hurries. As a zarry in the sky, they stuffed like fiery rain from the sky fell.

2) if a the main value of turnover is equalizing or identifying.

For example: …You loved me like property as a source of joys, anxiety and seals ... (Lermontov) (Compare: ... loved me, considering my property.) …It[Jewish] Served his stone as the only onewhat could he give(Saltykov-Shchedrin);

3) if a Soyuz "AS" It matters "in quality" or turnover with Soyuz "AS" (attachment) characterizes the subject from any one side.

For example: Rich, good, Lensky was adopted everywhere as the groom. (Pushkin) I say as a writer. (Bitter) My ignorance of the language and silence was interpreted as silence diplomatic. (Mayakovsky) We know India as the country of ancient culture. The public appreciated early Chekhov like a subtle humorist. We know Lermontov more more as a poet and prose And less like playwright. I save this letter as a memory. Yuri Gagarin entered the story as the world's first cosmonaut. Ecology question gets up as the main issue of today.

4) if a Turnover forms a nominal part of the composite or in meaning closely associated with the fault (Usually in these cases, the faeble does not have a complete sense without comparative turnover).

For example: Some like emerald, others like coral. (Wings) she herself walked like wild. (Goncharov) as a child I became a soul. (Turgenev) Father and mother to her as strangers. (Dobrolyubov) I watched as. (Arsenyev)

It holds as a hostess. (If you take the lean " keeps"Without turning" like hostess", Then it turns out" she holds"And you might think that she keeps for something.)

Compare also: feel like in the native element, behaves like an unbearable, understand how hint, perceive as praise, realize as a danger, watch as a child, welcome as a friend, to evaluate as an achievement, view as an exception, to take as proper, to imagine as a fact, qualify As a violation of the law, note as a great success, to be interested in as a novelty, to put forward as a project, to justify how the theory, to accept as an inevitable, to work out as a tradition, express as a proposal, to interpret as unwillingness to take part, to determine how the case of a separate application is characterized as type, stand out As a talent, draw up as an official document, to be used as a phraseological turnover, to sound as a call, to enter as an integral part, appear as a representative, felt like an alien body, to exist as an independent organization, arise as something unexpected, develop as a progressive idea, to accomplish as an urgent task etc.;

5) if a comparative turning precede denial notor words completely, completely, almost, it seems, exactly, exactly, it is, right, just etc.

For example: I brought up this feeling of the holiday is not like relaxation and just funds for the further struggle, but as the desired goal, the completion of the highest creativity of life. (Privain) was light almost like day. Children sometimes argue quite as adults. The girl's hair climbs exactly like a mother. The newspaper came out not as always. It just like a child.

6) if a the turn is of a sustainable combination .

We approached the most interesting occasion - to phraseological turnover. Our speech is penetrated by phraseologism. These are stable phrases, painted by irony, sly, sly.

For example: we need a dog fifth leg, will help as a dead kap.

Phraseologisms contribute not only to imagery, but also mischief, smile. And that is very important - they do not require a comma to the union " AS"!

For example: Everywhere he felt at home. Brother and sister like two drops of water. At lion how the mountain from the shoulders dumped. (Wings) yes to say a cure for him to bandage him wound and berg him as a zenitsa. (Pushkin) Young spouses were happy, and their life flowed like oil. (Chekhov)

Strict grammatical rules that help to distinguish phraseologism from ordinary comparative turnover does not exist. We must simply be able to "find out when meeting" as much as possible phraseological units.

Among the stable phrases that are not secreted by commas, there are "Dwarfs": works like Vol (or like a horse), tiredor Hungry like a dog, stupid like a plug, white as a Lun, like mad, like a stupid, like insertedetc. Not put a comma before " AS"In combination no as not and right here. Not allocated commas and phrase of impressive sizes as if nothing had happened.

Compare also: white as a moon, white as a canvas, white as snow, pale as death, shines like a mirror, the disease as a hand shot, fear like a fire, wanders like a ridiculous, rushed like a mad, mast up like a pearler, ran like a crazy, spinning like a squirrel in the wheel , squeals like piglets, I see how afternoon, everything is like on the selection, jumped as the stolen, looked like a wolf, stuck like a plug, goal as a falcon, hungry as a wolf, far as the sky from the ground, trembled as in fever, tremble like aspen leaf, He is all like a goose water, wait for Manne Heavenly, fell asleep as a dead, healthy as a bull, to know how his five fingers, goes next to the sewn, rode like cheese in oil, swinging like drunk, broke like a jelly, red as cancer, strong Like an oak, shouting as an announced, flies like an arrow, to crawl as a sidorovka goat, bald like a knee, pouring like a bucket, waving his hands as a mill, rushes like a peeler, wet as a mouse, gloomy as a cloud, people like a herring in a barrel, not seen as his ears, it is like grave, worn as crazy needed like air, stopped as the inserted, remained like cancer on the meli, sharp as a razor, differ like the sky from the ground, turned pale as a canvas, repeated as in delusions, go like a nice, remember how named, hit as a scuffer on the head, like two Water drops, went to the bottom as a stone, devotee like a dog, stuck like a bath leaf, fall asleep how through the ground, gone as the water went into the water, straight like a knife in the heart, flamed as in the fire, was dispelled as smoke, grow like mushrooms after the rain, Dropped like snow on the head, fresh like blood with milk, fresh as a cucumber, sat on the needles, sit like on coals, sit as a chained, listened as awesome, looked like enchanted, slept like a murdered, slim as cypress, solid as a stone, Dark as at night, skinny as a skeleton, a cowardly like a hare, died like a hero, fell like a ragged, rested like a ram, stubborn like a downtown, tired like a dog, grooming like from a bucket, went to the water lowered, cold as ice, black as damn , feel like at home, hacked like drunk, walked on the executionetc.

2. In addition, the word "AS" maybe part of the composite union as ... so ...or asas well as revolutions since, since the time as, as little as possible or more. In such cases, the comma is placed either before " AS"Or before all the complex union.

For example: He has excellent marks both in the Russian language and in mathematics. This topic is affected both in poetry and in prose. Fairy tales love both children and adults. Avoid empty speeches, as their outcome is repentance.

He graduated from the story, while they got to the place. Larisa worked in a hairdresser, meanwhile, as Ivan finished the institute.

Since the eternal judgment
I gave me all the prophet,
I read people in the eyes of people
Pages of malice and vice.

(M. Yu. Lermontov)

3. In a complex proposal with homogeneous appendage after writing unions.

For example: It's nice in a warm room to listen, how the wind is angry and how the taiga moans.

4. Soyuz"AS"It may be present in the proposal without connecting a strongly semantic-syntactic unit, but only being a means of expressive speech.

For example: We guessed it; I tried not to part with friends as long as possible; Heaviness boosted as if decreased; I was just going to go rink etc.

A simple compound "or" in its meaning is dividing.

To be or not to be, what is the question.

Or I will find a way out on my own, or you have to ask for help from acquaintances.

It is used to:

  • to oppose each other members of one sentence or the proposal of the whole;
  • claim the value of one of the membership members.

The decree before "or" depends on the presence of a recurring union, such as the proposal and the function that this part of speech performs in it.

When is the comma put?

Repeating unions

Before "or", the comma is placed if the unions are repeated.

1 The same alliance in front of all or part of words from the listing requires a semicolon.

I will give him the birthday constructor, or cubes, or puzzle.

2 Repeating Union "Or" in a complex sentence:

Or an employee is late, or the schedule is old, or today is a day off.

Important! Unions "Lee ... or ..." in the simple sentence do not require a comma, since they are not repeated.

From the heat of the furnace or From the time of the board, the floor was covered with cracks and began to try.

At the same time, these unions between the apparent homogeneous suggestions or parts of the complex proposal are separated by the comma.

Is he afraid to praise out loud, or sister does not trust anyone?

I did not go to the teacher for five years and did not know if she lives there, or had moved long ago.

Single Union "Or" as part of a complex offer

The comma in front of a single "or" is placed if it combines simple proposals in the complex. At the same time, simple proposals should not be a general attachment or a member of the sentence, and the apparent should not be homogeneous.

Let them move closer to the sea, on the peninsula, or I will have to ask yourself every month to help them.

Nothing comes to mind on the topic of the ticket, or I remember how I was late for a couple for the last time.

Important! If the union follows or a considerable turnover, then after "or" puts a comma.

Lessons need to be planned without windows between them, or that it is quite expected, students will begin to walk the last studies.

Dima must immediately take up the mind, or, continuing to walk classes, he already departs from the university by the end of the semester.

"Or" in the headlines

If the title of the work consists of 2 parts, where the second part explains or somehow rephrases the first, then before "or" puts a comma (with both parts of the title, you should write from the capital letter). In oral speech in this place there is a pause.

Fantastic reflections, or how to live for 50 rubles per month.

How to cook simple and tasty, or 50 recipes on the ambulance hand.

"Or" and the connecting members of a simple sentence

When the Union is used to attach the clarifying plug-in structures, the allocation of "or" commas as part of such a member of the proposal is necessary.

Finally, he took himself a dream with a dream on four wheels, or white Porsche.

Eternally disappearing on fishing uncle Vitya, or ondatra, was a very silent man.

When the comma does not put?

"Or" and homogeneous members of the sentence

Before the single "or" in the simple sentence, the comma does not put.

Best for vacation will suit the shades of blue, white or green.

A good specialist or bad is not important, if only a stamp put.

"Or" as part of a challenge

Comma before or not needed if a single union:

1 stands between homogeneous apparent.

The kitten shuddered, if suddenly the door opened or a toy fell.

2 connects simple sentences having a general secondary member.

In the evenings, Mom or Neighbor came to raise money.

3 connects two nominative suggestions.

What does shoes come up? Flat sole or stable tanket.

4 stands between two vague personalities (if the form of the attagable is the same) or impersonal proposals.

What is anyway? Lights in the morning or mortal in the evening.

"Or" and questionnaire complex suggestions

If the proposal ends with the question, the comma does not put (associate in meaning due to intonation):

I'll get on foot or should I get riding a bus?

Important! If there is not a single union "or" in the complex sentence, but the design "Lee .. or", then the comma is needed.

Are you, or it seemed to me?

"Or" and exclamation / wise offers

The comma between the parts of the exclamation and the wake-up proposal is not set (the union is due to particles or intonation).

Cut together or let him choose for you!

Get out of class or leave all better!

Is it placed before "or" comma? The answer to the questioned question can be found in the materials of this article. In addition, you will learn whether to put the commas before "what" and "how."

general information

Surely you know that the union is called the service part of speech. Thanks to it, the relationship between individual offers in the text, its parts, or words. However, not everyone knows when the comma is put in front of them, but when not. In order to master this information, present you several basic rules.

When put before "or" comma, and when not?

Union "Or" is a dividing union. Sometimes a comma put in front of him, and sometimes no. Consider both cases in more detail:

  • Before "or", the comma is set, if this union is repeatedly repeated in simple sentences, which are combined into one complex. Let us give an example: "Or he, or me!", "Or black, or white, or red", "or the illness will kill me, or the frost is incubated, or something else will fly." It should also be noted that this rule concerns not only sentences with "or ... or". The commas are also put with such unions as "and", "Il", "neither", etc. For example: "And the head is spinning, and sick, and the body is very lomit," "Neither the Sun is not visible, nor clouds, no light Daytime.
  • Before "or", the comma is raised if this union is used in a complex proposal, where 2 or several simple proposals are associated. Let us give an example: "Or you are tired because of the storm outside the window, or sleep from day fatigue," let it go into the village, or I will go here. " It should also be noted that such unions, as "and", "yes", "a", "and", "or", etc.,, for example, are subject to the same rule, and so on. For example: "The Sea is noisy, and the waves beat the shore.", "The woodpecker stopped knocking, and other birds silenced," "Mom sat down at the gate on the bench, and I went to the store."
  • The comma in front of the union "or" is not put, if the proposal connected with it has a general secondary member or an apparent offer. Let us give an example: "A catamaran or sailed from the pier, a boat went away from the pier." The unions "and", "yes", "either" obey the same rule. For example: "The streets moved cars and raced the trucks."
  • The comma does not put if this union is used to connect homogeneous membership members that are mutually exclusive. For example: "Today or tomorrow", "Does it sees it or not?".
  • Now you know when a comma put before "or", and when not. The rules presented will help you competently make a letter or any text.

    Other unions

    It should be especially noted that the problems with punctuation occur not only when using the Union "or", but also when using the words "that" and "how." Consider these cases in more detail.

    When you should not put a comma before "what"?

  • The comma in front of "what" or after it is not put, if it is used in the expression "only and ... that", followed by pronoun or a noun. Let us give an example: "Only entertainment that the concert is once a month," "Only and money is that the fourth in your pocket," "only and everything is that the shirt on the body", "only and talk about it is one", "only and the light that This window. "
  • In front of this word, we should not put a comma in cases where it is included in the composition of indecomposable proposals "by all means", "the hell knows that" and so on. By the way, in the expression "besides the fact that" the comma is also not needed.
  • Before such a word, you do not need to put a comma if it is not subordinate to the Union, which is in a complex proposal, and is, for example, a comparative particle. ("Over the head of the sky that the endless ocean").
  • If this word is part of the composite union, then it is also not required to put a comma. For example: "Due to the fact that the strongest rains passed, in Pine Bor full of fungi."
  • The comma does not put if this word acts as an interrogative pronoun. For example: "What am I cook for dinner?", "What should I do if he did not come for a date?"
  • When is the comma put?

  • If in the first part of the sentence there is a complicated particle "only", the verb "know", "do", "do" and the Union "What", and in the second part there are any verb in the second part, then before "what" should be put on a comma. Let us give an example: "From five in the morning to the evening only you know what you are sitting here," "With my grandmother, they only did what the pies were baked."
  • The comma in front of "that" must be put if the second part of the expression is a presidency of the complex proposal. Let us give an example: "Only new that the brothers are configured, as a bear to fill up," "Early in the morning it was felt that the sun looks very soon."
  • The comma is placed if "what" acts as a particle. Let us give an example: "And what, you have such a week?", "And what, you always dress like that?"
  • When should I put a comma in front of "How"?

    Before "How" is put by a comma in 3rd cases:

  • If this union enters the expressions that are close to introductory words: usually, as a result, as an exception, as is now, as always, as now, as for example. Let us give an example: "In the evening, as purpose, the Purga began", "this, as a rule, does not happen very often," he, as always, was late for the meeting. "
  • If all parts of the complex proposal are connected by this Union. Let us give an example: "We watched the water for a long time," they watched for a long time, as cooled coils in the fire. "
  • If the sentence is present, which is expressed by comparative turnover, beginning with this union. Let us give an example: "The boy's voice rang like a bell", "The girl was singing, like a nightingale."
  • It is important to remember!

    If any offer continues after turnover with this union, it should be necessary to separate it. For example: "He looked for a long time, as water flows, unable to tear away from such a spectacle."

    When shouldn't you put a comma?

    Suggestions with such a union are not allocated by commas in 5 cases:

  • If this union in circulation is used as an circumstance of the image image. Let us give an example: "The track was twisted as a snake." In such cases, the turnover can be easily replaced by a similar adverb (serpentine) or the name of the nouns standing in the spiritual case (snake). It should be noted that not always the circumstances of the image of action with complete confidence can be distinguished from the circumstances of the comparison. In this regard, quite a lot of errors occur.
  • If the turnover with such a word is included in phraseologism. For example: "During dinner, she sat on the needles."
  • If this union is worth between the lean and subject to, and without it it would be necessary to put a dash. Let us give an example: "Lake as a mirror".
  • If such a word is part of the main member of the proposal (the fant), and the proposal itself without this turnover does not have a complete sense. Let us give an example: "It holds as the owner."
  • If a comparative turnover has a preceding denial "not" or one of the particles: simply, at all, almost completely, it seems, it is, exactly in-point. For example: "They all do not like others," "His hair goes exactly like the Father."
  • It is important to remember!

    The presented word can be used as a composite union "like ... and", "since" and revolutions "since the time", "since" and so on. In these cases, the comma should not be put. We give examples: "All windows both in the palace and in ordinary houses are open", "He did not take food with him and now he regretted it too much, since he already wanted to eat."

    The problem of literacy today worries many. People who can write without errors, less than I would like. Special difficulties in humans cause punctuation, to be mistaken in which is very simple.

    Often, people ask a question about when the comma is placed before "and" puts the comma, as it is difficult to deal with this rule. In practice, everything is a little simpler than it may seem at first glance. There are several basic rules for sewing before "and" and, of course, there are exceptions to them.

    Rules of semicolon before "and"

    If "and" combines two simple sentences, put the comma, as a rule, you need. You can only check this rule: if you can share the offer on two simple and none of them lose your meaning, the comma is needed.

    For example, the offer: "It was sunny, and a light breeze" can be easily divided into offers: "It was sunny" and "a light breeze". Please note: the meaning of the proposals was not lost.

    However, if two simple sentences have a common word, you do not need commas. The verification of this rule is similar to the previous one: when the proposal is divided into part of the meaning, at least one of them will be lost. For example, the offer: "Yesterday it was sunny and a light breeze blowing." If we divide it into parts: "Yesterday it was sunny" and "a light breeze", the meaning of the first sentence will be completely saved. But at the same time, part of the meaning of the second sentence will be lossed, as it is already incomprehensible when it was. To make sense not lost, the suggestions should be divided into "yesterday was sunny" and "yesterday there was a light breeze." In such examples, when parts of a complex sentence, there is a common word, comma in front of "and" is not put.

    The comma is also needed in cases where the union "and" is repeated in the proposal several times. Example: "It was and sunny, and a light breeze blowing."

    Also, the comma in front of "and" does not put in exclamation, motivating and questioning proposals. In our case, an example will be: "Was it really sunny and blew a light breeze?".

    The comma in front of "and" does not put in offers, in which there is an explanatory part of the complex proposal or the total introductory part for the two proposals. For example: "Spring has come, so it was sunny and a light breeze blowing."

    Another exception is nominative suggestions, that is, those in which the existence of a certain phenomenon or subject is expressed. For example: "sunny and light breeze."

    Guided by these rules, you can easily figure out whether you need to put a comma in your offer. It is important to understand and clearly allocate the rules for ourselves when the comma is placed before "and", and on the basis of these knowledge you can highlight the remaining cases in which it is not necessary to install it.

    "How to dream right or a few words about positive thinking." Tell me, please need a comma before or?

    The comma is put.

    Question No. 303562.

    Tell me, before or need a comma? "It is worth writing it (,) or maybe there is some other interesting material?"

    Russian reference service response

    Comma or Not needed, since parts of the proposal are merged with an interim intonation.

    Question number 301998.

    "But it seems Julia was happy in this house." Do I need before or after "seem to" put a comma?

    Russian reference service response

    The semicolons are not separated from the unions, standing at the beginning of the sentence: But it seems, Julia was happy in this house.

    Question number 301485.

    Good day! Tell me, please, whether the comma is needed before or in this case and why: "Hold the river (,) or find yourself in a trap."

    Russian reference service response

    A comma is set (between parts of a complex proposal).

    Question number 300115

    Do you need a comma before or in a sentence or not? Behind the scenes "Lenni", or what ended the fairy tale about repka

    Russian reference service response

    If this is the name or title, you need a comma before or, and the word thanyou should write with a capital letter: Behind the scenes "Lenni", or what ended the tale about repka.

    Question number 297052.

    The budget revenues amounted to 989 million rubles, or 110% of the level of the previous year. Is the comma before or?

    Russian reference service response

    The comma is put.

    Question number 295970.

    Hello! Tell me, please, is it placed before or comma when it comes to equal units? For example, "... Mass is 231 tons, or 56%."

    Russian reference service response

    The comma is set (with illustration).

    Question number 295867.

    Good day! Please tell me if the comma needed before or in the sentence: "feat or a crazy attempt to achieve the goal?"

    Russian reference service response

    The comma is placed before the explanation, which calls the same phenomenon in other words, for example: This is Alexander Timofic, or simply Sasha.

    If the offer implies the choice, then comma or need not. In the example you need to make a choice: it was a feat or a crazy attempt. Therefore, commas before or need not.

    Question number 295759.

    Do you write a comma in front of or in a complex sentence? One wayward heroine says: "I don't know myself, I was married (,) or it is a terrible dream ..." There was a dispute about the comma in direct speech. Opinions were divided. 1. Well, as in the complex proposal with the Union of Lee ... or ... in the apparent part. 2. Due to the writing connection of proposals with the general part. What opinion is right?

    Russian reference service response

    Between two apparent connected single connecting or dividing unions and, or, or, yes (In the meaning "and"), the comma does not put.

    Since in your example it is worth a single union (and not repeated), the comma is not needed.

    Question number 295239.

    Hello. Specify again, please. The comma is placed before or after the union when follows - as if either as if. For example: I ran and as if the child jumped into his arms. Thank you

    Russian reference service response

    Comparative turnover stands out from two sides by commas, the union is not included in the turnover: I ran and, like a child, jumped into his arms. In this case, a comparative turnover can be easily withdrawn from the offer: I ran and jumped.

    Question number 295120.

    Hello. Do you need a comma in the next sentence before or? Sometimes to implement plans, you have to make various "dark" cases or to go to a deal with conscience.

    Russian reference service response

    Comma or need not. Dark You should write without quotes.

    Question number 294768.

    Hello. As in the contract, write the price in brackets: with a large or small letter. Where to put the word rubles: before or after the bracket) for example. The price of 4000 products (four thousand rubles) rubles. Price of goods 4000 rubles (four thousand rubles)

    Russian reference service response

    True: the price of the product is 4000 (four thousand) rubles.

    Question number 294757.

    I hope you can ask two questions immediately: 1. I will give I will give "if you need a dash? 2. "This is sarcasm or you have prejudice." Do you need a comma in front of or, and if so, why?

    Russian reference service response

    1. You need a dash, as the first part of the action indicated in the second part is indicated. 2. True: Is it sarcasm or do you have prejudice?

    Question number 294373.

    Tell me, please, do you need to put a comma in this sentence before or? In the first half of the XVII century. More radical and consecutive levelers (equalizers) will be allocated from the indigents, and during the revolutionary events of the middle of the XVII century. - Even more radical religious political groups of diggers (diggers or true equalizers) and quackers. Thanks a lot in advance!

    Russian reference service response

    Comma or Need.

    Question number 292652.

    I was looking for a response to my question on the "literacy" and came across Question No. 230594, which sounds like this: "Do I need a comma in a sentence before or:" Do we become in this sense of civilized or everything returns to the circles? ". Answer" Letters " It was like that: "Requires a comma in front of _Ili_." I am in bewilderment ... In this case, it does not work the rule that the comma does not put if parts of a complex proposal are combined with question intonation? Explain, please. For me it is very important. Maybe , I have incorrectly applied the rule before that time?

    Russian reference service response

    The comma does not put between parts of a complex proposal with a general question in intonation if a single compound alliance is worth between them. In this case, parts are connected by alliances. lee ... orwhich in this case are treated as a repeated union.