Adjective suffixes. Spelling "n" and "nn" in adjective suffixes

  • § 7. Not at the beginning of the root after vowels (in words of foreign origin) both the letter e and e are written. Their choice depends on the preceding vowel.
  • § 8. Not at the beginning of the root after consonants, the letter e is written to convey the vowel e and at the same time to indicate the hardness of the preceding consonant in the following cases.
  • § 9. In other cases, the letter e is written not at the beginning of the root after the consonants.
  • § 10. In the following cases, the letter e is written to convey the combination j followed by the vowel e:
  • § 11. The letter is written:
  • § 12. The letter ы is used to convey the vowel ы and at the same time to indicate the hardness of the preceding consonant:
  • § 14. After zh, sh, h, sch the letter i is written (and s is not written), for example: fat, saffron milk cap, interpublishing, say, sew, reeds, clean, rays, shield, look.
  • § 15. After q the letter i or s is written.
  • § 17. After zh, sh, h, shch to convey the stressed vowel e, the letter e is written, for example: tin, swing, rustle, ginseng, chirp, zhe (name of the letter), on the boundary, about a candle, a soul, a sling; Zhenya, Jack, Shannon.
  • § 18. After zh, ch, sh, shch, the letter o or e is written to convey the stressed vowel o.
  • § 19. In all other cases, to convey the stressed vowel o after zh, ch, sh, sh, the letter e is written, namely:
  • § 25. The letter e is written after the letters zh, ch, sh, c only in the following special cases.
  • § 27. The separative ъ is written after the consonants before the letters i, yu, ё, e, conveying combinations [j] with vowels, in the following cases.
  • § 29. The letter ь is written to indicate the softness of a paired consonant at the end of words, for example: dove, leave, notebook, dirt, pity, seven, horse, kitchens, apple trees, embankment, beast, paint, drink, shipyard.
  • § 30. To indicate the softness of a paired consonant before consonants, the letter ь is written in the following cases.
  • § 31. The letter ь is written (regardless of pronunciation) in the following grammatical forms:
  • § 32. After zh, sh, ch, shch, the letter b is written according to tradition in the following grammatical forms:
  • § 33. General rule. The writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels is established by checking other words and forms, where in that
  • § 35. There are roots in which the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels does not correspond to the general rule, but is subject to tradition. These include the following roots with alternating vowels.
  • § 43. Suffixes with unverifiable unstressed vowels.
  • § 46. -Ev-, -iv-, -liv-, -chiv- (in adjectives). It is necessary to distinguish between adjectives with the suffixes -ev-, on the one hand, and -iv-, -liv-, -chiv, on the other.
  • § 51. -Ink-, -enk-, -ank- (-Yank-). It is necessary to distinguish between nouns in -Inca and in -enka (with unstressed vowels before n).
  • § 55. -Insk-, -ensk-. It is necessary to distinguish between the suffixes of the adjectives -insk- and -ensk- (with the letters i and e in place of the unstressed vowel).
  • § 58. -Usch- (-yush-), -ash- (-box-). In the suffixes of active present participles the same vowels are written as in the 3rd person plural forms. Parts of the same verbs (see § 74):
  • § 64. Unstressed fluent vowels are represented by the letters e, o or and according to the following rules (below, after each example, a form or word is given in parentheses where there is no fluent vowel).
  • § 66. Instead of the connecting vowels o and e in some categories of compound words, vowels are written that coincide with the case and other endings of words, the stems of which are contained in the previous part of the word:
  • § 69. The following endings contain vowels that are not checked by the stressed position.
  • § 70. Nouns with some suffixes have features in the writing of unstressed endings.
  • § 71. Case forms of nouns in -i, -i, -i.
  • § 76. The writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels before the suffix - the infinitive is determined by the following rule.
  • § 78. There are special constructions with particles not and neither.
  • § 86. Letter combinations tch, dch (including stch, zdch) are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word if the previous part of the word ends in t or d, and the subsequent one begins with h, for example:
  • § 88. The letter combinations сч, зч, zhch, shch are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word if the previous part of the word ends in s, z or zh, sh, and the subsequent one begins with h, for example:
  • § 89. The letter combinations сш, сж, зш, зж are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word if the previous part ends with a consonant s or z, and the subsequent part begins with sh or zh, for example:
  • § 95. Double n and double s are written at the junction of a generating stem and a suffix, if the stem ends and the suffix begins with the same consonant n or s:
  • § 103. Short forms of complex adjectives, the second parts of which coincide with participles in -nny, are written with n or nn depending on the meaning. Adjectives expressing characteristics
  • § 106. Double consonants are written in the roots of Russian (not borrowed) words in the following cases.
  • § 46. -Ev-, -iv-, -liv-, -chiv- (in adjectives). It is necessary to distinguish between adjectives with the suffixes -ev-, on the one hand, and -iv-, -liv-, -chiv, on the other.

    Words starting with -evy - for example, soy, queen, flannel, match, suede - contain the suffix -ev- (a spelling variation of the suffix -ov-), which is checked under the stress in words such as oak?vy, ruble. These adjectives are relative adjectives and do not have short forms.

    Words starting with -ivy are qualitative adjectives (having short forms) with the suffixes -iv-: merciful; -liv-: caring, envious, restless, whimsical; -chiv-: forgetful, resourceful, changeable; Wed suffixes -iv- and -liv- under stress: lazy, funny, whimsical.

    Note. The suffix -iv- is also found in the word holy fool, formed from the obsolete yurod.

    § 47. -enk-, -onk- (in nouns). In nouns with the suffix -enk- (-onk-), the initial vowel of the suffix, always unstressed, is represented in writing by the letters e (after paired soft consonants and sibilants, as well as after vowels) and o (after paired hard consonants): daddy, daughter, little leg, darling, Petenka, Varenka, Seryozhenka, Mashenka, Zoenka; birch, baby, kitty, little teeth, Veronka.

    Exceptions: in the words zainka and good boy, as well as in the word bainki, the letter i is written in the suffix.

    Note 1. Among writers of the 19th century. spellings of proper names such as Marfinka, Polinka, Fedinka (with the letter i), as well as Lizanka, Lisanka (with the letter a; the latter - in folklore texts) are widely found. Such spellings, although they deviate from the modern spelling norm, are preserved in reprints of the corresponding texts.

    Note 2. In texts focused on the folklore tradition, there is also a spelling of this suffix that deviates from the modern norm with the letter ы after a hard consonant, for example: You can hear the cry of the neighboring stripe, / Baba there - the kerchiefs are disheveled, / We need to rock the child! (Necr.); For Nadenka the bride-to-be, there is a dowry in the closet (Birth); It will roll and roll - that’s it, I think my death has come! (Shuksh.). Writing -ynk- at the end of stems (not under stress) is normal for words formed with the suffix -k(a) from nouns starting with -ynya: alms - alms, barynya - lady.

    § 48. -points-, -points-. In nouns with the suffix -ochk- (-echk-), the initial unstressed vowel of the suffix is ​​expressed by the letters o (after paired hard consonants) and e (in other cases): light bulb (from lamp), bath, vase, blouse, mommy, Ninochka, Allochka , Vovochka; auntie, Vanechka, Olechka, Raechka; time (from time), name (from name), seed, morning. The emphasis on the suffix is ​​a place in a single word.

    Nouns with the diminutive suffix -k-, formed from nouns ending in -ka, -ko, -ki, have the same orthographic appearance: detochka (from detka), distaff, papillary, little fence, sleigh (from sled); tiny, leechka, window (from okoshko), etc. (in them the letters o and e convey a fluent vowel, see § 64).

    Note. They deviate from the modern norm of spellings such as Tetichka, Volodichka, Raichka (as well as the stylized spelling Venichka Erofeev, traditional in modern texts). Writing -ichk- at the end of stems (not under stress) is normal for words formed with the suffix -k- from nouns with a stem in -its-, -ik-, for example: staircase - staircase, mill - mill, button - button , scissors - scissors, factory - factory, Edik - Edichka.

    § 49. -achiy (-yachiy), -echy, -ichy. It is necessary to distinguish between adjectives with the stressed suffix -achiy (-yachiy) such as cat?chiy, frog?chiy, turkey?chiy, duck?chiy, pig?chiy and adjectives nachiy with the suffix -y, where the letter e conveys an unstressed fluent vowel ( see § 64), e.g.: boy?shechy (from boy), old?shechy (old woman), cuckoo (cuckoo), fro?shechy, indy?shechy.

    In the words be?lichiy, ne?rpichiy and parrot?ichy, the unstressed vowel at the beginning of the suffix -ichy is represented by the letter i.

    § 50. -ek, -ik. It is necessary to distinguish between the diminutive suffixes of masculine nouns -ek (in an unstressed position) and -ik, -chik (always unstressed). In the suffix -ek, the vowel (checked under stress in words like penyok, cottage cheese) is fluent, and in the suffixes -ik and -chik the vowel is preserved during declension. Thus, a fluent vowel is conveyed here by the letter e (see § 64), and a non-fluent vowel by the letter i, for example: ovrazhek - ravine, piece - piece, knife - knife, lamb - lamb, but table - table, kalachik - kalachik, glass - glass.

    According to the same rule, formations characteristic of colloquial speech and vernacular are written in -ik with a non-fluent vowel of the suffix and a truncated base of the producing word such as velik (bicycle), telly (TV), vidik (video recorder), shizik (schizophrenic), as well as truncated diminutive personal names like Alik, Vladik.

    Adjective name suffixes

    1. Many suffixes of adjectives written without changes in all words. This includes suffixes -chat-,-ee-, -evat-, -evit-, -liv-, -chiv-, -oe-, -ovat-, -ovit-: cushy, dashing, glossy, grumpy, resourceful, businesslike, angular, homely.

    2. Spelling of some adjective suffixes obeys certain rules:

    Suffixes Rule Example
    -iv-, -ev- In adjectives the suffix -iv- is written under stress, and -ev----- no accent. Beautiful, truthful, regional, combatant. Exceptions: Milosquiet, holy fool.
    -chiv-, liv- There are suffixes in Russian -chiv-, -liv-, which must be distinguished from the suffix -ev-. Gullible, touchy. resourceful, caring, calculating, grumpy. But: whip, speech, fawn, enamel.
    -th Possessive adjectives have a suffix -y. Suffix -to her There are no possessive adjectives. Hare, fox hunting, robber
    -ovat-, -oe-, Suffixes -ovat-, oe- are written Guilty, businesslike.
    -evat-, -ev-. after hard consonants, unstressed -evat-, -ev- after soft consonants, sibilants and c. But: shadow, ringhowl, bluish.
    -onk-, -enk- After consonants g, k, x the suffix is ​​written -onk- after other consonants -enk-. However, spelling options are also possible (suffix

    -enk after g, k, x). Suffix "ink" not written in adjectives.

    Dry, blue, young. Light and easy

    3. Particular attention should be paid to the spelling of letters before suffixes -sk-, -k-.

    Suffix -sk- written in relative adjectives (they do not form a short form): Circassian- Circassian,Caucasus- Caucasian, French - French. Wherein

    the final letter of the stem from which the adjective is formed is retained.

    Suffix -To- written in quality adjectives(they form a short form): sharp (sharp), low (low), close (close).

    -ny, -ry, then before suffix -sk- soft sign is not written: Siberia- Siberian, Astrakhan- Astrakhan, January- January, horse- horse.

    Exceptions: 1) adjectives formed from the names of months: June, September, October,November, December, (but: January); 2) day-day, Tien Shan and etc.

    If the stem of the word from which the adjective is derived ends in d, m, c these consonants are preserved before -sk-,-k-: city- urban, Brest- Brest, German - Germancue

    If this stem ends in k, h, then in adjectives before To is written - c: Cossack- Cossack; weaver- weaving.

    Exceptions: Uzbek, Tajik and etc.

    4. About the spelling of one and two letters k in adjective suffixes see paragraph “Letters n And nn in words of different parts of speech."

    5. About the spelling of vowels after sibilants and C in adjective suffixes (such as glossy- crimson) see the paragraph “Vowels after sibilants and Ts in suffixes and endings of words of various parts of speech.”

    Task formulation - 2019

    Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in both words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.

    1) dangerous, warm

    2) weathered..heat, glow..heat

    3) legible, commanding

    4) sticky, stuck

    5), raging..

    The wording of the assignment from previous years:

    Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.






    Correct answer: armchair.

    Task 11 (formerly task 10) changed in 2019: to complete it you need to determine the spelling of 10 words and select those lines in which both words are written with the same unstressed vowel.

    In response, we write down not words, but line numbers.

    An important feature of the 2019 task is that there can be more than two answers (from 2 to 4). This is how the principle of indefinite plurality of answers is implemented. According to the compilers of exam options, this principle eliminates the use of guessing when completing a task and helps to more accurately determine the level of knowledge of the graduate.

    If not all numbers are written down in the answer or at least one extra one is written down, the task is scored 0 points. For correct completion of the task, 1 point is given.

    What students should know to complete the task correctly: in what cases are the suffixes -LIV-, -CHIV- written in adjectives; -IV-, -EV-; what determines the spelling of verbal suffixes -IVA-, -EVA-; what vowel letters are written before the stressed verbal suffix -BA-; when in suffixes of nouns the vowels E and I should be written.

    Algorithm for completing the task:

    1. Determine which part of speech (verb, adjective, noun) the word with the missing letter in the suffix belongs to.

    2. Remember that in verbs

    The suffix -IVA- is written if the verb in the 1st person form ends in -IVAYU (SMOOTH - I SMOOTH):

    The suffix -EVA- is written if the verb in the 1st person form ends in -YU, -YUYU (TREATE - I READ):

    Before the stressed suffix -VA- the same vowel is written as in the indefinite form, if this suffix -VA- (COMMAND - COMMAND) is dropped in it;

    In the words STUCK, eclipse, EXTEND the letter E is written.

    3. In adjectives

    The suffix -IV- is written under stress; without stress - suffix -EV- (LAZY - under stress, GAUZE - without stress);

    GRACEFUL, JURODY is written with the letter I;

    The suffixes -LIV-, -CHIV- are always written with the letter I, since adjectives do not have the suffixes -LEV-, -CHEV- (CARING, ASSISTANT):

    The suffix -IST- is always written with the letter I, since adjectives do not have the suffix -EST- (RUSTY):

    The suffix -CHAT- is always written with the letter A (STEP):

    The suffixes -EVAT-, -OVAT- are written without changes in all words, since adjectives do not have the suffixes -IVAT-, -AVAT- (BLUE, GUILTY):

    The suffixes -ENK-, -ONK- are written without change in all words, since adjectives do not have the suffixes -INK-, -ANK- (BLACK, DRY):

    The suffix -INSK- is written if the adjective is formed from a stem ending in -IN, as well as -I(Y), -A(YA) (MYTISHCHINSKY - from MYTISHCHI; EKATERININSKY - from EKATERINA);

    The suffix -ENSK- is written in other adjectives (BEGGER - from BEGGAR);

    In the words PENZA, PRESNENSKY, KOLOMENSKY the letter E is written.

    4. In nouns

    The masculine gender is written with the suffix -ETS- (KOREAN):

    The feminine gender is written with the suffix -ITs- (Blizzard):

    The neuter gender is written:

    A) suffix -ETS-, if the emphasis falls on the ending (LETTERS):

    B) suffix -ITs-, if the stress does not fall on the ending (KRESLITSE):

    The suffix -INK- is written in nouns formed from words ending in -ISCHA), and the suffix -ENK- in all others (PEA. CHERRY):

    The suffixes of nouns -IZN-, -IN- are always written with the letter I, since nouns do not have the suffixes -EZN-, -EN- (WHITENESS, SILENCE):

    The suffix -ICHK- is written in nouns formed from words ending in -ISCHA), and the suffix -ECHK— in all others (UMNICHKA - from UMNITSKA, SITECHKO - from SIEVE).

    More details:

    1. Spelling suffixes of adjectives

    Its spelling

    1. -IV-, -EV-

    The suffix -IV- is written under the accent.

    The suffix -EV- is written without accent.


    merciful, holy fool

    (in unstressed position the suffix -IV- is written)

    LAZY (emphasized)

    KEY (no accent) ELBAR (no accent)

    2. -LIV-, -CHIV-

    The suffixes of adjective names -LIV-, -CHIV- are always written with the letter I.

    Adjective names do not have the suffixes -LEV-, -CHEV-.


    (adjectives do not have the suffix -LEV-)

    TOUCHED = RESULT + CHIV (adjectives do not have the suffix -CHEV-)

    The suffix of adjectives -IST- is always written with the letter I.

    Adjectives do not have the suffix -EST-.

    TEARED = TEAR + IST (adjectives do not have the suffix -EST-)

    The suffix of adjectives -CHAT- is always written with the letter A.

    Remember: BOARD (derived from the word BOARD using the suffix -AT-)




    5. -EVAT-, -OVAT-

    The suffixes -EVAT-, -OVAT- are written unchanged in all words.

    Adjective names do not have the suffixes -IVAT-, -AVAT-.





    6. -ENK-, -ONK-

    The suffixes -ENK-, -ONK- are written unchanged in all words.



    Adjective names do not have the suffixes -INK-, -ANK-.

    7. -ENSK-, -INSK-

    The suffix -INSK- is written in the names of adjectives formed from stems ending in -IN, as well as -I(Y), -A(I).



    The suffix -ENSK- is written in other adjectives.

    BEGGAR (from BEGGAR)



    2. Spelling verb suffixes


    Their spelling

    1) -IVA-, (-YVA-)

    For verbs in the initial form and in the past tense, the suffix is ​​written -IVA-, (-YVA-), if in the form of the 1st person (I) of the present or future tense the verb ends in -IVAYU, (-YVAYU)

    SCATTER SCATTERED (spelled with the suffix -IVA-, since I (what am I doing?) SCATTERED) SMOOTHED, SMOOTHED (spelled with the suffix -IVA-, since I (what am I doing?) SMOOTHED) FOLDED, FOLDED (spelled with the suffix -YVA-, so how I (what am I doing?) FOLDING)

    2) -EVA-, (-OVA-)

    For verbs in the initial form and in the past tense the suffix is ​​written -EVA-, (-OVA-), if in the form of the 1st person (I) of the present or future tense the verb ends in -УУ, (-УУУ)


    (written with the suffix -EVA-,

    since I (what am I doing?) STAYING NIGHT)



    (the suffix is ​​written -EVA-, since I (what am I doing?) SWEATING) -

    TRY TRIED (the suffix is ​​written -OVA-, since I (what am I doing?) WILL TRY)

    3) Letters I, E before the stressed suffix -BA-

    From verbs with the suffixes -IVA-, (-YVA-), -EVA-, (-OVA-), verbs with always stressed should be distinguished

    suffix -VA-.

    To find out which vowel is written before the always stressed suffix -BA-, you need to discard this suffix.

    Before the stressed suffix -BA- the same vowel is written as in the indefinite form, if this suffix -BA- is dropped in it.

    COMMAND (we discard the stressed suffix -VA-, we get COMMAND)

    SUFFER (we discard the stressed suffix -VA-, we get SUFFER)-

    Remember the exception words in which the female name “EVA” is “hidden”:

    STUCK, eclipse. PROLONG

    3. Spelling noun suffixes


    Their spelling

    1) -EC-, -IC-

    In masculine nouns the suffix -ETS- is written.

    In feminine nouns the suffix -ITs- is written.

    In neuter nouns it is written:

    A) suffix -ETS-, if the accent falls on the ending;

    B) suffix -ITs-, if the stress does not fall on the ending.

    GUARDSMAN (masculine) KOREAN (masculine)

    HOTEL (feminine)

    METELITSA (feminine)

    LETTER, COAT (neuter gender, emphasis falls on the ending)

    KRESLICE, PLANT (neuter gender, the emphasis does not fall on the ending)

    2) -INK-, -ENK-

    INK- is written in nouns formed from words ending in -ISCHA).

    PEA ZAVALINKA (formed from nouns ending in -ISCHA):


    ENK is written in other nouns.


    Exception: DOVE

    3) -IZN-, -IN-

    The suffixes of nouns -IZN-, -IN- are always written with the letter I.


    Nouns do not have the suffixes -EZN-, -EN-.

    4) -ICHK-, -ECHK-

    ICHK- is written in nouns formed from words ending in -ISCHA).

    UMNICHKA (formed from the noun UMNICHKA ending in -ITs(A))

    ECHK is written in other nouns.


    5) -IR-, -EK-

    IR- is written if, when changing the word, the vowel letter does not drop out.

    SHALASHIK (SHALASHIKA, the vowel is not dropped) KEY (KLASHIKA, the vowel is not dropped)

    EK- is written if, when a word is changed, a vowel letter drops out.


    (DRUZHOCHKA, vowel letter drops out)

    (LOCK, vowel letter drops out)

    Remember the spelling of the following words:


    Literacy is a vital need for many people. In our country, a total dictation is held annually. Important officials and people of other professions in dozens of cities are diligently thinking about how to correctly write this or that word, where to put a comma, a dash, etc. There is something to think about, because Russian is not such a simple language. And it is impossible to write in it accurately without knowing the rules.

    The issue of spelling is acute, primarily for schoolchildren. After all, dictations for them are not held once a year. They write test papers almost weekly on different subjects. Therefore, they should know not only the rules given in this article, but also others. For example, be able to write English adjective suffixes correctly. Or know when some famous figure was born and died...

    Suffixes -chiv, -liv, -iv, -ev. Exception words

    They say that you need to get into the water to learn to swim, and to learn to write without mistakes, you need to train and develop the skill of competent writing.

    The choice of vowels in a given morpheme depends on several reasons: stress, hardness or softness of the preceding sound, meaning. And even the origin of Stress and literate writing are related to each other due to the fact that only stressed vowels are clearly audible in the flow of our speech, but with unstressed letters it is more difficult. If you don't know the rules, mistakes will appear.

    Remember! If you are in doubt which adjective suffixes to write, put emphasis: -iv-- if it’s shock, but -ev-- if e is unstressed (playful, false, but key); -chiv-, -liv- are derived from -iv, so they write and (assiduous, noisy). Exception: holy fool, merciful.

    Now check yourself: zero... howl, caring... howl, playful... howl, merciful... howl, bo... howl, arrogant... howl, trust... howl. (Answers: e, and, and, and, e, and, and).

    Suffixes -ov, -ovat and -ev, -evat

    Anton Pavlovich Chekhov did not like ugly, dissonant sounds and in every possible way avoided the use of hissing and whistling sounds. Our spelling cannot do without them.

    Over the spelling of suffixes - ov -, - ev- after the unloved classics, w, w, c are often thought about. The letters o and e sound alike are confusing. It's simple: O- stressed, and without stress - e(kumac, penny, plush).

    What if the stress falls on the root or prefix? In this case, adjective suffixes become dangerous for an illiterate person. Here you need to remember the rules! The last letter of the base You should write suffixes -ov-, -ovat-, -ovit-(rough). And if the consonant is soft, hissing or c, then -ev-, -evat-, -evit- (key, glossy, apple, blind).

    Now let’s check the knowledge we’ve gained: gifted...twisted, demanding, watchman...howl, floor...howl, blue...wavy, canvas...well done...well done. (Answers: o, o, e, e, e, o, e).

    Suffixes -onk and -enk

    It is impossible not to be surprised by the possibilities of the Russian language. In order for a word to change its meaning, it is enough to replace the suffix in it. And now the fat one turns into a plump one, and the thin one into a thin one. Expresses a completely different attitude towards the subject of speech. The adjective suffixes -onk- and -enk- give words shades of sympathy, endearment, irony, disdain, as well as real diminution. Only they have the ability to use these formative means.

    Adjectives with a diminutive meaning are formed using a suffix -enk and - onk(blue, plump).

    After the letters g, k, x, and are possible -onk and -enk(light and light).

    Check yourself! Bad...cue, round...cue, beautiful...cue, good...cue (oh, e, e, e).

    Showing your attitude to what is being said helps and -okhonk, -okhonk, -usenk, -usenk(small, tiny, thin).

    Suffixes -ensk, -insk. Exceptions

    Adjectives are formed not only from common nouns, but also from proper nouns and geographical names. Morphemes -insk- and -ensk- are used to form such words. Unstressed suffixes of adjectives sound unclear. Speech situations arise when it is necessary to both write and use a word in oral speech. An incorrectly formed shape hurts the ear. If you don't want to make mistakes, remember the rule.

    Suffix -insk- serves to form nouns with final -a, -я, -и. (Yalta - Yalta, Mytishchi - Mytishchi, Ekaterina - Catherine). In other cases the suffix is ​​used -ensk-(Grozny - Grozny, Grodno - Grodno).

    The Russian language is beautiful. And he does not tolerate cacophony, so there are exceptions to the rules that are worth learning. These are Presnensky (from Presnya), Penza (from Penza), Kolomna (from Kolomna), etc.

    It is impossible, and it is not necessary, to remember exceptions to all the rules. If you have any difficulties, you should consult dictionaries and reference books.

    Spelling of adjectives formed from the nouns na-shka, the words “wind” and “oil”

    Nouns with finite -shka(frog, cat) form adjectives, about the spelling of which you need to know the following: both “frog” and “frog” are written, cat - cat. Both spellings are correct. Only the emphasis is different.

    The spelling of some adjectives is related to their lexical meaning. From the words “wind” and “oil” you can form word forms that have different adjective suffixes. Examples of such words: anemone - windy, oily - oily. There are no mistakes here.

    Worth remembering! 1. Windy (with the meaning of “wind” in literal and figurative meaning. The wind on the street (direct) and the wind in the head (trans.) 2. Windy (with the meaning “set in motion by the force of the wind”) 3. Chickenpox ( from the colloquial word "chickenpox") 4. Oily (consists of any oil). 5. Oily (oiled, soaked, stained with oil).

    Suffixes -sk and -k. Exceptions

    “It’s not a shame not to know, it’s a shame not to learn,” says popular wisdom. And it’s worth constantly expanding your knowledge. Spelling adjective suffixes is often difficult. In the words "sharp" and "sailor" the end of the word sounds the same. How to choose the correct spelling? Let's think like this. Since adjectives are formed from the stem of a noun, then we highlight this stem and see which letter is the last (weaver - weaver). If k, h, ts- feel free to substitute the suffix -To. Alternation may occur. This is normal. Are there no such letters? Create a shape. Happened? Then feel free to write the suffix -To.

    At the end of the base k, h, ts(giant - gigantic), and it’s impossible to form a short form - feel free to write the suffix -sk.

    Remember: b before -sk- written only after l, and also in the words: day-day, names of months, but we write “January” without a soft sign.

    Adjectives starting with -aty: suffixes -schat, -chat

    Mikhail Sholokhov said that the language of the people has been accumulating treasures of thought and experience for thousands of years. Formed from nouns using the suffix - chat-, -chat- the words seemed to bring mystery and charm from time immemorial (iridescent, log, patterned). They indicate the presence in large quantities of what is expressed by the base (fragmentous).

    The spelling of adjective suffixes depends on the letters in front. Alternation occurs, which changes the composition of the morpheme and its sound.

    An error may appear when writing.

    Dosch-at-y (from board sk/sch).

    Smoke-chat (from smoke).

    Brus-chat-k-a (from brus).

    Tile-chat (tiles c/t).

    Adjectives with such suffixes are widely used in professional and terminological vocabulary.

    not formed from verbs

    “The old abandoned garden was beautiful in its picturesque desolation,” we read from the classic. But in order to excel in literacy in dictation, you need to remember the rule of how to choose suffixes of adjectives and participles. The difficulty is that it is impossible to determine by ear "n" or "nn" choose.

    Let's remember the rule! If you forgot, look in the reference book. Next, we analyze how this word was formed (picture-n y - the base is on -n, and the suffix was added -n - here is the double "n").

    "Nn" it is also written when the adjective appears with the help of the suffix -onn-, -enn- (excursion-onn-y, craft-enn-y).

    The letter "n" is written in adjective suffixes if in the word -in-, -an-, -yang-(os-in-y, skin-an-y).


    1) glass, tin, wood;

    2) young, green, porky, spicy, drunk, windy, crimson.

    Spelling "n", "nn" in adjective suffixes it makes you rack your brain if you don’t know the rules. Therefore, it is worth training them.

    Spelling "n" and "nn" in nouns and adverbs starting with -o, formed from non-verbal adjectives. Words to remember to spell

    The vocabulary wealth of our language is constantly growing. One of the ways of replenishment is the formation of new names of objects and phenomena from the names of adjectives. "N", "nn" in adjective suffixes determines the number of letters in formed nouns. Examples: living room - hotel, relative - relative, wood - woodshed, horse - cavalry.

    Adjectives can also form adverbs with a final -O. Interestingly, the suffixes of adverbs and adjectives are the same. The number of "n" is also the same. You can check the spelling of “n” and “nn” in adverbs by selecting the full adjective from which the adverb is formed. Write as many of these letters as in the original adjective. Examples: courageously - courageous, magnificent - magnificent, excited - excited.

    Remember the spelling of the following words: welcome, smart, uninvited guest, sworn brother, unseen, unheard, etc.