Ethiopia irgashef and other regional coffee varieties. Types and composition of coffee drinks Toro facto coffee

Traveling abroad (in New Zealand) I went to one of the coffee shops where I tried to order coffee for myself. Considering that besides the fact that coffee is masculine and it comes with sugar and milk, I didn’t know anything, when I saw a couple of dozen types of this drink, I couldn’t make a choice, and the names didn’t tell me anything. To help novice coffee lovers not get into trouble when choosing coffee, I offer this article for study. And this is how coffee happens:

Cafe con Leche- Portuguese or Spanish dark coffee with added sugar and milk.

Demi-creme- coffee with cream or milk in equal proportions.

Granita de Caffe- cold espresso, served with ice.

Irish- coffee with alcohol and whipped heavy cream. Served in special Irish glasses.

Glisse- cold coffee with a scoop of ice cream. Served in an Irish glass with a straw.

Doppio- Double espresso.

Cappuccino- coffee with milk whipped into hot foam and lush silky milk-coffee foam ("hood"). It got its name thanks to the monks of the Capuchin order, who, according to legend, were the first to come up with the idea of ​​adding whipped milk to coffee. Cappuccino is the most popular drink in coffee shops. The usual portion is 150 ml. The recommended serving temperature is 60-70 degrees. Often, cappuccino coffee is sprinkled with cinnamon or cocoa.

Coffee "Americano, coffee filter, "Dropper", American, American coffee, regular - coffee made in a drip coffee maker operating on the "gravitational" principle: hot water drips onto a funnel with a filter in which ground coffee lies. Arabica is predominantly brewed. They drink Americano coffee from large mugs. Filter coffee is popular not only in America, but also in the Scandinavian countries.

Coretto coffee(corretto) - espresso with the addition of alcohol. In northern Italy, they prepare coretto in winter - coffee with grappa. In Ireland, they drink coffee with Irish whiskey to keep warm.

Rofé in Turkish– black coffee with abundant foam. It is prepared in a conical vessel, the so-called Turk or cezve, on sand, on an open fire, or on an electric stove. In cooking, spices are often used, such as cardamom, cinnamon, etc.

latte- a coffee cocktail consisting of one part of espresso and two parts of warmed milk with foam. "Latte" (emphasis on the first syllable) - translated from Italian means milk. Coffee latte is served in an Irish glass or in a tall glass with a straw. For flavor, when preparing hot and cold latte, a variety of syrups are added, with the exception of citrus fruits, which can cause milk to turn sour. Often the foam on the surface of the drink is decorated with drawings. This is a whole art, called latte - art.

Latte macchiato(macchiato) - unmixed cappuccino, where milk, milk foam and coffee lie in layers. Macchiato means "spotted" in Italian. Served in a tall glass.

lungo- coffee, less strong than espresso, due to more water in the cup (50-60 ml) with the same amount of ground coffee (7 gr.), but stronger than americano. "Lungo" is translated from Italian as "long".

mocha- coffee with the addition of chocolate or, sometimes, oriental coffee.

Ristretto- espresso brewed in a smaller volume of water (7 grams of coffee per 20-25 ml of water). The most concentrated and invigorating. Drink without sugar. It is considered true Italian coffee and is translated as "strong". Ristretto is served in an espresso cup with a glass of cold water. Before the first sip of coffee, several sips of water are taken. Thus, dehydration of the body is prevented and the taste buds are washed.

Torre(toro) - a large portion of espresso topped with a cap of milk foam, which does not mix with coffee and rises about 1.5 - 2 cm above the edge of the cup. "Torre" in Italian means "tower". Milk foam has a drier and denser structure than cappuccino and holds its shape well. Served in a cappuccino cup.

French press coffee- coffee brewed in a "French press", in a device consisting of a heat-resistant glass cylinder with a piston - filter. Most often, Arabica beans are brewed in a French press. Also a drink preferred by Scandinavians and Americans.

Espresso(espresso) - strong black coffee brewed with a coffee machine. There are two interpretations of the translation from Italian "espresso" - 1) "fast", 2) "pressed", "pressure welded". Espresso is considered the "king" among coffees. The basis of its taste is a pleasant balance of sourness and bitterness and a feeling of freshness and completeness of taste. A standard portion of espresso coffee is 30-35 ml. The ideal espresso has a homogeneous, even, dense golden-nut crema (cream). The thickness of the cream must be at least 2 mm. Serve espresso within the first one and a half minutes after preparation, drink quickly, in several sips, savoring the foam, sometimes sprinkled with powdered sugar. You can also mix the foam with the rest of the coffee before use, as the taste is concentrated in it.

Espresso con panna(konpanna) - espresso with a fluffy cap of whipped cream sprinkled with ground cinnamon. "Con panna" means "with cream" in Italian. Espresso con panna is served in a cappuccino cup.

Espresso macchiato(macchiato, macchiato) - a standard strong espresso, on which a drop of very gentle milk foam (about 15 ml) is placed on top with a bar spoon. This is a real Italian version, translated as "spotted" - served less often in our coffee houses.

Espresso Romano(romano) - espresso with lemon. It means "Roman" in Italian. Espresso Romano is recommended to decorate with a slice of lemon or a strip of lemon zest.

Ethiopian coffee

You can place an order in the section:

Our range includes:

Grade 2 (Washed)

And also Ethiopia Irgashef Peaberry - a category of coffee with characteristic fused halves of grains.

Irgashef has a very complex multi-faceted aroma and is typical of quality Ethiopian wet processed coffee. Ethiopian coffee is deservedly considered one of the best in the world and is often used to give a quality blend its final note. It can also be drunk as a mono variety with all preparation methods. Ethiopian coffee roasts can differ somewhat from many other varieties due to the unusual bean shape, more husks, and variations in moisture and bean size.

Ethiopia is the birthplace of the coffee tree and the cradle of coffee culture. It is still found in the mountains of Ethiopia in the wild and semi-wild form. Ethiopian coffee has a characteristic oblong shape. It has a sweet taste with hints of tropical fruits. The very balanced aromatic and full taste of Ethiopian coffee gives a rare opportunity for a mono variety to use it in its pure form in espresso preparation.

Ethiopian green coffee from different regions of the country, the names of which it traditionally bears, can undergo both wet and dry processing. According to the local system, Grade 2 only means that the variety is washed, Grade 1 is dry. This gradation does not determine the quality or size of the grain. Green coffee grown in a certain region of Ethiopia is collected in sorting centers where individual small batches are mixed, but carefully classified. Only selected coffee is allowed for export.
Growing and processing coffee is one of the main branches of the Ethiopian economy. Approximately 25% of the country's population work directly or indirectly in the coffee industry. Ethiopia is the largest producer of quality coffee in Africa and is the 7th largest producer of coffee in the world in terms of production. Approximately half of the crop is consumed in Ethiopia itself, a country with a developed and ancient coffee culture.

In many parts of the world, coffee is still transported from the high mountain rainforests on pack animals, as it was hundreds of years ago. (Ethiopia).

The most famous regional varieties of Ethiopian coffee are Irgashef, Harrar, Sidamo, Limu and Jimma. There are other, less well-known regional varieties that are still in no way inferior in quality to those listed above. Ethiopia is a country with a very strong coffee tradition and coffee growing culture.
Irgashef, a region in the central-south part of the country, traditionally produces the well-known Ethiopian washed coffee.
Sidamo is a province in southern Ethiopia where the ancient Ethiopian kingdom of Kaffa was once located. Sidamo comes in both wet and dry processing and has a chocolate-fruit flavor.
Harrar is perhaps the most traditional semi-wild coffee grown in the Eastern Highlands of Ethiopia. Passes exclusively dry processing. Harrar is often subdivided into three subspecies "Longberry", "Shortberry" and "Mocha". There is also an Ethiopian "Peaberry" - fused double grains.
Ethiopian coffees are rarely certified organic, but de facto they are. Up to one-third of Ethiopian coffee is grown wild and semi-wild in the high forests of the country, the rest of the coffee, as a rule, on small plantations where artificial fertilizers are not used.

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Beethoven brewed 60 coffee beans every day, and Voltaire drank 50 cups a day and lived to be 83 years old. It turns out that coffee addiction is not so terrible as its opponents of the drink paint it?

site found 7 reasons to drink a cup of coffee immediately and - as a bonus - a recipe for a summer coffee cocktail.

Increased brain activity

It's no secret that coffee increases alertness, improves the ability to concentrate, speeds up a person's reaction, but not alone. Only coffee with sugar can make you a little genius for a while, because it is the combination of caffeine and glucose that activates the right areas of the brain. But in no case do not drink coffee on an empty stomach: in this case, the drink acts the other way around.

Increasing pressure

The caffeine contained in natural coffee alone is able to defeat headaches and migraines. But this is by no means a complete replacement for analgesics. Painkillers are more effective because they often contain the same caffeine that increases the effect of the drug's active ingredients by 40%.

Antistress and antidepressant

Getting rid of stress is possible due to the production of dopamine and serotonin, which “provoke” a good mood. Just one cup of coffee or even just one smell of it will let you not get lost in a stressful situation. And caffeine is one of the most common stimulants of the central nervous system, and it is the constant stimulation of the nervous system that keeps us from depression. But Only the caffeine in coffee has this effect.- caffeine in tea, soda or chocolate is not able to stimulate the nerves with the same force.

Memory improvement

Varieties of espresso

Espresso macchiato− This is a standard espresso shot garnished with a drop of milk foam (approx. 15 ml). Macchiato means "spotted" in Italian.

Espresso Romano is a standard shot of espresso with lemon. Coffee can be garnished with a strip of lemon zest, lemon sprinkles, or a small lemon wedge. Romano means "Roman" in Italian.

Doppio− double shot of espresso.

Espresso lungo- This is an espresso shot that requires 7 g of ground coffee and 50-60 ml of water. The coffee is less strong than a standard espresso, but stronger than an Americano. Unlike americano, espresso lungo is not diluted with water. Lungo means "long" in Italian.

Espresso coretto- espresso flavored with a few drops of any strong alcoholic drink.

Ristretto- this is the most concentrated, strongest and most invigorating coffee, brewed in a smaller volume than espresso (7 g of coffee per 20-25 ml of water). For its preparation, ground coffee is well pressed and extracted under a pressure of 9 bar for 15 seconds.

Many people think that ristretto contains too much caffeine, but this is not true. In fact, in the first 15 seconds of coffee extraction, coffee essential oils get into the ristretto, creating a rich taste and aroma of coffee, and caffeine begins to be actively released later. Therefore, a shot of ristretto contains even less caffeine than a shot of espresso.

Ristretto has gained immense popularity in Italy, it is deservedly considered the "most Italian" coffee. From Italian "ristretto" is translated as "strong", this coffee instantly gives a powerful charge of vivacity. A portion of this aromatic drink with dense creams and rich concentrated taste takes about half a standard cup of espresso. It is designed literally for 1-2 sips, so Italians usually drink ristretto without leaving the bar. Adding sugar to a ristretto is considered bad manners.

It is customary to serve the drink in an espresso cup (or in a special miniature cup without handles) along with a glass of cold drinking water. Usually, before the first sip of ristretto, the Italian takes several sips of water. Water prevents dehydration, and also cleanses the taste buds and allows you to enjoy every sip like a new one. This way of drinking ristretto has one drawback - cold water combined with hot coffee has a bad effect on tooth enamel, but most Italians do not think about it.

Types of coffee drinks based on espresso

Cappuccino- This is the second most popular coffee drink in the world, which is a mixture of espresso and foamed milk. The name of the drink was due to its color, reminiscent of the color of the hoods of the monks of the Capuchin order. It is generally accepted that it was the Capuchins who first came up with the idea of ​​​​adding whipped milk to coffee.

To prepare a cappuccino, a shot of espresso is mixed with milk and milk foam in a ratio of one to one (40 ml of espresso, 40 ml of milk and 40 ml of milk foam). It is better to use milk with a fat content of 3.2-3.5%. First, milk is frothed and then espresso is brewed, but an experienced barista knows how to perform these operations in parallel.

Milk foam is formed by heating the milk and saturating it with air bubbles, while the milk itself approximately doubles in volume and acquires a pleasant sweet and creamy taste. In a coffee machine, milk is frothed using a steam tap, also called a cappuccinatore.

You can check how well the cappuccino is prepared by putting granulated sugar on top of the foam on the cup: if the foam is well whipped, the sugar should remain on the surface. In addition, for about a minute, the foam can be "raked" with a coffee spoon without finding coffee in the cup. The temperature of the cappuccino when serving to the guest should be 60-70 degrees.

Capuchin monks have noticed that when pouring milk foam, beautiful patterns can form on the surface of the drink. Subsequently, the ability to paint with milk over coffee was called latte art and became one of the main indicators of the skill of a barista.

Torre (toro)- a large portion of espresso with a lush cap of milk foam, which rises above the edge of the cup by about 1.5-2 cm. Translated from Italian, the word "torre" means "tower".

Foamed milk is spread with a spoon on the surface of the drink, while coffee with milk does not mix. For torre, a drier and denser foam is prepared than for cappuccino, thanks to which it holds its shape well. Served in a cappuccino cup.

Latte - translated from Italian, the word "latte" means "milk" (it is considered correct to emphasize the first syllable). In coffee terminology, this word means a layered cocktail consisting of espresso, milk and a small amount of milk foam. One part of espresso (or any other strong coffee, but not americano) requires three parts of frothed milk.

First, frothed milk is poured into the glass, then espresso is poured into it slowly, in a thin stream. If this procedure is done carefully, the layers of coffee and milk will not mix, and you will get an appetizing layered coffee cocktail, which is sometimes also called a latte macchiato.

Latte foam should be more fluffy and airy than cappuccino foam. Its texture is similar to shaving foam. The barista should keep in mind that such foam is not suitable for creating milk drawings (latte art).

Latte is served in an Irish glass, in a special large-volume cup or in a tall glass with a straw. You can add any syrups intended for making coffee cocktails to the drink (except citrus, as milk turns sour because of it). The combination of coffee latte and blackcurrant syrup is considered the most successful.

There are many layered latte-based coffee cocktails: cinnamon latte, nut latte, ice latte, ice cream latte, chocolate and whipped cream latte. You can even prepare an alcoholic cocktail - for example, latte amaretto or latte with rum.

Italians prefer to drink latte in the morning - just like other coffee drinks with milk. Surprisingly, in Italy itself, Italian latte is less popular than in other European countries - Italians love strong black coffee too much.

Coffee "Americano(American coffee, regular coffee) got its name because it was widely popular in North America.

Americano coffee was born thanks to Americans' craving for a healthy lifestyle: it is considered to be healthier because it contains less caffeine. In fact, this statement is not entirely true.

There are two types of Americano: actually American coffee, which is prepared in a filter coffee maker (volume 220 ml, temperature 85 ºС) and Europeanized Americano, or espresso with boiling water (volume 120 ml, temperature 84−92 ºС). In the first case, the caffeine content in a cup of Americano will be significantly higher than in a standard espresso shot. In the second case, it will be the same, but the concentration of caffeine will decrease significantly.

And yet the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle is by no means the only reason to love Americano coffee. Many people simply like its taste and the fact that it is less strong, full-bodied and concentrated than a classic espresso. It is impossible to brew weak coffee in an espresso machine, and the only way to get a semblance of American filter coffee is to dilute the espresso with water.

Italian way of making americano

Europeanized Americano can be prepared in two different ways. The Italian way is that the finished espresso is diluted with hot water. In this case, the foam on the surface of the drink is completely destroyed. Since classic filter coffee does not have crema, the presence of cremá in Americano (diluted espresso) is also not considered essential.

Swedish way of making americano

Meanwhile, visitors to domestic establishments prefer to drink americano with foam - coffee prepared in the Swedish way. This method differs from the Italian method in that boiling water is first poured into the cup, and then espresso is added. A cup of hot water can be placed directly under the dispensing group of the coffee machine and brew espresso into it. In this case, the appetizing creams will be preserved, but will become lighter and less resistant. In all other respects, "Swedish Americano" does not differ from Italian, although coffee connoisseurs believe that the first sip of this drink has a softer and richer taste (due to foam).

Americano with a glass of water

In many professional coffee shops, a third way of serving americano is adopted: hot water in a glass (or glass) is brought separately from espresso. This means that the guest of the establishment will be able to decide for himself how and in what proportion he will dilute the coffee.

How can you mess up an americano?

In domestic coffee houses and bars, under the guise of an American, they very often serve a coffee drink prepared by increasing the coffee extraction time in a coffee machine (the spill lasts not 25 seconds, but 50 or more). This Americano is bitter, has a burnt taste, in addition, it contains substances harmful to the body, including resins and carcinogens. An empty taste with a pronounced sour aftertaste is also a sign of a poorly prepared drink. White spots on the surface of the foam indicate the presence of excess caffeine in a cup of coffee.

If the coffee extraction time is increased by only 5-10 seconds, you get a classic Italian drink called espresso lungo (“long espresso”). The volume of a serving of espresso lungo is 50-60 ml. This drink has a higher strength than espresso (due to the higher caffeine content), but has a less intense (more diluted) taste. Espresso lungo does not contain harmful substances.