Motorola fighters. Donbass flaming motor

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine calls him a "PR militant" and says that he was lucky, because he escaped "the inevitable punishment of life imprisonment."

However, the atrocities and murders of Motorola are legendary. I remembered why the separatist became so famous that the death and biography of Motorola is now being discussed by the whole country.

Came from Russia

Arsen Pavlov, who became known as Motorola, hails from the Komi Republic.

According to media reports, at the age of 15 he was left without parents. He served in the Marine Corps and was a signalman, hence his nickname, the call sign Motorola. He also took part in the Second Chechen War.

According to Motorola himself, he worked in the rescue service and as a marble worker.

A popular, though not confirmed, version is that before coming to Ukraine, Arsen Pavlov worked at a car wash in Rostov-on-Don. It was said that he fled to Ukraine because at home he was threatened with a term for stealing a car while intoxicated.

After the victory of the Euromaidan, Motorola appeared in March 2014 in Kharkiv. The network has a video of a pro-Russian rally in which he portrays a “civilian”.

From Kharkov, Motorola moved to Slavyansk, where he became famous thanks to the Russian media, which actively showed the action movie.

He also took part in the battles near the Donetsk airport and at Saur-mogila, and led the Sparta separatist battalion.

Murders in the biography of Motorola

It is known that Motorola personally killed the Ukrainian fighter Igor Branovitsky, a cyborg machine gunner of the 81st Airborne Assault Brigade, who was taken prisoner at the Donetsk airport.

Motorola confessed to the murder himself in a conversation with a journalist from the Kyiv Post newspaper. On the recording of the conversation, the terrorist boasted that he personally executed 15 prisoners.

Yuriy Sova is a fighter of the 81st airmobile brigade, who was among 16 captured Ukrainian fighters at the Donetsk airport on January 21, 2015. He witnessed how Motorola killed Igor Branovitsky after severe torture.

According to him, the separatists also brutally beat other fighters, shooting at them with pneumatic bullets.

The testimony of Yuriy Sova formed the basis of an Amnesty international report on torture and killings in captivity.

Personal life

Motorola's wedding is known much more than his participation in hostilities.

At first he said that he had a family and a son in Russia, but then he married Elena Kolenkina, who was ten years younger than him.

The wedding was discussed for a long time in Russian and even foreign media. The new wife gave birth to a daughter to the separatist.

It is known that after the wedding, Motorola was in the Crimea and Abkhazia.

There had already been several attempts on his life prior to his assassination.

The influential British newspaper The Guardian wrote about the "outstanding military leader". The Moscow correspondent of the publication Sean Walker told readers about the murder of Motorola (A. Pavlov). Articles about the field commander were also published in some German newspapers.

Prominent rebel commander Arseniy "Motorola" Pavlov was killed in an explosion in Donetsk, writes Sean Walker in .

According to observers, the 33-year-old commander died either as a result of internal clashes or due to the removal by Russian handlers of "uncomfortable" separatist leaders in the Donbass.

Motorola died from a bomb explosion in the elevator of a residential building, the material indicates.

The man, who wore a "ginger-colored beard", had a "fiery temperament" and a pseudonym that seemed "ridiculous", was one of the most famous and most controversial rebel commanders in eastern Ukraine, the author of the article notes. Kiev accused Motorola of committing war crimes, and at the same time this commander was revered in Russia as a hero. Now this man was killed by detonating a "powerful bomb" in the elevator (apparently, it was planted on Sunday night).

According to official data, the British journalist continues, the rebels blamed Ukrainian nationalists for the attack. However, "many believe that the killing was the latest in a series of brutal territorial wars between various rebel groups in eastern Ukraine and may have been carried out with the participation of puppeteers from Moscow."

According to the Russian site Life News, which released the video from the scene, Pavlov and his bodyguard were wearing bulletproof vests and were heavily armed. The bomb was detonated remotely.

Then it became known about the alleged killers: four masked men, who took off with the Ukrainian flag, claimed responsibility for the murder. Their future targets are other separatist leaders.

Oleksandr Zakharchenko, leader of the Donetsk rebels, issued a statement. According to him, the murder will be avenged. Despite this, observers note that such rhetoric is not credible, and "many in Ukraine and even some in Donetsk" believe that Motorola was killed by someone close to him.

A source close to the rebel leadership said that Motorola "was very cautious about security," he was even "paranoid about his safety and the safety of his family." And so it was difficult to get close to him. It could have been done by someone "from the inner circle". As for the official version, its source is questionable.

The newspaper further recalls that a number of rebel leaders have been killed in eastern Ukraine over the past 18 months. Ukrainian sabotage groups were blamed for the killings, with the exception of one suicide incident. However, many believe that the deaths of commanders are the result of either internal strife or even acts of "Russian intelligence agencies who are trying to remove "inconvenient" and uncontrollable leaders from the battlefield."

Pavlov once served in Chechnya. He arrived in Ukraine in 2014, where he led the Sparta battalion. The correspondent points out that this battalion was distinguished by "ruthlessness" as well as "poor discipline." There was also something else. In a telephone interview with the Kyiv Post last year, the commander allegedly boasted of personally carrying out executions (shooting 15 people).

In the Russian press, he is called a "warrior from God" and a "merry knight."

According to Walker, the rebel commanders are coordinating their actions with Moscow, which finances the separatists and controls the "political landscape" in the self-proclaimed republics, despite the fact that they say otherwise.

They also wrote about Motorola in Germany. In the publication (ARD) he was called "Separatistenführer".

In a short note, "Separatistenführer Pawlow getötet", Motorola is referred to as one of the "leading commanders of the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine."

The newspaper indicates that the commander died in a bomb explosion in an elevator. Earlier, recalls the publication, Pavlov was put on the wanted list for the execution of prisoners.

The material about Pavlov was also published in the publication.

The article states that "the leading commander of the pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine was killed on Sunday in a bomb blast." "Arseniy Pavlov, better known under the pseudonym Motorola, was killed along with a bodyguard when a device exploded in an elevator in a building in Donetsk," the newspaper reports. Either the Ukrainian intelligence services or a "rival rebel group" are suspected of the murder.

The publication recalls a number of murders of other rebel leaders: Dryomov, Bednov (Batman), Brain and others. There were also assassination attempts on Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky. Motorola itself, which took part in major battles in Donetsk, Slavyansk, Ilovaisk and Debaltseve, managed to avoid an assassination attempt in June.

Also, "N24" indicates that the Deputy Minister of Defense and the former Deputy Prime Minister of the Luhansk People's Republic were subsequently arrested on charges of plotting a coup d'etat (the latter committed suicide shortly thereafter).

The publication refrains from any comments on the death of Motorola.

Pavlov, we add, managed to live much longer than other field commanders of the DPR and LPR. In addition, thanks to the numerous videos that were filmed and broadcast in the Russian media and on the Internet, he has become a true media personality of the military genre and the most recognizable face of the rebel movement in eastern Ukraine. Much more was said and written about him than, say, about the “official” regional leader Zakharchenko.

It should also be noted that Pavlov shied away from quarrels and conflicts in which the local authorities in the Donbass were mired. This is probably why he was removed later than some other rebel commanders - for example, the same Brain.

However, guesswork can be built as much as you want. But the truth is unlikely to become a property

Russian Arsen Pavlov, better known as Motorola, who fought on the side of the DPR, was killed in Donetsk. The site "24" has collected for you the most interesting from the biography of the militant.

Arsen Pavlov was a Russian citizen. Born on February 2, 1983 in the Komi Republic. He was the commander of the terrorist battalion "DPR" "Sparta". He fought in the Second Chechen War, participated in the fighting in the Donbass and the annexation of Crimea.

At the age of 15, he became an orphan and lived with his grandmother in Rostov-on-Don. According to various media reports, he went to Donbass to avoid criminal liability for car theft.

The Russians are here (in the Donbass - 24), so I arrived. I have already said: as soon as the Molotov cocktails on the Maidan flew at the police officers, it became clear to me - that's it, this is a war. After the Nazis said that ten Russians would be killed for each of their own - I didn’t see the point in waiting until the threat became a reality,
- this is how the militant commented on his presence in the Donbass.

He became famous thanks to live broadcasts on the Internet from provocations near Slavyansk. For "successes" in the defense, the terrorist Igor Strelkov awarded him the "George Cross of the DPR". The leaders of the terrorists awarded him medals "For the return of the Crimea" and "For the defense of the Crimea."

In September 2016, Pavlov received the rank of "colonel".

In the photo, a well-known terrorist is holding a portrait of the country's President Bashar al-Assad against the backdrop of the Syrian flag. Semyon Pegov, a journalist for the Lifenews propaganda channel, is standing next to him. As you know, this journalist was on a business trip in Syria in late August - early September.

Subsequently, the network from the machine and shouts out slogans in Arabic. The video appeared on the AFP reports YouTube channel.

In an interview with one of the Russian newspapers in June 2014, Motorola noted that he left his wife and 5-year-old son in Russia. However, this did not stop him. The chosen one of the militant was a 21-year-old resident of Slavyansk Elena Kolenkina.

The ceremony took place in the Central Donetsk registry office. The marriage was concluded "in the name of the Donetsk People's Republic", and the newlyweds received a certificate on the letterhead "DNR" under the number 0001.

It is known that they have a common child - a girl about 1.5 years old.

Arseny Sergeevich Pavlov
Screenshot from Arseniy's appeal in the video report of the Day TV channel


Date of Birth
Place of Birth

Ukhta, Komi Republic, USSR

  • Russia, Russia
Type of army

Donbas People's Militia and Marine Corps of Russia

Years of service
  • unknown
  • since 2014

anti-tank battalion "Sparta"

  • Second Chechen War
  • Armed conflict in eastern Ukraine
    • Confrontation in Slavyansk
    • Battles for Ilovaisk
    • Fighting at Donetsk airport
    • Fighting near Debaltseve
Awards and prizes

Motorola(call sign; real name: Arseniy Sergeevich Pavlov; b. February 2, 1983, Ukhta) - participant in the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, commander of an anti-tank special unit of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic. Gained fame as a result of live broadcasts of battles in the Slavyansk region in May 2014. Later he participated in the battles for Ilovaisk (August-September), Donetsk airport (September 2014-January 2015) and in the Debaltseve area (January-February 2015).


There is little reliable information about the biography of Motorola. According to his own testimony, expressed in an interview with the Zavtra newspaper, he was born in 1983 in the Komi ASSR, lost his parents at the age of 15, and his grandmother continued his upbringing. For 3 years he served in the 77th Guards Separate Moscow-Chernigov Order of Lenin of the Red Banner Order of Suvorov Marine Corps Brigade as a signalman, hence his nickname. He served for another 1 year and seven months, twice took part in counter-terrorist operations in Chechnya, lasting six months each, the highest position was deputy platoon commander. He also indicated the possession of such civilian professions as a lifeguard (with certification), a marble-granit worker and an extruder. When asked why he ended up in Ukraine, Motorola replied as follows:

Got on the train and arrived. Didn't get into it. The Russians are here, so I've arrived. I have already said: as soon as the Molotov cocktails on the Maidan flew at the police officers, it became clear to me - that's it, this is a war. After the Nazis announced that ten Russians would be killed for each of their own, I saw no point in waiting for the threat to become a reality.

January 16, 2015 included in the sanctions list of the European Union (No. 135). He is banned from entering the EU countries.

In February 2015, the SBU issued a suspicion to Arseniy Pavlov under Article 438 of the Criminal Code (violation of the laws and customs of war), suspected of bullying, torture and public executions of people. According to the head of the SBU investigative department, Vasily Vovk, the released hostages testify that Pavlov “just walked up and killed people with a pistol.” In May, a member of the monitoring group of the international human rights organization Amnesty International, Krasimir Yankov, reported that there were five witnesses to Arseniy Pavlov's murder of the captive defender of the Donetsk airport, Igor Branovitsky.

Journalistic scandal with a video about the battle near Kramatorsk

On May 20, 2014, Ukrainian journalist Oleksandr Gorobets published a text on the Internet entitled “What were LifeNews employees really doing near Kramatorsk? Video evidence. In it, he claimed that the journalists of the Russian television channel LifeNews not only "assisted the terrorists", but also commanded the rebels during the battle near Kramatorsk. The public was shown a video claiming that the voice-over giving orders was from one of the LifeNews journalists. Subsequently, it turned out that this voice belongs to the rebel with the call sign "Motorola". This was the first episode for which Motorola gained media exposure.

Treatment in Crimea

On July 18, 2014, Arseniy Pavlov, together with his wife, arrived in Crimea. According to the assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Vladimir Garnachuk: “A man is seriously injured. He needs rehabilitation and medical assistance.” In early August, he returned to Donbass again.


In Slavyansk, the Motorola unit fought in the area of ​​​​the village of Semyonovka, which was considered one of the most difficult sections of the front. During the retreat of the forces of the "People's Militia" from Slavyansk, the Motorola unit defended positions in the area of ​​​​the city of Nikolaevka, covering the retreat of the main forces. After the rebels withdrew from Slovyansk and relocated to Donetsk, Defense Minister of the Donetsk People's Republic Igor Strelkov awarded the rebel commander with the call sign "Motorola" the highest award of the DPR army - the St. George Cross of Novorossiya.

September 20, 2014 in Donetsk "for courage, courage and excellent performance of combat missions of the Armed Forces of the DPR in battles with the enemy" was awarded the Order "For Military Valor" 1st degree.

Motorola Division

Main article: Sparta (battalion)

The activities of the unit from May 31, 2014 to November 5, 2014 were covered in the reports of war correspondent Gennady Dubovoy, which are conducted directly from the battlefield.

Participation in hostilities

The unit took part in the defense of Slavyansk, in the battles for Ilovaisk and in the protracted siege and further successful assault on the Donetsk airport during heavy fighting in September-October 2014. The unit commander himself comments on reports in the Ukrainian media about the death of Motorola with the words: “They are all lying.”

Personal life

In his interview to the Zavtra newspaper on June 19, 2014, Arseny Pavlov announced the presence of a wife and a five-year-old son.

On July 11, 2014, he married 21-year-old Elena Kolenkina, whom he had saved two months earlier during shelling in Slovyansk. This event was the first official wedding in the DPR. The wedding was attended by the first persons of the DPR as invited guests, including Defense Minister Igor Strelkov and the political leader of the Donbass People's Militia Pavel Gubarev. The event attracted the interest of numerous media, including The New York Times, Radio Liberty, Daily Mail, Russia Today, RIA Novosti, Rosbalt.

  1. 1 2 Motorola's militia's wedding was the first in the history of the DPR Sight: newspaper. - 2014, July 11.
  2. T. Olevsky, V. Romensky, A. Pavlov. Motorola (Arseniy Pavlov) is the commander of one of the units of the DPR army. Echo of Moscow (October 4, 2014).
  3. Buzaladze Alexander. Special Correspondent. In the ring .. VGTRK (11/28/2014).
  4. Dubov G. Legendary Motorola // Tomorrow: newspaper. - 2014, June 21.
  5. Terrorist Motorola participated in a pro-Russian rally in Kharkov (video)
  7. SBU filed a suspicion with Motorola Ukrayinska Pravda, 21.02.2015
  8. Є five certificates of Motorola's filling the airport with a full-bodied cap - Amnesty International "", 09.05.2015
  9. Amnesty International finds five witnesses to the murder of the captive "cyborg" by Motorola, 05/10/2015
  10. Militia Motorola told how he filmed the battle near Slavyansk // lifenews. - 2014, May 21.
  11. Russian militant "Motorola" arrived in Crimea for rehabilitation (PHOTO)
  12. 1 2 Motorola is a new model: from whom Russian propaganda calls to follow an example
  13. The commander of Motorola was awarded the St. George Cross - the highest award of the DPR // Russian People's Line, 07/08/2014
  14. Militia "Motorola" was awarded the St. George Cross // City FM. - 2014, July 8.
  15. Motorola and its fighters. Rewarding with orders and medals. "Where we are, there is victory!"
  16. "Jihad car of the legendary Motorola militia commander" first video on the channel
  17. “Moscow friends of the Motorola unit helped the fighter of Novorossia” last video
  18. Ukrainian security forces destroyed the DPR field commander Motorola. Khvilya (October 4, 2014). Retrieved 17 January 2015.
  19. Motorola: I'm alive - Ukrainian media lie about my death The militia commander commented on the reports that appeared in a number of publications. . LifeNews (October 8, 2014). Retrieved 17 January 2015.
  20. Legendary Motorola
  21. Kotova K. First wedding in the DPR: Motorola militiaman married a local girl Moscow's comsomolets. - 2014, July 11.
  22. 1 2 3 Daily Mail: The war did not prevent the Donetsk militia from getting married // RT
  23. For a Weekend, Ukraine Rebels Make Love, Not War. The New York Times (July 14, 2014).
  24. In Ukraine, Wedding Bells Ring On Both Sides Amid The Crisis. Radio Liberty (14 July 2014).
  25. The first marriage certificate on the letterhead of the DPR was issued to the Motorola militia. RIA Novosti (July 11, 2014).
  26. The Motorola militia received a marriage certificate on the letterhead of the DPR. Rosbalt (July 11, 2014).
  27. The wife of the legendary Motorola militia commander gave birth to a daughter (April 21, 2015). Retrieved April 21, 2015.

Arseniy Pavlov, the legend of Novorossia "Motorola", died. He was killed vilely, subtly, in the Bandera style. I did not want to believe it - after all, how many times during the two and a half years of his war for the Russian world did the enemies burst into joyful cries: "Killed!", And he turned out to be alive...

The first information today was very cautious: “The media report the death of Motorola, the commander of the DPR militia. According to preliminary data, one of the commanders of the militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Arseniy Pavlov, with the call sign “Motorola”, was killed in Donetsk. Information about this was posted by a group on VKontakte. First operational.

"We confirm the death of the Motorola (Arseny Pavlov). According to preliminary data: an explosive device in the elevator cabin",- said in the message.

The Twitter account believed to belong to Motorola last posted on October 15th. The posted photo shows a part of the road littered with shell casings.

There is no official confirmation of the undermining of Motorola yet.

There was still a glimmer of hope: "God forbid that this information turns out to be another fake! Motorola is the minion of Fate, we wish him good luck and a long happy life!" And the comments "I don't believe it!!! It can't be!!!" collected the most likes. Shchipachev's line stubbornly stuck in my mind: "The gap! And the lieutenant wheezes ... And death again passes by ..." But she, death, did not pass by this time ...

Killed by Motorola.

The Ministry of Defense of the DPR confirmed the death of one of the commanders of the DPR militia, Arseniy Pavlov (Motorola), Interfax reports.

"According to preliminary data, Motorola died as a result of the terrorist work of the Ukrainian DRG. Upon returning home, a remote explosive device went off in the elevator,"- said the department.

Earlier, a source said about the death of Arseny Pavlov.

He had a special relationship with THE world, and of course he knew everything.

Soldiers of the people's militia are dying almost daily.

The death of each fighter is a heavy loss for the entire militia and a tragedy for the relatives and comrades of the deceased.

Motorola, who died today, Arseniy Pavlov, is one of the thousands of militiamen for whom we mourn.

It so happened that "Motorola" became one of the symbols of the people's militia of Donbass, the Russian national liberation war in Novorossia. A symbol of Russian volunteers (Arseniy Pavlov was a Russian citizen) defending the Donetsk Russian land from the Ukrainian invaders.

Therefore, of course, the death of Motorola is a very heavy and painful blow to the militia of Donbass.

All of us - both local militias and Russian volunteers - are not forcibly mobilized, not victims of propaganda (like the majority on the other side), we came to war of our own free will, and we despise death.

Although the death of every defender of Donbass is tragic, and it is difficult to talk about some kind of consolation in death, there is still such consolation (for the relatives of the deceased) - this is his good will.

The volunteer is not afraid of death.

The volunteer consciously goes to his death, and this is his strength.

Dima Steshin (journalist), who recently spoke with Motorola, wrote about him: “He noticed that he was not afraid of death at all, he considers it commonplace. Already now, in hindsight, I understand that this was not accidental. He had a special relationship with THAT world, and, of course, he knew everything. sadness, or there is a seal on the face."

The death of Motorola is a heavy blow, a huge loss for us. But it is unlikely that any of us gave up, doubted our cause, was afraid of death. No, we only felt that we should be even stronger, we were even more and more convinced that we would not leave this earth and that we would stand to the last, despite any external and internal threats.

Yegor Kholmogorov also wrote well about Motorola : "I'm sure he is already getting his unit in Heaven in the army of Boris and Gleb, Vladimir Monomakh and Alexander Nevsky. And he will soon have a lot of work."

In fact, "Motorola" is not dead, he just moved to another job.

Arseniy moved under another command, he joined the ranks of the Russian spiritual army.

And here we are, on our sinful earth, without a doubt we will continue our work, and we will do it all the time God has prepared for us.

God and truth are on our side.

Alexander Zhuchkovsky

Fellow journalists often asked Arseniy what he forgot in the Donbass. And he did not forget - he found. Meaning of life. Love. Your true calling.

And one can only be amazed at how quickly Wikipedia got wind of the death of the Hero of the DPR. knew beforehand, right? An hour later, the page read: "Arsen (Arseny) Sergeevich Pavlov (also known as Motorola; February 2, 1983, Ukhta, RSFSR, USSR - October 16, 2016, Donetsk, DPR / Donetsk region) - participant in the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine , commander of an anti-tank special unit of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic. Gained fame as a result of live broadcasts of battles in the Slavyansk region in May 2014. Later he participated in the battles for Ilovaisk (August-September), Donetsk Airport (September 2014-January 2015) and in Debaltseve area (January-February 2015)"

Damn it! In Slavyansk, at the airport of Donetsk, in the battles near Ilovaisk and Debaltseve, the commander of "Sparta" seemed to be talking, and here .... Where is he, the limit of protection ?!

In vain they did it

In vain they did it. LDNR is not based on names. There's something else. Something that they will not only never understand, but also never break. From what is on the surface, attempts to drive the Donbass back into the Ukrainian stall are opposed by a very strong instinct of self-preservation, resulting in resistance ...

As for the comments of the Ukrainian side, their joy is very reckless. For now, every objectionable (from among their own brothers) can be safely removed, arranging for pots as "revenge for Motorola".

And the last. I don't care who Arseniy Pavlov was before he became Motorola. This man came to Donbass to protect people like me. And he defended. Bold and desperate. Not sparing your belly. For which he bows low and eternal memory.

Julia Vityazeva

As Arseniy said in an interview with the Zavtra newspaper, he was born in 1983 in the Komi ASSR, lost his parents at the age of 15, and his grandmother continued to raise the guy. For 3 years he served in the 77th Guards Separate Moscow-Chernigov Order of Lenin of the Red Banner Order of Suvorov Marine Corps Brigade as a signalman, hence his call sign. He served for another 1 year and seven months, twice took part in counter-terrorist operations in Chechnya, lasting six months each, his highest position then was - deputy platoon commander. He also indicated the possession of such civilian professions as a lifeguard (with certification), a marble-granit worker and an extruder. When asked why he ended up in Ukraine, Motorola replied as follows:

“I got on the train and arrived. I didn’t delve into it. The Russians are here, so I arrived. I already said: as soon as the Molotov cocktails flew at the police on the Maidan, it became clear to me - that’s it, this is a war. After the Nazis said that ten Russians will be killed for each of their own - I didn’t see the point in waiting for the threat to become a reality.

True, frightened and frightened by the name of the “castle platoon”, which turned out to be a real military talent-nugget, the Ukrainian media also published materials about the participation of Motorola in the Russian Spring, in particular, about his presence at the pro-Russian rally in Kharkov on March 16, 2014. But then the Ukrainian media ...

On January 16, 2015, Arseniy Pavlov was included in the EU sanctions list (for No. 135, what an honor!). He was banned from entering the EU countries. In February 2015, the SBU charged Pavlov under article 438 of the Criminal Code (violation of the laws and customs of war). According to the Ukrainian side, he is suspected of bullying, torture and public executions of people. According to the head of the SBU investigative department, Vasily Vovk, the released hostages testify that Pavlov "just walked up and killed people with a pistol." In May, a member of the monitoring group of the international human rights organization Amnesty International, Krasimir Yankov, also paid increased attention to the storm of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - the commander of the Sparta battalion. All these "accusers did not understand and will not understand: for Arseniy, who at one time created a humanitarian corridor for "cyborgs" at the Donetsk airport and allowed them to get out alive, killing a prisoner is below his own dignity. He was a man of honor. Even Interpol understood this - and denied the government of Ukraine the recognition of Motorola as a terrorist.

It is interesting that UkroSMI themselves contributed to its wide popularity and popularity. On May 20, 2014, Ukrainian journalist Oleksandr Gorobets published a text on the Internet entitled "What were LifeNews employees really doing near Kramatorsk? Video evidence." In it, he claimed that the journalists of the Russian television channel LifeNews not only "assisted the terrorists", but also commanded the rebels during the battle near Kramatorsk. The public was shown a video claiming that the voice-over giving orders was from one of the LifeNews journalists. Subsequently, it turned out that this voice belongs to the rebel with the call sign "Motorola". This was the first episode that brought Motorola publicity in the media.

And then there were fights and a bright, in front of everyone, life in between fights.

In Slavyansk, the Motorola unit fought in the area of ​​​​the village of Semyonovka, which was considered one of the most difficult sections of the front. During the retreat of the militia forces from Slavyansk, the Motorola unit defended its positions in the area of ​​​​the city of Nikolaevka, covering the retreat of the main forces. After the militia withdrew from Slavyansk and relocated to Donetsk, Defense Minister of the Donetsk People's Republic Igor Strelkov awarded the Sparta commander with the call sign Motorola the highest award of the DPR army - the St. George Cross of Novorossiya.

September 20, 2014 in Donetsk "for courage, courage and excellent performance of combat missions of the Armed Forces of the DPR in battles with the enemy" was awarded the Order "For Military Valor" 1st degree.

The activities of the Sparta unit from May 31, 2014 to November 5, 2014 were covered in the reports of war correspondent Gennady Dubovoy, which are conducted directly from the battlefield.

The unit took part in the defense of Slavyansk, in the battles for Ilovaisk and in the protracted siege and further successful assault on the Donetsk airport during heavy fighting in September-October 2014. The unit commander himself comments on the reports in the Ukrainian media about the death of the Motorola with the words: "They all lie."

In his interview to the Zavtra newspaper on June 19, 2014, Arseniy spoke about having a wife and a five-year-old son. And on July 11, 2014, he married 21-year-old Elena Kolenkina, whom he had saved two months earlier during shelling in Slovyansk. This event was the first official wedding in the DPR. The wedding was attended by the first persons of the DPR as invited guests, including Defense Minister Igor Strelkov and the political leader of the "People's Militia of Donbass" Pavel Gubarev. The event attracted the interest of numerous media, including The New York Times, Radio Liberty, Daily Mail, Russia Today, RIA Novosti, Rosbalt.

On July 18, 2014, Pavlov and his wife arrived in Crimea. According to the assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Vladimir Garnachuk: "The man is seriously injured. He needs rehabilitation and medical care." In early August, he returned to Donbass again. In the summer of 2016, the media published information about Pavlov's injury to the left eye. He was taken out of the territory of the DPR for treatment in St. Petersburg. Even then, some anxiety flashed ...

And here is Wikipedia again, trying to appear impartial: “On October 16, 2016, he was killed in the elevator at 121 Chelyuskintsev Street in Donetsk, where he lived. An improvised explosive device went off. Motorola was at that moment in the center of the explosion and received injuries incompatible with life On the same day, Artyom Shevchenko, director of the Communications Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, and Yuriy Tandit, adviser to the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, confirmed the death of Arsen Pavlov in Donetsk."

It would be better if they lied this time, scum ...

At the rehearsal of the 2015 Victory Parade in Donetsk.

On April 21, 2015, Motorola's daughter Miroslava was born. On October 2, 2016, the son Makar was born to the family.

Dad was 33 years old. Age of Christ...

Grit your teeth. Keep in line.

And do not stoop to the level of Bandera cattle.

We are warriors, not terrorists.

Give an answer such that the creatures do not get a tooth on the tooth from horror!

Sergey Veselovsky

Another victim of the Minsk agreements. How many times I walked under death and how many times did it pass by. This time it wasn't cool.

Khan is now dill!..We will see how they are all hanged on the Maidan!

Sorry for the guy, he was a good commander and fighter. Eternal memory to him and may the earth rest in peace to him!

Peace to your ashes, Hero of Russia.

From the editors of NOVO24. With an attempt on Arseniy Pavlov, Kiev declared war on the Donetsk People's Republic, the head of the Republic Alexander Zakharchenko said on Sunday, commenting on the death of one of the militia commanders with the call sign "Motorola".

“Tonight, my close friend Arsen Pavlov, with the call sign Motorola, died. He was killed while riding in an elevator to his family., vilely, from an explosion. There will be no mercy for them. We will raise the children of the deceased.", - he noted.

“As I understand it, Poroshenko violated the truce and declared war on us? Now wait. Zakharchenko told reporters.

The commander of a separate assault battalion "Somalia" Mikhail Tolstykh with the call sign "Givi" also commented on the murder of his ally and friend - "Motorola".

"What happened is called a world crime, - expressed the opinion of the commander of the battalion "Somalia". - Whoever did this will pay a heavy price for it. All Ukraine. Every city after the Donetsk People's Republic, which we will capture further to Kiev, I will raze to the ground for this friend. For the murder of "Motorola" they will have to pay a very heavy price. I can say that whoever did this will pay a lot," Givi said. He also noted that his deceased friend was distinguished by non-standard thinking: "We both reasoned inconveniently for the enemy, not from books. I reasoned straightforwardly, but he thought differently. And when we fought together, it always brought us good luck. We took the new terminal of the Donetsk airport without a single loss." "He had no fear. Neither he nor I. What Ukrainians say can be sown through a sieve. He also has a family, it was easier for me. Well, now ... The entire Ukrainian people will be responsible for all this "This blow pissed us off rather than upset us. Yes, we all mourn the loss of Arsen, but, as one person said, for every one killed, you can kill a million enemies. We will do it ... I don’t even know what can be done here more to say. All sorts of Bandera parties are now saying that they did it: unfortunately, no one will write the truth. I believe that this is a blow to the Donetsk People's Republic, for which Ukraine will answer in full, "- added Mikhail Tolstykh.

According to him, "Motorola will always be with us."

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