Journalist Irina Aroyan: biography, photos and interesting facts. Journalist Irina Aroyan: biography, photos and interesting facts Kirkorov and a pink blouse

In the early 2000s in the life and work of the musician Philip Kirkorov it was a very difficult period. Marriage with singer Alla Pugacheva, who at that time was already with a young humorist Maxim Galkin, was close to completion, and the press constantly "tormented" the musician with the question of why old songs prevailed in his work in recent years and called the honored Russian pop artist the offensive nickname "King of Remakes". Against the backdrop of "remakes" in the life of Kirkorov, a loud and resonant scandal occurred, which did not pass without consequences for the singer.

In May 2004, at a joint press conference with Anastasia Stotskaya in Rostov-on-Don, the journalist of Gazeta Dona, Irina Aroyan, once again asked the singer a “hot” question: “What is the reason for such a large number of remakes in your repertoire? Is it the lack of new melodies, new authors…?” Hearing the word "remakes", Philip interrupted her and began a dialogue with a representative of the Rostov media, in the heat of which he accused the journalist of unprofessionalism, poor preparation of questions. And he uttered a phrase to Aroyan, which became popular among the people: “Your pink blouse, your boobs and your microphone annoy me.”

The singer's communication with the journalist was like a "verbal" massacre with the use of obscene language. "Get up and get out of here! There are a large number of remakes to her, you see ... ”, - Philip put an end to the quarrel. The conflict caused a significant public outcry and became the most discussed topic of the time.

Kirkorov categorically refused to apologize to the offended journalist, and after an unsuccessful attempt to resolve the conflict out of court, Irina Aroyan filed a lawsuit against the singer without material claims to the Rostov-on-Don Magistrate's Court. As a result of hearings held on August 11, 2004, the court found Kirkorov guilty under the article “Insult in a public place” and imposed a fine on the singer in the amount of 60 thousand rubles with payment to the state.

However, the scandalous incident did not end with the court. Many radio stations and TV channels, including MUZ-TV and MTV Russia, announced a real boycott to Philip, completely excluding his work from the rotation. The press also practically stopped writing about the scandalous singer. Unable to withstand public rejection, Kirkorov first announced his retirement, and then disappeared from the media space, only appearing once at a social event until the end of the year.

Apologies to Irina Aroyan, albeit in absentia, Philip Kirkorov nevertheless brought. “Dear Ira! Forgive me, I was wrong! ”, - so, according to the audience, the musician apologized to the Rostov journalist at the Golden Gramophone ceremony, held in December 2004. After that, Kirkorov was "forgiven", however, according to experts, Philip Bedrosovich managed to regain his "pre-scandal" status of a super-popular performer only a few years later.

In an exclusive interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Irina Aroyan spoke about Philip's insults to a Rostovite who criticized New Year's TV programs [audio]

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A scandal is raging on the Internet that erupted around the petition of a Rostovite, which was signed by over 130 thousand people: Vadim Manukyan criticized the New Year's programs of central TV, which incurred the wrath of the king of Russian pop music Philip Kirkorov and other artists.

So, more than 12 years ago, for one of his overly emotional statements, the court even fined him 60,000 rubles in favor of the state. It was in Rostov-on-Don, when a question at a press conference about the number of remakes in the artist’s work was followed by stormy criticism of the “pink blouse” and Irina Aroyan’s forms. We contacted the journalist to find out what she thinks about Philip Kirkorov's new eccentric antics.


- Irina, good afternoon. Have you read the petition?

I heard about it on the radio and read about it on the Internet. I read the comment of Alla Pugacheva, who asked not to intercede for her. It seems to me that for those who do not like the Blue Light, there is a good opportunity not to watch, in extreme cases, turning off the TV. And to sit on the Internet and pour mud is also an absolutely unworthy occupation, as well as to answer those who do it.

- And how, in your opinion, “envious rubbish” and “scum” for an artist are acceptable expressions?

In my opinion, it would be strange not to expect this from Philip Bedrosovich. It is certainly impossible to rank him among the intelligentsia. Personally, he did not surprise me at all.

- More than 12 years have passed since that scandal with your participation. It turns out that Kirkorov has not changed during this time?

I'll tell you a secret: people, in general, do not change, and in old age they become even worse. Since, basically, negative properties of character progress. This is my point of view. Few people manage to improve in the process of life, so all this (the situation with insults - ed.) is absolutely natural. On the other hand, I do not understand those who begin to throw mud at the same Pugachev. This is indeed a great artist, but, in my opinion, she just had to leave the stage in time.

What an abomination this is!! A person, a woman, an actress, a singer, sits to himself, does not touch anyone, sings songs, is engaged in creativity, pleases millions of viewers and fans around the world for more than 40 years, and then for no reason some envious rubbish, some mrazota organizes a well-thought-out action and pours out a tub of shit!!! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? I will not call for anything, but I will say with the words and thoughts of millions of fans in our country and around the world: just let each of you turn on your brains, look into your soul and conscience and remember how much this great singer has done for the country, for each of us, so that in our souls and hearts there is joy and happiness. She is our property of the republic, our Alla! Well, and the spiteful critics, what can they give people besides their malice?... Dogs bark, the caravan moves on... Sing, Alla, sing to the joy of millions, singing bird!!! We are for you and we are always with you! @n_malevskaya @alla_orfey #AllaPugacheva #OurAlla #Prima Donna #WomanWhoSings #Live QuietCountry #WeForPugacheva #MyScreens #weZapugacheva #Repost @alla_orfey with @repostapp Well, spiteful critics, are you excited? This is wonderful!!! So life goes on. And my strength is in the love and support of my fans. Once again, make sure this is true happiness.


- Did you immediately decide to sue Philip?

No - I waited more than a month for the person to apologize. But he just started insulting me. It was this that prompted me to go to court, and by no means a litigious complex.

And the money - 60 thousand rubles, which you sued, were paid?

I have no idea. I don’t even remember the amount, because the article that was in my lawsuit implied a fine in favor of the state.

This was my principled position, which I do not regret in any way. I did not want to act as a money-grubber who is trying to rob poor Philip Bedrosovich, which is why I chose this article. Although, of course, there were options and many proposals to bring him a lawsuit in his own favor - in a million rubles. And then I had by no means a low salary, there was no good financial situation: I would say that we lived quite poorly. But I did not do this: by virtue of my upbringing, I did just that.

- Did that high-profile story somehow affect your life?

No way. Then I was a beginner, absolutely inexperienced journalist, a domestic person who was far from public stories. Now, due to my great experience - both in life and in journalism - I would have behaved differently - more harshly. I know that many colleagues believe that I did something stupid, didn’t play on that story in any way and didn’t go to Moscow - I didn’t make a career on it. But I don't regret it. From me, as an inexperienced journalist, it would be easy to make "Sveta from Ivanovo". A kind of media character of a girl journalist who comes and makes scandals. There were TV channels that tried to offer it. But I was smart enough to refuse and go my own way.

Irina Aroyan about Philip Kirkorov 12 years later

Scandal Kirkorov - Aroyan- an incident that occurred on May 20, 2004 in Rostov-on-Don between Philip Kirkorov and the correspondent of Gazeta Dona Irina Mikhailovna Aroyan during a press conference of a singer who insulted a journalist. Kirkorov's phrase to Aroyan “Your pink blouse, your boobs and your microphone annoy me” became widely known and even aroused imitations. Phraseologism "Pink blouse", generated by the scandalous episode, has become one of the frequently used designations for the incident itself and the events around it; it is also used as an umbrella term for "tabloid press" character scandals . The scandal itself is sometimes referred to as "Pink blouse, boobs and a microphone", "Kirkorov and a pink blouse". Metaphorically "pink blouse" in various publications, one of the parties to the conflict (Irina Aroyan) was occasionally named, and the concept was also used as a collective image of a journalist.

The incident caused a significant public outcry, received the widest coverage in the media and led to the initiation of a criminal case against the singer and legal proceedings. The conflict between the pop singer and the press was accompanied by the organization of a mass boycott of Philip Kirkorov by the press (the singer was also boycotted by some regional concert organizations). The initiative of the civil action in solidarity with the Rostov journalist belonged to the Chelyabinsk television and radio company Vostochny Express and was supported by the Union of Journalists of Russia, but it was not supported by part of the capital's media.

Irina Aroyan, after an unsuccessful attempt to resolve the conflict out of court (Philip Kirkorov did not consider himself guilty of anything and refused to apologize), at the end of June 2004 filed a claim with one of the courts of Rostov-on-Don.

A criminal case was initiated against the singer under article 130 of part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ().

The court case featured the conclusion of a specialist - the head of the experimental lexicography department of the Institute of the Russian Language. V. V. Vinogradov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Professor A. N. Baranov, prepared on the initiative of Kirkorov's lawyers. The conclusion specifically stated:

  • "one. Insult as a speech act is necessarily directed at a specific person - the addressee of the insult. That is, the speech act of insult requires the use of appropriate indecent expressions directed (addressed) to a specific person. In addition, the speech act of insult suggests that the speaker ascribes a negative characteristic (one or more) to the addressee.
  • "2. In the phrase (1) "F. Kirkorov:<…>I am annoyed by your pink blouse, your boobs and your microphone.” I. Aroyan does not attribute any negative characteristics expressed in indecent form (see also the answer to question No. 5).
In phrase (2) "F. Kirkorov: Huh?! A? Yes to me ... yes, I don’t know how you write ... Just like you ... I don’t like non-professionals! There is nothing for non-professionals to do here!” I. Aroyan is attributed a negative characteristic - unprofessionalism, while using the word of the literary Russian language, which is not among the indecent. Phrase (3) “I. Aroyan (contemptuously): And you will learn how to behave. "Star". F. Kirkorov (rhyming): Yes ... F**k! is ambiguous: it can be both the attribution of a negative characteristic to I. Aroyan, and the language game. Only the speaker can explain what he meant.
  • “3. The idiom in * th (someone / something, someone) is used in the phrase: “Huh? Yes, to me ... yes, I don’t know how you write ... Just like you ... "in the sense of" the speaker makes it clear to the addressee that he excludes what the addressee writes from his personal sphere, "that is, F. Kirkorov it doesn't matter what the journalist writes about him. The continuation of the phrase “Just like you…” indicates that the speaker is indifferent to the journalist herself.
The phrase "Huh? Yes, to me ... yes, I don’t know how you write ... Just like you ... “cannot be regarded as an insult, since it does not attribute any negatively evaluated characteristics to the addressee.”
  • "4. The word "f**k" in the context of "I. Aroyan (contemptuously): And you will learn how to behave. `Star´.
F. Kirkorov (rhyming): "Yes ... P *** yes!" Allows for various interpretations. With one understanding, some characteristic is attributed to I. Aroyan in an indecent form. In the second understanding, we are talking about a language game based on rhyming with the word "star" and mutual squabbling. Since the speech act of F. Kirkorov consists of one word and follows after the particle “yes”, used in the meaning of reaction-consent, it is impossible to establish from the context what exactly is meant - the attribution of a characteristic or a language game with a squabble. This is the case when the speaker can explain what was meant.
  • "5. The word boobs in the context of "F. Kirkorov (addressing I. Aroyan): I don't want you to take pictures of me. You are bothering me. I am annoyed by your pink blouse, your boobs and your microphone“, in terms of style, it does not refer to indecent, but to colloquial words.

The representative of the private prosecutor, lawyer Vladimir Lifshits challenged the conclusion as follows:

The main advantage of this document is the form on which it is written. There is the seal of the Academy of Sciences, the conclusions themselves are pseudoscientific. They are built on sophisms - false conclusions that at first glance seem correct, but are based on a deliberate violation of the rules of logic. So, the professor believes that an insult must necessarily contain a negative description of the one to whom it is addressed. Meanwhile, this is not so. An insult may or may not contain a negative assessment. Is it possible to say that felt boots are shoes? Certainly. But it cannot be argued that all shoes are just felt boots. You can offend by spitting in the face of a person. This action does not contain any negative characteristics.

We are all native Russian speakers. We don't need to scientifically explain the meaning of words that start with "x", "b", "e" or "p". It is clear to everyone that this is taboo vocabulary. To find out the meaning of the word "star" with the letter "p", you just need to go into any doorway and ask the first drunk who comes across.

Despite the petition of Kirkorov's lawyers, the court refused to give the conclusion the status of an official linguistic examination, and it did not affect the verdict. On August 11, 2004, the Rostov-on-Don Magistrate's Court found Kirkorov guilty under Part 2 of Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (insult in a public place) and imposed a fine of 60,000 rubles with payment to the state. The plaintiff's lawyer V. Livshits emphasized that Irina Aroyan deliberately did not make any material claims against the pop singer as compensation for moral damage; for the injured party, the conviction of Kirkorov was sufficient compensation. The official court ruling noted that "Kirkorov, being one of the most famous artists and a role model for young people, deliberately and cynically insulted Irina Aroyan." Shortly thereafter, Kirkorov again insulted the journalist (correspondent of the Izvestia newspaper) using obscene language. site materials

Marouani and Kirkorov met in a branch of one of the capital's banks to sign a peace agreement. Earlier, the French singer demanded millions of rubles from the king of pop on charges of plagiarism. Philip reported extortion to law enforcement agencies. A video of the detention of Marouani and his lawyer Igor Trunov was published on the Web.


They had to spend about half an hour in the bank branch, after which they were taken to the police department. Investigators are now conducting an investigation into the statement from Kirkorov about extortion for one million euros.

While this story is acquiring more and more details that are promptly covered in the media, and pop stars begin to express their opinion about the problem of Philippe and Didier, Days.Ru recall other incidents that tarnished the reputation of Kirkorov.

One of the first scandalous cases in the life of Alla Pugacheva's ex-husband dates back to 2003. As reporters reported, on the set of the Big Wash program, Philip, who dared to call him "my bunny." And the guards of the singer who came to the rescue "added" to the fallen boy.

Pink Blouse and the King of Remakes

Apparently, this was a rehearsal before the memorable 2004, when, after a press conference in Rostov-on-Don, Kirkorov all the journalists in pink blouses.

The singer answered the question of the employee of the local newspaper Irina Aroyan insults and foul language, after which he kicked the girl out of the hall. He was hurt that a reporter called him "the king of remakes". At the exit, Kirkorov's guards were already waiting for her. Hefty guys tried to take away the editorial recorder and camera. Most of the Rostov TV channels showed this outrageous show, and Philip went to court.

Kirkorov was found guilty of publicly insulting a journalist and ordered to pay a fine of 60,000 rubles. The guilty verdict did not upset the singer. The king of pop, according to his assurances, was simply happy and sent some journalists to the famous three letters.

"As soon as I leave the villa and turn on the phone, the call after call begins. All these rats who were smacking me suddenly wanted my comments. And I told everyone:" Fuck you .., fuck you ..! "They themselves made me the main bully of the country. Let them get it. I don't give a fuck what they write. I'm delighted! I'm glad that this nightmare is finally over. Our court turned out to be not only the most humane in the world, but also the wisest - much wiser journalists who raised jackals barking. This is the most lenient sentence of those that were possible, "said Philip and thanked Irina Aroyan for the successful PR for him.

Scandalous tour

The organizers remember those tours of Kirkorov in 2004 in the cities of southern Russia with horror to this day. Newspapers wrote indignantly that in Stavropol the singer did not even hide the fact that he was singing to the soundtrack. While he was accepting flowers and kissing girls, the song continued to sound, but Kirkorov did not care much.

He left Stavropol earlier than planned, and threw a scandal at the Prestige Hotel in Krasnodar. Late at night, he demanded that the presidential apartments be vacated for him, not at all caring about the future fate of their guest. Then Kirkorov went to Rostov-on-Don, where all the hotel staff had to listen to his obscene speeches.

After the incident with Irina Aroyan, the pop king behaved with restraint for some time, but you can’t hide your temperament. In 2005, on tour in Saratov, he again made a scandal. The "King of Remakes" found his reception offensive. According to the singer, he was offered to live in a barn. The artist began to resent as soon as his limousine drove up to the hotel. “Where have you brought me?” Kirkorov cried.

War with journalists

In November 2007, the journalistic fraternity had another reason to be offended by the performer. According to the notes of those days, Philipp promoted his anniversary concert in all possible and impossible ways. The singer caught up with mysteries, stirring up interest in every possible way. And there was a reason, because Philip has not given solo performances in the capital since 2001, and in 2007 he celebrated two anniversaries at once - his personal 40th anniversary plus the 25th anniversary of his creative activity.

The concert began after a short time delay and a scuffle in the hall - and photographers, which, not without interest, was watched from his box by Philip's father Bedros. This small scene of humiliation did not embarrass Kirkorov's fans, especially since the photographers on the assignment of the editors put up with the insult, huddled against the far walls and exits from the hall and photographed the artist.

Philip's new scandal with a journalist occurred in 2008, when Kirkorov was filming in Kiev in the New Year's musical. The king of pop demanded that he not be photographed. Dmitriy Kupriyan, a journalist and photographer of the Ukrainian newspaper Blik, who violated the requirement, left the pavilion where the shooting took place, but allegedly, who hit him several times in the face and took away the camera.

The victim told the press that he wrote a statement to the Desnyansky district department of Kiev, but the police failed to interrogate the scandalous artist. “We returned to the studio where the shooting took place, they drew up a protocol. The Ukrainian police also wanted to interrogate Kirkorov, but he did not give in, sent the police ... At least some information will come out," the reporter said.

In 2009, newspapers were full of headlines that Kirkorov "". The incident occurred at the rollerdrome in Kholodilny Lane, where a concert dedicated to the Day of Knowledge took place on September 1. After the performance, journalists from one of the central channels approached the singer for an interview. One of the media representatives asked Kirkorov a question about the Kazan Philharmonic, whose director accuses the singer of insulting him. "Why did you insult the director of the Kazan Philharmonic?" she asked.

In response, the artist grabbed the microphone, breaking the wire, leaned over to the journalist and said: "I'll strangle you!", Then pushed her away. Enraged, Philip also snatched a video camera worth $25,000 from the operator and smashed it on the floor. Journalists wrote a statement to the police against the singer demanding compensation for damage - more than 850,000 rubles, but then the artist's representative said that the application had been withdrawn.

Beating of Marina Yablokova

Probably, Kirkorov still recalls the end of 2010 with a shudder. Then his career was on the verge of collapse. This is one of the loudest scandals in his entire emotionally rich life. The second director of the ceremony "Golden Gramophone-2010" Marina Yablokova at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate with a request to initiate a criminal case against the king of the Russian pop scene. The woman accused Philip of beating.

The incident occurred between the director and the singer at the rehearsal of the Golden Gramophone ceremony in the Kremlin Palace. Kirkorov was outraged by the spotlight aimed at his eyes, and he began to insult Yablokova, who was responsible for the technical support of the rehearsal, in a rude manner.

“Yablokova calmly asked Kirkorov to wait until the light was adjusted, to which Kirkorov burst into obscene language into the microphone. Then Marina was indignant and asked Philip to stop insulting her. Philip fell into a rage and shouting: “I will kill you!” - ran up to her and Marina fell from the blow. Kirkorov came closer to her, grabbed her hair with his hands and began kicking in the chest and abdomen until one of the witnesses pulled her aside, "Yablokova's defender told reporters.

Marina lost consciousness from the fall, and when she regained consciousness, she felt a severe headache and nausea. Doctors recorded multiple hematomas and a concussion in her.

Having learned about the nightmarish situation, the stars condemned Kirkorov and began to massively turn away from him. For example, Valery Meladze refused to sing a duet with Philip for the New Year's program of Channel One. “I absolutely know that Marina probably did not demand anything special. There are universal rules - respect for each other. No one has the right to humiliate another person,” Valery explained his decision.

The singer Valeria, who knows for herself what domestic violence is, did not remain indifferent to the beating of the girl. She sharply condemned the act of the king of the pop scene, calling it a "crime."

The king of the pop scene temporarily fled abroad from the hype and explained his behavior with serious attacks that happen to him twice a year. Allegedly, in this state, he does not remember anything and does not understand what he is doing. And later Philip. "In the scandals with my participation, evil spirits are involved. A week before this incident, I played the role of Dracula," the singer said.

Scandal in Yalta

Apparently, all the same unclean provoked Kirkorov in 2011 in the Yubileiny concert hall in Yalta during a rehearsal for the opening of the Crimea Music Fest. The king of pop literally flew out from behind the scenes with a preoccupied look and suddenly began to shake the hall with curses, and in places obscene ones.

“Why are you putting on a soundtrack for me,” Kirkorov yelled, “I already know it by heart. Where is the backup dancer, where is the scenery? Let Igor Nikolaev perform against the background of these seagulls and boats (at that moment the singer was sitting in the same hall). , b ..., who? I'm Philip Kirkorov! " Kirkorov was calmed down by the general producer of the festival, Valentina Basovskaya, and the stage director, Juan Larra.

Conflict with Timati

In 2012, a protracted conflict between Philip and his colleague Timati began. The latter criticized the laureates in the field of popular music "Muz-TV" on social networks. "With all due respect to Muz-TV and the fact that they always support me, for all the beauty and scale of this event, I am afraid of the INADEQUATE list of winners this year !!! How could I not give "Breakthrough of the Year" to Ivan Dorn??? "Clip of the Year" and "Song of the Year" Serebro, "Mama Lyuba" 20 million on you tube!!! "Hip-hop of the year" by Mr. Banderos? Are you serious? This year is definitely for @Vlady_Kasta&Co!!! "Duet of the year" from the No Comment section, but @iamGeeGun should have… WTF??? Not very objective," he was indignant in his microblog Timati.

Philip, recognized as the "Best Singer of the Decade", decided to intervene, for which he soon paid the price. "Do you have any questions? Most honest? I didn't ask questions last year! There is professional ethics! Ok! I remember!" the singer threatened the rapper. However, the words of Kirkorov became for Timati literally a red rag for a bull.

Arbitrariness of the guards

In 2013, the photographer was again injured at the hands of the guards of the king of pop. After performing in Kiev, Kirkorov rested in one of the local restaurants. Numerous journalists were waiting for him at the exit. One of the photographers ran up to the artist and tried to capture him on camera. However, the singer's guard did not like it very much.

The security guards dragged the correspondent away from Kirkorov, and the pop king himself was put into the car. After he left, the guards threw a bottle at the photographer's head. She, having hit the target, bounced into another correspondent, after which she flew into the restaurant window and broke it. As a result, the desire to photograph Kirkorov ended sadly for the photographer. From the restaurant.

Intimidation of a pensioner

In 2014, Philip attacked the woman again. According to media reports, the victim of the emotional pop king was 80-year-old Irina Kiseleva, the eldest at the entrance to his house on Zemlyanoy Val Street. The neighbors asked Philip to vacate the basement on the ground floor, which he occupied with his belongings. Kirkorov refused them, and the Muscovites went to court. Upon learning of this, the singer became furious and brought down the full force of his anger on the fragile pensioner, who is the eldest in the stairwell.

“He shouted to me: “Get the fuck out of here, scum!”, and his eyes burned. He said that he would bring people and they would tie me up,” a frightened woman complained to reporters.

"Swollen Ego"

In 2015, Philip publicly was rude to Tatyana Lazareva. The scandal between the presenter and the king of the national stage erupted at the presentation of the Silver Galosh. The famous actor Danila Kozlovsky became the culprit of the ugly situation. The latter was one of the contenders for the award for the most dubious achievement. Danila was supposed to receive a statuette in the form of galoshes in the nomination "". One of the hosts of the evening, Andrey Fomin, explained that the actor got a comic prize for a concert at the Bolshoi Theater called "The Big Dream of an Ordinary Man."

The show was produced by Kirkorov, who decided to receive a not very honorable award for Kozlovsky. The hosts could not ignore this fact: the witty Tatyana Lazareva was the first to make a joke. “Unfortunately, the ego did not let Danila go to the ceremony, but it came by itself,” the presenter quipped.

Probably, a harmless joke touched Kirkorov to the quick, because he was rude to Tatyana right on stage. "Go to *oops!" – said the singer. One of the spectators decided to defuse the tense situation. "Undress!" he called to the artist. However, Philip instantly came up with an answer: "You will be surprised twice if I undress and you see my ego!"

Plagiarism and extortion

Well, at the end of 2016, the life of the pop king was overshadowed. The leader of the French band Space, Didier Marouani, filed a lawsuit against the Russian pop king in the Moscow City Court.

An independent examination has established that the music for "Cruel Love" is a reworking of the song Symphonic Space Dream, written by composer Marouani back in 1999. "Cruel Love" performed by Philip was recognized as plagiarism. Experts counted 31.25% borrowing of thematic material and 43.27% of musical material. This is especially noticeable in the chorus.

Maruani demanded to ban Kirkorov from performing this song, and also to collect from him, the composer Oleg Popkov, the Rossiya TV channel, where Cruel Love was first heard, the Sony record company and Philip Kirkorov Production LLC for copyright infringement, five million rubles each and 50 million for non-pecuniary damage. The total claims of the Space leader amounted to 75 million 340 thousand rubles.

In response, Philip complained to the police about the extortion of one million euros, and now the lawyers are in this conflict.

Fame came to the journalist of Gazeta Dona after the May 2004 press conference at the Rostov Hotel by Philip Kirkorov and Anastasia Stotskaya. Television cameras captured a scandalous dialogue, which included Philip Kirkorov and Irina Aroyan - the “pink blouse” (photo is presented in the article). Having become the object of rudeness from the king of the pop scene, the woman was forced to seek support in court.


The STS TV channel ventured to show the entire country footage of a press conference where a presumptuous singer insults a female journalist, dropping to the floor and removing her from the hall. None of those present raised a voice in defense of the offended woman, from whom the guards took away and disabled the recorder and camera outside the door. The reason was an uncomfortable question about why the singer's repertoire has such a huge number of remakes. Irina Aroyan was interested in the attitude of the pop king to the problem of the lack of new melodies.

Considering this an attack on him, Kirkorov justified himself by listing his songs, gradually raising the degree of dialogue. Even a distracting question from another journalist, Stotskaya, could not stop the outbreak of aggression. The singer said that he was annoyed by the “pink blouse (hence the idiom referring to this incident was born), boobs and microphone” of the journalist. Accusing the woman of unprofessionalism, he ridiculed her pronunciation and publicly cursed.


Did Irina Aroyan, whose photo conveys her fragility and vulnerability, think that such a huge case would cause such a huge case? Tickets for the artist's tour were not sold out, and until the end of the year he suspended his concert activities. There was a heated discussion on the Internet of the scandalous press conference. Opinions were divided: some supported the offended journalist, others considered her a provocateur and urged her to enjoy such PR.

Living on a small salary with her mother, the woman could not count on the protection of honor and dignity in court, but the unexpected support of the above organizations made it possible to hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit in the Magistrate's Court under part two of Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Insult”). Could Irina Aroyan withdraw the application submitted in June 2004? The answer to the question can be found in the program "Basic Instinct". Television could not but respond to the event that stirred up the public.

"The basic Instinct"

Filipp Bedrosovich, who is in Bulgaria, took part in the program of Svetlana Sorokina, communicating via television. While the Rostov journalist was in the studio. The participants in the discussion tried to reduce the problem to the confrontation between artists and the press, delving into the "dirty linen". The majority of those present, including Daria Dontsova, who has a journalistic education, spoke in defense of Kirkorov, who was "victimized" by the media. The participants in the program tried to lead the discussion to justify the singer's nervous breakdown, drawing attention to the unprofessionalism of those writing on a musical theme.

Can Irina Aroyan be responsible for others? The journalist did nothing to hurt the artist. admitted that 90% of Russian music is theft of other people's ideas. But even the tears of a young woman, her colleague Artur Gasparyan called hypocrisy. Only a few people came to the defense of the journalist, which led to Kirkorov's reluctance to make a public apology. His categorical denial of his own guilt was the reason for the subsequent trial.


The claim of the victim was filed 30 days after the scandal, the process lasted for another two months, at which the pop king of the national stage did not appear. In an interview, he called himself right, which terribly outraged his opponent, who decided to go to the end. The lawyers of the star replacing each other tried to prove that there was no insult to the journalist and the case should be reclassified under the article “Petty hooliganism” of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, punishing the artist with an administrative fine for obscene language.

How did Irina Aroyan take this position? The pink blouse, the symbol of the incident, was worn by all the ladies present on the day of the verdict. It was an act of solidarity with the woman. Vladimir Livshits, who represented the interests of the victim, managed to prove that the singer publicly humiliated the dignity of a journalist, which is an insult. The court confirmed Kirkorov's guilt by imposing a fine on him in favor of the state (60 thousand rubles). In order to absolve herself of the accusation of commercialism, the victim did not demand compensation for moral harm.


From the moment the materials of the Rostov press conference went on the air, an unprecedented action to collect signatures in support of the boycott of the pop star began on the Web. 124 thousand people supported the journalist, and only 5% of Internet users found words of justification for Kirkorov. Forty periodicals of the country announced their refusal to publish materials about the artist, and radio and TV channels stopped playing his songs and videos. In the editorial office where Irina Aroyan works, every day there were calls with words of support from ordinary citizens.

It became obvious: the conflict went beyond the relations of the press and pop artists. The scandal revealed the problem of opposing the domestic elite to the rest of society. Therefore, it became important for everyone that the singer was found guilty by the court, and the woman was given a public apology. In December 2004, Kirkorov did this on the recording of the Golden Gramophone. Having performed I. Nikolaev's song "A little sorry", he recalled the tradition of asking for forgiveness on New Year's Eve and admitted his wrong to the Rostov journalist.


Has Irina Aroyan forgotten the events of 2004? The date of birth of the journalist (February 18), by coincidence, coincided with the assignment to Philip Kirkorov in 2008 of the title of People's Artist. Not being his fan, she wants to forget what happened. Filming in 2012 plunged her into the past, when V. Shamirov's series "Local News" ended in Rostov-on-Don. For extras, local correspondents were again invited to the Rostov Hotel, whose task was to ask uncomfortable questions to the hero of Mikhail Politseymako in order to intensify the controversy.

Journalist Aroyan, who became a correspondent for Moskovsky Komsomolets, asked the actor if he considered his candidacy suitable for the role of a resident (“Resident Ultimatum”), whose image is associated with the legendary Georgy Zhzhenov, who looked brutal and fit. The appearance of the actor himself bears little resemblance to the prototype of the hero. As a result, the angry actor left the press conference, saying goodbye that the woman had not wised up at all since the scandal with Kirkorov.


This episode confirms that Irina Aroyan, a lover of sensitive questions. The biography of the journalist, unfortunately, is little known. Her surname belongs to her mother, an Armenian by nationality. Her father has Russian and Belarusian roots, but the journalist does not maintain relations with him, because her parents broke up a long time ago. At the age of 16, she made an independent decision to take her mother's surname. The woman has a philological education, with which she came to work in journalism. A lover of literature, history and travel, the woman married an Englishman early, but could not live away from her homeland.

Most of all, she was oppressed by professional lack of demand, because, according to British law, foreign women cannot work in the country for a certain time. He considers himself a non-public person who was accidentally drawn into a showdown with a star.


The woman is still reproached for PR, although Kirkorov himself, with every next scandal, makes him remember who Irina Aroyan is. In December 2016, according to his denunciation, the Frenchman Marouani was detained, with whom the singer had unresolved financial issues. The REN TV channel turned to the Rostov journalist for comments. Irina still believes that this episode is just an additional touch to the moral character of the Russian star.