Alternatives to “Because I said so. Because gladiolus - what does it mean? Phrases that should not be spoken

The Russian language, due to the large number of its speakers, has many catchphrases and expressions. And if earlier all sorts of aphorisms were scooped by the people from fairy tales, books and anecdotes, now times have come more progressive. Nowadays everyone watches TV, reads newspapers and surfs the Internet. Mankind is closely following politicians, actors, musicians and the like, hoping to learn something interesting, new. And sometimes they succeed. Today, the expression "Because gladiolus" has become widespread among the people. Where does this phrase come from and when is it used?


In 2003, the KVN festival was held in Sochi, in which the Ural dumplings group took part. "Because gladiolus" has become their most popular phrase. They proved themselves to be talented comedians, in particular because of the number about the gladiolus. "Because gladiolus" in KVN was uttered in one of their numbers.

What's the number?

The phrase “gladiolus” was used by the group “Ural dumplings” in a rather unusual way. In one of their miniatures, it received a positive rating from the audience and collected more than a million views on the YouTube channel.

When is the phrase used?

We figured out where this phrase comes from - "because gladiolus." But in what cases should it be used? The phrase is very plastic, it can be used in many situations. It is worth, for example, to try to use it at the moment when you want to get out of a difficult situation with humor. If, of course, it will be appropriate. It will help lighten the mood.

This phrase can also, without conflict, express its attitude to the question, dialogue, with special talent, even to the interlocutor himself.

We can say that, formally, to a ridiculous question, you simply give an even more ridiculous answer in order to point out to the interlocutor the incorrectness of the question he asked.


Where did this phrase, "because the gladiolus", come from. But what were the prerequisites for this? On the show "What? Where? When?" there was already a similar case, some believe that it was he who became the prototype of the very number that was beaten by the Ural Pelmeni team. Then, back in 1992, the team of Valentina Golubeva, now a public relations specialist, came to the show. And in the third round, a team of experts was asked a question that was estimated at ninety thousand rubles. It dealt with the themes of ancient Rome and touched upon its history, culture and traditions. The question was: "What was the name in ancient Rome of a small sword, part of which hung around the neck of a large sword holding a real sword in its hand?"

The participants of the show deliberated among themselves for a long time, at the same time, Vladimir Molchanov began to have an idea regarding the answer to such a tricky question. And since he was the most versed in such subjects, the right to answer the question went to him. But he was wrong. And to the question: "What was the name of a small sword in ancient Rome, part of which hung around the neck of a large sword holding a real sword in its hand," the correct answer was the word "gladiolus", meaning the phrase "small sword" in translation.

Notable uses of this phrase

The phrase was often used on the territory of Ukraine in 2004, during the presidential campaign of Viktor Yanukovych. The main slogans then were: "Because it's reliable", "Because it's fair", "Because it's a patriot". The people jokingly added the phrase "Because gladiolus." The phrase has also been used several times on television. Some people, by the way, use it to this day.


"Because gladiolus": where this phrase comes from, its role, meaning and variability of use, we were able to find out. However, whatever you say, it was invented a long time ago, and although it is something important, every year it is spoken less and less.

Advertisements rarely contain information that can be "understood". This is rational advertising, in which the emphasis is on the real competitive advantages of the product, comparing prices, indicating discounts. Something that can be logically calculated or what can be convinced. "35" is not in this category. It also does not belong to the category of "sensitive" advertising, where we identify with the hero and experience comfort and pleasure with him, thanks to empathy.

The video hits mainly on brand memorability. It is provided:
- bright colors, contrasting, red background color is one of the most exciting colors, the heroines are most often in contrasting blue clothes - the contrast also attracts attention
- the video is dynamic, accelerated, with frequent flickering of frames, "funny" fast audio - excites the nervous system, and the emotional intensity also increases memorability
- the video is filled with sound markers - specific, well-remembered sounds that eat into memory - typical "squeaks, aahs and crunches". they are somewhat feigned, even a little annoying - but it is impossible to forget them. They use involuntary memory and create the possibility of "reminders" purely audio - for example, on the radio, without video and very short - only the end of the video with "because 35"
- the video contains suggestion. The "plot" is poorly readable, it is practically non-existent as a complete logical scenario, but there is an inspiring "because". The phrase with the link "because" hints at some justification, proof that this really has a reason. that is, the choice of the bar "has a reason". We perceive all this chaos of sound and color, we “comprehend” the first part of the video too well, but then they allegedly explain to us “because 35”. So, we are left with the feeling that the choice has been proved to us or we are completing the "logic" ourselves, conjecturing it.
- plus, for the sake of completeness of the analysis - the female image in advertising is intended to appeal to the female audience - the main connoisseurs of sweets.

I'm sorry, but as an advertiser, I can't agree with a single word in this description. This is a great example of how a client comes up with a stupid idea, which the performer takes to the point of absurdity, with something like this: "and red symbolizes desire", "the image of a woman is conducive to purchase." This is nonsense from 15-year-old textbooks that were once used in America and then translated into Russian. Maybe it once worked, 70 years ago, when television appeared. Now this video does not cause anything but irritation. The authors naively believe that advertising should be remembered, but it is not. Advertising should encourage you to buy a product. This one doesn't encourage. No tricks in the spirit of "the phrase "because" is the rationale for the purchase" will not fix this.

Classics of the genre. Most often used in conjunction with the phrase "serious relationship": "I'm not ready for a serious relationship yet." Or living together. To acquaintance with parents, to a wedding, to the birth of children - to anything serious, in general. In fact, it's such a neat flow: "I'm not ready" does not mean "no", it means: "Yes, yes, everything will be, but don't push me, honey." Although in reality it means: “No, we, of course, will not have anything. But for now, I'm comfortable with it."

Let's just lie down, shall we?

Let's lie down and pamper, but how. A strategically advantageous change of position: in the field of verbal communication, you are stronger, in the field of tactile communication, he is. Because girls are more likely to be picked up when they are upset. And you, of course, are upset, because you feel that he is lying. But he is so warm, big and strong, it is so nice to snuggle up to him and stop thinking about unpleasant things. About the questions you just asked him, for example.

It's hard for me to talk about it

In fact, it was hard for him to squeeze out this phrase, because the one who says it immediately becomes like a sleek, snotty soap opera hero. But what wouldn't you do to avoid getting caught, right? Op, got it. Have you ever seen a normal living man who talks like that? Here we are not.

What, you don't trust me?

This is called "blame with a sick head on a healthy one." Most likely, you pinned him to the wall and he has no chance to get out somehow otherwise. But you can always blame you for not trusting him. How can you, woman?! Here he is standing in front of you, your closest person, your "second half", and you, looking into his eyes, say that you do not believe? Why trample on my love, yeah And at the same time, "Why did Gerasim drown Mumu." Now you feel guilty, although he is lying. Brilliant move.


What a fool you are, my dear!

The condescending but loving tone instantly puts him in the position of a wise adult, and you in the position of a small and really stupid girl. A girl who has nothing to do, and therefore she is engaged in a relationship game. He suspects something, asks questions - lovely, what a fool! You, of course, do not want to be this fool, and you retreat.

This is important for both of us, don't you understand?!

We translate from male deceitful to human: “You see what a good and devoted person I am! I don’t think about myself at all, I only think about us and our future, and here you put spokes in my wheels with your petty suspicions. How low is that! Oh well. This is, of course, a beautiful phrase in itself. But you need to carefully look at what is attached to it. Usually, unfortunately, regular delays “at work” are attached to it, but there is no more money. Though it's important to both of you, yeah.

I would never lie about such things.

That's right in the forehead! Never - and that's it. In fact, of course, the key words here are "such things." Important things. Perhaps the most important. The message here is this: look at me, dear, I'm not an angel at all and I can lie to you about some nonsense, what's wrong? Everyone lies, as Dr. House said. But I will never lie about SUCH!

Almost everyone is familiar with Tertullian's expression, "I believe because it is absurd." Even those who have never read a line from Quintus Septimius Florence Tertullian (this is how his full Roman name sounds. The Apostle Paul, as a citizen of Rome, probably had something similar, for example: Saul Paul Benjamin Tarsian :)). As often happens, in fact, this is not an exact phrase, but a paraphrase, a paraphrase from Tertullian, and it is understood exactly the opposite. Tertullian proceeds from the fact that if we are talking about God, we cannot measure Him with our earthly standards, evaluate Him with our human mind. God transcends our mind. Siberian felt boots cannot use their simplicity as a tool for comprehending a computer. If a felt boot could think, he would have to admit that a computer does not always behave like a felt boot. The difference between a man and God is somewhat greater than between a felt boot and a computer. So, according to Tertullian, you need to be a perfect felt boots to think that God can be fully comprehended using only human experience. A reasonable person, thinking about God, immediately admits that God is more than his experience and reason. Common sense, logic, tells us that we can only comprehend what is below us in development, or equal to us. It is clear that God is immeasurably higher. He is the creator, and we are the creature trying to understand Him.

Tertullian conveys to the reader the following idea: if people described God, they would never have come up with a single God in three persons. All they got was many gods or just one. They would never have invented the Incarnation. Not a temporary vestment of a deity in human flesh, in which the body simply functions as a disguise, or only looks like a body, but is not really one, as the docet Gnostics thought. The incarnation of God's Son into a 100% human with 100% divine properties is beyond any human fiction. For the human mind, this is absurd, impossible. A person can imagine Egyptian, Greek, Hindu gods, invent them. It is impossible to invent Christmas, death on the cross and resurrection. Therefore, Tertullian emphasizes: if the Gospel speaks of this, then the absurdity of the Gospel idea of ​​salvation for the human mind clearly proves the divine origin of this idea and its divine realization. People would never have thought of this before. “The Son of God is crucified,” Tertullian writes, “this is not shameful, for it is worthy of shame (from a human point of view, that is, if people invented it, they would never attribute crucifixion to God - P.N.); and the Son of God died - this is absolutely certain, for it is absurd; and, buried, resurrected - this is undoubtedly, because it is impossible (based on everything that the human mind knows - P.N.).

This is the meaning of this phrase: “I believe because it is absurd!” The philistine approach to these words is such that in order to believe in Christ, you need to give up common sense. Meanwhile, everything is exactly the opposite: common sense must be abandoned in order to believe that dead matter produced life, that random reactions of chemical elements could produce intelligence. As a rule, we see that non-believers are actually very religious people. Only they, unlike Christians, attribute divine properties to matter, making it eternal, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, the creator of everything and everything. Which turns them into quite primitive idolaters.


" Wise people speak because they have something to say. Fools because they have to say something ." Plato

The words we speak can be interpreted in different ways: positively, negatively or neutrally.

Smart, emotionally mature people tend to speak in a cautious manner, choosing words to minimize a negative or obscure response.

Of course, we all said something that we later regretted. Perhaps our words hurt others on purpose or by accident, and we wanted to take them back.

Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to recognize, manage and express emotions and regulate relationships. It has to do with the ability to deal with the emotions and experiences of others.

This type of intelligence plays a decisive role in what to say and what to keep quiet.

Here 10 Phrases Emotionally Intelligent People Try to Avoid.

Phrases that should not be spoken

1. "It's not fair."

Yes, life is unfair, and that's what adults understand. Perhaps what happened is unfair, perhaps even a blatant injustice. However, we must remember that the people who surround us often do not know about what happened, and even if they are privy to the details, this phrase does not solve the problem in any way.

As difficult as it may be focus your attention and efforts on solving the problem.

You will feel better, keep your dignity, and possibly solve the problem.

2. "You look tired."

The thing is, you have absolutely no idea what is going on in a person's life.

When you say, "You look tired," no matter how well you say it, this makes it clear to a person that his problems are visible to everyone.

Instead, rephrase your sentence or question in a more empathetic way. For example, "Are you all right?" to show the person that you're worried about what's happening to them.

3. "For your age..."

For example, "You look great for your age" or "For a woman, you have achieved a lot."

Chances are good that the person you're talking to is well aware of age and gender biases and may be offended by it.

No need to make reservations, just compliment.

4. "Like I said before..."

Who among us hasn't forgotten something from time to time? This phrase implies that you are offended by the fact that you have to repeat yourself, and that you are somehow better than your interlocutor.

To be fair, repeating the same person over and over can be annoying. Refrain from expressing your anger and try to clarify what you wanted to say.

Just remind the person from time to time.

Meaning of phrases

5. "You never" or "You always"

As a rule, these words are pronounced sarcastically or overly dramatic. Very often they are used to offend someone, either out of anger or contempt.

Justify what the person did and provide details. For example, "I've noticed what you keep there anything I can help with/Is there anything I need to know?"

6. "Good luck"

Many may argue that this phrase is not worth saying, and rightly so.

But there is a logical explanation for this: luck takes the result from the hands of a person and subordinates it to external influences or chance.

Has anyone ever used their powers to win the lottery? No, it's luck.

Phrase " I know that you have all the necessary qualities"can build a person's confidence better than the notion of luck.

7. "It doesn't matter to me"

When someone asks for your opinion, they do so expecting a constructive response, any response. When you say "It doesn't matter to me," it implies that either the situation is not of great importance to you, or the time it takes to respond is not a priority.

Instead of this, learn more about the person's situation. If you don't have enough time, suggest another time when you can listen to him.

8. "With all due respect..."

Stop and think about whether the words you now say are really affected by the degree of respect for him?

If you can honestly answer yes, then go ahead. Just remember that the way you speak, your gestures and facial expressions, as well as intonation, will immediately make it obvious whether it is said respectfully or not.

On the other hand, if this phrase is said on autopilot to cut into a conversation that has nothing to do with respect, it is best to hold back.

9. "I told you"

This phrase is full of arrogance and a sense of superiority. When you read this phrase, you are probably imagining children playing in the playground, which is why it sounds childish and immature.

You warned a person about the consequences of certain actions, and perhaps he learned his lesson.

Find another way to communicate with someone who made the wrong decision without expressing contempt. Perhaps the person needs help that we cannot provide.

10. "I give up."

Although this phrase seems quite innocent, it is a statement that we are not able to overcome something that is right in front of our noses. Maybe it's a terrible boss, a difficult project, or an arrogant employee.

But remember that you are much stronger, smarter, more capable than you think. There is nothing that you cannot overcome. " I can" are the only words you need.