How to learn the alphabet with. How to teach a child the alphabet

When it comes time to send the kid to school, his life enters a completely new phase, with which carelessness ends and everything has to be answered in an adult way. But how the child will perceive the changes that have come: with joy or fear, depends on the mood that parents who have their own idea of ​​​​education can provide. Here it is very important not to let the novice student get confused, drown in the still unfamiliar sea of ​​classwork, homework and school requirements. The first step to solving the problems that have arisen will be a preliminary study of the alphabet. But how to do it right, so as not to completely discourage the desire to learn?

In this case, there are no recommendations that are equally effective for all cases of life. This requires an individual approach when you have to pay attention to the developmental features of each individual child. There are times when a baby is ahead of his peers in terms of mental development, and therefore masters the alphabet at 3 years old, or even earlier. If some kids cope with the task easily and quickly, then others may not be ready for the difficulties of learning. Only practice will help answer such questions.

Regardless of the age of commencement of training, there are a number of rules that must be observed:

  1. study with pleasure;
  2. activities that bring joy and good mood;
  3. regularity of training.

Given the age of the baby, it is hardly possible to count on a serious attitude to the process of learning the alphabet. You can’t combine a cheerful mood and joy with study if you rely on boring sitting at the ABC. Only a game can save the case, into which it is necessary to transform the lessons leading to the interest of the preschooler. In this case, it is important to touch on exactly the topic that is most interesting to a particular kid and in many ways resembles his hobby. In this task, there can be no restrictions on the imagination shown by parents who know all the nuances of the behavior and interests of their children.

Learning the alphabet through the game "Cards"

Such an approach to learning the alphabet will please not only simple, but also effective. The whole point of this method lies in the love of the kids for bright patterns that complement the letters and words placed on cards with an intricate and colorful design. Through the attractiveness of the picture, the preschooler shows the wonders of visual memory, along with which memorization by ear comes into play. It is this tandem that allows us to achieve the expected results.

As for the purchase of these very cards, they can be found in any bookstore or outlet specializing in goods for children. If you wish and have some skills, you can start making cards with the alphabet on your own, or even with the participation of a child.

The use of toys that a particular child especially loves can also be useful when using the alphabet. In this case, it is necessary to teach the child to substitute cards with letters for toys, focusing on their names. To arouse the increased interest of the baby, do not be afraid to diversify such activities.

Way of learning with the help of the alphabet

In view of the variety of equivalent variants of the same alphabet, you can always choose an analogue that is most suitable for a young individual. Is your child addicted to music? On sale there are a lot of offers with a musical bias, the diversity of which lies in the difference in the set of components of the corresponding direction. With an increased interest of your descendant in automotive or some other topic, you will also not have to experience special difficulties with searches.

In addition to preventing boredom of classes, parents should avoid excessive strictness and seriousness. It would be more correct to play along with your child, which gives him the opportunity not only to feel comfortable, but also to see in the parent not a strict teacher, but his best friend. In order to avoid fatigue, adults need to learn the art of alternating study and rest. Do not want to tightly connect training with hatred for it? Do not force your children to study against their will.

Materials that serve to strengthen interest in learning

There are many different ways to add interest to the study of the alphabet. You just need to be ready to discard the hardened old methods and give free rein to the fantasy that diversifies the educational process. For example: the child will definitely like the composition of poems and songs. Or maybe he will be interested in playing all kinds of scenes?

Good results will also bring the game with the use of foreign objects. For example: the search for a particular thing, the name of which begins with the letter being studied. The external similarity of objects with the outlines of individual letters can also work on learning the alphabet.

Regardless of the effectiveness of the methods used or games that help achieve the desired results, the regularity of classes is put in the first place. The lack of consistency in lesson planning inevitably leads to a loss of interest and forgetting the wisdom already mastered.

10 tips to use when learning the alphabet

There is no consensus among teachers about the age at which it is better to teach a child the alphabet. Proponents of early development argue that familiarity with the alphabet is possible from the cradle. Others talk about vain efforts that deprive the baby of the joys of childhood. The textbooks on classical pedagogy say that the optimal age for teaching a child the alphabet, based on the characteristics of development at this age, is approximately.

Only after the 5th birthday does the child's type of thinking change from visual-active to abstract, left-hemisphere, when the perception of information in the form of signs (letters, symbols, etc.) begins. From birth to 5 years, the consciousness of the baby is aimed at socialization, acquaintance with the physical world. It makes no sense to load it with additional information, it will not be assimilated.

The speech apparatus of many babies under 5 years old is imperfect, children can pronounce some sounds incorrectly and remember them incorrectly, which often leads to difficulties in learning to write and read. At the age of 5, curiosity and interest in new things are especially manifested, therefore large amounts of information are remembered without effort.

  • The child should choose a book to read on his own;
  • The kid needs to turn the pages on his own;
  • Look at the pictures in the book together and discuss them;
  • Reflect together on what you read, invite your child to retell fairy tales or stories;
  • Do not force the baby to learn letters, conduct classes in a playful way, causing interest. If it is not there, then it’s too early to practice, try again after a while;
  • Choose games that will be interesting for the child. Classes should evoke positive emotions, the general literacy of the baby, the development of his speech, and interest in science depend on this;
  • Start studying letters from simple and most used (first - vowels, then - consonants) to complex and rarely found in texts. Pay attention to the fact that you should learn sounds, not letters (H, not "EN");
  • Learning 1 letter in 2 days is enough pace for a baby. You can tell your baby what the image of a letter reminds you of, what it associates with, find and read a verse about it or listen to a song. Lay out letters from beads, matches, raisins, berries, pebbles, leaves, shells, buttons and other small items;
  • Start classes from 5-10 minutes, bringing them up to 15 minutes at a 3-year-old and up to half an hour at a 5-year-old age (you can take a break - no more than 3-5 minutes);
  • Consolidation of the result is an important stage, you should not skip it. In order not to forget the letter that the kid learned in the last lesson, you should start the lesson by repeating the past. Ask the child to name objects in the environment that begin with a certain letter, he can also draw them. Use cards - stick on them images of objects cut out of paper, pieces of fabric, drawn with plasticine;
  • It is very useful to create an author's primer. Draw a letter or cut it out of colored paper, depict an object starting with this letter, creating a page in the album. You should connect tactile impressions to visual ones, make letters from materials of various textures, let the baby lead them with his finger;
  • Practice building syllables with blocks, magnets, or building blocks. The kid must realize that syllables are formed from sounds, and then words;
  • Pay attention to signs on shops, read them, ask the kid to repeat;
  • Fill the space around with cubes, magnets, constructors, coloring books with large letters, alphabets. The color scheme should be bright, but not in caustic shades. Sculpt letters from plasticine and salt dough, draw them on the sand, lay out applications from pasta or cereals. If classes are regular, success will not be slow to come.

3 mistakes parents make when teaching their child the alphabet

It is worth recalling what you can not do in teaching a child:

  • Don't ask your child for more than he can remember;
  • You should not make too much effort and insist on classes if the baby is not rested or does not feel well: it is not the number of letters that he has learned that is important, but the love of reading;
  • Do not scold the child in case of mistakes, do not compare his successes with the achievements of children of his age.

Video how to teach a child the alphabet

Attention! The use of any medicines and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any medical methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

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The most courageous step in the life of young children is the first trip to school. Some children gladly accept this fact, and some are afraid. After all, school is already a formal entrance to adulthood, where you need to write class work, answer questions and do homework. Children's mood depends on the approach of parents to their education. It is important for new parents to know that children need to be taught something in advance so that they do not get lost among school requirements. Probably everyone knows that before going to school, a child must know at least the alphabet. Some parents do not know how to start this business at all, so they often drag it out. But this is not particularly difficult, every child is able to learn the alphabet.

How to learn the alphabet?

Often, young parents teach their child the alphabet from the age of 3, there are even rare cases when a child surpasses his age in mental development and learns the alphabet much earlier. In this regard, all children are individual, and there is no need to draw hasty conclusions about the development of the child. Some kids get it faster, and some just aren't ready yet. But no matter what they say, the result can only be seen in practice.

There are special rules for children to learn the alphabet that are suitable for any age. The basic rule is that learning is an activity that brings pleasure to the child. The second rule is that the child should perceive everything with joy and fun. Well, the last, third, important rule is regularity, that is, the child must do this all the time.

Embedding joy and fun in the learning process is not easy at all, but not for every parent. On this basis, various problems arise in the education of children. It is important to understand that a preschool child will not take this as seriously as you think. At this age, children want to play and have more fun, and they don’t like dull gatherings at the ABC at all. Therefore, you must find ways that will interest him in learning as much as possible. How can this be achieved? And everything is very simple! Turn your home lessons into an interesting game that will cover various topics related to your kid's hobby. Here you can invent anything you like, because only you know your child best.

Learn the alphabet: the game "Cards"

The easiest and most effective way to teach your baby the alphabet is flashcards. The uniqueness of the method lies in the fact that letters with words are depicted on colorful cards, including drawings that young children love so much. Thanks to the drawing, the child's visual memory works, which is included along with the auditory memory. As a result, the overall relationship presents a good result. Such cards can be purchased at any children's or bookstore, they are everywhere. You can also make them yourself by adding drawings that are of particular interest to your child.

An instructive game can bring in the most favorite toys of the baby. Having laid out several toys in front of him, you give the task to substitute a card for each, in accordance with the name of the toy. In this game, you can make many varieties that will increase the interest of the child.

Learning the alphabet with ABCs

Today, the alphabet already has dozens, if not hundreds of variational equivalents, which have spread throughout all children's book departments. Now for each child you can choose the most appropriate alphabet. For example, if a kid is interested in music, then for him you need to buy a musical alphabet, in which all learning will be directed to a set of musical components. If the child is interested in other topics (for example, cars), then there are appropriate books for this. In general, the thematic assortment of books is constantly replenished, so the difficulties of choosing will bypass you.

Learning the alphabet doesn't have to be boring.. Parents should not be strict and serious, it is important to play along with the child so that he feels comfortable and represents you as a friend, not a teacher. Balance lessons with rest, children quickly get tired of lessons. Never force him to do anything, for the hatred of the lessons will remain for life.

Auxiliary materials when learning the alphabet with a child

There are many ways to translate interest into home alphabet lessons. You should not stop only on classical methods, you need to diversify the process a little. You can compose various songs, poems, play skits. The main thing is to know that your baby will like it. Using foreign objects, you can invent any game. For example, find an object that is called by a certain letter, or carry out associations of objects with the shape of a letter (P - horizontal bar, D - house, etc.).

It does not matter which method of study or which game gives the best result in learning, the main thing is that the procedure is carried out regularly. If the lessons are not carried out sequentially, but chaotically, then the child can quickly lose interest in this or completely forget.

  1. Any education of young children should take place in the form of a game.
  2. Do not try to force too much information on children at once. For a very young age (up to 3 years), it is enough to devote no more than 10 minutes. Further lessons can be extended up to 15 minutes. Such a duration of classes is relevant, since children of this age quickly get tired and get bored with it. At the age of 5 years, you can already conduct classes for 25-30 minutes.
  3. Come up with a fun way to learn the alphabet. Use various items that can raise the baby's interest (letter blocks, cards, and other things). Try to get the child's attention as much as possible. Introduce variety by writing fun songs or rhymes. In some cases, you can make various incentives (only not material ones, since soon the learning process will turn into absurdity and the child will begin to constantly demand various things from you), for which children see an incentive.
  4. While walking along the street, try to draw children's attention to colorful signs with letters. Ask your child to read them and repeat after you.
  5. Create different types of textures, try to bring in the tactile perception of the baby. Playing in the sandbox, draw him some words, letters. At home, you can do applications that will resemble the studied material.
  6. For the correct study of the alphabet, you need to start with vowels. Sound letters are better perceived by children. Draw analogies to objects by studying one of the letters.
  7. The next step is to study consonants. Here, too, try to start with the sounds and not the official name of the letter (the use of the letter "K" is determined by the sound "K" and not the name "Ka", etc.)
  8. After the learned vowels and consonants, begin to compose syllables, and then letters. The last letters learned should be "b" and "b", they are considered separately.
  9. The alphabet can only be learned through regular repetition, which should also be played as a game.
  10. Learning should be done with positive emotions. This stage of learning can affect the further literacy of the child and his general attitude to learning. Teach children with creativity, intelligence and patience.

Bring your warmth and joy into this activity.

At present, children, when they enter school, already know letters well and have basic reading skills. If 20 years ago this was a rarity, now the preschool program in the kindergarten is structured in such a way that the first reading and writing skills should be obtained as early as 5 years old. At the same time, young parents often face a problem: how to build classes with children so that they can quickly learn the alphabet?

Basic learning rules

For parents who want to help their children, it is important to know the basic rules for building classes:

  1. It is impossible to force something to learn, learning is effective if it brings pleasure.
  2. Lessons with children should be regular. Only in this way can you gradually help the kids learn new information and fix it in their memory.
  3. Think carefully about the form in which you will present the alphabet. It should be easy and accessible.

Learning the alphabet with a child is not easy, it is important to understand your baby and be able to listen to his desires. It is good if the learning process is built on the hobbies of children. For example, if your kid loves to watch cartoons, then pick up educational material in this form with your favorite characters. Animated videos are easy to find on the Web and show them online. For lovers of fairy tales, come up with entertaining stories about letters.

  1. Remember that a lesson with a five-year-old child cannot exceed 30 minutes, while it should be interesting to him.
  2. Motivate your child with intangible objects. It is impossible to offer chocolate, new toys and money as an encouragement.
  3. Lessons should be varied. For example, if you used cubes, then next time take out flashcards or the alphabet.
  4. While reading books, pay your child's attention to capital letters and ask them to read them on their own. On a walk, it is advisable to read signs or pronounce the letter part of car numbers.
  5. Add tactile sensations. To do this, prepare an alphabet from colored paper and periodically add appliqué making to the lesson. Let the children touch the letters in the form of magnets. This will help you get a feel for their shape.
  6. First you need to learn all the vowels, and then the consonants.

Pay attention to your pronunciation, it is important that you pronounce each letter in the form of sounds correctly and clearly. Be sure to prepare the following materials:

  • magnetic board with the alphabet;
  • cubes with letters and images;
  • cards with large letters;
  • posters;
  • lotto;
  • primer
  • thematic coloring pages and copybooks;
  • books where words are written in syllables (to continue studying).

Additional visualization helps not only to attract attention, but is also needed to quickly assimilate new information.

We use cards

In every bookstore you can buy cards with letters and pictures. They are one of the most affordable ways to learn individual letters. Divide the cards into several groups. Start learning with three letters, and when the child remembers them well, add the following. Pay attention to the abilities of your baby, if the alphabet is easy for him, then it’s a good idea to study 6 letters with him at once.

It is advisable to make cards yourself if you have a printer. Make collages on A4 sheet with a large bright letter and images that match it. In this case, you can choose pictures that will definitely interest your child.

After the lesson, do not remove the cards, but place them in the children's room. To do this, you can use a magnetic board, and if you don’t have one, then attach the images to the curtain with clothespins.

How to choose the right alphabet

No one knows a child better than his parents, so it is worth buying educational books on your own. Go to your nearest bookstore and check out the range. Now they are releasing a wide variety of book options for children, helping them quickly learn the alphabet.

  1. If your kid is prone to music, then get a voiced manual. Be sure to check the book before buying. It is important that its sound is clear and not distorted. If your task is to learn the English alphabet, then buy a book with a theme song.
  2. For boys who are fans of cars, primers with thematic pictures are now being released. In this case, the hobby will provide an increased interest in learning.
  3. For memorization, it’s good to buy the alphabet in verse. It is best to choose time-tested authors, for example, good thematic poems by Boris Zakhoder and Samuil Marshak.
  4. For children who love to draw, coloring is the best choice. After the kid remembers the next letter quite well, invite him to paint it in a bright color. Until this time, color with the child auxiliary pictures.

Every year, publishing houses release new books that are aimed at children with different tastes and hobbies, so choosing a good alphabet that suits your baby is not difficult.

Probably, there are no such parents who would not have a desire to learn the alphabet with their child. Another question is that some of them begin to work with children, while others still leave it to specialists - the school or the so popular developmental training classes.

So, when to start, and what to do if you still decide to teach your baby the alphabet on your own?

When is the best time to start teaching children letters and reading?

Teachers and psychologists have developed the opinion that readiness to learn to read is developed at about 5 years of age. Just before entering grade 1, children usually begin to learn to read.

But you can learn letters much earlier. Already at 3-4 years old, children show interest in letters and learning activities. This is the perfect time to start learning the alphabet.

At the same time, from 5-6 years old, you can just start learning to read. Letters are learned firmly, firmly, in all possible ways. Just by this time, the necessary development of the brain and abilities for more serious learning arrived in time.

It is important not to overload the child. At an early age, information should be given in a dosed and necessarily in a playful way.

Is it worth it to teach kids the alphabet until the age of three?

Glen Doman Method

In principle, there are methods for teaching children from an early age. For example, the system of Glen Doman. It proposes to start exercising even before the baby is one year old.

The system implies automatic memorization by the child of the entire written word. Parents should simply show word cards at regular intervals.

Zaitsev Cubes

The technique using Zaitsev's cubes has become even more popular. It is based on memorizing the so-called warehouses - one consonant sound combined with a vowel or a soft, hard sign.

The cubes have a different color and even sound, respectively, the child uses different centers of perception at the same time. Studying with such cubes, children learn to read quite quickly.

Yes or no?

Is this early learning justified? This is for the parents to decide. Weigh all the pros and cons. And do not forget that without regular application, knowledge will be forgotten. In addition, at school, teaching will follow a different system and the child may get confused.

Traditional learning suggests starting with the sequential study of letters, which will then form syllables. This is how children are taught in our schools.

Learning letters at 3 years old: a game and only a game

To teach a child letters at an early age is possible only through the game. The child is not yet capable and simply does not want to learn “like at school”. For this, it is still too small.

Learning sounds and letters

Preschoolers recommend teaching these young children only sounds. While the baby is still difficult to separate the concepts of sound and letter. Show him the letter “M” and tell him that this letter “says” “mmm”. The kid has already learned how the cat and the dog speak, and he is quite ready to cope with other sounds by analogy.

Bright cards with drawn letters and pictures can be shown every day. Just don't need too much information. A great journey begins with the first steps.

After learning a few letters, you can move on to the next.

We use non-standard approaches

To keep your child interested, try to come up with different approaches.

Song about letters

For example, letters can be sung. Learn a song about the alphabet with your child.

Game "Associations"

Think together what each letter looks like. Draw a letter on a piece of paper and turn it into something. For example, the letter Zh will make an excellent beetle.

We play puzzles

Cards with letters can be cut into two or more parts and have the child put it all back together. Puzzles can be only with letters, or they can be with beeches and pictures.

"Do it yourself"

It is still too early to write letters in copybooks, but they can be made out of them. From improvised material. Lay out of ropes, matches, blind. We kill two birds with one stone: we learn letters and develop fine motor skills.

Working with older children: ABC at 4-5 years old

From the age of 4-5, you can expand and complicate your classes. At this age, children can write letters themselves, watch educational cartoons about letters and engage in various manuals. But all the same, the main way of cognition remains the game.

Magnetic alphabet

Not a single child leaves her unattended. Children love to attach magnets to any surface, so they can have fun and play. Name the letters by pasting them from one side of the refrigerator to the other.

So the child will know what has already been mastered and what has not yet been mastered. And you can pour the letters into an opaque bag and guess them by touch. Again, fine motor skills develop.

Computer for good

To be frank, at this age, children already have access to a computer. So let at least with benefit - give the child the opportunity to print letters. The largest font in the Word - and go. The ten-finger typing method will be mastered before you.

Cubes with letters

You can also teach your child the alphabet with the help of cubes with letters. This is the first step in building syllables and learning to read. Offer to build a tower only from known letters. And next to it is the second - from those letters that have not yet been learned. Which one is higher?

We lay out letters from objects and write on the snow

A little more about fine motor skills - you can write with your finger on cereal scattered on a tray, you can lay them out of beads or beans, you can draw with a stick in the snow. A lot of things are possible.

We play hide and seek

We choose some letter, for example T. And now we need to find in the house - where could this letter hide? Who will find more? In Slippers, Bedside table, Phone, potatoes (but in the middle of a word it is more difficult for children to search) ...

Learning the alphabet at 6 years old

At 6 years old, learning letters is much easier. For this age, there are a lot of benefits and ABCs in order to deal with children. The main principles here are the regularity of classes and the creation of a positive attitude.

Do not scold the child if something is not going well. Just offer to play a game - and the mood will rise, and memorization will happen faster.

edible letters

It turns out that letters can also be eaten. It's a lot of fun and doesn't feel like a lesson at all. Everyone knows about vermicelli letters, but it is too small for children. And you can bake pancakes in the form of letters. Or cookies.

Or you can bake with your child - let him “order” the letter and say which one it is suitable for. M - for mother, B - for grandmother, O - for Olya's sister.

Learning letters and playing with dolls

Children often ask to play with them. Here's your reason! Dolls have a holiday. What gifts to bring them? Doll Katya - Blouse and Sweets, and doll Tanya - Shoes and Cake. And you can take cars to garages with the appropriate letters.

family meal

And again about food. Have a family lunch or dinner. Let the child help set the table. How to decorate dishes for everyone? Lay out the first letters of their name with food. Or maybe put cards with letters next to each plate?

At home, you can find a lot of ways to learn the alphabet without resorting to the necessary memorization. If parents have some free time and desire, he can create real miracles.

Which way you choose to study is up to you. Most importantly, do not forget to praise your child for every achievement. It is very important for children that their parents appreciate their success. And then very quickly a new question will arise in front of you: how to teach a child to read?