What to do on the day of the baptism of the Lord. Signs for Baptism: what can and cannot be done

Epiphany is one of the main holidays of Christians, completing the Christmas festivities (Christmas). It was on January 19 that John the Baptist called to cleanse the souls of people from sins and diseases in the waters of the Jordan. At the same time, the baptism of Jesus took place, in whose honor this holiday was approved.

Epiphany Christmas Eve begins on January 18, which is a strict fast before a big holiday, the name of which is the Epiphany of the Lord. This day is marked by the illumination of water in the churches, which the Orthodox keep at home all year round, giving it in case of illness, sprinkling clothes and their home, and also perform the ritual of bathing in the hole. It is believed that holy water heals the body and soul.

Traditions and signs for Baptism

There are special signs and traditions for every holiday of religion. Baptism is also different. From them you can determine what the coming year is preparing.

Interesting! It is believed that the signs of this holiday are the most fateful and true, which is why they are so closely paid attention, especially by the older generation.

Epiphany signs:

· Clear and cold weather promises a poor harvest due to a dry summer.

If the weather is snowy and cloudy, then the year promises to be fruitful.

· Blizzard and snow in Epiphany promises a rich harvest year.

· Dogs bark - this year the hunters will be lucky, as there will be a lot of game.

If a bird knocks on the window, then you need to pray for the dead relatives, as they ask for help from the living and deeds that are pleasing to God.

These are old Russian signs, but there are also more modern signs of the feast of Epiphany:

Meeting on the street with a person carrying a bouquet of flowers - fortunately.

To meet a man in red means to fall in love.

· Meeting with a man in black clothes, so you should not indulge in novels this year, as only deceitful people will come across.

A broken plate - for the wedding (of one's own or loved ones), and dropping it, but not breaking it - to new perspectives.

Burn yourself on this day - to move. If the burn fell on the upper body - to move of one's own free will, and if on the lower - move under duress.

· Acquaintance with new people during the Epiphany holidays promises to be good friends all your life. The Lord blesses the relationships created on such a day.

· If you were lucky enough to get into a blizzard at Epiphany, then there will be money and prosperity all year.

An interesting sign for girls. If a girl had to wash all the dishes after a festive feast, then this year she will be married. The groom is already on the doorstep.

Epiphany traditions:

· Since ancient times, at the Epiphany of the Lord, housewives baked cookies for breakfast in the form of crosses for each household. If the cross turned out to be lush and fried, then a successful year awaited the person, if the pastries were a little burnt, then the year would be unfavorable. An uneven cracked cross meant serious problems for the family member to whom it was intended. Burnt pastries were not given to anyone, but simply given to the birds.

· On the day of the Epiphany, priests bless the water in the rivers, lowering the cross into it. By dipping into holy water three times, the Orthodox are cleansed of diseases and sins. But it is advisable to plunge not in a bathing suit, but in a shirt, and then, without washing, dry it and store it. During an illness, you need to dress it and the illness will recede.

· On January 19, the Great Blessing of Water takes place on Epiphany. People line up for holy water in temples, and then they keep it at home all year, considering it a cure for all ailments.

· The great celebration is traditionally accompanied by the release of doves into the wild as a sign of the ending Christmas holidays.

· Epiphany frosts have always been strong since ancient times. On Christmas Eve, it was customary to put kutya on oneself before dinner, and the owner of the family, looking out the window, called the frost to taste the treats. At
he always said: “If the frost does not come to my house, let it not go to the harvest either.”

· Interesting fact! Now this tradition is no longer observed, but earlier it was customary to put a bowl of water on the table. The ripples on the surface of the water meant that the sacrament of baptism had come to pass.

· Divination has long been a tradition. You can guess from January 6, before Christmas and until January 18. On January 19, fortune-telling is banned.

Cleansing the home with holy water.

After quarrels in each house, negative energy accumulates in the corners, which is capable, if you do not periodically clean the house, again and again provoke household members into conflicts.

To cleanse the house, it is necessary to constantly ventilate, releasing negative energy, do wet cleaning with the addition of salt to the water. It is believed that salt helps to "dissolve" the negative. This should be done at least once a week, but cleansing the house for Epiphany is of particular importance. On this day, such a ceremony is performed: with the help of holy water, with a right pinch, they sprinkle each corner with a cruciform movement, passing clockwise and starting from the front door with the words: “Sprinkling this sacred water into flight, let every impure and demonic action be turned into flight.” The ceremony ends at the door.

These traditions and signs have been revered by Orthodox people since the time of Ancient Russia. Much is allowed on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, but there are also prohibitions.

What is allowed to do at Baptism

1. It is possible and necessary to perform all religious rites on Baptism, such as attending a service in a church, drawing holy water, plunging into an ice hole 3 times and setting a festive table.

Important! Most often, the hole is made in the form of a crucifix, and you should enter the hole strictly from the west, and exit to the east side.

2. Keep fast before the holiday.

3. For the hostess of the house, draw crosses with chalk over windows and doors to protect housing from troubles.

4. Sprinkle housing with holy water from evil spirits.

6. On this holiday, you can baptize children and get married. Such events on this day promise great happiness.

What is forbidden to do at Epiphany on January 19

1. You can not quarrel, think about the bad and wish someone evil.

2. You can’t just quarrel on this holiday, but even more so, holding holy water in your hands. It is believed that from negative energy, it loses its strength.

3. You can not draw a lot of baptismal water.

Although it has a double power in Baptism, it must be treated as a spiritual medicine.

4. You can not be greedy when collecting sacred water. It is believed that greed brings trouble to a person.

5. Do not dilute holy water with water. Because of this, she loses her magical properties.

6. Divination on the feast of the Epiphany is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to hide all the items with which fortune-telling was carried out during the Christmas season. Guessing after the holiday is also prohibited.

7. You can't get drunk. You are allowed to drink a glass of wine, but you should not get drunk.

8. Starting from Christmas Eve and until the end of January 19, you can’t take anything out of the house and lend money, otherwise you can bring need to the family for the whole year.

9. Physical labor in Baptism is prohibited.

You can have fun, visit, relax. Physical labor is allowed only on Christmas Eve and only before lunch.

10. You can’t cry on Epiphany, otherwise tears will flow all year.

Fortune telling on the feast of Epiphany is prohibited, but various ceremonies are allowed. All of them are carried out using sacred water. It is believed that the rituals performed on Epiphany have special power.

The main rituals performed at the Baptism of the Lord:

1. Ritual for physical health and peace of mind.

It is best to perform the ritual on the night of January 18-19. It is necessary to take a full bath of hot water, add a little holy water, then lower your cross into it and lie down in the bath so that the water covers the body completely. You need to lie down like this for about 15 minutes and get out without wiping yourself.

2. Ritual for the fulfillment of desires.

On the evening of Epiphany Eve, you need to pour holy water into a bowl, then lower a silver-colored coin there and put the bowl under the moonlight. It is necessary to make a wish and whisper it 3 times over the bowl. In the morning, the water should be poured out, and the coin should be hidden in a secluded place and not told to anyone about it. The rite takes on double strength if Baptism coincided with the full moon.

3. Ritual to attract wealth.

On the night of January 18-19, you need to take holy water in the church, bring it home and go around all the rooms clockwise (without sprinkling) with the words: “Holy water came into the house and brought well-being. Losses will pass this house, and prosperity will arrive every day. Good luck will accompany me in everything, I will not know failure in anything!

Water must be left overnight in the most important place of the house, according to the hostess, and washed with it in the morning.

4. Ritual for marriage.

On the night before Epiphany, a girl who wants to get married should go to the crossroads and say the following words to all 4 sides:

“Soul of a man, my betrothed, Follow me and come to my home. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

5. Ritual of purification.

You need to bless the water in the temple and buy 3 candles there. It is not allowed to talk to anyone on the way home. At home, in the center of the table on a new white tablecloth (this is important!) You need to put the brought water. One candle should stand behind a vessel with water, the other two on the sides. Then you need to light all the candles one by one with the help of one match and look through the water at the fire of the candles, clasping the vessel with your hands, feeling how the flame warms and cleanses. After the words are spoken:

“How pure are the thoughts of Christ, so be my soul pure. As holy water is pure, so be my body pure. I wash myself, remove damage, cleanse my spirit and body. Amen."

Then the hands should be wetted in water, and the rest should be poured on the head, feeling a surge of divine energy and cleansing from all that is bad. During the next week, you can not give anything to anyone from your home and take from others yourself.

Epiphany is one of the main Christian holidays. It begins on the evening of January 18, when all Orthodox celebrate Epiphany Eve. The Epiphany of the Lord is a Christian holiday rich in traditions, customs and signs. This day marks the end of Christmas time, which takes place from 7 to 19 January. The main holiday ritual is swimming in the hole. Even despite the frosty weather, crowds of people who want to plunge into the holy water gather at Epiphany near the reservoirs. About this and other traditions of the holiday will tell

Baptism: the history of the biblical holiday

Baptism begins to be celebrated on January 18th. The evening of this day is called Epiphany Christmas Eve.

Read also:

The history of the holiday is rooted in the distant past, when Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. The Bible says that at the moment of baptism, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove and at the same time a voice from heaven proclaimed that Jesus is the Son of God. That is why Epiphany is also called the feast of the Epiphany.

Customs for Baptism

On the eve, as well as on the day of the feast of Epiphany, a custom has developed to baptize the catechumens, and the consecration of water was carried out on reservoirs and in churches. The water that was consecrated on this day is the greatest shrine that can heal the soul and body. They try to keep it throughout the year, consecrating things as needed, taking it as a medicine during illness, etc.

Our ancestors had a lot of customs that were necessarily followed by every family and in every home. For example, here is a custom associated with holy water: the hostess in the house had a special jug that was used only for baptismal water, snow was collected in it on the day of the holiday, and after it became water, they were taken to the cellar and used all year in case of illness.

Epiphany traditions

There are many baptismal traditions and rituals that have developed over many millennia. One of the most popular and well-known traditions is the preparation of festive kutya from rice or wheat with the addition of raisins, poppy seeds, honey, dried apricots and prunes. All family members sat down at a large festive table, which was attended by kutya, uzvar, dumplings, pancakes, muffins, fish dishes, porridge, and together they waited for the first star to appear in the sky. Only after that it was possible to break the fast, because before Baptism it is necessary to observe a strict fast.

Of course, the main tradition is water baptism. Water was consecrated in wells and springs, and if there was no such possibility, then in the walls of the temple. This ritual is still carried out today. The priest lowers the cross into a special hole. The hole is called "Jordan", and the water consecrated in it is "great agiasa", which means a great shrine. It is believed that this water is as miraculous and holy as the water of the Jordan, into which Jesus entered.

Bathing at Epiphany has also become a national tradition. Especially often at the ice holes you can meet people suffering from any diseases who believe in their healing with miraculous water. In addition, those who dressed up and changed during the celebration of the New Year should also take a dip in the holy waters to cleanse themselves from sin. In the courtyards of temples, you can see long lines of people who want to bless the water. However, those who did not manage to come to the service can draw water from any reservoir on Epiphany night. It is believed that in all sources at this time the water is gaining its healing power.
Signs for the Baptism of the Lord

Popular beliefs say that the signs noticed at Baptism on January 19 are the most faithful. For instance:

  • If the weather is clear and frosty on this day, then a drought should be expected in summer, and if it is snowy and cloudy, then a bountiful harvest.
  • If the Epiphany occurs before the full month, then a large flood may occur, and if the frequent barking of dogs is heard, to an abundance of game.
  • On Epiphany noon, people looked at the sky - if there were blue clouds on it, then they believed in a harvest year.

A lot of baptism signs are connected with the weather, because our ancestors were very dependent on the forces of nature. For example, there was such a sign: if there is a full moon on the day of Epiphany, then all of January one should expect the weather that was the next three days after the holiday. So, if the sky was clear and cloudless, then until the end of the month the weather should be frosty and clear. If it rains, it will be cloudy and rainy until the end of January.

Traditionally, on January 19, believers celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. On this day, according to the gospel story, John the Baptist performed an appropriate ritual with Jesus Christ on the day of his 30th birthday in the waters of the Jordan River. The main baptismal symbol - to illuminate the water on this day - has been known in Russia since childhood. Another popular knowledge is that you can’t work and guess at Baptism. However, this is far from the only thing that is customary to do on holidays. The correspondent found out what other rites are usually performed at Baptism.

Cook juicy

The Feast of Epiphany begins on the eve of the school day - January 18th. This is called Epiphany Christmas Eve - an evening-preparation, when sochevo was prepared in the homes of believers, that is, a wheat broth with honey and raisins. However, it was possible to touch it only after the removal of the first candle after the morning church Liturgy. For the same reason, it is allowed to baptize a child on January 19, but due to the fact that services are held in churches on this day, this is unlikely to succeed.

Draw symbols

On the night of Christmas Eve, parishioners who returned home from church service painted crosses over doors and windows. They did this either with chalk or candle soot.

illuminate the water

Perhaps the most famous baptismal tradition is the blessing of water. Church ministers sanctify water in rivers and lakes, in springs, in the courtyards of temples. To conduct the ceremony in the ice on each reservoir, a special hole is made - a jordan, into which the priest lowers the cross, saying a prayer.

Swim in the hole

Consecrated water in the people is known as healing. Swimming in the hole, assure the supporters of the traditions, is only for the benefit of the believer and does not harm the health of the body. It is believed that Epiphany water has healing powers, and therefore crowds of people gather in cities and villages near water bodies.

Carry with you

For those who for some reason could not come to the reservoir at Baptism, holy water is drawn into vessels. Buckets, bottles, jars - on this night, near the springs, you can see people with absolutely any container to use it throughout the year.

Get to the table

The believers tried to complete the bathing as soon as possible, because there was another ritual. After the meal, the dishes were mixed in a separate pot - three spoons from each dish on the baptismal table. It was supposed to be the one who was the last to return home from the reservoir on a holiday.

feed everyone

When dinner was over, the remains of kutya and broth from the festive table were given to chickens. In addition, the peasants always “fed up the frost”: they put kutya on the windowsill, and, looking into the distance, called to taste the treats. At the same time, it was imperative to say: “If the frost does not come to my house, let it not go to the harvest either.”

to decorate the house

Believers, as a rule, sprinkle the house with holy water. Spray on walls, corners, floors and ceilings. According to belief, in a consecrated house there will always be order and peace. And some people also use consecrated water as a medicine, lubricating bleeding wounds or adding it to ordinary drinking water.

Signs for Baptism

Among the people, baptismal signs were considered really reliable. Our ancestors interpreted the weather according to them, made forecasts for the harvest.

  • If it is cold and clear on Epiphany, expect a drought in the summer.
  • Snow in Epiphany - to a rich harvest.
  • If you hear the barking of dogs on Epiphany day, the year will bring a lot of game.
  • If there is a snowstorm outside, beekeepers are waiting for the addition of bees.
  • If the stars are bright at night, the harvests of peas and berries will be successful.

Today, January 18, is Epiphany Christmas Eve, and tomorrow all Orthodox believers celebrate one of the main and most ancient Christian holidays - the Baptism of the Lord. It is also called Theophany - in memory of the fact that it was during the baptism of Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River, which was performed by John the Baptist, that the divine essence of the Savior was revealed.

This day is best known among the people due to the great consecration of water. However, today, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, the same thing happens. Water is consecrated according to the same order both today and tomorrow, only few people know about it. Meanwhile, "today's" holy water is no different from "tomorrow's", behind which huge queues line up to all churches, rattling with many bottles and canisters. Orthodox citizens in such queues usually actively work with their elbows to carry home more Epiphany water.

Such popularity of baptismal water among people who associate themselves with Orthodoxy only at the level of “folk tradition” causes serious concern for many priests. They are especially worried about the popularly beloved tradition of dipping into the hole.

Why is it customary to plunge into the hole at Epiphany?

Who just does not dive into the hole on this day! And serious politicians, and popular artists, and just thrill-seekers. Here there is a place to unfold the legendary Russian prowess and dashing, to demonstrate to the whole world that "we, Russians, do not care about anything", to show national determination and recklessness. But it’s not clear what this has to do with the Baptism of Jesus Christ and Orthodoxy in general?

“Bathing is a Russian folk tradition, not a church one, but it has already been fully developed over many years,” says Alexander Kopirovsky, a professor at the St. Philaret Orthodox Institute (SFI), a specialist in church archeology, a member of the Association of Art Critics. – Where did she come from? It replaced the ancient church tradition, when on the day of Theophany, or the Baptism of the Lord, people were baptized (in fact, the water was consecrated for baptism on this day). So it was even before the baptism of Russia in Syria and other Christian countries. Baptized only on very big holidays - for example, on Easter, on the Trinity (the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit) and especially on Theophany, because on this day Christ was baptized.

This holiday reminds us how He once came along with all the people to the banks of the Jordan River and entered the water with them. (Of course, the Jordan is not a cold river, but we celebrate Epiphany in winter, and therefore in Russia it was customary to baptize in very cold water; the Old Believers still have this tradition). And baptism - that is, immersion in water, in order not only to purify oneself, but to part with the old life, as if to be born again, which is possible only once in a lifetime - was performed on Epiphany.

And then, unfortunately, it turned into such a “national sport”, a folk custom that has nothing to do with the church. On Epiphany, they began to make ice holes “yardani” (this is a distortion of the word “Jordan”), that is, every Russian river at that moment became a “Jordan”. And all and sundry jumped into this hole. Even in the Tsar's Winter Palace (in the present Hermitage) there is a main staircase, which is called the Jordanian. Why? Because on the day of the Epiphany, a procession to the Neva descended along it, they made this ice-hole-yardan and plunged into it - both ordinary people and aristocrats.

If you really want...

If there is a desire to join this folk tradition, is it necessary to somehow prepare for immersion? And how, in full accordance with the rules, to plunge into the hole?

“There are no special rules for bathing,” says SFI Professor Kopirovsky. If someone really wants to plunge into the hole - to health, let him do it as he wants and as much as he wants. But this is by no means a duty, it is by no means a church tradition. And although sometimes even priests bless this water, now this custom is slowly beginning to disappear, because people who are seriously seeking God pay more attention to the true meaning of the event of the Epiphany.

But doctors recommend weighing the risks well before deciding to swim in an ice font. Here's what he said to the correspondent of "MIR 24" doctor, cardioresuscitator Oleg Gorodetsky: “For an absolutely healthy body, such a shake-up is generally harmless. Yes, but where do you get an absolutely healthy organism, and does this organism know everything about its diseases? Meanwhile, almost all chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease, obstructive pulmonary disease, cold bronchial asthma, even minimal kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, as well as a tendency to heart rhythm disturbances, are contraindications for diving into the hole. In addition, background electrolyte imbalances can pose a danger, which just do not arise due to: due to alcohol taken the day before, improper diet, heavy physical exertion, large amounts of liquid drunk a few hours before diving.

... Against the background of an electrolyte imbalance, a heart rhythm disturbance can occur, and then anything, up to its stop, - says Gorodetsky, - Nevertheless, there are many not quite healthy, but very active people who dive into the hole, regardless of for what. Therefore, emergency doctors really do not like to be on duty at Epiphany.

According to international class rescuer Dmitry Korinny, despite the rather high risks, there are almost no emergency situations near the ice hole. Dmitry combines his work at the Ministry of Emergency Situations with teaching the Life Safety course at Moscow State University and the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, and annually takes part in Epiphany bathing. “In places of really mass bathing, divers are on duty, or at least patrols of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, plus doctors,” he told a MIR 24 correspondent. - Also around the hole there are always enough people who are already ready to dive, who do it regularly and skillfully come to the rescue. The risk is high only if the person is not sober, but they try not to let them into the hole. Another danger is to dive and be under the ice. But in places of mass Epiphany bathing, a chain-link mesh is frozen into the ice in advance to the very bottom in order to avoid such situations. Of course, you must follow the safety rules: you can not swim in unequipped places and alone. After bathing, you immediately need to dry off and warm up, but not with alcohol.

Living water from a fairy tale?

Sociologists have found that in modern society there is a widespread point of view that baptismal water is needed for health, as a means of getting rid of sins, as well as "from the evil eye." Such a purely pagan interpretation is held not only by people who are little versed in Orthodoxy, but also by almost half of the parishioners of churches. Here is what Vladimir Yakuntsev, a senior lecturer at SFI, an employee of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Mission and Catechization at SFI, told a MIR 24 correspondent: “Yes, it is true. This problem is related to the lack of education, both in secular society and in religious circles. Therefore, superstitions flourish in the minds of people. One of these superstitions is that Epiphany water is “living water”, as if from a fairy tale, which acts on its own, magically: it banishes the evil eye and corruption, and cleanses sins.

According to Vladimir Yakuntsev, the prayer for the blessing of water really says: what the Lord did for our salvation has a certain cosmic scale, that it radically changed our whole world. And the opportunities that appeared for all people after the coming of Christ were closed to the people of the Old Testament. “But this does not mean at all that there are church grounds for believing in some kind of magic,” the scientist says. —Because all God's gifts can be received only through the effort of the heart, through the change of life. Then we can assimilate the gift of forgiveness of sins, which is given to us from the Lord - and only in this case, the baptismal water also comes in handy. If there is no repentance, a change of heart, a change in the path of life, a renunciation of sinful deeds, baptismal water will not have any effect.

“This pagan interpretation, of course, must be fought,” Vladimir Yakuntsev believes. - Paganism contains false hopes, leading to false expectations and disappointments, to loss of time and energy, to great heartache and to the fact that a person’s perception of the true hope for forgiveness, which is given to us only in Christ, is reduced. Therefore, superstition is not something that can be looked at with indifference, but something that must be fought, first of all, by educating the people.”

Why do we need baptismal water

About what is the true meaning of the consecration of water, tells Professor SFI Alexander Kopirovsky: “In order to answer this question, you need to understand what water is and what sanctification is. Water in Christianity is a symbol of life and a symbol of purification, not so much external as internal. To sanctify does not mean to give water some new qualities, but to separate it from everyday use for God. “Holy” means “separated”, and not having a different chemical composition or some kind of “spiritual” charge that can mechanically cleanse a person. To sanctify means to give to God. Thus, the meaning of the consecration of water is that we call on God to make not this water itself, but thanks to this water - our life is clean, new, righteous and, in this sense, holy. For us, this is a reminder that holiness does not have to be the same as that of the great saints painted on icons. The life of an ordinary person should also be sanctified, and not just by the fulfillment of some external rules or rituals, but from the inside, in meaning, become pure and genuine. And the water that we take inside makes it possible to understand this better.”

“We need blessed water so that we can partake of holiness, that is, separation for God, on the bodily level,” says a professor at the St. Philaret Orthodox Institute. - We cannot live by memories, reflections or even one prayer. We need some kind of material "support". And water is here to help us, it is a very good symbol, because it is something without which we cannot live. Therefore, you can sprinkle a person with it, take it inside. But it is important to remember that this is not a magical rite, but a call to God to purify us, and we must help Him in this.”

What is possible and necessary, and what is forbidden to do on a holiday

According to Alexander Kopirovsky, first of all, this day can and should be celebrated, that is, to be idle, free from ordinary, ordinary, routine affairs and work. It is very desirable not to have anything evil and sinful in your soul, not to do something that can greatly offend, hurt, upset someone. On this day, noisy entertainment, screams are needed. “When celebrating the day of Theophany, we must, first of all, remember this event itself – the very baptism of Christ in the Jordan,” says the professor. - His descent into the water is a sign of the complete sharing of fate with the sinful people. After all, Christ himself did not need to be cleansed from sin, which symbolized the descent into the water, but did this, as if predicting his own death for the sins of the people, which he took upon himself. And although at that time it was not yet clear, Christ by this event showed that he was ready to die and would die for the people.

By the way, on the day of the Epiphany it is very good to go to the Tretyakov Gallery and look at the famous painting by Alexander Ivanov “The Appearance of Christ to the People”. After all, it depicts the moment when Christ, a day or two after His baptism, comes to the people to begin preaching. Everyone greets Him with surprise, they do not understand who it is, and John the Baptist, who baptized Him, points at Him with his hand and says: “Here is He, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” So this event, of course, requires reflection.

The most important thing on this day is to come to the temple, but not only for holy water (which is actually consecrated in our churches almost every day), but just to pray together with everyone and thus take one more step towards God and, which is very important , to each other. It is important to remember, for the sake of which Christ came to earth - so that the whole people would change, so that all people would be cleansed and the relationship between them would become new. And therefore, it is best to share this day with those who celebrate it with prayer.

What exactly should not be done on this day is guessing. I am afraid that everyone who is going to guess on this day will be very disappointed, he may hear and see something completely different from what he expects. And according to church teaching, any fortune-telling, and on this day, perhaps especially, is a sin that must be avoided.

Baptism is the end of the New Year and Christmas festivities, but this is not the importance of the holiday. Theophany during the period of Christianity has acquired great importance for people living or striving to live a full spiritual life, and has become a sacred symbol of purification for the majority.

Not without the fact that a lot of folk signs and beliefs were added to the church holiday, which, by the way, tend to come true. There was no magic involved either.

Epiphany turned out to be a holiday with a somewhat liberal bias, allowing divination, the use of conspiracies and the analysis of signs. But here’s what you can’t do at Epiphany, January 19, is to swear and hide anger. Actually, such actions are punishable on any day, but especially on Epiphany.

Guessing - only on Christmas Eve

Marriage, health and well-being of loved ones is a familiar set of questions, the solution of which has remained relevant for centuries, and you want to know the answer in advance, and that it must be positive.

You can find out your fate, but not on Epiphany itself, but on the evening before, until 00:00 inclusive. Further - taboo. At midnight, new, festive days start, and those who did not have time to find out their future are late. Fortune-telling will have to be postponed for a whole year. In the old days, the girls did just that, they were God-fearing and well aware of what should not be done at Epiphany, January 19th.

conspiracy conspiracy

Conspiracies can also be attributed to the category of divination. Active actions on the part of a person to correct their fate were also taken before midnight. But some rituals (for money, for example) were allowed to be performed before dawn, in parallel with the collection of baptismal water.

Analyzing (January 19) - what can be done and what cannot be done - we come to the conclusion that it is possible to wish yourself and those around you wealth, health, marriage (marriage) and direct all spiritual, magical and prayer forces to this. You can’t think badly - the boomerang effect on holidays is more pronounced and acts faster.

List of baptismal signs

The main signs for Baptism, January 19 (what can and cannot be done), one hundred and fifty years ago, were a program of action that was adopted by everyone - from young to old.

Now they are not widely believed in and are perceived rather as entertainment, but more and more often they notice that forecasts based on the fluffiness of the snowfall, the clarity of the stars, the side of the wind, are not devoid of logic.

Two days after the Epiphany, they do not wash at home and two weeks - in the hole.

But dipping into the hole is welcome. It is especially useful for those who dared to tell fortunes the day before - water will wash away this sin.

You can sprinkle the house with holy water.

Before Epiphany, the hostess is allowed to personally draw small crosses over the windows and the front door - this will save the house from trouble.

If a bird knocks on the window at Baptism, pray for the dead relatives, it is their souls that ask the living for help and charitable deeds.

Why can't you feed chickens?

One of the strange, at first glance, Epiphany prohibitions is on feeding chickens on this day. It would seem that such cruelty to living beings is unacceptable. But zealous villagers, who count not only every laying hen, but also every sprout in the garden in the summer, take the ban with all seriousness.

They have well-fed chickens - at number one on the list "What not to do on Epiphany, January 19." What does the poor bird, forced to suffer on a bright holiday, have to do with it? It is not known where such a sign came from, but they say that if it is on Epiphany that the chickens are not fed, in the summer they will not rake the beds and spoil the seedlings.

Physical labor is prohibited

On the big day, all types of physical labor are prohibited. This is probably the most enjoyable. What can not be done on Epiphany, January 19? That's right, work! The time freed from everyday tedious work can be spent pleasantly and profitably - attend a service in the temple, go on a visit, have fun with friends.

Of course, meeting nice people with us means "fifty and more." You can warm your soul a little with alcohol even at Epiphany. What you can’t do on a holy day is to get too carried away and “sort out”. Firstly, the holiness of the holiday does not save you from a hangover and a headache. Secondly, looking like a famous pet is simply indecent. It is better to get tipsy from a beautiful day, a bright holiday, revel in faith in a wonderful future predicted on Christmas Eve, and enjoy life just like that.