Definition of the concepts "object of science" and "subject of science". General characteristics of the process of forming ideas about the "object of science" and "subject of science"

A competent approach to the designation of key aspects of scientific work largely determines its success. Having started writing a scientific work, the researcher often finds it difficult to correctly determine the object of study.

Despite the fact that the definition of concepts can be easily found in the dictionary, it is quite common for authors of scientific papers to find it difficult to independently identify the object of study.

The concept of an object is broader, so it is usually easier to define it in your research than an object. The object has many properties and aspects to explore.

The object of the study is- a phenomenon or an object that exists in the material world regardless of the consciousness of a person, and to which his knowledge or activity is directed. Simply put, an object is that part of all scientific knowledge with which the researcher works.

In scientific work, the object is closely related to the research topic, but does not repeat it.

Subject of study

A clear distinction between the concepts of "object" and "subject" in scientific work, their correct formulation are the criteria for the competence of the researcher and the literacy of his scientific work.

Subject of study- this is a separate property of an object, a question or a problem that is within its framework. Any scientific work cannot cover the entire object for study. Therefore, it is necessary to single out a specific side to which the researcher's activity will be directed.

When highlighting the subject of study, one should answer the question: “What exactly is being studied?”. The subject can be processes, phenomena, relationships, problems, patterns, dependencies, etc. In other words, the object is refined or concretized.

Examples of defining the object and subject of research

For a more complete understanding of the categories under consideration, it is worth considering examples of defining the object and subject of research.

In order to correctly determine the object and subject of research, it is necessary to identify the area within which the research takes place. Next, consider the aspect of this area that the researcher plans to study, based on the purpose of the work. This will be the subject of study.

Example 1 The discipline "Microeconomics" is the object of study of the economic activity of people. The subject of study may be the economic behavior of people, their economic relationships, etc.

Example 2 Discipline "Microbiology". The object of study of microbiology are various microorganisms. The subject of study can be the growth, development and reproduction of these microorganisms, their distribution, etc.

Example 3 Discipline "Microsociology". The object of study of microsociology is the family, and the subject is family behavior. The object of study of informatics is information systems, and the subject can be such aspects as software, hardware, etc.

Difference between object and subject of study

For example, consider several options for defining the object and subject of research in various sciences.

The subject of research is closely related to the topic of scientific work and, often, repeats it exactly. The object is not so related to the topic of research, since it is a fairly wide area that can be explored from various angles.

Should be remembered that as a more multifaceted phenomenon, the object is primary. The subject as a part of the system, as a particular aspect of the general phenomenon is secondary. The formulation of the subject is more detailed and extended, while the description of the object can be done with two or three words.

Object and subject of research - what's the difference? updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

When starting any scientific activity, the first thing to do is to determine the subject and object of research. These concepts are closely related, since they directly combine the activity and the conditions that are created for it or accompany it. Usually the object of study is small or large social units, and precisely the relations between the participants in the study process. Thus, the object of research is a unity of the objective and the subjective.

The importance of determining the object of study

Not a single scientific work has the right to claim the title of thorough and complete, if it has not been started, having decided to identify the object and subject of research. This moment in the research process should be given special importance. After all, singling out of all the available tasks the only true, necessary and relevant for work is the first step towards doing responsible, well-founded scientific work.

Characteristics and structure

All objects undergoing the research process have certain characteristics, such as: location, demographic and social composition, number, subdivisions, depending on various factors (skin color, nationality, gender).

Each object of study is a unit different from similar ones, which has a certain individual character of interaction with other social groups and single objects, the environment and its individual factors. An important feature is the territorial characteristics, which are determined in advance before the start of the scientific process.

It is equally important before the start of scientific work to determine the duration, duration of scientific work, the purpose of the study, the object of study and the subject.

Inadmissibility of mixing the object and subject of research

The object of study is the factor, the selection of which is of great importance. First of all, it is necessary to be able to correctly distinguish an object from it, because it is just an integral part of the first. It is necessary to responsibly treat the definition of the objective sphere that arouses the researcher's interest, as well as isolate the area in relation to which the scientist plans to obtain new information. Confusion in understanding what the object and subject of research is can lead to the unreliability of global conclusions and the substitution of research results with assumptions about truths that have been established for a long time and cannot be disputed.

It would be incorrect to define the object of scientific research as a broad research area, and the subject as a narrow one. Also, researchers often make a big mistake, considering those who take part in the process as an object. This is not true. It is necessary to understand what is specifically studied and how the functions and aspects of the studied are revealed.

Typical mistakes in determining the object of study. Examples from the field of pedagogical research

The object of social scientific research in the field of pedagogy is most often educational educational activity, the relationship between the participants in the process (the team and the individual, self-education and training, self-education and upbringing), the management or organization of educational and cognitive activities of adolescents, the institution or the processes taking place in it.

The subject of the study, in contrast to the object, can determine the goals of upbringing and education, forecasting, forms, content and methods of conducting and organizing the pedagogical process as a whole. It also includes a description of the activities of students and their teachers, ways to improve the processes of education and upbringing, the nature and properties of the requirements and influences of teachers in relation to their pupils.

The study of the object of study during pedagogical research occurs by analyzing various types of conflicts and situations, relations between pupils and their interaction in a team (a team and an individual, a student and his parents, a student and a teacher, a family and a school, a school and its leadership, the public and students ). The important elements of the subject of research are considered to be the process of self-learning (of a child and a teacher), self-knowledge, self-education, receptivity to advice and third-party influence, education of life experience and its influence on actions and behavior.

It is advisable at the start of the research process to choose one specific aspect for study, and it will be the main subject of research. The remaining objects and methods will be only auxiliary.

Subject of study as a natural inseparable part of the object

The subject of the study is the various aspects (relationships and properties) of the object that connect it with the actual problem under study or a specific situation. It is on them that the main task of a scientist conducting this or that sociological research is usually focused. Usually, the essence of the concept of the subject of research includes only the elements, relations and connections of the object that are subject to research in this particular scientific work. To determine the subject of research means to establish the boundaries of the search, to assume the most significant connections and problems in the field of the task, to allow the time frame for the possible isolation of each and the collection of all elements of the study into a single whole, into a system. It is in the subject of research that all areas and directions chosen for study, the most important goals and objectives, as well as the possibilities of their proposed solution, which would involve appropriate means and methods, are usually expressed.

Research methods

In science, the object of study is the main field of activity of the research process. But in each individual scientific direction, a number of objects for research can be distinguished, each of which is an independent separate area, and together they are a logically connected being and purpose of the research scientific process in a particular scientific direction.

Usually, choosing such objects and methods of research, they decide to study something unknown, previously unexplored, or a part of some aspect that was not previously studied by science. Prior to the fact of selection, all previously unknown phenomena in a certain field of knowledge are singled out. This method is used as a scientific method, provided that the separation of the individual from the general is possible a priori.

Significance of logical conclusions

The division described above, made according to the chosen areas of several sciences at once or one specific scientific discipline, is made using logical reasoning and is applied to the scope of the laws on the basis of which a certain scientific discipline or a number of scientific disciplines exist and function. This is found out empirically and greatly facilitates the process of studying, helping to cope with the difficulties that arise during the study.

Method of observation and formation of hypotheses

Of paramount importance in isolating the object of study is the process of observation, provided that it is possible. The next most important way to study an object is most often called an experiment. To make a connection between observed, previously known and newly found data, the creation of special rules, scientific logic and the presence of already known data helps. Based on the conclusions made after that, scientists make assumptions or hypotheses, which, in turn, in their essence, represent a predictive method of research.

Often, in the process of scientific research, in addition to the above methods, deductives are also used. It is retrospective and is most popular in the exact sciences, such as mathematics, forensics.

World scientific activity has come a long way since its inception, but the scientific method is still considered the surest way to build a correct scientific theory.

From the point of view of philosophy, the object of study is ...

Philosophy allows you to analyze the object and subject of research, from the point of view of the general and the individual. As you know, any process, thing or phenomenon has a number of properties, characteristics and features that are unique to them. Let's take trees as an example. Birch, poplar, oak and pine have their own special qualities. This is what is private or unique. Just as every particular is a representative of something in common, so the elements listed above have such common characteristics that allow them to be called nothing more than "trees".

It turns out that everything that exists in the universe, except for individual characteristics, has characteristics inherent in other processes, objects or phenomena. And this contributes to the allocation of certain groups and the general qualities of their components.

Functional aspect of the study

Consideration of the features of the implementation of objects during cognitive activity will help to supplement what was comprehended in the process of research. In this case, the subject and the object contribute to the solution of different problems. The object is engaged in fixing the very fact of the presence of a process or phenomenon that is to be studied. It denotes the laws of development, properties and interrelations of the functioning of what is being studied. The subject, on the other hand, clarifies the framework that limits the area of ​​cognition of the object. It aims to reflect the essential aspects, considered from different points of view. A multifaceted, detailed reflection of all objective aspects of knowledge contributes to the formation of the depth of the content of scientific research. The subject captures all the laws, properties and connections that are present in scientific knowledge and formed earlier as logical formations.

Examples of the object and subject of research in sociology

The program of each sociological research, as an obligatory component, contains objects of social research. Usually they represent a certain structure consisting of a number of ordered interconnected elements. For example, society is the object of study of many sciences: history, philosophy, political science and psychology, that is, it is studied from various angles and concretized with the help of the subject of study, where the subject is connections, properties, relations that are social in nature. So, provided that the purpose of the study is to identify the reasons for the low academic performance of schoolchildren, the definition of the object of study will be as follows: this is a social group, part of society, consisting of school-age children.

And the subject of scientific activity in this case will be the causes, relationships and nature of the relationship of schoolchildren with each other and the outside world.

In the course of the exposition, the concepts "object of science" and "subject of science" 13 have already been repeatedly used, but their content has not been disclosed. For further presentation, this must be done.

First of all, it should be noted that quite often the concepts of "object of science" and "subject of science" are not separated. In this case, as a rule, the subject of science is understood as a part of reality that is studied (explored) by this or that science. It cannot be said that such an approach is absolutely wrong, but it should not be considered as sufficiently scientific and meaningful. For example, if, within the framework of this approach, we try to determine what is the subject of the theory of state and law (hereinafter - TDP), then the answer will be: the subject of TDP is the state and law. To a certain extent, this answer is correct, but since the state and law are actually studied in one way or another by all social sciences and the humanities (and not only by them), such a definition of the subject of TDP does not give us anything.

Of course, in the name of each science, to a certain extent, there is usually an indication (rather, a hint) of what is its subject, but:

a) this connection (the connection between the name of a science and its subject) is not always obvious and directly correlated;

b) the name of a science is always historical in the sense that it is introduced at a certain stage in the formation (separation) of science in the system of the scientific field. Therefore, sometimes the name of a science may not be related in any way to the object (subject) of its research. As an example, let us cite the term "metaphysics", which is still sometimes called philosophy (its separate branch). The term itself can be translated as "what follows physics". Is it possible, based on such a name, to define the subject of metaphysics (in this case, the term "metaphysics" is used as a synonym for the concept of "philosophy")? Unlikely.

Even more inaccurate is the idea that the subject of science is "a certain range of regularities studied by any sphere of human activity" 15. Even if we assume that these regularities exist, then before they can be investigated, science must first establish them. At the same time, it is important to take into account the following: the process of establishing the mentioned patterns is the main body of scientific activity, both in terms of time and in terms of intellectual energy.

Therefore, since, as noted above, many sciences study the same phenomena, phenomena, etc. (It is indicated mainly for the socio-political and legal sciences), the question always arises of how to single out the subject of study of one science from the subject of study to another in the event that the range of phenomena (phenomena, etc.) that are studied by this science coincide or are close.

It is to solve the problem of a scientifically based and clear distinction between sciences in the context of partial or complete coincidence of phenomena that they study, an attempt was made to introduce into scientific circulation, along with the concept of "subject of science", also the concept of "object of science".

This approach has become quite widespread in legal sciences. Its content was quite successfully stated by M. Baitin: "Each science has its own object and subject of research, which are closely related, but do not coincide. The concept of an object is broader, it covers the phenomena of the outside world, which are subject to knowledge and practical influence of sub" objects, people.

The subject is a part, a side, one or another specific aspect of the object under study by a given science; this circle of the most essential questions which it studies.

If the object is, as a rule, common to a number of sciences, then the subject of one science cannot coincide with the subject of another. Any science has a subject that is characteristic only for it, which determines the independence, uniqueness and characteristics of a particular science, its difference from other systems of knowledge "16. If we add to the above, that in this case the subject of science is understood as" a range of questions that she studies "17, and in this way one can get a complete picture of this approach.

The idea of ​​using the concept of "object of science" in the context of defining the subject of a particular science began to be widely used in the legal literature in the mid-1970s. Among its supporters are V. Tennenbaum, A. Vasiliev, F. Fatkullin, A. Strelovs and others.

Moreover, some lawyers-scientists in their writings ignore the concept of "object of science", in particular such scientists as: it is worth absolutizing, as some scientists do, for example, A. Surilov.

Considering this, the approach is considered to have its "pluses", but certain "minuses" are also inherent in it. One can name such methodological (not to mention others) close to the use of the concept of "object of science" in determining the subject of a particular science, as: considering that the object (and, accordingly, the subject) of science are elements of objective reality, the question arises: what to do in the event that science investigates phenomena that are not (excuse the tautology) phenomena in their essence, it is impossible to unequivocally assert that what is being studied exists at all. For example, theology is the science of God and His providence. Can we say that God is an element of objective reality? Or, for example, the most common point of view about the subject of TDP is that TDP studies

general and special patterns of emergence, development and functioning of the state and law, but the answer to the question of the very existence of patterns as such is not obvious, as it might seem at first glance;

In many cases, especially at the stage of formation (formation, separation) of a particular science, it is very problematic, and sometimes inappropriate, to determine the difference between the object and the subject of science. Here it should be taken into account that the problem of defining the subject of a particular science becomes relevant at the final stage of its allocation within the scientific field - when its presence in the structure of knowledge causes a certain conflict, as a rule, with related sciences. Attempts to more or less clearly define one's subject indicate a fairly high level of development of a particular science and that it has already reached a certain level of maturity;

In some cases, the use of the concept of "object of science" in the context of the definition of the subject of science does not make it possible to distinguish between some sciences. This is especially evident in the legal sciences. For example, what is the difference between objects of economic and civil law?! Here, the correctness of M. Baitin's thesis already cited above that "each science has its own object and subject of study, which are closely related, but not the same," raises certain doubts.

Based on the foregoing, we note that in some cases it is acceptable to use the concepts of "object of science" and "subject of science" to distinguish sciences, since this allows us to achieve the expected effect. However, this is not always the case. In some cases, this approach is inappropriate, since it can be used to solve the problem. Therefore, it is hardly correct to absolutize such an approach (as A. Surilov does). In addition, it should be noted that in cases where it is not a matter of distinguishing between sciences, the use of the terms "object of science" and "subject of science" is hardly appropriate.

Considering the question of the subject of a particular science, it should be borne in mind that science as a whole and its branches study what they themselves define as their subject (object). This, in turn, is connected with the implementation of the corresponding logical and theoretical operations that make up the process of highlighting the subject (object) of the study. Moreover, we emphasize that "it is possible to single out, that is, to investigate only that which lends itself to theoretical analysis by historically given means of cognition." In other words, the subject (object) of science itself is a phenomenon due to the historical stage in the development of science, which is characterized quantitatively by the accumulated empirical material, and qualitatively - by the totality and degree of development of theoretical generalizations (theories, hypotheses, concepts, etc.) and the level of development of the methodology. And this, in turn, is immanent to the level of intellectual and cultural development of a particular community, in particular, civilization) at a particular stage of its existence. Nuclear physics, as an independent science, could hardly have appeared in medieval Europe or African pygmies now.

As already noted, the procedure for identifying a specific science in the system of scientific knowledge is by its nature subjective. At the same time, in this procedure, we encounter self-representation (self-determination) by the subject of cognition of the object (object), which he explores in the context of the information available to him (the subject of cognition), accumulated in society about this subject (object). From this point of view, in the implementation of the selection, first of all, the subject of knowledge proceeds from his ideas about:

The place and significance of a particular science in the system of established scientific coordinates-classifier in which formed the sectoral division of knowledge existing at the time of distribution;

The objectives of the study largely determine the angle of view on the subject (object) of the study. At the same time, in the process of isolating a certain

scientific knowledge, as a separate independent branch of science, we are dealing with extra definition (from Latin extra - external, definire - to determine), that is, an external assessment of the position of the subject of knowledge regarding the definition of the last subject of science, is given by the subjects to whom this position is addressed (scientific community, fellow scientists, students, etc.). At the same time, extradefinition, to a greater extent than presentation, depends on the existing stereotypes that circulate in the scientific community.

In the internally contradictory unity of the system-forming relations that develop between social subjects, on the one hand, in the course of extradefinition, and on the other hand, in the subject’s internal perception of the world around him as an object of study, finds its expression in self-presentation, and the cause of the conflict is laid. , which takes place in science in the process of emergence and formation of new separate scientific branches.

Despite the fact that self-representation and extra-definition have different origins, they are close in their subjective nature, that is, they are an expression of the representations of certain subjects of knowledge on the place and degree of isolation of which area of ​​research activity in the general (aggregate) system of knowledge.

Thus, the subject (object) of a single science is formed under the influence of both objective and subjective factors (where the objective is present in the awareness of the presence of an external subject of knowledge, and the subjective is present in the self-representation and extra-definition that occur in the scientific environment). At the same time, the introduction and / or existence of a specific science in the system of circulation of scientific knowledge, as a certain relatively independent and separate part of the scientific field, depends on whether or not the scientific community recognizes the fact of its existence, that is, depends on whether or not it receives the same presentation confirmation (approval) during extradefinition.

In addition, when studying the issue of delimitation of sciences in the context of the problem of their subject of study, it is important to take into account that:

It is hardly possible to draw a clear line between the various sciences, especially the socio-political and legal block. Therefore, the point of view of D. Kerimov is correct, who believes that "it is impossible to draw an absolute dividing line between the subjects of social sciences, since the social phenomena and processes themselves are organically interconnected, interact and interpenetrate in the process of their development." It is also worth recognizing that "this statement does not mean that the possibility of defining the subject of a particular science is excluded. The delimitation of the subject of one science from another should go not only along the line of dividing the objects of research, but also behind the aspects, levels and goals of research in cases of their coincidence objects";

In the course of the study of a particular phenomenon (event, fact, etc.) from a practical point of view, it does not matter to the object (subject) of which particular science within the framework of the structuring of the scientific field, it is customary to attribute it. In his research activity, the subject of knowledge should not pay attention to conditional boundaries in the single body of science. Moreover, the modern development of science requires a scientist (researcher, etc.) to go beyond existing stereotypes, to involve in his scientific construction an unlimited range of theories, hypotheses, categories, etc., regardless of which science, they arose, formed and spread. The subject of knowledge should look at the problem under study, as a rule, broadly, diversified and systematically. Perhaps understanding this, V. Vernadsky wrote back in 1938 that "the growth of scientific knowledge in the 20th century is rapidly destroying the boundaries between individual sciences. We [scientists -AM] are increasingly specializing not in sciences, but in problems. This allows, with on the one hand, to go as deep as possible into the phenomenon under study, and on the other hand, to expand its coverage from all points of view ";

The subject of any science is historical in nature, that is, directly related to the stage at which scientific knowledge as a whole and, in fact, its separate part, is located at a particular point in time. It is difficult to disagree with L. Spiridonov, who writes that “the very subject of science is historical. It changes as more and more new qualities and phenomena of state and legal reality are involved in the sphere of cognition and the exclusion from it of everything that turns out to be ghosts, mistakes. It is no coincidence that scientists define the subject as a selected part of the object of study: it is possible to single out, that is, to involve in research, only that which lends itself to theoretical analysis by historically given means of cognition ";

The need to distinguish between sciences is largely caused by the problem of transferring scientific knowledge (including the need to create an optimal and efficient education system). It should be especially emphasized that, whether we like it or not, the learning process requires a certain dogmatization of the provisions contained in individual sciences, including provisions relating to the delimitation of scientific disciplines among themselves. Considering all of the above, we will provide such

definition of the object and subject of a separate science:

Object of science - a part of the manifest world is allocated by the subject of knowledge, to which scientific knowledge is directed within the framework of a particular science;

The subject of science - a range of issues related to the object of science, investigated by a specific science, are directly and purposefully studied by it (science) with a clear definition of the tasks and point of view of such a study. In other words, the subject of science - the representation of the corresponding subjects of cognition about the part of the manifest world they have identified, is studied (should be studied) by this science directly and purposefully with a clear understanding of the goals and angle of view of such a study.

Assuming that the main direction of criticism of the above definitions is that the object and subject of science in the framework of such an understanding acquire a subjective character, it should be noted:

We understand and consciously give precisely such definitions of the object and subject of a separate science;

Whether we wish it or not, the subjective aspects of the object and subject of a particular science are actually (directly or indirectly) recognized by the majority of scientists;

Since scientific activity by its nature is a reflexive-cognitive activity of social subjects, there is nothing incredible and unexpected in the fact that this activity has a subjective coloring and is subjective in nature;

In the third millennium, perhaps, we should stop being afraid of the subjectivity of our knowledge and our idea of ​​truth, because more and more data testify to the meaning, role and place of not only the conscious, but also the subconscious (including collective), subjective factor in our idea of ​​the world, our influence on it, etc. It should be especially noted that understanding

the subjective nature of the definition of the subject of a separate science makes it possible to solve the problem of dividing the scientific field into separate branches while maintaining a clear understanding of the unity of scientific knowledge. And this, in turn, allows

To fully understand the historical nature of the subject of a particular science;

Solve a large number of theoretical and practical conflicts that arise between representatives of different sciences when distinguishing between separate sciences;

To substantiate and show the conditionality and auxiliary nature of the selection of individual sciences from the general array of scientific knowledge;

Solve the problem of absolutization of the division of science into branches;

More clearly define the nature, place and significance of the criteria by which science is classified into branches.

When writing a term paper, diploma or other scientific work, the student must write an introduction. When developing it, the author must describe in detail such mandatory elements of the structure as the relevance of the topic presented, goals and objectives, as well as the object, subject of research.

Many students, especially in the first and second year, have difficulty defining these concepts. Without them, it will not be possible to structure your knowledge, as well as write a quality work. They will allow you to understand what the object and examples and elements of any scientific work are.

General definition

There is a clear definition in dictionaries of what freshmen's scientific papers are, which proves that the dry lines presented in official reference books are not enough to clarify the understanding of these structural elements. However, we should start with definitions. This will allow you to combine your knowledge with specific examples and get to the bottom of things.

It is customary to call a phenomenon, a process that gives rise to the issues raised in a particular work. This is the part of scientific knowledge with which the author needs to work.

The subject in a scientific work is a specific component of the chosen object of study. This is a specific issue that is touched upon when considering the issues raised. This is a narrower meaning. Most often, when setting the topic of the work, the subject of study is involved in its formulation.

Category Interaction

How do private and general categories relate to each other object and subject Examples of these elements, taken from the works of students, speak of their structure. In the object, the researchers identify the part that will later become the subject of research. That is, this is the point of view from which the problems of the presented topic will be considered.

For example, if the subject of disclosure was project implementation, the subject could be the key points leading to the success of the represented enterprise.

It should be remembered that those categories that are an object in the disclosure of one topic may be the subject in the study of another issue. It all depends on the point of view and approach to the study of information.

An object

In the process of writing a topic, the author must clearly indicate the object, subject, purpose of the study. Examples allow you to understand what belongs to each category. An object usually refers to some part of the non-material or material world that surrounds us. This reality exists regardless of what we know about it.

The objects of study include social communities, physical bodies or certain processes. This is all that can explicitly or implicitly contain contradictions, giving rise to certain problems. The cognitive activity of the researcher is directed to this object.

When conducting scientific work, it is necessary to eventually obtain a certain result, to draw a conclusion. There can be quite a lot of component parts of an object. In order to concentrate forces in a single direction, it is necessary to clearly understand the boundaries that define this totality. The range of phenomena that an object includes must be clearly understood when carrying out its work.


Object, subject of research, examples which are found in various works, should be clear, specifically indicated. To add up the idea of ​​the object, a certain approach is chosen, an aspect within which the author will act.

In order to obtain certain new knowledge, it is necessary to single out a key moment in the field of activity in which the research takes place. The problem raised in a specifically designated topic should be transformed into a specific formulation of one of the sides of the object.

The subject of scientific work exists only in the mind of the author. It depends entirely on the knowledge of the researcher. It is possible to single out one or more sides of an object in a purely abstract way. Moreover, other processes that characterize the existence of an object can be taken into account or not taken into account.

figurative example

Students, even after reading the definitions, may have a question about whether how to define the object and subject of research. Examples, presented figuratively, can contribute to the understanding of the presented categories.

Let's say the researcher is a student. He studies, walks, lives in a hostel, eats every day in the dining room. This is a figurative model of his current life. Everything that happens to the student now is the object of research.

Over time, changes may occur in his life. Suppose a student moved to another city. There is also a university he attends, other accommodations and socializing. But, nevertheless, he leads the same life as before. The object of research has not changed, but only adapted to today's realities.

The subject in the presented example may be the student's movement in transport, his meals in a cafe or attending lectures. This is one part of his life.

Selecting Economic Topic Categories

To transfer the presented example to the plane of writing a scientific work, it is necessary to consider on a specific topic object and subject of research. Economic examples will be one of the best ways to acquire new knowledge.

For example, a student received the topic "The system of managing the state's foreign exchange resources." At the same time, the choice of object and subject does not have clearly defined boundaries. Therefore, each researcher has the right to choose when setting the presented categories. The teacher can advise from which side it is better to consider the presented topic, but the student must decide for himself from which point of view to explore the issue.

As an object of the presented topic, for example, relations of a financial nature in the state can serve. This is something massive. But setting the topic will still mark the boundaries of future research.

Any part of the found object can become the subject of research. For example, this may be the role of the Central Bank in the implementation of financial relations between entities.

A few more examples

It will be easy to choose for almost any topic object and subject of research. Law examples also quite informative. The topic could be "Family and Marriage". The object of research in this case may be the rights and obligations of members of family relations. The subject of the study is the rights and obligations of children.

If, for example, a computer science topic is given "Features and principles of e-mail", then the object will be e-mail, and the subject will be the basic principles of its functioning.


Leaders highlight the main mistakes that students make. Moreover, typical inconsistencies can be when the author determines object and subject of research. Examples Mistakes will help prevent them in your work.

When designating the object of study, according to the opinion of teachers from various educational and scientific institutions, some deviations are possible. Typical errors are the mismatch of the category with the topic, as well as too narrow boundaries. This does not allow for a complete study.

When determining the subject of research, the authors also make typical mistakes. Among the most common is the inconsistency with its chosen object. Sometimes the subject goes beyond its boundaries. It can also be a mistake to define too broad boundaries of the study. It takes an entire scientific team to fully cover such research.

Having studied the object and subject of research, examples the designations of which have been considered in detail, each author will be able to correctly determine these categories. This makes it possible to structure the knowledge of the student. When reading his work, it is much easier to understand what is at stake.


From the point of view of human perception, an object can be:

    tangible and (or) visible object (ball)

    something perceived by thinking (algorithm)

    something to which thought or action is directed (time).

From the point of view of the OO approach, an object is a specific identifiable object, unit or entity (real or abstract) that has a clearly defined functional purpose in a given subject area.

The object models a part of the surrounding reality and thus exists in time and space. An object can be defined as something that has well-defined boundaries. There are objects for which explicit conceptual boundaries are defined, but the objects themselves are intangible events or processes. For example, a chemical process in a factory can be treated as an object because it has a clear conceptual boundary, interacts with other objects through an ordered and time-distributed set of operations, and exhibits well-defined behavior.

An object has state, behavior, and identity; the structure and behavior of similar objects defines a common class for them; the terms "class instance" and "object" are used interchangeably.


The state of an object is characterized by a list (usually static) of all properties of the given object and the current (usually dynamic) values ​​of each of these properties.

All properties have some value. These values ​​can be simple quantitative characteristics, or they can refer to another object. The list of object properties is, as a rule, static, since these properties form the unchanging basis of the object, but in some cases the composition of the object's properties can change. The fact that every object has a state means that every object occupies a certain space (physically or in computer memory).


Objects do not exist in isolation, but are affected or act on other objects.

Behavior is how an object acts and reacts.

The behavior of an object is determined by the operations performed on it and its state, and some operations have a side effect: they change the state. The state of an object represents the summary result of its behavior.

An operation is a certain action of one object on another in order to cause an appropriate reaction. There are the following types of operations:

    A modifier is an operation that changes the state of an object;

    A selector is an operation that reads the state of an object but does not change the state;

    An iterator is an operation that allows organizing access to all parts of an object in a strictly defined sequence;

    Constructor - the operation of creating an object and / or its initialization;

    A destructor is an operation that frees the state of an object and/or destroys the object itself.

Objects can be active or passive. An active object is generally autonomous, that is, it can manifest its behavior without being influenced by other objects. A passive object, on the contrary, can change its state only under the influence of other objects.


Identity is a property of an object that distinguishes it from all other objects. The identity of two objects means that they are the same object. It only makes sense when comparing by reference. In OOP, identity implies the impossibility of sending a message to only one of two identical objects.

Most programming languages ​​use a name to distinguish between objects, thus confusing addressability and identity. Objects can be passed to a function by reference or by value.

Object lifetime

The lifetime of an object is the time from the moment the object is created (construction) to its destruction (destruction).

When an object is created, a constructor is called that initializes the object.

Destruction of objects can be done explicitly or implicitly. In Smalltalk and Java, when the last reference to an object is lost, it is collected by the garbage collector. In non-garbage-collected languages ​​like C++, objects created on the stack are implicitly destroyed when the block in which they were defined is exited, but objects created on the heap with the new operator continue to exist and take up space in memory: they must be explicitly destroy with the delete operator.

In some systems, objects may be long-lived; this means that their lifetime may exceed the lifetime of the programs that generated them.

Relationships between objects

The relationship of any two objects is based on the assumptions that one has about the other: about the operations that can be performed, and about the expected behavior.

A link is a physical or conceptual connection between objects. In other words, a link is a specific mapping through which a client requests a service from a server object, or through which one object finds its way to another. Only along a link can one entity send a message to another. Communication between objects and message passing is usually one-way and initialized by the client, but data is transferred in both directions.

When participating in a connection, an object can perform one of the following three functions:

    Impact. An object can affect other objects, but is never itself affected by other objects; in a sense, this corresponds to the concept of an active object.

    Execution. An object can only be affected by other objects, but it never acts as an influencing object.

    Mediation. Such an object can act both in an active and in a passive role; as a rule, a proxy object is created to perform operations on behalf of some active object or broker.

In object-oriented programming, aggregation refers to the technique of creating a new class from existing classes by inclusion, also called delegation. Aggregation is also often referred to as an "ownership relationship" in the sense that "a car has a body, wheels and an engine".

An object that is part of another object (an aggregate) has a relationship with its aggregate. Through this connection, the unit can send messages to it.

Aggregation is sometimes preferable because it allows you to hide parts of the whole. Sometimes, on the contrary, ties are preferable because they are weaker and less restrictive. When making a decision, you need to weigh everything.