What should be a good mother? What should a godmother do before and at christening. Duties of a godmother and gifts for a girl or boy What a mother should do

Being a godmother is a great honor, but also a great responsibility, because she has to become the spiritual mentor of her godson or goddaughter. If close people have given you such an honor, it means that they express special trust in you and hope that you will fulfill this role with dignity.

However, keep in mind that in addition to fulfilling the duties of a godmother during baptism, you will later have to instruct your godson in matters of the Christian faith, take him to communion, and set an example for him.

As for the preparation for baptism, this stage takes several days for the godmother. What does the godmother do during christening? What does she need to know about the rite of this sacrament? We will answer these and some other questions.

According to the church charter, the child's mother, a nun, an unbelieving and unbaptized woman cannot be a godmother. Not only the mother’s friend can act as a godmother, but also one of the relatives, for example, the baby’s grandmother or aunt. However, the adoptive mother cannot perform the duties of a godmother either during or after baptism.

How can a godmother prepare for a baptismal ceremony?

Preparation for baptism for the godmother begins a few days before this ceremony. She, like the godfather, needs to fast for three days, and then confess and take communion.

It is also imperative to talk with the priest, who will tell you in detail what the godmother needs to know about this sacrament and what she has to do during the rite of baptism.

As a rule, the duties of a godmother in preparation for baptism include knowing by heart some of the prayers that will need to be read during this ceremony: “Symbol of faith”, “Our Father”, “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”, “King of Heaven”, etc.

They express the essence of faith, help to be cleansed of sin and gain strength to overcome obstacles on the path of life. Although in some parishes the knowledge of these prayers is not required: during the ceremony, the godparents will only need to repeat some phrases after the priest.

The preparation of the godmother for the rite of baptism does not end there. She will need to purchase the things necessary for this ceremony, to know what actions will have to be performed during the ceremony. However, let's talk about everything in order.

What else does a godmother need to know about the rules for baptizing a child? Dress modestly for christening. You can not come to the temple in trousers, and the skirt must be below the knees. The head of women in an Orthodox church is necessarily covered with a scarf.

What should the godmother do during baptism? The rite consists of the rite of announcement (reading special prayers over the child), his renunciation of Satan and union with Christ, as well as the confession of the Orthodox faith. The corresponding words for the baby on his behalf are pronounced by the godparents, refusing the unclean spirit and promising to remain faithful to the Lord.

If a girl is baptized, then the godmother should hold her in her arms during the baptism ceremony, if the rite is a boy, then the godfather. Although this can be done by one of the godparents who is better acquainted with the baby and next to whom the child feels more comfortable.

However, in any case, the godmother should be well acquainted with the child in order to maintain emotional contact with the baby and be able to calm him down if he bursts into tears.

After that, as the child is baptized, immersed in water three times in the font and while reading prayers, the godmother must take him in her arms. To do this, you need a kryzhma - a white towel. According to the signs, drops from the face of the baby should not be wiped off so that his life is happy.

Then a cross is put on the child (if it is not purchased in the church, it will need to be consecrated in advance) and a baptismal outfit - a shirt to the toes for a boy and a dress for a girl. Also, the baby will need a cap or scarf.

Even during the preparation for baptism, the godmother is obliged to choose these things for the child. In the old days, women sewed them themselves, but today you can buy a baptismal outfit and kryzhma in a store or a church shop.

These things after the christening are not washed and are not used for their intended purpose. They are recommended to be kept throughout a person's life, as they serve as amulets, helping him to avoid various troubles and diseases.

What else needs to be done by a godmother when a child is baptized? After the initiation into the font, the godparents and the priest go around with the baby three times around it as a sign of spiritual joy from the union of a new member of Christ's church with the Savior for eternal life.

After the ceremony of chrismation, when parts of the child's body are smeared with chrism and prayers are read, the priest washes the chrism with a special sponge moistened with holy water.

Then the priest slightly trims the child's hair from four sides, which are folded onto a wax cake and lowered into the font, which symbolizes obedience to God and sacrifice in gratitude for the beginning of spiritual life.

(The godmother will need a small bag to store the baby's cut hair, which can also be stored with the towel and shirt.)

After that, the priest reads prayers for the child and his godparents, followed by churching. The father carries the baby around the temple. If it is a boy, then he is brought to the altar. At the end of the ceremony, the child is applied to one of the icons of the Savior and to the icon of the Mother of God, and then given to the parents.

In addition to the things necessary for the ceremony, the godmother can give the baby an icon with the image of his patron saint, a "measured icon", a children's Bible, a prayer book or items that do not have a church focus (clothes, shoes, toys, etc.), and also to assist his parents in organizing a festive feast on the occasion of christening.

We have already told what the godmother has to know and do during the rite of baptism of the child. But your mission does not end there. As already mentioned, you will need to take part in the life of the godson and beyond.

You will attend church with your child if the parents are unable to do so due to illness or absence. You will need to contribute to the spiritual growth of the godson, give him advice in difficult life situations. In a word, take care of him along with his parents, because now you are responsible for the new member of the Christian church before God.


Baptism is a fateful event for every child, parents. This is the acquisition of spiritual peace, integrity of the spirit, God's reliable protection of man. In addition, the baby has second parents who are always ready to provide help and assistance. The duties of a godmother are especially valuable in later life.


Before agreeing to baptize a child, a woman must accept the great responsibility placed on her shoulders. It is important to understand what it means to be a godfather, and not superficially follow the traditions of Orthodoxy. It is imperative to choose a suitable candidate with faith in the heart and full responsibility. This may be a relative or girlfriend, not necessarily married, but believing and exemplary. If she is not baptized, it is important to be baptized before the fateful day for the baby, be sure to take communion.

Responsibilities of a godmother

You should not conduct an interview and casting for the role of second parents. You just need to make a conclusion, what is the attitude of the applicants to God, the surrounding people and all living things. If the mother of the crumbs thinks that the godparents should only buy a cross and a kryzhma, and then participate in the sacrament of the church, and this is where participation in the fate of a new person ends, then she is very mistaken. Spiritual upbringing and development of the child - this is what the godmother should be able to do throughout her life. In this case, we are talking about the following duties of godparents:

  1. Always be close to the child, help in difficult situations.
  2. To teach prayers and just talk about God, his role in the life of every person, attend church together.
  3. Happy birthday every year, make gifts for Angel's Day.
  4. Communion regularly, involve the godson / goddaughter in the ceremony.

How many times can you be godfather

Every Orthodox person can participate in this church ceremony, and an unlimited number of times, if the baby's parents ask for it. A truthful and informed decision is only welcome. Another important question that worries before the sacrament, who can be godparents, according to church scripture? All believing relatives and friends can assume duties, for example, an older brother, sister, girlfriend, friend, grandfather, grandmother, even stepfather. Cannot be godparents:

  • unbelievers;
  • ministers of the church;
  • people of other faiths;
  • unbaptized;
  • mentally unbalanced people;
  • biological parents.

Baptism of a child - rules for the godmother

The future godmother makes or buys a baptismal towel and clothes, and this is a mandatory step in preparing for the upcoming sacrament. In addition, a woman must first take communion and confess; on the day of christening, it is imperative to have a cross on her chest. There are other rules for the baptism of a child in the Orthodox Church, which are important to include in the rite.

Christening girls - rules for the godmother

It is important for a girl to have a spiritual mother, since she is the first after the mother and father of the child to be responsible for him. It is one thing to baptize a baby, and quite another to become a support, support, spiritual mentor for a growing person in life. The duties of the godmother at the baptism of a girl are as follows:

  1. Before the beginning of the sacrament, read by heart the prayers for the child, among them the "Symbol of Faith."
  2. Wear a modest long dress for christening, tie a scarf around your head.
  3. Pick up the goddaughter after immersion in the font, dress in white clothes.
  4. Hold the goddaughter in your arms while walking around the font for the priests, when reading a prayer, during the procession of chrismation.

Boy's christening - rules for the godmother

During the christening of the boy, not only the godmother plays an important role, but also the father, who in the future will provide him with spiritual support in everything. The main duties of the godmother during the baptism of a boy are identical, as well as during the church ceremony of a girl. The only difference is this: after immersion in the font, the godfather takes the baby in his arms; the priest also carries baptized boys behind the altar.

Prayer for the baptism of a child for godparents

During the procession, the priest leaves a reminder of what the godparents should do: say the prayer “Symbol of Faith”, “Our Father”, “Our Mother of God, Rejoice”, “King of Heaven” three times aloud, answer honestly several traditional questions about faith. Each prayer for godparents at baptism gives a powerful energy charge, contributes to the child receiving grace.

What do they give a girl for christening

What should the godmother do after the completion of the sacrament? Buy and present to your godson or goddaughter a memorable gift. This is where the problem arises with choosing a suitable presentation. So what does the godmother give for the christening of a girl?

  • silver or gold cross;
  • god's image;
  • nominal icon of the Guardian Angel;
  • silver spoon.

What does a godmother buy for a boy's christening?

For future men, there are also certain requirements for gifts. This needs to know what is needed for the christening of the boy, so that during the sacrament not be taken by surprise. That's what a second mom should do.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 14 minutes


Have you been chosen as godmother? This is a great honor and a great responsibility. The duties of the godmother are not limited to the sacrament of baptism and congratulations to the godson on holidays - they will continue throughout life. What are these responsibilities? What do you need to know about the sacrament of baptism? What to buy? How to prepare?

Baptism - the essence and meaning of the rite of baptism

The rite of baptism is a Sacrament in which the believer dies to sinful carnal life in order to be reborn from the Holy Spirit into spiritual life. Baptism is the cleansing of man from original sin which is communicated to him through his birth. Just as a person is born only once, and the Sacrament is performed only once in a person's life.

How do godparents prepare for the rite of baptism

It is necessary to prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism in advance.

  • Two or three days before the ceremony, future godparents should repent of their earthly sins and take communion.
  • Right on the day of baptism forbidden to have sex and eat .
  • At the christening of a girl godmother will have to read the prayer "Symbol of Faith" , at the baptism of the boy reads it Godfather .

Responsibilities of a Godmother. What should a godmother do?

A child cannot choose a godmother himself, this choice is made for him by his parents. The exception is the older age of the child. The choice is usually the proximity of the future godmother to the family , a warm attitude towards the child, the principles of morality that the godmother adheres to.

What are the responsibilities godmother?

  • Godmother vouches for the newly baptized child before the Lord.
  • Responsible for spiritual education baby.
  • Takes part in life and education baby on a par with biological parents.
  • Takes care of the child in a situation where something happens to the biological parents (the godmother can become a guardian in the event of the death of the parents).

The godmother is spiritual mentor for her godson and an example of the Christian way of life.

The godmother must:

  • Pray for the godson and be a loving and caring godmother.
  • Attend church with a child if his parents do not have such an opportunity due to illness or absence.
  • Remember your responsibilities on religious holidays, regular holidays and weekdays.
  • Take seriously the problems in the life of the godson and support him at difficult stages of life .
  • be interested and contribute to the spiritual growth of the child .
  • Serve example of a godly life for the godson.

Features of the rite of baptism

How is the sacrament of baptism of a child?

Requirements for a godmother at a christening

The most important requirement for godparents is be baptized Orthodox who live according to Christian laws. After the ceremony, godparents should contribute to the spiritual growth of the child and pray for him. If the future godmother has not yet been baptized, then she must be baptized first , and only then - the baby. Biological parents can be generally unbaptized or profess a different faith.

  • Godmother must be aware of one's responsibility for raising a child. Therefore, it is welcomed when relatives are chosen as godparents - family ties are torn less often than friendships.
  • The godfather may be present at the baptism of the girl in absentia, godmother - only in person . Her duties include taking the girl out of the font.

Godparents must not forget the day of baptism . On the day of the Guardian Angel, the godson should go to the temple every year, light a candle and thank God for everything.

What should the godmother wear? The appearance of the godmother at the christening.

The modern church is more loyal to many things, but it is certainly recommended to take into account its traditions. Basic requirements for a godmother at baptism:

  • Presence of godparents pectoral crosses (consecrated in the church) necessarily.
  • It is unacceptable to come to christening in trousers. Should wear a dress , which will hide the shoulders and legs below the knee.
  • On the godmother's head must have a scarf .
  • High heels are redundant. The child will have to be held in your arms for a long time.
  • Flashy makeup and provocative clothing are prohibited.

What do godparents buy for baptism?

  • White baptismal shirt (dress). It can be simple or embroidered - it all depends on the choice of the godparents. The shirt (and everything else) can be purchased directly from the church. At baptism, the old clothes are removed from the baby as a sign that he appears clean before the Lord, and the baptismal shirt is put on after the ceremony. Traditionally, this shirt should be worn for eight days, after which it is removed and stored for life. Of course, you cannot baptize another baby in it.
  • Pectoral cross with a picture of a crucifix. It is bought directly in the church, already consecrated. It doesn't matter - gold, silver or simple, on a string. Many after baptism remove crosses from children so that they do not accidentally hurt themselves. According to church canons, the cross should not be removed. Therefore, it is better to choose a light cross and a rope (ribbon) so that the baby is comfortable.
  • in which the baby is wrapped after the sacrament of baptism. It is not washed after the ceremony and is also carefully stored, like a shirt.
  • bonnet(kerchief).
  • The best gift from godparents will be cross, scapular or silver spoon.

Also for the rite of baptism you will need:

  • Baby blanket. For a comfortable baby in the baptismal and warming the baby after the font.
  • small sachet, where it will be possible to fold a lock of the baby's hair, cut by the priest. It can be saved with a shirt and a towel.

It is advisable to make sure in advance that things will fit the baby.

After the rite of baptism

So the baby was christened. You have become a godmother. Of course, by tradition, this day is a holiday. It can be celebrated in a warm family circle or crowded. But it is worth remembering that christening is, first of all, a celebration of the spiritual birth of a baby. It should be prepared in advance and thoroughly, having thought through every detail. After all spiritual birthday, which you will celebrate every year now, is much more important than the day of the physical birth.

Not only future parents, but also other relatives are preparing for the birth of a baby in the family. This is a huge event that family and loved ones are looking forward to. After the baby and mother arrive home from the hospital, parents begin to think about holding a baptismal ceremony. Responsibly prepare for this celebration. Usually mothers try to find out in advance what they need to know about the baptism of the child.

Preparation for the ceremony - information for mom

Many questions arise in connection with the fact that there are no clear rules on this score. It is allowed to baptize a newborn from the 8th day of his life. But mom needs to remember that she cannot attend church for 40 days after giving birth. If the ordinance is performed during this period, the woman will not be able to participate. Also, you cannot enter the temple during menstruation, and this must also be taken into account.

Also important is the question of choice. They should be close people who are ready to take part in the upbringing of the baby. The girl's mother needs to know that only a godmother is enough to baptize a baby. At the same time, the boy's parents can only choose a godfather. But you can also invite several people to this role. However, it should be remembered that there are certain restrictions in the choice of godparents. They cannot be:

  • husband and wife;
  • children (godmother must be at least 13 years old, and dad - 15);
  • parents cannot become godparents to their own child;
  • not Orthodox, not baptized.

Otherwise, the choice is not limited. You can invite close friends or other relatives to this important role. The main thing is that people are aware of the responsibility entrusted to them.

Also, the mother should consider what to wear for the christening of the child. For a celebration, every woman wants to look elegant. But it must be borne in mind that there are some rules for visiting the church that must be respected. Mommy should be dressed in a skirt below the knees, clothing should cover her arms. We must not forget about the headscarf and the fact that there should be a cross around the neck. Do not wear bright makeup. And it’s also better to give up high-heeled shoes, because the ceremony lasts long enough, and mom can get tired during this time. The right decision would be to give preference to comfortable shoes.

If desired, a woman can organize a celebration of this event, set the table and invite guests. Such a tradition has existed for a long time, but it is up to the parents to observe it or not.

Conducting the ceremony - what does mom do during baptism?

Some women are frightened by their ignorance of traditions. They worry that they will be confused in the temple, because they do not know what to do. But you shouldn't be afraid of it. Before the sacrament, the ministers of the church will talk in detail about how everything will happen. And during the ceremony, in which case, they will also be sure to prompt.

But the role of the mother during baptism is not so great. Already at the end, the priest reads the prayer of the mother. It can be individual if the christening is held separately for one child. If several children are baptized at the same time, then a prayer is read to several mothers at once. After reading it, women should bow to the ground three times. To do this, you must first cross. Then you need to kneel and tilt your head. Next, you need to get up and do this twice more. But not all churches require such a bow. After that, you need to take the baby from the hands of the priest. That's all mom does at christening. In some churches, a woman may be in the room where the sacrament takes place. In others, she may be asked to leave and will be called at the end. You will definitely be warned about such features.