Magic strength of thunderstorms and thunder. Strong love plot for a man

From the Old Testament Times in Slavic magic (as well as in the esoteric traditions of ancient Eldla, Rome and Scandinavia) it was believed that thunder and lightning are independent, thinking entities that are in the authorities of the Supreme Gods.

Rusich, for example, Puranun was considered the Supreme Divine.
The cult of God Perun, was spread in many lands, his main attributes were a thunderstorm, thunder, lightning and arrows.

In Slavic languages, the words "Perun" and "Lightning", "Thunder", were often synonymous, and single-colored. Traces of what are still visible in many modern languages. For example, in the same Slovak, the words "Perun" and "Thunder" have the same language foundation. And in modern Polish - the word "piorun" - means "zipper". The Polish word "Piorunowa" means "sink", "violently attack." In Silesian, the exclamation of "Pieruna!" Or "Jerunie!" In modern Belarusian, the word "stick" also means "thunder", or "lightning".

Slovaks have suffered a lot of folk spells to date, if not to say curses that appeal exactly to Perun. What is interesting, in the rest of the Slavs, including Russians - there are a layer of very similar expressions, but they appeal in them (apparently, already under the influence of the church) not to Perun, but usually, to hell, or to demon, or just - directly To thunder and lightning. Slovakov, apparently, these expressions are preserved at a more priority form. Here are some of the likes of their spells translated into Russian:

"Do you want to get to Perun?"
"What are you on Coy Perun?"
"Perun you beat!"
"Get into it Perun (Thunder)!"
"Wake you Perun"!
"Get into you Thunder (Perunov) Arrow"

If necessary, our Magi's ancestors exclaimed: "Bii, Peruna!", And then they pointed out who or what exactly was necessary to beat: the names of opponents of unfriendlies were called, the problems of which were required to get rid of (hunger, morbidity), or prevented requests Bloody raids of nation-enemies (for example, Khazar, Polovtsy).

And today, the signs, removing the damage, in their conspiractions appeal to Ilya-Study, they ask him to send them to the face in the case of healing thunder and zipper ...

Thunderstorm stone

"Charged" thunderstorm stone is a simple and reliable talisman who will help to cope with many problems. In particular, the stone taken in a thunderstorm will help you from the scandalous husband.

How the thunderstorm starts, when the thunder strikes, be fed and lift any stone on the road. Stepping the threshold of the house and keeping the stone in right handTell me three times:

"Thunder subsides, the thunderstorm will pass,
And the slave (name) is not suitable with evil.
Like a stone strong
So the conspiracy is strong.

Then the stone is put under a married bed for forty days.

The "thunderstorm" stone can become a guide to the means. Some complexity is that for this will have to go under the shower. Conducting a stone on his body, with each thunder blow, pronounce the following spell:

"Mother Thunder Street expanded the sea, rivers, bring my beloved person to me. Be my words strong and modeling. "

It is necessary to repeat it seven times, for which, accordingly, seven thunder-rolls should be sounded. Stone must be seized on the nearest meeting with the object of your feelings.

Love spell in a thunderstorm.

When there is a thunderstorm, love spell on a lightning husband:

"Where are you, lightning,
Where it was losing
There, arrows flew.
Fly, Arrow,
Where am I drove!
Fly, broke, dew
Slave of God (name),
So that the fire,
Fire do not fill
Water, wine
He does not drink
Food, Disformation
Do not heal
I don't talk about
Do not dissuade
Church bell
To repel it
Women's milk
It is not laundering.
How eternally in the sky
Lightning boom,
And forever
Will love me
My husband, the slave of God (name).

Men can also take advantage of a spell in a thunderstorm. To do this, read the following plot:

"How thunder knocks
So would the heart of the rob
Slaves (name) pounded,
Pain gave
When the slave of God (name)
I did not see me for a long time.
Like rain
Pours and cries
So would the slave of God (name)
Cried, sobbing
For me, slave (name).
How can not zipper
Take a hand
So it is impossible to slave (name)
From me to separate, debug.

To attract attention to yourself unrequited (for now), you can use those elements that nature itself gives you to help. If the rain and thunderstorm behind the window are taping and enhances the suffering, then they need to use, and do not tear pour.

A warning! Love spell - magical impactwhich can lead to irreversible adverse consequences. If your feelings are so great that you can't live without a loved one, then you cannot dissuade you, of course, no one can. But, by performing a magical ritual with the involvement of natural elements (it applies to them), do it carefully. It is necessary to ask for a rain of help. It is asked that the response is. Then, perhaps and the consequences of unwanted will not be.

How to ask for a rain about a spell?

Looking at the thunderstorm and water, rushing from the sky, tell your words about your feelings, ask to help. If changes will occur in the water stream, then you are responsible for. Rain can rush stronger or stop. This will answer. If the request will be followed by thunder, lightning, and the thunderstorm will increase, it means that the spell is not worth it. You warn that magic is not for you. Or, in any case, today it is not worth doing. But if the blind sun looks like - this is the most desirable answer. Nature tells you that it is completely ready to become on your side.

How to spell a spell on rain and thunderstorm?

Take a sheet of paper. Write on it the names of your beloved and your own. The sheet needs to take in such a way that raindrops fall on it. While the rain will water your names, you need to represent the face of the beloved and pronounce the following words of the love spell on a thunderstorm:

"The rain, a drop of a drop, wash our separation, Navali on your beloved (name) boredom. How do our names merge in heavenly water in one spot, so let the thoughts and life connect so the best! Let emutic than my favorite (name) will not be able to live, let it be too raining to connect us into the moment! Amen!"

Spoke these words as long as written words do not merge into one spot from the rain droplets. Now the sheet needs to be dried and hide. Do not throw out! It should be stored in a secluded place. Then your relationships can become strong and will be protected by the strength of nature and the lattice on the rain!

If you ask what magical impact It is used most often, you will see that the spell is most often used. And so it was at all times.

Cardiac cases always stood in people in the first place. Lovely Do and independently, and seek help to the MAG.

Exists great amount Prikovotov, where absolutely everything is used. And the help of light and dark forces, and the energy of natural elements and even the energy of cataclysms. Below will be a trigger of men during a strong thunderstorm. It uses the energy of this natural phenomenon.

And absolutely optional to have a photo of a man with him, enough, just know his name.

The only complexity of such a love spell for an urban resident is what should be done in an open place. In the forest or in the field. Therefore, if you want walking a man in this way, then before thunderstorm Go to the city. The place must be desertless. That the spell is really strong, make it recommended at night.

How is a spell on a thunderstorm:

Making a love spell only on a growing moon. At other times the result will not be or the exact opposite. You must personify a thunderstorm, turning to her as a living being. Must establish some connection with it. Usually people are afraid strong thunderstorm, especially when the lightning is sparkling and thunder. You have this fear must be absolutely absent.

So, go out on the deserted open place During thunderstorms and remove all the clothes from themselves. Stand in the rain, lift your hands up and consult a swirling element for help. Words can be any, the main thing is that they come from the heart. Tell the thunderstorm, as you dream to be yours. Name his name. Ask a thunderstorm about help.

Another option:

It is based on ancient Russian belief that during the thunderstorm demons hide behind the backs of people. If in the first version of the sameness you addressed a personal thunderstorm with a request for help, now you will contact the demon. The advantage of such a love spell is that you do not have to go beyond the city and Nagishk stand in the rain. It can be done even from the balcony, standing under the visor. The main thing is that you see a thunderstorm. The moon phase must be growing.

So, you become on the balcony during a thunderstorm and read the next spell:

"Come to me

I'll hide you, from a thunderstorm

And you will serve me. "

These words must be repeated three times. Listen to your feelings. You will feel that someone is behind your back. It is impossible to turn around. Contact a demon with a request:

"The demon, I feel your presence

I feel your breath

I know you're standing behind my back

And protect you from thunder and lightning

Sistor to me a service

Let (the name of the man) will be my and soul and body

Let him come to me

Let we be together

Help me the demon, and I thank you. "

It is necessary to stand for a while, and then go to the room and without talking to go to bed.

The next day, it is necessary to file alms by Troyim. It will be a fee to work.

Love spell on zipper

There is one more easy plotwhich you need to read by turning to the zipper. It can be read through the open window. When lightning sparkles in the sky, pronounce the following words:

"Cut you, fiery arrows

I spell you, Creation of Heaven

Let (name) comes to me

Let him won't be rest if I was not near

Let him think only about me

Let me see only me

Let concern just me alone

I spell you, arrow fiery

Do so! "

Of these three Prikovotovconducted during thunderstormsThe most strong is the first option. So if you want to get really good result, Entry your fear and do as described.

And do not forget that important condition love Privorot It is that you should not be attempted to see the object.

If you ask what magical impact It is used most often, you will see that the spell is most often used. And so it was at all times.

Cardiac cases always stood in people in the first place. Lovely Do and independently, and seek help to the MAG.

There is a huge amount of love spell, where absolutely everything is used. And the help of light and dark forces, and the energy of natural elements and even the energy of cataclysms. Below will be a trigger of men during a strong thunderstorm. It uses the energy of this natural phenomenon.

And absolutely optional to have a photo of a man with him, enough, just know his name.

The only complexity of such a love spell for an urban resident is what should be done in an open place. In the forest or in the field. Therefore, if you want walking a man in this way, then before thunderstorm Go to the city. The place must be desertless. That the spell is really strong, make it recommended at night.

How is a spell on a thunderstorm:

Making a love spell only on a growing moon. At other times the result will not be or the exact opposite. You must personify a thunderstorm, turning to her as a living being. Must establish some connection with it. Usually people are afraid strong thunderstorm, especially when the lightning is sparkling and thunder. You have this fear must be absolutely absent.

So, go out on a deserted open place during a thunderstorm and remove all the clothes. Stand in the rain, lift your hands up and consult a swirling element for help. Words can be any, the main thing is that they come from the heart. Tell the thunderstorm, as you dream to be yours. Name his name. Ask a thunderstorm about help.

Another option:

It is based on ancient Russian belief that during the thunderstorm demons hide behind the backs of people. If in the first version of the sameness you addressed a personal thunderstorm with a request for help, now you will contact the demon. The advantage of such a love spell is that you do not have to go beyond the city and Nagishk stand in the rain. It can be done even from the balcony, standing under the visor. The main thing is that you see a thunderstorm. The moon phase must be growing.

So, you become on the balcony during a thunderstorm and read the next spell:

"Come to me

I'll hide you, from a thunderstorm

And you will serve me. "

These words must be repeated three times. Listen to your feelings. You will feel that someone is behind your back. It is impossible to turn around. Contact a demon with a request:

"The demon, I feel your presence

I feel your breath

I know you're standing behind my back

And protect you from thunder and lightning

Sistor to me a service

Let (the name of the man) will be my and soul and body

Let him come to me

Let we be together

Help me the demon, and I thank you. "

It is necessary to stand for a while, and then go to the room and without talking to go to bed.

The next day, it is necessary to file alms by Troyim. It will be a fee to work.

Love spell on zipper

There is one more easy plotwhich you need to read by turning to the zipper. It can be read through the open window. When lightning sparkles in the sky, pronounce the following words:

"Cut you, fiery arrows

I spell you, Creation of Heaven

Let (name) comes to me

Let him won't be rest if I was not near

Let him think only about me

Let me see only me

Let concern just me alone

I spell you, arrow fiery

Do so! "

Of these three Prikovotovconducted during thunderstormsThe most strong is the first option. So if you want to get a really good result, overcome your fear and do as described.

And do not forget that important condition love Privorot It is that you should not be attempted to see the object.

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