How are laminate classes different? Choosing the best one. What's the best grade for laminate flooring? The results are formed into a specific marking

Among the many types of flooring, laminate is very popular with many developers. This material is manufactured using the most modern equipment and using innovative technologies and materials.

Laminate is an excellent substitute for expensive parquet and natural floors, looks good in rooms with different interiors. The coating consists of several layers.

  1. Upper protective. A transparent extra strong acrylic or melamine resin is used. The classification of the laminate depends largely on physical characteristics protective coating.
  2. Decorative layer. For decoration, moisture-resistant paper is used, imitating various types of natural wood.
  3. Moisture resistant film. It is made of durable polymers and serves for additional protection of the bearing surfaces from the negative effects of moisture.
  4. Fiberboard panels or other foreign analogs. The panel perceives static and dynamic forces, bearing indicators depend on its thickness. There are technological connecting locks at the ends of the panel.
  5. Bottom waterproof layer. Most often, moisture-resistant paper is used, but there are options with polymer films... The function of the film is to keep moisture out of concrete floor slabs.

Among the many advantages, the laminate has several significant disadvantages, they should be taken into account when choosing a class. Unfortunately, manufacturers are reluctant to disclose objective performance indicators, which has led some consumers to become frustrated when they start using laminate floors. What are the essential limitations has a laminate?

  1. Failure to withstand prolonged direct contact with water. Despite the fact that fiberboard is moisture resistant and additionally there are several layers of protective coating, the laminate is afraid of such contact. In the event of an emergency, the laminate swells and the flooring has to be changed.
  2. Impossibility of repair. If the wooden coatings after scraping and sanding completely restore their original characteristics, then the laminate cannot be repaired. In case of traces of critical wear or other mechanical damage, the floor must be dismantled and a new one should be laid.

To obtain permission to sell products, responsible manufacturers perform tests on the following indicators.

  1. Resistance to mechanical stress. Abrasion, ability to withstand static and multidirectional dynamic loads is tested. These parameters depend on the physical characteristics of the substrate, the thickness of the top cover and the dimensions of the sheet.
  2. Resistance to various chemical compounds. The reaction of the upper protective layer to the action of detergents is checked. In some cases, other chemical compounds, including aggressive ones, can be used for testing.
  3. Resistant to high temperatures. An important indicator that allows you to increase the fire safety of buildings and structures.
  4. Resistant to hard ultraviolet radiation and infrared rays. Most polymers react negatively to UV rays; under their influence, the interatomic bonds of complex molecules are weakened. The material loses its plasticity, becomes brittle, etc. To improve performance, modern innovative additives are used. At the same time, the stability of the color shades to infrared rays is checked.
  5. Slip indicators. The surface of the laminate must provide strong adhesion to different kinds soles. According to this indicator, the laminate is inferior to traditional materials from natural wood, the surface is slippery, which requires increased attention of users.
  6. The amount of harmful chemical compounds released into the air. An ambiguous indicator, each country has its own norms. If in one material can be considered safe, then in another such indicators are unacceptable.
  7. Ease of maintenance... The indicators of the accumulation of static electricity, the coefficient of adhesion of various contaminants to surfaces are checked.
  8. Manufacturability. The laminate should be easy to assemble, while the reliability of fixing the locks should guarantee the required reliability for the entire period of use.

Only after the results of laboratory tests meet the current state standards and regulatory requirements, products can be sold. But this rule applies only to certified products from well-known manufacturers. The rest can produce not only low-quality, but also unhealthy goods. The classification of the laminate is considered objective guidance when choosing a particular type of flooring.

By existing rules there are six classes of laminate.

Laminate classManufacturer's operating recommendations

The cheapest and low-quality products, the manufacturer's warranty is two years. Recommended for use in residential areas with minimal stress on the flooring (bedroom, closet, etc.)

Has a more durable topcoat, recommended for medium-traffic residential areas (living rooms, bathrooms, etc.)

The most resistant to various influences laminate for individual use. Has increased strength and wear resistance of the upper protective layer. Such a laminate can be used to lay floors in the corridor, kitchen, children's room and other rooms with a relatively high probability of mechanical damage.

Floor covering for common areas. The cheapest in terms of cost, the lowest in quality. Recommended for use in office premises and government organizations with low traffic. Professionals advise using a laminate of this class for flooring in apartments and cottages. In terms of cost, this class slightly exceeds the price of the 23rd laminate, and in terms of strength it significantly surpasses it. The investment pays off by increasing the operating time.

The most demanded class of laminate for flooring in rooms with medium mechanical stress. It can be used in shops, kindergartens, large offices, etc. The top coating has increased resistance to abrasion, due to the increase in the thickness of the chipboard, the resistance to static loads increases.

The most expensive class of laminate, used for installing floors in restaurants and bars, hospitals and schools. The locks have a special engineering design that completely eliminates the likelihood of noise while walking.

In addition to the designation of the class of wear resistance and physical strength, the packaging may contain other information in the form of special images:

  • the surface does not attract dust, does not accumulate static electricity;
  • easy care of the laminate, you can clean it with an ordinary damp brush;
  • not afraid of exposure to solid objects, you can walk in upper shoes;
  • does not support open fire;
  • can resist the smoldering of a burning cigarette;
  • hygienic, does not emit harmful chemical compounds into the air;
  • resistant to negative impact ultraviolet radiation;
  • during cleaning, you can use special surface active detergents;
  • low resistance to point loads, low abrasion rates;
  • it is allowed to use a warm floor as a topcoat.

By type of surface, the laminate can be glossy smooth, matte or structured. Glossy is the most slippery, the presence of a relief surface significantly reduces the likelihood of slipping.

Options color solutions a huge variety, from almost black to almost white. According to the pattern, it can be one-, two- and three-lane, the decorative coating imitates block parquet or parquet boards, natural boards different breeds. A specific choice in appearance should be made taking into account the existing style of decoration, the size and purpose of the premises.

Laminate manufacturers

It is very difficult to independently check the quality of products; this can be done only by a few parameters. How exactly - we will describe a little below. You have to trust the designations on the packaging, but their manufacturers write with different reputations. What manufacturers can be found on the domestic building materials market?

Chinese companies

You should not immediately discard products from China, not all of them are low-grade. The country strictly monitors the quality of products exported. Deviation from the norms is considered a serious crime, and the heads of such state-owned enterprises are severely punished by criminal charges. But in China there are also clandestine enterprises that make laminate flooring in basements on unknown equipment and low-quality raw materials. Unfortunately, domestic businessmen buy very cheap and very low-quality products from them, and bring expensive products from China. quality laminate it is not profitable for them. How to recognize bad laminate flooring, we will explain in this article below.

The cost of a real Chinese laminate is no different from the European one, low cost labor force has almost no effect on pricing. The fact is that the products are manufactured on modern high-performance equipment, the degree of influence of the human factor is minimized. The quality of the laminate depends only on the technical characteristics of the equipment and the parameters of the raw materials used. Conclusion - do not be afraid to buy laminate from China if it is made by licensed well-known companies. In terms of technical development, by the way, China has far outstripped our country, this should always be remembered.

Company nameShort description

Austrian company, the products are very popular in America and Europe. The company is part of the organization of manufacturers of laminated coatings, the products fully comply with accepted standards. Laminate is produced from raw materials with environmental class E 0.5. This means that the selection level harmful substances products are two times lower than parquet boards and other Construction Materials from synthetic resins. Another plus is the use of 3-D technology during creation decorative coatings gives them maximum realism not only visually, but also in terms of tactile sensations. The available special fastening system allows you to install the laminate not only on the floor, but also on the walls. The warranty period is thirty years.

Produced in Belgium and at subsidiaries in Russia. Premium class products, one of the most famous in Europe. The company was the first to use a locking system of laying, which significantly increased the strength of the connection of individual lamellas. The products have significantly higher scratch resistance than their closest competitors. The effect is achieved through the use of an innovative protective top coat. The variety of colors and shades ensures maximum accuracy of the simulated materials. The disadvantage is sensitivity to high humidity.

Premium products from a Belgian manufacturer. The brand is the ancestor of laminate flooring, the first products appeared at its enterprises in 1977. Disadvantage - a plate made using the direct pressure method is used for production. Such plates do not fully meet the high modern requirements of buyers.

In terms of price and quality, it belongs to the category of elite, Belgian production. Brand feature - waterproof laminate which is allowed to be used in bathrooms. Water resistance is achieved through patented locks that prevent water from entering the joint. The disadvantage of the brand is the restrained decor options.

Laminate from a German manufacturer, premium goods. The surface is mainly glossy, the products are manufactured using a patented technology of coating with acrylate resin. The choice in appearance is huge. The disadvantage is the same as with all glossy coatings - dust and dirt are very noticeable on them.

The leader among dark laminates, characterized by high performance and the same price. The manufacturer has created a standard of black color, it completely lacks light streaks. Disadvantages - on uneven ground, the floor quickly begins to creak.

German manufacturer, premium goods. The slats can be over 240 mm wide and 220 cm long. These dimensions make it easier to install the flooring in large rooms. It is affordable for many consumers, and meets stringent quality standards.

Made in Germany, comfort class products. Used for manufacturing environmentally clean materials... The disadvantage is the highest prices in the segment, sometimes they can exceed the cost of premium laminate.

Prices for the laminate of the company "Tarkett"

laminate tarkett

We have already mentioned that the specified classification can only be trusted if the laminate is made by a reputable manufacturer. How do you know what kind of product you have to deal with? The advice applies not only to unknown Chinese manufacturers, but also to unscrupulous domestic ones.

  1. Pay attention to the smell. Almost all low-quality laminate has an unpleasant specific odor. It stands out synthetic coatings, in which the content of harmful substances is exceeded. The odor is most easily detected on the long or short side of the locks, in these places it is concentrated and persists for a long time.
  2. Take a close look at the spike of the lock. On low-quality products, locks have a large number of wax. Do not believe the advertisers' claims that this is done specifically to increase moisture resistance. Any laminate cannot be in contact with water for more than four hours, then it swells, and the floor covering will have to be rebuilt. Wax is applied only to hide the use of substandard fiberboard plates... Spend sharp metal object on the lock, large scratches indicate a low density of the material, you should not buy such a laminate, whatever the designations are on the packaging.
  3. Look at the end of the lamella, it should be clean, natural wood color. If there are traces of paint, this indicates a problem.
  4. Turn the board upside down... The red color indicates an unscrupulous Chinese manufacturer.
  5. All European manufacturers indicate a specific country of manufacture well-known domestic companies do the same. The absence of a country of production confirms the dubious origin of the goods and, accordingly, the same quality. In addition to the country, the board should contain batch number and production time.
  6. Lack on box barcode 100% indicates that the product was released in China by unlicensed enterprises.

The durability and ease of use of laminate coverings depends on several more factors, these data are not indicated on the packaging, only know about them professional builders with extensive practical experience. What are they paying attention to?

Chamfer classification

The cut along the edges of the laminate board gives it unique view... Due to the chamfer, it is possible to hide minor imperfections of the boards and extend the life of the flooring. The chamfer can be only on two longitudinal sides or on all four. In shape, there are options for U-shaped and V-shaped, in cut depths up to 1 mm and up to 2 mm. Disadvantages of chamfering - dust and dirt accumulate in them, the process of cleaning rooms becomes more complicated. Professionals do not recommend buying beveled materials for installation in corridors, areas with a large number of people, etc.

Lock classification

There are several options that differ in the length of the slot and the depth of the groove, the height of the side, the presence of additional metal elements to strengthen the locks, with water-repellent impregnations. The same laminate in terms of physical strength and wear resistance according to the classification can have Various types lock connections. The recommendation for all cases is the same - the greater the load on the flooring, the more reliable the lock should be. Keep in mind that squeaks during walking appear in castles. Eliminate these unpleasant sounds not possible, a complete resurfacing of the floor will be required.

Classification by color and external surface

Color classification meets European standards and is indicated on the packaging. Light-colored flooring creates the illusion of more space and is used to create flooring in small spaces with insufficient natural light. Light floors allow to make a design accent on the interior details, which is often used by professionals. These tones make it possible to create various styles, from the always relevant classic to the most modern high-tech. The disadvantage is on light floors any dirt is very noticeable.

Dark colors are more practical from the point of view of cleaning, they are recommended for use in rooms with high traffic. The dark floor is perceived as more status, retains its attractiveness in any light.

By sight outer surface there are such material classes:

  • natural. The surface accurately imitates wood of various species;
  • textural. Almost does not differ from natural in texture, imitates fibers, knots and natural defects of wood;
  • artificially aged. Lamellas resemble old worn boards, they are used to create exclusive interiors in country houses;
  • waxed, glossy and silvery glossy surface. Each class has its own nuances, strengths and weaknesses. The decision is recommended to be made after consultation with a professional designer.

Each manufacturer has its own classification of the laminate, carefully study all the information provided to them.

Video - Classification of laminate

Experts strongly recommend starting the choice of flooring with such a parameter as the class of wear resistance of the laminate. Let's figure out what it is and how it affects the characteristics of the finishing material.

Laminated parquet is a multi-layer decorative finishing coating obtained by pressing under high pressure. Consists of (top to bottom):

1. Overlay

It is a transparent layer of high-strength polymer resins (melamine, acrylic, etc.). The quality, thickness, hardness and impact resistance of the film determine such parameters of the laminate as hygiene, resistance to moisture, abrasion and shock loads, as well as the service life of the floor material. Depending on the design of the collection, the overlay can be:

  • smooth (satin matte, semi-glossy, mirror-glossy);
  • structural (embossing, imitating the texture of natural wood, processed by the method of brushing, etc.).

It is a special paper with a pattern applied to it by the method of high-precision printing. The decors can be very diverse: imitation of parquet, solid board, the palace array, ceramic tiles, natural stone, fabrics and more.

European manufacturers of premium laminates add another layer to this layer - kraft paper, which is pressed with a decorative layer and an overlay. This technology significantly increases the strength characteristics of the finished lamellas. The technique was named HPL (High Pressure Laminate).

3. Carrier board

It is the basis of any laminated flooring. The standard thickness is from 6 to 14 mm. Consists of the actual plate and the “tongue-and-groove” locking set of the “Click” or “Lock” type. Thanks to this, the laminate is quickly and easily assembled into a single, monolithic-even canvas without drops and cracks.

To increase the moisture and water resistance of the joints, manufacturers treat the locks with special polymer (AquaStop, AquaResist) or paraffin (Wax) compounds.

Such characteristics as the level of resistance to compressive, bending, and tensile loads depend on the density and section of this layer. In simple terms, this means how much weight is acceptable for the coating, how long the laminate can withstand heavy foot traffic, etc.

Available in two types of fiberboard:

4. Base or stabilization layer

Formed from paper impregnated with synthetic thermosetting resins. Designed to protect the bottom from moisture and prevent deformation of the strips. In addition to the protector, it also has an informational function, since on base layer the date of manufacture and batch number, as well as the brand name and registered trademark are often indicated.

European DIN standard EN 13329 laminate has a three-layer structure:

  1. Decorative paper and overlay pressed into a single component;
  2. Carrier bar;
  3. Base layer.

For the layman, this information is insignificant. However, professionals understand that this is a DPL (Direct Pressure Laminate) laminate. The difference from HPL is that the top and bottom layers are immediately, directly pressed onto the carrier base. Most factories use this technology, including Chinese, Russian and inexpensive European brands.

For those who want to install parquet in rooms with high humidity levels (bathrooms, dining rooms, laundries, etc.), a waterproof PVC laminate... The difference with the traditional one is that a plate of composite super-rigid plastic acts as a load-bearing board. The cost of such a coating is high, but they can replace porcelain stoneware or floor ceramics and decorate the entire area of ​​a house or cafe in the same style.

Waterproof laminate based on PVC composite.

Classification of laminate by class

Laminated flooring differs in two main parameters:

  1. Production method (HPL or DPL);
  2. Load or wear class.

Let us consider the last criterion in more detail. The durability class of a laminate is a quality category that determines the possibility of using a finishing material in commercial and domestic conditions, as well as its service life.

The European standard EN 13329 Surface layer elements based on aminoplastic thermosetting resins - characteristics, requirements and test methods contains complete information on how to determine and calculate the load class. This document is almost in line with the Russian analogue of GOST 32304-2013 “Laminate flooring based on dry-type fibreboards. Technical conditions ".

The European standard includes the following list of tests for samples:

  • Abrasion resistance or overlay strength (Taber test);
  • Impact resistance (test with a small ball "shooting" into the sample and a test with a large falling ball);
  • Resistance to indentation (test with a metal ball under pressure);
  • Resistance to the impact of the legs of movable furniture;
  • Resistant to chairs on casters;
  • Inertia to a burning cigarette;
  • Resistance to pollution (fruits, juices, wine and other harsh chemicals);
  • Moisture resistance - swelling of the slab in 24 hours when fully immersed in water as a percentage of the sample volume. A quality product must have a water absorption coefficient of no more than 18%.

A device for carrying out taber tests.

After carrying out all the tests, the main characteristics of the laminate are determined and a load class is assigned to it. Moreover, preference is given to the smallest results, even if the difference is tenths. This means that if, according to the results of one check, the coverage corresponds to category 31, and according to the rest - 32, then it is assigned a lower class.

The first test is a taber-test or determination of the degree of abrasion of the overlay. For its implementation, a special unit with a grinding wheel or friction rollers with a glued ring made of high-density rubber is used.

The results are determined by the number of revolutions and are divided into 7 groups or abrasion classes:

  • for home use 21, 22, 23;
  • for commercial spaces 31, 32, 33 and 34.

Table 1... Abrasion class of laminated flooring in accordance with GOST 32304-2013.

The abrasion class determines where exactly the laminate can be used. More detailed information is given in the table below.

table 2... Areas of use of laminated coatings by class.

Load class Pictogram Room type Application intensity Examples of Life time
21 Residential Moderate


Bedrooms, guest rooms 10 years
22 Residential Living rooms, dining rooms 10 years
23 Residential Intensive Stairs, corridors, kitchens 10-12 years old
31 Commercial Moderate


Hotel rooms, offices 10-15 years old
32 Commercial Normal (for frequent use) Receptions, shops 15-20 years old
33 Commercial Intensive Shopping centers, schools 20-30 years old
34 Commercial Reinforced (especially difficult conditions) Industrial facilities Up to 40 years old

Let's explain why the criterion of abrasion is the most important for buyers. The floor covering must withstand not only foot traffic (including walking barefoot, in slippers, outdoor shoes with heels), but also abrasive: dust, small debris (sand, earth particles), animal claws, etc. Over time, under the influence of these factors, the overlay becomes thinner and the laminate becomes unusable. There is no need to be intimidated - the service life varies from 10 to 30 years and depends, of course, on many other parameters. For example, laid in front of front door a dirt-resistant mat of the "grass" series, as well as the presence of protector pads on the legs of furniture, increases this period for a laminate of 31 or 32 class by one and a half times. And chairs with iron legs without protective rims, on the contrary, accelerate abrasion and reduce the service life by almost half.

We will pay special attention to the second series of tests - for impact resistance. Specialists from ANO TsSL Lessertika (LLC Kronospan and LLC Kronostar) participated in the development of the Russian standard for laminated coatings GOST 32304-2013. Unfortunately, they did not include the two critical tests required for a grade 34 laminate. It:

  1. impact test;
  2. surface resistance to chair wheels.

According to EN 13329, a laminate floor of class 34 of wear resistance must have the following indicators:

  • water absorption coefficient - up to 8%;
  • abrasion resistance class - АС6;
  • impact strength - IC4 (≤1600 mm and 20 N).

The first two indicators coincide with the Russian standard, the latter is not provided at all. Because of this small difference, the 33 class laminate of any manufacturer (including Asian) can be certified in Russia as 34. European standards are more demanding on the characteristics of the coating.

All other types of tests are carried out in a typical order. The results are processed and the overall durability class is assigned to the laminate floor.

Table 3. General class loads according to EN 13329.

Table 4... General load class in accordance with GOST 32304-2013.

Recommendations for choosing a laminate by load classes

Since in the last 5-7 years there is practically no laminated coating of classes 21-23 on the market, the priorities have shifted. Now both manufacturers and sellers offer:

All the necessary information is on the box and on the insert, so when buying, it will not be difficult for you to determine the class, service life and scope of the floor covering you like.

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Most consumers, when choosing a material for their flooring, opt for laminate. It is distinguished by an affordable price for a fairly high quality.

Homeowners appreciate laminate flooring for its ease of maintenance and long term service, during which there is no need to invite masters to replace, edit items. Repair fades into the background for many years.

The choice of laminate comes down to perfect combination three characteristics:

  1. Design,
  2. Quantities,
  3. Wear resistance class.

Drawing obeys only the taste of the owner. The amount depends on the economy and thrifty of the owner, the accuracy and experience of the master.

Mistake in choice density will lead to unnecessary waste of money when buying too expensive material or when purchasing panels that will need to be replaced after three years.

The number of people walking on the floor every day determines the load on the laminated panels. Various characteristics premises: traffic, humidity, the possibility of frequent mechanical shocks, require the selection of the appropriate type of laminate. This rule applies to all premises, not just residential ones.

The durability classes of the laminate require more attention.

Different purpose

Commercial and home floors have different strengths to resist wear and tear. For each of the types, there are different classes of laminate with different ratios abrasion of CI.

Cover for home use divided into three classes

  • Class 21- Ki> 900. Laminate is suitable for low traffic areas like a bedroom or storage room;
  • Class 22- Ki> 1800. For rooms with medium use and a high probability of mechanical damage. Suitable for nursery, living room.
  • 23rd grade- Ki> 2500. The high load inherent in the kitchen also requires high quality laminate.

Commercial laminate is divided into four grades

  • Class 31- Ki? 2500. Designed for rooms with low traffic.
  • Class 32- Ki? 4000. Laminate flooring is suitable for medium traffic areas such as offices.
  • Grade 33- Ki? 6500. Increased loads in shops or corridors require special attention to the floor covering.
  • Class 34- extra strong laminate designed to decorate the floors of hotels, hotels, supermarkets. Officially, the 34th class of laminate has not yet been recognized, but experts have already evaluated the properties of some brands.

Marking on the packaging in the form of a man determines the class of wear resistance. Accordingly, the more such icons, the stronger the laminate.

Useful information ! The Russian broad soul and thrifty often play a cruel joke with the owners, forcing them to purchase a 31-class laminate flooring for an apartment. The money spent on extra density will not pay off even over the years.

This type of laminate also has its own disadvantages - often manufacturers use not only environmentally friendly raw materials in its production. Now let's look at each subtype in more detail.

Low abrasion resistance and minimum service life displace this product category from the vastness of the domestic construction market.

Suppliers are unwilling to carry a position that, given the mentality, is guaranteed to be ignored. But no one looks at the situation from the other side. Household laminate flooring has a very modest price.

Each new renovation that completely changes the interior of the room may include replacing the laminate. Not only commercial expensive options.

  • Class 21. The absence of a protective layer in conditions of active load in the form of moving furniture, regular movement of a pet to hard claws (dog, rabbit, ferret) will turn the floor covering into an ugly surface in two years. Placing such a laminate in quiet, impassable rooms in the form of a pantry or bedroom increases its service life up to 10 years.
  • Class 22. This type of laminate is distinguished by the presence of a small protective layer. He is able to resist only slight mechanical stress. Leaving him defenseless in front of hard shoes, scratching furniture in 2-3 years will have to think again about replacing the floor covering. By creating a way to soften the blow and other impact, for example by laying carpet on top of the laminate, the owners can safely forget about the problem of their gender for 10 years.
  • Class 23. It is able to resist loads of average intensity due to improved wear resistance. Rough aggressive use allows you to admire the laminate for no more than 4 years, careful attitude ensures the possibility of using it for up to 15 years.

For household laminated panels, frequent contact with moisture and cleaning agents is dangerous. detergents... This type of flooring is not recommended for use in rooms where daily active wet cleaning.

Important! When caring for these panels, remember that even small puddles can cause them to deform.

Manufacturers are sure to attach to their products detailed instructions according to the preferred methods of care and cleaning features. Careful adherence to such recommendations in combination with limited mechanical action on the surface increases the operating life of type 21-23 laminates several times.

Household laminate flooring is simply created for people who surround themselves with silence and comfort at home. They walk on the floor in soft slippers, do not rearrange furniture for months or years. Their children are already adults for a long time or have not yet been born to knock on the laminate with toys, scratch pieces from it, trying to taste it.

Commercial laminate

This product category was created for decorating office premises, shopping centers. Nowhere other than Russia have they tried to use it as a floor covering in a nursery. You can verify this by watching videos and photos courtesy of the unlimited Internet.

  • Class 31. One of the most affordable options. Commercial use leaves such a laminate no more than 4 years of service. Household use is limited to 12 years. Focusing on a modest price, most consumers tend to save money by laying this type of laminate in an apartment.
  • Class 32... The optimal ratio between price and quality provides the laminate of this type increased interest from a potential consumer. In an office with average traffic, the panels can last up to 5 years. They will "live" in the apartment up to 15 years. concurrently Russian buyers - owners of pets with large claws - invariably prefer this material. Craftsmen have noticed that most attempts to lay laminated panels are self-produced with panels of this type.
  • Class 33. Intensive loads inherent in restaurants and hotels can render a structure made of this laminate unusable in 6 years. at the moment, the 33rd class is the most durable and reliable, its use is permissible with high cross-country ability.

Laying 33 class laminates at home provides the flooring with at least 20 years of service. During this time, he will surely have time to get bored, he will want to be replaced with a new one, while the invested funds will remain unjustified.

Read more about scratches ...

In a professional environment, the value of a laminate is determined by its resistance to wear and tear. The indicator is easily calculated when machining with abrasives. For a certain time, the abrasive wheel rotating on the machine acts on the surface of the panel. For the accuracy of the data, the number of revolutions is monitored while monitoring the degree of abrasion.

The results are formed into a specific marking:

  • IP is the first degree. When exposed to abrasives, the integrity of the surface is violated with the appearance of deep scratches.
  • FP - second degree Abrasives are capable of causing damage to no more than half of the protective layer.
  • AT is the third degree. The protective layer is not able to resist the attack of abrasives.

The test results are not advertised to the general public, but it is enough to look into the certification data to get the necessary information.

Sellers may not necessarily answer honestly to questions about the quality of their products. Experienced consultants always answer the question about the degree awarded as a result of the tests.

Taber test

Wear resistance modern material examined using a special device called the Taber device. The surface of the laminated panel is exposed to an abrasive wheel device while simulating a pressure similar to that of an average person.

Useful information! The task of the Taber device is to record the revolutions made by the abrasive wheel for a certain period of time.

To classify flooring ( parquet boards or laminate) start the abrasive, starting to erase the surface of the material. As soon as the process of destruction of the protective layer is completely completed, readings are taken. Based on the data obtained, the material is classified.

The abrasive wheel has to make different number turns until the layer is abraded, depending on the class of the laminate. The Average Taber (AT) classification is based on the number of revolutions, assigning the surface to one of five possible categories AC1-AC5.

The EN 13329 grading has been developed in accordance with the European quality standards for flooring. Even 10 years ago, this area was regulated by the EN 438 norm, which differs by more soft requirements and rules.

Nuance! Many owners who have already experienced the happiness of replacing their flooring with laminate are well aware that no substrates can save you from squeaking.

It is completely impossible to get rid of the squeak. There are two ways out of the situation - to accept and tolerate, or to purchase panels of great thickness.

However, this is a double-edged sword. The thicker the laminate, the less squeaks and the more expensive it is. The price of many expensive panels is most often influenced by the presence of a special sound-absorbing layer. The quality of the laminate installation also affects the volume of the squeak.

Useful information! The tighter the fit the elements, the calmer it is to be in a room with such a covering on the floor.

However, one should not demand the impossible from the builders - no one can fit the panels to each other absolutely tightly. This is not provided for by the structure of the laminate itself.

There are many laminate classes, but what is the difference between them? This question is of interest to many people planning a home or workplace. Manufacturers produce many types of flooring. Some prefer tiles, others prefer parquet, but laminate is considered the most purchased flooring due to its advantages and unique performance characteristics. The material has practically no drawbacks. It is easy to wash, it is affordable, retains its appearance for a long time, is practical, durable, not afraid sharp changes temperatures. Therefore, if you follow the rules of operation and maintenance, you often do not have to repair the floor covering.

What does the class of laminate mean?

Commercial classes

Floor coverings that belong to the "30-kam" differ high level strength. They are the most purchased.

Type 31 is characterized by the following features:

  • boards 0.7-0.8 cm thick;
  • slightly noticeable glossy effect;
  • maintainability;
  • low cost;
  • service life in residential premises up to 10 years, in commercial up to 5.

But this requires additional noise insulation... The material is not sufficiently resistant to moisture and has an unstable pattern.

Type 32 has other differences: it is 0.7 to 1.0 cm thick and is more durable. The material has an average abrasion resistance. Laying is carried out on a prepared base surface with the application of the substrate. The amount of substrate and laminate, taking into account the squaring, but with a small margin. In residential premises it will last up to 15 years.

Category 33 flooring usually contains special compounds. With their help, strength and resistance to abrasion are significantly increased. The material is often laid in residential areas where there is heavy traffic of residents and guests of the house. This is the most expensive laminate flooring. It has increased resistance to mechanical damage. The service life in residential premises is more than 20 years. The surface is characterized by relief (and the texture is different), which makes the material less slippery.

Class 34 laminated flooring is produced by high pressure extrusion. It has high strength and density, since in its manufacture they use special impregnation... Thanks to this, the resistance of the material to moisture also becomes higher. The material has good resistance to mechanical damage and abrasion. The only drawback is the high cost, but it justifies itself by the duration of operation: 25-30 years in residential and up to 15 - in commercial premises.

New classes

Over the past 10 years, products of the 41st, 42nd and 43rd classes have appeared on the flooring market. They are still absent in the GOST and ISO standards, but manufacturers are already labeling their products with new designations. 41 and 42 categories are still extremely rare on sale, in contrast to 43.

Laminate flooring of the 43rd class is a completely new material made on the basis of PVC. This allows you to create laminate models with higher consumer properties: hardness, durability and moisture resistance. For production, certified components are used, so the products are highly environmentally friendly. Due to this, the material is allowed to be laid even in the children's room and in hospitals. Due to the absence of harmful components, such a laminate will not be dangerous for a child or a person with a weakened, sick body.

The material has the following technical characteristics:

  • increased wear resistance;
  • preservation of the pattern during long-term use;
  • absolute resistance to moisture;
  • maintainability;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • the ability to equip a warm floor system;
  • high flexibility of panels;
  • there is no need to level the base too carefully (the material adapts to unevenness).

This material also has a high cost.

The main differences between the 31st class and the 32nd

For domestic use, laminate of the 21-23 category was previously produced. But today it is quite difficult to find it. Instead, laminates of 31 and 32 classes are now increasingly used in residential premises. The differences between neighboring types are often quite insignificant, they cannot be noticed at first glance. This also applies to the difference between class 31 and 32. In the first, the thickness of the boards is small - only 0.7 cm. This is not enough to well block the sound from neighbors, but it is excellent for floor insulation. A significant problem in this class is the low abrasion and moisture resistance. The material wears out quickly: the life of the 31st class laminate in everyday life is up to 10 years, and for the 32nd - up to 15 years. Class 31 laminate flooring should be cleaned with a minimum of water, and preferably vacuumed. Otherwise, the material may swell. In general, the 31st category is inferior to the 32nd in all technical characteristics. The only moment that pleases is more low price... It is suitable when you need to make renovations on a limited budget or you plan to decorate the wall with laminate.

Difference between 32 and 33 grade laminate

Grades 32 and 33 are the most popular on the market. Therefore, it is imperative to determine how laminate 32 differs from class 33 before making a choice.

  • lifetime;
  • wear resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical damage.

Both materials have good sound insulation and a special locking system. The difference between class 32 laminate is that it is less resistant to the influence of water, that is, it can be wiped with a damp cloth, but cannot be filled with water. If liquid gets into the locks connecting the panels, the parts will swell and the floor will swell. Class 33 laminate is more resistant to moisture - it can be washed with a variety of cleaning agents, so that it will be possible to remove even the oldest stains.

The difference between 33 and 34 class laminate

Class 33 laminate is suitable for the most walk-through rooms - corridor and kitchen. This is the premier level of flooring, so it is impractical to use it in rooms where there is little traffic (bedrooms, closets). The same goes for class 34 laminate. It is the most shockproof and durable, but also the most expensive. It is usually only installed in commercial premises. The service life of category 34 laminate is up to 20 years, but it depends on the loads, so it can last longer. In residential premises, the traffic intensity is much less, so there is no point in overpaying, it is enough to use class 33.


We have summarized all the main differences in the main consumer characteristics that affect the choice of laminate in one table. The difference between the classes is easy to analyze by the colors of the cells. Red color indicates values ​​that are not recommended for purchase, green - on the contrary, are the best choice, a yellow signals that it can be used, but with caution.

Summary table of differences in laminate classes

When choosing a laminate, be sure to consider the difference in flooring classes. Product marking indicates not only the wear resistance and strength of the material, but also its purpose, as well as the possibility of using with warm floors... Laying of the coating can be carried out both in residential (31-33 classes are suitable) and in commercial premises (only 33 or 34 class). When buying, it is recommended to take into account the color and texture of the panels so that they do not fall out of the general style of the room. But the most important thing is specifications laminate. The better the wear resistance, resistance to moisture, mechanical damage, the longer your laminate flooring will serve you, but it also costs more.