Hyacinth flowers landing and care in the open. Hyacinths: landing in autumn in open ground

Hyacinths are very beautiful plants with bright and colorful flowers similar to small bells. Flowers can be simple or terry with a variety of color, possess a pleasant aroma and early flowering period. it garden plantBut if you create conditions close to natural, you can successfully grow hyacinths at home.

Hyacinth is interesting because it can be grown as in garden conditionsand home. But he cannot constantly grow in some capacity and delight you with flowering. In the process of distillation, the bulbs are strongly depleted, and they do not have enough strength on repeated bloom. Therefore, the bulbs need to buy already prepared, past rest period. With the right compliance with all the conditions, you will get the wonderful aromatic inflorescences of hyacinths.

When at home plant hyacinth?

Most often, the flowering plant is calculated to receive to a specific holiday or date. On average, 14-15 weeks run from the moment of planting to flowering, so it is necessary to calculate this period in advance and proceed to plant landing on time.

How does hyacinth grow at home?

The plant takes place best on the windows overlooking the southern or south-eastern side, because it loves the sun very much. During the day, the flower should at least 15 hours be under illumination, in winter time You can additionally illuminate hyacinth with lamps. daylight.

But, despite all the love of plants to light, it needs to be protected from direct sunlight, so in the midst of a sunny day it is better to remove the flower from the window or shame it. So that the plant does not lean in one direction, it periodically needs to be rotated.

Temperature regime should be from 20 to 22 degrees, should not be sharp drops Temperatures and drafts.

You can also grow hyacinths without soil - in water. This method is called hydroponics. In water, dissolved mineral fertilizers must be present. It is necessary to ensure that the bulbs are immersed in the tank only in part - in the Don. At first, the plant is placed in a dark and cool place, and with the appearance of the roots transferred to a bright room.

Hyacinth breeding at home

Thanks to the successes of breeders, at this stage of time, there are many varieties of hyacinths. Many of them can be grown at home. All homemade hyacinths belong to one appearance - East.

For growing beautiful and healthy hyacinths at home, it is necessary to properly prepare:

  • choose high-quality planting material;
  • pick up the appropriate capacity;
  • buy or prepare soil.

The bulbs are recommended to use healthy, without damage and rot, with a diameter of at least 5 centimeters, it is advisable to take them in a specialized store. Small bulbs may not bloom in the first year. It is preferable to acquire bulbs at the end of summer, after the natural period of rest.

Before disembarking, it is necessary to treat it with special disinfectants.

Next, you must select a suitable fit for landing. It should be not very deep. It doesn't matter what material it is made, the main thing is to be drainage holes.
The soil can be purchased in the store (but it should not have a sour Wednesday) or do it yourself, mixing such components as the derm, compost, leafy ground and humus in a 1: 1 ratio, and adding some peat and sand.

Hyacinth must constantly feed and fertilize. Universal fertilizer For indoor plants, it is great for this.

How to put hyacinths at home?

At the bottom of the capacity, the drainage layer of the clay is covered. Lay out a small layer of soil and fall asleep with a thin layer of sand. One bulb is placed on the sand or a few for the formation of a whole bouquet of flowers.

When placing several bulbs it is necessary to trace so that they do not come into contact with each other and with the container.

Gently pressed the bulbs in the ground and fall asleep the earth, the top of the bulbs must remain in the air, and one and a half centimeters. From above can be covered with a thin layer of sand, it will protect the plant from the posting.

After landing, it is necessary to moisten the soil, wrap the capacity in an opaque package and put in a cold room, for example, a cellar or garage, it can also be a refrigerator. In the cold, the bulb should be from 6 to 10 weeks. Temperature should not be above 5 degrees and completely absent lighting.

For hyacinth, such conditions serve as imitation of winter, without them he will not be able to bloom. During this period, care comes down to a minimum, it is only necessary to occasionally get a plant and check so that no soil dry.

As soon as the sprout appears, no more than 5 cm high, the plant must be moved to a bright and warm room, to create the effect of "spring". There, the flower is located before the formation of the first buds, further, increase the temperature to 20-22 degrees. The temperature of the temperature regime should be smooth, otherwise the plant may get sick and not bloom.

How to care for hyacinths at home?

Hyacinth is unpretentious plant And with proper care, it will be able to grow flower with different levels of skills.

For incorrect leaving For hyacinth, the following problems may arise:

  1. Flower stops flowering. Most often it is due to unsuitable temperature conditions.
  2. . This may occur with irregular watering or due to drafts.
  3. Withering leaves. With a lack of natural lighting.
  4. Fitting buds. Wrong irregular watery.
  5. Harvesting flowers. It happens when it is too frequent or abundant irrigation.

Hyacinth: how to water at home?

It is necessary to ensure that the soil around the bulbs do not get sink. It must be regularly and carefully water, while it is necessary to control so that the water does not get on the plant itself (leaves, flowers), it can cause their posting. Water must be pouring to the edge of the container either in the pallet. Excess water must be pouring so that the root system does not occur. Water should be distilled or filtered, room temperature.

The plant does not need spraying.

Once every two weeks feed the flowering plant with liquid complex fertilizer for flowering plants, according to the instructions.


In culture, the varieties of Hyacinth Eastern (Hyacinthus orientalis). In nature grows in Greece and Malaya Asia, where he blooms itself in early spring. His culture in Europe has become popular since the XV century, and today the total number of varieties is thousands, each year receive new ones.

Lukovitsa hyacinthov

The bulb is long-term, can fully bloom for 10 years or more, then blooming is weakening and it is replaced. By virtue of its southern origin of the heat-loving, in the homeland bloom at the end of winter - early spring. Then the above-ground part is dying, and the bulb is almost six months "resting" in the soil, heated by the hot southern sun. In this period of external rest inside the bulbs, the root and subsidiaries are formed. In the conditions of the middle strip for the normal formation of vegetative organs and the inflorescences of the next year, the bulbs must be twisted annually and keep to autumn at a certain temperature mode. Without this, for the second year, blooming will weaken, and then it will completely come down.

Maximum dimensionsadult bulbs are usually from 4 to 6 cm, depending on the variety. The bulbs of terry and yellow varieties are usually smaller. When buying, choose strong, solid to the touch, proper round shape and without damage. The diach should be dry and slightly concave, covering scales - whole, with silky glitter. An important quality indicator is the ratio of the diameter of the Donets to the diameter of the bulb itself: if it is 1: 1.6 and more - everything is in order. In old and poorly grown bulbs, the diameter of the diameter in relation to the diameter of the bulb is less.

Lukovits Hyacinth has interesting featurewhich lies in the color of the luckers crumbling scales. Bulk bulbs with blue, blue and purple flowers typically have purple outdoor scales, with white - light gray, and with pink - lilac, but sometimes there are exceptions.

In addition, each group of varieties usually corresponds to a certain shape of the bulbs: Breakonic is usually characteristic of varieties with blue and pink flowers, narrow-monotic - for varieties with yellow flowers, ovoid - for varieties with white flowers, but there are exceptions here.

Hyacinth landing time

In the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, the bulbs are planted when the temperature is about +8 ° C. This is usually the second half of October.

Preparing for landing of hyacinths

The soil is suitable neutral, lightweight, breathable, treated to a depth of at least 40 cm (two bayonet shovels): the roots of the hyacinth are long, it must be considered when preparing the landing site. In addition, hyacinths do not like acidic soil.

Before boarding it is recommended in advance (about a month) to make a well decomposed organic organic (humus). Under hyacinths, like under the other onion, is not allowed to introduce fresh manure. It should not be planted by hyacinths not only after other bulbous crops, but also after potatoes, tomatoes, dahlias: these plants have common diseases with hyacinths.

Planting hyacinths

Landing depthfrom the diamets of the bulbs - 15-18 cm for large bulbs, a diameter of about 5 cm. That is, like all the bulbs, the landing of hyacinths produce according to the "Rule of Three".

For hyacinths, as well as for all onion, desirable landing in the "sandy shirt": on the bottom of the groove or wells pour clean river sand With the addition of ash layer 3-5 cm. The bulb slightly press it into it, then pour sand, top with the soil.

This technique will eliminate the highlighting of bulbs and will protect them from infections. If the earth is dry, taking planting.

Spring care for hyacinths

With the onset of sustainable colds, cover the place with land drops. To do this, you can use a dry peat, humid, dry foliage or snapper. In the spring, as soon as the soil begins to drain, remove the shelter, since the sprouts in hyacinth appear very early. For late landing (October - November) In advance, warm the place and after disembarking the bulbs, put back the removable material.

In the spring, at the beginning of the vegetation and when buds appear, the plants feed the full mineral fertilizer. In dry weather they regularly watered.

In the case of frosts, hyacinths are preferably covered with one layer of Loutrasil.

Watch out for the bulbs: sick plants and non-sprouted bulbs dig up. Understand what bulbs need to be removed, it is possible when several leaves will appear: you can easily detect empty places or see signs of illness on fresh leaves. Watering hyacinths must be finished immediately after flowering, the bulbs fear most of all the winding.

Speaking of hyacinths

It is best to dig hyacinths at the end of June - early July, when the leaves will yellow. Dug-in bulbs carefully clean from the ground, cut the leaves and dry 2-3 days. For drying, a dry, ventilated room with a stable temperature is suitable. Then clean from unnecessary scales, roots, outlook on the bottom, separate major kids and remove storage.

The total duration of storage is about 95 days. Of these, 2 months of the bulbs are desirable to store at a temperature of +25 ... + 28 ° C, then a month at +17 ° C. The humidity in the room where the bulbs are stored, it should be not too low so that they do not dry.

To maintain humidity, it is possible to spray the bulbs with water from time to time.

During storage, they periodically examine them, the diseases immediately destroy.

Examination of hyacinth

For distortion, only large, healthy lows of hyacinths that have passed summer period rest.

In October, land the bulbs in pots with light fertile soil - so that about a third of the height of the bulbs was higher than the level of the soil. Pour. For 3 months, hold the pots at a temperature of +5 ... + 10 ° C in a dark place - the higher the temperature, the longer. When there will appear and grow a little color, pots with hyacinths are entered into the room.

Teach the plants gradually. The lower the room is indoors, the longer the plant will bloom. When the plant is flashing, gradually cutting watering, and when the leaves completely yellow, dig the bulb, clean the roots and old scales and fall into the garden. The second time for pasting the bulb is no longer suitable.

Hyacinth - Rain Flower: Celling Hyacinth in Water

Rain flower is so called hyacinth due to its ability to grow and blossom in ordinary water. Special glass vases with a narrow cage in the neck, intended for trampling appeared on sale.

Pour in VaZochka ordinary water so that it does not give to the bulbs 1-2 cm. The vessel with a bulb wrapped into the paper and put in the refrigerator, and in two months they get from there and then act in the same way as in by the usual case. For the whole time, while the vessel stands in the refrigerator, do not forget to periodically pour water.

Popular varieties of hyacinths

The number of varieties of hyacinths is calculated by thousands, they differ in the height of the blooming, the magnitude of the inflorescence, color and time of flowering (early, medium and late). However, in height, the time of flowering and the size of the variety differ little. Therefore, the main feature for the choice of hyacinth is the shade of inflorescence.

White hyacinths

Aiolos, Edelweiss, Arenine Arendsen, Antarctica, Avalanche, Carnegie, L'Innocence, Louvre, Madame Sophie(terry), Polar Giant, Top White, White King.

Pink hyacinths

Anna Marie. , Anna Liza, Aprotic Passion, Aprotic Star, Bestseller, China Pink, Double Eros(terry), Fondant, Freestyler, Ibis, Lady Derby, Marconi, Pink Pearl, Prince of Love(terry) , Prince Rose.

Purple and raspberry hyacinths

Jan Bos, Miss Saigon, Purple Star, Purple Voice, Splendid Cornelia, Showmaster, Woodstock.

Blue and lilac hyacinths

ALL STAR, AQUA, BLUE GIANT, BLUE TANGO(terry), Blue Eyes, Delft Blue, Caribbean Dream, City of Bradford, Chicago, General Kohler (terry), Fresco, Koh i-Noor, Top Hit, Sky Jacket.

Purple hyacinths

Atlantic, Aida, Blue Troph, Dark Dimension (practically black), Discovery, Manhattan. (terry), Ocean Delight, Pacific Ocean, Purple Sensation.

Yellow hyacinths

City of Haarlem, Gipsy Princess, Yellow Queen.

There are novelties: supermarked orange hyacinths, as well as "multicolor" varieties, the color of each flower which consists of several colors. Such varieties were already presented at exhibitions in Holland.

Hyacinth aroma

Hyacinths have a very strong fragrance, they are actively used in the cosmetic and perfume industry. This component is considered an indicator of spirits to the highest class. Delicate and ringing aroma most often used when creating compositions of flower and eastern class. Some researchers argue that the smell of hyacinth helps to relieve stress and improves performance. The dried petals of the hyacinth are put in linen bags and shift the bedding in the closet - it retains the freshness for a long time.

Illustrations for Material: Shutterstock / Tass, Olga Petina

Hyacinth is decorative plantThat descended to us from a vintage picture. After all, it attracts not only with its amazing beauty, but also an extraordinary aroma! About what is a landing and care for fabulous hyacinths lined in open sadas well as what are the varieties and methods of breeding, and finally how these flowers are used in landscape design And with what plants are better combined, you will learn in the article!

Description: Varieties and varieties of hyacinths

An amazing hyacinth flower with a gentle colors and a captivating aroma one of the first begins to bloom in the spring garden, driving off the gardeners with its colorful and fragrant inflorescences. Rich color palette Starting from snow-white and yellowish to Bordeaux and the color of the resin, complemented by an amazing form of inflorescences, strikes imagination. No wonder the hyacinth is called a universal plant: this rain flower is great for disembarking in the ground and early distillation in the greenhouse. How to land and care for the plant, what kind of breeding methods exist and how picturesque hyacinths are used in landscape design, you will learn more!

The birthplace of hyacinths is Small Asia and Greece. Here at every step you can meet the wildflower plant. Flowers are largely owned by Holland, where famous breeders actively engaged in their cultivation. Hence Many hybrid varietiesFollowing our country. By the way, about varieties. Information on sources varies, but, as the breeders assure in nature there are at least three types of hyacinths:

  • litvinova (Hyacinthus Litwinowii);
  • eastalis (Hyacinthus Orientalis), which became a source decorative varieties of this plant.

The blooming only for the season, the hyacinths are considered to distinguish between flowering timing: sadic culture May be early, medium and late-laying.

IN middle lane Our immense country, gentle hyacinths are dissolved early, making a decent company to the first tulips. Weather conditions inherent in a specific region can shift flowering dates for 2-3 weeks, so these plants are considered very sensitive to climate and air temperature. The duration of the flowering process is from 7 to 15 days, again, taking into account the fact that the weather is favorably or not.

Plant landing

Important! Choosing a moment for landing, make sure that the bulbs of the plants will be able to root before the onset of frosts. This will increase all the chances of wintering, and the next spring your garden will be filled with colorful and fragrant hyacinths. Putting the flowers too early, you can never wait for germs: the bulbs will simply die. But too, the late landing threatens the fact that the bulbs will not have time to form their own root systemand the soil will freeze.

Choosing a landing place, remember that the birthplace of capricious hyacinth are warm countries, therefore it should be planted on solar and windless hillocks, having prepared in advance the soil. To her, the flower presents special requirements: the soil must be a water perpetinate with a considerable content. However, it is better not to resort to the use of fresh and underdeveloped humus. If the soil is dense and clay, then it is mixed with peat and sand. At the soil with increased acidity, the gardener will not be able to grow a luxurious flower bed, so such a ground will have to dilute by limestone or chalk.

Attention! The grounding ground is drunk to a depth of up to 40 cm, mixed with mineral and organic feeding, if necessary, lime is added. Then the soil is recalled and covered with a film waiting for planting. This will avoid the appearance of weeds.

Before boarding, the material is carefully visible. From soft and sick bulbs it is better to get rid of immediately. For landing, use medium bulbs, because the plants grew out of them will easier to transfer bad weather, but there are more bulk large sizes More suitable for pastures.

Hyacinth bulbs are planted to a depth of 15-17 cm at a distance of 15 cm from each other. If the baby is small, then the depth and distance will have to shorten. Having completed landing work, the soil is sprinkled by a mulching layer (sawdust, peat, fond of foliage), and after a decrease in temperature to 0 ° C and the appearance of stable cold cold, covered with a film or other observing material that is already expanded in the early spring when the soil hides.

Hyacinth care

Gentle and trepidate hyacinths used in landscape design are very demanding of care, so special attention It should be given to the purity of the soil around shoots. Periodically, it breaks down. It will help create a plant. favorable conditions Growing. If your hyacinths do not please abundant blossom, it is probably soil is not moistened enough.

Hyacinths are very fond of water, they especially need in moisture in a dry season. In its vegetation period, the plant requires feeding, and a mandatory preventive event is considered to be chosen, which is carried out 2-3 times per season. The bloomer does not break down with his hands, but neatly cuts off with a knife, if it is not planned to cut hyacinths at all, then the faders are broken, and the blooming is left.

Fertilizer and feeding of hyacinths

The key condition for growing flowering plants is a regular feeding. First time mineral subcord It happens in early spring when sprouts begin to appear. Superphosphate, ammonia nithe or potassium chloride can be used as fertilizers. With the formation of the first buds, the plant is fed for the second time using the same fertilizers. The third time the culture is fed after flowering when the hyacinth should be supplied to the nutrients for the formation of renewal kidneys and the laying of the sinus kidneys. Potash, phosphoric fertilizers, as well as potassium chloride and superphosphate, pre-dissolved in water are used for feeding.

Tip! After making ordinary fertilizers, the soil is thoroughly frozen!

Reproduction of the plant

Usually, breeders use seed method to remove varieties. In this way of culture, they will delight with their colorful inflorescences only after 5-7 years. Seeds are dried closer to October in container with soil mixed with humid and fine sand, and for 2 years are grown in closed greenhouses.

The process of natural reproduction of colors proceeds extremely slowly. Adult bulb can form only one to three kids. If the baby is easy to separate from the maternal bulk, then it is aggravated separately, otherwise it does not climb, and they are seeded together with the maternal bulb.

Selected for breeding of bulbs are pre-treated with a solution of manganese-sour potassium (1%), and during the next two days dry.

Diseases and pests

Grown hyacinths extremely rarely suffer from pests and are almost not subject to diseases. However, if signs of pest lesions were noticed (cessation of growth, curvature of flowers, wilting or yellowing), then the reasons may be the following:

  • for landing used infected material;
  • inappropriate soil (converted or acidic);
  • excess mineral feeding;
  • wrong bulk rejection for landing;
  • incorrect prevention;
  • violation of landing rules.

Of the diseases with which hyacinth may face, there is most often bacterial yellow rot, converting bulwing into mucous formation with a sharp smell. As a result of infection, the culture stops growing, and spots and stripes can be formed on leaves. The patient plant is subject to removal from flower beds, and the liberated well is carefully rushing with chlorine lime.

Hyacinths: Combination with other plants

In landscaped design, fabulous hyacinths are perfectly combined with many Spring bulbous plants, blooming approximately one with the hyacinth period. The most organic and picturesque tandem form:

  • bright blue hyacinths and sunny daffodils;
  • blue hyacinths and snow-white tulips;
  • orange hyacinths and scarlet tulips.

Hyacinths in landscape design

Hyacinth - universal flower, because it is successfully grown in flower Klumbach On the outdoor soil, in vases and pots on the windowsill. These blooming plants of one look unusually gracefully. color solving In the company of magnificent and low-perennial crops. Wonderfully the garden path in the framework of well-gone hyacinths, as well as the trees and shrubs decorated with them. Gardeners assure that hyacinths are better to plant together with other plants, so that they are swinging, the soil is not empty.

Grating Hyacinth House: Video

Hyacinths in the garden: photo

Many dackets strive to grow at the site of hyacinths, landing and care in open soil for which certain temporary costs require. In this article, we will look at how to grow these beautiful flowers (even in those regions where the land freezes in winter), when digging the hyacinths how to store bulbs, how to multiply the variety you like.

Hyacinths on Klumba (photo of hope Abramovich, Krasnodar)

Early spring, as soon as snow comes out, green arrows of hyacinths germinate from the ground. This flower with a charming and pronounced aroma varies with all the shades of the rainbow. The inflorescences in the form of brushes can be both ordinary and terry in structure, 20-30 boutons are usually located on the flowers.

Landing hyacinths in the ground: the selection of bulbs and places for the landing

The perennial hyacinth is a bulbous culture, the size of the bulb may be different depending on the variety of the flower. The planting material is considered adult by 5-6, when fully formed. The tuber is a scaly sphere with renewal kidney - it is it affects its growth. Adult bulbs by the 5th year are usually furnished by kids who are formed near the Donets and are hidden under scales.

Hyacinth, photos of colors:

When choosing clubs, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The bulbs of terry species are often smaller in size, unlike their usual fellow.
  2. For growing colors in the open soil, the tuber must have at least 4 cm in diameter, full-fledged active kidney and multiple scales. Elasticity and severity are indicators of the healthy state of the bulbs.
  3. The appearance of the bulbs should be perfect - no damage, which pushed the sides, mold.
  4. At the bottom of the tuber (near the Donets), root primitives must be present.
  5. The donation suitable for planting the bulbs should be less than the bulb itself about one and a half or twice (we are talking about volume).

Pledge long I. lush flowering It is not only high-quality planting material, but also the place for planting. You can break the flower garden near the trees or bushes, but not very close to them. Place for plants should be madless, well covered sunny rays. The soil is needed, if you have a black mill or loam in your site, it is desirable to make a peat in it in advance (you can and sand). Cherry land or deciduous humus - excellent conditions for the development, growth and flowering of hyacinths.

The organic fertilizer gives good results, but you should not use the manure. If the soil is acidic (pH above 6.5) then it should be diluted with dolomite (limestone) flour. Giacinte tubers do not like excessive moisture. If on your site, underground waters are closer to the surface (closer than 0.5 m), without arranging high beds, you can not do. In addition, plants will have to provide a high-quality drainage substrate, as well as make a small bias of the ridge - for better outflow of water during rains, spring melting of snow. With the arrival of spring high Grokes Faster heated by sunlight, hyacinths bloom much earlier.

When planting hyacinths

An affordable time to planting bulbs is mid-September / October. It should be considered if you put the tuber too early, it will begin to develop, but the winter will not happen, freezes. If you put the hyacinths too late, they will not have time to root and get used to the place - accordingly they will also die. If you are late with the landing, then hurry to the first week of November is the latest term. To do this, you will have to resort to additional measures - to cover the landing site of false foliage, sweetheart or any other shelter to prevent bulbs.

Is it possible to plant hyacinths in the spring? I often see that gardeners ask about the spring landing of hyacinths. Most likely, this question arises if you bought or you gave a flowering hyacinth in a pot. How to be in this case with a bulb? First, give the flower to fond. Secondly, you should not immediately transplant the bulb into open ground. Give the bulb: reduce watering, leave the flower alone, wait until all the leaves are yellowed and start damp. It will take about a month and a half. After that, free the bulb from the pot and leave it in a privacy until September-October (terms depend on the region). And then apply as the advice recommend planting hyacinth in the fall.

Grating hyacinths in open soil

It is extremely desirable to prepare the soil in advance - to move to a depth of about 40-45 cm and make the required additives (depends on the composition and state of the soil). Limestone (200 g), wood ash (150 g), superphosphate (50-70 g), Magnesium sulfate (10 g) or potassium (20 g) added from approximate calculation for 1 m² of land. So that the fragile young roots are not damaged when landing, the dumping of the soil on the place of the future flower garden is also important. During the bulbs, the temperature of the soil should be approximately 8-11 degrees, the distance between the tubers is not more than 10-15 cm. If the flowers are planted in the bed, then the width of the aisle should be about 18-22 cm. If you want different types of hyacinths Bloomed at the same time, watch all the tubers are about the same in size.

Hyacinth, photos of bulbs:

A place for the future flower garden is mounted with leaves or some other suitable material, covered polyethylene filmTo preserve heat. After the tuber is heated, the plot is sprinkled with wood sawdust or peat, it can also be covered with a foliage or coniferous snap. Special covering material is great for these purposes. With the arrival of the first days of spring protective covering It will be possible to remove to free the road to the proclaiming spons of hyacinths.

As mentioned above, the bulbs should be healthy, but if you still fear fungal manifestations, you can preliminarily soak them in a solution of fungicide.

The width and depth of the well under the tuber should be equal to its two sizes - approximately 15-25 cm, you can pour a little sand to the bottom, and then buoy the tube with a bottom down (somewhere at 13-15 cm). The bulb is sprinkled with the soil that needs to be slightly tumped, then pour.

The root plant of the plant absorbs moisture and useful substances from the ground within a radius of about 20 cm from the tuber - this should be considered. Small lows can not be strongly plugged, they should also be planted pretty thickly.

How to care for hyacinth

After the protective shelter is removed, the departure of the plants will be in a weeding, regular watering, grounding of the soil, making feeding. It should be borne in mind that hyacinths do not belong to the neighborhood of weeds. When buds begin to tie and flowering time, the soil fertilizer becomes especially relevant. After the crossing of the sprouts, the flowers can be sewn (25-30 g per 1 m²).

The second stage of fertilizers should be in the period when the buds are typing color. Now, in addition to ammonium nitrates, you can add potassium chloride (25 g) and phosphoric additive (for example, superphosphate, 35 g). At the end of flowering, the superphosphate and potassium chloride are made on the site - 35 g of each tool per 1 m² of area. Fertilizers are processed by aisle or places between colors, after making feeding should always be watering.

Hyacinths - how to care after flowering? Unfortunately, this excellent period is fleeting, after drying the flowers, the roots saturation should be saturated. To the tubers well recovered after flowering, watering and fertilizers should be in the first place. If you live in the "cold" region, it is impossible to leave the hyacinths for the winter, they will have to dig up - these are necessary measures for the further favorable formation of renal renovation.

If you live in the Kuban, in the Crimea, in the north of the Caucasus, then the annual digging of tubers can be avoided, but only under the condition of very hot summer. It should be borne in mind that the bulbs left in the earth will give much less colors for the next year.

Hyacinters have not been transplanted for a long time (photo Anna Nepetrovskaya, Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory)

When digging hyacinth after flowering

The optimal period is the last weeks of June - the first half of July, when the leaves of the plant become yellow and weak. The ground part of the flower is removed, the tubers are extracted from the soil, wash it with water and thoroughly dry. Next, we carry out an audit - damaged (or with obvious signs of the disease) are discharged. If there are undeveloped babies on the bulb, they are separated and postponed to grow. Before storage, all tubers are refined from diseases and pests.

Planting material, photo:

After all the manipulations of the bulbs, approximately 7-10 days should be closed in a well-ventilated place at air temperature +17 .. + 20 ° C. To do this, they need to be decomposed on clean paper, and after the specified time to hide in paper bags. It was the period after a bunching, as well as the time of processing and storage of tubers - the most important for hyacinths. At this time, acclimatization occurs planting material, scales dry, tubers are prepared for the summer period.

At a sufficiently high summer temperature, air and moderate humidity should be ensured to the bulbs (if the sidewater bar reaches + 30 ° C). Approximately three weeks before landing, the temperature in the room with bulbs should be lowered to +16 ° C - this will help them adapt before planning.

How to propagate hyacinths at home

Separately, it is worth considering breeding methods, since tubers can give flowers over two or three yearsBut at the same time they will not form children. For this, the bulbs need stimulation, it is carried out in various ways.

Hyacinth Tuber Donets

Another landing on the site is determined by the place where the largest bulbs are planted. After the plant gets away from the plant, the tuber is extracted from the ground and immediately, not allowing to dry, arrange the "shower" under strong water pressure. During this process, old scales are removed from the earth. Next, the bulbs lay out by one layers in a ventilated box, bring to the shaded place, dried about 7-10 days. After this time, with the help of a sharp knife on the Donette, a wedge-shaped neckline is made, in which the kidney itself is completely removed. The location of the cut must be treated with chopped activated carbon.

After this operation, tubers are laid out in the container, the bottom of which will be rested by a layer of perlit. Bulbs should be cranked up. Next, the container is placed in a large plastic bag (you can use debris packages) to create the desired microclimate. At a temperature of + 30 ° C and high humidity In place of the cut, they will appear children, and after 2-3 months they will reach approximately 1 cm, they will acquire the roots of the roots and the small processes will be allowed. If the cutting of the Donets was made in the first months of the summer, the tuber with kids can be put into the soil and cover with wood sawdust (or peat).

If the time is missed, the tubers turn the book with the Donets, put into the container with the soil, placed in the cold (refrigerator, basement), and with the onset of spring sitting on the site.

After the hyacinths beat away, what to do with them? With the onset of August, these tubers dig up (by that time they are already covered with kids), separate children. By early September, the young generation of hyacinths are plugged into the soil, cover 10 cm layer of mulch (sawdust, coniferous husk, foliage, peat). At the end of the first wintering, the mulching layer is removed, but left on the spot after the second winter. For the third year, such hyacinths give color and please you with a beautiful aroma.

Reproduction of scales with bulbs

Large tubers (about 5-6 cm in diameter) are cut into 4 parts, after which they are separated from the bottom of the flakes, the "wound" surface is treated with antensed activated carbon. Then the capacitance is taken, at the bottom of which is embarrassed perlite or pure sand, it is also possible to use chopped charcoal with ash. Bloomred scales are put into this container, then it is placed in a transparent plastic bag, reliably typked and withstand 2 months with not too bright lighting.

At the same time, the air temperature should be approximately + 19..23 ° C, but at the second stage, which lasts a month and a half, the temperature must be reduced to + 16..19 ° C. During this period, several bulbs will be tuned on scales. Storage of young livestock is similar to the method described in the first way.

Gyacinth reproduction with sheets of sheet

To do this, wait for a period of launching of the floweros and separate the sheets from the hyacinths by a pair of sheets, they need to cut as close to the base as close as possible. Next, the leaves are treated in a solution that stimulates the root formation (for example, "heteroaceuxin") and are plugged at 3-4 cm into a clean sand tank (or perlite). This container, again, concludes a plastic bag, tie it and put in a moderately lit place for a month and a half. The air temperature should vary within + 10..17 ° C, humidity - 80-90%. After the specified period on the cuttings you can see the bulbs, and after 50-60 days - young roots and small leaves. Next, plants are planted on the site, each cutlets subsequently gives 6-10 kids.

Dont cutting as a method of reproduction of hyacinth

With this procedure, the Donets are not deleted, as in the first case, and the cross will be covered. On large tubers, a couple of crosses are made, on those that the lamb is one. Damaged places are processed by powdered activated carbon, then the bulbs are put on a warm room for 24 hours (+ 20..22 ° C) so that the "crosses" revealed. All further action are similar to the above-described recommendations. With this method of stimulation of the tuber, it is possible to get about 10-16 large young bulbs.

In order for these Spring Bulletin to please you with long blossoms, brushes and amazing flavor, you need to make efforts. Now you know how to grow hyacinths, landing and care in the open soil for which, although they are associated with difficulties, but, undoubtedly, there are spent forces and time.

First Flowers (Photo Love White, Krasnodar)

To place the landing of hyacinth into open ground, the selection of the site is required, on which there will be no stagnation of water. The platform is best for a slope or hill.

It is also necessary to consider the location groundwater Under this platform should not be closer to 70 cm to the surface.

For hyacinth in the garden is also important The composition of the soil. The soil must be lightweight, air and water permeable.

Flower is demanding of quantity nutrients in the substrate. The acidic soil must be made, and add a sufficient amount of sand or peat into clay.

Growing in the open soil

Time and landing rules

Hyacinths plant from late September to November. The early landing will provoke growth, and the flower is not capable of response. If you are late with the landing, then cover their layer of foliage.

Before this, the soil must be carefully prepared. It is necessary to switch the plot for 2 months. At the same time, 10-15 kg are made, superphosphate - 70-80 gr., Potassium sulfate or wood ash - 200 gr., dolomitic flour Or Magnesium sulfate - 250g. per square meter.

In the wells also adjust humus. But it is impossible to add fresh or weakly-equipped manure.

How to choose and prepare bulbs?

The bulb has a spherical shape. It consists of germinal kidney, which is surrounded by numerous scales formed within four years. Full boarding material becomes 5-6 years. After the sixth year, daughter scales appear on the bulb, from which new copies can be raised.

Planting material depending on the variety has different sizes. Terry grades Have the smallest bulb.

For landing in open ground fit the bulbs not less than 4 cm in diameter. At the same time, they must be dense, elastic, without damage. On the underside should be visible root roots.

Donets U. quality Lukovitsa It should be in diameter fewer bases one and a half times.

Rules landing

Before placing the hyacinth in the soil it should be displaced - soak for 30 minutes in a solution of manganese or foundazole.

The bulbs are located at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other. Between the small, it is necessary to leave a distance of 10 cm. The wells are digging in such a way that the bulb will carry no more than 15 cm. The bottom of the wells is defined by a layer of sand that performs the role of drainage.

After planting, the hyacinths are sprinkled with a layer of soil, and then covered with a mulching layer. At the occurrence of frosts, the landing pad is additionally covered with sweetheart or branches.

Implement right landing and care for hyacinths In the garden in the open soil you will be helped by photo:

Spring care

As soon as the site comes down the snow cover, the mulching layer is removed. Immediately after the snow, it is not necessary to water them, as moisture in the soil is enough, and the overalling for hyacinths is dangerous, they can infect fungus.

Watering is needed only if there is no rain and can be seen significant soil drying.

Three times for the period of growing hyacinths should be filled: After the appearance of the first sprouts, during flowering and immediately after a bunching. The first feeding is carried out by Selutyra. In the second to a small number of nitrates added superphosphate and potassium chloride. The third dressing consists of superphosphate and potassium chloride.

Do not bring after flowering nitrogen fertilizersSo as not to provoke re-growth of the kidney.

Preparation for the new season

After flowering it should be waited for a complete drying of the leaves, only after that they need to dig.

Annual leopard extraction procedure from Earth - mandatory procedure. If you do not dig up, the flowers become smaller.

Dumping bulbs in June-July. They are thoroughly cleaned by leaves and land. It is desirable to wash the bulbs in a weak solution of manganese and dry.

Do not cut off the leaves, and carefully separate them from the bulbs manually.

Process drying lasts one or two weeks. The bulbs should be stored at a temperature of 18-20 degrees in a dry room. The hyacinths are then stacked in packets from paper or carton boxes. Further storage of landing material is a responsible moment, since the flower kidney is laid at this time.

Two months of the bulbs are contained in the room, the temperature in which is at least 25 degrees. Then should sharply reduce the temperature to 15-17 degrees. The humidity of the air is needed, so that the bulbs are not dried

If moisture in the air is not enough, the bulbs can be slightly sprayed with water.

How to propagate a plant?

The reproduction of hyacinths is carried out by seeds and children.

  • Seed method. With this method, you can get the varieties of new paintings. Hyacinths grown from seeds in 6-7 years will bloom. Sowing is produced in drawers filled with a mixture of humus (2h.), Leaf land (1ч.), Sand (1C). The growth of bulbs from the seed lasts 2 years.
  • Breeding kids. The mother's bulb gives 1-2 kids per year to achieve 4-5 years of age. It is possible to separate the baby from the main bulbs only when it is practically falling off from it. If the babe holds hard, it can not be cared.

The obtained kids are planted on a separate section on a small depth. Planting is covered with a large mulch layer.

Accelerated breeding method

It is an artificial increase in the amount of planting material. For such a way, you will need to sacrifice an adult bulb, which will no longer be able to give flowers.

To propagate hyacinth, you can quickly in two ways:

  1. Interruption of flowering.As soon as floweros will appear from the center of the bulbs in the spring, and it is necessary to cut it, and continue to care for the hyacinth as usual. This technique allows you to direct all the forces of the maternal bulb on the formation of children, and the field of die leaves you dig a bulb out of the ground and discover its division on a large number of Little bulbies.
  2. Cutout of the Donets.On the diagon adult bulbs make a cross-shaped incision with a depth of 0.5 cm. After that, one day you need to hold the bulb in a dry, warm room where it will reveal. Then it is treated with fungicide and planted into the ground cut up. In place of the cut grows 8-10 small bulbs.

Gaining hyacinth requires an application of some effort. But when complying with all rules, he will delight you with bright and fragrant inflorescences not one spring.

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