Which zodiac sign is the most beautiful among women and men. The most beautiful signs of the zodiac

Women's beauty on zodiac signs

Women's beauty is such a force that fascinates, intoxicates a man, and sometimes deprives the feelings of the mind. The standard of female beauty is a volatile phenomenon, non-permanent, as well as fashion. For each woman there is your own man. Many women sometimes do not see their stunning female qualities and cannot understand how a dugushka, from their point of view, was able to conquer the heart of a beautiful man. Find out your own strengths From the horoscope of female beauty.

Women Aries are able to do so that they are noticed and even remembered at first glance. They love bright outfits, but attract attention to themselves not with clothes, but with all the appearance: it is combined in love, originality, the desire to be beloved and at the same time a challenge.

Representatives of this sign are able to conquer charm and softness. Only then men discover that a strong and volitional nature lies for this softness. Ladies-calf possess beautiful tasteSo always look beautiful and natural. They know how to pick up shades and colors like no other.

Twin women can be different, so they often need to change the image, and often a cardinal shift. They look like he tells them a worldship at the moment. Obviously one thing - such a woman is difficult not to notice among the others.

Women crayfish - sophisticated and original, which is reflected in their manner dress and paint. They don't like too catchy and bright imagesBut it is able to emphasize their outfit jewelry or accessory - and easily surround many, it would seem that more notable women.

a lion
The lioness can use their beauty, even if they are missing! Paradox, but it is: Even if they do not possess perfect features and figure, they still seem to be very beautiful. Perhaps the reason in their natural charm, which rushes into the eyes, stands to smile.

On women, women just nice to watch. They may not be written by beauty, but so skillfully presented their beauty that those surrounding only admire. They carefully follow them, behind their skin and the figure, so they are so freshest.

Women of this sign are endowed with the beauty inherent in ancient goddess. They have an expressive face and very beautiful hands. It should be noted that sometimes scales themselves spoil their harmonious image with the choice of clothing or hair colors, but they are quickly corrected. In addition, they are very artistic, which gives them an additional charm.

The representatives of this sign are very attractive and, as a rule, consider themselves perfect. But their beauty is not ordinary, but most likely exotic. To this, their sensuality should be added, which attracts men as a magnet to them. That is why scorpions know their price and are very proud of themselves.

Sagittari women have such a charisma that their appearance does not even matter: almost everything loves them. If a representative of this sign is beautiful, then passing by it is simply impossible. The trouble is only that Sagittarius is very often lazy to pay due attention to their appearance.

Representatives of this sign possess appearance on an amateur, although they absolutely do not care that they may not like someone. They easily create their original style, which can even become a new fashion. The features of their faces do not matter, because they are better able to present themselves competently.

Women Aquaries are the original paintings that many collectors dream of. They are not only attractive outwardly: they seemed inside the light that attracts men's views, regardless of whether there will be a woman in an ordinary T-shirt or in the evening dress.

The representatives of this sign are among the most beautiful in the zodiacal pantheon. They attract men not only appearance, but also the mysteriousness of the image. They will never allow themselves to scream or vulgar outfits, and their appearance is always thought out and harmonious.

The solar sign of the zodiac determines the character of a person and how it acts in society, as plans and implements its desires. The appearance is more, to determine which you can, knowing place of birth and time.

What zodiac sign is the most beautiful - the influence of the ascending sign of the zodiac

According to statistics, the most beautiful women are born under the signs of the zodiac lion, cancer and twins.

Some astrologers among the most beautiful women call the zodiac sign of scales. Men support such an opinion. And how can it be otherwise, because the scalation sign is under the patronage of the very Venus, the planet of beauty!

The most beautiful signs of the zodiac - the image of a woman

The life of a modern woman is saturated with events. Many fine sex representatives are always in sight. therefore special attention Women are paying beauty by zodiac signwhich makes them unique and memorable!

Astrology for the millennium of its existence has accumulated great knowledge about color palette, textures of material, about accessories, gemstone And about the ratio of all this wealth with the signs of the zodiac.

Emphasizing the features of congenital beauty on the sign of the horoscope, the woman enhances the streams space Energy And attracts good luck and luck.

What zodiac sign is the most beautiful - women of four elements

  • Features of the attractiveness of female fire elements are in their independence. Beauty women signs of the zodiac Aries, Leo and Sagittarius always provocative, these women proud, full of feelings own dignity And openly show their emotions, so many men consider them the most beautiful.
  • Beautiful women of the air trigon, born in the signs of the zodiac twins, scales and aquarius - eternal teenagers. They are open, movable, sociable. It is characterized by refinement, curiosity and independence. They are sporty, tightened, and all makes them surprisingly attractive.
  • What zodiac sign is the most beautiful In the elements of water? Women who appeared under the zodiac signs of cancer, scorpion and fish, sensitive, gentle, they are characteristic of water. Romantic image of a woman of water, sensitive and gentle attractive for many men.
  • Earth women in everything correspond to their elements. Beauty born in the signs of the zodiac Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn is designed to emphasize their status, these are calm, well-groomed, respectable women. Confidence decorates them, makes in the eyes of status men the most beautiful women from all the signs of the zodiac. &one

Many people who are fond of astrology and those who believe in horoscopes are sometimes asked as the following question: "What is the most best sign Zodiac? ". Unambiguous answer is impossible, because it is necessary to take into account individual parameters - strength, beauty, sexuality, spirituality, wisdom. Some manifest themselves in communication, others - in creativity or education of children. It all depends on what qualities are the most desirable for you. Astrology gives a lot interesting information about different areaswhere each of the signs manifests itself from the best side. So, consider the list of the mostst.

The best compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in bed

Fire, earth, air and water are 4 elements, the most important factor Compatibility (including sexual), which contributes to solid relationships. Therefore, despite the fact that pleasure from proximity can be obtained with any partner, considering the relationship on a long-term basis, it is better to choose a satellite from the same group to which your sign belongs. So, Aries, Lion and Sagittarius are well harmonized between themselves, and intimate relations between them are full of passion and fire. Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo - Slavoye and discreet, able to control their desires. The best sign of the zodiac for weights - aquarius and twins. For air Types Attractive partners capable of experiments with high intelligence. These qualities support sexual interest in them. And a group of water representatives - fish, cancer, scorpion - extremely passionate, and as lovers are simply inseparable. They seek to find in a partner not only sexual, but also moral satisfaction.

The most jealous zodiac sign

From an astrological point of view, Scorpio is considered the most jealous. From nature, he is assumed, and if the partner gives him a reason for jealousy, even the smallest, then all anger, indignation and intransigence of the satellite are collapsed. In second place is the calf. This is the best zodiac sign for family relationshipsbut a terrible owner. Along with them, the status of the most fierce jealies include representatives of the entire fiery element. Lion, Aries and Sagittarius by nature leaders who are not going to share the championship with anyone else. But they are jealous as leaders, and not as owners. The most calm in this plan can be considered fish and water. These signs are inherent in the line to change themselves, if suddenly they suspect a partner in treason. They seek in everywhere to match the satellite of life or in response trying to cause his jealousy.

What zodiac sign is best in family relationships?

Cancer is considered the most domestic and family sign. For him, these values \u200b\u200balways stand in the first place. He caring, patient and responsible. For him, the main thing in life is a strong family, comfortable relationships, full understanding, children and homemade. According to astrologers, Tales are also perfect husbands and wives. They are monopholys, seriously belong to everything that is associated with household responsibilities. If you get married, then once and for all. Perhaps their only drawback is a misfortune in terms of expressing their feelings. Partners may seem to seem to do not love them at all, but it is not.

Best Female Zodiac Sign

From the position of family relationships and arrangement of the house, the first place is taken by Virgo, then the Taurus follows. Congenital economic qualities and ability to equip to be so skillfully boasts no zodiac sign. Capricorn-woman, according to many astrologers, can also replenish this list. If we consider signs from the point of view of external attractiveness, the championship is worth paying fish, weights and lions. According to many astrologers, often beautiful people, equally applies to men, and women, are born under the constellation of Sagittarius. They are well folded, pay a lot of attention to care for themselves. Although, by and large, the woman who follows is always attractive, is not important, under what sign she was born.

The most successful zodiac sign

Astrologers note that absolutely everyone can succeed in life. But some implies the situation in society, the status, others - material stability, the third - the opportunity to engage in their business. The best sign of the zodiac seeking to accumulate money is cancer, then the calf. Both are tied to what they have, do not rush to spend money, carefully plan expenses, especially this applies to men. In third place is Capricorn. However, unlike the first two, he seeks not so much to accumulate how much to implement his ambitions, which he has a lot. For him, career growth, development is important. These people most often seek to occupy leadership posts. In this category it is worth noting the vir. They are very hardworking and well act under whose start. It brings pleasure the work process itself.

The most arrogant sign

People born under the sign of Scorpio are simply unbearable. Not only are selfish and can easily offend a person, they are also vigorous. Another zodiac sign - Capricorn (woman or man, no matter) - very cold, sharp and indifferent. He does not show feelings and can just destroy if someone goes his way. In third place - Gemini. These people are incredibly smart and cunning. Rarely when you can recognize your mistakes. Some astrologers are considered difficult to communicate and water, as they tend to make rapid acts, do not think about others, lovers to walk, live for themselves.

The most secretive sign

Capricorn is considered the most difficult psychological plan. He is a stingy feeling, even having lived for many years next to him, it is impossible to guess his true feelings, to understand that he has in his head. To some extent, this applies to the constellation of fish. Tiger woman (if we consider eastern calendar) - This is a man with a double bottom. All their emotions are inside. Although they are very artistic and susceptible, these are excellent family mans. But the unstable emotional background, the tendency to azart, the internal tension makes relations with them very complex. The partner will have to try to preserve the Union with them.

Another closed in the emotional plan sign - Scorpio. Cancers are quite hidden, they are difficult to understand. They may be wounded and sensitive, sharp and cold. This symbol of powerful inner forces moving under the surface. And it is difficult to penetrate it, as the people of this sign take the barricades and hide in their sink. As mentioned, no less closed and fish. Tiger-woman, and many other representatives of this sign are endowed with changeable, sluggish and very closed character.

The most harmonious sign

The first place here occupy scales. This is a balanced, diplomatic and open sign. All their best qualities these people show in communication and personal relationships. They strive for balance and harmony in everything. Feel serene in a calm, comfortable environment. Separately, it is worth mentioning a combination of scales-bull. In Chinese astrology, bull symbolizes the power of will and determination. Scales born this year, charming, thin and sensual. These are the most calm, balanced personalities from the entire zodiac circle. They are attractive to their justice, sincerity and balance in everything. For a man of this sign, it is important to be in consent with everyone, to solve conflict situations Peacefully. Also, the man-scales (bull) is very serious about marriage and tries to build a good relationship With the family of your chosen. In general, this is an excellent combination of the year and the sign, the quality of the personality of the bull and weights perfectly complement each other.

The most spiritual sign

Surprisingly, there are three perfectly successfully here. different sign: Fish, Aquarius and Sagittarius. Anyone seeks to develop spiritually. From the natal card of the horoscope it is clear how much attention he pays for this aspect of life. Someone can have an intuition, someone believes in the "Thin Worlds". However, from the position of the spiritual force, it is the three listed signs are dominant. This is explained by the fact that they can go ahead, no matter what, focusing on their inner feelings, and not on external factors.

The most sensitive sign

Of the whole horoscope, raks are considered the most sensitive, the scorpions are in second place. From a deeper point of view of the rat - Cancer - even more sentimental and emotional sign. This combination gives very susceptible persons who need to be very careful in life, so as not to take under the guardianship of the person. They easily read the experiences, the suffering of others. These are people with the finest nervous system, absolutely non-carrying gross relationships. They need more others in a reliable and understanding satellite life.

Using an astrological characteristic, everyone will be able to determine for themselves the basic disadvantages and dignity of a person. Do not forget that the personality is also due to many other qualities, therefore it is not necessary to navigate only on only stellar indicators.

What zodiac sign is the best, according to astrologers? Each zodiac sign is the best in something! Aries best beggar, new ideas generator, discoverer! Taurus the best implementator capable of embodying conceived in life! Gemini are the best in communication and information transfer! Cancers are the best familymen and psychologists! Lions best artists and leaders! Virgin best workers who are capable of small counting! Libra best designersAffiliate Relationships! Scorpions are the best psychotherapists, cascaders capable of changing you with their stormy energy! Sagittarius Best teacher and inspirer! Capricorn is the best in his career and durability! Aquarius is the best in the team, where it is the center of the most original ideas! Fish The best empathists, with a unique imagination!

Anyway, every sign is strong in something, but let's consider the human strength as the ability to defend its rights and be confident. What zodiac sign is the strongest, according to astrologers?

Important planets for their own self-expression in our world are complete and Mars. Therefore, it is important for us to consider in which sign these planets give more confidence.

The sun feels very well in the Aries, Lele and Sagittarius, respectively, such a person will be easier to express himself.

Mars also feel good in the signs of fire elements (Aries, Lev and Sagittarius) But also to these signs you can add Scorpio (very strong energy) and Capricorn (very hard and persistent) Mars in the fiery element will help a person better and confidently act!

Conclusion: SAME strong signs The zodiac can be called Aries, Lion, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Here is the question so the question. There are no ideal signs! Everyone has both dignity and disadvantages! Aries are a good starter, but it will not be able to complete until the end, it will be overgrown! Taurus will ideally perform what he is already able, but it is worth it to give something new, as he will be accustomed for a long time! The twins are perfectly presented, translated, work with information, but they are superficial and do not like to delve into the essence. Cancer is an ideal family man, but he is like a child outside. Lions are ideal patrons, bosses, popular personalities, but they are vain and pant on flattery. Virgin ideal workers, but they are too disciplined and looped on trifles. Libra perfect partners from good tasteBut they are hard to accept responsibility. Sagittarius perfect teacher generously giving experiences, but for the whole, they often do not see the details. Capricorns are excellent workers and administrators, but they are too tough outside, because too soft inside. Aquarius perfect friends, but sometimes their interests for them become above all in the world. Fishes are ideal in their world of fantasies and unique imagination, but in reality they can not rely on them.

It can be said that the most ideal wives on the sign of the zodiac: these are calves and crayfish. Girls and fish women possess no less good character. But girls and lions can miss softness.

Consider which sign or signs of the zodiac are the most difficult for family (or just under one roof) of life? First of all, it should be said that in the solar sign of the zodiac it is impossible to judge this, any of the 12 signs can be very pleasant in the family life, but the moon in the sign of the zodiac will tell a lot about man!

So, the most difficult moon is the moon in the sign of Capricorn and Scorpio. Therefore, if your partner has such a moon, then you will not envy! These are the most complex signs of the zodiac for the moon. The moon in Capricorn is very restrained, she rarely like to hug, especially if someone looks. It is dry, it does not show emotions, or does it rarely. She is too rabble inside, which builds around him a wall and image snow Queen. It is economical, may not eat at all, or to spill money (if he wants) in difficult times it may hardly save on the products and in all the necessary and normally feel! But this moon has pluses, for example, the moon in Capricorn is perfect for emergency situationsshe will survive even in the most heavier field conditions! Ideal for distant extreme hikes in the mountains and hard-to-reach terrain.

Also the most complex zodiac sign of the Moon - Scorpio. The moon in scorpion craves emotions, homemade comfort and calm is not for her, she needs a drama, a blasting, experience! If everything is calm, then herself will arrange a scandal, she needs it, otherwise it will suffer from lack of emotions, and then an explosion is possible! Just does not know how to relax and enjoy, all the time, it seems that the world is not safe what you need to defend. Of the advantages of such a moon, the fact that she is very strong and protect anyone who her dear!

Let's consider which sign of the zodiac is considered the most faithful in men? The most faithful signs of the zodiac can be called Taurus and a virgin. The calves are pretty lazy to go left, besides, they are very attached to the partner and are seriously getting used to the new one, therefore among the calves fewer modes.

Virgo is also considered the most liquor sign zodiac. Virgin loves to support their family, as far as it fell. Even if the relationship has already come to the end, Virgo can pretend that everything is in order, just to remain alone.
In general, according to statistics, the signs of the Earth change the least (they are tied for a long time, and they are difficult to get used to the new one) and air signs are most often (as opposite land)

Also checking loyalty, it is worth paying attention to Venus and 7 house horoscope, because in earthly signs, as well as in good aspects to Saturn, a person is less prone to treason.

By consider what kind of zodiac sign is the most beautiful, according to astrologers? The most beautiful signs of the zodiac are considered "human" signs. That is, Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius. However, the appearance largely depends on the entire planets of the natal map and a very important first home or ASC.

And yet women, what kind of zodiac sign are the most beautiful? Good appearance, as a rule, is a harmonious combination of the entire natal card. Let's say, the signs of water elements will add your appearance plumpness (for example, chubby lips) as well as big eyes. Air signs will add you a couple of growth centimeters and sophisticated features. Earth signs on the contrary will take a couple of centimeters and will give a square face form, choreness. Fire signs will give a brighter appearance, large and sharp features.

Harmonious combination All signs gives you a beautiful appearance. But if only one element is expressed in the natal map, it can lead to an excess of its qualities. For example, with water elements, weighing, with earthly small height, with air superfluous thinness and high growth, with a fiery Early Lysin ITP.

What is the sexiest zodiac? It is believed that the sexiest zodiac sign is scorpion. But this is not quite so, Scorpio has sex to reset the extra accumulated energy, and in the second stage for pleasure. However, he is the sexiest zodiac sign man. The most sexy sign among women can be called Taurus. Taurus is very sensual (under the control of Venus) He loves to enjoy all the way he does. Therefore, the Taurus can rightly be called the sexiest zodiac sign.

What zodiac sign is the worst? According to astrologers, there are no worst / magnificent signs of the zodiac. However, if we consider this question from the point of view of men and women and their roles, that is, signs are not very successful for men and not the best for women.

For example, a man with the sun in the scales will not just make important decisions to himself, and he needs to consult with friends either with his family. Also applies to the Sun in Aquarius, where a man can reveal its potential, only with the help of other people.

A woman will be harder with the sun in Aries, because she does not want to give up a man, because she is a leader! It will also be hard with the sun in the sign of the lion, because now she is a queen, and the prince is not so easy to find!

Most. exact familiar The zodiac can be called a virgin, Virgo is capable of keeping a thousand little things in her head, she thinks everything in advance and constitutes an action plan. Rarely late, because Pedantic. The virgin has a good rational mind, it is able to decompose on the shelves and structuring the information obtained. In addition, Virgo loves when everything around perfectly and for sure!

What is the most jealous zodiac sign in men and women? Of course, Scorpio is considered the most jealous sign zodiac. Especially if the moon is also in this sign. People with this sign are very jealous, they do not trust the world around themselves and everywhere looking for a catch, in addition, they love to dig in anything (for example, in the phone) and to get to the very essence (for example, what exactly led to treason, where did the origins come from?)

The axis of Taurus-Scorpio, or my axis - someone else's, is traced from scorpions, they often have owners, considering their partner their property. However, not all scorpions are such if they spend their huge stock of energy on something energy-cost, then their character will be softened and they will not be up to jealousy.

Let's see what the smartest zodiac sign, according to astrologers? Planet Mercury is responsible for our mental abilities, and therefore the sign of this planet will show our mental potential:

Water signs (crayfish, scorpions and fish) are too emotional, exposed to emotions and are often binding, in addition, they do not like to solve boring and tedious tasks, but they have the best memory! They are able to remember the poems, events, experiences, spoken by someone, and much more, that other signs would forget in a couple of months. For watermarks, the memorization process is easier.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) Taurus and Capricorn study the subject much longer than other signs, they need more time to solve the problem, more time to study the material, knowledge will not be asleep. But but, by purchasing some kind of fet of the skill, they remember him for life. For example, learn how to drive a car it will be harder than the rest, but even by having a break for a couple of years, the calf and Capricorn will be able to take the steering wheel again, like anything or happening!

The virgin from the signs of the earth can be allocated, because it is under the control of Mercury. Therefore, the externally devivor is quite mobile, and the information can absorb pretty quickly. This compensation makes a sign of Virgin quite multifaceted.

Aerial signs (twins, scales and aquari) Gemini and Aquarius are considered smart signs of the zodiac and for our education system to date, where it is required to answer as soon as possible, they are suitable as it is impossible! Gemini simply grab everything on the fly, they quickly think, they have excellent (fast) memory, the truth is that they remembered, with time they can disappear. Good abilities for languages, and in general, a good and active mind.

Aquarius are under the auspices of uranium. Aquarius is less fit into the education system, their mind is somewhat strange, but the original one! Only Aquarius will be able to find a solution to the task not described in the textbook, but invented by him. The mind of the Aquarius is original and non-standard, he does not like the rules and appreciates freedom.

Scales in this plan are slightly different, they are able to be objective only if they turn off their emotions and feelings. All because there are scales under the control of their patron - Venus. Therefore, their mind and the ability to learn depends on emotional state More than other aerial signs.

Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) Aries are pretty good sign for Mercury, he will give a rather active and mobile mind, the desire to overcome herself, become smarter than the rest!

The lion's sign is too subjective for Mercury, Mercury in a lion sign will consider its opinion correct in any situation, although the mental abilities themselves will be above average.

Sagittarius is too wide for Mercury, Mercury needs facts and logic, and the shooter needs a goal and the road. Mercury in Sagittarius will not give concentrations on the subject and make you dream about something more.

So, we can say what kind of zodiac sign is the smartest for Mercury: Scorpio, twins, aquarius, Virgo, Aries.

It's hard to say what kind of zodiac sign is the kindest, according to astroloks every kind of kind, for example, the fish always sympathize with you, the scales will listen, the lion is probrit, and Aries will say, but not to whine, it's time to act!

However, two very pleasant representatives can be called: Taurus and Scales. These signs like many for their softness and attractiveness, all because they are under the control of the planet of love Venus. They have to themselves, they love to look for others in the very best light And it is difficult for them to refuse your request.

I also want to say about the Aries, the sacrificial sign of the zodiac. Yes, Aries will not wipe you the tears, the sublimation is not for him, but it is ready to turn the mountains to help! After all, it is the first Aries first rush to help people in critical situations!

Consider what zodiac sign is the most angry, according to astrologers? What do we understand under anger? Most often, this question is asked for varying representatives of the water element of fish and crayfish. For them, anger is an increase in voices and screams. And if for representatives of the fiery element, it does not mean anything, well, I scream sometimes, so what? That's fish, crayfish, scales and other gentle representatives zodiac circle, each time they are bored from any jump to the change of intonation. If we consider anger in this vein, then the "evil" can be called scorpion, aries and lion. All of them are running fiery shining.

Planet Uranus patronizes the whole original and not standard and the most crazy people on the sign of the zodiac Aquarius!
The most crazy sign can be called Aquarius. Being under the patronage of the planet Uranus, representatives of this sign are original and not standard, they adore groups of people and communication, adore the time of change, when the course of life is completely changing, new people appear, new impressions that have never seen!

Take a look at the statistics forbes magazine And let's see what zodiac sign is the richest? Which is not surprising for the Word, because in the first place, of course, there is a sign of a lion (14% of the capital "Golden hundred".) Twins with Aquarius are also not bad and have (11%) Aries with weights slightly smaller (10% ) Tales and fish have software (7.7%) and scorpions and Capricorn (6.6%) of Virgin, Sagittarius and Craki are in lagging behind.

In general, statistics reflect the real picture, the lions and the truth seek to the royal existence, it is important to have a good position, and they don't like to work for uncle. It makes them open their business.

The most wrong zodiac sign for a woman

Loyalty largely depends on the signs of Venus and 7 houses of the horoscope. For Venus, signs of twins and fish are not too favorable. Especially if Venus is in a non-harmonious aspect with Neptune. It is also necessary to pay attention to the ruler of 7 at home and its aspects with Venus and Saturn. The harmonious aspects of Venus and Saturn, on the contrary, will prevent treason. Neptune, negatively affecting 7 houses, can give many confusing and secret links, and uranium frequent breaks of relationships.
Therefore, we can say that the most incorrect sign of Venus are twins and fish.

Let's look at what zodiac sign is the most harmful, according to astrologers? Twin and Aquarius are considered the most harmful signs of the zodiac, as they love freedom, rarely recognize their mistakes. Twins are good lies and love to get out of it seemed to be hopeless situations. And Aquarius often put the interests of comrades and their own above the interests of the family.

The third place can be given to Scorpio, especially if scorpion is not correctly brought up. Often such scorpions are closed, peeled, they often have a bad mood and the desire to horre someone! For scorpions, it is extremely important since childhood to instill love and compassion and then scorpion will be the best and devoted friend!

What is the happiest zodiac sign? Happiness is faith in yourself and your strength, it is optimistic, it's fire! Self happy signs Zodiac: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius! However, happiness for everyone.

For earthly signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are material benefits. For air (twins, scales, aquarius) Communication and interaction. For water (cancer, scorpion, fish) feelings and emotions.

Let's say the fish will never be truly happy without new (internal) experiences (for example, creativity or self-improvement techniques) and the Taurus will never be happy without his home, his own things and personal property.

What are the very successful people Zodiac sign? Most successful sign The zodiac is something like the richest sign of the lion. After all, what is success? Success for each sign your own. The fish will be successful away from society, where they will be able to realize their inner potential, but the Aries need to be ahead of the rest of the rest, and even if the Lower hemisphere and women's planets will be highlighted at the Aries, he will still be the leader, albeit at home!

If we consider the success as social promotion, then the most successful can be called lion ( own business) and Capricorn (career ladder)

What zodiac sign is the most cruel? The most evil sign of the zodiac in astrology recognized Scorpio. It is a peculiar zodiac cleaner. Inside scorpion, constant transformation and restructuring occurs. At a low level of development, especially with poor upbringing, scorpions, called tarantulas. The victims of themselves are attracted to them, whose scorpions are stupid, thereby causing to work out their karmic lesson.
Also, the signs of the fire of Aries and the lion, poorly feel the emotional atmosphere of other people and may irregularly hurt a person, and they may not even notice that they did someone painfully.

What sign of the zodiac is the most lucky in the opinion of astrologers? SAME weight signs The zodiac is considered twins with their ability to appear in opening time in right place. Twins are light on the rise, they will be the first to be where they need, they are active and in something child. In addition, the twins are smart enough to see the first to see future trends and apply them in their favor, no wonder in the Forbes list twins make up 11% of all signs.

1st place: lion
2 place: Taurus
3 place: twins
4th place: cancer
5th place: Scales
6th place: Capricorn
7th place: Aries
8th place: Virgo
9th place: Fish
10th place: Sagittarius
11 Location: Scorpio
12th place: Aquarius

1st place: Fish
2 place: Taurus
3 place: Aries
4th place: twins
5th place: Capricorn
6th place: cancer
7th place: lion
8th place: scales
9th place: Virgo
10th place: Aquarius
11th place: Sagittarius
12th place: Scorpio

However, judging the man only by his sunny sign of the zodiac and say which zodiac sign is the most dangerous stupid. Even natal chart Never show a killer one or another person or not. On the same day at the same time, a thousand children are born and not all of them subsequently turn the face of the law. Whatever aspects and the provisions of the planets, the connections of houses were not unprecedented, they only indicate the opportunity to commit a crime (for example, a person is easily excited, nervous, poorly understands the pain of others and the like.) However, a person with such a complex card is much easier to succumb to its weaknesses and Go face of law, especially if the environment did not support him and brought up in it the qualities that he lacks. But even in the absence of support from the environment (friends / family / society), a person always has a choice, and the most difficult aspects can play otherwise.

What is the most beautiful female sign of the zodiac, according to astrologers? Cancers are considered the most female zodiac sign. Girls, in whose cards Moon or Venus in the sign of cancer, are very feminine. The moon in cancer is very good and sweet, it gives an easy character, flirtability, with her very cozy and good. Venus in cancer gives a good feeling of taste and beauty, as well as loyalty.

The sun in the cancer sign is also quite well suited for fair sex representatives. Such women cancers are focused on the family, they are implemented in it and get sincere pleasure, supporting home and raising children. Cancer on a par with the Virgin the most faithful female zodiac sign.

Of course, the most passionate zodiac sign Woman Scorpio. In kipuchi passions they have no equal! Thanks to their ruler Pluto, scorpions are very deep and sensual nature that can light anyone! But the scorpions are passionate not only in bed, but in everything. Whatever the scorpion, work, cleaning, or upbringing, he does everything with a twinkle, very vigorously and with passion in his eyes.

What is the weakest sign of the zodiac according to astrologers?

Fish, crayfish and scorpions have a very strong rod that you just don't break, many men with the sun in fish and, especially in cancer serve in the army, and participate in heavy battles. All because they externally plastic and as it would be twisted / bypass obstacles, and inside always have their own opinion, which they do not change under the pressure of the surrounding reality.

Aries, lions and firing optimists, they believe in themselves and their strength. Many act and always know what to get something, you need to do something! However, the signs of fire are quite highly dependent on the circle. They subconsciously choose the circle of people who can support them. If the surrounding reality does not support representatives of these signs, they will be very hard.

Tales, Capricorn and Virgas are very stubborn and stepping up of surrounding reality. However, any wounds that were obtained will remain on Earth forever.

Gemini, scales and aquarius, air signs that do not differ in the power of will. They take their society, generality, trying to unite all people and bore them. Representatives of this element can be called the most weak, in the sense that they are hard to defend their point of view, and they themselves can change it five times on the day.

The strange thing is obtained, the men's elements of fire and air are weak, and water Water And the land is strong. All because a woman should create all the conditions for the implementation of the man in the external plan, and for this it is given stability and durability.

The most men's signs of the zodiac are the signs of fire elements (Aries, Lev, Sagittarius) and air signs (twins, scales and aquarius) The fire takes its faith in itself and his strength, he is active and always moves to his goal. The air is also active and communicated, it will always find the right links in the outside world and implements himself. Water and land signs are more passive, and their strategy promotion in life more depends on the circumstances. Capricorn is the most faithful male sign Zodiac, as it does not like change and adore stability.

Consider what zodiac sign is the most stubborn? Aries are very stubborn and it is difficult to redirect to another bed, except that the Aries does not want this. Aries mostly hear only themselves and rely only on their opinion, and other people's advice are passed by ears. Also, but to a lesser extent refer to the sign of the lion. Sagittarius in this regard is more susceptible and even able to listen to your point of view without interrupting the half-word.

Tales are also very stubborn, but differently. They do not actively defend their point of view, but simply stand on their own. A conviction in something very hard is very difficult, especially if you do it with the help of emotions, the Taurus will just go into deaf defense and your arguments will pass by the goal.

You can name the most stubborn twins, which, although they can defend their point of view, but still, seeing that you are important to be right, can calmly give up the championship and even agree with you or, at least, to prevent anything agreed.

Which of the signs of the zodiac is the most false? Twin and fish are considered the most false. Gemini simply love to get out of seemingly hopeless situations, while they often resort to frank lie. Often it happens on the machine, since it was already selected, not even thinking, and then it is already somehow shame to tell the truth. Fishes fantasies and often live in the world of dreams, where they can believe in their own fantasies, and therefore, as well as twins can add events and somewhere to hate, in order for the story to be more interesting!

The most truth signs are the signs of fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) Fire is not intended to be fined and look for a double bottom, the fire is straightforward and prone to say what he thinks. Therefore, do not be surprised if Aries say that this dress is full of you.
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are also not prone to linj. The land is generally not inclined to empty chatter not in the case and the embellishment of his speech. Unlike the signs of water and air, love to embellish their stories.

What zodiac sign is the most stupid? According to astrologers, heavier is the sign of the Earth (calves and Capricorn) and the signs of water (cancer and fish), calves and Capricorns absorb the information very slowly, and slowly solve the new tasks they set themselves. But but, what they remembered, and those skills that have mastered, will remain with them for the rest of the life! Also work well with schemes and algorithms.

Cancers and fishes are also not easy, because they are very dependent on ambientAnd if the teacher presses them, then learn will be hard! But they have amazing memory, poetry, as a rule, they teach very quickly, also easily the material filed with emotionally, and not dry text with terms.

Incredible facts

Each of the 12 zodiac signs are endowed. defined features that allocate them and make unique in kinde..

Perhaps you have noticed an amazing similarity to the people of one zodiac sign.

After all, according to astrology, the location of the planets on your birthday affects your physical characteristics and behavioral features.

What features of appearance attract most of all according to your zodiac sign?

The appearance of signs of the zodiac

Aries - Family

This fiery sign with strong characterwho is not afraid to demonstrate its attitude. He has sexuality and knows about it.

The most attractive part of the appearance of Aries is their face. Aries are usually correct features of the face with well-defined eyebrows, nose, chin and mouth.

Often on the face they can be detected roda spots, scars, moles that give them even greater influence and attractiveness.

Taurus - Neck

Tales from nature are endowed strong, physically attractive physique.

The most attractive part of the body of the Taurus is strong, long and elegant neckwhich speaks of their strength and endurance.

In calves, as a rule, thick wavy hair and dark eyes, full lips that give this sign a special charismaticity.

Gemini - face color

Twins born under the sign are endowed with alive and cheerful temper. Their cheerfulness is reflected in appearance - on their shining face.

As a rule, twins have small, almost puppet features. They are also graceful and slim.

Regardless of age healthy blooming view and a daily life There will always be the most attractive features of this zodiac sign.

Cancer - belly

Cancers love to eat, and not indifferent to delicious food. But they also take care of their body.

Even if they allowed a little more sweet, they are ready to spend even more time in the gym to become owners the most attractive animal. It can be flat or round, but still involuntarily attribute the views of the rest.

In addition, cancers are usually endowed attractive devils Persons S. expressive eyes and eyebrows.

What do zodiac signs look like?

Lion - Hair

Those who were born under the sign of the lion are almost always distinguished by an attractive appearance. Them distinctive feature is an luxury chapella, reminiscent of the mane of the lion.

They possess the predefining posture, and their movements are slow and graceful. Feline habits are immediately visible in their physical characteristics.

Lions are usually high, but even if it is not so, they are always ready to present themselves in a royal.

Virgo - Leather

Virgin - Perfectionists by nature and are ready to make additional efforts to look impeccable.

Most shy virgins and can spend hours in front of the mirror, analyzing their advantages and disadvantages.

They have gentle and pleasant face with beautiful skin. Thanks to the care of his health, Virgin often looks much younger than their age.

Scales - buttocks

The scales managed by the Planet of Love are the embodiment of beauty and sensuality. Nature generously gives them well-folded figure with beautiful, rounded buttocks.

Scales are very attractive, without applying a lot of effort. They have an oval face and proportional, soft features.

Also they possess charming smile with pits on cheeks or chin.

Scorpio - Guba

Scorpio is one of the most sensory zodiac signs. Often they can see pointed and outstanding features of the face with clearly defined eyebrows.

But what really attracts attention is their seductive lips.

Also scorpion is easy to distinguish from others piercing view. They emit mysterious and attractive energy, as they know how to hide their emotions well.

Sagittarius - Spin

Sagittarius is real warriors or amazons, loving adventures, and their physical data reflect it as it is impossible.

From nature they possess sports physique with severe back. Often, the archers are high and graceful.

In addition, Nature gave them beautiful, clear and shining eyeswho are so expressive that words become superfluous.

Capricorn - feet

Capricorn is important in life to stand firmly on the legs, and often they become owners the most beautiful and long legs.

In addition, this zodiac sign is distinguished by practicality and a good taut body.

Impeccable leather, honed chin line with high cheekbones - Some of the most remarkable physical characteristics of the Capricarps.

Aquarius - feet

This aerial sign goes in life like a light breeze and their elegant and graceful feet Help them in this.

Perhaps this is what we do not immediately pay attention, but Aquarius is often well maintained, paying attention to those small detailswhich others may forget about.

Aquarius have a statist figure and noble view, with wide forehead, shoulders and hips. They have dreamy eyes and straight hair.

Fish - Eyes.

The first thing you will notice from fish are their eyes. They have charming, heartfelt eyeswho are able to lure you at first sight.

His careful and captivating look of fish are able to give in any person the feeling that he is special.

Pisces have a charming person and a beautiful smile. Their hair is soft and thin, often wavy.