The grafted cherry produces growth. Using chemicals

If you got a plot with an old overgrown cherry orchard, the first step is to figure out how to get rid of the cherry overgrowth. It is not so easy to deal with it, and you may have to spend a lot of energy and nerves to deal with the numerous shoots that now and then sprout next to the main tree.

Can cherry overgrowths be prevented?

A novice gardener may have a logical question: is it necessary to look for ways to destroy cherry sprouts? Isn't it easier to leave her alone - let new cherry trees grow, which will bear even more fruit!

Taking care of overgrown cherry blossoms is much more difficult.

The main harm lies in the fact that the cherry overgrowth takes away nutrients from the soil for its growth, due to which the yield on the main tree is significantly reduced, if not completely lost. One should not pin great hopes on the early fruiting of new cherry bushes, since grafted cherries give wild growth that does not bear fruit. In addition, overgrown cherry blossoms are much more difficult to care for.

Video about how to rid an old root growth tree

First of all, be careful about the choice of seedlings: by planting a tree-like or bush-like cherry on the site, you will not subsequently puzzle over how to deal with the cherry overgrowth. Another thing is the planting of overgrown cherries, which in fifteen years, by virtue of their nature, begins to form shoots, especially for self-rooted plants.

When shopping for coppice cherries, keep in mind:

  • own-rooted seedlings (Apukhtinskaya, Vladimirskaya, Krasnopakharskaya, Shubinka), although they form a lot of shoots, their offspring retain all the properties of the variety and are quite suitable for replacing old cherries;
  • varietal cherries (Rastorguevskaya, Malinovka, Molodezhnaya, Pamyat Yenikeeva) on clonal stocks can, to a greater or lesser extent, form a sprout of wild stock, which will need to be removed regularly;
  • varietal cherries on seed stocks (from seedlings of Shubinka and Vladimir cherry) do not give root shoots.

Be attentive to the choice of seedlings: by planting a tree-like or bush-like cherry on the site, you will not subsequently rack your brains on how to deal with the cherry overgrowth

Be sure to check with the seller, are you own-rooted cherry seedlings or grafted ones? And, if you do not want to think about the problem of how to get rid of cherry overgrowths in a few years, give preference to seedlings on seed stocks.

But what to do with old cherries that have just begun to sprout? It is noticed that the number of shoots in the same plant can increase with surface watering, with freezing of branches, damage to cherries by diseases, as well as as a result of mechanical damage to the root system and crown of the tree. To reduce the formation of cherry growth, do not forget about sanitary pruning of damaged branches, prevent the spread of pests and diseases. Use mulching instead of loosening the soil under the cherries. It is better to water the plant rarely, but abundantly.

One of the reasons may be the banal heat, from which the soil under the tree cracks, and as a result of damage to the roots, young shoots begin to grow from them. In this case, sheltering the ground under cherry hay or straw will help.

Experienced gardeners experience how to remove cherry overgrowth

The question of how to remove cherry sprouts from your site remains relevant for many gardeners from year to year. After all, it is impossible to completely get rid of germinating new shoots - so you have to either bother with cutting down the overgrowth every year, or experiment with new methods of removing shoots at your own peril and risk.

It is impossible to completely get rid of germinating new shoots.

The most popular and effective method how to destroy cherry sprouts at least for a short time, it is considered a regular fight against emerging cherry offspring with an ax and a shovel. Moreover, you need to do this work correctly:

  • shoots are removed immediately as they appear, leaving them no opportunity to gain strength;
  • cutting the aerial part of the shoot with a pruner is not enough - hemp with buds will remain in the ground, from which even more powerful offspring will then grow;
  • early spring or late autumn overgrowth shoots are dug up to the point where they leave the horizontal root of the cherry, and chopped off with an ax, leaving no stumps;
  • the place of the log house is covered with garden pitch so that nothing more will grow out of it;
  • the dug holes are covered with earth again.

With great care, herbicides should be used to destroy the overgrowth, since you can accidentally harm the mother tree

Additionally, it is recommended to remove fallen berries from under the cherries so that wild bushes do not grow from their seeds. You can limit the germination of overgrown shoots using sheets of slate or thick cardboard, burying them under the cherry tree half a meter into the ground. Planting a shady tree (linden, maple, chestnut) next to it also slows down the development of cherry growth.

With great care, herbicides should be used to destroy the overgrowth, since you can accidentally harm the mother tree. In addition, it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect - there is a possibility that two new ones will grow in the place of one shoot killed by the poison.

Video about how to deal with unwanted growth

The cardinal method of destruction of cherry overgrowth (together with an old tree) can be called a deep digging of a site with an excavator or a tractor. But such option will do not for every site, and you can't call it cheap.

Unfortunately, it has not yet been invented one hundred percent effective way how to remove cherry sprouts once and for all. Therefore, the choice is yours - to constantly fight against the growing offspring, or to completely get rid of the old cherries along with all the shoots and plant new varieties that do not give shoots.

Everyone who has a summer cottage or a personal plot is constantly faced with such a problem as overgrowth of fruit trees. This question remains especially relevant for cherry lovers. After all, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of constantly growing new shoots - therefore, it is necessary, through trial and error, to experiment every year, different methods... One year the growth is cut down, the next, we try some new way removal of overgrowth shoots, for the third, something else, and so you can experiment ad infinitum.

In this problem, all methods are good, since this is a simple matter and it will take a lot of effort to free the site from overgrowth. But, you can't let everything take its course, in no case. Therefore, it will be erroneous to believe that from the growth it is possible to achieve good harvests... Firstly, the growth will grow, it will take a lot of moisture and nutrients from the soil. Secondly, an arbitrarily grown shoot will grow for a very long time and in rare cases bears fruit. Thirdly, it is difficult to look after her. Therefore, several recipes for struggle are recommended at once.

Possibility to prevent cherry overgrowth

Remember the adage: "It is better to prevent a disease than to cure it", so this is about the fight against cherry sprouts. In order not to suffer from this unpleasant factor on the site in the future, try to be very serious about the choice of young seedlings.

If you give preference to a grafted cutting of a cherry sapling of a tree-like or bush-like type, then in the future you will not face the problem of combating overgrowth. But, if, nevertheless, it was decided to leave the seedling of the coppice cherry, then by its nature, in ten to fifteen years on your garden plot a continuous process of overgrowth control will begin.

When buying, you should definitely get from the seller the most detailed information about the origin of the seedling, and also, we must not forget that:

  • you can use varieties that subsequently tend to form shoots, but at the same time retain all their varietal properties. These varieties include the following: Shubinki, Krasnopakharskaya, Vladimirskaya, Apukhtinskaya cherries;
  • cultivars that do not give shoots include seed stocks of Shubinka and Vladimirka cherry seedlings;
  • you should be quite careful when choosing varietal cherries, such as: Pamyat Yenikeeva, Rastorguevskaya, Molodezhnaya, Malinovka, because they can form wild growth in the future

Do not skimp when buying a cherry seedling to make your work easier in the future. After planting good grade cherries - you are definitely winning triple. But an old and sick tree in the garden is better to replace, since it will no longer give good fruits, but caring for it is quite difficult.

Advice from experienced gardeners to prevent cherry overgrowth on your site

First you need to find out the reason for the appearance of shoots on the site.

Everything may turn out to be banal and simple, because in order to avoid overgrowing, it may be sufficient to harvest the crop on time and, if possible, prevent the berries from falling under the tree, and also not to throw the seeds on the ground after treating the berries.

Another reason for the appearance of overgrowth, perhaps, is dry hot weather, in which the soil under the trees cracks due to lack of moisture, damaging root system wood. Here, the recipe is simple, it is necessary to cover the soil with mown grass under the crown, or if there is straw, then you can use it.

By the way, pay attention, if the tree is old, with damaged bark, damaged diseases or dry, frozen branches or damaged root system, then it is better to replace it with a new one, since new germinations will constantly form around it.

You need to try and cut off dry and damaged areas on the tree by various diseases and pests in time. It is better not to loosen the ground under the tree, but to mulch. Watering should be sparse but abundant.

Also one of the most popular and effective methods is considered to be the "old-fashioned" method using a shovel and an ax. As the saying goes, there is nothing newer than the well forgotten old. But, you just need to try to do this work correctly, namely:

  • remove shoots as soon as they appear;
  • it must be remembered that cutting off the aerial part of the germinating shoots with a pruner is not enough, because the roots remain in the ground and germinate more intensively;
  • it will be correct to find and dig in the place where the shoots move away from the horizontal root of the cherry;
  • chop off shoots with an ax and, for prevention, thoroughly cover the place of the felling with one of the garden brews to exclude further germination;
  • then fill in the formed pits.

Use the above grandfather's method it is possible during the autumn-spring digging, but only it should be as deep as possible. It is best to use mechanized equipment (tractor, excavator, etc.) whenever possible.

You can limit the number of germinations by burying sheets of thick cardboard or slate at a half-meter depth around the tree.

And finally, it is worth noting how important and careful it is to treat the use of herbicides or other chemicals, since there is a risk of accidental harm to a fruit-bearing tree, and a guaranteed one hundred percent way to get rid of a cherry tree from overgrowth, unfortunately, has not yet been invented.

Cherry is a short-lived culture, you always need to have a change at hand. On household plots it is often propagated by root shoots. This is a simple matter, but there are some subtleties that you need to know in order to get a fruiting tree.

The first self-rooted cherry came to our garden quite by accident. A friend brought a small tree.

He took a seedling from his friend, from whom he always bought cherries. And for ten years now, it bears fruit almost every year, giving out large, beautiful, with a slight sourness of cherries to the envy of two varietal, grafted, but low-yielding neighbors.

At the same time, the wild gives little shoots. This culture has such a pattern: the more fruitful the cherry, the less it gives growth.

Now I multiply it for my garden and distribute it to friends.

It is not difficult to grow cherries from root shoots. In the spring, at a distance of 15-20 cm from the selected cherry, I chop the root coming from the mother plant on both sides. I do not dig out the seedling, but leave it in place. Over the summer, he must form his root system and begin independent life... If there are several plants on the root, I leave one that I like, the rest I cut out as close to the root as possible.

On a note

It is necessary to take shoots only from rooted (unvaccinated) cherries, since they are usually grafted on seedlings of local resistant varieties or on wild forms of cherries and cherries. The shoots taken from them will inherit the qualities of the wild stock.

So that you know

It is better not to take shoots located close to the trunk of the mother bush, as it usually has an underdeveloped aerial part and root system. In addition, when digging it up, the roots of the mother plant are severely damaged.

I loosen the ground around the selected seedling, tie it to a peg. Further, all summer I water and feed the young cherries. At good care within a year she is ready to be transplanted to a permanent place.


Below are other entries on the topic "Cottage and garden - do it yourself"

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  • HOW TO GET RID OF CHERRY SPROUT, AND IS IT POSSIBLE TO PREVENT ITS APPEARANCE? If you got a plot with an old overgrown cherry orchard, the first step is to figure out how to get rid of the cherry overgrowth. Dealing with it is not so easy, and you may have to spend a lot of energy and nerves to deal with the numerous shoots that now and then sprout next to the main tree.

    IS IT POSSIBLE TO PREVENT THE APPEARANCE OF CHERRY SPROUT? A novice gardener may have a logical question: is it necessary to look for ways to destroy cherry sprouts? Isn't it easier to leave her alone - let new cherry trees grow, which will bear even more fruit! The main harm lies in the fact that the cherry shoot takes nutrients from the soil for its growth, due to which the yield on the main tree is significantly reduced, or even completely disappears. One should not pin great hopes on the early fruiting of new cherry bushes, since grafted cherries give wild growth that does not bear fruit. In addition, overgrown cherry blossoms are much more difficult to care for. First of all, be attentive to the choice of seedlings: having planted a tree-like or bush-like cherry on the site, you will not subsequently puzzle over how to deal with the cherry overgrowth. Another thing is the planting of overgrown cherries, which in fifteen years, by virtue of their nature, begins to form shoots, especially for self-rooted plants. When buying a growing cherry type, keep in mind: self-rooted seedlings (Apukhtinskaya, Vladimirskaya, Krasnopakharskaya, Shubinka), although they form a lot of growths, their offspring retain all the properties of the variety and are quite suitable for replacing old cherries; varietal cherries (Rastorguevskaya, Malinovka, Molodezhnaya, Pamyat Yenikeeva) on clonal stocks can, to a greater or lesser extent, form a sprout of wild stock, which will need to be removed regularly; varietal cherries on seed stocks (from seedlings of Shubinka and Vladimir cherry) do not give root shoots.

    Be sure to check with the seller, are you own-rooted cherry seedlings or grafted? And, if you do not want to think about the problem of how to get rid of cherry overgrowths in a few years, give preference to seedlings on seed stocks. But what to do with old cherries that have just begun to sprout? It is noticed that the number of shoots in the same plant can increase with surface watering, with freezing of branches, damage to cherries by diseases, as well as as a result of mechanical damage to the root system and crown of the tree. To reduce the formation of cherry growth, do not forget about sanitary pruning of damaged branches, prevent the spread of pests and diseases. Use mulching instead of loosening the soil under the cherries. It is better to water the plant rarely, but abundantly. One of the reasons may be the banal heat, from which the soil under the tree cracks, and as a result of damage to the roots, young shoots begin to grow from them. In this case, sheltering the ground under cherry hay or straw will help. EXPERIENCE OF EXPERIENCED GARDENERS HOW TO REMOVE CHERRY SPROUT The question of how to remove cherry sprouts from your plot remains relevant for many gardeners from year to year. After all, it is impossible to completely get rid of germinating new shoots - so you have to either bother with cutting down the overgrowth every year, or experiment with new methods of removing coppice shoots at your own peril and risk.

    The most popular and effective method for destroying cherry overgrowths at least for a short time is considered to be a regular fight against emerging cherry offspring with an ax and a shovel. Moreover, such work must be done correctly: shoots are removed immediately as they appear, leaving them no opportunity to gain strength; cutting the aerial part of the shoot with a pruner is not enough - hemp with buds will remain in the ground, from which even more powerful offspring will then grow; in early spring or late autumn, shoots are dug up to the point where they leave the horizontal root of the cherry, and chopped off with an ax, leaving no stumps; the place of the log house is covered with garden pitch so that nothing more will grow out of it; the dug holes are covered with earth again. Additionally, it is recommended to remove fallen berries from under the cherries so that wild bushes do not grow from their seeds. You can limit the germination of overgrown shoots using sheets of slate or thick cardboard, burying them under the cherry tree half a meter into the ground. Planting a shady tree (linden, maple, chestnut) next to it also slows down the development of cherry growth. With great care, herbicides should be used to destroy the overgrowth, since you can accidentally harm the mother tree. In addition, it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect - there is a possibility that two new ones will grow in the place of one shoot killed by the poison.

    The cardinal method of destruction of cherry overgrowth (together with an old tree) can be called a deep digging of a site with an excavator or a tractor. But this option is not suitable for every site, and you can't call it cheap. Unfortunately, a 100% effective way has not yet been invented on how to remove cherry sprouts once and for all. Therefore, the choice is yours - to constantly fight against the growing offspring, or to completely get rid of the old cherries along with all the shoots and plant new varieties that do not give shoots. Tips from our readers: 1. Anton - One way to dig. We have already passed this on our site 2. Andrei - I cut it with a shovel, trying to get closer to the root. Choose strains that produce fewer shoots. Without these, it will not be possible to find, but there are varieties that give abundant growth, there are less fertile ones. 3. Peter - It remains only to cut or dig up with pruning shears, removing the root system. 4. Irina - Get a lopper and a shovel. Dig up the roots, cut them with a lopper, cut the growth into pieces with it, thin branches can be pruned, and only the lopper will take thick ones. 5. Elena - I brought out the overgrowth of cherries and horseradish with the help of the drug Tornado500 (an analogue of Roundup, but more powerful) .... in October I cut off the shoots at ground level .... in the spring the sprouts that appeared were sprayed with the Tornado ... the leaves wilted, darkened and dried up ... then a new stunted shoot appeared, sprayed it again ... for the third time only a part of the remaining growth had to be sprayed .... no longer for a year, the main cherry has not suffered ... the drug itself decomposes in the ground for 3 -x weeks ... between the shoots on free land I planted beans of several varieties, when spraying, I covered the cardboard

    How to remove cherries from the garden: useful tips The cherry orchard is simple and beautiful only in the works of the classics. In fact, every gardener, on whose site at least one cherry tree grows, faced the problem of the ubiquitous overgrowth. The bones, previously swallowed by animals and birds, sprout in the most inappropriate places: on paths and beds, and the ground near the tree turns out to be strewn with young shoots every spring.

    Unfortunately, more often than not, the struggle with cherry overgrowth resembles running in a circle. As soon as the next shoots are removed, they are replaced by a dozen others. It is possible and necessary to fight the sprouts, the main thing is to choose the right tactics. Before starting to study the question of how to remove cherries from the garden, it is important to decide whether the owner needs the main mother tree or whether the stone fruit plant can be completely eliminated.

    If breeding orchard is not included in the plans, but you want to collect cherries, then the fight should be carried out according to the following scheme. Every spring, shoots should be removed with a pruner or shovel, trying to cut the plant as close to the root system as possible. These manipulations will have to be carried out regularly, getting rid of young plants in the presence of an adult tree is as difficult as removing celandine from the garden, because it is necessary to dig up shoots as often as possible.

    If fruit plants and the goal is to completely get rid of them, then there will be more options for struggle. The first, of course, is methodical destruction by cutting and digging, manipulations should be carried out as often as possible. Doing this is as difficult as destroying crickets in the garden, but it gives a visible instant result and the landscape of the site does not deteriorate.

    Also, cherry shoots can be fought with the help of herbicides - means for destroying plants. The seller of the agricultural shop will always gladly recommend the best composition. Spraying gives a visible result, but requires regularity, if you forget about the manipulations, getting rid of the overgrowth will be as difficult as removing wheatgrass from the garden, and this is almost impossible.

    If the shoots regularly sprout around the old tree, then two problems can be solved at the same time. An adult cherry intended for sawing must be dug in, trying to go as deep as possible into the ground, optimally, to the upper roots. Cut through the root system with a shovel and only then try to remove the stump, swinging it from side to side. Further actions should be like those of those who are interested in the question of how to remove reeds from the garden. The land with unnecessary plants must be dug up several times, the roots must be carefully selected and tamped.

    Of course, you will have to keep an eye on the appearance of new "uninvited guests" for a long time to come. But knowledge, combined with perseverance and hard work, will surely give a result, and the site will delight its owner with only the desired plants. And the neighbors will definitely come for advice to a skilled gardener, because every owner of a land plot knows that it is so difficult to get rid of stone fruit sprouts.