How to grow cherry celery. How to grow celery events

Celery Cherry is one of three types of celery. The seaside planting method for this variety is perhaps the only way to produce a crop. The period of its maturation takes 80-150 days and therefore it is impossible to have time to grow seed peeling methods directly to the ground in the country. The most common varieties that have already deserved to themselves special attention - Golden Feather, Utah, Golden Way, Golden Self-Looking. These are not all proven grades for growing petrolery celery, but the most popular and distributed.

Celebration Celery Seeds

Before planting celery seeds should take into account his feature of a bad and long gesture. After dry sowing, the first shoots may appear no earlier than the month and will grow with a swab. There are a lot of gardeners who, before sowing, soak seeds for several days at home, while changing water daily several times. Due to the excess of seed essential oil, slow germination occurs, which can be accelerated warm water About + 60c. After cooling the water, the oil rises to the surface of the water and after which the seeds should be rinsed with flowing water.

Washing them should be decomposed on wet paper or cotton fabric on a plate, and packaged in the package for the effect of the greenhouse at home. To strengthen this effect, the plate can be put into a warm dark place, but you should not forget to air and moisturize the fabric or paper. There is another method of germinating seeds to seedlings at home. You need to take the bank, it is desirable glass and sent a sawdust. Well wash the sawdust you can lay out seeds mixed with sand. Not closed bank put in a warm and illuminated place until germination, constantly sticking to regular irrigation and room temperature + 25c.

Video "Growing Instructions"

Detailed video constructions for the cultivation of celery of celery.

Soil preparation for landing

The soil for planting celery to seedlings are preparing in advance to sowing. Since the seedlings are planted from the end of February to the beginning of March. If the soil is preparing the most likely to be in a peat, humid and wood ash. The proportions of the mixture of 3/5 peat, 1/5 humoring, 1/5 ash and a little sand. If you do not have these ingredients for the preparation of land for seedlings, you can buy such a mixture already ready in a specialized store. In this case, an earthen mixture is suitable, which is also suitable for growing onions and other vegetables.

In advance prepared pots or boxes for the cultivation of seedlings, they fall asleep prepared or purchased a mixture of the Earth and watered it with water. In shallow grooves, the seeds are neatly planting that they sprouted, without disturbing or having their weak roots. They are not necessary to pour out the earth, you can simply press a little, but not a deeper half-caustimeter otherwise it will be difficult for them. Celery Celery Seeds can also be in a snowman. The processes are almost the same only instead of the daily watering of the Earth, the box is covered with a layer of snow, on which seeds unfold. When the snow is melting, it will give the necessary moisture and deepen them to the desired depth in the ground.

Care for seedy

Care at home for the already grazing seedlings will not be strong labor. The land should not disappear, but also the water in the box should not, spraying from the pulverizer the best way. After a few weeks, it will be possible to make the first feeding of plants. The densely grown seedlings should proper and peer plants when 3-4 leaves appear. Seed out the seedlings follow half the stem in the ground.

After holding a diver, after two weeks it is worth filing the plants again. But a week before landing at the cottage in open sad Celery should be harden at a temperature of + 15. To maintain such a temperature, you can make the container on a well-lit balcony. When the landing time itself comes, you must certainly pour plants.

Landing in open ground

Celery seedlings can be started since mid-May. There should be at least 15-20 centimeters between the plants, and the rows of each other should be no closer than 30-40 centimeters. After planting to pour and sprinkle the earth. Care contains feeding, weeding, loosening, watering and combating diseases. Cell celery needs regular feeding and care after falling into the soil.

When it passed exactly a month from the seedling falling into the soil, the first feeding was carried out, the second with a strongly active growth of greenery, the third in the strengthening of the root growth. For feeding, 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 30-40 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2 are used. Carrying out the development of celery is not stuffing, but the root, from its upper part, remove part of the Earth and pinch the side root shoots. The procedure should be repeated three or four times while the root plant is formed. Mulching around the plant will be like additional care, watering should be moderate depending on weather conditions.

It is not necessary to give the earth to rehabilitate or caress the water in the groing groceries in the country. Plugging for sweet celery is the most important thing in caring for it. It is carried out with the beginning of intensive growth and thickening of the cuffs. By the need to care for plants, the procedure is repeated. This will help get bleached sweets without bitterness inside and delicate taste. But there is another care method to obtain a gentle pulp.

In a couple of weeks before Celery cleaning, the top of the petiole is associated and wrapped with paper. Prior to the first frosts, the crop is completely going. In the cold September nights with temperatures below -5 C it is worth covering celery acrylic material. Despite all this, the difficulties in growing celery are still there.

The abundant amount of water in a vegetable externally may not show this, but its petioles will simply be impossible to eat. Try to water the plant as often as possible, otherwise everything works and care can be in vain. The plant is not delivered from the simplest shorting, it is the soil drying signal or a late fallout seedlings in the country. Everywhere where there is a good humidity can appear snails and different slugs. To save the plant, the weeds on the garden should be strained on time.

Poaming the middle flows imperceptibly and the problem can be realized, only collecting a crop. Wine gluel bacteria that were formed due to the caution of water in the ground. When driving the soil or too much a large amount of nitrogen in it, the stiffs are cracking.

How to collect and keep a crop

Depending on the maturation of the vegetable, the cleaning of the grown crop begins depending on the climate, but presumably from August and can last to the first frosts. Storage is no different from other root crops growing in the country. Cuts are cut off from August, and its leaves are needed. Vintage can be stored in dried or freeze.

Information video with useful practical recommendations For gardeners.

Every year more and more popularity of celery is growing, which in the 18th century in Europe was grown as decorative plant. Today, this vegetable culture is used to prepare salads, smoothies, soups. The popularity of vegetable is explained by its useful properties, because in root and leaves contain a large number of A variety of microelements and vitamins, valuable amino acids, essential oils, nicotinic acid, carotene and fiber. The growing season for celeryers is long, so they grow them ensure. When to plant celery on seedlings Lunar calendar And how to grow vegetable culture properly, you can learn from our article.

The vegetation period of celery lasts from four to five and a half months, so the useful plant should be grown through seedlings. Seed sown needs to do about 70 days before the seedlings of Celery seedlings into open ground, after selecting the appropriate dates on the lunar calendar.

Calendar Landing Celery at the seedlings in 2019:

Seeds can be sowing all February and in early March, so that the seedlings of the seedlings have grown up, and it could be planted for a bed in April in the warm regions, and in May or June - in Siberia, in the Urals and other more northern regions.

Celery species and varieties

Three types of celery are grown in culture:

  • cherry;
  • sheet;
  • root.

Ceper celery varieties

The cherry species of rooteplood does not forms. Its nutritious and useful value in fleshy stiffs. Most popular varieties:

  • Triumph - a plant with dark green cutters up to 30 cm long, medium-stage grade;
  • Tango - ripening about 170 days the variety is distinguished by bluish-green sweets, which grow long, curved and do not have coarse fibers;
  • Golden - ripening for 150 days a variety is distinguished by excellent taste;
  • Malachite - a variety with dark green fleshy and juicy cutters ripens in just 80 days.

Varieties of leaf celery

In order to use a vitamin greenery throughout the summer, a sheet view can be grown in the garden in the garden. vegetable culture. Popular varieties:

  • Spartan - the variety matures for 80-85 days and has fragrant dark green large leaves;
  • Samurai - Ripening about two and a half months variety with its corrugated leaves look like a parsley;
  • Cheerfulness - Resistant to low temperatures and droughts The variety matures a little more than two months and is distinguished by fragrant and glossy leaves, which are strongly dissected;
  • Zakhar - giving large greenery mid-Veter Sort has fragrant and delicate leaves;
  • Sail - Ripening about three months Grade is characterized by fragrant leaflets with a good taste;
  • Delicate - leaflets of this variety can be used both in fresh and dried, they ripen 105-110 days after the appearance of germs.

Celery root - variety

The plant is grown for the sake of obtaining root plates, the benefits of which are compared with healing properties Ginseng roots. Weighing roots can from five hundred to nine hundred grams. The root celeses are divided into medium, secondary and late varieties, among which you can allocate:

  • Mribovsky is a medium-edged grade with root-sorts weighing from 60 to 130 grams, the light flesh of which has yellow spots and a pleasant fragrance, can be used in fresh and dried;
  • Prague giant ripens in 120 days, has similar to the turnip of large roots, which are fragrant and tender, pleasant pulp taste;
  • Silacha - the mid-freed variety has yellowish rootfields weighing about 400 grams with a sweet, white pulp, ripens about 170 days;
  • Albin - ripening for 120 days grades is characterized by high yield, rounded root roots and juicy white flesh;
  • Maxim - the late maturation variety with roots weighing about 0.5 kg and cream pulp with spicy gentle taste, ripen roots about 200 days;
  • Anita - yield Ripens about 160 days, it has oval or rounded light beige root roots weighing about 0.4 kg and a snow-white flesh.

Growing celery from seeds

Processing Celery Seeds

In February or March, it is necessary to start processing the planting material. Such processing is needed so that the seeds are faster. Otherwise, shoots may appear only in a month, as in planting material Vegetable culture There are essential oils that slow down the germination of seeds.

Processing procedure:

  • hold the seeds of the day in water;
  • soak up 45 minutes in 1% solution of manganese potassium;
  • rinse and dry;
  • describe on wet fabric and keep at a temperature of about +20 degrees then until they stick.

Landing celery seeds

For sowing, seedlings are prepared, which fill the soil for seedlings from the store or soil prepared by their own. The soil mixture is mixed from the following components:

  • humid - 1 part;
  • basic peat - 3 parts;
  • cherry land - 1 part.

Coated ground add coarse sand, glass wood ash and teaspoon of urea.

The proceeding seeds are mixed with sand and sow into the grooves, the distance between which three or four centimeters should be. On top of crops sprinkled with wet sand, cover food film or glass and placed in a warm place (you can put near the battery).

Every day, crops are ventilated, and when dried upper layer Soil spray from a spray with warm water.

Care for Celery

If the seeds were processed, the first seedlings will begin to appear in a week. They will immediately need to rearrange on a well-lit, cool place where there are no direct sun ray, And the air temperature is within +16 degrees.

In a repellent period, care for celery root is no different from the care and cultivation of celery of the cherry and leaf. Seedlings are necessary to water time, feed and dive.

Picking It has the following features:

  1. Sheet and Celery Sheet You can simply proper, leaving a distance between the plants in 4-5 cm. If the container is small, then the seedlings are transplanted into a more spacious box, dissolving them at a distance from each other at 5 cm.
  2. Root Celery You must dive, using peat pots for this. Before boarding a new capacity, the central root of the seedling is parted by one third of the length. In the soil of the plant you need to fall asleep to seedy leaves.

The seedlings deeds, the first three days are keen in the shade. It should be grown after a dive at a temperature of about +15 degrees, lower the temperature to +12 degrees at night.

Undercabe seedlings

The first time feels seedlings 7-10 days after dive. To do this, use nitroposk, which is bred in a bucket of water. For one, the cooks will need two or three tablespoons of feeding.

Landing celery in open ground

When the soil warms on the garden, and seedlings will grow to about 12-15 cm and will have four or five leaves, celery planted on a bed. For days 10-14 before this, the seedlings begin to temper and gradually teach fresh air on the balcony or plot.

Celery can be planted after cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, legume crops. It is impossible to make a bed for celery after carrot, parsnips, parsley, dill.

Soil for celery must be a weakly alkaline or neutral, fertile and loose. Grow vegetable culture should be on a well-lit, open place.

  • compost or humid - 3-4 kg;
  • double superphosphate - 20 g;
  • in the spring - 40 g of mineral complex fertilizer.

How to plant celery

Landing different species Vegetable culture is slightly different:

  • sheet and Celery Sheet planted between plants at 15-20 cm, and between rows - 30 cm;
  • root celery landing scheme - 40x50 cm.

Saplings during landing are plugged to seedy leaves, and fall asleep with soil mixture, which is pre-mixed with the handful of ash and humus. The landing is well water and dialed for several days with a newspaper or paper from sunlight.

Growing celery root, cherry and leaf in the open ground


Watering the beds with landings should be regularly and abundantly, since celery loves moisture. For one square meter, 20-25 liters of water will be needed with landings. The soil should always be wet, so in hot weather without rains of watering produced daily.


  1. The first time feed the seedlings, as written above in the article.
  2. The second feeding need to do a week after landing on the garden. You can use herbal infusion as a fertilizer.
  3. Nasty chicken litter Or the plant's cowboy fertilize two weeks after the second feeding.
  4. At the end of July for each square meter Grokes are brought by 30 grams of superphosphate.

Harvest preparation

To grow well the root Plants, in the middle of the summer, the leaves pressed the leaves with the root celery and break the side roots, previously removing the top layer of the soil.

During harvest, core and cereal celery are completely digging. List species can only break off the leaflets or dig up the bushes, put into the pot and grow them on the windowsill.

The valuable vegetable celery today is increasingly growing and because when it is eaten in food calories are not recruited, but are burned. The use of leaves, roots and root improvements will improve well-being, it will reduce the level of fatigue and relieve stress.

Celery seeds are distinguished by tuggery. Without pre-training, Surrounded by dry, they can germinate for 18-25 days or more. For this reason, before growing celery seedlings, the seeds are mandatory. Initially, they are wrapped in three days in warm (45 ° C) water, it is already changing three times a day, and then germinate.

For the extension of seeds use generally accepted ways. They are absolutely applicable to seeds, sowed to seedlings or in the soil with spring north. Just do not get involved and bring the case before the rustling of seedlings more than 1 mm long. They will die.

Landing celery seeds to seedlings are made in a seaside container, this is done at that moment, as they barely begin to slander.

And you can germinate celery seeds for sowing on seedlings in a jar with wet sawdust. At the same time, the lid of the cans do not close and hold it in a warmly illuminated place until seed germination. Sawders are constantly maintained in moderately humid condition and maintain a temperature in the range of 18-22 ° C.

Since the sowing material is very small, before landing the root and cherry celery, seeds are mixed with dry sand or small dry wood sawdust (better hardwood). Using preliminary germination, they say the day of starting wigging in the day of sowing.

IN middle lane Celery seedlings before landing in the ground are grown in March-April for 50-60 days.

For sowing seeds of root and cherry celery for seedlings, the soil is prepared from 3 parts of the peat, 1 pieces of the turf of the earth, 1 part of the humus and a small amount of sand and two glasses of wood ash (on a bucket). For non-possible, use ready-made soils for onion crops or universal vegetable mixes.

Seeds seeds celery in a seedy with moisturized land. The thickness of the soil layer must be at least 10 cm. Sail in two ways. The first (for gentle seeds): Make a very shallow groove depth of no more than 0.5 cm, seed into them seeds and gently align the surface, sprinkling sowing.

The second way is suitable for not separated by dry seeds: seeds are laid out on the surface of the wet soil and do not close and contain and contain in the light, preventing the drying of seeds and soil (it is better to hide with a film or glass). Thus, you can speed up the emergence of shoots for 4-7 days.

Before the appearance of germs, the air temperature should be within 20-22 ° C, in the future throughout the cultivation - 14-16 ° C. Need to follow this. Violation temperature mode In the direction of the increase can lead to the stretching of seedlings, it is weakened and, as a result, the loss of crop and the quality of roots and cuffs.

Cultivation of seedlings of sweet and root celery

When growing root and cuff celery across seedlings with the appearance of one of the real leaves, the crops are thinned (extend), leaving a distance of 3-4 cm between the plants or dive into the peat-up 5x5 cm. Celery seedlings. The quality of roots and cuffs do not suffer. Usually grown celery to save and consumption in autumn-winter period. For a middle family of 3-4 people, it is enough to grow no more than 40 roots in order to fully provide themselves and use rootes to distill greens.

Before planting seedlings into the ground, it is hardening for a week (reinforced ventilation and removal to the balcony).

When growing sweet and root celery seedlings ready to land with 4-5 real leaves dark green and developed root system.

On the day of the disembarkation is carried out abundant watering. Plants are removed from the ground and sorted in size. Part of the leaves and the root before planing in the seedlings are cut to facilitate landing and courts. In the prepared beds, the rabid is planted with rows: root varieties - with a width of rivers in 40-45 cm and between plants 25-30 cm, cuff - line ribbons with a distance between lines 20-30 cm, between tapes 50-60 cm, between plants 15- 20 cm. When growing celery seedlings before landing roots, it is cut into 1/3 of the length and, as well as the seedlings of the bow, are dipped into the chatter and cowboy (or clay and cowboy) to prevent their drying and better survival. Plants are powered by 10 cm, not falling asleep the top kidneys, slightly crimped and pour out.

Celery is demanding soil. It grows well on deep loamy soils rich in organic substances. Lightweight and heavy soils, as well as soils with a shallow arable skyline are not suitable for growing celery. If, due to the need for celery, they are placed on such soils, their properties are improved mainly by making a semi-pressed or laid manure. Celery needs this fertilizer and because for the formation of a large, juicy and tender vegetation mass, it removes a large amount from the soil nutrients.

It is necessary to plant celery after predecessors, under which a large number of manure was introduced, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. It is planted late, so before landing in this place can grow spinach, salad, green Luc, green garlic.

Cell celery is now often part of various dishes, especially salads. It is possible to eat it in the raw form, as well as after heat treatment. Cell celery is considered a very tasty and useful plant.

How to plant Cell celery seedlings in the country

If the grade of cherry celery has a long growth period, it is better to plant it with the help of seedlings. It is usually put on the windowsill. Seedlings are sled at the cottage at the end of February or in early March. If the seeds do not prepare in advance, then to eat seeds will be more than 20 days. Typically, the seeds are soaked in immunocyto. The solution is prepared at the rate of 20 ml of water 1 tablet of substance.

The pure box is prepared in advance, falling back there. Earth is preparing in advance. Mix the ground from the garden and humus in the same proportions, add some sand. Now the earth needs to be poured, and in the day later they put a layer of snow on top.

How to grow at home how to care

Now it is important to create correct care After transplanting seedlings. All weeds need to be removed, the soil rubbing. If germinated seeds were evinted, then you need to remove the nonwoven material. If there is a height delay, the event will occur ahead of time.

It is necessary to proper celery for the first time, as soon as it appears from 4 to 6 leaves. The distance between the plant needs to be left at 20 cm. Next time to proper celery in 10 days. As a result, the distance will become 40 cm.

On the video it is described when sowing celery is a cherry for seedlings, landing time:

It is impossible to allow the soil to become dense. Therefore, loosening is mandatory. The depth of loosening should be about 6 cm. But if there is plenty of rain, then the soil loosen at 15 cm. It is desirable to make some fertilizers when loosening.



Watering the plant needs every week. One square meter will require 20 liters of water. But if there are few rainy days, the amount of water increases to 25 liters. Usually little rain in August and September. When watering, try not to allow water to enter the leaves themselves. If this is allowed, then fungus and other diseases can hit the plant.

Light and gloss

If you want to achieve a pleasant fragrance and taste from the sweets, then try to remove them away from direct sunlight. Thus, the number essential oils It will decrease, the leaves will become bright, the taste will be pleasant. If you are dipping a plant, it will quickly acquire a light shade. Earth when dippeding needs to be poured gradually. Note that it is necessary to impair only wet ground. First, the plant is plunged so that it does not fall.

For the second time half of the stem, and for the third time almost to the top. But there is one minus that there is one minus: cutters can buy not very pleasant taste of the Earth. Therefore, it is not recommended to fall in the period of growth. Better after cleaning to pin in the greenhouse. But in this case, celery yield will fall.

But you can apply another way. In the first weeks of September, the plant is usually completely formed, so you can take a cloth, and tie the stems. Now the soil can be collected under the plant. Cubes need to wrap with packing paper and tie with twine. The wrapper should not close the leaves, but end with the edge. Usually improve the taste of celery 3 weeks before harvesting.

Celery, like other plants, is subject to the influence of pests. Therefore, you need to start fighting with them in time:

  1. Borschi Muha. She is able to start laying eggs at the end of May. These pests can spend the whole winter in the soil. If you find a borsching fly, then on next year It is impossible to plant vegetables there.
  2. Carrot fly. The larvae of this flies are able to damage the roots of the plant. Therefore, it is important to spend the weeding on time. The feeding and loosening is also made on time.
  3. Carrot Listoblushka. This living critic is able to drink all the Celery juice. Externally, the plant will look oppressed.
  4. Bean Tla. This pest is considered the largest. If you discovered this pest, then celery needs to be treated with a brawl of tomato or potatoes.
  5. Early burn. Usually such a phenomenon is observed when cut Delta temperatures. You will see on the sheets of stains with a buroy border. Eli moisture will be increased, then the violet raid will acquire a stain. You can get rid of the pest within 30 minutes using a temperature of 48 degrees.

On the video, it is described when the celery is cherry for seedlings:

What time is landing

What kind of celery is not to take, they all have a long season of vegetation. Usually seed celery seeds in April: from April 20 to 25. In an open ground, the transplant is made in May: May 15-20.

Those who wish every year to have celery on the table, can engage in sowing. Observing simple rulesYou will achieve good results.

Many dream of O. cottage plotwhere you can rest in the summer, to retire with nature, admiring the beauty and breathing with clean air without emissions. Often in dreams are present and small vegetable gardenwhere you can grow vegetables, beans and greens. But not everyone knows that cherry celery can be grown and enjoy its taste in various cooked dishes.

Description and main characteristics

Celery - one of the most useful plants. Phytotherapists This plant is considered an essential component necessary to maintain healthy image Life. It is often part of the equipment and recipes for weight loss.

This herbaceous plant has a whole near useful properties, contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. It also has a thin, but rich taste. For their useful qualities, this plant is valued by lovers of delicious food throughout the world. Most recently, celery was grown only for medicine, and today it is present in many sophisticated dishes.

The spectrum of the effects of this plant on the human body is very wide.

Kornemploda is enriched with the following features:

  • raises the tone;
  • able to increase mental and physical performance;
  • leads appetite into normal condition;
  • anesthetics;
  • is a diuretic.

Varieties of rootfield

This plant has several varieties. They concern external structure. Highlight three types of celery:

  • sheet;
  • root;
  • cherry.

This plant is capable of complementing any dish without losing their useful qualities When cooking. Fortunately, celery refers to dietary products and does not harm the figure.

The cultivation of celery stem is happening for juicy cherry-stems. At the current moment, the cutters are white or green. The difference in colors does not relate to varieties varieties - the same kind may be different color. Methods of cultivation affect painting. For instance, white color It appears if the celery is inhabited by placing the stalk of the soil.

As a rule, celery disembarks on the garden takes place in May, closer to the end, in warm areas you can start planted in the middle of the month. By the time of transplanting seedlings to open soil, the sprouts should be height 5-7 cm. It is important to trace that the sprouts are not just long, but strong and alive.

White celery varieties planted into the wells on the garden with a distance of 25x25 cm. If the choice fell on non-salable varieties, then the trench will fit for the landing, in this case the markup should be 30 cm between seedlings.

It is necessary to plant a plant deep into the trench, then, according to experienced gardens, white stems are formed during ripening. If the landing occurred in a normal garden and the stem grows green, it is necessary to hold a number of events a month before harvesting.

The fact is that the color of the stem of the cherry celery depends on the level of illumination, the white shade color appears in the root, if it grows in a darkened place. Therefore, in approximately in September, when celery will grow by 30 cm, it is necessary:

  • collect leaves up in a bundle and tear up a loosely soft ribbon;
  • the stem itself to shove into the wrapper material (from the soil itself to the leaves);
  • fasten the wrapper with a beep or scotch;
  • leave for 3 weeks, after which dig and free from fixing materials.

Celery is ready for digging. The one that will not immediately be used in food, you need to go to the moistened sand in a cool place - it will be good fertilizer.

To save for the winter, various unnecessary dense paper can serve. Are also suitable plastic bottles Or pipes, as well as foam and straw. Bottles / pipes need to pour small sawdust or dry leaves.