Project for the development of speech in the middle group. Project for the development of speech of children of the middle group in the game activity "learning by playing" project for the development of speech (middle group)

Fairy tale project for children 4-5 years old

This material can be useful for educators of middle groups in their work on moral education. The Russian folk tale serves not only as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education, but also has a huge impact on the development of speech. Fairy tales reveal to children the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, how rich their native speech is with humor, figurative expressions, comparisons.

Relevance of the topic.
A fairy tale teaches good to understand
Talk about people's actions
If bad, then condemn him,
Well, the weak - protect him!
Children learn to think, dream,
Get answers to questions.
Every time they find out something
Know your homeland! A. Lesnykh

Many centuries ago, when there was no written language, oral folk art arose, performing the same role that literature later played. For children, the people created wonderful fairy tales, songs, riddles, sayings. Works of folk art have not lost their impact on the child in our days. Deep moral ideas, dreams and beliefs of the people are reflected in oral works.
The great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky highly appreciated the folk tale: “These are the first and brilliant attempts of Russian folk pedagogy, and I don’t think that anyone would be able to compete in this case with the pedagogical genius of the people.”
A fairy tale enters the life of a child from a very early age, accompanies him throughout preschool childhood and remains with him for life.
A fairy tale is a conductor of culture in the heart of a child. The life of a fairy tale is a continuous creative process. The idea in the fairy tale is very simple: if you want happiness for yourself, learn to be smart, and heroics are, although imaginary, but examples of true human behavior.
In an effort to awaken the best feelings in children, to protect them from callousness, selfishness, indifference, the people colorfully depicted in fairy tales the struggle between the powerful forces of evil and the forces of good. The fairy tale tells us about the extremely important things in life, it teaches us to be kind and fair, to resist evil, to despise cunning people and flatterers. It affirms the people's principles of life: honesty, courage, devotion, collectivism.
The fairy tale introduces the language of the people, moral principles, way of life and way of life. It reflects the dreams of the people, conveys their thoughts. From a fairy tale, the child begins to get acquainted with the world of literature, with the world of human relationships and with the whole world around him as a whole. It is from the fairy tale that the child learns that happiness is impossible without labor and steadfast moral principles.
The fairy tale presents children with a poetic and multifaceted image of its heroes, while leaving room for the imagination. Spiritual and moral concepts, clearly represented in the images of heroes, are fixed in real life and relationships with loved ones, turning into moral standards that regulate the desires and actions of the child.
The Russian folk tale serves not only as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education, but also has a huge impact on the development of speech. Fairy tales reveal to children the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, how rich their native speech is with humor, figurative expressions, comparisons.
However, a fairy tale is not only entertaining, it is also very serious. A fairy tale helps to better know, understand and love your country, to appreciate its originality and uniqueness.
A fairy tale is a means of emotional and volitional development and spiritual and moral education of preschoolers.
It is in vain to think that the fairy tale was and is only the fruit of popular leisure. It was and is the dignity and mind of the people, its historical memory, which filled with deep content the dimensional life that flows according to customs and rituals.
Unfortunately, today, our children are brought up not on fairy tales, but on modern cartoons. Most parents don't take the time to sit down with their child and read a book. Child psychologists consider this a big omission of adults in raising their children. A survey of parents and a survey of children in our group showed that very little time is devoted to reading children's books at home. In fact, a fairy tale is one of the most ancient means of moral, aesthetic education, and also forms the behavioral stereotypes of future members of an adult society. Therefore, we decided to devote a little more time to Russian folk tales in the development and upbringing of our children.
Project participants: Children of the middle group, educators, parents.
Implementation period: 2 months.
Project type: practice-oriented, group.
Target: To instill in children a love for Russian folk tales, as a work of art.
For kids:
To educate, on the basis of the content of Russian folk tales, respect for the traditions of folk culture.
Expand children's understanding of fairy tales.
To broaden the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children with terms of family relationships, to develop coherent speech.
Strengthen family relationships.
To instill love and interest in Russian folk tales.
For parents:
Creation of favorable conditions in the family for the development of the child, taking into account the experience of children acquired in kindergarten;
Development of joint creativity of parents and children;
For teachers:
Development of the child's creative potential;
Show parents the knowledge and skills of children acquired during the project.
Expected results:
1. By the end of the year, children will have an idea of ​​the richness of Russian folk culture, the national characteristics of the character and life of a Russian person.
2. Increasing the interest and activity of parents in cooperation with the educator.
Forms of work:
excursion to the museum
display of fairy tales
productive activities of children
exhibitions of children's creative works.

Preparatory stage
Target: To update the existing methodological potential of the teacher, to specify the parameters of the developing environment necessary to enrich the cognitive experience of children.
Parent survey"Russian folk tale in the life of your child"
Advice for parents
"A fairy tale in a child's life"
"Read fairy tales to children"
Reading Russian folk tales
The study of methodological literature
Enriching the development environment:
to the book corner– introduction of Russian folk tales illustrated by different artists; illustrations, postcards depicting the heroes of fairy tales as you study;
in the speech zone - the introduction of didactic and board-printed games on the topic; production and gradual introduction of theaters (on flannelograph, planar, table, on sticks, on spoons, glove, finger);
to the play area- masks, elements of costumes of heroes of fairy tales;
in fine arts- coloring pages depicting plots and heroes of Russian folk tales, materials for creative work, reproductions of paintings based on Russian folk tales;
music - Russian sundresses and blouses for children.
Collection of exhibits for organizing a mini-museum "Visiting a fairy tale";
Selection and production of attributes for dramatization games.
Making an album for viewing:
"Household items of the Russian hut"
Creating a file cabinet of games:
Russian folk games- "Waterman", "Grandma Malanya", "Wolf and seven kids",
“At the bear in the forest”, “Geese-swans”, “Cat and mouse”, “Cossack chicken”, “Golden
Didactic games- “Tell a story using a series of pictures”, “Compose
fairy tale, name the fairy tale. “Recognize a fairy tale by its beginning”, “What first, what
then”, “What fairy tale are we from?”, “What fairy tale is the magic thing from?”,
“Pick up an illustration for a fairy tale”, “Fold the picture and find out the fairy tale”,
“Fold a fairy tale”, “What is superfluous?”, “Find out by description”, “Confusion”, “You
to me - I to you", "Tales about animals", "Kolobok hurries home",
"Play your own story."
Riddles about fairy tales.
Proverbs, sayings, jokes, nursery rhymes about Russian folk life and hospitality.
Finger games based on folk tales.
Physical minutes on Russian folk tales.
Selection of Russian folk tales for middle preschool age for a mini-library.
Compilation for parents of a recommendatory list of works of art for joint reading, viewing, discussion.

main stage
Target: To form and consolidate children's knowledge about the cultural wealth of the Russian people.
To educate respect for traditions based on the content of Russian folk tales
folk culture.

Organization of gaming activities
Listening to music
"What would you do if you had a magic wand?"
Which fairy tale character do I look like?
"Visit the book"
"Who draws pictures for fairy tales"
Artistic activity:
Drawing based on the Russian folk tale "Three Bears"
Modeling based on the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man"
Application "Zayushkina hut"
Educational activity:
Russian folk tales from a magic chest.
Journey to the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut"
Retelling of the fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes"
Creative storytelling based on the fairy tale "Teremok"
"Best friends"

"Journey to the kingdom of fairy tales"
"In the field of fairy tales"
"Journey through fairy tales"

Final stage
Target: analyze and summarize the results obtained in the process of design and
research activities.

Design of the exhibition of drawings "Russian folk tales"
Decoration of the mini-museum "Visiting a fairy tale!" (creative works of children and parents based on the plots of fairy tales)
Exhibition of baby books "Tale in a new way"
Conducting a quiz "Journey through fairy tales"
Entertainment "One, two, five and eight, we all transfer to a fairy tale!"
Showing the fairy tale "Teremok"
Final event "Through the pages of fairy tales"
Creation of a video library of presentations, photo slides, photo albums for the project "Visiting a fairy tale!"

List of works of art for joint reading, viewing, discussion
on the topic "Visiting a fairy tale"

"Cockerel - golden comb"
"Swan geese"
"By magic"
"Snow Maiden"
"Three pigs"
"Zayushkina's hut"
"Ryaba Hen"
"Princess Frog"
"Winter hut of animals"
"Snow Maiden and the Fox"
"Masha and the Bear"
"How a goat built a hut"
"Cat, Rooster and Fox"
"Fox and Hare"
"Fox and Geese"
"The Fox and the Goat"
"The Fox and the Crane"
"Resin Goby"

Cognitive speech development .

1. Reviewing albums
"Russian folk tales" (in the drawings of children and parents)
"Household items of the Russian hut"
"Learn a fairy tale" (illustrations for fairy tales)
Target: arouse interest in Russian folk tales and objects of the Russian hut
Expand and deepen about household items, heroes of fairy tales.
2.NOD: "Russian folk tales from a magic chest."
Target: Help children understand what oral folk art is.
To acquaint with the concepts of fairy tales, everyday tales, fairy tales about animals.
To systematize knowledge about Russian folk tales.
Ensure the development of memory, logical thinking.
Activate the vocabulary of children (everyday, fairy tales, fairy tales about animals, oral folk art).
Awaken a sense of love for oral folk art, a sense of compassion for others.
3. NOD: Journey to the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut".
Target: To ensure the development of the ability to tell a fairy tale according to the algorithm, to teach children to answer in full sentences, to activate the dictionary,
Contribute to the development of coherent speech of children.
Help develop reasoning skills.
Ensure the development of imagination, thinking, logic.
To awaken a feeling of love for Russian folk tales, a benevolent attitude towards the heroes of a fairy tale.
Generate an interest in literature.
4. NOD: Retelling of the fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes".
Target: to teach children to retell a short fairy tale, expressively convey the dialogue of characters.
5. NOD "Visiting a fairy tale."
Target: To ensure the development of the ability to select substitutes for objects and, on their basis, recognize the situations of a fairy tale and unfold the plot.
To help students develop the ability to listen carefully to an adult's story, to follow the rules of a collective game, to develop learning skills (the ability to answer an adult's questions, listen to other children's answers, and not interrupt the speaker).
Generate a desire to help a loved one.
6. NOD "In the meadow of fairy tales."
Target: To ensure the development of the ability to come up with unusual endings for famous fairy tales, to consolidate knowledge of the genre features of a fairy tale.
Activate the use of complex sentences in children's speech.
To promote the development of creative thinking abilities of children.
Promote the development of imagination, fantasy.
Awaken feelings of love for fairy tales, for reading.
7. GCD Creative storytelling based on the fairy tale "Teremok".
Target: To ensure the development of the ability to compose a story based on the plot of a familiar fairy tale with independently invented characters.
Ensure the development of associative thinking and creative imagination through the use of substitutes; speech development: to teach children to select signs for a given subject, to expand vocabulary through adjectives and verbs.
Arouse interest in independent inventing stories (fantasy).
8. Nod "Journey through fairy tales."
Target: To promote the development and improvement of communication skills through theatrical activities;
Enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic "Family".
Ensure the development of attention, memory, thinking.
Contribute to the formation of an idea of ​​the concept of "Family": what is a family, types of families (by the number of family members), the relationship of family members to each other.
To ensure the development of the ability to analyze actions, to find the reasons for wrong actions.
To awaken a sense of responsibility for loved ones, the desire to respect their parents and take care of them.
Arouse a desire to help adults.
9. NOD "Best Friends"
Target: To promote the formation of friendly relations among children to each other, to fairy-tale characters.
Help to get aesthetic pleasure from a fairy tale.
10. Conversation "Who draws pictures for fairy tales"
Target: Introduce children to artists
12. Conversation "Which of the fairy-tale characters do I look like"
Target: to cultivate the ability to identify yourself with your favorite hero.
13. Conversation "On a visit to the book"
Target: to cultivate a love for the book, to develop literary speech. Cultivate respect for the book.
14. Literary quiz "In the land of fairy tales"
Target: to consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales.
To form the ability to recognize fairy tales, their heroes.
To develop interest in Russian folk art.
Cultivate a love for the book, respect for it.
15. Telling stories using mnemotables.
16. Telling children of fairy tales compiled at home with their parents: "A fairy tale in a new way."
17. Didactic games:
"Tell a story from a series of pictures"
"Make up a story"
"Name the story"
"Know a fairy tale by its beginning"
"What's First, What's Later"
“From what fairy tale did the hero (heroine) come from?”
"What fairy tale is the magical thing from?"
"Choose an illustration for a fairy tale"
"Fold the picture and find out the story"
“Fold a fairy tale”, “What is superfluous?”
"Learn by description"
18. Reading Fiction:
"Cockerel - golden comb" (comparison with the plot of the fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox") "Geese swans"
"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"
"By magic"
"Snow Maiden"
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"
"Three Bears"
"Bubble, straw and bast shoes"
"Three pigs"
"Zayushkina's hut"
"Ryaba Hen"
"Princess Frog"
"Winter hut of animals"
"Snow Maiden and the Fox"
"Masha and the Bear"
"How a goat built a hut"
"Cat, Rooster and Fox"
"Fox and Hare"
"Fox and Geese"
"The Fox and the Goat"
"The Fox and the Crane"
"Resin Goby"
19. Guessing riddles on the theme "Tales".
20. Reading proverbs, sayings about Russian life, hospitality.
21. Board and printed games:
"Favorite Tales" ("We play and learn")
"My favorite fairy tales" ("Umka" educational games - find out by shadow)
"Animal Tales"
"Fairy tales. Game on the road "(with chips) \\
cubes "Favorite fairy tales".
22. Finger games based on folk tales.

1. Game-dramatization based on the Russian folk tale "Teremok".
2. Playing out plots from fairy tales: “ Wolf and Fox", "Cockerel - Golden
Scallop, Chanterelle with a rolling pin.
3. Conversation:"What would you do if you had a magic wand?".
4. Lesson - entertainment"One, two, five and eight, we are all in a fairy tale

Artistic and aesthetic development.
1. Consideration of illustrations for Russian folk tales by illustrators E. Rachev, V. Konashevich.
2. Examination of reproductions of paintings by V. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka", "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf
3. Showing fairy tale theaters by the educator:
"Zayushkina hut" (Bibabo)
"The Cockerel and the Beanstalk"
"Girl-Snow Maiden" (planar)
"Cat, Rooster and Fox" (on cones)
4. Watching cartoons based on your favorite Russian folk tales.
5. Music: selection of musical material for playing the plots of fairy tales, Russian folk songs, round dances, musical folk games.
"Build a castle for Elena the Beautiful" (builder)
"Bunny" (origami).
7.Nod "Zayushkina hut"
Target: To learn how to create different images of fairy-tale huts on the same applicative basis - bast for a bunny and ice for a fox.
8. Drawing based on the Russian folk tale "Three Bears"
Target: Teach children to draw animals using the poke method.
Develop the ability to independently choose the color scheme for the image.
Develop imagination interest in fine arts.
9. Modeling based on the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man"
Target: Continue to learn to sculpt objects consisting of several parts.
To fix familiar modeling techniques: rolling, rolling, connecting parts by lubrication.
Develop imagination, creative imagination, fine motor skills.
Learn to compose a composition based on a literary work.
To cultivate interest and desire to display episodes of literary works in modeling.

Physical development
1. Outdoor games:
"Grandma Malanya"
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"
"At the bear in the forest"
"Swan geese"
"Cat and Mouse"
"Hen - Corydalis"
"Golden Gate".
2. Physical minutes:"Tales", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Turnip".

1. Consultations "A fairy tale in a child's life"
"Read fairy tales to children"
“The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows”
2. Questioning "Russian folk tale in the life of your child."
3. Production of various types of theaters by parents (knitted heads for a finger theater, fairy tale characters on cones, drawing fairy tale characters for a flat theater and theater on flannelgraph).
4. Production by parents of attributes and elements of costumes for playing out the plots of fairy tales.
5. Sewing of Russian sundresses, blouses, costumes of fairy-tale characters by parents.
6. Exhibition design:
"Russian folk tales" (drawings).
"My favorite fairy tale" (creative works based on the plots of fairy tales)

1. Reading Russian folk tales offered by the teacher at home.
2. Drawing up fairy tales in a new way, designing baby books.
3. Collection of exhibits for the organization of a mini-museum "Visiting a fairy tale".

1. Antipina E.A. "Theatrical activity in kindergarten: games, exercises, scenarios" M .: TC Sphere, 2003.
2. Bityutskaya N.P. - author-compiler. "Pedagogical design system: work experience, projects". Publishing house "Teacher". Volgograd, 2012.
3. Dzhezheley O.V. "Kolobok. Literary games and fun "M .:" Enlightenment ", 1994.
4. Doronova T.N. “We play theater: theatrical activities of children 4-6 years old: Method. manual for educators of a preschool educational institution. "-2nd ed.-M .: Education, 2005.
5. Malova V.V. "Summaries of classes on the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers on the basis of Russian folk culture" - M. "VALDOS", 2013.
6. Ryzhova N., Loginova L., Danyukova A. "Mini - museum in kindergarten" - M .: "LINKA-PRESS", 2008.
7. Kudryavtseva N.Yu. “We are getting ready for the holiday. Methods for making costumes, puppets, scenery for a children's performance "- M .: School Press, 2011.
8. Makhaneva M.D. "Theatrical classes in kindergarten: A manual for employees of a preschool institution" -: M .: TC "Sphere", 2001.
9. Naumenko G.M. "Folk children's creativity: a collection of folklore materials" - M .: ZAO Izd. Centerpolygraph, 2001.
10. Polyak L.Ya. "Theater of fairy tales: scripts in verse for preschoolers based on Russian folk tales" - St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2008.
11. Smirnova O.D. Design method in kindergarten. Educational area "Reading fiction" - M .: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2011.
12. Ushakova O.S., Gavrish N.V. “Introducing literature to preschoolers: class notes” - M .: TC Sphere, 2005.
13. Ushakova O.S. "Development of speech of children 3-5 years old" - LLC "TC Sphere", 2014.

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2 Passport of the pedagogical project Author of the project KURALEVA N. A. Theme Development of the speech of children of the middle group through didactic games Name of the project “We have fun playing” Project type Educational, game Participants of the project Children of the middle group Educators Duration One year of the project Problem Activities Relevance The main task of preschool education is the problem of preparing for schooling. Children who have not received appropriate speech development at preschool age have difficulty making up for lost time; in the future, this gap in development affects its further development. Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition for normal development and further successful schooling. Purpose To develop the speech of children, enrich the vocabulary through didactic games, educate the sound culture of speech. Tasks - Creating conditions for the play activities of children in the group and on the site. - Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. - Expansion of vocabulary, activation of the dictionary. - Development of coherent monologue and dialogic speech. Project hypothesis If the work plan for the project is fulfilled, then the development of cognitive activity in children, speech activity, expansion of vocabulary, increase in their communication capabilities, development of activity, initiative, and independence are more possible. Expected result With systematic work on this project, the children's vocabulary will increase significantly, speech will become the subject of children's activity, children will begin to actively accompany their activities with speech, their vocabulary will be enriched, the sound culture of children's speech will become better. Project methods Visual, verbal, practical, play Activities September

3 "Vegetables in riddles" "Little artists" "Who can praise?" “For mushrooms” “At the bear in the forest” “Traps” “On a flat path” “My cheerful sonorous ball” Dramatization game “Turnip” “Family” “Shop” October “What are the needles?” "Why do we need toys?" “Tell me about the squirrel” “What do you have in common?” Outdoor games "Sparrows and a cat" "Birds in nests" "Leaf fall" "Owl-owl" Game staging based on the Russian folk tale "Teremok" "Hairdresser" "Hospital" November "What is superfluous?" "What are we wearing?" "How can you know?" "Guess what kind of bird?" "Shaggy dog" "The sea is worried" "Geese swans" "Edible - inedible"

4 Game dramatization "Kolobok" "Mail" December "Shop" "Children are lost" "Remember the picture" "Who lives in the forest?" “Traps with ribbons” “Hares and a wolf” “A white hare is sitting” “Hit the target” Game dramatization of the fairy tale “Wintering of animals” “Family” “Aibolit” January “Magic blots” “Pick up a word” “What kind of object?” “I will start, and you will continue” “Blind Man's Buff” “Find your place” “Airplanes” Dramatization game “Fox-sister and wolf” “Shop” February “Olya's helpers” “Mistake” “Colorful chest” “Name the parts” “Shaggy dog » "Train" "The Fox in the Chicken Coop"

5 “Cunning Fox” Dramatization game “Fox and Kozel” “Drivers” “Bus” March “Magic Cube” “Guess the object by the name of its parts” “Choose a word” “Who can do what?” "Mousetrap" "From bump to bump" "Mice dance" "Grey Wolf" Dramatization game "Telephone" "Hospital" April "Is it true or not?" "What, what, what?" "Which word got lost?" "Where are the vegetables, where are the fruits?" “Ball in a circle” “Horses” “Catch me” “Hunters and hares” Dramatization game “Cockerel and bean seed” “Toy store” “Beauty salon” May “Reduce and increase” “What happened first, what then?” "Tell me a word" "Tell me about spring"

6 "Kittens and puppies" "Fox and geese" "Corners" "Distillation" Dramatization game "Cat's House" "Firefighters" The main activity of preschool children is a game. Any activity of the child is manifested in the game. The game taking place in the team provides favorable conditions for the development of speech. The game develops speech, and speech organizes the game. While playing, the child learns, and not a single teaching is conceivable without the help of the main teacher of speech. At preschool age, the assimilation of new knowledge in the game is much more successful than in the classroom. A child, carried away by the idea of ​​a new game, does not seem to notice that he is learning, although at the same time he encounters difficulties. The game is not just entertainment, it is the work of the child, his life. During the game, the child learns not only the world around him, but also himself, his place in this world, accumulates knowledge, skills, masters the language, communicates, his speech develops. The project presents such types of gaming activities as: - didactic games, - outdoor games, - theatrical games, - role-playing games. Relevance of the project In modern conditions, the main task of preschool education is to prepare for schooling. Children who have not received appropriate speech development at preschool age, then make up for lost time with difficulty; in the future, this gap in speech development affects their further education. Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition for normal development and further successful schooling. Purpose and objectives of the project Purpose of the project: Develop children's speech, enrich vocabulary through didactic games. Project objectives: - Creation of conditions for children's play activities in the group and on the site. - Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. - Expansion of vocabulary. - Development of coherent speech, education of sound culture of speech.

7 Stages of project implementation 1. Preliminary: - hypotheses; - definition of the purpose and objectives of the project; - study of the necessary literature; -selection of methodical literature; - development of a thematic plan for the implementation of the project; - diagnostics of children. 2. Main. The inclusion of each child in play activities to achieve a high level of knowledge, skills, and development of speech activity. 3. Final. The period of reflection on one's own results. Diagnosis of children. Project presentation. Project structure The implementation of this project is carried out through a cycle of games with children, creating conditions for children's play activities in the group and on the site. The implementation of the project involves various types of games with children: this is a cycle of didactic games with toys and objects, verbal, desktop printed. The work system includes outdoor games, theatrical games, children listen to fairy tales and stage them. A lot of time is devoted to role-playing games.

8 Literature: 1. M.A.Vasilyeva, V.V.Gerbova, T.S.Komarova "The program of education and training in kindergarten"; 2. G.S. Shvaiko "Games and game exercises for the development of speech"; 3. A.K. Bondarenko "Word games in kindergarten"; 4. L.V. Artemova "Theatrical games for preschoolers"; 5. V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko "Development of coherent speech"; 6. E.V. Zvorygina "The first plot games of kids"; 7. E.A. Timofeeva "Mobile games"; 8. A.E. Antipina "Theatrical activity in kindergarten"; 9. A.K. Bondarenko "Didactic games in kindergarten" 10. M.A. Vasilyeva "Guidance of children's games in kindergarten"; 11. Z.M. Boguslavskaya, E.O. Smirnov "Developing games for children of primary preschool age"; 12. "The game of a preschooler" ed. S.L. Novoselova; 13. A.P. Usova "The role of the game in the upbringing of children";

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Short term project. MKDOU Buturlinovsky kindergarten 10 Author of the project: teacher of the 1st junior group "Rainbow" Panchenko L.I. Project passport. Project: "Wild Animals". Type of project: cognitive and creative,

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 87 of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg PROJECT RUSSIAN FOLK TALES (LONG-TERM, JOINT) Senior group Educators: Kutilina

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of 51 general developmental types with priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of children in the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

Municipal budgetary educational institution Child Development Center Kindergarten 2 "Iskorka", Moscow Region, Protvino city

Plan for self-education in the older - preparatory group. Topic: The development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age Relevance of the topic: Educator: Budko E.V. This topic is important to me, because

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten 31 Mogocha, Trans-Baikal Territory APPROVED: Head of MDOU d / s 31 Kuznetsova M. V. 2016 PROJECT "These lovely tales" for younger children

Project “A good book is our friend” Senior preschool age Implementation period: 2 weeks. Relevance of the project: The problem of reading is now the most acute in our country. How to introduce a child to reading? How to teach

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program was developed in accordance with the regulations: - Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 202, 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"; - by order of the MO

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 2" Kolosok ". Report on the thematic week "Autumn" Educators: Zvonar L.V. Purpose To expand and systematize children's knowledge about

The project "Zimushka-winter" in the middle group of MBDOU kindergarten 59 of the combined type Educator Elistratova Lidia Valentinovna Highest category City of Odintsovo Project type: creative research Duration:

Regulations on the project "Book Country" of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Center for Child Development Kindergarten 179" 1. General provision 1.1. Regulations on the Book Country project

MUNICIPAL BUDGET PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONKINDERGARTEN 78 "IVUSHKA" (MBDOU 78 "IVUSHKA") st. Dekabristov, 4, Surgut, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Yugra, 628416,

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 2" Kolosok ". Report on the thematic week "Autumn" Educators: Kurmanenko L.I. Mishkuts N.N. Purpose To expand and systematize

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 167" PROJECT "OUR SMALL BROTHERS" Teacher-Savinskaya M.I. logical group for children with a speech diagnosis Stuttering Nizhny Novgorod,

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MOSCOW STATE REGIONAL UNIVERSITY (MGOU) Project for the formation of ideas about poultry in younger children

GBOU School 1434 Preschool groups "Svetlana" Project "Russian folk tales about animals" for children 4 5 years old Matskevich Natalia Nikolaevna Ivantsova Oksana Eduardovna From October 8 to October 26, 2018 Relevance

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Nefteyugansk "Kindergarten 2 Kolosok" Thematic week "Paths of health" Educators: Zvonar L.V. Kosykh G.A. Purpose: formation

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten "Zemlyanichka" Educator: Stepnaya T.G Wildlife is an amazing, complex, multifaceted world. Depends a lot on people.

Nefteyugansk District Municipal Preschool Educational Budgetary Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten "Teremok" Plan for self-education on the topic "Development of Dialogic Communication of Children

Plan for self-education of the teacher of the Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten 56, Krasnoyarsk Mikhailova Yulia Mikhailovna from 2014 to 2019 academic year Topic: "Development

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School named after Artem Borovik" Project "Forest animals" Preschool department "Rainbow" Middle group 8 "Kalinka" Educators: Mustafayeva

Project on the topic: “A fairy tale will knock on the house, it will become interesting in it” Middle group Mikhailova E.I. Relevance of the project Theater is one of the most democratic and accessible forms of art for children.

Pedagogical project "Fairy tales are always with us!" Author: Sabitova Tatyana Semyonovna, Perevertova Olga Viktorovna Purpose of the project: To acquaint children with Russian folk tales; To develop coherent speech of children,

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 15" Cognitive development project for children of the first junior group "VISITING A FAIRY TALE" Educator: Muzyka N.S. 2017-2018

Project "Book Country" Regulations on the project "Book Country" of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Center for Child Development Kindergarten 179" 1. General provision 1.1. Position

Mekaeva Natalia Alexandrovna MBDOU 308 CREATIVE - RESEARCH PROJECT "FOREST RESIDENTS OF SIBERIA" FOR CHILDREN OF THE SECOND JUNIOR GROUP Problem: In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, cognitive development involves

"Mobile games and games with elements of sports in the physical development of children" of the physical education instructor MADOU kindergarten "Fairy Tale" The outdoor game is a complex, motor, emotionally colored activity,

Short-term project "Pets" (for the second junior group) Educator: Semkiv E.V. The type of project is cognitively creative. Project participants are educators, parents, children 3-4 years old. Duration

Theme of the project: "Development of speech through theatrical activities." The authors of the project: educators of the 1st junior group: Bezotechestvo E. V. Chichkanova L. Yu. Project type: short-term, group, role-playing,

MBDOU d.s. "Goldfish" of the Smolensk region Project "Garden on the windowsill" Project compiler: Ivanova N.Yu. 2018 Type of project: informational, practical, educational, creative. Duration

Plan for self-education of the educator MBDOU 6 "Vasilek" Gulyaeva Marina Vladimirovna for 2018-2019. on the topic "The development of communication skills in preschool children through theatrical

Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 7" Project on the speech development of children on the topic: "Pets" (in the second junior group) 2017 The work was completed by: Frolova teacher

Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution 26 "Vasilek" of the village of Sovietskaya Project in the first junior group "Golden Autumn" 2018 Prepared by the educator: Lesoulova Marina Sergeevna Project

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 5KV" of the city of Bogoroditsk Short-term creative project in the preparatory group for school Prepared by the teacher: Grishchenko Valentina Sergeevna

The project "All professions are needed, all professions are important." Prepared by the teacher of the MBDOU "Polyansky kindergarten "Spring" of a general developmental type" Tsygankova I.S. The purpose of the project: the formation of cognitive interest

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 63 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg Project: "Colorful autumn" Educators: Fedorova O.A. Semyonova L.M. Saint Petersburg

The project "We are responsible for those we have tamed." Prepared by the teacher of the Age Group 1 Litvinenko O.Yu. Relevance of the project implementation: The pedagogical project is aimed at introducing children to living

Prepared by: Maltseva O.Ya. Educator of the 2nd junior group 3 "Gnomes", Nefteyugansk 2016 Type of project: informational and creative, collective. Project participants: teachers of the second junior group, children,

Plan for self-education of the Teacher of the preparatory group MADOU MO d / s 6 "Ryabinka" Nemtinova N.L. 2016 2017 academic year The topic of self-education: “Activation of the vocabulary of children of senior preschool age.

The plan of self-education of the educator Murzanaeva Zh.V. on the topic "Development of dialogical speech of children of middle preschool age through a folk tale" Purpose: to study the ways, methods and techniques of activation

Pedagogical project: "Visiting the fairy tale "Teremok"

MBDOU DS 7 "Forget-me-not" Subject-developing environment General developmental group for children from 3 to 4 years old V Educators Shakirova Rifa Ildusovna Safuanova Aizhamal Zainulovna "A child in empty walls

Presentation "Who-who lives in the little house?" The teacher MBDOU 1p. Zheshart Marinescu Svetlana Andreevna performed. Project passport: Type: creative Duration: short-term (February 1-5) Project participants:

Structural department of primary general education with preschool groups MKOU "KSOSH 2" For children of the younger group Prepared by: Klimakhina T.V. educator of the structural department of NEO with preschool groups

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Child Development Center Kindergarten 21 Balashikha City District, Moscow Region 143980 Moscow Region, Balashikha, md. Pavlino, d.20

The project "Pets" Completed by Dobrenkaya G.V. Radionova S.N. The project "Pets" in the second junior group The type of the project is cognitive and creative. Project participants educators, parents, children

Municipal educational institution "Elnikovsky kindergarten 1" Republic of Mordovia, Elnikovsky district, with. Elniki. Project "Wild Animals of Our Forests". Author of the work: Yudakov Alexander. Age:

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Smile" with. Vavozh Educational project "Knizhkina Nedelya" Developed by educators of the middle group of MDOU "Smile" Educators: Baeva E.V. Merzlyakova

Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution "Kindergarten 5 "Tyndenok" of the city of Tynda, Amur Region (MDOBU DS 5 Tyndenok, Tynda) PROJECT ACTIVITY 2 groups of early age Tynda

Perm Territory, Krasnokamsk Municipal District MBDOU "Kindergarten". 15 "Pallets of the palms" pedagogical project for children of the senior group with mental retardation Developed by: Educators: M.E. Ulitina T.M. Grebennikova

COGNITIVE PROJECT "WORLD OF PETS" for children aged 3 4 years of the 2nd junior group 5 Educators: Chufistova M.A., Yankhotova O.N. Rationale for the choice of topic. The environmental education of the child must begin

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 2" Kolosok ". cognitive development. To expand children's knowledge about autumn, its signs and phenomena; broaden your understanding of diversity

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 38 Project: “Such different balls” Prepared by: teacher of the junior mixed preschool group Bogush S.A. Relevance Physical

The plan is a summary of directly educational activities in the second junior group. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Structural subdivision of the state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region of the secondary school 9 "Education Center" of the urban district of Oktyabrsk, Samara region

Elchanina Natalya Petrovna
Position: dow teacher
Educational institution: MKDOU Novobirilyussky kindergarten "Bell"
Locality: Novobirilyussy village, Birilyussky district, Krasnoyarsk Territory
Material name: methodical development
Topic: The project for the development of speech of children of the middle group B "Rainbow" in the game activity "Together fun to play"
Publication date: 27.01.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal state preschool educational

institution Novobirilyussky kindergarten "Bell"

Project for the development of speech of children of secondary

group B "Rainbow" in game activity

"It's fun to play together"

With. Novobirilyussy, November 2017






is an

preparation for schooling. Children who did not receive preschool

appropriate speech development, make up for lost time with great difficulty,

In the future, this gap in development affects its further development. Timely and

the full formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition






school. Children





solve riddles, look at illustrations for books, admire authentic

works of painting and very often ask questions: how, why, and whether I can

I am? And it's no secret that nowadays more and more children have speech problems.



come up with,

to do with the desires of adults - to teach the child to speak beautifully and competently. AND


task of speech


its development

communication skills.


Low level of active vocabulary of children.

Insufficiently high level of use of various forms of work with children

to expand the active, passive and potential vocabulary.

Objective of the project:

Develop speaking and listening skills, enrich active, passive and

potential vocabulary of the child, develop the grammatical structure of speech, skills

coherent speech based on the child's speech experience.

Project objectives:

development of the ability to operate with language units: sound, syllable, word,

phrase, sentence;

expansion of ideas about the world around us, phenomena of reality with

based on the life experience of the child;

development of communication skills with peers and adults, the ability to see the world

through the eyes of another person;

formation of motivation of interest in the learning process itself;

the development of visual-figurative and the formation of verbal-logical thinking,

the ability to draw conclusions, justify their judgments;

development of memory, attention, creativity, imagination,

variability of thinking;

maintaining speech initiative and creativity of children in communication.

Project Manager:

Natalia Petrovna Elchanina

Project participants:

children of the middle group B "Rainbow";

educator, junior educator;


Project type:

Educational, playful.

Project duration

: rolling term, two weeks of November 2017

Project participants:

pupils of the secondary



junior teacher, parents.

Resource support of the project: TV, tablet, laptop, printer, filing cabinet




fairy tales, cartoons, educational videos of children's songs, logorhythms for children

fifth year, physical minutes, a series of educational games “Learn the alphabet - sounds, vowels,

consonants - voiced, deaf", musical fairy tales.

Project idea:

All activities and games under the project "Together it's fun to play" are interconnected, encourage

inclusion in other activities - both independent and collective,



emotional charge, and most importantly - the desire to continue working on the implementation of this


1. Creation of a card file of games for the development of children's vocabulary.

2. Consultation for parents "Speech games at home".

3. Consultation for parents “We read and compose together with the child. verbal

games and exercises.

4. Production of didactic games and manuals for children.

Project Methods

: Visual, verbal, practical, game.

Estimated results

With systematic work on this project, the active



accompany your activities with speech.


Organizational and preparatory

Selection of software and methodological support for the implementation of the project.

Study of


speech creativity







technologies for the development of speech creativity in preschoolers.


file cabinets





consultations. Selection of didactic games for the speech development of children.

Creating a problem:

If the project work plan is implemented, is it possible to develop cognitive













When conducting role-playing games, I noticed that children do not have enough

vocabulary, they do not know how to actively accompany their activities with speech,

remember the text very badly. This led to the development and implementation

this project.

definition of the purpose and objectives of the project;

study of the necessary literature;

selection of methodological literature;

development of a thematic plan for the implementation of the project.



Including every child in play activities to achieve a high level

knowledge, skills and abilities.

The project includes such types of gaming activities as:

didactic games;

outdoor games;

theatrical games;

plot-role-playing games.


carried out


conditions for the play activities of children in the group and on the site.




didactic games with toys and objects, verbal, desktop-printed. V

work system included mobile games. Theatrical games are also included,




role playing games.

Project methods:

Visual, verbal, practical, game

Determination of the content of work on the development of children's writing.

Drawing up a plan for the development of creativity.

Active introduction of developing forms of work with children

Implementation of educational and educational activities with children.

Determination of the intermediate result of the level of active vocabulary of children.

Interaction with parents of pupils.

Involving parents in co-writing with children





word creation.

Card index for the development of children's speech creativity.

The study of experience in the development of speech creativity in preschoolers.

Determination of the level of active vocabulary of children 4-5 years old at the initial stage.

Texts of consultations.

Development of the content of consultations with parents.

II week Practical

Consultations for parents "Speech games at home",

“We read and compose together with the child. Word games and exercises. caregiver

Creation of a card index of didactic games


Systematization of material for parents on speech creativity of children. caregiver

Determination of the final result of the active vocabulary of children. caregiver


Didactic games:

"Find in the picture"

"One is many"

"As much as"

"Gift for nesting dolls"

"Choose a picture"

"Tell a story from a picture"

Outdoor games:


"Make a Shape"


"Ball in the Corner"

"Find Your Place"


Theatrical games:

Game - dramatization of "Masha and the Bear"

Game - dramatization "Turnip"

Role-playing games:

"On road"




The period of reflection on one's own results.

Project presentation.

Key competencies:

Ability to navigate in a new non-standard situation;

Ability to think through ways of action and find new ways to solve

Ability to ask questions;

Ability to interact in the systems "child-child", "child-adult".

Ability to obtain the necessary information in communication;

Ability to communicate with peers and adults.


1. "Game of a preschooler", ed. S.L. Novoselova;

2. Lombina T. N. Backpack with riddles: a good book on speech development. Rostov -

on Don 2014

3. Miklyaeva N.V. Development language ability in children 3 - 7 years old M. 2014


Technology development liaison

preschoolers. Ulyanovsk 2015

5. Fesyukova L. B. Education with a fairy tale M. 2015

6. Alyabyeva E. A. Poetic exercises for development speech of children 4 - 7 years old. M.

7. Belousova L. E. Amazing stories. S-P "Childhood - press". 2017

8. A.E. Antipina "Theatrical activity in kindergarten", 2015

9. A.K. Bondarenko "Word games in kindergarten."

10. V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko “Development of coherent speech”.

11. G.S. Shvaiko "Games and game exercises for the development of speech."

12. E.A. Timofeeva "Mobile games".

13. E.V. Zvorygina "The first plot games of kids."

14. Z.M. Boguslavskaya, E.O. Smirnova "Educational games for preschool children

Relevance: In modern conditions, the main task of preschool education is to prepare for schooling. Children who have not received appropriate speech development at preschool age make up for lost time with great difficulty; in the future, this gap in development affects its further development. Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition for normal development and further successful schooling.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 49"

Olga Borisovna Kareva

Leninsk-Kuznetsk city district.


Relevance of the topic:

When conducting role-playing games, I noticed that children do not have enough vocabulary, they do not know how to actively accompany their activities with speech. This was the reason for the development and implementation of this project.

Objective of the project:

Develop children's speech, enrich vocabulary through play activities.

Project objectives:

  • Creation of conditions for the play activities of children in the group and on the site.
  • Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.
  • Vocabulary expansion.
  • The development of connected speech.

Project participants: pupils of the middle group, parents, educators.

Expected results:

  • Expansion of the active and passive vocabulary of preschoolers.
  • The development of dialogical speech of preschoolers
  • The development of monologue speech of preschoolers.
  • Clarification, systematization and deepening of knowledge on the subject of a role-playing game.
  • Development of an emotionally friendly attitude towards peers.
  • Accumulation of experience by participating in a role-playing game

Project product: creation of file cabinets

  • didactic, mobile, theatrical games,
  • plot-role-playing games.

Project type: Educational, game project

Integration of educational areasSocio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic, physical development.

Project duration:1 year.

Materials and equipment:

  • Methodical and fiction;

  • Attributes for games;

  • illustration material;

  • books with riddles, poems, fairy tales, stories,

Forms and methods of project implementation:

  • mobile and didactic games;
  • theatrical games,
  • plot-role-playing games.
  • reading works of art;
  • Exhibitions;
  • listening to an audio recording;
  • conversation.

Project stages

  • definition of the purpose and objectives of the project;
  • study of the necessary literature;
  • selection of methodological literature;
  • development of a thematic plan for the implementation of the project;
  • diagnosis of children.
  • Access to electronic resources.
  • Prescribing the main activities and activities for the project.
  • Involving parents in the project:

Consultations: "The role of the plot - role-playing game in the development of preschool children»,

  • "Fairytale therapy in the life of a preschooler", "Children and reading",
  • "Moving games in the life of a child", "Little dreamers",
  • Memo for parents "Games for the development of speech"



Didactic games

Outdoor games

Role-playing games

Theatrical games


1. "What does he do?"

2. "Pick up a couple"

3. "Harvest"

1. "At the bear in the forest"

2. "Traps"

3. "On a flat path"

4. "My cheerful sonorous ball"

1. "Barber"

2. "Shop"

Game - dramatization "Turnip"


1. "Guess"

2. "What a sky"

3. "Hot - cold"

4. "Yesterday, today, tomorrow"

1. "Sparrows and a cat"

2. "Birds in nests"

3. "Leaf fall"

4. "Day - night"

1. "Builders"

2. "Hospital"

The game is a dramatization based on the Russian folk tale "The Mushroom War"


1. “What dishes are made of”

2. "Find out by description"

3. "Find the same"

1. "The sea is worried"

2. "Geese - swans"

3. "Toss - catch"


Game - dramatization of "Cat's House"


1. "Find your color"

2. "Divide into groups"

3. "What time of year?"

4. "Finish the sentence"

1. "Traps with ribbons"

2. Turntables

3. "Hit the target"



The game is a dramatization of the fairy tale "Spikelet"


"1. Listen carefully"

2. "What is missing"

3. "Who lives in the house"

1. "Find your place"

2. "Airplanes"

3. "A little white bunny is sitting"


Game - dramatization of "Teremok"


1. "Who does what"

2. "Who is more"

3. "Divide equally"

4. "What has changed"

1. "Shaggy dog"

2. "Train"

3. "Interceptors"

4. "Cunning Fox"



Game - dramatization "Who said meow?"


1. "Shop"

2. "Choose a picture"

3. "Who is the first"

4. "Good-bad"

1. "Mousetrap"

2. "Third extra"

3. "Partridges and hunters"

4. "Grey wolf"


Game - dramatization "Kolobok


1. "Find an extra item"

2 "Who looks like"

3. "What is the name"

1. "The ball in a circle"

2. "Homeless Bunny"

3. "Catch up with me"

4. "Hunters and hares"

"A toy shop"

"Beauty saloon"

Game - dramatization

"First Hunt"

According to the story of V. Bianchi

The game


1. "Find in the picture"

2. "One - many"

3. "As many as"

1. "Corners"

2. "Birds on the branches"

3. "Entertainers"


Game Game-dramatization

" Cat house"


Diagnosis of children.

Project presentation.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 33 "Rodnichok" of the Oktyabrsky City District of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Project"Speech development of middle-aged children

preschoolage through play activities"

October 2016



    Purpose and objectives of the project 3

    Methods and forms of work 3

    Methods of speech development 3

    Play activities 4

    Project implementation timeline 5

    Content module (in the table) 7-11

    Conclusion 12

    References 13 Appendix

Photos 14-19

Parent Questionnaire 20 Lesson Notes 21-38


The development of speech and language should underlie the entire system of education in kindergarten.

Tiheeva E.I.

Speech is a great gift of nature, thanks to which people get ample opportunities to communicate with each other. However, nature gives a person very little time for the appearance and formation of speech - early and preschool age. During this period, favorable conditions are created for the development of speech, the foundation is laid for written forms of speech - reading and writing, and the subsequent speech and language development of the child. The role of speech development of a child in preschool age cannot be overestimated. Mastering speech restructures the processes of perception, memory, thinking, improves all types of children's activities and the "socialization" of the child. In psychological, linguistic, psycholinguistic studies of children's speech by such scientists as Vygotsky L.S., Zaporozhets A.V., Lisina M.I., Shakhnarovich A.M., Zhukova N.S., Filicheva T.B., it was proved that any violation in the course of speech development is reflected in the activities and behavior of children. In a modern preschool educational institution, much attention is paid to the development of children's speech. The tasks of speech development continue to be the enrichment of the dictionary, the formation of grammatically correct speech, the education of a sound culture of speech, the development of coherent speech. All these tasks are quite successfully implemented in the preschool educational institution. But the ultimate goal is the mastery of speech as a means of communication.

Relevance: At the present stage of development, society needs an educated and educated person.In accordance with the "Concept of preschool education", the basis of education and training in preschool childhood is the acquisition of speech.Children who have not received appropriate speech development at preschool age make up for lost time with great difficulty; in the future, this gap in development affects its further development. Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition for normal development and further successful schooling.

2. Purpose and objectives of the project

Target: To develop free communication with adults and children through play, to master constructive ways and means of interaction with others.

    Tasks: Selection of the most effective methods, techniques, means that contribute to creating interest, motivation for speech activity among pupils;

    Formation of skills and abilities in compiling stories - descriptions, retelling using chart cards, symbols;

    Enrichment of the vocabulary and grammatical structure of children's speech with speech games and exercises.

    Development of fine motor skills of hands through various types of games, exercises.

Subject of study: children of the middle group No. 2Project type: game, groupProject participants: middle group children, educators, parents

3. Methods and forms of work:

The work is carried out using didactic games, game exercises with the inclusion of speech material: tongue twisters, tongue twisters, sayings, nursery rhymes, poems, proverbs, riddles, stories in accordance with the program content in the native language. It is good to use speech with movement in this work. Such exercises activate the process of developing pronunciation skills.For the formation of expressiveness of speech, classes on retelling, memorizing poems are effective. Separate elements of intonation, speech hearing and breathing are also worked out by the method of exercises: memorizing and repeating familiar tongue twisters, the game exercise “Let's blow on fluffs”, etc.Showing and explaining articulation in a group is often included in the game plot ("The Tale of the Merry Tongue"). Choral and individual repetitions are an active technique.

3.1. Methods of speech development:

1. Visual:

The method of direct observation and its varieties (observation in nature, excursions)

Indirect observation (pictorial clarity: looking at toys and pictures, telling about toys and pictures)

2. Verbal:

Reading and telling fiction



Summarizing conversation

Narrative without relying on visual material

3. Practical:

Didactic games

Dramatization games


Didactic exercises

round dance games

3.2. Types of gaming activities:

Didactic games

Outdoor games

Theatrical games

Story - role-playing games

- finger gymnastics

4. Terms of project implementation October-February (2015-2016)

1 . Preliminary :

Definition of the purpose and objectives of the project;

Studying the necessary literature;

Selection of methodical literature;

2 . Basic .

The inclusion of each child in play activities to achieve a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities.

3. Final .

The period of reflection on one's own results. Open final lesson of the role-playing game "City of Masters". Project presentation.

Project structure

The implementation of this project is carried out through a cycle of games with children. The implementation of the project involves various types of games with children: this is a cycle of didactic games with toys and objects, verbal, desktop-printed. Mobile games are included in the system of work. Theatrical games are also included, children listen to fairy tales, stage them. A significant place is given to role-playing games. The main activity of preschool children is play. The creative activity of the child is manifested, first of all, in the game. The game that takes place in a team provides an exceptionally favorable condition for the development of language. Play develops language, and language organizes play. While playing, the child learns, and not a single teaching is possible without the help of the main teacher - the language. It is known that at preschool age the assimilation of new knowledge in the game is much more successful than in the classroom. A learning task posed in a game form has the advantage that in a game situation the child understands the very need to acquire knowledge and methods of action. A child, carried away by the attractive idea of ​​a new game, does not seem to notice that he is learning, although at the same time he constantly encounters difficulties that require a restructuring of his ideas and cognitive activity.

During the game, the child learns not only the world around him, but also himself, his place in this world, accumulates knowledge, masters the language, communicates. Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition for normal development and further successful schooling.

5. Content module (in the table)


Topic of the lesson



Conversation with children on the topic "Do I need to learn to speak?"


"The book is a man's friend"

Help children understand what and why they will do in speech development classes.

Introduce different houses, learn to describe houses; Practice using plural nouns.

To cultivate the desire to express their impressions in a figurative word, love for fiction and respect for books.

Didactic game "Choose a fabric"

Reading poems about autumn. Compilation of stories - descriptions of toys.


Introduce children to the perception of poetic speech. Continue to teach to talk about the toy according to a certain plan (by imitating the teacher).

Exercise in the use of the pronouns MY, MY, as well as words in the plural; introduce the name of the furniture and its components; learn to compare individual pieces of furniture, describe furniture

Word game "Call me affectionately"

R. N. S. "The Man and the Bear".

"Forest in autumn"

"Walking in the Forest"

Learn to listen to fairy tales, analyze the actions of heroes; develop memory, hearing and voice.

Help children perceive the poetic description of autumn nature; form an elementary idea of ​​the proposal; activate dictionary.

To teach children to distinguish by ear words with a certain sound. Practice changing words with suffixes. To consolidate the ability of children to use generalization words in speech. To consolidate the ability to solve riddles. To generalize and consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals. To cultivate love and respect for nature.

Sound culture of speech: sounds z and z.

Exercise in the pronunciation of an isolated sound z (in syllables, words); learn to pronounce the sound z firmly and softly; distinguish words with sounds z, z.

Memorizing Prokofiev's poem "On the Green Lawn"


Reading the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs"

"Ground transport"

To acquaint children with an English fairy tale, help to understand its meaning and highlight words that convey the fear of piglets and the suffering of a wolf scalded with boiling water.

Clarify children's knowledge of vehicles, replenish the dictionary with the names of vehicles. Get to know common words.

Sing the song "Naf-Nafa"

Sound culture of speech: soundc.

Exercise children in pronouncing the soundc (isolated, in syllables, words). Improve intonation expressiveness of speech. Learn to distinguish words that begin with a soundc focusing not on the meaning of the word, but on its sound.

Articulation gymnastics.

Repeat the poem and clap its rhythm. What sound is often repeated?

Like from our well

The whole day the water flows.

Flooded the street

Lost chicken.

Narration based on the painting "Dog with puppies". Reading poems about late autumn.


Learn to describe the picture in a certain sequence, name the picture. Introduce children to poetry.

Exercise in the use of plural nouns, learn to compare animals, describe them; develop children's speech

Didactic game: "Pets"

Writing a story about a toy.


To form the ability to compose a consistent story about a toy. Exercise children in the ability to form words by analogy.

To acquaint children with the city, with city buildings; find the difference between the city and the village; learn to describe the city

Didactic exercise "What from what?"


Reading r. n. With. "Fox - sister and wolf" (arr. M. Bulatova)


Get to know R. n. s., to help evaluate the actions of the characters, to dramatize an excerpt from the work.

consolidation of the thematic dictionary, the grammatical structure of speech, the development of speech-thinking activity. Acquaintance with the sound [M].

Didactic game "Divide the pictures into groups."

Reading and memorizing poems about winter.

Christmas tree "K. Chukovsky

Introduce children to poetry. Help memorize and expressively read poems.

Help comprehend and memorize a new poem; to develop intonation expressiveness of speech.

Sound culture of speech: sound sh

Show children the articulation of the sound sh, teach them to clearly pronounce the sound (in isolation, in syllables, in words); distinguish words with sh sound.

Articulation gymnastics.

Mobile game "Geese - swans"

Learning tongue twisters:

Shu-shu-shu, whispered the mouse

Sleep soon, sleep, son!

And the mouse is naughty

He is in no hurry to sleep.

Teaching storytelling from the picture "This is a snowman!"

"New Year"

Learn to compose stories based on a picture without repetitions and omissions of essential information. learn to come up with a name for the picture.

Learn to describe a picture, fantasize, make a sentence using key words.


Reading r. n. With. "Zimovye".

The story of the painting "Winter entertainment"

Help remember famous rivers. n. fairy tales. Introduce the fairy tale "Zimovie".

Learn coherent speech, use complex sentences, describe changes in nature in winter.

Sound culture of speech: sound.

Exercise in the correct and clear pronunciation of the sound w (isolated, in onomatopoeic words); in the ability to identify words with the sound j.

Articulation gymnastics.

Memorizing tongue twisters

Ground beetle with ground beetle buzz and spin.

A ground beetle with a ground beetle on a flower will make friends.

Drawing up a story from a picture. "Snow on the Trees"

To teach coherent speech, the use of complex sentences, a description of changes in nature in winter, the characteristic features of the external structure of a tree.

Reading your favorite poems. Memorizing A. Barto's poem "I know what to think of"

Find out what program poems the children know. Help children memorize a new poem using the mnemotable method.


Mini - quiz based on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky. Reading the work "Fedorino grief".

"Traffic Laws. Traffic lights"

Help children remember the names and content of K. Chukovsky's fairy tales. Introduce the fairy tale

"Fedorino grief".

To acquaint with the designation of road signs, traffic signals; develop speech; activate children's vocabulary.

R. N. S. "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster"

"Theatre, musical instruments"

To form an idea of ​​what a folk tale is. To form the ability to retell a familiar fairy tale together, along the “chain”. Develop attention, memory. Cultivate the ability to listen to each other, carefully follow the story.

Introduction to theater and musical instruments. Continue to teach children to divide words into parts.

Sound culture of speech: sound h.

Explain to children how to pronounce the sound h correctly, exercise in pronouncing the sound (in isolation, in words, verses). Develop children's phonemic awareness.

Game "Clap your hands"


Teach children to answer the teacher's questions with a full answer; to enrich and clarify children's ideas about the professions of adults; learn to guess riddles about professions; educate respect for the work of adults; activate children's vocabulary.

"Migratory birds"
Making up a story from a picture.

Learn to describe birds, compose a story from a picture; develop speech; clarify children's ideas about seasonal changes in the life of birds.


Mastering the language, the child learns the world around him and himself, learns the norms of social interaction, absorbs the culture of the people created by generations. All this indicates the importance of working on the development of the speech of preschoolers, the culture of their communication. The culture of speech includes compliance with the norms of the literary language, the ability to convey one’s thoughts in accordance with the purpose and purpose of the statement, i.e. accurately (choose words that adequately convey the speaker’s thought), grammatically correct, coherently (combine words and sentences according to meaning), and also expressively (use figurative words and expressions). Mastery of the native language, the development of speech is one of the most important acquisitions of the child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as the general basis for the upbringing and education of children. In the work on the development of the speech of children of middle preschool age, not only the formation of the phonetic and grammatical aspects of speech, but also the formation of the child's vocabulary, on the basis of which work is carried out to develop correct oral speech, is of leading importance.

List of used literature

    Alyabyeva E.A. Poetic exercises for the development of speech of children 4 - 7 years old. M. 2011

    Arushanova A.G. Speech and verbal communication of children: A book for kindergarten teachers. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2011.

    NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasiliev. Program "From birth to school" M.-MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS 2010

    The development of speech and creativity of preschoolers: Games, exercises, notes of classes. Ed. Ushakova O.S.-M: TC Sphere, 2011.

    Sidorchuk, T.A., Khomenko, N.N. Technologies for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Methodological guide for teachers of preschool institutions, 2012.

    Ushakova, O.S. Theory and practice of the development of speech of a preschooler: We develop speech.-M: TC Sphere, 2012.

    Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education /

    Fesyukova L. B. Education with a fairy tale M.2000


"My family"

"Storytelling based on visual material"

Open final lesson of the role-playing game

" City of masters"

« Score» "Pharmacy, receptionist"


"Construction site"

"Theatrical Games" « Zayushkina hut»

Theater "Bi Ba Bo"


"Private Lesson"

"Didactic games"

"Finger gymnastics"

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson on speech development in the middle group.

"The book is a man's friend"

Program content:to teach children to emotionally perceive poetry, to understand the content of poetic texts; compose poems; to exercise children in the formation of the names of the cubs in the nominative and genitive plural; activate complex sentences in children's speech. Develop phonemic awareness; the ability to form a noun with the help of diminutive suffixes; the ability to pronounce tongue twisters with different volume (loudly, quietly, in a whisper). To cultivate the desire to express their impressions in a figurative word, love for fiction and respect for books.

Material: pictures from the "Birds" series, album sheets, colored pencils, watercolor, brushes, politra, water cups, colored crayons, ball.

Lesson progress:

Dunno comes to visit the guys with a book in his hand (very sad).

Hello Dunno, why are you so sad?

Yes, the whole book fell apart, and I got tired of it. I read it all from cover to cover. What else can you do with it?

Dunno, how could this happen?

Do not know…

Have you mistreated the book?

I don't know, how is it?

Guys, let's tell Dunno what it means to mistreat a book. (Inaccurately turning over the pages, bending the corners of the pages, bending the book on the flight, tearing out the pages, painting the sheets with a pencil and felt-tip pen, slobbering fingers, scattering books carelessly, etc.)

Just think, I just looked at the pictures in the book and read the poems, even learned them by heart. I'm tired of them, they are no longer interesting ...

The teacher takes a book from Dunno and looks through it.

Dunno, so you have the most wonderful book, and poems for children are here, and games, and tongue twisters. Do you know that you can compose interesting stories and play games based on poetry?

How is it?

Here, listen, guys, what a wonderful poem there is in Dunno's book. (Reads a poem by T. Volzhina “Where is whose house?”)

The sparrow lives under the roof

In a warm mink - a mouse house,

The frog has a house in the pond

Chiffchaff house in the garden.

Hey chick, where is your home?

He is under his mother's wing.

What is this poem about? Whose houses are you talking about? (Answers of children). Try to write a short story about this poem.

(If the children find it difficult, the teacher asks leading questions. We listen to 2-3 stories.)

The game "Who has whom?"- Together with the sparrow dad, kids live under the roof in ... robes (choral or individual arrangements). In the pond there are frogs and frogs ... stewing. Mom's chicken house under the wing. A hen has a lot of... chickens.

Game "One - many" -And at the warblers, the chicks are called the same - warblers. If there is one chick, then ... warbler, if there are many ... warblers.

The names of what other chicks are the same as the names of adult birds? (Swallows, titmouse ...) One chick - la ... point, many ... swallows; one tit…nichka, many…titmouses; …

Fizminutka: outdoor game "Entertainers"(Dunno plays with children). Children walk in a circle, an entertainer in a circle, pronounce the words:

In an even circle one after another,

We go step by step

Stand still together

We do it like this.

The entertainer shows any exercise, the children repeat.

Guys, there is an interesting game in Dunno's book.

Ball game "Call it affectionately"Children remain in a circle, the teacher throws the ball to the child, says a word, the child forms a new word and throws the ball back:

Chair - chair

Table - table

ball - ball

House - house

flower - flower

Scarf - handkerchief

Ring - ring

Heart - heart

The sun is the sun

window - window

Dunno, and here is another interesting poem in which a sound familiar to you is very often found, listen to you guys and tell me which sound is most common:

The mouse whispers to the mouse:

"You're all rustling, not sleeping."

The mouse whispers to the mouse:

"I'll rustle quieter."

(Children's answers and name words that have the sound "sh")

And now come up with a story about a mouse that does not sleep (2-3 answers).

Well, Dunno, let's try to play with the guys ingame "Tell me a word."There are wonderful words in your book:

Ra-ra-ra - begins ... the game.

Ry-ry-ry - the boy has ... balls.

Ro-ro-ro - Masha has a new ... bucket.

Ru-ru-ru - we continue ... the game.

Re-re-re - there is a house on ... a mountain.

Ar-ar-ar - our ... samovar is boiling.

These tongue twisters can be spoken loudly, quietly, in a whisper. (Children pronounce one tongue twister at the choice of the teacher loudly, quietly, in a whisper).

Dunno, do you understand now what a wonderful book you have?

Dunno becomes ashamed that he carelessly handled such a wonderful book, promises the children to glue it, erase the dirt with an eraser, wrap it with a cover.

What are you, well done! You know everything, you know everything. May I visit you more often?

Of course, and the guys still want to show you something, and you will never be bored with books. Indeed, thanks to poems, interesting drawings can turn out. (Children, together with Dunno, go to the tables and begin to draw on the themes of poems)

After the class, an exhibition of children's drawings is arranged in the group. There is a photo session with Dunno. Say goodbye.

"Walking in the Forest"

Program content:

1. To teach children to distinguish by ear words with a certain sound.

2. Exercise in changing words with the help of suffixes.

3. To consolidate the ability of children to use generalization words in speech.

4. Strengthen the ability to solve riddles.

5.Summarize and consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals.

6. To cultivate love and respect for nature.

Material: snowflakes, soft toys (bunny, hedgehog, squirrel), picture of an owl, pictures of wild animals (squirrel, fox, hedgehog, bear, wolf, hare), modules, snowball.

Preliminary work: Consideration of the album "Wild Animals", didactic games "Who lives where?", What grows where?". Conversations about the seasons, about people's winter clothes. Reading fiction about animals.

The course of direct educational activities:

(Snowflakes are laid out in a circle on the floor in a group).


"All the children gathered in a circle, (children stand on snowflakes)
I am your friend (hands to chest) and you are my friend (stretch hands to each other).
Hold hands tightly (hold hands).
And let's smile at each other" (smile)

Educator: Guys, look, a snowflake flew to us! (takes a snowflake) and something is written on it! Let's read!

Hello girls and boys of the middle group, the Golden Key kindergarten! We are forest dwellers: birds and animals, we invite you to visit us to get acquainted and play different games! We will be very glad to meet you!”

Guys, what's up? Are we accepting the invitation of our forest friends?

(children's answers)

Educator: Then we need to dress warmer, because it's cold in the forest, and hit the road! Guys, what clothes do people wear in winter?

(children's answers)

Educator: Well done! Right! Let's get dressed!

Motor exercise "Getting dressed for a walk."

Very cold in winter, (pat yourself on the shoulders)

But we will go for a walk with you. (steps in place)

I will put on a hat, (we imitate the “put on a hat” movement)

I will put on a fur coat (we show how to put on a fur coat)

I'll put on a scarf, tie it tight. (“tie” a scarf)

And then beautiful, warm, fluffy, (show hands)

Crumbs - I'll pull the mittens on the handles. (stroking the back of the palms)

And although I'm small (hands on the belt,)

I have felt boots. (legs alternately put on the heel)

I'll take a sled with me into the woods, I'll go. (steps in place)

I'll go up the hill (raise your hands up)

And I'll ride down the hill! Wu-u-u-uh! (quick hand movement down)

Educator: Guys, turn around one after another and go along the path. (on the way to the “clearing” “footprints” are laid out, the children must follow them one after another). Here is a beautiful clearing, sit down on the stumps (stools). Children, look who flew to us?

(An owl appears from behind a screen)

Owl: Hello guys, do you recognize me?

(children's answers)

Owl: Who am I?

(children's answers)

Owl: How glad I am that you recognized me! I've been waiting for you for a long time! I wanted to ask you, do you know the mosquito song?

Children: z-z-z-z

Owl: beetle song?

Children: w-w-w-w

Owl: wind?

Children: sh-sh-sh-sh,

Owl: some water?

Children: s-s-s-s

Owl: Now let's play. I will name the words, and you should clap your hands if you hear:
mosquito song (Z) - hare, car, goat, winter, snow; fence, bike.
beetle song (F) - belly, squirrel, giraffe, house, garage, apple, hedgehog, knife;
song of the wind (Ш) - hat, fur coat, candy, bump, paper, car;
song of water (C) - table, hand, chair, cabbage, pineapple, plane, tree.
- What you good fellows! I really enjoyed playing with you! Further on your way you will meet a squirrel, she is waiting for you! Walk the winding path! Goodbye, children.

Children: Goodbye, owl!

Educator: Look, here is a squirrel.

Squirrel: Hello guys! That's where we met!

Children: Hello, squirrel!

Squirrel: Let's play! I will name the words, and you have to say how they are called in one word.

Didactic game: "Name it in one word"

Squirrel: butterfly, beetle, mosquito, fly, bee, dragonfly

Children: insects;

Squirrel: birch, oak, spruce, maple, pine, cedar

Children: trees;

Squirrel: starling, bullfinch, owl, magpie, cuckoo, swallow

Children: birds;

Squirrel: cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, currants

Children: berries;

Squirrel: chamomile, bluebell, rose, lily of the valley, cornflower

Children: flowers;

Squirrel: fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel, hedgehog

Children: animals

Squirrel: Well done! Now play with me the game "small - big"
Squirrel: The hedgehog has small paws, and the bear has large paws.

Children: paws.
Squirrel: The hedgehog has a small nose, and the bear has a big one.

Children: wearer.
Squirrel: The hedgehog has small eyes, and the bear has large eyes.

Children: eyes.

Educator: Thank you, squirrel for the games, but it's time for us to move on!

Squirrel: I'm glad that we played and became friends! Now go through the snowdrifts and meet a bunny there! Goodbye!

Children: Goodbye!

(Different modules for obstacles are laid out along the road: crawling, stepping over).

Educator: Guys, let's go one after another, stepping over snowdrifts.

Look how much snow has fallen! How can we get through? And here is the snow hole, let's crawl through it!

Look, some stumps, let's sit down and rest.

And who is that peeking out from behind a snowdrift? Yes, it's a bunny! Hello bunny!

Bunny: Hello guys!

Teacher: Why are you hiding?

Bunny: I'm afraid.

Educator: Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you. We've come to play with you.

Bunny: And then let's play the game "Call it affectionately." I will call you a word and throw a snowball, and in response you will call the word affectionately and throw a snowball at me!

Didactic game "Call it affectionately"
mushroom - mushroom, leaf - leaf, branch - twig, bush - bush, berry - berry, grass - grass, beetle - bug, Christmas tree - Christmas tree, flower - flower, rain - rain, cloud - cloud.

Word game "Big - small?"
Fox - fox cub, wolf - cub, bear - cub,
a squirrel is a squirrel, a hedgehog is a hedgehog, a tiger is a tiger cub, an elephant is a baby elephant, a lion is a lion cub, a hare is a hare, a mouse is a mouse.

Bunny: Well done! I enjoyed playing with you so much. Go further, bypassing the Christmas trees, a hedgehog lives under one of them. Bon Voyage!

Educator: Guys, look what kind of lump is under the tree?

(children's answers)

Hedgehog: Good morning, children! Do you like riddles? Do you even know who lives in the forest? Let's check.

Didactic game "Guess - Guess"

Red cheat
Hid under the tree.
The sly one is waiting for the hare.
What is her name?..

Red-fiery lump,
With a tail like a parachute
Jumping quickly through the trees
He was there...
Now it's here.
He's fast as an arrow.
So this is…

Lying between the trees
Pillow with needles.
Lying quietly
Then she suddenly ran away.

Clumsy and big
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Loves cones, loves honey,
Well, who will call?

The oblique does not have a den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

Grey, scary and toothy
Made a stir.
All the animals ran away.
Scared the animals of those ...

Hedgehog: Well done! You know a lot!

Educator: We really liked you in the forest! Thank you very much, hedgehog for playing, but it's time for us to say goodbye. Goodbye hedgehog!

Hedgehog: Bye guys!

Teacher: Guys! You must be cold. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Motor exercise "We ran through the snow."

(execution of movements in the text)

Snow, snow, white snow.

He sleeps us all. (Children wave their hands in front of them.)

Standing up one after another

And run through the snow! (run in place)

Educator: Well, guys, we are back in kindergarten. We undress. Tell me, where did we go?

(children's answers)

Educator: Who did we meet in the forest?

(children's answers)

Teacher: Did you enjoy the walk?

Who did you enjoy playing with the most?

(children's answers).

Abstract of a lesson on speech development in the middle group

Theme "Family"

Objectives: consolidation of the thematic dictionary, the grammatical structure of speech, the development of speech-thinking activity.

Acquaintance with the sound [M].


    cards on the topics "Dishes", "Electrical appliances", "Tools", "Clothes", "Food";

Course progress.

I. Guys, look who came to visit us. (children's answers) (toys - Hedgehog and Fox cub)

    Once, when adults and children were not at home, the Little Fox became sad. The hedgehog asked his friend why he was so sad.

    “You see,” said the Little Fox, “our boy and girl have a family.

They all love each other, give gifts. And I don't have a family. Now, if there was one more fox among the toys, then we would have a fox family. “Fox families are only for real foxes,” the Hedgehog explained to him. “And you are not a real Fox cub, but a toy one. Each toy has its own family - these are its owners, other toys and the whole family of owners. “So I have a family too!” - the Fox was delighted. He immediately suggested that Hedgehog make a family album. The toys cut out photographs of the boy's and the girl's family members, pasted them on a piece of paper, not forgetting about the uncle, the father's brother, and the aunt - the uncle's wife.

- What was the fox happy about?

Today we will talk about family.

2. Didactic game "Divide the pictures into groups."

Cards are used on the topics indicated above.

The teacher suggests sorting out the pictures into groups according to male and female affairs in the family (for example: tools are put aside in the group of men's affairs, dishes and products - in the women's group, clothes (repair, washing, ironing) - women's, electrical appliances (repair) - men's. Approximately cards should turn out equally.At the end, the teacher asks which half to put the vacuum cleaner and mop, skis and skates (these things to do together)

II.1) (in the picture, the family is dad, mom, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather)

- Name all the members of this family in order.

- Decide who is who.

- who is a girl for a boy (sister), for dad (daughter), for grandfather (granddaughter), for uncle and aunt (niece)?

- who is a boy for a girl (brother), for mother (son), for grandmother (grandson), for uncle and aunt (nephew)?

- who is a mother for dad (wife), for grandparents (daughter? Etc.

2) - Quiet! It seemed to me that someone flew through the door. I'll go take a look.

- It was the Wise Owl who flew by, she asked you to tell that, it turns out, the mother and father of your grandparents are great-grandfather and great-grandmother for you.

Who is great-grandmother?

- who is great-grandfather?

- Do you have a great-grandmother and great-grandfather?

The game "Call it affectionately"

- How can you affectionately call each member of this family? (son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, father, grandmother, etc.)

Do you call each other affectionately in your family? Why do people call someone affectionately?

Physical education minute

I have a brother

Such a funny boy!

He imitates me in everything

And in no way inferior.

If we play ball

I'm jumping, he's too... (jumping)

I am sitting - and brother ... (sitting),

I run and he... (runs).

I take the ball - and he ... (takes),

I put the ball - and he ... (puts)!

I cut the bush - and he ... (cuts)!

I burn a fire - he, too ... (burns)!

I pinch bread for birds - he ... (nibbles)

I scatter food - he too ... (scatters)

I'm riding a bike -

He is with me together ... (rides).

I want to - and he ... (laughs),

I want to eat - he too ... (wants)

Butter bread I smear - (smear)

I wave my hand - he ... (waving)!

Such a funny boy

My youngest ... (brother).

Say with the word family.

    I will say the words, and you will repeat them, but only together with the word “family”: album - (family album), service, holidays, dinner, walk, game.

    What family holidays do you know?

    What are family games?

Sound analysis.

Listen to the words: mom, raspberry, tangerine, ice cream.

    What sound do these words begin with?

    What is this sound (children's answers)

    Repeat the poem and name the words with the sound [M]:

My younger sister Marina

He loves tangerines very much.

IV. - What did we talk about today?

- Whose photos showed the Hedgehog and the Little Fox?

- Who flew to us in kindergarten?

- What did the Wise Owl tell about?

Synopsis of the open lesson "City of Masters"


1. To help create a game environment, to establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles.

2. To form in children the ability to play according to their own plan, to stimulate the creative activity of children in the game.

3. To form friendly relations in the game, a sense of humanism, activity, responsibility, friendliness.

4. Consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor, honey. workers, seller, hairdresser, builder.


To enrich knowledge about the work of a doctor, hairdresser, builder, seller.

to teach children how to care for the sick, and how to use medical instruments, to educate children in attentiveness, sensitivity,courteous treatment, respect for work.

To form specific ideas about construction, its stages; consolidate knowledge about working professions; to form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.

To teach children to classify objects according to common characteristics, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance. Expand vocabulary: "toys" "furniture" "food" "money"

Expand words knowledge: introduce the concepts of "hospital", "patient", "treatment", "drugs", "temperature", "hospital".

“hairdresser”, “master”, “scissors”, “comb”, “hairstyle”, “hair dryer”, “haircut”, “cut”, “bangs”, “shaves”, “refreshing cologne”, “styling foam” , “wind on curlers”, “pay money to the cashier”.

builder, bricklayer, driver, loader, crane operator, welder.


Attributes for games:

dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: a thermometer, a syringe, pills, a spoon, a phonendoscope, cotton wool, medicine jars, a bandage, a dressing gown and a bonnet for a doctor, registration cards, a pharmacy.

cash desk, baskets, packing materials, money, aprons for sellers, nameplates, bags, handkerchiefs, hats, doll utensils, telephones, wallets, money,scissors, hair dryer, comb, varnish, apron, cape.

a set of large building material, helmets.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations about professions using illustrations, looking at pictures.

2. Reading fiction: Mayakovsky "What to be?", Mikhalkov "What do you have?" "Dr. Aibolit"

3. Games: "Who needs what?" "Superfluous word"

Working with parents:

On the part of the parents, assistance was provided in the design of the play areas "Shop", "Hospital", "Registration", "Hairdresser", "Young Builder".

Game progress:

Introductory part..

Children enter the group, greet the guests and stand around the teacher.


You, everyone is growing years

There will be seventeen.

Where should I work then?

What to do?

Children, let's talk with you about what professions you know (children call). But in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, salesman, builder, you must first grow up, finish school, get a specialty. But how long to wait. And so I want right now to become an adult and work. Truth?

And let's go on a journey to a magical town. It is called "City of Masters". All children, getting there, immediately become adults and can choose a profession for themselves. Do you want to go there?

And we will go there on this bus. (There are chairs in a row of three in a group). You will be the passengers and I will be the driver.Please come in and make yourself comfortable. Boys be polite.

Kachu, I'm flying at full speed.

I am the driver and the motor itself!

I press the pedal

and the car sped away.

And so, let's go! (fasten seat belts)

To make the road more fun, turn on the music. (The song “Merry Travelers” sounds.)

Here we come! Come out, please. Here is our magical town "City of Masters". You look at each other. Everyone has grown up. That would work, right? And where you can work, I'll show you now.

Here we have a “Barbershop” (a verse is read by a child)

Give me scissors, a comb,

He will do your hair.

Hairdresser by all means

Gives you a modern cut

Educator. Do you know who works at the barbershop? What is he doing? Who comes to the hairdresser? How do you talk to a client? How do customers behave in the barbershop?(Children's answers.)

"Shop" (child reads)

And now we are in the store -

All products on display:

Tea, sweets, sausage -

Eyes pop up.

Come buy

Give money to the cashier.

Look, and here we have a “Hospital” (child reads)

Doctors help

Both adults and children

Like the kindest people in the world.

Doctors alleviate suffering around.

For this "thank you" tell them, my friend!

Educator. Children who work in the hospital? What is he doing? Can a doctor do the job alone? Who helps him? What does a nurse do? Who comes to the hospital? How do they talk to the patient? How do patients behave in the hospital?(Children's answers.)

And here we have a construction site. (child reads)

The whole area knows the builder,

He is an excellent master

With his team, he

Builds a brick house.

House among other houses

And leaner and taller.

They speak up to the clouds

The house will get a roof.

Educator. You see how many interesting things are in our town.

The teacher assigns roles that children like.

Listen, music. This means that a new day begins in the city and everyone starts working. Go to your workplaces, see what else you need to cook...

During the game, the educator helps to create a game environment, to establish relationships between those who have chosen certain roles; helps to realize in the game the impressions received by children earlier.


Music sounds.

Evening has come to our town, the working day is over. Shops, hospitals, barbershops are closing, work is being completed at the construction site as well. Everyone cleans up the workplace, as new children will come to this town who want to become adults.(Children clean up.)

Bus signal. Is everyone gathered? See that no one is left here alone. Get on the bus, sit back, relax, you are tired after a hard day's work. And I will turn on light music for you.(Soothing melody plays.)

Here is our kindergarten "Rodnichok". Come out, please.

Look at each other, you are children again.(I call by name.)

Did you like it in the “City of Masters”?

And if you guys liked the town, you and I will go there every day. (Praise the children who played together and quickly cleaned up their toys)