Palm Sunday, signs, traditions, beliefs. Can I work in the garden on Palm Sunday? Is it possible to plant potatoes in Palm Sunday

    Landscape design... Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: buying, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds But, they say that they do not plant trees and pines on the site - a bad omen. If you know what about this sign, tell me, I will be grateful.

    What to plant along the ditch? Arrangement of the site. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Summer cottage and suburban areas: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. Globular Willows are beautiful and love moisture.

    what to plant on the site?. Arrangement of the site. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Summer cottage and suburban areas: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and If you don't do any drainage system, then plant all sorts of willows, ate, birches, they are very good. well pump out water.

    Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Summer cottage and suburban areas: buying, landscaping, planting trees and there is a large plot in the village (about a hectare), almost empty (except for the vegetable garden). 5. We have no lows. Willow (or willow) is planted in ravines. I don't know about birches.

    Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Summer cottage and suburban areas: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. The site is well, very abandoned. There willow and other plants have grown wild, all in ditches (for diverting groundwater), mountains ...

    Summer cottage and suburban areas: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. Willow grafted on a trunk. One more question is ripe :) My husband bought a willow grafted on a trunk on the way to the dacha.

    Globular Willows are beautiful and love moisture. Fourth week at home. The distance is about three kilometers, almost six thousand steps. Garden paths at their summer cottage: gravel, paving stones, concrete?

    Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Summer cottage and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting We have a site with high groundwater. The late mother-in-law, she planted everything on earth heaps. Plum just really does not like high groundwater. Willow, there is a very beautiful "curly" variety.

    lilac - only trees; willow - so many varieties of them: small, large, branched, curly, round, bush, tree, etc. And they grow quickly and without problems everywhere. birch - there are also weeping, and bush, and On summer cottages nothing - it is forbidden, only weed.

    willow and larch. Arrangement of the site. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: buying, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs And I like it when she throws off her needles, it turns out such a soft rug, and let her stand naked in winter, we don't go to the dacha in winter.

Palm week is the penultimate week before Easter. For this period, the people came up with signs and beliefs that help predict future weather and harvest, as well as find out how the year will pass. Most of them are associated with Palm (Lazareva) Saturday and Palm Sunday.

  • Palm week is clear, with cold matinees - cereals will be good.
  • If there is no frost, then late frosts will come and damage the crops.
  • The north wind is a sign of a grain-growing year.
  • The willow blooms well - the arable land will be successful.
  • V Palm week perennial flowers cannot be transplanted - nothing good will come of such a flower.
  • During this period, you should not plant potatoes - the root crop will grow painful, and the crop will deteriorate in winter.

Signs and beliefs on Lazarev (Palm) Saturday

  • If you sow peas on this day, then they will be born well.
  • On Lazarev Saturday, vipers and lizards leave their holes and nests en masse - it will soon be hot, so you can sow grain and go out into the garden.
  • If during this period a lot of pussy willow “earrings” appeared (buds blossomed), then the whole year will be fruitful, fertile and rich in good events.
  • If on this day you read "Our Father", holding a willow twig in your left hand, and cross yourself with your right and ask God financial well-being, then soon there will be money in the family and the financial situation will improve.
  • To lash each other with willow branches - a year will pass in abundance.

Signs and beliefs on Palm Sunday

  • The wind is blowing - the summer will be windy.
  • It's raining in Palm Sunday- a sign of a rich harvest.
  • Frosty weather - to good harvest spring.
  • Clear and warm weather - a lot of fruit will be born.
  • If you beat the household with willow branches consecrated in the church, then they will not get sick this year.
  • Burning a bunch of consecrated willows and preserving the ashes will protect the house from lightning and fire.
  • Planting a willow on Palm Sunday is a bad omen.

The holiday was created not to work, but to celebrate. As you know, holidays are different, however, as well as the circumstances of life, accordingly, the question arises of which holidays you can work for and which not, taking into account the fact that there are necessary matters and are simply urgent. Let's say the same field work in the spring is an urgent need, but can they be performed, for example, on the same Palm Sunday?

A bit of history

According to many, Palm Sunday is the consecration of willow branches, which are then symbolically whipped to disobedient children, but the meaning of this day is not only in the consecration of the branches, but in something completely different. Everyone knows about the great miracle that Jesus Christ performed in confirmation of his faith, in particular about the resurrection of Lazarus, his friend and companion. But this story became famous not because a miracle happened, because before that Jesus helped other people, but precisely because 4 days had passed after death and, nevertheless, the Son of God was able to bring Lazarus back to life in the name of faith.

Of course, this story could not go unnoticed, therefore, the day after the resurrection, Jesus entered Jerusalem as the Savior, greeted by the people with palm branches and blessed words, which, as history shows, did not last long. But, nevertheless, for two thousand years the people have been celebrating precisely the entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, but since palms do not grow in our country, it is the willow branches that are symbolically used, and accordingly the holiday is no longer called the entry of the Lord, but Palm Sunday.

What can you do on Verbochka?

Like everything church holidays, on Palm Sunday, it is strictly forbidden to work, namely to wash, clean or do handicrafts, not to mention more serious work, such as whitewashing the ceiling or gluing wallpaper. But at the same time, church ministers do not prohibit doing daily activities, for example, the same preparation of dinner, because the family cannot go hungry and wait for the end of the holiday. In addition, it is not forbidden to wash dishes, because it is unlikely that dilution of dirt helps to cleanse oneself from sins, especially two plates. This is such a trifle in comparison with envy or resentment.

Also on Palm Sunday, despite the spring name, it is not recommended to engage in planting or other work in the garden. The fact is that on this day it is customary to consecrate Verbochka, and not to return it to the ground, respectively, and planting other plants is not recommended. But the next day, it is not only possible to deal with the garden, but also necessary, because ahead Holy Week, shrouded in many traditions, and there will be no time for planting.

By the way, it is considered a very good omen if a willow branch consecrated in a church sprouts in a few days. In this case, it must be planted near the house in order to subsequently not only protect your house from the envy of outsiders or the evil thoughts of enemies, but also for the health of all people living in the house. It is not for nothing that they say that by whipping oneself over the body with a consecrated willow branch, many ailments can be expelled.

The penultimate week, which falls exactly one week before the end of Lent and the beginning of Lent Orthodox holiday Easter is commonly called Palm. During this period, Lazarev Saturday falls and Palm Sunday itself. Surprisingly, these periods are constantly "floating", the dates periodically shift and very often Palm week falls in the midst of spring, when a warm, favorable for garden work weather and many are trying to take advantage of this, trying to plant this or that long-growing culture as soon as possible.

This is all natural, it is quite possible for gardeners to understand, because they pursue the goal of getting a rich harvest as early as possible and ending the season safely. Everyone knows that a previously planted crop grows much better, becomes stronger and less vulnerable to most diseases. Trying to plant the seeds of a particular culture as soon as possible, vegetable growers practically forget that it is Palm week in the yard, and this period is considered not entirely successful for planting!

Can I plant in Palm Week?

In the old days, they adhered to strictly Orthodox commandments, to be honest, most of which were noticed by the people themselves on Palm Sunday, they never planted anything in the ground! It was believed that whatever you put - whether it be a sweet berry or some kind of vegetable, an apple tree or a pear, some kind of cereal, in any case, all this will grow sour, bitter and practically inedible. On this score, they even said, like the willow itself, the harvest will be "barky"!

For this week, old people even postponed sowing work in the fields, just as at home the vegetable gardens stood without planting. Although at this time a person did not sit idle, except for planting, it is quite possible to do the ennobling of the territory, digging, removing weeds, hilling, thinning, applying fertilizers to the soil.

Also, it is impossible to transplant perennial flowers in Palm Sunday, separating them and planting them from the mother bush. In this case, even if the plant is accepted, it will grow meager, lethargic, flowering will not be saturated, even if you periodically fertilize it and properly care for it. Nothing good will come of such a flower!

The ancestors especially "punished" not to plant potatoes during this period! It is believed that such a root vegetable will grow painful. Growth will be poor even on the tops, not like on the potatoes themselves. In addition, the harvest of potatoes planted during Palm Week will not be able to survive throughout the winter. The tubers will become soft, watery and it will be very problematic to keep them in the cellars, which risks triggering hunger with your own hands!

What can you plant in Palm Week?

Despite all the prohibitions on posad during this period, in case of belated, late spring, the ancestors say this: in this case, something can be planted on Palm week. First of all, these can be cultures, the peculiarity of which "grow up". These include sunflowers, peas, bush cucumbers and early cabbage.

However, it is best to postpone the landing until Saturday and complete all the work immediately after sunset, but it has not yet gotten dark at all, that is, practically in the last minutes of Lent.

With the arrival of spring, summer residents are actively moving out of town for the weekend and start preparing the site for planting. V modern world many have retained in their memory the beliefs and teachings of their grandmothers, and try to take care of the garden, adhering to the rules. Many rules, or rather instructions, relate to and. In particular, the question remains whether it is possible to plant in Palm week. There are a lot of disputes, and there are also quite a few absolutely opposite opinions.

Is it possible to work on Palm Sunday?

To begin with, it all depends on your personal beliefs and the time that you can spend on the dacha in principle. The fact is that you cannot predict the weather, but you have to comply with the landing dates and the recommended periods.

The most asked question is whether it is possible to plant potatoes in Palm Sunday. If you follow the instructions of our ancestors, then it is better to shift the dates and plant the potatoes at a different time. Why this happens: our ancestors believed that the potatoes planted during this period will definitely be spoiled. According to this belief, it will be watery and difficult to store. On the other hand, the question arises quite logically: why not use modern drugs from diseases and pests, and planting in the fields in the modern world does not particularly depend on signs. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant potatoes in Palm Sunday is obvious for many summer residents: if time does not endure at all, we boldly get down to business.

As for the rest of the cultures, there are two obvious paths:

  1. Some argue that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant a vegetable garden in Palm Sunday is definitely negative. Firstly, everything planted during this period will grow exactly like a willow. And this means that everything will go to the tops and will be barky. For example, if you want to know if tomatoes can be planted in Palm Sunday, then the answer is also negative. There will be a lot of greenery, but the harvest itself will be meager. But this does not mean at all that you need to fold your hands and do nothing at all. It is quite possible to do site cleaning, fertilization and weed removal. However, with late spring, it is still allowed to plant some crops. This concerns those crops that grow straight up. It's about peas, early cabbage and bush cucumbers. It is advised to plant on Saturday and only after sunset.
  2. A completely different answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant a garden in Palm Sunday will be given to you by a pragmatic summer resident completely devoid of superstition. If the time has come, the weather has settled down - it's time to get to work. If the heat has come, and the soil has warmed up to the desired state, you cannot wait. Ask such a summer resident if it is possible to sow a pumpkin in Palm Sunday, and he will answer in the affirmative, provided the weather is stable with a temperature of 18 ° C. And this applies to completely different crops: many of them cannot be planted later than the indicated dates in order to avoid weak shoots.

Regarding the attitude of ministers to the church to the question of whether it is possible to plant seedlings in Palm Sunday, then they do not give a direct ban either. On the one hand, services during this period are boldly called unique and it is undesirable to miss them. However, with the arrival of heat and the necessary weather conditions, no one tells you to give up work. It is advisable to give preference to going to church in Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, and after that, devote time to your garden. And finally, you will give yourself the correct answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant in Palm Week. Extremes and blindly following your beliefs have not yet become the right path. Everything is good in moderation, and in our modern world, religion with its instructions goes hand in hand with the recommendations of agronomists.