Lunar calendar for December of the year. Gardening work, plants care events

Since ancient times, people have noticed that hair haircut is not just a hair care procedure.

To improve your energy after haircuts, as well as increase the growth and luggage, it is necessary to comply with some hair cutting rules, as well as pay attention to moon calendar Hair cuts.

Hair cutting calendar

With the help of a haircut, you can improve the well-being of a person, freeing it from negative energy, or vice versa, provoke a disease. Ritual cutting hair has been held for several centuries as in church ritesand in witchcraft.

If you believe with church legends, the sinless Nimba glowed to the sin of a person over his head, who tied a man's biopol with space, and instead of hair was only a soft cannon, like infants. After the person became sinful, the energy rays on the head were replaced by hair. Now our hair is the binding threads between man and space, with the help of which we get vital energy.

Perhaps the legends believe not many of us, however real life Surely everyone noticed that after haircuting hair, a favorite hairdresser's mood immediately changes, ease appears, as if the stone from the shoulders fell. And sometimes it happens on the contrary: after haircut, the hair starts being confused, fall out, the mood falls, fatigue appears. The whole secret is that when having hair haircut, your biofield is changing.

According to the advice of the ancient wise men, if you feel ailments, try to lure hair a little. Together with the tips of the hair, you cut off the negative energy of the disease and your body will be restored faster.

1. How to choose a hairdresser. Hairdresser with a haircut affects your biofield. If you get to the master, which is always friendly, in a raised mood, then your affairs after the haircut will go uphill. If the hairdresser is nervous, grises on the terrible state of your hair, after the haircut your hair will become dull and lifeless.

The age and life experience of the hairdresser can also influence your destiny. In order not to feel interference while making important decisions, choose a hairdresser younger than you or the peer.

If you consider yourself a chronic loser, haircut at the old, experienced well-known hairdresser can send your life to the strip of good luck. The most positive effect on you will have a hairdresser in favorable days For hair cutting.

The next secret is a successful haircut - choose the hairdresser of one with you. Remember that when manipulating hair, you are easily addressed by the influence of your wizard. And if the opposite sex hairdresser has sympathy to you, you may have trouble in your personal life. Remember the story of the Bible when Samson destroyed a woman who cut off his hair.

2. Do not stream your hair yourself. The meaning of this chance lies in the fact that a person cannot correct his biofield, that is, it is impossible to heal itself. If your biofield is broken, and in some area of \u200b\u200blife you have problems, then you only aggravate the situation.

Hair haircut in the lunar calendar

Haircut on a growing moon. Strengthen your hair with a growing moon if you want to speed up their growth.

Haircut on a decreasing moon. At the descending Moon, it is useful to face those who want to keep the hairstyle for a long time, since the hair will grow slower. Also a decreasing moon will help change the properties of the hair to prevent them with confusion, smooth the wavy structure, reduce hair loss, strengthen their roots.

Dangerous days for haircuting hair. 9, 15, 23, 29 days on the lunar calendar in the people are considered satanic. By undesirable days of haircuting hair, you can add days of sunny and lunar eclipse. After the visit to the hairdresser on such days you risks get sick or break the influx of positive space Energy To your body. Also do not touch the hair in the days when the moon is in the constellation of cancer and fish.

Favorable lunar hair hair days

Most successful for haircuts are considered moon days: 5th, 6th, 8th, 11th, 13-14th, 19th, 21-23rd, 27-28th lunar days.

A haircut will also be successful on the days of the moon on the signs of the Taurus, Leo, Virgin, Weighs and Capricorn.

Successful hair cuts on the day of the week

Monday - A favorable day for any hair manipulations. You can safely change the haircut or hair color. Thanks to such changes, you can reset the whole negative with yourself, leaving unsolved problems behind.

Haircut V. tuesday Give you fresh strength in making important decisions, will save from monotony in life.

Change the hairstyle B. wednesday If you want to experience something new and interesting in life, get new friends or remember old, go on a journey.

IN thursday You can get through if you want to become a popular person, change the relationship with friends and acquaintances, as well as increase your chance for good luck and well-being.

Friday - Neutral day for haircuts. To get a positive result from a visit to the hairdresser, you must look into the lunar calendar.

Saturday - Excellent day for hair cutting. If you believe the ancient legends, on this day, together with coated hair, you clean yourself from negative influence Some sins, your biofield is restored, the hair becomes stronger and healthier.

Sunday - Not the most successful day for hair cutting. Together with hair you can cut off the good luck and well-being. For believers Christians haircuting hair on Sunday is considered a sin.

The lunar calendar is its value for haircuts and hairdressers. The best and worst phases and days on the lunar calendar to change hairstyles. The value of haircuts in a decreasing and increasing moon.

Hair cut is an absolutely familiar and regular action. This process has entered the habit that many produce it without thinking about proper choice Dates. Astrologers report that such a dismissive attitude towards what days you can cut hair fraught not only by the deterioration of their health, but also the weakening of the human body itself.
Highly important role The lunar calendar plays the lunar calendar in determining the date for trim. It is he who defines the best and worst days and periods for the implementation of hairdressers.

What is the lunar calendar and how it affects the choice of a day for a haircut

A few words about what the lunar calendar is. This is the most ancient of all existing calendars. Even before the invention, a more or less ordered system of numbers, people focused on the moon. The main reason for the connection of the night luminaries with many things in human life is due to quite simple facts from the world of physics. Our satellite has a mass, which under the action of attraction of the Earth affects our magnetic and energy field.
Due to the moon, tides and flows in the ocean occur. Its phases can act differently on people due to changes in the circulation of fluids in the body. With this, the appearance of many lunar calendars is connected, one of which is a haircut calendar. It is the moon that determines the correct phases for hairdressing manipulations.

What moon you need to cut hair: growing or decreasing

Of course, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to a specific day - whether it is suitable for holding a haircut, it will not harm the hair and human health as a whole. Read more about such prohibitions it will be lower.
There is a significant difference between a haircut on a decreasing phase of the moon and increasing. According to the calendar, the growth rate of hair depends on this, which is especially important for people suffering from hairproof problems.
If you come to the hairdresser to bring hair to the growing moon, then they will significantly increase their growth rates, will be more dense. Thanks to the haircut in this phase, you can get rid of trouble with a modest chapel. But this does not mean that such a method is suitable for everyone.
If you cut your hair on a decreasing moon, they will grow and recover until the previous level is much slower. Many difficulties are connected with this - the phase loss of the Earth's satellite should not cut into small children, bald and other people who have the cover of the head is a "problem zone". On the other hand, the haircut during this period will help strengthen the hairstyle, keep it on long term. Another plus is the change in the curl structure, smoothing and preventing tolls.

What moon day is best suited for hair haircut

Undoubtedly best Period For a thorough change in its image - the times of growth and full moon. Hair trimmed in these dates will be thick and beautiful, and the manipulations themselves do not spoil human health. Moreover, it is believed that the first haircut of the child should be done in the phase - then he does not heal in the future.
Now about what moon day it is better to cut hair. Best days The fifth, eighth, eleventh, thirteenth, fourteenth, nineteenth, twenty-first, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth day.
Note! If you take a separate week, then the appropriate day will be Thursday.
The division of the hike of the moon on constellations also play an important role.
Try to face while passing through constellations:
  • Sagittarius
  • Weighs
  • Capricorn.

Days when in no case can hair cut

In most days of the year, you can cut your hair. Nevertheless, there are serious exceptions when any hair operations can negatively affect them, or even on human health, which decided to start a haircut before checking the dates in the lunar calendar.
First, you can not cut into most church holidays - Christmas, baptism and others. A little more about this we will talk on. It is not necessary to make manipulations with the hair in the New Moon, it can lead to health problems. At the same time, it is not only about changing the length of the hair, but also about visiting beauty salons and makeup artists. It is also not necessary to deal with this business during periods of eclipse. Cataclysms will significantly worsen the hairpro.
A astrological mistake will be a haircut during the passage of the moon of the constellations of fish and cancer - it will not harm health, but will spoil the haircut itself and the thickness of the hair, can speed up their loss.
If you take a specific date, then the most unfavorable numbers when you can not cut the hair through the lunar calendar are the ninth, fifteenth, twenty-third and twenty-ninth day of the month.

Is it possible to cut your hair in christmas

Christmas is the largest holiday of all Christians, taking second place in importance in the Orthodox branch and the first Catholic. In this regard, it is logical to work in such bright holidays in any way, including above appearance, is not recommended. Now more about whether you can cut your hair in Christmas.
In fact, in the Bible and other Christian sources there is no direct ban and accurate instructions on washing, cleaning and trimming. Nevertheless, according to the lunar calendars and even folk signs, Stream in not only in Christmas, but also in another orthodox holiday Do not. Moreover, it is believed that hair weaving and other manipulations with them also adversely affect a person. Of the unpleasant consequences allocate worsening health, well-being, attracting difficulties and even reduce life. The same applies to Trinity, Annunciation, Baptism.
A little differently belongs to the holiday of Light Easter, about which opinions differ in different interpretations, and in different clergymen. By general rule, you can cut, but you can not forget about others possible reasons For elimination of hair equation along the lunar calendar.

Moon Calendar Strizhek: Video

Any haired manipulation can lead to completely unexpected changes in human life. Therefore, with a haircut, you must adhere to certain rules in order not to harm yourself:

  1. 1. It is necessary to carefully choose a hairdresser. The haircut needs to trust a positively tuned person, cheerful and energetic. It is desirable that the hairdresser and customer can be approximately the same age. If a person is constantly lucky, and good luck left him, then you should choose older wizards. This will help change life for the better.
  2. 2. It is not recommended to cut hair yourself, even if a person is a high-class professional. There is a big risk of deformation of your own biofield, which will be almost impossible to adjust.
  3. 3. It is desirable that the wizard and customer are one sex. During the haircut there is a certain exchange of energies. If the hairdresser is the opposite sex, and he will like the man to whom he makes a hairstyle, then the owner of a new image can quarrel with a loved one, it can even lead to parting without visible reasons.
  4. 4. After the hair was shining, they can not be thrown into the water. This needs to be followed in the hairdresser.
  5. 5. You can not stand in the evening or at night. At this time, completely different forces dominate. So you can "cut off" your luck and well-being.
  6. 6. Orthodoxy acts categorically against many and superstitions, however, there is a rule: do not stand in such big church holidayslike Trinity, Annunciation, Baptism, Christmas. In ancient times, these days were forbidden to even comb. It was believed that this would lead to serious agers.
  7. 7. There is a sign that children under the year can not cut hair, since the child can start a lot later to talk than his peers.

Hair at all times was associated with a special internal force, the execution of desires, influence on fate. There were many accept, believes, tested with a haircut. Clear spells made on human hairs. Modern science explains this attitude towards hair, their ability to store full genetic information. That is why leading experts use hair rods as a material for genetic examinations.

Secrets of ancient Tibet

The wise men from ancient Tibet believed that the Moon had a special influence on the fate of a person. Using her strength, a person can drastically change its future: to make money, get rid of enemies and diseases, find your soul mate. Hair haircut is a special ritual. In Tibet, he was considered an important event In life, affecting the connection of the universe and man. Using the lunar hair cutting calendar for 2014, you should carefully study everything possible consequences Action with hair, and they can be quite serious, and only after that do anything.

The sorcerers argue that the hair is a kind of transmitter of thoughts and desires to otherworldly forces. Both white and dark. You can not cut and scatter the curls, where it fell. And during the laying procedures, the head wash and other manipulations are forbidden to be angry, think about something bad, try intrigue. Use the lunar days for hair cutting is needed with benefit for yourself. Namely, the most concentrated on positive moments, desires, hopes. Lunar day, according to sorcerers, subject to the above conditions can give not only the beauty of an external, and a successful career, a successful personal life, a full spiritual harmony.

Moon and hair haircut

If you cut in unfavorable days, You can get a lot of unnecessary troubles, both at home and at work. And sometimes to make a deterioration in health and death on loved ones. So, unfavorable lunar days:

  • 1,4,7,12,24.25. The haircut these days can cause diseases affecting the life expectancy of the hair owner, eye inflammation.
  • 2,10,15.30. The change hairstyles ensures quarrels in a family circle and at work or worsening the health of loved ones.
  • 3.18. It is worth ending on this day at least tips, as cash accumulation will start literally "evaporate", theft is possible.
  • 6. CLOWS Established on this day may no longer grow.
  • 9,20,29. After changing the image, despondency and depression will come, it may come full rejection of life. This is due to the loss of energy.
  • 16. Hair loss will attract bad habits.
  • 17. An unsuccessful day - guarantees failure.

Favorable lunar days:

  • 5. If you cut your hair on this day, a good profit is guaranteed along the lunar calendar.
  • 8.23. These days, the haircut will get gorgeous and will hold the form long.
  • 11. Magic day. Instead of hair-ceased on this day, Providence will give intuition and special abilities.
  • 13,14.21. A good day for those who need to increase the accumulation or change the course of fate in the positive side.
  • 19.22. New hairstyle guarantees longevity and strong health.
  • 26, 27, 28. Perfect days For any undertakings.

Moon day - this is not a joke

This lunar hair cutting calendar is drawn up with a guide not on the usual "human" day, calculated in the Gregorian schedule, and on true lunar. Four phases of the moon last 29.5 Gregorian days. This time required for the full turn of the moon around the shone.

An important impact on fate can have hair color in the lunar calendar. It is worth native and on the days of the week.

  • Monday. The perfect day for cutting curls - the whole will go with them negative energy. The color will secure the result.
  • Tuesday. The shift of hairstyles and hair colors on this day gives the confidence and forces necessary for the adoption of very important decisions.
  • Wednesday. The new image will attract interesting acquaintances and success in the company.
  • Thursday. It is worth going to the hairdresser to those who wish to become famous and lucky.
  • Friday. Successful hairstyle and unusually beautiful colour Hair is guaranteed.
  • Saturday. Haircut and painting will allow heart soul wounds.
  • Sunday. On this day, it is impossible to do it, as luck can turn away.

Phases Moon for Hair Clip

Looking at the moon, a man is experiencing contradictory feelings. She may be kind and ominous, beautiful and repulsive. Why does the relation to this celestial body depends? Try to watch the moon throughout the month and see how your mood will change as the phases change. These features of influence on human psyche Used magicians and sorcerers around the world. So, the moon is born in Novolunya, then the first quarter is visible. Next follows full moon - best time For the "white" witchcraft. In the third quarter, the moon decreases until it hides at all. At this time, the forces of evil triumph. All the most terrible curses, spells and unchalves are accomplished in complete darkness.

The moon does not stand still. She, moving, falls under the influence of the signs of the zodiac, having enhanced influence on the fate of people and household events. IMPORTANT AND WHICH MOUNA SHARE HAVE. Several rules will help to figure out and build hair care schedule:

If you cut into a growing moon, the hair will quickly grow. Haircuts on a decreasing moon are promised long hair rustling. Full moon positively affects the quality of the image. Preferably at this time cut hair tips. If you decide to change the color of the hair, then painting the hair on the lunar calendar, give shine and charm to the growing moon. Then it is recommended to "feed" the hair.

Classic triangle: moon, gods, people

Many natural phenomena confirm the force of the moon. The most obvious: tides and flows. The cycles of "critical" days in most women coincide with the Cold Sun cycle. People with a particularly sensitive psyche under the influence of light are meaninglessly roaming at night. Goddess, vampires, witches, elves and trolls are creatures with supernatural abilities, for all beliefs and legends are depending on the strength of the lunar action.

The first and last pair of the lunar cycle - the days of the goddess of the chambers. With its name, the witchcraft rites, terrible events and stories with searching for treasures are connected. These days show secrecy, greed, depression. Men especially suffer.

Full moon - a period of fetis, daughters Selena, the best period for active actions, manifestations of feelings and observance of diets. However, the full moon can not only help, but also cause splashes of aggression, suicidal desires.

On a decreasing moon, in the third phase affects the goddess of Dion. The soul can overwhelm the joy, happiness, peace. This time is best to spend on creating or strengthening available. This applies to both learning and property affairs.

The last phase is controlled by Gorgon and Erid - two contradictory personalities. With the weak effect of the moon and the gradual manifestation of the action of evil forces are possible flour of conscience, discord, diseases.


People since ancient times gave a haircut of a special meaning. Today, many women believe that to improve their energy, as well as to increase the growth and density of strands, it is necessary to comply with certain rules of trimming and pay attention to the dates of the lunar calendar. In addition, there are even successful days for the haircut.

Favorable days for haircuts

A haircut for most women is the usual procedure that gives hair a neat-groomed look and helps maintain a good shape. But, going to the hairdresser, few calculate the favorable days for having hair. Although sometimes, after a single visit to the locomotive cabin, long time can look great, and after the other - they grow very quickly, so they have to go to the master again. It should be easily choosing favorable hair cuts associated with the lunar phases.

As a rule, the periods of the Earth's satellite have different impact on the movement of fluid in the body - the growth of strand is associated with this process. Therefore, trimming in an unfavorable day leads to fragility, thinning, and in favorable - to an increase in density. In addition, the choice of suitable time improves energy and human strength. To properly determine a good day to guide the beauty of the head, you must resort to the lunar calendar.

Lunar calendar for haircuts

Hair cut through the lunar calendar has been practiced for several centuries. Buddhist monks believed that the situation heavenly Body It is capable of predicting in advance how good the hairstyle will be and how it will be reflected in the state of spin. For example, if you fill the tips with a growing moon in June and July, then the hair will grow faster than after visiting the wizard at a decreasing phase.

Astrologers during the New Moon do not recommend visiting the hairdresser. It is believed that the master at such a period takes his health. The most favorable day for a haircut is when the companion of our planet is in the phase of completeness or growth. It is better to cut in 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 19, 21, from the 26th to the 28th day on the lunar calendar. It should be remembered that only a professional is necessary to trust your head.

Which moon is better to cut hair

Hair cutting moon has great value. After all, based on when the hairstyle changed, the condition and health of strands will depend on. Moon month Includes 4 phases (new moon, full moon, growing and decreasing). The duration of the individual phase is an average of about a week. Periods of Heavenly Satellite Earth have a different effect on the hair:

  • full moon in - Ideal time to create a new hairstyle, strands then grow rapidly;
  • the growing moon () will help to find long curls, but they can lose a lot of moisture and become dull;
  • it is not recommended to stand when heavenly luminaries at a decreasing stage, because In this period, the growth phrase of the hair follicle is closed.


Many girls think about what day the week is better to cut hair, because it is believed that the hairstyle made in certain moment, I can also influence the health and fate of a person. Favorable hair hairstyle:

  • monday, especially in and October, is suitable for different manipulations with your head;
  • tuesday in June and July is ideal to trim the tips;
  • wednesday (April, March, May) is suitable for trimming, if necessary to radically change life;
  • thursday (September, November) favorable for the change of image;
  • friday (December) - neutral stage;
  • saturday - optimal time for transformation, strands will grow healthy, thick;
  • sunday, especially in January and February, is not suitable for shifts hairstyles, because You can cut off good luck.

Horoscope haircuts hair

Zodiac signs of birth can also affect head health. Properly selected haircut on a horoscope helps to look great, gain well-being, improve financial position. Astrological councils zodiac signsWhat days it is better to cut hair:

  • If the Earth's satellite is located in fiery signs (Sagittarius, Lion), then this is considered the most suitable time to change the hairstyle. A visit to the master will lead to success at work.
  • The moon in watermarks (cancer, scorpion, fish) can bring together with a new human problem. Perch is the appearance of dandruff.
  • Air signs (twins, scales) contribute to the goodness of spin.
  • Finding the Earth's satellite in Aries can make a person vulnerable.
  • It is not suitable for a new hairstyle of the moon in aquare.
  • Earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) - the perfect period to transform.

Is it possible to cut hair during menstruation

Women are often wondering if the monthly strands are influenced and when you can trigger: before or after critical days? Many hairdressers do not advise girls to make manipulations with their heads during menstruation. Even if the haircut goes well, the hair after it can be badly stacked, they will become heavy and quickly will begin to fat. This is due to the fact that the body of the woman with menstruation is subjected to sharp hormonal changes: the sebaceous glands are actively beginning, the thermoregulation is disturbed. Therefore, it is better to cut after the cycle pass.

What days you can't cut hair

Along with prosperous days for haircuts, there is a dangerous time when you can't stand:

  • during religious holidays (Trinity, Christmas, Baptism);
  • any change should be avoided when the Earth's satellite passes through the constellations of fish and cancer;
  • it is not recommended to trim yourself;
  • with the eclipse of the sun or the moon, it is better not to change the hairstyle;
  • the most poor time for such manipulations: 29, 23, 15 and 9 days in the lunar Tibetan calendar.

Haircut today

IN modern world It is difficult to calculate the favorable days for having hair, because horoscope and lunar calendar often do not coincide with free time and the schedule of the hairdresser. Therefore, to determine today you can cut your hair today or not, the astrological forecasts should be followed, but at the same time by some prohibitions. For example, you need to urgently change the hairstyle at a time when the decreasing moon. This can be done, but not dramatically, but only a little attaching tips. Also concerns other phases of the moon.


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