Use of fertilizers: helping - do no harm. What kind of fertilizers should be applied and on what soils? Household Fertilizers - Proper Use for a Good Harvest

The key to good yields is high soil fertility. Most effective method to improve its composition - to enrich the structure with useful substances. The most natural and safest of these are organic fertilizers, which help grow environmentally friendly products.

This type of fertilizer has always existed. At the initial stage of evolution, he markedly influenced the development of life on the planet. Since its inception flora, organic waste was the most important link in the biocenosis chain, allowing plants to develop and fill new areas. Used wisely, organic fertilizers are an endless resource for agronomy. These are renewable substances of natural origin. They consist of processed remains of the vital activity of organisms and plants. Organic matter has a beneficial effect on the soil, transforming its structure at the physical and chemical level, and activates the activity of living microbes.

The fertile layer covers about 3 billion hectares of the surface of our planet. Over the millennia, it was formed in a natural way, from the biological remains of all living things. To date, there are compulsory, more rational approaches to the enrichment of arable land.

Rules for the use of organic fertilizers

The technology of applying organic fertilizers has been perfected for centuries. These complex nutrients can provide the necessary vital balance of plants at all stages of growth.

There are several ways to introduce organic matter:

  • Pre-sowing;
  • Post-sowing;
  • Fergitation;
  • Hydroponics.

Fertilizers are applied before planting both in the spring and in the autumn-winter period. For example, in the Urals and Siberia, where cattle are actively raised in villages, the following method of annual soil enrichment in vegetable gardens has taken root:

During summer period manure accumulates, which is used in spring to create warm cucumber beds. In winter, such a bed is dismantled, and manure is scattered around the garden as fertilizer. Thus, it is used twice.

Ash is brought in before the spring planting of vegetables. For example, the composition of the top dressing includes manure in equal parts, which are thrown directly into the dug hole.

Top dressing, which is made after the third leaf appears in garden plants, is already considered post-sowing. It happens:

  1. Root (applied by applying fertilizer to the root zone). For this type of feeding, liquid organic matter is used, for example, or slurry.
  2. Non-root (seed treatment after stratification).
  3. Fergitation (application of nutrients during watering).
  4. Hydroponics (growing plants in liquid medium, without soil). But this method has not proven itself in the best way. The taste of the fruits obtained was worse than that of those grown in the traditional way.

Experiments on growing plants without land proved once again that it is an indispensable element for obtaining vegetables and fruits of standard quality. The quality of agricultural products directly depends on its properties.

To assess the quality of soil on a land plot use two parameters:

  • The first is the composition of the soil. It can be roughly defined in the old grandfather's way. We take a shovel and dig. If the ground gives in easily, then it is sandy soil. Now let's try a different approach. Take a handful of earth and squeeze it in the palm of your hand. If the lump has retained its shape, the soil is clayey. If it seeps through your fingers, it's sandy.
  • The second parameter that determines the quality of the soil is an indicator of its acidity, pH is a factor. For the successful growth of most plants, a pH of 6.5-7 is suitable. If the indicator is higher, then it should be lowered. In agriculture, for this purpose, for example, phosphate flour is used. But, if you process an area not on an industrial scale, but on a personal plot, then it is quite possible to get by with organic fertilizers. It will be much safer and healthier.

The color of the earth also helps determine its composition. Sandy soil is yellow or gray tint , clay - brown, black soil - respectively, black. Land that contains a lot of peat, brown and fibrous to the touch, and the "forest" land is loose and layered.

With a strong desire, rich yields can be obtained on soil of any quality, if you choose the right fertilizers. Let us consider several particular cases of their application, depending on the composition and acidity of the soil.

Organic for sandy soils

One of best options for the improvement of soils with a high sand content is... It has the ability to accumulate moisture, which helps to retain it at the roots of plants. Another fertilizer for sandy soil can be made with your own hands without spending a penny. This is a compost that will help structure the earth, making it more viscous, while nourishing it with useful substances. The main task solved when fertilizing sandy soils for a vegetable garden is to improve their structure. Ideally, they should retain moisture for as long as possible. This soil has few nutrients, therefore, in addition to peat, it is useful to fertilize it. manure, bird droppings and compost.

Why fertilize black soil?

Yes, even this type of arable land has to be fertilized sometimes. The fact is that, like all good things, nutrients and microorganisms that help fruits and vegetables grow "by leaps and bounds" tend to end. Therefore, in order to maintain a land plot in a fertile state, it must be enriched with manure, compost and bird droppings. Once every five years, the field should be allowed to rest, without making any plantings on it.

What organic fertilizers are suitable for alumina?

The best fertilizer for clay soils is manure., which is scattered in autumn or winter throughout the site, and during spring plowing is mixed with the main earth mass. Clay soil is great for. Popular berries from the nightshade family thrive on this kind of land. But, you must follow several rules for growing them. This type of soil tends to quickly form a surface crust, which cracks, and, along the resulting capillaries, the water quickly evaporates, leaving the roots with a minimum of nutrition. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to loosen the surface layer immediately after watering, preventing it from drying out.

The use of manured soil in home floriculture

Received on personal plot the soil can be used not only for gardening and garden plantings... Some houseplants do well in this kind of substrate. For example, dwarfs love alumina. But only fed with well-rotted, dry humus. You can also plant cacti in clay. The only condition is that the soil must have a weak reaction. It is not necessary to additionally fertilize it, since succulents initially do not like excessive nutrition. Clay soils have their own processing characteristics. They are heavy, so it is difficult to evenly distribute dry types of fertilizers throughout the entire thickness of the fertile layer in them. To simplify the process, in this case, liquid organic fertilizers are used. which can evenly penetrate the soil. They are of natural origin - liquid manure, bird droppings, ash diluted with water. Also, industrial analogs with similar properties are now being produced.

Industrial organic fertilizers


One of the most famous concentrates is Gumi. It contains salts of guamic acids, which are a catalyst for the rapid growth of cells. It is a natural fertilizer that has completely natural origin... "Gumi" helps the plant not only quickly gain green and fruit mass, but also increases its protective properties against diseases and pests.


An equally popular concentrate for modeling soil organic balance is. This is such "Actimel" for flowers and garden crops containing lactic acid bacteria. The drug has many beneficial properties. In addition to strengthening the immune system of plants, it is able to convert organic waste into compost. Another useful property of Lake Baikal is that it reduces the concentration of nitrates in fruits by binding salts of heavy metals.


Bio Master, as the name suggests, has to create a dream garden in no time. This universal organic fertilizer includes a complex of various microelements. It is used both in professional field cultivation and on personal summer cottages... Universal organic fertilizer miracle fertility has an exotic basis - extract of relict sapropel. In fact, everything is not so glamorous, and sapropel is an ordinary dirt, but with an unusual property to disinfect everything around. This "Miracle" has a completely natural composition, and is suitable for both indoor and garden plants.

Manufactured industrially organic fertilizers are very easy to use. But they still occupy no more than 30% of the market for natural dressings. Most of it belongs to natural organics.

Natural organic matter - an affordable pantry of nutrients

Use substances of natural origin that end up life cycle to nourish new plants is a natural process. It underlies all life on our planet. Organic matter is indispensable for high yields good quality... She has different origins, composition, and spectrum of action.

The main types of organic fertilizers of natural origin:

  1. Ash;
  2. Siderata;
  3. Biohumus;
  4. Manure;
  5. Peat;
  6. Bird droppings;
  7. Bone flour;
  8. Compost;
  9. Sapropel.

To saturate the soil with useful substances, are used different kinds organic fertilizers, depending on the composition and acidity of the soil. On peat and "forest" soils, wood ash is most often used.

Ash is the most affordable type of organic fertilizer

This dressing is used to reduce soil acidity... There is no chlorine in its composition, but there is sulfur, phosphorus, boron, manganese and potassium, and the latter element is in large quantities.

Ash is used for vegetables during the period of active growth., since potassium allows productive use of water, and helps to actively develop the root system. Fruits, bulbs and tubers will last longer.

The most useful is wood ash obtained by burning young deciduous plants. It is brought under, eggplants, and cabbage, into the ground prepared for planting seedlings. With such soil cultivation, young plants are practically not affected by root rot, or, in common parlance, "black leg". Under fruit and berry crops ash, diluted with water, can be applied during the entire vegetative period, as liquid top dressing... "Ash" water can also be sprayed on tree branches if they are affected by a spider mite.

Siderata - organic nitrogen fertilizers

One of the most accessible types organic dressings- plants - green manure. They are used when it is necessary to fertilize a large area of ​​land (for example, a field for potatoes) with your own hands. Oats, rye, white clover, field peas, vetch will do an excellent job with this task. These the plants are planted for the full growing season, and then plowed into the ground entirely. They make the structure of sandy soil more lumpy, enrich it with humus from rotted parts, and nitrogen.

Siderates are selected individually for different plants. For example, if in early spring on the garden bed where it is planned to grow cucumbers, plant oats, then it will disinfect the soil. When the time comes to plant seedlings, then it is not necessary to completely remove this green manure from the entire garden bed, but it makes sense to free only the holes for the seeds. After a couple of weeks, the cereals must be cut off at the root, keeping the nitrogen-containing parts of the plant in the ground to feed the cucumber seedlings.

To increase the nitrogen content, the ancient Romans used such a plant as common lupine. It is enough to bury a whole flower in the tree trunk circle, and it will be provided with nitrogen in the required amount for the whole summer.

Biohumus is an advanced organic matter of the future

V last years Interest in this long-known but neglected universal nutrient has increased markedly. What is it like? It is a waste product of earthworms that recycle organic residues into substances rich in nitrogen and potassium... On the lands in which vermicompost was introduced, there are significantly fewer weeds, and they have a looser structure. This biological mini-plant will be more in demand on clay, heavy soils, which need to be nourished and improve their structure.

Manure is the best organic fertilizer

It can be applied under plants throughout their growth. For example, tomatoes need to be fed twice - the first time before the first flowers appear, the second after the ovaries appear.

They are fed after the seedlings have rooted, and after the beginning of the twisting of the heads of cabbage.

Fruit trees will thank you high yield, if you pour them with manure water (a quarter of a bucket of manure is poured warm water and aged throughout the day). Top dressing is carried out in the evening, followed by mandatory loosening.

Features of the use of peat for fertilizing vegetable gardens

First, it is better not to buy "clean" peat from lowlands at all. If the choice is limited, then it can also be applied in the garden, but this is fraught with unnecessary labor costs and a rather long wait. Compost can be made from this type of peat by mixing it with potato and tomato tops, sawdust and food residues. This will help reduce its acidity, while beneficial features and nutrients are stored in it.

Secondly, it is better to use high moor peat initially... It is ideal as a mulching material in near-trunk circles fruit trees, and as fertilizer for sandy soil. Peat application rates are a controversial issue. The most important thing here is not to overdo it, so in the first year we bring in about a bucket of 1 square meter, and then we look. If the soil begins to become covered with a white bloom, moss appears on it - this means that its acid reaction has intensified, and in the next five years, peat dressing is contraindicated for it.

Bird droppings - characteristic of use

it organic compound is considered the most valuable fertilizing. In terms of its composition, it is several times richer than cow dung.

It is good for them to feed pumpkin, tomato crops, greens, root crops. But there are some nuances here.

Clean droppings cannot be used as top dressing.... He is bred in clean water in a ratio of 1: 100, and kept for two days at room temperature... This allows you to activate the nutrients and trace elements that make up its composition.

Bone meal - use in the garden

This fertilizer is well suited for waterlogged vegetable gardens. It is able to lower the acidity of the soil. Bone meal is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, and also high in calcium... All of these micronutrients are beneficial for nightshade and pumpkin crops.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that only dry, evaporated bone meal is worth purchasing for use in the garden and in the garden. The raw contains a large percentage of fat, which binds nutrients.

Compost for making "hot" beds for cucumbers

There is a cheap and well-proven method of growing cucumbers, melons and watermelons on sandy soil. This is a "hot bed". Partially rotted compost is used for laying it, which is stacked in a rectangular wooden frame... From above, this structure is watered with liquid manure, and covered with a layer of earth, 30-40 cm thick. In place of the holes, small depressions are made where seeds are planted. The ground in such a bed is constantly well warmed up, due to the heat released during the decomposition of the green mass of decaying plants.

Sapropel - fertilizer from the lake

Usually this type of humus is sold in regions where there are large lakes. Rotted remains of silt, vegetation, living organisms are included in its composition. It is practically a complex organic fertilizer containing humos and a large amount of organic matter.

It is necessary to use this fertilizer after a little ventilation, as when interacting with oxygen, a reaction occurs that converts the acidic substances into oxide compounds, which are more favorable for the soil.

Sapropel is a truly powerful natural growth catalyst. After its application, soil fertility increases by 30-50%. It is best used for potatoes, which not only increase yields, but also increase the size of the tubers.

Video: do it yourself organic fertilizers

In the modern world, the question of the ecological purity of products of plant origin is increasingly being raised. Pesticides, nitrates and other compounds harmful to the human body have already become the norm, and every year their content in vegetables, fruits and cereals only increases. This happens due to excessive use mineral fertilizers, as well as means of protection against pests of an artificial nature of origin.

There is an alternative to this dominance of chemicals. These are organic fertilizers that have been used by humans throughout the history of agriculture. They ensure the restoration of the soil balance in a natural way, they contain the whole range of substances necessary for the full growth and development of plants. But, most importantly, they do not harm the health of the consumer of plant products. This is the most important argument tipping the scales in favor of choosing organic fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers include slurry, manure, feces, mullein, compost, peat, wood ash and plant residues. It is recommended to apply these fertilizers to the soil once every two years. It is better to apply manure in the fall, slightly dripping. It is especially important to observe this rule when using fresh manure. If it is embedded too deeply, then microelements useful for plants will not form in it, and there will be little benefit from such fertilization. If the manure has decomposed enough, then it can be applied to the soil in the spring. It will also work well as a mulching material. Manure is not a good source of plant nutrition. It contains little nutrients, but it improves the structure of the soil well and serves as a source of humus. Therefore, it is recommended to use mineral fertilizers to increase yields.

If used correctly, peat can be a good fertilizer. It is scattered in the spring over the site, without embedding it in the soil, and loosened with a cultivator. Plants planted in this area quickly develop a strong root system.

Wood ash provides calcium and protects plants from pests. Coal ash not recommended. It will do more harm than good.

The compost heaps are filled with slurry or faeces. They cannot be poured directly onto the ridges. These fertilizers contain elements that can harm plants. In only one case, the introduction of feces or slurry to the beds is allowed. Do it in winter or late autumn... In this case, the soil should freeze well. Goat, rabbit or poultry manure can only be used after composting.

Compost heaps are not recommended for open, sunny areas. There must be enough moisture in the heap, otherwise the bacteria that contribute to the formation of compost will not be able to exist. Only healthy plants are placed in the compost heap, since pathogens do not die even after the complete decomposition of plant residues.

Any self-respecting gardener wants to get a huge harvest of high-quality and beautiful cucumbers. It is far from a secret that to achieve this effect, cucumbers need to be carefully and regularly fed during their growth. Even if ovaries have already formed on the bush, the feeding process cannot be stopped. However, in order to harvest the expected harvest, one should understand the fertilizers that are used to feed fruit-bearing cucumbers, and know how to use them correctly.

How and how to fertilize cucumbers

Cucumber whips, on which ovaries have appeared, require two dressings. The first task is to ensure a large and high-quality harvest, and the second is to extend the fruiting period. At the same time, in both dressings, different fertilizers must be used, which should be chosen strictly according to the needs of the grown crop. It is at this stage that cucumbers need trace elements such as magnesium, potassium and nitrogen.

At the initial stage of fruiting cucumbers, it is recommended to use the so-called "green" fertilizers: compost, concentrate infusion, diluted 1: 5, ash or mullein. Of the multitude mineral dressings it is better to choose potassium nitrate diluted in an amount of 25 g per 10 l of liquid, or urea, the proportion of which is 50 g per 10 l of water. To maximize the benefits of feeding, it should be applied to wet soil.

In addition, cucumbers can be sprayed with a urea solution, for this you need to dilute 12 g of the substance in a bucket of water. Urea can cause burns on cucumber leaves, so spraying should be done in the evening or in cloudy weather.

Feeding cucumbers with ash can be carried out both in open areas and in greenhouses. To do this, it is necessary to dilute 250 g of ash in 10 liters of water, stir the suspension thoroughly and water the plants with it.

Fertilizing cucumbers to prolong fruiting

After the first harvest of cucumbers, you can cause the crop to bloom again. For this purpose, the following dressings are used:

A solution of one glass of ash in a bucket of water.

Urea, diluted in an amount of 15 g per 12 liters of water.

A solution of baking soda in a proportion of 30 g per 12 liters of water.

Infusion of rotten hay, which must be kept for two days.

Recently, feeding cucumbers with bread stew or yeast solution has become popular among gardeners.

If you correctly use fertilizers for cucumbers during the fruiting period, the harvest will never have yellow, lethargic and crooked fruits.

Summer is the time for the formation and ripening of fruits. You can increase the harvest or lose. Right now it is important to properly water the plants, to maintain the water balance.

It seems that this is difficult: take a watering can, a hose and water it to your health. But it turns out that watering in various climatic conditions seems to be a whole science. Exists general rules when, than and garden crops.

1. Is it time or not to water? If the ground is wet at a depth of three centimeters, you can wait with watering. It is better to sprinkle dry soil with water first, and only then water abundantly. Make sure that no puddles form when watering.

2. Water in the morning or evening? It is better to water in the morning, the moisture will have time to be absorbed and there will be less evaporation. Watering in the evening is dangerous due to the spread of fungal diseases. Abundant watering will not allow moisture to be absorbed at night and excessive dampness will appear.

3. Watering at the root or on top? Most crops should be watered at the root, otherwise there may be a threat of fungal diseases.

4. Do you need cold or warm water? Plants love to drink water that has settled down and warmed up by the sun. Such water is more saturated with oxygen. But the roots of plants die off from cold water.

5. How to deliver water to massive, long roots? Rooted plants with a well-developed root system need deep watering. Such watering can be achieved by making a thin stream of water in the hose and placing it under the root. Water slowly enters the soil, moisturizing it well.

6. Does the soil depend on the frequency of watering? Soil properties are taken into account when watering. Clay soils retain moisture better, and therefore are watered less often. Sandy ones require more frequent watering.

7. How to keep moisture in? A few hours after watering, it is necessary to loosen or mulch the soil. This will prevent moisture from escaping. But when loosening, do not expose the roots.

8. More water - more harvest? A lot of water does not mean a good harvest. Plants are more likely to die from overflow than from land. Watering the garden, know when to stop.

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Cucumbers are one of the most favorite crops to grow in vegetable gardens. They bring great benefits to our body due to the high content of vitamins and minerals.

At about the beginning or middle of summer, cucumbers bloom and ovaries form on them. This process does not always contribute to the rapid growth of the vegetables themselves. Therefore, in order to accelerate the ripening of cucumbers, it is necessary to fertilize and fertilize with high quality and on time.

This primarily applies to greenhouse cucumbers. Constant exposure to the sun and heat takes away all the moisture and essential nutrients from the plants. During this time, be sure to water the cucumbers every day in the morning or evening hours.

Fertilizing cucumbers in the greenhouse

During fruiting, nitrogen or potash fertilizers are best suited for feeding. Fertilizer can be root and foliar. For root fertilization, chicken manure or cow dung is used. They are diluted about 1 in 10 with warm water and the plants are watered. Be careful with the application chicken droppings- at high concentration, it causes burns on plants and subsequent wilting. For foliar fertilization, you can use urea in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water or "Ovary" - use according to the instructions.

Top dressing for cucumbers in the open field

For open ground organic fertilizers, such as cow dung, are fine. It is bred with water and watered with cucumbers in evening time... You can also use nitrogen fertilizers for feeding.

Regardless of the place where cucumbers are grown, during their fruiting, a special infusion of nettle is harvested, which is also used for root feeding. By the way, it can be used at intervals of two weeks several times. For its preparation, the collected nettle is placed in a container, for example, a small barrel, poured with boiling water and covered with a lid. The nettle infusion will be ready in one week. In addition to nettle, horse sorrel and plantain can be added there. For watering cucumbers, the infusion is diluted with warm water in a 1: 1 ratio. Nettle contains many of the nutrients that cucumbers need: potassium, magnesium, calcium. Its introduction will give the leaves of cucumbers a rich green color and increase the period of fruiting of plants.

Literate and quality care for cucumbers allows you to harvest good crops even in the coldest and driest seasons.

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Nettle fertilizer

Fertilizer components are literally underfoot. Did you know that nettle produces not only delicious cabbage soup, but also an excellent nitrogen fertilizer, which most plants have a special need for. Top dressing from nettle provides crops with nutritious micro and macro elements, stimulates growth, and has a strengthening effect.

Liquid fertilizer... Collect nettles before flowering when they are growing vigorously. Grind finely, put in an enamel container and pour cold water, close the lid and leave to ferment for 10-14 days. Stir every day. For 1 kg of nettle 10 liters of water. During fermentation, the nettle decomposes, resulting in a thick dark slurry with an unpleasant specific odor.

For watering, the liquid does not need to be filtered. When watering cabbage, lettuce, parsley, dilute the tincture with water 1: 1 - these crops especially need nitrogen. For watering nightshade crops, dilute 1: 5, or even 1:10. For spraying crops, dilute the fertilizer 1:10. Onions, garlic, legumes do not need such watering.

Nettle decoction... It is an excellent tonic and is used to prevent viral and fungal diseases, including late blight. Pour nettle leaves with water and boil for 10 minutes. For 1 kg of nettle, 5 liters of water. Strain the broth, dilute with water 1:20 and spray the crops 2-3 times per season. This must be done before signs of the disease appear, since the broth does not cure the disease, but strengthens the plant's immunity.

Ash fertilizer

Wood ash is an excellent alternative to mineral potash fertilizers. I will approach the remains after burning straw, dry grass, dry manure, branches. It's just great if there is a bathhouse on the site - ash with 12% potassium is obtained from birch firewood.

Ash can be used dry, in its pure form, adding to the holes and beds when planting plants, about 30 g (1 tablespoon) per hole. It can be diluted in water, 150 g per 10 liters, insist for 15 minutes and do root watering with 500 ml per vegetable bush. Pour a bucket of such a solution under each shrub or fruit tree.

Useful for plants and lye, it works as a soil deoxidizer. Cooking recipe: pour 1 kg of ash into 2.5 liters of boiling water, leave for six hours. Then dilute this concentrated solution with two buckets of water, pour 0.5 liters under the bush.

Organic fertilizers will make the soil fertile, help grow healthy, nitrate-free vegetables, berries, and fruits.

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Andrey Streltsov 02/25/2014 | 1042

Everything garden plants a large amount of nutrients are taken out of the ground with the harvest. So that the soil does not deplete and the yields do not decrease, you need to remember about regular feeding.

Fertilizers are of two types: organic and mineral. Organic ones include manure, compost, and humus. Mineral fertilizers can be simple (nitrate, superphosphate, potassium sulfate) and complex (nitroammofoska, Azofos, etc.).

Features of the use of organics in the garden

Organic matter is the most valuable fertilizer, because it not only gives nutrients to the soil, but also improves its structure, makes it loose and moisture-absorbing. It is only necessary to remember that fresh manure is not used in spring, but is brought in only before winter. Compost and humus can also be fertilized in the spring at the rate of about a bucket per square meter. m. Since usually the garden is not dug up in the spring, organic matter is simply scattered over the soil surface under trees, bushes, in rows of strawberries and lightly mixed with the soil with a rake. Then earthworms will get down to business - they will close up all the fertilizer to the depth.

Rules for the use of mineral fertilizers

In the spring, the garden primarily needs nitrogen fertilizers... These are urea, ammonium sulfate and nitrate (ammonium and nitrogen). It is useful to use potassium nitrate, since it contains two active ingredients at once - nitrogen and potassium. Nitrogen fertilizers dissolve easily, so one of the ways to apply them is to sprinkle them directly over the melted snow. This can be done if the site is not on a slope, otherwise melt water carry the fertilizer with them to the nearest lowland. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied in accordance with the norms specified in the instructions on the package. You can independently calculate how much fertilizer is required, knowing that in the spring fruit trees and grapes require about 9 g of nitrogen per sq. m, shrubs - 6 g, strawberries - 5 g. These are very average figures, but you can somehow orient yourself on them. How much nitrogen is in your fertilizer is indicated on the package. For example, urea contains about 50% nitrogen, therefore, it is applied under trees not 9 g each, but twice as much.

The dose is calculated according to the same principle. potash fertilizers(potassium chloride and sulfate, potassium magnesium, potassium nitrate) and phosphoric(superphosphate.) Potash fertilizers are usually applied in autumn, because their main property is to increase the frost resistance of plants. So in the spring you can do without them. In turn, superphosphate dissolves slowly and difficultly, so it is brought into the ground in the spring so that it has time to dissolve by the time it becomes needed - by the time the fruit grows. Phosphorus is required as much as nitrogen, i.e. for trees - 9 g, shrubs - 6 g, strawberries - 5 g of active ingredient per 1 sq. m.

The hardest part is to calculate the dose. complex fertilizers, where there are several active ingredients at once. They can be recognized by their complex names, which indicate the presence of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the composition. So, the name "nitroammofosk" means that there is nitrogen in two forms at once (nitrate and ammonium), phosphorus and potassium.

Phosphate fertilizer it is extremely important to close it deeper into the soil, therefore, superphosphate is introduced in the spring only if spring digging is planned. Otherwise, only nitrogen is introduced in the spring, and phosphorus and potassium are given to plants later (in the form foliar dressing) or during the autumn digging of soil in near-trunk circles.

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Summer is in full swing, it's July. Work is in full swing in the gardens and vegetable gardens, we serve our plants in the hope of getting a beautiful and long flowering, bright decorative foliage, a tasty and rich harvest. Carrying out standard care operations, in particular, feeding the plants, we often see a completely different result than we expect - a green pet should be happy and grow well, having received additional nutrition, and he suddenly starts to wither. What's the matter? Are we always doing the right thing?

We feed our plants with two types of fertilizers - organic and mineral. I will not now discuss the benefits of organic matter and the dangers of so-called "chemistry", I will only say one thing - plants are able to consume nutrients only in mineral form ! That is, any organic object - fallen leaves, manure, grass cuttings or a mole that has died in the garden bed - will become available to the plant as a useful top dressing only after mineralization, that is, decay into available nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, zinc and many other components. So the plant doesn't care whether it got nitrogen from manure or from ammonium nitrate. Another thing is when, in what quantity and for how long this nutrient enters the plant "food".

It is very important to understand that at different stages of life, plants consume nutrients in different quantities.

So, in the phase of active growth , that is, from the moment the seed germinates to the moment the first flowers form, the plants absorb the most nitrogen , since it is a building material in the formation of plant tissue.

During the formation of generative organs - flower buds, peduncles, buds, flowers - most of all the plant needs phosphorus .

V the period of preparation of plants for winter - plays the "first violin" in the symphony of elements potassium .

Of course, the processes of plant growth and development are not divided into clear periods of consumption of only one nutrient, all elements are absolutely necessary and irreplaceable throughout the life of a plant, and their number is not limited only to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

All batteries are conventionally divided into Macronutrients and Microelements.

Macronutrients include nitrogen N , phosphorus P , potassium K , calcium Ca , magnesium Mg , iron Fe ... They are called macronutrients because their role in plant life is very great and their consumption by plants is greater than the consumption of other elements.

All elements that were not included in the first group were attributed to the group of trace elements on this basis. This is boron B , molybdenum Mo , manganese Mn , copper Cu , zinc Zn other.

Fertilizers can be applied to the soil in the fall - this is the main filling of the soil, in the spring - pre-sowing / pre-planting application, as well as in the form of root and foliar dressing during the growing season of plants.

Plants can respond positively to fertilization, or they can get even more sick and even die. Why is this happening? It is unambiguously very difficult to answer this question, because a plant is a complex living organism, and not only fertilizers have an effect on it. All methods of caring for plants are inextricably linked with each other, affect each other, depend on the type of plant, on its economic purpose, on weather conditions and on you and me.

Fertilization may not have the expected effect or have a negative effect if:

Fertilizer was applied out of time;

Fertilizer was applied on dry soil;

Visual diagnostics of plants was carried out incorrectly and the wrong fertilizer was applied to correct nutritional deficiencies;

The fertilizer was applied in a form inaccessible to plants;

Overdose of fertilizers is allowed;

Causes feeling unwell plants are not associated with a lack or excess of fertilizers.

In order not to be trapped, adhere to the following recommendations:

All these simple wisdom will help you make it easier to work with plants, get real pleasure and the expected effect of your investment.

Health to you and your "green" pets, and rich harvests for you!