How to make roasted carrots and onions. Fried carrots with onions

The burgundy color of borscht is due to the fact that the main ingredient is beets. It should be stewed in the form of frying, and be sure to observe main advice: put it in hot vegetable oil first. And only then, when the beets are “grabbed” by hot fat, introduce other vegetables.

2.What's next after beets?

Another recommendation regarding borscht: Add chopped onion to almost finished fried beets. It would be nice to dry it slightly, and not wait until it spreads and becomes invisible. What's next? Grated carrots are added at the same time as the chopped tomatoes. In the absence of such The role of tomatoes will be partially taken over by tomato paste.

3.Carrot and onion dressing for pickles and mushroom soups

Pickles and mushroom soups can be prepared with or without tomatoes. This is not a fundamental point. It is rather in the area of ​​“free experimentation”. But it’s hard to imagine the mentioned varieties of first courses without onions and carrots.

Cooking: heat the sunflower oil, drop carrot sticks into it (or shavings - as you like, a convenient grater will help you make the shavings, you will have to chop the straws manually with a knife). As soon as you see that the carrot particles are completely caught in the boiling oil, immediately add the chopped onions.

Stir vigorously to prevent burning. After a couple of minutes, reduce the heat, add water to the vegetable mixture (mix a small amount with 1/2 spoon of flour for thickness). The consistency guideline is thicker than borscht; thinner than vegetable stew.

4. Dressing based on fresh herbs

Don't just use the "standard" dill and parsley. Basil, delicate varieties of cilantro, and fennel sprigs will also come in handy. And also chopped spinach.

Steam it all with boiling water and crush it. Add the gruel to the fried hot onions. Simmer for another five to seven minutes. These roasts are recommended for legume-based soups.

5.Garlic-mushroom variations

There is only one requirement for mushrooms: they must be of high quality. The rest is easy and simple - chopped, fried, onion as desired (here it does not play a dominant role), crushed garlic was added a minute before readiness.

It is noteworthy that You can fry mushrooms not only in sunflower oil, but also in butter. This stir-fry usually tops simple noodle soups and other pasta dishes. As a result, the first dish becomes rich in taste even in the absence of meat.

When frying, first of all, chop the vegetables in a convenient way. “Standard set” of frying - 1 onion and 1 carrot - fry over high heat without a lid, stirring frequently. First, fry the onion for a couple of minutes, then add the carrots and all together for another 5 minutes. If you also add chopped tomatoes, then fry for an additional couple of minutes beyond the specified time.

How to fry a roast

Onion - 1-2 heads
Carrots - 1 large
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons

How to fry fried onions and carrots
1. Place a frying pan over medium heat and add oil.
2. While the frying pan is heating up (1-2 minutes), peel and chop the onion - either half rings or cubes, depending on how you want the onions to appear in the soup.
3. Fry the onion over medium heat for 3 minutes, stirring. While it is frying, peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater, or the carrots can be cut into thin semicircles.
4. Add the carrots to the onions, increase the heat and fry for 4-5 minutes over high heat, without leaving the stove and stirring constantly, until the desired degree of browning.
5. Add the roast to the soup 5 minutes before it’s ready.

Roasting borscht with beets
1. Fry onions and carrots for 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring regularly.
2. While the onions and carrots are frying, peel the beets and grate them (stirring the onions and carrots from time to time).
3. Add beets, fry them for 10 minutes over medium heat, adding a couple more tablespoons of oil.
4. Reduce the heating power to low, add half a ladle of broth, cover and simmer for 10 minutes, add 5 minutes before the end of cooking the borsch.

Frying for pickle with beets
1. Fry onions and carrots over medium heat for 10 minutes, add grated or chopped cucumbers, fry for 5 minutes.
2. Add oil and half a ladle of broth, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes under the lid.
3. Add the roast to the pickle 10 minutes before the end of cooking the soup.


Roasting - fried vegetables - is done to enhance the flavor of the meat broth. In addition, roasting makes the soup beautiful.

You can add tomatoes or tomato paste, bell pepper, and garlic to the frying. Mushrooms, sausage, celery, and parsnips are less often added. To prepare spicy soups, you can add spices to the roast.

To increase the nutritional value of the soup, you can use salted or smoked lard for frying instead of oil. Vegetable oil can be replaced with butter.

The frying should be added to the soup at the very end of cooking so that it does not boil over in the soup.

You can do without frying vegetables - you can chop them and add them raw to the soup: onions 10 minutes before the end of cooking, carrots 15 minutes before the end of cooking. In this case, the dish will be lighter.

Vegetables should be of high quality; no need to take stale carrots or sprouted onions. So, for example, carrots should be hard to the touch and cannot be pressed with your finger, but if after such manipulations a dent remains, then this indicates that the process of decomposition has begun.

Such a vegetable will not add flavor to the dish, and I wouldn’t really want to taste just the onion. Having chosen a juicy carrot, you should grate it on a coarse grater, having first peeled it. Then you need to finely chop the onion. These can be small cubes or half rings.

Roasting process

Add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to a heated frying pan and add onions. Fry until a golden crust appears. You can then add the carrots and fry together until the desired color is achieved. It is quite acceptable to fry onions and carrots together, but here it is necessary to take into account that the onions will not get a golden crust. If you add carrots first, you can forget about the aroma of onions, since during the frying process the carrots will in any case release juice, which will neutralize the aroma of other vegetables used for frying.

For pickle, frying is prepared a little differently. Fry the carrots and onions together, then add the pickled cucumbers and fry for another 5 minutes. Then, as necessary, add a little vegetable oil and simmer for 10 minutes under the lid. A few minutes before the end of cooking, the roast should be placed in a pickle pan.

For beet borscht, onions and carrots should also be fried together, stirring occasionally, then add grated beets and a little vegetable oil. After 10 minutes, you need to add broth to the resulting mass and simmer the frying on the fire for another 10 minutes. Before the end of cooking, the frying is added to the main composition of the borscht.

A recipe for frying soup for the winter can be an excellent lifesaver for working women who do not have much time to prepare lunch or dinner for the whole family. Having such preparation, preparing aromatic soup in 20 minutes is not difficult. Well, the fact that during the harvest season vegetables are much cheaper than in winter, and the quality of vegetables leaves much to be desired, also plays an important role.

I prepare a completely simple fry, you can add other ingredients, I prefer to use onions, carrots, bell peppers and a little tomato. Sometimes I don’t even add tomatoes.

IMPORTANT: it is advisable to cook all the frying ingredients in separate pans and then simmer together, since the cooking time for each vegetable is different.

Wash the carrots, peel them and grate them on a coarse grater.

Peel the bell pepper from seeds and cut into cubes.

I'll cook the carrots and bell peppers in the same pan because the peppers will release their juices and allow the carrots to cook a little. Pour 2 tbsp into the pan. vegetable oil, put the frying pan on the fire. Fry the carrots for 5-7 minutes, then add the bell pepper and fry the vegetables, stirring, over medium heat for another 10 minutes. Make sure that the vegetables do not burn.

Cut the onion into small cubes.

Fry the onion for 5-7 minutes with the remaining 1 tbsp. vegetable oil until soft, it is important not to let the onions burn, otherwise the frying will be bitter!

Place fried carrots and bell peppers in a frying pan with fried onions.

If you want to cook the roast without tomatoes, then simply simmer the vegetables for another 10 minutes until the liquid evaporates.

I'm preparing a roast with tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes into very small cubes.

Add the tomatoes to the rest of the vegetables and simmer for another 15-20 minutes.

There should be no liquid left in the frying; pieces of vegetables will simply be coated in vegetable oil.

The roast for the soup for the winter is ready. We distribute the finished frying into small jars, pre-sterilized. Let the frying cool completely in the jars and store the workpiece in a cool place.

Delicious and aromatic soups with a wonderful preparation!!!

An acquaintance, I remember lamenting: Well, why, why is your pea soup beautiful, and Valya’s is gray-green? Because I don’t spare carrots, and I sauté them correctly.

How is this correct? For soup - an important point - the carrots are sautéed until they color the oil. So you need to keep the heat on medium and stir it, not letting it burn or dry out, or let it simmer a little - there’s literally one extra minute and the juice from the carrots is released into the oil. I understand that this sounds strange and unprofessional - but that’s exactly how it is.

I also never boil spices or bay leaves in soup. First - just salt. Well, maybe ground black pepper. I would completely remove peppercorns from canteens. I would forbid it.

Sometimes you eat soup, and then you scoop up a spoonful of these peas from the bottom...ugh. I wish I had visited!

I also sauté vegetables in the same pan, but one at a time. For example, first the onions and carrots, as soon as they are sautéed, I move them to the edges and chop the garlic in the middle. I fry the garlic for a minute, stir everything together and pull it apart again, freeing the middle - I put the lettuce pepper there.

A minute or two on the pepper - I mix everything again. Something like that.

I remove the finished soup from the stove and only then add a bay leaf to it - I just stick it in, herbs (fresh or dry) and other spices (others, however, rarely). Cover with a lid and leave for about 15 minutes. Only then stir and you can eat. I’m not boiling, as I said above.

If you are used to cooking with spices, try doing it as I advise once and “feel the difference” (c)

For cold days, there is a recipe for pea soup. No potatoes. You can cook it without meat at all. Or you can fry bacon or smoked sausages separately and add them along with the sauté.

A few more words about soups

I explained there a little vaguely about sautéing carrots.

I'll explain in a little more detail.

Carrots should be simmered with oil over medium or slightly less than medium heat (depending on the thickness of the pan). The thinner the pan, the lower the fire.

You have carrots over high heat, and all other vegetables are fried almost dry, rather than sautéed.

Sauteed vegetables should not have fried crusts. They are simmered in a small amount of oil. And you need to simmer them carefully. Vegetables should release their color into the oil. That is, color the oil. With onions this is not very noticeable, but carrots, lettuce peppers, beets color the oil.

A common mistake is either quickly overcooked vegetables. Or, on the contrary, undercooked. Sometimes it already seems to you that the same carrots are ready, but in fact you should wait a couple more minutes, carefully monitor and stir - and bam! - the oil becomes colored.

This is what perfectly sautéed carrots look like. Do you see what color the oil is? What color are the carrots themselves?

Another common mistake is saving on sauteing. Here the principle is “Jews, don’t skimp on the tea leaves.” Now you cook it in the usual way - try next time adding more vegetables per onion and one carrot - you will immediately understand HOW much the taste changes.

And here’s another mistake - overcooking. That is, you, having forgotten your school physics course, first boil the potatoes until tender, then add the rest of the vegetables and cook, cook, cook. And then you remove the pan from the stove, and the larger the pan, the longer the heat is retained, that is, the process of cooking the same vegetables, the same potatoes, continues. And the end result is an unintelligible porridge, not a soup.

I check potatoes like this:

While it’s still in its entire shape, but it’s been boiling for about five minutes, I take out a piece and press it with the blunt side of a knife - if it easily breaks into two parts, that’s it. I quickly add the sauté and noodles, bring it to a boil again and immediately remove it. (Or I carefully tip it onto a nearby table - if it is a 50-liter stainless steel pan with pickle, as I just did).

That's why my soups are always delicious. It doesn't matter if I'm brewing five or two hundred servings.

The other day Belka and Den came by. For ideological reasons, they refused to eat restaurant borscht, and they happily ate the pea soup that I prepared for tourists for lunch and called it ideal. (Bragging, yes!).

Let me clarify right away - the one with potatoes is called home-style meat solyanka. The one without potatoes is a meat solyanka (classic recipe). And homemade was already born in the Soviet years: more potatoes, less smoked meats.