Why can't you have a wedding on a leap year? What not to do in a leap year and why: signs and superstitions.

What not to do in leap year 2016?

    You know, there are many opinions on this issue. But it's up to you to decide whether to drive on this topic or not). It seems to me that you just need to live and enjoy life. And it doesn't matter what year it is, as they say.

    But for superstitious people, there are such tips:

    • First. Don't carol. It is believed that this can lead to adverse consequences in a leap year;
    • Second. Don't change jobs. There is an opinion that then you will not be able to find anything suitable for a long time;
    • Third. Don't sell animals. This may reflect badly on your wallet in the future.
    • Fourth. It is better not to tell anyone about your dreams this year. Tell us - nothing will come true.
    • Fifth. Perhaps the most interesting thing - do not invite guests into the house when your baby has its first tooth. Who knows what this threatens the baby with ?! Better to be on the safe side).
  • An old omen that I know and heard about: in a leap year, you cannot pick any mushrooms and harvest them for the winter: salt, pickle, dry, boil, freeze.

    It is believed that with mushrooms you can collect a lot of negativity from the ground.

    And this applies not only to 2016 of the Monkey, but every leap year.

    If you believe in omens, then the restrictions for this 2016 are exactly the same as for other leap years.

    Do not marry, do not get divorced, do not have children, do not build.

    Do not pick mushrooms. Do not dig in the garden.

    Do not change the place of work.

    For some reason, it is believed that a leap year must necessarily be difficult, and then 2016 falls on the year of the red monkey, an animal in itself capricious. So the coming year promises to be very stressful for superstitious people. As for specific prohibitions, it is not advisable to play a wedding in a leap year, it is better to spend an extra year as a bride and test your feelings for strength. It was written correctly about mushrooms, which are also not recommended to be picked in a leap year. And you also can't tell outsiders what you want to call your baby, if he should be born this year, you can't celebrate birthdays, if this year you turn nine years old, you can't quarrel this year especially, because any quarrel will additionally weigh heavily on your aura. Well, and most importantly, you cannot believe stupid omens.

    I hear from many that in a leap year it is impossible to buy or sell real estate, the transaction will not be successful, and also that it is impossible to make major repairs in a house or apartment. I don’t know how serious these restrictions are, but I don’t plan anything like that for 2016.

    There is a sign that a child born in a leap year must be baptized this year and taken as godparents of his blood relatives.

    Not to divulge the name of the unborn baby, it is strictly forbidden for a pregnant woman to cut her hair in a leap year before giving birth.

    Marriages made in 2016 are expected to be short-lived.

    In short, people believe that a high-yielding year is somehow not so and not lucky. If we proceed from this, then any act can, in principle, be subjected to skepticism. Especially important, such as marriage, for example, people in such a year are especially afraid of this event.

    By folk signs who were born from the legend that February 29 is Kasyan's day, and this comrade was once an angel and was guilty before God, because he told the demons about his plans. For this they beat him for three years, and in the fourth year they let him go to the ground, where he takes out his evil in public. In order not to attract his attention, you must not change anything in your life in a leap year: you should not marry, get divorced, change jobs, you should not take large sums on credit. But it's up to everyone to believe in omens or not. It is best to tune in to the positive, because there is a placebo effect, you believe in good -so and it will be, you believe in the bad - it will also be.

    You can't stuff your head with superstitions 🙂

    They are an atavism of the pagan past of our ancestors, but we have crossed the threshold of the 21st century!

    You need to live as always, as usual, as in any other year!

    When buying an apartment - think with brains, not signs,

    at marriage - by heart, not by superstition,

    at the birth of a child, prepare in advance all the conditions for his appearance and take care of his health.

    And not to refer to some kind of Kasyan and a leap year, which supposedly will ruin your life in some way, just because there is one more day in the year and bad legends have been made about him since ancient times.

    Remember at least your own past and previous leap years, it will probably turn out that they were no different from others!

    There are a lot of signs that relate to a leap year. However, I would not like to tune myself to the bad. It is better to take these signs calmly.

    One of them is a sign that one cannot marry and marry in a leap year, since the family will be haunted by setbacks. The union can be unhappy and short-lived.

    It is also impossible to get a divorce this year, since one of the spouses will not find his own happiness.

    You can't build houses this year.

    You cannot talk about your plans, they may not come true.

    It is not worth changing the place of work, there will be no success.

    As I understand it, you cannot start anything new in a leap year. You can read about this in detail here.

A leap year is characterized by the fact that it has 1 day more than in other years. In February, instead of 28 days, there will be 29. People relate to this period in different ways. For some, this is an ordinary year without any special features. But for many people, a leap year is fraught with certain dangers, which they try to avoid, relying on signs and superstitions. According to popular belief, a leap year has many prohibitions and warnings.

Legends about Kasyanov Day

February 29 is popularly called Kasyanov's day. It has long been considered that this particular day is the most dangerous and difficult. These beliefs are associated with a certain Kasyan, who, according to statements, was one of the angels who knew all the plans and intentions of God. But as a result, he was a traitor who initiated all the mysteries of the representatives of the forces of evil.

For his actions, he was punished - every 3 years he was beaten, and in the fourth year he was released. He descended to earth, where he did bad deeds, generated evil around him and encouraged people to become evil. According to other statements, this Kasyan was a saint, but he was addicted to alcohol. He drank every 3 years, and in the 4th year did not drink alcohol.

What not to do in a leap year

Relying on oriental calendar, 2020 is held under the auspices of the Metal Rat. This means that this year there will be surprises and unpredictable events. Since this animal is spontaneous and unpredictable, surprises are expected, and not always pleasant.

But since the year is also a leap year, this will entail troubles and negative events, so many people want to know what is not recommended to do this year in order to prevent Negative consequences... Of course, you should not blindly believe in all the warnings, instilling bad things in yourself, you can independently attract negativity to yourself.

It is believed that this year is unfavorable for:

  1. Christmas carols. For a long time, people believed that such actions attract evil spirits, so in a leap year it is better to refrain from carols.
  2. You should not let strangers into your plans. It is believed that what was conceived will not come true, and luck will bypass.
  3. It is not recommended for pregnant women to cut their hair, they say that this way the child may have any disorders or congenital diseases.
  4. This year, you should not invite guests when the baby's first tooth erupts. According to beliefs, if guests are invited to this event, the remaining teeth will grow painfully and subsequently will be bad.
  5. Leap years are unfavorable for selling animals. This bodes well for poverty and adverse consequences for the living creatures in the house.
  6. You cannot get a divorce during this period. If divorce is unavoidable, you need to protect yourself from the consequences. Purchase a towel and give it to the church. To protect yourself from the subsequent unfavorable family union, before divorce, go to church and put a candle in front of the icon of the Mother of God.
  7. It is not recommended to change jobs. This is fraught with problems in a new place.
  8. You cannot move to a new place of residence. It is believed that in new apartment only failures and problems will await a person.
  9. A leap year is unfavorable for the construction of a bath, this can lead to long-term illness and health problems.

Major Leap Year Prohibitions

According to the signs, in a leap year, you should not have a wedding, it is fraught with short duration and unhappy marriage. It is not recommended to pick mushrooms, even edible ones can become poisonous. If a girl begins her first menstrual period during this period, you cannot tell anyone about this, except for her mother, this entails soreness and other consequences.

Women who are carrying a baby should not be told about what they plan to name him. It is better to postpone the construction and renovation of housing until next year, this can provoke the fragility of the repair, the precariousness of the building. It is better to refrain from planning pregnancy during this period. According to signs, babies born in a leap year will be easily susceptible to evil eyes and spoilage. If the baby is born during this period, it must be washed with water and wiped with the hem of the mother's skirt. Do this procedure every year until the child is seven years old. Not worth taking in godfathers or the mothers of their blood relatives, especially those who have a difficult and difficult fate (divorced, orphans, those whose children have died), it is believed that in this way the godparent will pass on his trouble to the godson.

You cannot borrow, it entails poverty. In a leap year, birthdays on February 29 are not celebrated by those people who turn 9, 19, 29, etc. It is better to postpone the celebration to another day. It is not recommended to use a vehicle that has not been previously driven, flown or swam. It bodes well for trouble along the way.

On February 29, you should not think about serious plans, they are not destined to come true. On Ivan Kupala, you need to collect herbs, since collected on this day medicinal plants have a healing magic power... But before you start collecting them, you need to go to church, perform certain rituals. When you pick the first plant, you should spit on your hands three times. It is better for older people to refrain from collecting things for their funerals in a leap year, this can lead to quick death.

Before canning, the jars are sterilized in water, to which a little holy water should be added. If you ignore this rule, the preservation can explode or turn sour. It is not recommended to enter into serious quarrels, this negatively affects the human biofield and provokes the occurrence of various diseases. If a quarrel could not be avoided, you need to protect yourself by drinking a few sips of holy water.

A leap year has long been considered dangerous, the attitude towards it was bad, it was believed that any undertaking in this year would bring misfortune. We no longer remember the reason for all these beliefs, but out of habit we consider the leap year to be difficult and we are eagerly awaiting its coming.

And indeed, it seems that the year is difficult, any bad event is perceived with a heavy sigh: "Well, what to expect from a leap year!" And joyful events are practically not noticed, or vice versa, we are surprised: “Wow! Something good happened in a leap year! "

Why is a leap year bad?

Why is the leap year so bad for us? It would be fine for one day, but here you suffer and suffer for a whole year, and cross out the months in the calendar, in the hope that the year will end soon. Why is it so customary that a leap year is considered bad.

Winter was considered the most difficult time of the year for our ancestors. She was always experienced with difficulty, and was considered happiness if she passed without much loss. And in a leap year, as you know, winter is one day longer. In general, because of this annoying misunderstanding, people disliked the whole year.

Another reason is the so-called number of the Beast. In a normal year there are 365 days, and in a leap year - 366, the year ends with two sixes, one would already be enough to declare a bad year, but here there are as many as two!

The last day of winter in a leap year is considered a dangerous and terrible day, people were afraid to go out on this day, because "Kasian will freeze with his gaze." On this day, it was believed that spirits roam the streets and drag away any careless, gaping passer-by. Woe to those who find themselves on the street late in the day!

Russian people have always treated everything mystical with great trepidation. A person is generally inclined to be afraid of everything mysterious, incomprehensible, inexplicable. They were also afraid of a leap year, which, with its icy breath, lengthened the dangerous season by a whole day. Therefore, this year a lot of bans were imposed, which were supposed to save people from trouble.

In a leap year, you cannot start anything new, take any bold measures, decisions, actions. Anything you do in a leap year will fail, not lead to anything good. It is also not worth changing work, this is regarded as a new undertaking, therefore, it will not lead to anything good.

For example, there was such a case. The woman has long dreamed of changing her place of work, she was offered instead of a seller in a store, a consultant in a beauty salon. She always wanted to get there, the salary was promised more and the conditions were better. And then, finally, a happy accident turned up. She quit her previous job and moved on to a new one. But she managed to work there for about a month, the owner of the beauty salon went bankrupt and sold the premises, where instead of a beauty salon appeared ... the same store! As a result, the woman was left with nothing, and she had to look for a new job.

Our ancestors believed that all undertakings this year would either fail or lead to even more unpleasant consequences. That is why it is better to postpone changing jobs, buying a new home or moving to another city. Such decisions are not made off the bat, and even more so in a leap year.

It is better to think it over, weigh the pros and cons, wait until next year, and then it turns out that the previous place of work is not so bad, and maybe it will turn up more the best way than the one discussed earlier. Do not rush to make important decisions, so that later you do not regret and do not bite your elbows in frustration.

Everyone has different attitude by a leap year, someone thinks that this is the most ordinary year, someone is afraid of him, like leprosy. There are a lot of signs and prohibitions associated with a leap year, it is easier to list what you can do in a leap year than to read the entire list of prohibitions. This year, you need to be careful in any endeavors.

It would seem that the most ordinary year, only one day more, but our ancestors had many fears associated with these days. Winter in general has always been feared, this is a terrible, mysterious, harsh time. Especially in our northern regions, where winters are hard and you can only survive them together. Therefore, a day that lengthens the winter was not particularly welcomed by our ancestors.

Why you can't get divorced on a leap year

In a leap year, there are many things you can't do, and one of such serious prohibitions is divorce. It is believed that if you divorce this year, the rest of your life will be unhappy. Not very pleasant, considering that they usually dream of getting liberation with divorce. heal new life, and this very life turns out to be completely unpleasant. And the person thinks, “I'd better not get divorced. Life was quieter that way. "

Divorces in a leap year are troublesome for both. But they are especially strongly reflected on the side that initiated the divorce (unless, of course, there was a mutual agreement). There are cases when a woman left her husband for another man, and six months later, the new husband died suddenly. Therefore, the new family did not bring any happiness.

Perhaps, thanks to such a sign, our ancestors tried to preserve the family in this way. After all, if this year it is impossible to divorce, then you will have to postpone until the next, and next year it may turn out that you no longer need to get a divorce. Indeed, often the reason for divorce between spouses is a banal misunderstanding, outbursts of jealousy and anger, situations that seem insoluble and unforgivable.

For example, there is such a case when a man filed for divorce, arguing that his wife was cheating on him. And after a while it turned out that the woman was slandered by her own friend, forging photographs, and that man cannot live without her and is even ready to forgive for treason, which, in fact, did not exist. So the divorce turned out to be superfluous. Many situations, at first glance obvious, turn out to be completely different from what they were.

How to avoid divorce on a leap year

If you feel that the situation in your family is heating up to the limit, and things are going to divorce, and the calendar is a leap year, then you will have to grit your teeth and try to contain the disaster volcano.

First, talk to your soul mate, tell about your fears and experiences, explain how important it is to you. Try to gently sort things out, maybe everything is not so critical and a divorce is not needed at all. An ordinary heart-to-heart conversation, an honest conversation, often solves family problems better than anything else.

If, nevertheless, the conversation did not help, and the catastrophe does not move away, then try to survive this year as calmly as possible and without any special conflicts. Treat this person like an ordinary acquaintance, if you feel that you cannot live peacefully together, try to separate or, for example, live in different rooms... Everyone's situation is different, but the advice is general: try to minimize the number of contacts with the person.

There is also such a sign in case the divorce still could not be avoided. You need to buy a new towel, go to church, defend the service and give this towel to those who serve in the temple. Thus, you give up all family misfortunes, cleanse the old from the past dirt and open the door to new happiness.

An ordinary year, in which there are 365 days, people greet with joy and hope. But when it’s leap time, there’s a kind of tension even in the air.

The earth revolves around the sun. But not 365 days. The planet spends a little more. The difference is almost six hours. More precisely - 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds. For four years of revolutions, an extra day was always running up. What was to be done with them and where to "attach" to the calendar? This was attended by Gaius Julius Caesar and added one day to the fourth year. We added it to the shortest month - February. In Russia, a year with extra days began to be called a leap year.

February 29 - Kasyanov day

The additional day of February is called Kasyanov. Who this character really was is still a mystery.

According to some beliefs, Kasian was an Angel, though not very reliable. He knew about many plans of God, but for some reason chose to cooperate with the demons and told them about the plans of the Almighty. For which he paid. For three years in a row he received a punishment on the forehead, on the fourth he was lowered to Earth and allowed to rest.

According to another legend, Kasian was a saint. But he had a bad temper and was addicted to alcohol. He used it for three years in a row, and on the fourth he established a dry law for himself.

What not to do

If you believe the signs, during this period it is better not to plan serious undertakings.

  • For example, new job... She will bring disappointment not only in terms of wages... Other things will not suit you either: the team and its leaders, the schedule of work and rest and the organization of the process. Motivation can drop to zero. And this will inevitably lead to the fact that a person will not hold out in the found place for long and will again be in search.
  • It is also better not to change the apartment at this time. A lot of effort will be spent to acquire new housing. But the expected comfort will be questionable. And the neighbors may not be the best.
  • Numerous diseases this year are prepared for those who decided to build a bathhouse. It is also believed that the construction could be threatened by the aforementioned Kasyan. He loves to harm people and can easily burn a building. Agree, I don’t want to take risks.

  • It is better for expectant mothers not to dye or cut their hair in a turbulent year. Otherwise, the born child may have health problems. And when the baby has the first tooth, you should not invite guests. It is believed that then this and the rest of the teeth will be bad.
  • A child born in a leap year is taken as godfather only by blood relatives. It is they who, having a stronger bond with the baby, will be able to protect him from adversity and misfortune.
  • Plans, too, during this period should not be shared with others. Luck can turn away, and dreams will remain unfulfilled.

Moving away from the global events of life, we will analyze the less significant

  • Those who like to show in a leap year are better off refraining from this. Devilry does not sleep at any time, casually takes an interest in a person and gets in trouble.
  • It is also better to live together with domestic animals in a turbulent year, to groom and cherish them. You cannot sell and exchange, all this leads to poverty.
  • Picking mushrooms is also undesirable. A mere hobby can lead to illness or worse.

Leap year protection

People have come up with a lot of conspiracies to protect themselves during this period, and they read them before the onset of the new year and before its departure. There are a lot of signs. For example, what to do when you leave the house, hear the first thunder or howling a dog.


Skeptics are suspicious of leap year prejudices. And according to the encyclopedia
The Chronicle of Humanity can be traced to the fact that various cataclysms, catastrophes and other troubles occurred regardless of what time it was in the yard.

In leap years, for example, the following events occurred: in 1912 the famous "Titanic" sank, forty years later the Americans detonated a hydrogen bomb, and in 1960 a devastating earthquake took place in Chile.

Common sad dates are not much different. 1914, 1939 - the beginning of the First and Second World Wars, respectively, 1941 - the Great Patriotic War broke out. 1945 - two Japanese cities were bombed.

The best day…

About five million people whose birthday falls on February 29 can refute the bad ideas about leap years. For them, such a day is the brightest, most special, kind and magical. And, of course, these people are eagerly awaiting when they can arrange a merry holiday, invite guests and receive gifts from them. This means that they are in a hurry to approach the leap year and are not at all afraid of it.