Godfather for the girl of duty. What signs are associated with baptism

Baby Baptism: What Parents Need to Know

For Orthodox Christians, baptism is the second (but in a certain sense, the main) spiritual birth of a person, his purification for subsequent existence, a kind of "pass" to heaven - the Kingdom of God. The newly enlightened person receives remission of previous sins. That is why Baptism, among all the Sacraments, is the first sacrament and is necessary for every person seeking salvation and the meaning of life.


Who are the godparents?

The sacrament of baptism is a special rite. This is the cleansing of the soul and the spiritual birth of a person. According to the tradition of the Church, a baby should be baptized on the eighth or fortieth day of life. It is clear that at such an age it is impossible to demand from him faith and repentance - the two main conditions for union with God. Therefore, godparents are assigned to them, who undertake the obligation to educate their godchildren in the spirit of Orthodoxy. So the choice of godparents should be approached with all responsibility. After all, in theory, they should become a second mom and a second dad for your baby.

How to choose godparents?

When choosing a godfather for your little one, find someone you trust completely. These can be close friends or relatives with whom you constantly support good relationship... According to church tradition, if something happens to the parents, the godparents are obliged to replace their godson.

A godfather can only be an Orthodox believer who is able to give an account of his faith. Actually, the boy only needs a godfather, and the girl only needs a godmother. But according to the ancient Russian tradition, both are invited. At your request, there can be two, four, six ...

According to the laws of the Orthodox Church, recipients (godparents) cannot be:
- parents cannot be godfathers of their child;
- husband and wife are godparents of one infant;
- children (according to the decrees of the Holy Synod of 1836-1837, the godfather must be at least 15 years old, and the godmother must be at least 13 years old), because they are not yet able to vouch for the faith of the baptized person, and they themselves do not know the laws of Orthodoxy;
- people are immoral and insane: the former because they do not deserve to be godparents by their very way of life, and the latter because, due to illness, they are not able either to vouch for the faith of the baptized person, or to teach him the faith;
- non-Orthodox - receivers of the Orthodox.

What are the duties of godparents

Unfortunately, not every godparent can imagine why this is the name of his new “position”. It is good to visit the godson and give gifts for the day of an angel or birth. However, it is far from the most important thing. Caring for a growing godson includes a lot.

First of all, this is a prayer for him. Learn to turn to God once a day - before bed. It's actually not difficult at all. Ask the Lord for health, salvation, help in raising your own children, the welfare of godchildren and relatives. It will be useful to master the path to the temple together with the baby, to bring him to communion on a church holiday. It would be great to conduct educational games with the baby, read books to him. For example, many adults love to read the children's Bible. It describes all the main events of the Sacred History in an accessible way.

In addition, godparents can make life much easier for young mothers who find it difficult to find time to work with their baby. If everyone, to the best of their ability, spends free hours in communication with the child, then he himself will enjoy this.

The appearance of the godparents

At the ceremony, the recipients (this is another name for the godfather) must come with baptismal crosses consecrated in the church. In the traditions of the Slavic peoples in the temple, women have always had a covered head and a dress below the knee with closed shoulders (with the exception of little girls). Do not wear shoes on high heels, since the baptism rite lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours and most of the time you will have to stand with the child in your arms. As for men, there are no requirements for their clothes, but it is better to refrain from shorts and T-shirts. In church, such an outfit would look out of place.

Let the good old order not become burdensome for you, because your beautiful trousers and new fashionable haircut can be demonstrated in other places. In the church, it is better not to draw attention to yourself, focusing on the purpose of your ward.

Preparing for the ceremony

Currently, the ceremony is performed mainly in temples. Only in exceptional cases, if, for example, the child is very sick, the sacrament can be performed at home or in the hospital. Then a separate clean room is necessarily allocated for the ceremony.

To baptize a baby, you must first of all choose a church. Walk through the temples, listen to your feelings. But keep in mind that baptism does not always take place directly in the church. Most cathedrals have a baptismal (or baptistery) - this is a separate room on the territory of the church, specially adapted for this rite. In large churches, baptism usually takes place quite magnificently and solemnly. But, perhaps, someone will like the secluded and calm atmosphere of small churches. Talk to the priest or novices, they will tell you in detail how the baptismal ceremony takes place in this church.

How to choose the day of your baptism?

There is no church institution of Baptism on the fortieth day, this is primarily due to the fact that until the fortieth day the Church keeps the parent woman from entering the temple because of her postnatal infirmities and expirations that she has at this time. And the first entry of the mother into the temple after the break is accompanied by the reading of special cleansing prayers, before reading which she should not be present at the services.
But you do not need to take the day of baptism directly, you can baptize the baby a little later, a little earlier. And now sometimes, at the request of the parents, they baptize the child until the fortieth day, especially when there is at least some danger to the health of the child (baptism in this case is considered as a protective rite).

In ancient times, the performance of the sacrament was most often timed to coincide with the greatest Christian holidays, for example, Easter. But baptism gradually turned into a family holiday. And now, on the contrary, the ceremony is held almost every day, with the exception of such large church holidays as Christmas, Easter, Trinity. These days the churches are usually overcrowded and the priests advise to reschedule the ceremony. Most temples can be visited without an appointment. Usually the sacrament of baptism begins at 10 o'clock, immediately after the service. True, in this case, it is highly likely that besides you, several more people will be baptized and you will either have to wait, or you will be baptized along with others. It is much more convenient to agree with the priest, who will perform the sacrament, on a specific date and time in one or two weeks. Then your baby will be baptized first and in splendid isolation. In addition, when choosing the day of baptism, try not to get it on critical days godmother. The fact is that during this period a woman should not kiss the shrines: kiss the cross, icons, and it is better not to enter the temple at all.

Preparing the godparents for the rite of baptism

If you want to comply with all the rules, start preparing for the ceremony in advance. Godfathers need to go to church to confess, repent of their sins and receive communion. It is advisable (but not necessary) to fast for three to four days before the ceremony. But on the day of baptism, as well as before communion, godparents cannot eat and have sex. At least one of the parents must know the Symbol of Faith prayer by heart. As a rule, when a girl is baptized, the Godmother reads the Symbol of Faith, and when a boy is baptized, the father reads.

And one more thing: according to an unspoken rule, the godparents bear all the costs of baptism. In some churches there are no official prices, it is believed that after the ceremony, the godparents and those invited make donations as much as they can. These costs are optional and their size is not specified anywhere. But the custom is usually followed.

According to the church custom, the godmother buys a kryzhma or "garment". This is a special fabric, or just a towel, in which the child is wrapped when taken out of the font. In addition, the godmother gives a christening gown and a cap with lace and ribbons (for a boy - with blue ones, for girls - with pink ones, respectively). The baptismal gown is kept for life. The towel, according to custom, is not washed after the baptism of the child, but is used if the child is sick.

The godfather, again according to custom, buys a baptismal cross and a chain. Some believe that the cross and the chain should be gold, some - silver, while others are of the opinion that small children should wear a cross on a ribbon or string.
What prayers do you need to know?

Every conscientious Christian needs to know the basic prayers: "Our Father", "Virgin Mary", "Symbol of Faith". During baptism, the godparents say the Symbol of Faith prayer for the baby. All these prayers are in a short prayer book, which, if desired, can be bought at the church shop.

What to bring to the temple?

As already mentioned, baptism is a birth into a new sinless life. Perceiving the newly baptized from the holy font, the godparents accept an absolutely pure, sin-free being. The symbol of such purity is white clothing - a kryzhma, which is brought to the temple along with a cross on a chain or thread. Who should buy a cross and who should buy a chain, let the godparents decide for themselves. At the end of the ceremony, the priest will consecrate them and put them on to the baby.

An openwork diaper, a baptismal shirt or a new towel that has not yet been washed will serve as a canopy for a small child.

What happens during the ordinance of baptism?

The priest, godparents, and the child are the main participants in the ordinance. According to ancient customs, the mother and father of the child should not be present when the sacrament is performed. Although recently, the church has been more loyal to this prohibition and allows the father, and sometimes the mother of the baby, to observe the ceremony with those invited after saying a special prayer.

Throughout the ritual, the recipients stand next to the priest and one of them holds the baptized one in his arms. Before the ceremony, a priest in white robes walks around the baptismal room or temple and reads three prayers. Then he asks the godparents and godson to turn their faces to the west - symbolically, this is the abode of Satan. And, addressing the baptized person, he asks several questions.

Questions and answers are repeated three times. After that, the godparents should read the "Symbol of Faith" - this is summary the foundations of the Christian faith, which all Orthodox Christians should know by heart. Then chrismation takes place. Having dipped a brush into a vessel with myrrh, the priest anoints the forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, chest, arms and legs of the baptized person crosswise. And with each anointing he says: “The seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen". The godparents, together with the priest, repeat: "Amen."

After chrismation, a lock of hair is cut off from the head, which remains in the temple as a pledge of dedication and a symbol of sacrifice to God. If the child is baptized in the cold season or the conditions do not allow him to undress ( low temperature in the baptismal room), release the baby's arms and legs in advance.

Then the priest takes the child away from them and performs the baptismal ceremony directly - three times immersion of the baptized person in the baptismal font. If it is warm in the baptismal room, then, most likely, your baby will be dipped naked. But when it is cold in the temple, only the neck, hands and feet are exposed for anointing. Then one of the godparents takes the baby from the hands of the priest. That is why godparents are also called recipients. It is believed that by taking the baby in their arms after the ceremony, the parents undertake the obligation to educate their godson in the Orthodox spirit throughout their life and to be held accountable for this upbringing at the Last Judgment. If they cannot often see their godson, then they should at least mention him in their daily prayers.

Prayer Symbol of Faith

I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, of everything visible and invisible.

And in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, born of the Father before all ages: Light from the Light, true God from true God, born, not created, one being with the Father, by Him all was created.

For the sake of us people and for the sake of our salvation descended from heaven, and took flesh from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became a man.

Crucified for us under the Pontic Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sits on the right side of the Father.

And again coming in glory to judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end.

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, who gives life, proceeding from the Father, adored with the Father and the Son, and glorified, speaking through the prophets.

In one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins.

I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the century to come.

”, Published by the publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery, provides in an accessible form the initial knowledge necessary for those who are preparing for the Sacrament of Baptism or are just starting to live an Orthodox life. The book presents the main provisions of our faith, tells about the Sacraments, the commandments of God and about prayer.

When I have to baptize an adult, then most often I perform the sacrament of Baptism without godparents. Because godparents, or supporters, are required only for children. When an adult is baptized, he himself can say that he believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior and wants to receive Holy Baptism in order to save his soul. He himself can answer the questions of the priest and promise faithfulness to Christ. Of course, it is good when next to an adult being baptized there is an Orthodox church person who can become his recipient and help him take his first steps in the church, will teach him the basics of faith. But I repeat, for an adult, the presence of godparents is not necessary.

Why do we need receivers at all? Godparents are those people who, when their godchildren are still young, give them the vows of Holy Baptism, the promise of fidelity to God. They renounce Satan for their spiritual children, are united to Christ and confess their faith, reading the Creed for them. We baptize most people in infancy, that is, at the age when the child does not yet have a conscious faith, cannot answer how he believes. The godparents do it for him. We baptize children according to the faith of the recipients and according to the faith of the parents as the closest people. Therefore, both have a huge responsibility. Godmothers are not just friends of the family, they are not some "wedding generals" who stand while performing the sacrament with the "Honorary Witness" ribbon, as is the case at weddings. No, godparents are very responsible persons, they become sureties before God for the souls of their godchildren. At the moment of baptism, together with their parents, before the Cross and the Gospel lying on the analogue, they make a promise to God Himself. What promise? That they will make every effort so that the newly baptized baby grows up as a believer, an Orthodox person. Their duty now is to pray for their spiritual children, teach them prayers, instruct them in the Orthodox faith and take them to church to receive communion, and then, after seven years, and confess. So that when their godson enters the perfect years, he already knew how to pray to God, knew what we believe in and why we go to church. Of course, the greatest responsibility for the Christian upbringing of children lies with the parents, but godparents can also greatly influence their godchildren, become their spiritual teachers, mentors.

Many parents have a completely formal approach to the Baptism of their children and just formally choose godparents.

Now a little about the sad. Most of today's godparents are very ill-prepared. To the greatest regret, many parents quite formally approach the sacrament of Baptism of their children and just formally choose their godparents. After all, the godfather should not be easy a good man, communication with whom we are pleased, our friend or relative - he must be an Orthodox person, churched and knowing his faith. How can we teach someone the basics of faith if we ourselves do not know even the very basics, have not read the Gospel, do not know prayers? Indeed, in any field, if a person knows some business well, for example, knows how to drive a car, work on a computer, solve mathematical problems, make repairs, he can teach this to others, transfer his knowledge. And if he himself does not know anything in this area, whom can he teach?

If you are godparents and feel a lack of knowledge in the spiritual field (and none of us can say that he has fully studied the Orthodox faith, because it is an inexhaustible storehouse of spiritual wisdom), you need to fill this gap. Need to do self-education. Believe me, there is nothing complicated in this, especially now, when no one forbids us to read any spiritual literature and when books, brochures, discs telling about the Orthodox faith are sold in all churches and bookstores. The Lord is revealed to everyone who turns to Him, at any age. My grandfather was Baptized at the age of 70 and then mastered the basics of the Orthodox faith so well that he could even teach and instruct others.

Spiritual education should be started with the very initial, basic books, such as The Law of God, The First Steps in Orthodox church"And others. It is imperative to read the Gospel; You can start with the "Gospel of Mark", it is the shortest, only 16 chapters, and was written especially for the novice pagan Christians.

The godfather must live according to the commandments of God, pray to God and receive communion

The recipient is obliged to know the Symbol of Faith and read it at baptism, in this prayer, the Orthodox doctrine is set out in a brief form, and the godfather must know what he believes in. And of course, the godfather must live according to the commandments of God, pray to God and receive communion. According to church canons, a child is entitled to one godfather, of the same sex as the one being baptized, but our Russian tradition presupposes two recipients - a man and a woman. They must not be married to each other. Then godparents cannot marry or marry their godchildren. The child's father and mother cannot be his godparents, but other relatives: grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters - may well become godparents. Receivers, preparing for the sacrament of Baptism, must confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

It is one of the most important in the days preceding the performance of this great sacrament. The path of spiritual growth that he has to go through largely depends on how successful the choice of the child's parents will be. Therefore, we will try to fully understand this issue, and, if possible, avoid mistakes.

When should a baby be baptized?

First and the most important event in the life of a newborn is the rite of holy baptism. There is no strictly established rule as to how many days after the birth of a baby it should be performed. But taking into account the spiritual significance of the sacrament, it is recommended not to postpone it for a long time without serious reasons, and to try to ensure that the sacrament was performed in the first year of a child's life.

Both in the process of performing the rite, and in the further spiritual life of the newly baptized important role the godparents assigned to him are playing, who take upon themselves the responsibility to educate him in the spirit of Orthodoxy. That is why the question of how to choose godparents for a child is of great importance so that in the future they can fully fulfill the mission entrusted to them.

Who cannot be among the godparents?

It should be noted that there are certain restrictions when appointing godparents. This role cannot be played primarily by the parents of the child themselves and, in addition, by persons who are related. Also church rules it is forbidden to entrust this to people who are married to each other or intend to enter into it after some time. The reason is quite obvious. - these are people who are in a spiritual relationship, and physical intimacy between them is unacceptable.

Continuing the conversation about how godparents are chosen for a child, it must be emphasized that they cannot be different kinds Gentiles, including even Christians of other confessions (Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, etc.). And, of course, one should not trust this to people generally unbelievers or declaring their faith, but unbaptized and not attending church.

As for the age restrictions imposed on potential candidates, girls can be godparents from the age of thirteen, and boys from fifteen. It is believed that, provided that they have a correct and proper religious upbringing at this age, they are already able to realize the responsibility entrusted to them and eventually become their godson.

And finally, persons suffering from mental illness should be excluded from the number of possible candidates, since they cannot be held responsible for their actions, and those who lead an immoral (from a churchly and universal human point of view) lifestyle. Monks and nuns cannot be godparents either.

Who should you choose?

However, the question of how godparents are chosen for a child is not limited only to a list of those who are not suitable for this role. Another thing is much more important. You should know who can be chosen as godparents for a child, and in this regard there are no clearly delineated boundaries, but only recommendations based on the life experience of previous generations of Orthodox Christians.

Before you stop your choice on someone, you should first of all think about whether they will pray for their godson or goddaughter all their lives, because this is precisely one of their main responsibilities. This is especially important in the first years after baptism, since the child is still small and cannot himself turn to the Creator in prayers. In addition, it is generally accepted that the prayer of those who received a baby from the holy font has a special grace-filled power and can be heard.

Any relative of the child can become a godson, regardless of a friend of his parents or just someone they know and respect. But at the same time, it is necessary, first of all, to be guided by whether the chosen one will be a good advisor and a good spiritual educator of the child.

In order to better understand how godparents are chosen for a child, one should outline the range of responsibilities that are assigned to each of them. This will help to avoid in the future many disappointments and disappointments associated with the haste and thoughtlessness of the decision.

According to the existing tradition, godparents should go to church a day or two before performing the sacrament and confess and receive communion there in order to remove the burden of earthly sins from themselves, which can interfere with the establishment of spiritual unity with the godson. Directly on the day of baptism, they impose a voluntary fast on themselves, excluding both eating and performing marital duties.

During the performance of the sacrament, the "Symbol of Faith" is read, moreover, if the ceremony is performed over a girl, then the godmother reads the prayer, and if over a boy, then the godfather. In this regard, it is important to carefully prepare, learn the text and ask the priest in advance when to read the prayer and how.

It is extremely important to choose the right godparents for the child in relation to the help that is expected from them during the ceremony itself. And this primarily applies to the godmother. She, among other things, must take care of the gift for the child, and the various things necessary for the sacrament, such as a baptismal shirt, a towel and, of course, a pectoral cross that will be worn on him. By the way, it should be noted that during the performance of the sacrament, her presence is necessary, while the godfather can participate in it only in absentia.

The psychological aspect of choosing a godmother

It is very important to take into account the fact that after bathing in the font the godmother takes the child in her arms, and here it is necessary to take care that this does not cause stress for the baby. It is highly desirable that the candidate for this role has held him in her arms before, and he was familiar with her features. The same can be said for the godfather. In the entire spectrum of issues related to how godparents are chosen for a child, this one occupies one of the main places.

Responsibility for the subsequent spiritual life of the child

According to church teaching, the relationship of a child with those who received him from the holy font is considered even closer than with the real parents who gave him life. They will have to answer for him at the Last Judgment, and therefore their duty is unswerving concern for the spiritual growth of their godson.

This side of their responsibilities to him and to the church includes not only conversations on religious topics that can expand the knowledge of the godson in the field of Orthodoxy, but also familiarizing the child with attending church and participating in divine services. Moreover, in order to achieve best result, godparents should steadily improve their own spirituality and be a living and convincing example for the child.

Replacing Faith with Ritual

It is very unfortunate that today the true Christian faith is often replaced by so-called ritualism. Leaving aside the foundations of the teachings of Jesus Christ, who preached humanism, sacrifice in the name of one's neighbor and repentance as the acquisition of the Kingdom of God, people hope to receive momentary earthly blessings by performing certain ritual actions.

If the ancient pagans were forgiven for such naivety due to their ignorance, now, when the Lord has given us the Holy Gospel, it remains only to regret those who, when asked why they baptize a child, without thinking, answer: "So that they do not get sick." And it's all! Not a word that they desire his union in the Spirit of God with the Creator of the Universe and the possibility of inheriting Eternal Life by him.

How to choose godparents for a child if the parents are unbelievers?

Besides, in last years became fashionable, and unbelieving parents often carry them to the holy font, doing this only in order to keep up with others. Despite this, the church welcomes the baptism of a newborn, regardless of the reasons that led his parents, although it wants them to take a more responsible approach to the holy sacrament, which is the spiritual birth of their little man.

That is why the question of how to choose godparents for a child acquires special significance, because it is they who, with their religiosity, can make up for what a real father and mother are not able to give. His decision cannot contain any general advice, since in each case it is individual and depends on the environment of relatives and friends in which young parents live. It is among these people that we should look for those who, by their faith, are able to help a child to take the path of spiritual growth.

A question spawned by superstition

Sometimes one hears a rather strange question about how to choose godparents for a child in and in general, is it possible to perform this sacrament in a year that has February 29 in its calendar? This question is strange, first of all, because, according to the clergy themselves, in Orthodox Church there is no such thing as leap year, and therefore, there are no restrictions associated with it, be it weddings, christenings or other sacraments. The popular belief that he brings misfortune is the fruit of superstition and empty speculation. Believers, on the other hand, should have in themselves only the fear of God and hope in His mercy, and not the fear of any signs.

As a rule, in the eyes of the godson, the godfather or godmother is a special person. I have heard many times with what love and tenderness people pronounce the word "godfather", as if they are touching something intimate in their lives. The recipients themselves are most often proud of this “status”. But do we really know how to correspond to the title of godparents, do we have an idea of ​​the obligations that we took upon ourselves? And in general, what does it mean to be a godfather?

During the sacrament of Baptism, as a godmother, I vouched before the Church for the faith of the person being baptized. This means that now I have to cultivate this faith in my godson. If you think about it, you simply lose heart. And where did I get it that I can handle it? After all, I am not even responsible for the life of this little man, but for his salvation. And just as a mother feels the baby's need for her care, so I must feel the urgent need for my help on his path to God. The church entrusted me with care for the soul of a person, and now I am fulfilling it with all my perplexities, weaknesses, stupidity, feeling, stumbling and limping. But my two godchildren have only such a godmother. So, this is not the time to doubt, it means that I have no right not to cope ?!

After reading special literature, you can, at least in general terms, find out what kind of duties the godparents have that help them bring up their godchildren in the Orthodox faith. But in the practical implementation of these duties, questions still arise that require clarification. It is best to contact a priest in such cases. I asked the clergyman of the Saratov church in honor of the icon to answer my questions Mother of God"Soothe my sorrows" by Hieromonk Dorofey (Baranov).

- The very first and foremost help of a godparent to his godson is, of course, prayer. What should be this prayer, what should you ask God for?

- If the godfather is a church man, then he does not need any special prayers, because he regularly prays for his neighbors at the Divine Liturgy, submits notes of health so that the Church can pray for them in conciliarity, commemorates his godchildren at home prayer in the morning and evening. Thus, everything depends on the degree to which the godfather is church-going. The richness of the church life of the recipient is reflected in the life of his ward, even if they are separated by a great distance. After all, the spiritual kinship that arises in the Sacrament between the godfather and the baptized one is as close as kinship in the flesh.

- The godfather should take care to partake the godson of the Holy Mysteries of Christ as often as possible. But what if the parents forbid it?

- The question is difficult. Of course, the spiritual responsibility lies with the godfather - but he shares this responsibility with the parents. In a material sense, the child is completely dependent on them, and this situation cannot be changed. It is necessary, of course, to exhort the parents: not to persuade, but to persuade. After all, the reluctance to receive communion with a child always has specific reasons. From the most commonplace - lack of time - to such a serious reason as disbelief. If it is really a matter of unbelief, then for the godfather this is a field for unobtrusive sermons when communicating with parents. Indeed, once they made a decision to baptize their baby, and this means that even in the most embryonic state, faith is present in their heart.

Of course, everything is much easier when the child's parents themselves regularly attend church services, pray at home, live a church life, and resort to the sacraments of the Church. Then their son or daughter organically perceive Christian traditions, the very concept of the existence of God.

- And if the parents are far from the life of the Church? It is not enough that my goddaughter simply hears the name of God in the mouths of her relatives, knows the holidays of Christmas and Easter; it is not enough that I donate icons and books, and her wonderful grandmother sometimes brings the girl to church for Communion. She is growing up, and her knowledge of God, of the Orthodox faith should become more and more conscious and profound. What and how should I, godmother, do for this? How to talk to a child about God?

- It is very important to donate books. Moreover, if direct communication is limited. Nowadays there are many children's books that tell about Christian values ​​through some situations; there are wonderful children's prayer books, colorful, well illustrated. I would advise tying book gifts with church holidays, with the memory of some especially revered saints, with name days, so that the child can already enter the sacred life of the Church through an event. I understood that he received gifts for the Christmas holiday not because it was January 7, but because we want to please our loved ones on the Savior's birthday. And, of course, it is equally important to instill a love of reading from childhood. We need to make it clear to the child that the main thing in the book is not the pictures - it exists in order to read it.

And you need to talk about God the most in simple words... That He is everywhere, that He is the Creator. And most importantly, the child should feel that the person who tells him about God himself believes in Him. Finding an informal approach to a child's heart is a great art, a great job. Of course, often even parents do not always succeed. In any case, an adult must be vigilant: if the child does not perceive what he is told, if his attention is scattered, he must translate his story into a form more accessible to his understanding. And if you managed to grab the child's attention, the contact has occurred, then you can begin to build the conversation on a more serious level. And if the godfather has the opportunity to make his own contribution to mental, and then to spiritual education, thank God!

- And if time is lost and contact with the child is not found? In addition, it often happens that the connection is generally lost and nothing is known about the fate of the godson. How can the recipient rehabilitate himself?

- Here, unfortunately, we will have to talk about the sad, because, most likely, nothing. If the godson has already become an adult, then at least let him know that he has a godfather and that you are ready to improve relations with him. When the godson is still small, then you need to look for contact with the parents. It is necessary that they feel your readiness to come to the rescue at any moment. And let their godfather be just a good, reliable family friend. This is already a lot.

But if there is no contact at all, then, as we said, you just need to pray. These words "just pray" are often used in passing. Lack of faith in the power of prayer is one of the most big problems modern Christian. When a person has faith in the power of prayer, then in his soul he will be calm, realizing that he has done everything possible in this situation, when even contact is lost. There will certainly be benefits from such a prayer.

- That is, it turns out that, after all, prayer is the most important thing for the recipient, from which one cannot retreat under any circumstances?

- Undoubtedly. Often we pray more fervently for someone else than for ourselves, especially if he is in difficult circumstances. Anthony the Great saw that the whole world was entangled in a web of sin. What can we Christians oppose to this? There are kindred and spiritual ties between us, and we must create our own "system of protection", which consists of praying for each other.

… And also prayer for each other is an expression of our love. In the book "On the duties of a godmother" by the Blago publishing house, I read that with the current lack of love in the world, it is extremely important to make the godson feel that he is loved. This will give joy and light to the child's soul. In this case, one must teach him to love himself. After all, as the Apostle John the Theologian said: He who does not love has not known God, because God is love (1 John 4, 8). And my main task, as a godmother, is to do everything so that in the life of the little person whom the Church has entrusted to me to take care of, his main meeting takes place - a meeting with God.

Traditionally, the church advised its parishioners to baptize a newborn 40 days after its birth. Moreover, this period is not obligatory, but simply coincides with another tradition concerning a woman in labor. It is believed that after forty days the young mother will get rid of the natural female weakness (bleeding) and can visit the temple.

Today, few parents adhere to such a church recommendation, focusing on their beliefs, opportunities or needs. If the physical condition of the baby or the religious beliefs of his relatives requires it, the ceremony can be carried out literally the next day after the relief from the burden. Of course, in this case, the mother will not be able to attend church with her child, but her presence is not at all obligatory.

It is quite understandable that it is irrational to demand repentance and faith from a small creature, which is the main condition for reuniting with God. That is why the godmother appeared, for whose faith the baby will be baptized. But what are her responsibilities before, during, and after the ordinance? You will read about this and not only below.

What does the status oblige

A godmother for a boy or girl is a kind of spiritual mentor for a child who will take care of his spiritual and physical education after the likely death of his parents. In fact, this woman becomes a second mother for the baby, and she should be ready to take over some of the responsibilities for maintenance and care if an urgent and critical need arises.

Based on this, godmothers cannot be:

  • a married or intimate couple;
  • children who are not yet able to vouch for the baby;
  • people who do not profess Orthodoxy;
  • immoral and thoughtless persons who cannot vouch for the future godson due to poor physical condition or an unworthy lifestyle.

What a godmother needs to do

At the time of the baptismal procedure, the second named mother accepts from the hands of the priest a baby who has just been in the font. From that moment on, all the duties of a godmother begin, who has taken over the need to bring up a girl or boy in the best traditions of Orthodoxy.

On the day of the performance of such a church sacrament, the duties of the godmother for the girl or boy include the need to present the future ward with a baptismal robe in the form of a shirt, cap and towel.

The latter does not need to be washed after use, as it can have a healing effect on the child, helping him to more easily endure illness or emotional distress. The clothes, in which the child survived the ceremony, is also not washed, and is kept throughout his life.

Godmother's credo

So, if you are invited to become a godmother for a baby, in no case refuse without a very good reason. In fact, the duties of a godmother for a boy or girl are not heavy, and bring real spiritual satisfaction.

So what will need to be done:

  • Pray for the godson and instruct him in the spiritual sphere of his life;
  • When a child reaches a conscious age, he will need to sensibly and interestingly convey the basic concepts and traditions of Orthodoxy, teach him how to pray and behave in church;
  • The godmother of a girl or boy provides parents with all possible assistance in raising and raising a child;
  • On the days of Orthodox celebrations, you should visit the godson and give him purely symbolic gifts. So, for example, on Easter Sunday you can present a cake or dye;
  • The godmother must attend the wedding day of her spiritual ward without fail. As a gift, she should bring a loaf of her own made, which all those present are treated to;
  • The second mother should periodically take her godson to church, instilling in him a love of religion and the habit of confession.

What to wear for a christening?

So, if you are preparing to become a godmother, you need to observe a certain church dress code, namely:

  • put on a consecrated pectoral cross;
  • cover your head with a scarf or kerchief;
  • wear a dress that will cover the shoulders and cover the knees, have a modest coloring and style;
  • do not wear high-heeled shoes. In church it will look extremely inappropriate, and the baptism ceremony itself takes more than an hour. During this time, you will need to constantly hold the child in your arms, not being able to sit down;
  • for other occasions, set aside bright makeup, flashy jewelry, and other accessories.

It is worth noting that all these archaic traditions are not capable of burdening, therefore, a fashionable haircut and current wardrobe should be saved for the subsequent festive feast.

What you need to know about the day of baptism and the ceremony itself

Since all churches are usually overcrowded during the celebration of Trinity, Christmas and Easter, it is not worth baptizing a child on these days. Also, you do not need to worry about pre-registering for the ritual, since according to the temple schedule, the rite begins immediately after the morning service, every day, after 10 in the morning.

If parents pursue a desire to baptize their child without outside witnesses, they need to contact the priest, discuss the required date and time with him, not forgetting to coordinate them with the baby's mother. The fact is that a woman is forbidden to enter church if she is having her period.

It is also worth remembering the following:

  • before baptism, you need to have time to take communion and confess;
  • you need to start fasting a few days before the significant date;
  • on the day when the child is to be baptized, godparents and parents are prohibited from having sex and eating;
  • the "Symbol of Faith" prayer is a required study. If a boy is baptized, the godfather reads it, if the girl is the godmother;
  • the unspoken rule is that it is the godparents who take upon themselves everything financial questions associated with the organization of the ceremony. If the church does not have an official quote for such a service, they must make a donation that they can afford.

Signs and superstitions

Various sources scare future godparents and parents with an incredible number of restrictions and taboos, which are sometimes impossible to comply with.

We offer only the most common signs that have taken root among people:

  • The godmother cannot be a pregnant or menstruating woman;
  • Do not wear mourning black clothes. Epiphany is a real holiday that must be met in a beautiful outfit;
  • The presence in the temple of an odd number of visitors, guests or relatives taken together is unacceptable. It is desirable that the ceremony is seen by as few people as possible. There is no need to tell everyone in a row that you are going to baptize the child;
  • So that the baby, growing up, does not feel constrained in funds, be sure to count all the money in the house before you go to church;
  • The godmother for a little girl and boy, with whom the most unusual omens are associated, should not quarrel or swear with anyone on the day of the ritual.

Remember, the ceremony cannot take place if you have not learned the right prayer and donned the appropriate dress for the child. The church gives you and your baby's parents plenty of time to fully prepare, expecting responsibility and obedience.