The results of passing the general introductory part of the practice. Regulations on the adaptation of employees IV

Familiarization with the workplace and the work performed by the receiver-deliverer (food products) 3rd category. Identification of dangerous and harmful production factors of labor at OAO "Irkutsk Maslozhirkombinat". Timing of the workplace of the receiver-deliverer.

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Activities, requirements for him. Character: individual.

The organization of the workplace for performing manual work, the correct fit of the worker when performing them helps to ensure the high quality of the processed products and increase labor productivity, and preserve his health. A work table for manual work is a well-polished table with tools, fixtures located on it, and a chair (preferably screwed to adjust the height of the seat). The size of the table depends on the size of the processed parts of the product, the nature of the work performed. The workplace should be organized so that in the process of work you do not have to make unnecessary movements. Tools and devices that are taken with the right hand during work should be located on the right, and on the left - on the left or in front, always close to the worker and in the same place. The workplace should contain only the workpieces, tools and fixtures that are necessary to perform this work. There should be no unnecessary parts, materials, tools and fixtures. All work is done on the table, the workpiece should be kept in front of you. To store accessories, you should have special boxes or drawers. Proper fit has a great influence on the well-being of workers and on the quality of their work. Incorrect positioning of the body of students causes them premature fatigue, reduced efficiency, and also contributes to the appearance of stoop, curvature of the spine, the development of myopia, etc. The landing for manual work is considered correct when the following conditions are met:

1. The workpieces are clearly visible, the light falls from the left side, or, in extreme cases, directly.

2. The legs should rest firmly with the entire sole on the floor, since with a different position of the legs, blood circulation is disturbed. You should not cross your legs, because. incorrect position of the legs causes premature fatigue.

3. The body should be held straight or slightly inclined forward. Tilt your head slightly forward. You can not lean on the table with your chest.

4. Hands should be bent at the elbows and lag behind the body by no more than 10 cm. When working, do not put your elbows on the table.

5. The distance from the eyes to the workpiece should be 25-35 cm.

6. In the process of work, you should periodically change the position of the body (from slightly bent to straightened and vice versa). After finishing work, you need to carefully clean the workplace: parts, product, tools and fixtures - in the designated storage areas, various garbage in the trash bin.

A workplace for performing work while sitting is organized for light work that does not require free movement of the worker, as well as for moderate work in cases due to the peculiarities of the technological process. Categories of work - according to GOST 12.1.005-76.

When working with two hands, the controls are placed in such a way that there is no crossing of the hands.

Available trade inventory and equipment in the U Most supermarket:

prefabricated refrigerators - used for storing frozen meat, fish, frozen ready-made vegetable and fruit mixtures;

wall-mounted refrigerated cabinets - for storing and displaying fruits, vegetables, yoghurts, milk and dairy products, mayonnaises, sauces;

showcase counters - for storing and displaying sausages, cheeses, meat, smoked fish;

refrigerators - for sausages, cheeses, meat products, eggs;

refrigerators - for beer, chilled drinks;

closed cabinets-grill - for cooking chicken;

cabinet with taps - for draft wine;

racks - one-sided, which are located near the walls, and middle shelves on both sides, which are located in the middle of the trading floor - are used to store and display those groups of goods that do not require special storage conditions, for example, for tea / coffee, cereals, sweets, canned food, alcohol, household goods.

There are also: cash registers, electronic scales (in the sausage department and at the box office), air conditioners, an ATM.

Conclusion. This equipment and inventory at the enterprise are used correctly and for their intended purpose. It can be concluded that the supermarket is well equipped with equipment, because the area of ​​the trading floor is small, but there are quite a lot of devices for storing and displaying goods.

Familiarization with the workplace of the seller

Since the U Most supermarket is a store where the form of sale is self-service, the main workplace of the seller is the cash desk.

The checkout unit consists of a barcode scanner, an apparatus for knocking out checks, a computer, and a monitor. Along with this, the cash desk includes nearby stands with small goods: chewing gum, chocolates, etc.

Also, the seller's workplace is the sausage department. There, the seller packs and weighs fruits, vegetables, sausages, cheeses, and fish. There are three pieces of electronic scales in the department: one is intended only for weighing vegetables and fruits, the second - only for fish and cheeses, the third - only for grilling and sausages. There are also two more pieces of scales in the warehouse (which is also a room for packing products): one for weighing sweets and cookies, and the second for control.

At his workplace in the sausage department, the seller must be careful and clean. Nearby, on the wall, there is even an indication of how, when and by what means to clean it there.

Conclusion. It is the responsibility of the seller to prepare his workplace: check and, if necessary, replace the cash tape at the checkout, make sure that there is no piling up of goods at the checkout so that buyers do not accidentally push something; wash knives and chopping boards when handing over a shift. All these conditions are observed by sellers. Otherwise, they are subject to fines established by the administration of the supermarket.

After the secretary has passed the interview, tests, he finds himself on the staff of the organization. There comes a difficult period of adaptation in the new team, which must confirm or refute the correctness of personnel selection.

The employee needs an adequate assessment of work in the form of salary and bonuses; social security (paid holidays, sick leave, and so on); guarantees of growth and development; an agreed area of ​​work with certain rights and obligations; comfortable working conditions; creative interaction with other employees. The firm expects from the newly accepted qualified work, the manifestation of personal and business qualities that correspond to the goals of the organization; effective interaction with the team to solve production problems; exact execution of instructions of the manual; compliance with labor discipline and internal regulations; taking responsibility for their actions.

Adaptation begins with a general orientation, including information about the organization as a whole and the structural unit where the secretary will work.

As a result, the employee gets acquainted with the history of the company, the nature of activities, the management structure, learns the names of managers, internal regulations. The general orientation can be carried out by the personnel service with the participation of the direct head of the unit, using both traditional conversations and demonstrations, as well as special videos, brochures and computer capabilities. There are four aspects of the process of adaptation of an employee: professional, psychophysiological, socio-psychological, organizational.

Professional adaptation It consists in mastering professional skills, understanding the specifics of work. Each newcomer goes through an apprenticeship stage, the form of which depends on the nature of the organization and previous work experience. Mentoring is practiced at manufacturing enterprises, when an experienced worker transfers knowledge and skills to a young worker in the process of business communication in the workplace. Briefing is very common - a clear demonstration of the techniques and skills of work. Of course, if the newcomer already has experience in a particular job, then mentoring and coaching takes the form of an exchange of professional knowledge in order to develop the skills most suitable for achieving the goals of the organization.

Psychophysiological adaptation- adaptation of the employee to the conditions of work and rest. This form of adaptation is most important for industrial enterprises and organizations where complex technology is used and there is a risk of industrial injuries. Working conditions in offices and trading companies are usually standard, but a beginner needs some time to adjust to the rhythm of work, the intensity of psychophysical stress. Everyone tries to arrange the workplace in their own way. Necessary tools, papers are laid out so that it is convenient to work with them, posters and calendars are attached to the walls, toilet items and dishes are put into lockers. Psychophysiological adaptation takes place quickly and painlessly and is determined mainly by the state of health and the proper organization of the work and rest regime in accordance with accepted sanitary and hygienic standards.

Socio-psychological adaptation involves the establishment of interpersonal and business relationships with colleagues, the development of values ​​and group norms of behavior. The newcomer gets acquainted with the balance of power in the unit, finds out the significance of this or that employee, is included in the composition of formal and informal groups. Social and psychological adaptation can be difficult and long-term. The team meets the newcomer with caution, examines "under the microscope" his every step. Therefore, you need to be patient (the arrival of a new employee can occupy everyone's attention for no more than a few weeks), be sociable, friendly, and demonstrate a willingness to listen to advice.

Organizational adaptation involves familiarization with the structure of the organization, the definition of its own role in it. Recently, they began to talk not only about the adaptation of the worker, but also about the adaptation of work to the person. Here we can mention the creation of an appropriate workplace, the correction of the schedule for the individual characteristics of the individual, the individualization of the system of rewards and punishments. So, more and more companies practice fines for being late and smoking, provide employees with flexible work schedules, and reward them based on a rating system.

In order to smooth out the problems of adaptation, modern companies develop and apply methods aimed at the fastest and most effective inclusion of a new employee in the business life of the company. Structural units responsible for adaptation processes are created, usually this function is performed by staff training units. Experienced workers are paid extra for helping to introduce newcomers to the secrets of professional excellence. Seminars and trainings are held, aimed at removing psychological and organizational barriers that prevent full participation in the work of the team. Beginners receive informal assignments that involve them in interpersonal contact.

Increased attention to the adaptation of personnel is explained by the desire of companies to increase competitiveness by creating teams of like-minded people, united by the values ​​of the organization and corporate ethics. Neglecting the adaptation of new employees automatically leads to staff turnover and waste of funds.

Security questions on the topic

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    List modern ways of employment.

    Describe the four aspects of the employee onboarding process.


Write a resume for job hunting. Suggest placements for resumes.

(when compiling a resume, pay special attention to personal qualities; correctly describe previous jobs and reasons for dismissal; in a resume, focus on your best qualities.)

Prepare questions for the interview for the vacancy of the assistant secretary. You are an applicant for the position of secretary - assistant - prepare for an interview (pay special attention to appearance, focus the employer's attention on your advantages). Conduct an interview in pairs.

    Akishina A.A. Etiquette of Russian telephone conversation. M., 1990.

    Bykova T.A., Kuznetsova T.V. Preparation of meetings and meetings: Pract. allowance. M., 2000.

    Galakhov V.V., Korneev I.N. Secretarial business (Sample documents, organization and technology of work). Educational and practical guide. M., 2005.

    Kuznetsova T.V. Secretarial business. M., 1999.

    Kuznetsov I.N. Secretary-referent. M., 2004.

    Table book of the secretary-referent. M., 1998.

    Privalova M.Yu., Domnikova M.A. Secretary: successful career. M., 1997.

    Rogozhkin M.Yu. Business communication documents. M., 1999

    Stenyukov M.V. Secretarial business. M., 1998.

    Stenyukov M.V. Secretary's Handbook. M., 2002.

    Solovyov E.Ya. Modern etiquette. business protocol. M., 2003.

    Sheinov V.P. Secretary: Secrets of the profession. M., 2003.

    Office Encyclopedia: A Practical Guide for the Secretary. M., 1995

Employees who do not have medical contraindications, who have been instructed on labor protection, with an electrical safety group of at least I are allowed to work with a personal computer. Women from the time of establishing pregnancy and during lactation to perform all types of work related to the use of a personal computer not allowed. When working with a personal computer, workers can be adversely affected by the following hazardous and harmful production factors: an increased level of electromagnetic, exposure to electromagnetic fields leads to an increase in the excitability of the central nervous system. Electromagnetic radiation also affects intracellular changes, disrupts metabolic processes, can cause the development of cataracts, tumors, leukemia, etc. An increased level of ionizing radiation, an increased level of static electricity, an increased intensity of the electrostatic field. The effect of static electricity on a person does not pose a mortal danger, since the current strength is not high. A person feels a spark discharge of static electricity as a shock or cramp. An electrostatic field is formed at the screen of the video terminal monitor, which in the working area may be higher than the permissible level. Prolonged stay in an electric field exceeding the maximum permissible level will adversely affect the health of the worker, his psychophysiological state. These unfavorable factors violate the conditions of comfortable vision, worsen contrast sensitivity, or have both of these effects at the same time. An increased voltage value in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body. Electric shock occurs as a result of accidental contact or dangerous approach to parts of electrical installations that are normally without voltage and due to damage to the insulation that are energized. Electric current, passing through the human body, has an effect on it, which is a combination of thermal, electrolytic, biological and mechanical effects, which leads to various disorders in the body, both local damage to tissues and organs, and its general damage. Static overloads of the musculoskeletal system and dynamic local overloads of the muscles of the hands.

A large number of small movements, the monotony of actions performed in the process of working on a personal computer leads to static overloads of the musculoskeletal system and dynamic local overloads of the muscles of the hands, which leads to the appearance and development of fatigue, changes in the central nervous system during work. To exclude the impact of harmful production factors during work, it is necessary to observe the regime of work and rest, to carry out industrial gymnastics, and fortification of the body.

Mental overstrain, emotional overload, monotony of work, overstrain of visual and auditory analyzers. The impact of these adverse factors leads to a decrease in performance caused by developing fatigue. The appearance and development of fatigue is associated with changes that occur during work in the central nervous system, with inhibitory processes in the brain. Depending on the working conditions in which the personal computer is used and the nature of the work, other dangerous and harmful production factors may also affect workers. The organization of a workplace with a personal computer should take into account the requirements of safety, the convenience of the position, movements and actions of the employee. The desktop, taking into account the nature of the work performed, must be of sufficient size to rationally accommodate the monitor (display), keyboard, other equipment and documents used, and a low reflective surface. The keyboard is placed on the table surface in such a way that the space in front of the keyboard is sufficient to support the worker's hands (at a distance of at least 300 mm from the edge facing the worker). To ensure the convenience of visual observation, fast and accurate reading of information, the plane of the monitor screen is located below the level of the worker's eyes, preferably perpendicular to the worker's normal line of sight (normal line of sight -15 degrees, down from the horizontal). To exclude the impact of elevated levels of electromagnetic radiation, the distance between the monitor screen and the worker should be at least 500 mm (optimum 600-700 mm). Used movable document stands (must stand) are placed in the same plane and at the same height with the screen. The working chair (armchair) must be stable, the seat must be adjustable in height, and the seat back - in height, tilt angles, as well as the distance of the back from the front edge of the seat. The adjustment of each parameter must be independent, easy to carry out and have a secure fit. To ensure optimal microclimate parameters, regular airing and daily wet cleaning of the premises are carried out during the working day, air humidifiers are used. When working with a personal computer, taking into account the hazardous and harmful production factors affecting them, they are provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with standard industry standards for the relevant professions and positions. When working with a personal computer, employees are required to: comply with the work and rest regime established by law, the internal labor regulations of the organization, labor discipline, comply with labor protection requirements, personal hygiene rules, comply with fire safety requirements, know the procedure for fire, be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment , smoke only in specially designated smoking areas, know the methods of providing first aid in case of accidents at work (Instruction No. 65 "First medical aid to victims at work"); Report equipment malfunctions and other comments on working with a personal computer to the immediate supervisor or persons involved in equipment maintenance. Install the system unit in closed volumes of furniture, directly on the floor, use sockets, extension cords that are not equipped with a grounding contact (bus) to connect a personal computer.

Before starting work with a personal computer, an employee is obliged to ventilate the workroom, check the stability of the equipment on the desktop, the absence of visible damage to the equipment, floppy disks in the drive of the system unit, the serviceability and integrity of the supply and connecting cables, connectors and plug connections, protective grounding, the serviceability of furniture, adjust the position of the table, chair (armchair), footrest, keyboard, monitor screen; lighting in the workplace. If necessary, turn on local lighting, wipe the surface of the monitor screen, protective filter (if any) with a dry soft cloth. While working with a personal computer, the employee must comply with the labor protection requirements established by this instruction, keep his workplace in order and clean, keep the ventilation openings of the equipment open, and maintain the optimal distance from the monitor screen to the eyes. Screen work should be periodically interrupted for scheduled breaks, which are established to ensure performance and maintain health, or replaced by other work in order to reduce the workload at the screen.

The time of regulated breaks during the working day (shift) is set depending on its (her) duration, type and category of labor activity in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Instruction. When working with a personal computer on a night shift (from 22.00 to 6.00), regardless of the category and type of labor activity, the total duration of regulated breaks is increased by 60 minutes. The duration of continuous work with a personal computer without a regulated break should not exceed 2 hours.

Do not leave equipment switched on unattended. If it is necessary to stop work for a while, all active tasks are correctly closed and the equipment is turned off.

When working with a personal computer, it is not allowed to: when the power is on, touch panels with equipment connectors, connectors for power and connecting cables, the monitor screen, clutter up the top panels of the equipment, the workplace with papers, foreign objects, switch, turn off the power during the execution of an active task, allow moisture to get on the surface of the equipment, turn on very cold equipment, perform an autopsy, wipe dust on the turned on equipment, allow unauthorized persons to be near the equipment.

In case of damage to equipment, cables, wires, grounding failure, burning smell, unusual noise and other malfunctions, immediately turn off the power supply to the equipment and report the incident to the immediate supervisor and the person who maintains the equipment in case of a malfunction of the computer equipment or software ensure that a specialist of the organization that maintains this equipment is called to troubleshoot, in the event of a fire in electrical wiring, equipment and similar incidents, turn off the power supply and take measures to extinguish the fire using the available primary fire extinguishing equipment, report the incident to the immediate supervisor. The use of water and foam fire extinguishers to extinguish live electrical equipment is unacceptable. For these purposes, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are used.