The detachment of insects of the larvae of which are developing in water. Insect development biology

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Borders of the larval phase. Hatching larvae.

First phase life cycle Insects are always; Throughout its existence, it gradually turns into a larva. As the body develops, germinal sheets, the separation of organs, the formation of body parts, occurs.

There are other mechanisms that facilitate the yield of the insect. Some embryos (dragonflies, straight, plastics) are additionally covered with embryonic with sharp teeth that tear down the outer shells, and the caterpillars simply thrash the chorion by the jaws. A very interesting mechanism exists in grasshoppers of the genus melanoplus. The embryo on the first segment has special paired glands - playups. They allocate a special secret dissolving a dense wall.

Immediately after hatching the larva, it is often still deprived of its normal, usually it is colorless or whitish and has soft covers. But at openly living insects, the painting and hardening of the cover occurs very quickly, and the larva acquires a normal look. Power incentives are created, in some - after digesting the residues of the embryonic yolk and the outlet of excrement.

Throughout its existence, the larva is most often intensively eats, gaining resources for the subsequent transformation into an adult individual. During the larch stage, it stops at the time of the occuilt, and with an incomplete boundary between the impaired phase and the phase of more, the larva ceases to be such at the end of the main development processes and the transition to a state of puberty. In some cases, young at first glance is difficult to distinguish from the larvae of recent ages.

Insect may exist in the form of a larva over a different period of time. So, duration lichwater phase Most mosquitoes are no more than a week; Unlike them, there are cicadas, the larvae of which live 13 and even 17 years old, all this time is underground.

Paths of metamorphosis "title \u003d" (! Lang: larva - insect larvae with different

paths of metamorphosis"> !} Insect larvae with different metamorphosis

Insect larvae with different types of transformation

There are several ways of metamorphosis, however, most insects belong to individuals or with full, or with. The features of the larval phase in these cases differ from each other.


the scheme of the development of the body with looks like this:

That is, between the larvae stage (the purpose of existence is growth and development) and imaginal (the goal - the resettlement and) is inclined by a short phase. This determines the dissimilarity of the larvae on. For example, the caterpillar absolutely does not resemble a butterfly, and a heart-shaped larva - an adult beetle. The larvae of these insects is always deprived of the facetful eyes, outdoor adversaries, are often distinguished by a different type of oral organs, in some cases there are abdominal, silicatelistic or web glands and so on. They are called secondary, true or nonimagum.


Development scheme shorter:

Since adult individuals are a "direct continuation" of the larvae, these two phases of development are usually similar. The larvae have the same type of oral organs, and, and often a similar lifestyle, differing from adult insects with smaller body sizes, wing gains instead and underdeveloped organs. Due to the large similarity with the phase, such larvae is called primary, nymphs or imago-like. (Photo) The special group includes dragonfly larvae, daving and spring, which inhabit the water and have; For them there is a special definition - niaja.

Throughout his life, the larvae with externally change much stronger than the individuals with full. The latter "leave" final transformations for the stage, so they themselves often remain almost unchanged in morphology. Unlike them, imago-like larvae undergo more significant changes. Initially, they resemble adults, but quite different from them by the proportions of the body. As it is developed, with each subsequent, the proportions of the larvae are changing due to uneven growth rate different parts their bodies.

As it grows, with each skin reset, the insect usually increases in the mass halve in comparison with the previous age. But this is an exemplary and averaged value that is not always traced. For example, the intensively feed caterpillar of the mulk silkworm grows by the end of the last, the fifth age is 10,000 times in comparison with the state in which it was out of exit. However, the size and weight of the body is not reliable criteria in determining the age of the larva. To determine it, consider the number of segments in the mustache, look at the degree of development of wing appendages and estimate others morphological features insect.

Types of larvae

Insect larvae S. full transformation They have little similarity with, they have no complex eyes and wing gains, and their body is not divided into clear departments. Nevertheless, they are very diverse appearance, and, depending on the structure, are divided into three types.


Looks like insects Campodea with two-dimensional detachment. As a rule, they are dark, movable, with dense skin. The density of the cover and is usually due to the presence in pigments from the melanin and melanin-like substances. They are well allocated, and on the back of the body often there are bundles or hairs. Campodes-shaped larvae are observed in the grip, female and other beetles, as well as in the netting and some of the swirls.


Ruthless (twisted, riders, bees, ants) or three chest pairs (beetles), often bright, lowactive, often live under the ground.

Caterpillary (Erukovoid)

These include all caterpillars of butterflies, larvae of flies of scorpinents and false-satellites of peelers. They are distinguished by medium mobility, a variety of body and the presence of 3 pairs of pectoral and 2-8 pairs of abdominal. (Photo)

There is another classification of larvae by type. In it, an embryo development stage is set as the main criterion, during which the larva comes out. In accordance with this, the larvae are four types:

Lifestyle and habitat larvae

The larvae can live under the ground, in water or have an overhead lifestyle, depending on the species, the method of nutrition or other factors. In any case, throughout its existence in the larvae stage, the insect is actively powered in order to ensure the processes of growth and development.

For the most part, the larvae are vulnerable and defenseless before predators, so they often live hidden: in the forest litter, inside the leaves, kidneys, fruits and other parts of plants; Many have special nests, cocoons or cavalries, inside which are all, almost all their lives or for a short period (before pokucling).

Most widely famous example - these are the caterpillars of a mulk silkworm, producing silk threads and cocoons flying out of it; In addition, it is possible to recall the streams that highlight the adhesive liquid that attracts the sands, small seashells and pebbles, gradually forming a cable larvae around the body. Usually, the cavalries are open at both ends, which allows the larch to release and the back of the body to move from place to place. Almost the same cavalers form on land caterpillar butterflies, only for their construction they use pieces of leaves, fragments of the cortex and another affordable Material, bonding his silk thread. Interestingly, women's individuals of such butterflies remain in a cavalry not only in a state of larvae, but also when switching to phase

Independent names of some larvae

"Larvae" is the generally accepted name of the second stage of insect development. However, for some families, childbirth, species of insects, as well as for organisms that have certain features of development, there are their own definitions. Here are some examples.

The insect class has two subclass: primynyobeschryti and winged.

TO subclass Primychnobeschryl There are insects whose ancestors never had wings (scales of sugar, chokhvostka, etc.). Scappy dwells in the barn, Chulans. basements. It feeds on decompanying substances, harmless to humans. IN flower pots With the unlimited polyvka, there are often endless insects - insects. Feed overloading plants or their lower plants. Reliable struggle with them is a decrease in watering.

Conditions of winged divided into insects with incomplete transformation and insects S. full transformation.

The distribution of species for units are carried out taking into account such signs as the nature of the development, the characteristics of the structure of the wings, the structure of the mouth of the mouth of the main signs of some insect detachments are presented below.

Some signs of essential insect detachments
Odds Type of Development Number of pairs of wings Rota apparatus Feature of the development of wings Some representatives
Taraakanova With incomplete transformation Two pairs Rodent Naccryl Red and black cockroaches
Termites With incomplete transformation Two pairs Rodent Mesh Termite
Straight With incomplete transformation Two pairs Rodent Naccryl Locust, grasshoppers, crickets
Wrench With incomplete transformation No wings Cakes Outless Loading head, louse
Claps Louse Two pairs Cakes Naccryl Klop-turtle, rop-gladn, bug-water meter
Raw With incomplete transformation Two pairs Cakes Mesh Cycada
Grandmas With incomplete transformation Two pairs Rodent Mesh Grandmother and grandmother
Beetles, or tough With complete transformation Two pairs Rodent Overcrowders solid Chafer, colorado beetle, beetles gravers, bugs-koroeda
Butterflies, or scraping With complete transformation Two pairs Sucking Mesh with scales Skabwoman-Belyanka, hawkerman, tuta silkworm
Refreadmill With complete transformation Two pairs Rodent, lacquer Mesh Bees, bumblebees, wasps, ants
Twit-made With complete transformation 1 pair Spiny-sausage Mesh Mosquitoes, flies, wondes, midges
Flea With complete transformation Not Spiny-sausage Outless Flea human, flea rat

Insects with incomplete transformation

The most common are: tarakanyi detachment - Typical representative - redhead cock. The appearance of cockroaches in housing is a sign of sludge. They come out of their shelters at night and feed on carelessly stored products, polluting them. Female cockroaches on the end of the abdomen wear a brown egg "suitcase" - ooteku. They are dumped into garbage. It develops eggs from which larvae appear - small white cockags, similar to adults. Then the cockroaches are black, they linked several times and gradually turn into adult cockroaches.

Detachment Termites - This includes public insects living in large families in which there is a division of labor: workers, soldiers, males and females (queens). The nests of termites are member, can be significant. Thus, in African savannas, the height of the fracthers reaches 10-12 m, and the diameter of their underground part - 60 m. Thermites eat mostly wood, can damage wooden buildingsAgricultural plants. About 2,500 types of termites are known.

Detachment straight - Most of the officials of the squad are roetters, but predators meet. These include grasshopes, kapoleninka, sarancha. Green grasshopper lives in the grass on the meadows, in the steppes. It has a long mawed eggs. Kapoolenka - has a swing leg, flies well and swims. Deals great harm underground parts Garden plants, such as cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, etc. Some types of locusts are prone to mass reproduction, then they are going to huge flocks and fly to a considerable distance (up to several thousand kilometers), destroying all green vegetation on their way.

Squad Klop. - This includes well-known pests of agricultural crops - klop-turtle, sucking the contents of the grain of cereal plants. In dwellings meet klop-Bloshitsa - Very unpleasant insect for man. In fresh water bodies or on their surface, a bug-water meter that is fed by insects falling into the water. Predatory klop-Gladun. attacks various invertebrate animals and fry fish.

The detachment is relaxed - All of his representatives feed on plant juices. Many species tli cause great harm to cultural plants. Many were relying are carriers of viral diseases of plants. These include diverse cycada, the dimensions of which are from a few millimeters to 5-6 cm. Live in crowns of trees.

Detachment grandmother - Exceptional predatory insects. Adults are attacking the mining in flight. The best flyers. Their flight is distinguished by high maneuverability: they can hang in the air, be moving and can develop speed up to 100 km per hour. These include grandma-rogger, grandma-Dosoretsand etc.

Insects with complete transformation

Solid Zhuki, or severe, is the most numerous detachment of insects, up to 300,000 species. Beetles are common in a wide variety of sushi and fresh reservoirs. Their sizes range from 0.3 to 155 mm of length. Many beetles make great harm to cultural plants. One of the pests of potatoes and other plants is colorado beetlebrought to us from America. Zhuk-Kuzka. - grain pest; chafer - His larvae damage the roots of trees and potatoes; beetling weevil - Sugar beet affects. In addition, here are beetles-koroedyPulling the moves in the Core and Lubyany Fibers valuable breeds trees, and larvae zlatok And I live in dead wood, make great damage to forestry industrial farms.

Many beetles spoil food stocks: pea grain, bog-bread sharpened, beetle leatherdamaging leather, woolen products. To the detachment of the beetles is still little beetle trubovert.. Very interesting biology of these beetles. In the spring, the tubrel is specially cuts off the sheet to the main vein. The outbreak part of the sheet fades and loses elasticity. Then the beetle rolls the Ce Celets and put eggs there. Something like cigar is formed. So the pipeberry is taking care of the offspring.

Separate beetles are powered by the residues of plants and animals and in nature are in nature the role of sanitation, for example: beetles-Gnetoviki and gobaariki. Some can be used to combat harmful insects. So, ladybug destroys Tlya and big green beetles-paintotele - Caterpillars.

Beetles are extremely beautiful, large sizes, eg beetle deer., or rogachListed in the Red Book reaches length up to 8 cm, the larvae develops in rotten hemps about five years and grow up to 14 cm long. In the reservoirs they live a variety of sizes and in the method of nutrition of the beetle - a beetle-planet, and a fuel oil black. Floor beetle - a predator, a black water - herbivor.

Detachment butterfly, or czeshechy- Representatives of this detachment are distinguished by a variety of painting their wings. These include hives, cabbage butterfly, silkworm et al. among species living on Far East, There are very large night butterflies, which in the wing in the wings correspond to the width of the expanded notebook. Wings in butterflies are covered with modified hairs - scales having the ability to refract light. This phenomenon depends the overflow color of the wings of many butterflies. Butterfly larvae are called caterpillars. They have a rodent apparatus, a long body. Their salivary glands, except saliva, also allocate silk threads, of which the cocoon can fly before pokucling. Adult butterflies are very good pollinators of plants. The caterpillars of most butterflies are roasting, sparing the leaves of plants, cause significant harm, for example, cabbage whitefish, apple mole, a goldenflake, neckline, and others. Room mole caterpillar feeds on wool products, damaging them, some caterpillars spoil flour and other foods.

Taut and oak silkworms - They have been breeding a person for the purpose of obtaining silk (from cocoons) for a long time. Lot big butterflies extraordinarily beautiful, for example mahaon, apollo et al. very interesting big butterfly night peacock eye, on the wings of which there are eye stains. Her caterpillar is a large, fleshy, green, in front of the punching cocoon cocoon with a chicken egg.

Large night butterflies with acute wings, distinguished by a very fast flight - brahniki- Named because you willingly feed on the trembling and fragile juice of trees, especially birch, speaking on wounds and stumps.

Sponden detachment detachment - combines a variety of insects: bee., bumblebee, oS., riders, pilliers and others. Lifestyle in these insects is diverse. Some of them are roasting, as their larvae (very similar to the caterpillars) make great harm to grain and other plants, for example bread and pine sawers. Feeding foliage of the larvae of peelers so acquire the traits of similarity with butterfly caterpillars, which they are called false caterpillars. The striking device is the eggs of the peelers, which serves to drink in the tissues of the pockets of pockets, in which the female sawers hide eggs, thereby showing the original care for the offspring.

Beautiful pollinators of plants are bumblebee. This is a public insect. Family bumblebees There is only one summer. The nests are built in mouse minks, dupes, sockets of proteins, in birdhouses. The nest is building a female, equipping wax cells in it to lay eggs. Food is placed in the cell - a mixture of flower pollen with honey. The larvae fell out of the egg eat food and after two or three weeks torture silk cocoons, turning into the dolls. Workers, females and males are out of the pupae. By the end of summer, in large nests there are up to 500 bumblebees. In the fall, an old uterus, males and workers die, and young uterus hide in wintering.

Lifestyle oS. Looks like a bumblebee. They also exist one summer. The wasps benefit, destroying harmful insects, and the damage from the damage by them is small. More harm from shershnei (One of the types of Rioi OS): They're flashing the bark of young trees and eat bees. Settling near the apiary, they destroy thousands of bees over the summer.

From public insects, the detachment of the reference will benefit honey bee. She is a wonderful pollinator of plants, and produces exclusively useful product Nutrition - honey, as well as wax, uterine milk, widely used by man in perfumery. medicine, for the manufacture of varnishes, paints, etc.

The bee family is an amazingly complex integer, in which all family members are very closely connected with another friend. Life and prosperity of all kinds are equally impossible without uterus and without drone, without working bees. Using knowledge of the life of all members of the bee family, specialists of the beekeepers learned to create specialized houses for bees - hives, conditions for nutrition of bees (exported to those fields where frost plants are grown) and not only honey good quality, but also quantities.

Repfillment detachment representatives are used as a biological method of combating harmful insects. These include various riders, as well as a trichogram, which is taken artificially

Squad docks. This includes all famous insects: mukhi., mosquitoes, midge, odd., blind And other insects similar to them, possessing one pair of transparent wings. The second pair of wings turned into the so-called buzz. Ordinary Komar dwells in swampy and raw local areas. Especially numerous mosquitoes are in the middle of summer. Residents of Taiga and tundra call them clusters gnus. The mosquitoes are easily punctured by the human skin and suck his blood. Drawing mosquito larvae live in standing water. Feeding, larvae grow, linen and turn into rolling dolls. Komarov dolls also live in water, they cannot eat, so they will soon turn into an adult individual.

Malari and ordinary mosquito distinguish landing.

Ordinary Komar (Piskun) keeps his body parallel to the surface on which sits, and malarial - At an angle to it, highly raising the rear end of the body. Malari Komar lays eggs in a pond one by one, ordinary - packs floating on the surfaces in the form of dams. Mushroom mosquito larvae live in fruit bodies of hat mushrooms.

Mukhi, unlike mosquitoes. Have short mustache. Their larvae is white, as a rule, legal and headless. In the room flies, the drawing larvae lives and develop in kitchen garbage, in a pile of manure and uncleanness, where the flies lay eggs. Before poking, the larvae crawled out of uncleanness, penetrate into the soil and turn into a pupa.

Adult flies hatched from dolls fly everywhere in search of bend. From restrooms and cesspools, they fly to openly lying food and pollute them. Flies are transferred to the food of the human bacteria of gastrointestinal diseases and eggs Askarid. Therefore, it is very important to fight flies. Foods are protected from flies of gauze or caps, vegetables and fruits before use washed.

Midge - Long blood circulats of small sizes, the larvae of which are developing at the bottom of the reservoirs with flowing water. In the tropics and subtropics, very small mosquitoes are found in Crimea - mosquito. Their larvae develop in wet soils, nonorah rodents, etc. Mosquitoes - carriers of many diseases (malaria, etc.). We live "Hessian Fly", destroying cereal plants.

Odd., blind They make great harm to human and pets with its bite, as well as the ability to transfer pathogens of such dangerous diseases as Tularemia, Siberian ulcer.

At the same time, flies are pollinators of many plants.

Rat flea It can transmit plague pathogens from sick rodents to a very dangerous disease, once who carried thousands of human lives.

Insect with complete transformation (with metamorphosis) Four stages are in its development: egg - Larva - Pupa - Adult Insect (Imago).

Pay attention!

Insect troops with complete transformation: butterflies (scratched), beetles (tough), double, refilled, fleas.

Most insect species are typical of complete transformation. In the insects with complete transformation (butterflies, beetles, flies, OS, ants) larvae are completely unlike adults. They have no complex eyes (there are only simple eyes, or there are no vision organs) often there are no mustols; no wings; The body is most often dark-like (for example, butterfly caterpillars).

In the insects with the complete transformation of the larvae often dwells completely in other places and feed on other food than adult insects. This eliminates the competition between different stages of the same species.

Insect larvae with a complete transformation of several times linen, grow and, reaching limit sizes, turn into pupa. The doll is usually fixed. An adult insect comes out of the doll.

See a video that demonstrates the outlet of the monarch butterfly from the pupa

Butterfly detachment, or scraped

Butterflies differ from other insects mainly by two signs: scaly cover wings and sucking mouth, twisted spiral.

Butterflies are called schellower because they have small chitinov scales. They refracted the falling light, creating a bizarre color game.

The coloring of the butterfly wings helps them recognize each other, masks in the grass and on the crust of trees or warns the enemies that the butterfly is insecured.

Rota apparatus in butterflies sucking - This is a rolled trot in the spiral. Feed butterflies nectar flowers.

In the larvae of butterflies (caterpillars), the rodes of the oral apparatus, they feed on the tissues of the plants (most often).

When the caterpillar of some butterflies, flush threads are distinguished. The flush thread is highlighted by a special silkotativative iron located on the lower lip of the caterpillars.

Solid Beetles, or Tough

Representatives of this group have dense rigid necroks, covering the second pair of leathery wings, with which they fly. Rotty apparatus rodent.

Among the beetles a lot of roasting, there are predators and potalads.

Beetles live in a ground-air environment (on plants, ground surfaces, in soil) and in water.

The larvae of the beetles are very moving predators who are openly open, and low-propelled, similar to worms living in shelters and feeding plants, mushrooms, sometimes decompanying the remnants of organisms.

Squad docks

These insects have only one pair of wings. The second pair is strongly reduced and serves to stabilize the flight. This group includes mosquitoes and flies. They have a piercing-sucking or liding mouth. Some doubles feed on pollen and nectar of flowers (sirphoid flies), there are predators (ktyry) and bloodshots (mosquitoes, hoops, midges, blind). Their larvae dwells in decaying residues of cesspools, composts (bedroom flies), in water (mosquitoes and midges) or carry out a stray lifestyle and hunt for small insects.

Sponden detachment

The group includes such well-known insects, like bumblebees, wasps, bees, ants, peelers, riders. They have two pairs of confused wings (there are no wings).

There are insects, which in adult, and in the immaturity stages live in water, but most of the water insects are larvae. They inhabit any fresh reservoir. Wherever there is water, there is at least one type of insects: in cold glacial rivers, in hot springs with a temperature of up to 50 ° C, in brackish puddles, and even in lakes, where water is many times the salty of the ocean. Some species are content with a very small amount of water. Mosquito larvae often enough rainwater accumulated in a canning bank; Some tropical species flourish in a scarce moisture, held between the leaves of the epiphyte plants. Mosquito Aedes Sticticus puts eggs into the Il, remaining after the spill; Eggs do not develop until they fill with water again, even if it happens in only a few years.

The larvae and adult beetles of the overwhelming majority of the water species of the subephaga sublit - live in water and leave the reservoirs only for migrations and wintering. Representatives of the Polyphaga sublit, having water larvae, often common in terrestrial stations; Adult beetles of all quaggers live outside the water, and adult leafles and weevils although they can be in water, more often occur over its surface. Lichery development is usually accounted for in spring and summer, with a moral cycle, although the development of some of the female continues 2 years (for example, types of genes of Agabus and Ilybius). Winter larvae is found primarily among some booms, female and elmidae. Almost all the aqueous forms are pounded outside the water bodies, in which the larvae lives or above the surface of the water (Noteridae, Elmidae, Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae can be pounded in water). Most larvae make a pupaeel or even a coconut, and Gyrinidae larvae is usually picked up at the surface of the water on floating plants.

Breath In the water in adult beetles can be 2 types. Most of the representatives of the ADEPHAGA subdivide preserve air under the hollows and breathe atmospheric oxygen or bubbles released by algae in water. Other adult beetles hold the air film on the bottom surface of the abdomen, which functions like gills. The air film in these beetles is updated outside the water or is preserved due to the abdominal surface. The larvae never have air tanks on the body surface. Thanks to the larvae of the larvae of the pitchers and the waterblows of the genus Berosus are fully independent of the atmospheric air, the larvae of sheets, weedons and toustes are removed by air from the air paths of plants. Others are reserved by air at the surface of the water. The larvae of some species living near the water and sometimes immersed in water for a short time have no adaptation for breathing in water (Ptilodactylidae).

Water insect larvae

Motyl (Red mosquito larvae) - these are larvae mosquitoes. Usually they are in the clusters of the Derita at the bottom of the ponds or other reservoirs with standing or slowly current water, the bottom of which is covered with sludge or other organic, or densely threw algae (tina). These are the larvae of a blood-red value of approximately 1-2 ° C, which fully dedicated to such a hobby, as aquarium, can collect the moth in safe places, but for this he will have to choose individual larvae from Detritis with a tweezers. Therefore, the easiest and safest option is to buy a frozen product that has been disinfected.

Coretra (White mosquito larvae) is a transparent larvae of non-obvious mosquitoes ChaoBorus SPP. They have about the same dimensions as a moth, and sometimes they can be found among the raffs living in the ponds. However, they rarely meet in such large quantitiesTo compile a separate type of food. Fishes love them very much, but these larvae are predators and should not be used as feed in those aquariums where there are fry.

Devils (black mosquito larvae) in length can reach 1cm and are usually hanging in standing water directly below the surface. They breathe air using a small tube, with which the atmospheric air takes a little above the water surface. With the slightest sign of danger - even when the shadow falls on the water - they dive into the depth, so they need to move with a saccmother. Feeders for horses and livestock, ponds and even rainwater buckets can be rich sources of these larvae. They can be caught and transporting the same way as Daphnia, etc. Fishes love this feed very much, and there is no data that he can hire any danger. However, be sure to take care that all the larvae are eaten - otherwise tropical conditions Aquarium they will quickly turn into mosquitoes!

Watch - the larvae of the hollow beekeeping, grayish worms; The length of their body is about 1 cm, diameter 3mm. They have a long air tube ("tail"). They can sometimes be found in ponds and other reservoirs with standing water. For fish that have a sufficiently big mouth, they are a favorite food.

Dragonfly larvae There are everywhere in standing and slow flowing water. Most often they are on aquatic plants or on the bottom, where they sit motionless, sometimes slowly move. There are species that break into il.

All larvae can be divided, in general, into three groups:

a) type larvae dragonflies-rocker (Aeschna) with an elongated body and a flat mask. These include the very following large species, similar to each other. In the northern regions there are representatives of childbirth: Gomphus - Dage, Onychogomphus, GorduleGaster, etc.

b) type larvae ordinary, or real dragonfly (Libellula) with a shorter and wide body than previous ones. The mask have helmet. It is mainly on the bottom, often in the layer of Slah. For the northern regions, childbirth is characteristic: Libellula is a real dragonfly, Cordulla - grandfather, Leucorrhinia, Epitheca (Fig. 206), Sympetrum, etc.

c) type larvae lutki. (Agrion) with a very long elongated body, which at the rear end has leaf-shaped gill plates. We have found representatives of childbirth: agrion - arrows, lests - Lutka, Erythromma (Fig. 207), Calopteryx - Beauty, etc.

Dragonflies type dragonflies of rocker:

The rocker is great (Aeschna Grandis), blue rocker (Aeschna Cyanea) and rubberry green (Aeschna Viridls).

(Eats. Led)

Moving larvae or swimming, or crawling. In general, they are very little moving. If the larva is lightly disturbed, it slowly moves to another place, clumsily rearring the legs. With a stronger push, the larva rapidly breaks away from the place and, pressing his legs to the body, floats with strong allocuous movements, the reason of which is sometimes not immediately detected. Under the immediate observation it turns out that the larva gains water through the anal hole in the rear, and then with big powers throws it from there. At the same time, the "water shot" of the insect body, by virtue of the return, is repelled in the opposite direction, completely by the same principle, as the burning rocket flies, from the rear hole of which gases are broken. This method of movement is already because it is rarely found in the world of animals (for example, in challenges of mollusks).

Mosquito larva is the second stage of insect development after an egg. This is an important period in the life of bloodsuckers, because the accumulation is accumulated. nutrients For adults. Despite small sizes, they play important role in nature.

The appearance of the larvae and the structure

Answering the question of how the mosquito larva looks like, you can describe a small worm, the body length of which usually does not exceed 1 cm. But there are some differences, well-visible with attentive consideration: they have a thoracic department with respect to a sealing abdomen, and on a large head There are 2 black eyes.

Color larva depends on. It's a good friend to everyone, they are brown, and the malarious is green.

At the end of the body of the larva there is a long process, an oblique located in relation to the abdomen. This is a respiratory tube, at the end of which there are 2 tiny holes: through them there is vital oxygen.

On the photo of the mosquito larva, the bristles needed for swimming in water are noticeable

If you go to the water reservoir, where the mosquito larvae live, and dramatically hold a hand over the surface of the water, they sharply fall off and rush deep into to hide from potential danger. For this, the so-called swimming hairs helps them. They are collected in bundles and attached to the body of the worm. The largest of them is located on the tail segment, playing the role of a kind of motor and steering wheel, setting the pace of swimming and the direction of movement in water.

The whole life of the mosquito in the stage of development of the larva lasts on average 3-4 weeks. Its exact duration depends not only on the type, but also on the conditions ambient, First of all, water temperature. During this time, intermediate moles occur: the insect dumps the cover of the body - the exoskeleton so that it can increase in size.

Mosquito larvae peculiar intensive growth: when they only hatch out eggs, their length does not exceed only 1 mm and they are almost invisible for the naked eye. By the end of the stage, the body is pulled up to 1 cm. Even faster the body increases: according to the calculations of biologists, the difference between it from the original can be up to 500 times. When the development of the larvae ends, it is transformed into a pupa with a more complex structure.

How is her life going?

All species of mosquitoes, which are about 3,500, the larvae inhabit the water, where the female puts the eggs. For the birth of offspring, she can choose:

  • fresh reservoir, most often calm and with standing water; a small size and a depth of 1.5 m;
  • waste ditch;
  • do not dry puddles for a long time;
  • water filled with water;
  • barrels and bans.

The structure of the larvae different species It may differ significantly, and it determines the features of their behavior. But most, due to the presence of a breathing tube on the tail, there is a need to be in the position of the head at the surface of the water. So they exhibit holes for oxygen. To get into the depths of the native reservoir, only an approaching danger can, but the maximum after 15 minutes the worm will again hang out. But there are larvae of mosquitoes living at the bottom of the reservoirs - for example, a mosquito call.

Interesting and life of larvae. She, in contrast to the fellow, there is no respiratory tube at the end of the belly, but there are holes located along the edge of the body.

The necessary conditions

The varieties of mosquitoes are very different from each other: some give preference to the hot and humid climate of the tropics, while others feel good next to the polar circle. Some for the development of their larvae choose water bodies, well heated by the straight rays of the sun, and the rest are looking for shady ponds. In general, the permissible temperature for development scientists call the range of 10-35 ° C, but the optimal ranges from 25 to 30 ° C: in such conditions, the growth goes faster.

What danger takes the larvae?

The observations showed that most of the larvae dies, and only some of them can turn into a doll. The cause of death can be bad weather conditions (for example, low temperature Water or natural disasters). But such losses with interest pay off with high fertility of these bloodsowing insects, so it is not necessary to talk about the decrease in their population.

Often these small worms are eaten: mosquito larvae are the main feed for other dwellings of the reservoir: fish and amphibians. In front of these enemies, they are not protected.

Another threat lies in an unfavorable environmental setting. If the reservoir is contaminated with petroleum products, then the finest film is formed on the surface of the water. It overlaps the larvae access to the air, without which they die after 15 minutes, and also clogs the holes on the breathing tube.


With what ? Their diet includes microscopic organisms, such as single-cell algae, as well as organic residues of plants, decomposed in water. To find suitable food, the larva filters water. On average, its volume in 24 hours is 1 l, which is an impressive digit for such a small creature.


Moth - what is called a mosquito larva from the Chironomidae family (they are also called derguns and calls) and Tendipedidae is perhaps the most significant in a person's life. These creatures are used as a bait in fisheries, with which you can get a rich catch, so they are actively sold in specialized stores. The mosquito-call larva is familiar in aquarium and among people containing exotic reptile houses: this is suitable food for their pets.

Moth sell fresh and frozen. Individuals are sorted by size depending on the dimensions of the fish for which the bait is intended.

These larvae prefer to dwell on the bottom of the reservoirs, thoroughly overgrown with vegetation. They are benthic organisms - conducted their lives in Ile. It is there that they find their feed. But, like all kinds, they need oxygen, so they periodically pop up to the surface.

Moth - Mosquito Polypedilum Vanderplanki Mosquito with enviable survival. Scientists conducted an original experiment in cooperation with the Space Organization, when these creatures conducted in open space (while overboard the ISS) longer than a year. After returning 80% of the larvae were alive. Therefore, it was called on the right to be called the most complex organism, a well-known science that survives when dried.

For blood, the red color is characteristic of which they are acquired due to the content of hemoglobin. Their lifestyle is curious and their lifestyle: with the help of a substance allocated with salivary glands, they glue from her a kind of house in the form of a tube. He serves as shelter, so the larva is putting out of him only the front part, which finds food.

The life and development of mosquito larvae is quite interesting. They benefit, performing the function of a live water filter and being food for fish, which actively uses a person. Also, the larvae play the role of the water purity indicator: if it is contaminated, their population dies.