Installing the Russian language to the DOP B panel. How to return the Language Panel to the Windows desktop

Windows Language Panel Usually by default is located in the right corner of the monitor and automatically appears in the taskbar immediately after installing the operating system. Language panel allows you to quickly switch between different keyboard layouts and select the required input language yourself. It can be "moved" to the most convenient place on the screen of your computer, "hide" in the taskbar or hide at all.

When this, it would seem that a completely insignificant element disappears without anything from your field of view, then work with most applications is immediately complicated. For people living abroad, for example in the US, this problem is NEMBOD, since they do not need to switch between different languages \u200b\u200bat all, but for Russian-speaking users, the disappearance of the language panel brings many inconvenience.

So, if after solving the problem described above, the language panel disappeared and does not want to appear, then we turn to the next method, namely, checking the service called "Task Scheduler". It is the "job scheduler" it is responsible for the launch of the CTFMon.exe utility, which in turn is responsible for the health of the language panel in Win 7.

Automatic making changes to the registry

This is done as follows:

Method 4: Moving from simple to complex (or making data into the registry manually)

Method 5: Non-standard (Punto Switcher)

Punto Switcher is a program that you can download for free, for example, from the site Actually, Yandex is a developer of this application and the owner of all rights to him, so when you will install it (Punto Switcher), look carefully for nonsense to disagree to the "bouquet" of all sorts of additions and special search strings that will automatically be built into your browser And there will be every way "corn eyes". The rest of the program is a fairly interesting product, perfectly optimized for Win 7 operating system.

The non-standard of this method is that the language panel is not returned directly to the taskbar, and its responsibilities takes on the Punto Switcher utility. It monitors the entire text entered and itself, if necessary, switches the language from English to Russian and back. That is, if you, for example, thought and printed in the search bar instead of " Washer"" CNBHFKMYFZ VFIBYF ", the program will automatically change the request and invite you about it using the beep.

Installing an application on win 7 special difficulties is not due to its simplicity and very friendly interface. In the right corner of the screen on the taskbar next to the information about the current date and time, the RU icon appears (with blue backlight) or EN (highlighted in red). By right-clicking on any of these icons, you will get into the menu in which you can configure the application for maximum convenience and comfortable work. Here you can also determine if the Punto Switcher is required to correct the abbreviations, capital letters, accidentally pressing the CAPS LOCK key (if desired, it can be turned off at all) and independently debug the functions of the automatic symbol replacement.

In contact with

Language panel is a universal tool for working with texts. With it, you can change Language for writing characters. It can be changed a few simple combinations - ALT and SHIFT or Ctrl and Shift. By default, the tool is in a tray of the desktop. It can be found in the right side of the screen.

Sometimes there are failures in the system, as a result of which the choice of language without a trace disappeared. This introduces many users to confusion, and they seek to correct the problem. But not everyone has an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to do it right.

How to enable or disable a language panel on windows 7

Cases where the language panel is not displayed in Windows 7 very frequent phenomenon. An ordinary user is available several ways Its inclusions. This can be made by standard system utilities, not attracting third-party software.

Standard method. Some cases are conjugate with the impossibility of inclusion on the first attempt. For convenience, you must try out several options.

To implement the method through the settings, follow the following chronological sequence Actions:

Second way - edit registry. Its essence is that a file is created that makes changes to the registry structure when activated. In this situation, they will affect the language panel. Original text looks like that:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Ctfmon.exe" \u003d "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ ctfmon.exe"

For its implementation, follow the following chronological sequence Actions:

In most cases, the outcome is obtained successful.

Language panel on Windows XP

This operating system has a number of features that need to be considered when working with it.

The primary task of any user who has lost the language panel is to check the settings of the tray or taskbar. To open this menu, you should click on the right mouse button on any empty band area between the Start key and the date at the opposite end.

The context menu appears. From it you should select the toolbar section. Here is a selection of those tools that need to be displayed in the described area. By installing a tick in a string Language panel, you will return it to the original place.

Another way - edit Startup. There is a chance that the necessary file responsible for the language panel was disabled In the autoload of the operating system. To return autorun, you need to get into the operating system configuration menu. To do this, you need to adhere to a number of simple recommendations:

This method is relevant after the action of viral programs that have eliminated the file from this list.

Settings of the language panel on Windows 8, 10

Below are several ways to restore the functioning of the language system for these operating systems. Presented several ways.

Standard method:

Edit registry:

How to Add Language to Panel

In some cases, the user language is different from the default. In such cases, it is necessary to add it.

IN operating systems Win XP and 7, you need to go to the section language and regional standardswhich is in the control panel. Going into the tab Languages \u200b\u200band keyboardYou should click on the keypad change key. After which go to the section General, Press the Add button there. Select the necessary language and confirm your actions. To add a language in Windows 8, 10, you need to start the control panel, and then select item language. The window will appear somewhat acting in currently layouts. To add a new one you want to click Add Language And make the necessary choice.

New Year's weekend passed and all the people were immersed again in working days, and I, in turn, got for my blog. And everything seems to be nothing, but one problem torments me since last year - the panel of languages \u200b\u200bconstantly disappears. Just restored it, a month or two passes, and here it disappeared.

Why this happens - I do not know. Without the language panel, it is possible to work on the computer, but as it is not convenient. When she disappeared the first time, I asked "thugged" and immediately restored it. So it was two times, three. And for the fourth time the first way to restore has ceased to act. I had to look for an alternative, but still I found it.

About my two active methods I want to tell you. If the first does not give the result, the second one should act rightly. By the way, I have Windows 7, but the second way may be suitable for many operating systems.

So, if you do not displays the language panel, we use these methods:

  1. Through Windows Control Panel.

  2. Through "autoload" using the CTFMON file. EXE

1-way. The easiest and it is necessary to resort to the icon after the disappearance. Through the "Start" go to the "Control Panel".

In the application "Language panel", the check mark should be opposite "fixed in the taskbar".

For example, when I had a first time icon, I went to the "Language panel" and a check mark for some reason turned out to be opposite "soda". By simple actions, it secured it into "fixed in the taskbar" and pressed OK.

All the icon returned to the place and I was happy until this method acted. But then he stopped helping. Even those simple actions stopped acting. The language panel did not want to go back and then helped the second method.

2 way. The same simple as the first.

So, for the beginning we go into the "C" disk disk, then open the folder "Windows" next "System32".

There we find the CTFMON file and copy it to your desktop.

After that, through the "Start" go to "All Programs".

In the programs we find the "Auto-loading" folder and open it with the right mouse button through "Open". In the window that appears, we move our previously copied CTFMON label.

This operation is almost complete, only it is necessary to restart the computer and the RU / EN language icon is simply obliged to appear in its place.

In this post-year-old article, I tried as much as possible and clearly disassemble the question "How to return the language panel" and, I think these ways will help you. Well, everything while!

Supplement July 2015

3-way. With the help of changes in the Windows registry.

The effective method, but should be done exactly as written in this instruction. Otherwise, the system can work unstable or not to boot at all.

Go to the menu Start Or press hot keys Win + R. And in the search box, drive the "Regedit" command.

In the last "RUN" folder, press the right mouse button and create a "string parameter". We call it "CTFMON". Again with the right mouse button on the newly created file and select "Change". Enter there the following meaning " C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Ctfmon.exe»

All, reboot the computer and observe the result.

Language panel shows which input language is currently active. As a rule, it is in the tray (on the line at the bottom of the screen) to the left of all other icons in the rolled form. Switching the keyboard layout, you will see an EN abbreviation as a button as the button of this panel. This article contains several tips for those users who are not displayed for any reasons for Windows Long Panel.

In the deployed form, this interface is a rectangle on which the current input language is written and the help call button is shown. Before you solve display problems, look on the screen. this object - Perhaps you simply launched it.

The most elementary and fast way to solve this problem is using the tray setting. Click PCM in a random location of the line at the bottom of the screen. In the context-free drop-down menu, select the highest category - "panels". Check the presence of the Galka opposite the "Language panel" parameter. If there is no - put the interface you need again appear in a normal place.

Settings languages

If the previous method does not help, and the language panel is still displayed, try to go to another way - using the settings of the languages \u200b\u200band the Windows keypads7.

Register of the system

As a result of viruses, from the register of your system could be deleted a record responsible for launching the required service. To restore it - follow the instructions:

The language panel is a toolbox on the desktop that displays the current keyboard layout, current input languages, manual input recognition, speech and other related function settings. But the most convenient thing that she does is make it possible to quickly change the keyboard layout directly from Tasquebara.

Many will say that it is much more convenient to switch the input language using the Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift hotkeys, but you will agree before switching you to see the language panel to find out the current keyboard layout.

Unfortunately, many users of Windows 7 often complain that they have disappeared the language panel. The reasons why it disappears can be different: it happens that it is hidden by the user by chance, disappears due to the system error "seven" or the virus hides it. In any case, the recovery process is the same. We describe two ways to enable the language panel if it disappeared.

Restoring the language panel through the control panel

Open the Start menu and select "Control Panel". In the "Clock, Language and Region" section, select "Changing the keyboard layout or other input methods."

You will appear in the Language and Regional Standards window. On the "Languages \u200b\u200band Keyboards" tab, click the "Change keypad" button and go to the Language Panel tab.

As you can see, the panel is not displayed due to the fact that it is hidden. To display it, tick the items "fixed in the taskbar" and "display text marks in the language panel" and click "Apply" and "OK".

After that, it should appear on the taskbar. If you did everything as described above, but the panel did not appear, it means you need to use the second way.

If the Language Panel of Windows 7 disappeared after the system infection with the virus, this situation may form when you cannot open the settings of the control panel in the standard way. In this case, the following control panel applets will be helped, which are entered in the Start menu search row (it opens with the Win + R keys). Applets are the usual libraries.dll with extension. CPL.

  • the intl.cpl applet opens the "Language and Regional Standards" window (Regional Tab);
  • cONTROL INTL.CPL applet, 1 opens the Language and Regional Standards window (Languages \u200b\u200btab);
  • cONTROL INTL.CPL applet, 2 opens the tab "Languages \u200b\u200band Keyboard";
  • cONTROL INTL.CPL applet, 3 opens the Advanced tab.

Enabling the language panel through the registry

Open the Start menu and in the search bar, enter the REGEDIT command. The registry editor opens:

Follow the next path and check the presence of a CTFMON string parameter with the value "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Ctfmon.exe"

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Run

If this parameter is not, it means that it must be created. Press the right mouse button to the "RUN" section or on an empty area of \u200b\u200bthe section window, and select Create a String Parameter.

Assign the CTFMON name created by the parameter, then click on it with the right mouse button and select Edit. In the "Value" field, enter the following:

C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Ctfmon.exe

It remains to apply changes and reboot. After rebooting, the language panel should appear on the taskbar.

Setting up language panel

Since we started talking about the language panel, it will not be superfluous to say a few words about its configuration. The panel can be freely moved to any screen location, hide or folded to the taskbar (it is in such a state that it is default). In the picture below, you can see both of the described options:

The composition of the buttons and other items displayed on the panel depends on which text input services are installed and whether the display of additional icons is noted on the taskbar. With the right mouse click you can call the settings menu to change the position on the taskbar or display the panel vertically, and not horizontally, as is done by default.

If you configured something wrong and do not know how to return everything back, use item "Restore defaults".

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