Scarlet sails read briefly by chapters. "Scarlet Sails

When the work is so colorfully and vividly transmits the plot-rich items, it becomes difficult for us to put it briefly. But the Team "Liesel" is very trying to do this, and represents you a very brief content of "Scarlet sails" for reader's diary.

(434 words) Longren, the father of the main character of Assol, was a sailor and went into prolonged swimming. Returning home, he learns that his wife Mary died, and he had an eight-month-old daughter. Births were severe, the spouse spent all the savings on recovery. Once from hopelessness she went to pass wedding ring In the pawnshop to buy at least bread, after a long path, Mary could not stand and died. Little Assol brought up a neighbor, who told Longren that they have big debts in front of Menners, the owner of the restaurant.

Five years later, a tragedy occurred: Manners, who in a boat took place in the sea, all this happened in the eyes of his debtor, who he did not help to escape. Residents of the village learned about what was happening and continue did not communicate with the Longren family. Assol became an outcast, she even beat her.

The author further reveals the story about scarlet sails. At the age of eight years, Assol saw a toy yacht with Alami sails and, playing, hesitated her in a stream, who led her to the forest, there she met the storyteller Eglem, he predicted her further fate. She will find a brave prince, who will take her from the village on the ship with Alay Sails. This story girl told his father, but she accidentally heard passerby and handed over the entire village, and since then the associate called slightly insane.

In the next chapter, the writer introduces readers with another major hero. Arthur Gray from the rich family. He grew up alone in the family and played alone, as well as a small associate. Once he got into his hands a book with the image of a ship in a storm, which inspired him. In fifteen, he went to the sea, his parents asked to return, and five years later he returned, but by the time Ghea's father did not. The son acquired a three-wing vessel "Secret".

Further, the writer describes the acquaintance of the main characters. Traveling, Gray sailed to Kapernu and, walking through the forest, noticed the sleeping stranger of incredible beauty, it was an associate. In the restaurant, he began asking people who she is. The people called her insane. Stories about the dreams of Assol hooked him. One of the visitors cried out that the heroine is not at all crazy, but even very good girl. Gray gives an order: buy scarlet silk and collect talented musicians. Soon the Father Assol again goes to the sea, on earnings.

The final chapter tells about the new meeting of heroes. On this day, the daughter of the sailor was alone, read the book, and little bug Stopped on the word "look." Raising my head, she noticed the ship with Alay Sails. The girl ran to the pier, there were already gathered villagers. They shouted, pushed, threw all their affairs. The fragile heroine barely sneaked through all the crowd. She immediately realized that he sailed behind her. From the decks lowered the boat, the Assol ran to her and saw his prince himself. To the question of whether Gray father will be given his beloved father, he replied "yes." He kissed Assol, and they sailed.

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The famous work of Alexander Green "Scarlet Sails" made good romantics already several generations of readers. Since 1922, beautiful extravagania raises tears of admiration for girls in many countries around the world, as it is translated into most European languages.

History of creating a work

To understand the essence of extravagancies, you can learn its brief content ("Scarlet Sails") on chapters. In this work, only 7 chapters. The first is the lattice of the whole history and acquaintance with the main heroine.


A big plus for the development of the child, if in his list of authors for mandatory reading Green ("Scarlet Sails"). Summary The chapters begins with the chapter "Prediction", which immediately intrigues the young reader.

Sailor Longren, returning from swimming, learns that his wife died because of the greediness and cunning of Menners, the owner of the restaurant and the shopkeeper. After her death, their little assole remains on the care of Longren, who began to make children's toys to feed themselves and daughter.

Assol was a pretty and kind girl when the event happened, made her father and father forever in the village where they lived. During strong wind Menners has a boat, and he decided to return her to the shore. The reinforced wind drove the boat into the open sea. Menners shouted Longren so that he would throw him a rope and helped him, but he smoked the phone silently and looked like a boat takes further.

After 6 days the dying Menners found, he told that Longren did. Kaperna residents were amazed by the fact that the former sailor was silently watched, as a boat takes into the sea. Since then, they began to keep them with her daughter, and the associate children stopped taking into their games.

The grown girl began to wear toys made by her father, in the nearby town of Liss. During one of these "campaigns" in the city of Assol, I saw a new yacht in the basket with almy sails. She liked the toy so much that she decided to put her swim along a small stream, which tech along her path.

The yacht "ran away" from her, "the Assol found her at the feet of the collector of fairy tales, who predicted the girl that someday the prince sails behind her with Alay sails. After returning the girl of the story about this meeting, her story heard resting nearby. He handed his father's conversation with the girl to people in the tavern, and since then there has been a nickname "Ship Assol".


Gray was born in a rich aristocratic family, but from the earliest childhood he knew that he wanted to become captain. He was an unusual boy, since he felt the pain of other people, was curious, smart and cheerful, which did not fit the canons of strict aristocratic education.

Having parents, Gray was completely alone, since they paid little time to their child. He spent a lot of time in the family library, studied the family castle, communicated with servants and servants, walked home classes with teachers, and at the age of 15 ran out to become captain.

For this, he hired Jung to the Anselm vessel. The book, namely, her brief content ("Scarlet Sails", Green A.), can not in full understanding of the power of will, which took the boy to reach the luxury to achieve his goal.

It turned out a strong and courageous young man who at the age of 20 bought the ship and became captain on him.

"Dawn" and "On the eve"

The narration of the next two chapters of the extradition, the author of which - Green A. S. ("Scarlet Sails"). A summary of chapters tolerate readers further to the chapter "Dawn". Gray was on his ship "Secret" in Lisse, leaving anchor near Kaperna. Within 10 days on the "Secret" unloaded the goods, and on the 11th day, Gray bored and decided to go fishing with a sailor.

To dispel, the captain "Secret" decided to walk at dawn and discovered the associate sleeping in the glade. A brief content ("Scarlet Sails") on chapters it is difficult to transmit a complete impression of Gie at the moment when he saw a sleeping girl.

The appearance of the Assol so struck him that he perceived what was happening as a beautiful picture of an unknown author. Having decided to become part of this picture, driven by some incomprehensible feeling, he left an ancient family ring at the Mizinz. After that, he went to Kapern with a little letka to find out about who this girl.

They found a restaurant who was ruled by the son of the late Menners. When Gray described him a girl, he said that this is a polulous "ship associate". He told a lot of dirty woven about her and her father, but the captain saw a girl in the window of a restaurant walking on the way the girl, and her eyes told him more than all the Ruskazni Mennels Jr.. After that, Graya did not leave the feeling that he made an incredible discovery in his life.

Longren toys have ceased to be in demand, and he decided to start serving the sailor again. In this part of the work, the author tells about what an adult associate became. After examining only the brief content ("Scarlet Sails") on the chapters, it is difficult not to imbued with the author's obvious sympathy to his heroine. If you transfer it in one word, then this is "charm."

To help your father, Assol took up sewing. Charter from work, she faced, but waking up in the predestal twilight, decided to walk to his beloved place, where she had friends - trees, hedgehogs, flowers and all the world. At dawn, she again faced sleeping right on the grass, where Gray took her.

"Martial preparations" and "Assol remains one"

In the fifth chapter, Captain Gray is preparing to make a miracle, it gives him a huge pleasure. He buys 2000 meters of scarlet silk and orders sails from them. In Lisse, he met a group of familiar musicians and invited them on board the "Secret". When all the preparations are finished, and the scarlet sails are stretched, the ship took the course to the caper.

In the sixth chapter, Longren says goodbye to the Assol and goes to the flight, and the girl is absorbed by the foreboding of the miracle, as he saw Gray and took it as a sign. Reading (Green, "Scarlet Sails") Brief content on chapters, it is difficult to understand the mental state of the associate. She feels that the long-awaited day will come soon, her prince sails over her.

"Scarlet" Secret ""

In the last chapter, Gray makes a miracle - carries out a children's dream of Assol, sailing for her on a ship with Alay sails. Live in anticipation of a miracle and work wonders with your own hands - here is the main theme of this beautiful extravagania.

"Scarlet Sails" A. Green is a wonderful and amazing work of the writer. Showing images of two young heroes, we see that even the most unreal dreams come true.

Very brief content of Scarlet Sails

The action unfolds in the fictional small town of Capern. From the very first lines, we see how the writer shows the image of one of the main heroes of Longren, a sullen, non-reported person who lives in complete solitude with his daughter. This gloomy man is engaged in the manufacture of various models of sailboats, which then sells. Such work helps him at least somehow live. Citizens do not like him because of the case that happened many years ago.

Sometimes Longren sailed in the sea, and the wife always waited patiently from a long-range sailing. And one day, returning, home, he learns that his spouse died. A woman, I spent all the savings on my treatment because of the difficult childbirth, was forced to turn to the innkeeper for help. But Menners instead of helping the unfortunate staff, made it an indecent proposal. Reficuring a shameless man, Mary went to the city to sell the last jewel.

Casting on the road, it sinks the inflammation of the lungs. The poor woman quickly faded, because she was not at all money. Longren had to bring up his daughter alone, in his soul he burned hatred for the innkeeper. And here turned up a convenient case to take revenge. Somehow a strong storm rose, and suddenly a huge wave swept Menners and began to carry into the sea. But Longren, despite the plenty of help, stood, silently, and did not try to even pull him out of the water. A few days later, fellow villagers saved the innkeeper, and he told about this episode before his death.

After what happened, everything in the city began to bypass this family. They lived quietly and imperceptibly for everyone. Assol was considered a poluly girl, because in childhood one storyteller she said that she would meet her beloved in the image of the captain, which would appear in front of her on the ship with Alami sails. Everyone laughed at her, but the prophecy came true. And one day, a beautiful young man named Gray, sails in their city. Despite the evil clauses on the girl and her father, he falls in love with her and decides to embody the Assol's dream in reality.

The author wanted to convey to us that unlimited love and faith in good peoplewho lived in the heart of the associate. Green on the image of a cute girl showed faith in the exercise of a unfulfilled dream. After all, when you really believe, then all your desires will definitely come true.

Chapter 1. "Prediction"

Reading the first pages of the story, we get acquainted with Longren's sailor, where we recognize sad moments from the story of life. For a long time, swimming in the seas, a man, did not suspect how hard his wife was hard. I barely recover from childbirth, it gets ill. Nobody can help an unhappy woman, and Mary goes to the innkeeper. But Menners, taking advantage of her position, suggests her to enter into an intimate relationship with him. But a decent woman refuses. She has to go to the city to sell the dear thing to her. In the way, having withered, she caresses and picks up the pneumonia. Without medicines, in the need for Longren's wife dies, leaving him to raise a little daughter.

Since then, he has become every day to think about how to take revenge the innkeeper. And so, somehow, the storm took the boat along with Menners in the open sea. An angry sailor did not help him, despite requests for help. After six days, the boat with a dying teacher pull out to the shore and the inhabitants will learn about the indifference of Longren. Then fellow villagers and stopped communicating with Assol and her father.

In one of the beautiful days, the girl allowed toy boats along the stream, and saw a storyteller who predicted her in the future meeting with the wonderful young men who sail on the yacht with Alami sails. Having overheard the conversation, the tramp spoke to the townspeople of Kaperna. And the girl began to consider just a crazy, naively faithful in fairy tales.

Chapter 2. "Gray"

Following further events, we get acquainted with another hero of the story -Gour. Smart, not the weather, the boy who grown in a rich family, since his childhood wanted to become captain. Messenchak by nature and just a very kind child brought up without the special participation of his parents. After all, his mother and father, being aristocrats, devoted all of her life to collecting portraits of their ancestors. Also brought up their son. Arthur's life came out of conversations servants and literature. At twelve years, he shocked the picture, where the ship was depicted, proudly elevating on the crest of sea waves. And the boy realized that he would devote further life by the sea. The passion for the long-distance countries was so fascinated by him that he had escaped from the house at the age of 15. Many tests had to withstand the persistent young man before he became captain. At that time, the father was no longer alive, the mother, a very aged, who did not expect at all that Gray will go to distant swimming, was proud of them.

Chapter 3. "Dawn"

Next, we turn out to be off the coast of Caperna, where the ship was stopped for unloading goods. Tomitative waiting forces the young man to go fishing with one of the sailors. Early in the morning, Gray discovers a sleeping girl who struck him with his beauty. Some incomprehensible feeling took possession of the young captain, and he decides to leave her a beautiful ring.

The desire to learn about her does not leave the young man, and he, together with the Letic, goes to Kapern, where he finds the tavern of the deceased Menners. His son on the description begins to tell Grahu every unfortunate about the girl. He poured a lot of dirt on the late Longren. And maybe he would believe this gossip, if not a clean and bright look of the girl who touched the heart of Gray. And then Arthur decided to find out the whole truth about this beauty.

Chapter 4. "On the eve"

The narration of the next chapter introduces the events that occurred from Assol before meeting with their future beloved. It says that the toy ships have ceases to be sold, as other interesting things appeared, and Longren has to go on a long sailing again. But he was afraid to leave her daughter alone, because his beauty she could be captured by anyone. Any dress looked at her like a princess. The girl of his father forbade working, but she, trying to help, was engaged in sewing. Walking through the forest, having thrilled by nature, she unexpectedly lossed on the grass and fell asleep. Finding a little later in my hand the ring, the Assol did not say anything about an unusual find.

Chapter 5. Battle Preparations

Wanting to carry out a beautiful girl's dream, the young captain goes to the city and buys two thousand meters of red silk. He returns to his ship and decides to sew from the purchased matter scarlet sails. On the way, he meets the wandering musician and invites him to go to him on the ship with his orchestra.

Chapter 6. "Loneliness Assol"

The girl, returning, go home from a walk, meets on the road of the old coil and his two comrades. Shining and inspired, tells everyone that will soon go to the far path. But, considering Assol a little strange, they simply did not pay attention to her phrase.

Chapter 7. "Scarlet Sails"

And in the final lines of the story, we see how the ship headed by the captain Artur Graha to Kapern rushes on all their red sails. The young man looks forward to seeing the girl and open her feelings. When the ship approached the shore, the associate was passionate about reading. All residents seeing such beauty were amazed. Assol, running together with everyone, was looking forward to the approach of the yacht.

A beautiful young man, boiling on the boat, asked her, if Gray Girl remembers. And having received an affirmative answer, the heart of the young man walked up even greater love for this beauty. The music played around. In honor of such an event, the sailors saw wine. And only an old sailor played on his instrument and indulged in reflections on happiness.

Picture or drawing of scarlet sails

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"Longren, the" Orion "sailor, a strong three-hundredthton brig, on which he served ten years, and to which he was stronger than the other son to his native mother, should have finally leave the service." His wife Mary in the absence of her husband was in a difficult financial situation. She requested the owner of the Tavern Menners to lend her money, but he demanded love in return. Mary refused and went to the city lay the wedding ring. On the way she fell under the shower, she was cold and soon died. Three months, before the return of Longren, a neighbor was taught for a small associate. Then she left their home, as Longren wanted to raise his daughter himself. Longren makes a living for the manufacture of toy boats. He almost does not communicate with anyone, and in the shop of Menners does not buy even matches. Longren still loves the sea, walks ashore to watch the storm. In one of these days, he stroll along the mall. Menners's boat refers from the shore with the owner. He pray for Longren on help, but he silently stands on the shore and looks like the waves carry a boat into the raging sea, and then shouts: "She also asked you! Think about it while still alive, Menners, and do not forget! "

Menners miraculously saves, and recovery, tells the whole caper (village where the action takes place), a terrible story about the bloodthirsty Longren, who dreamed of drowning him. Since Longren himself, as a result of his own impairment, does not refute the story of Menners, people take a telied on faith. Isolation of Longrena becomes almost complete, the shadow of his gloomy reputation falls on a small associate. The girl grows without friends, but bother with his loneliness and lives in his own, fictional, world where toys, made by Father - Sailboats. Once she goes to the city to sell toys, on the way he will allow one ship with Alay sails along the stream, runs behind him, gets off the road and meets the storyteller of the eagle. Egle tells the associates that when she grows up, he sails on her ship with Alay sails a beautiful prince who will make her happy. Assol tells the wonderful fairy tale Father. Longren says that everything told by Eglem is true. Their conversation overhears the random beggar, which breaks down the entire KAPPERN story about scarlet sails. Above the Assol laugh even more, teases with her by almy sails and finally assure that she is not in her mind.

Arthur Gray was born in a rich family. He since childhood did not want to live like her parents. Arthur was friends with a Betsy's kitchen, which was told amazing storiesread by him in books. Once Betsy scalked her hand with boiling water, and Arthur asked if she hurt her. The girl angrily offered him to try himself, and the boy put his hand into the boiler. He took Betsy to the doctor, and only after her dressing was taken, showed his hand to the doctor. Arthur even gives Betsy to the dowry all its savings. The father is practically not engaged in raising the son, the mother, who lived "in a half of the security providing for any desire of ordinary nature," passionately loves his son and tries to understand his thoughts. Once in the library Arthur sees a picture depicting the ship with the captain on board. From that moment on, he understands what the goal of his life is, it also understands that parents will never go to the Son to become a sailor. At fifteen years, Arthur secretly runs from home and comes to Jung on the ship. The captain first refers skeptical to the "aristocrat", but seeing perseverance and extraordinary goaliness young man, changes his mind. Under the leadership of Captain Gopa Gray becomes a real sailor, sheers, studying navigation, shipbuilding, marine law, location, accounting. Arthur receives a letter from the mother. Shocked her grief, he goes to visit native homewhere there was not five years. Father has already died; Mother has grazed. Gray buys on his own money the "Secret", says goodbye to Hop and decides once every six months to visit the mother.

Graha's ship enters Capern. Arthur goes to fish with a sailor. By chance on the shore, he sees a sleeping associate. Her beauty and charm of youth amazing the imagination of a young man. Gray puts her finger her ancient ring. He comes into a tavern and, with the help of a firing, learns about the associate as much more details. In particular, Hin Mensners, the son of the old Menners, tells him a terrible story about the drowning of Menners Longren, as well as a fairy tale about scarlet sails. Gray decides that Assol is a completely normal girl, just her beautiful romantic nature is not created for life in a rough and primitive caper. With his sailor, he announces that he will soon marry. Gray goes to the bench and chooses two thousand meters of scarlet fabric for sails, under which his "secret" must come to the caper. He invites the orchestra who will play when the captain's bride will appear on the shore - Assol.

Meanwhile, the toys of Longren are not at all sold. Homemade boats gave way to expensive clockwork toys. Longren decides to go on the ship again. Assol is already quite an adult to hold out before his return.

In Assol "Two girls, mixed in wonderful, excellent misunderstood. One was a daughter of a sailor, an artisan, mastered toys, the other - a living poem, with all the wonders of his consonance and images, with the secret neighborhood of words, in the whole reciprocity of their shadows and light falling from one to another. She knew life within the limits of her experience, but in excess of general phenomena saw the reflected meaning of a different order ... She knew how to read, but also read in the book mostly between the lines, as she lived. Unconsciously, by means of a peculiar inspiration, she did at every step many etherotonic discoveries ... He once, worrying and Robust, she left at night to the Sea Coast, where, waiting for the dawn, completely seriously visited the ship with Alami sails. These minutes were happiness for her; It is difficult for us to go to the fairy tale, it was no less difficult to get out of her power and charm. " When, waking up on the shore, she discovers a ring on the finger, he first scared, but, listening to the voice of the heart, understands that the fairy tale predicted by her the wizard egall is beginning to come true.

Longren leaves ten days in swimming. Assol feels that during the absence of a father, their native home should for some reason become a stranger. In the morning, she sits at the open window for the book. In view of Kaperna, the "secret" appears under the alay sails. On the shore is gathering an amazed crowd. The name of the associate in all on the lips. The girl herself raises his eyes and sees his dream to the sea. She rushes to the shore, people respectfully docume. Plays an orchestra. From the ship is separated by the boat. Assol runs into the water and shouts: "This is me!" Gray raises her hands and takes off on the ship. He promises to take on the ship and Longren, when he returns, and arranges a grand feast for the team. The next day "Secret" leaves Capern.

Longren, a man is closed and noticeable, lived by the manufacture and sale of models of sailboats and steamers. Countrymen did not very much complained of the former sailor, especially after one case.

Somehow, during the cruel storm, the shopkeeper and the Tavernaster Menners was carried out in his boat far into the sea. The only witness of what was happening was Longren. He calmly smoked the phone, watching how Menners calls him in vain. Only when it became apparent that he was no longer saved, Longren shouted him that he also asked his Mary asked for help, but did not receive it.

The benchmark for the sixth day picked up the steamer among the waves, and he told him about the culprit of his death before his death.

He did not tell only about how five years ago, Longren's wife turned to him with a request to give a little loan. She just gave birth to a baby Assol, the birth was not easy, and almost all of her money went to treatment, and her husband had not returned from the swim. Menners advised not to be a laptop, then he is ready to help. The unfortunate woman in bad weather went to the city lay the ring, caught up and died of inflammation of the lungs. So Longren remained a widower with his daughter in his arms and could not go to the sea more.

Whatever it was, and the news about such a demonstrative idleness struck the villagers is stronger than if he own hands Utopil man. Incompleteness passed almost in hatred and also appealed to anything not the obey associate, which grew alone with his fantasies and dreams and as if he did not need any peers or friends. Father replaced her and her friends, and fellow countrymen.

Once, when Assol was eight years old, he sent her to the city with new toys, among whom was a miniature yacht with silk sails. The girl lowered the boat in the stream. The stream carried him and fascinated to the mouth, where she saw a stranger who kept her boat in her hands. It was an old egl, a collector legend and fairy tales. He gave the toy Assol and told that years and behind her on the same ship under Alay sails sails the prince and takes it into a distant country.

The girl spoke about this Father. On trouble, a beggar, by chance heard her story, raised the rumor about the ship and the Zamorsk Prince across the caper. Now the children shouted to her following: "Hey, Holder! Red sails float! " So she walked in a polulmy.

Arthur Gray, the only offense of the notable and rich surname, grew not in the hut, and in the generic castle, in the atmosphere of the predetermination of each current and future step. This, however, was a boy with a very living soul, ready to fulfill his own life destination. He was decisive and fearless.

The keeper of their wine cellar of the Faldishke told him that in one place there were two barrels of Alicante the times of Cromwell and his color is darker cherries, and it's thick, like good cream. The barrels are made of black wood, and on them double copper hoops, on which it is written: "I will drink Gray, when it will be in paradise." Nobody tried this wine and does not try. "I will drink it," said Gray, stuck with his foot, and squeezed her palm in a fist: - Paradise? He's here!..".

With all that he was extremely responsive to someone else's misfortune, and his sympathy was always poured into real help.

In the library of the castle he was struck by a picture of some famous marinist. She helped him understand himself. Gray secretly left the house and entered the Schoone Anselm. Captain GOP was good manbut a harsh sailor. Assessing the mind, perseverance and love of the sea of \u200b\u200ba young sailor, GOP decided to "make a captain's puppy": to acquaint with navigation, sea law, location and accounting. At the age of twenty, Gray bought a three-saying Galiot "Secret" and floated four years on it. Fate brought him to Liss, a half hours walking from which Kaperna was located.

With the onset of darkness, together with the sailor, Gray, taking fishing rods, sailed by the boat in search of a suitable place for fishing. Under the cliff behind the kapper, they left the boat and divorced the fire. Fercia went to catch fish, and Gray was hammered by the fire. In the morning he went to wander, as suddenly he saw a sleeping associate in the thickets. He looked at his girlfriend for a long time, and leaving, removed the ancient ring from his finger and put on her little finger.

Then they got to the tavern of Menners, where the young Hin Menners now hung. He said that Assol is a polulmant who dreams of a prince and a ship with Alay sails that her father is the perpetrator of the death of senior mennel and horrible man. Doubts about the truthfulness of these information increased when a drunk coal assured that the innkeeper is lying. Gray and without assistance I managed to understand something in this extraordinary girl. She knew life within his experience, but above seen in phenomena the meaning of a different order, making many subtle discoveries, incomprehensible and unnecessary capernis residents.

The captain was largely the same, a little not of this world. He went to Lissa and found in one of the laers of scarlet silk. In the city, he met an old acquaintance - a stray musician of Tsimmer - and asked for an evening to arrive at the "secret" with his orchestra.

Scarlet Sails They led to a bewilderment, as the order to move towards Capern. Nevertheless, in the morning, "secret" came out under the alay sails and by noon was already in mind Kaperna.

The Assol was shocked by the spectacle of a white ship with almy sails, with a deck of which was poured music. She rushed to the sea, where the inhabitants of Kaperna were already gathered. When an associate appeared, all smalcles and parted. The boat was separated from the ship, in which Gray stood, and headed for the shore. After some time, the Assol was already in the cabin. Everything was accomplished as the old man predicted.

On the same day, a barrel of centenary wine was opened, which no one had ever drank, and the next morning the ship was already far from Kaperna, having taken the crew defeated by unusual wine. Only a zimmer slept. He played quietly on his cello and thought about happiness.