Unrealizable dreams or real science - how to make a fountain without a pump with your own hands. DIY fountain at home DIY desktop fountain without pump

Even the most small fountain able to transform beyond recognition the landscape of a summer cottage or a private house. The decorative structure will definitely become a favorite corner of your site, because it will give you the opportunity to unite with nature at any moment. Do you want it to become a reality faster? There is nothing super complicated here - everyone can make a fountain with their own hands. Don't believe me? Then to your attention a step-by-step instruction with a photo, following which you can quickly and without the involvement of professionals get a spectacular and functional fountain.

Choosing a fountain

First of all, you need to choose suitable option fountain for your site. We are talking about its dimensions, shape and materials. When solving this issue, be guided by the area and style of the courtyard of your summer cottage or private house.

So, for a large plot, it is better to choose a classic sculptural model, which will become the center landscape composition... And for a modest courtyard, fountains in the form of small architectural forms are suitable: sea shells, fairy-tale heroes, houses, pots and other similar figures.

But it is not necessary to buy a ready-made sculpture, because you can also build a fountain with your own hands. The simplest option is a stone construction. To make it, lay large flat stones on top of each other, make holes in each of them with an electric drill and string all the resulting products onto copper pipe- it is through it that water will flow to the top of the structure. Then cover the gaps with small stones and seal the gaps with silicone sealant.

Choosing a location

The next step is to decide exactly where the fountain will be located on the site. In order for a structure to fully fulfill its aesthetic function, it cannot be installed “anywhere” - it is important to choose the best location. And for this you need to take into account several nuances.

  1. Firstly, the fountain has no place in an area that is too open, as under the influence of active sun rays the water may begin to bloom.
  2. Secondly, the fountain should not be placed among powerful trees - their roots can provoke deformation of the reservoir and waterproofing. In addition, the leaves, fluff, fruits and seeds of trees will constantly pollute the fountain.
  3. Thirdly, the structure should not be too close to the house, otherwise moisture with the flow of wind will fall on its walls.
  4. Fourthly, it is undesirable to stir the fountain in the open wind, so that its gusts do not "break" the jets.

Thus, the ideal location for decorative fountain- light partial shade surrounded by flowers and low bushes.

When you choose a place, proceed directly to the arrangement of the fountain. It presupposes phased implementation three main groups of works:

  • tank preparation;
  • pump installation;
  • installation and decoration of the fountain.

Preparing the tank

In order for the fountain to be durable and solid, it is necessary to equip a special reservoir for hydraulic equipment and water. This is done as follows:

  • Dig a pit with a pre-calculated depth and diameter you need.

Important! The depth level of the tank must be below ground level so that the soil around the fountain bowl does not wash away and the base does not deform.

  • Pour a thin layer of sand on the bottom of the pit and carefully reinforce its side walls with bricks.
  • Cover inner surface the pit is dense plastic wrap- it will prevent the passage of water.
  • Secure the tape along the top edge of the tank and seal the seams with frost-resistant silicone sealant. Pour stones on the bottom of the pit, spreading them over the surface of the film. The stones should not be sharp so as not to deform the film.
  • Equip a small emergency drain near the pit in order to prevent an increase in the water level in the tank.

Install the pump

The fountain cannot work without the most important mechanism - the pump. It is he who is responsible for the continuous movement of the water flow. General Principle The action of the pump is simple: the water is thrown out through the nozzle into the tank, then enters the pipeline, where it undergoes coarse and fine cleaning, and then, already purified, is sent back to the nozzle.

The quality of the fountain's functioning directly depends on the type of pump:

  • Submersible - works on the principle of a centrifuge and is located in the center of the fountain tank under water. This is a cheap but reliable device, for the installation of which no fasteners are needed - the submerged pump is quite heavy, so it does not budge itself. It is suitable for small weak fountains.
  • Surface - a more serious type of pump that is not installed inside the tank, but on its edge on the surface of the earth. Such a device is intended for large fountains with a complex design.

Pipeline for pumping system can be constructed from plastic pipes... Their optimum diameter is 16 mm.

Advice. In order to enhance the work of the pump, additionally install a pressure tank - it will guarantee a constant pressure of the water flow.

Fountain decoration

After the main functional elements are installed, you need to take care of the installation of the fountain itself, or rather its upper part. If you use ready-made sculptures, then they should be provided with special mounts for installation. But a homemade stone fountain is best installed on metal slats previously laid on top of the tank.

Then start decorating the structure. The fountain can be decorated with plants, multi-format stones, clay figurines, microsculptures and any other details that seem appropriate to your site.

Do not forget about such a spectacular decoration tool as lighting. It can be underwater lights, light strips, floating lanterns, ground lamps - here you are also unlimited. But remember that lighting structures must be completely sealed, and all their contacts must be protected from water as reliably as possible, otherwise it will be unsafe to use them.

When all work is completed, fill the tank with water and start the fountain.

As you can see, to make a beautiful fountain with your own hands, you do not need to work hard and spend a lot of money. Do not deviate from the instructions, use quality materials and don't be afraid to experiment with decor - observing these three simple rules, you will definitely get a functional fountain that will delight your eyes and tune in a positive way for more than one year.

Which fountain to choose for a summer residence: video

Fountain in the country: photo

Even if the pond in your area is small, it can make a good contribution to the improvement of your area. And if you decide to build a fountain with your own hands, it will be interesting. It will not be just a place of leisure, but you will also receive a mountain of praise from friends, acquaintances and neighbors.

However, not everyone wants to take on such an idea, because they think that the construction of such a hydraulic device is very expensive and time-consuming, and also requires the intervention of a specialist. If you want to know how to make a fountain at home, then we want to please you that anyone can afford to build a fountain with their own hands at home, you just need to know all the points of design and construction. In this article, we will look at how to make a fountain.

Types of fountains

Due to the type of construction, products are divided into two types:

  1. Open fountain. As a rule, in such buildings, water is supplied to a nozzle. The jet is formed due to the fact that there are differences in water levels. Here you need to monitor the water level, and the water quickly becomes dirty. In order to create such a pressure, you need to raise the container one meter from the nozzle.
  2. Pumping fountain. This is the most common design option. Here the pump is placed on the bottom, which creates a constant water cycle. For structures of these types, the pressure is strong enough and visually looks more beautiful.
Multilevel fountain

By the type of pumps, fountains are divided into submersible and stationary.

  1. Submersible pump. It is placed at the bottom of the pond. With the help of the pipeline, the water rises to the surface, and the nozzle creates a certain flow pattern. In this case, water seems to be erupting from the ground.
  2. A stationary fountain is usually built from stones in the form of a figure, the shape of which can be of any shape to your taste. Such structures are installed in a park or square, as they are a kind of art.

Ideas for a fountain (video)

Where to install the fountain

When choosing the optimal place for construction, it is important to take into account such a factor as the slope of the ground. If the surface on the site is uneven, then it is better to install the structure below. This will make it easier to adjust the volume. groundwater, and the oxygen saturation of the air will also increase.

Install the fountain where it will be convenient to admire it

It is not advised to build a fountain:

  1. Near the house, since when strong wind water will fall on the house itself.
  2. In an area with direct sunlight, which will contribute to fast flowering water.
  3. Under a tree, as fallen leaves or overgrown roots can ruin the product.

It is necessary to place the fountain so that it does not interfere with movement around the yard, but on the other hand, so that it can be clearly seen from different sides. We advise you to locate it near your leisure venue.

The smallest distance that should be between the structure itself and green spaces is 0.5 m.Thus, the plants will be protected from a large number moisture. The same principle applies to furniture near a water feature. The most optimal location of the structure is a place in the shade and without wind, near the water and electrical network... This will save your efforts and material costs.

After we have decided where the fountain will be, we can proceed to its construction or what the shape and depth of the building will be

Construction materials

To save money and power costs, it is possible to build a pond with a pump in it.

Materials for building a fountain:

  1. Capacity
  2. Pump
  3. Water insulator
  4. Shovel
  5. Stone different sizes
  6. Decor elements

How to choose and install a container

In the case of a small fountain, an ordinary small basin can serve as a reservoir.

For a larger version, you can use a bath or a pit dug with your own hands. When using a bathtub, you need to dig a hole so that its edges are below ground level. First, all holes are closed in the container, then it goes down into the pit, where it must be strengthened with stones and earth.

If you want to dig your tank, use a film for this. She, in turn, must be dense and of high quality. In the dug hole, the film is pressed by stones. Also, stones are lined at the bottom. They should not be sharp, as this can damage the film. They need to be equally distributed over the entire bottom.

How to choose a pump

To build a fountain, it is not necessary to buy expensive materials, since you can use the elements used in the household. But you do not need to save on buying a pump, since the quality of the pump determines how long it will work without problems, and the more beautiful the final result will be.

Most optimal choice for the construction is to use submersible pump... But if you have a large or cascading fountain, installation is welcome surface pump

The main indicator when buying a pump is its power. If the water pressure in your fountain is small, then you do not need to buy a powerful pump. It is important to know that the power corresponds to the diameter of the pipe, and the pressure must be strong, otherwise it will be the result of an unsuccessful fountain.

The construction of the fountain

The construction of a fountain consists of five stages:

  1. Digging a pit
  2. Strengthening the trench
  3. Securing the reservoir or installing the film
  4. Installing the pump
  5. Fountain decor

Now we will consider some options for building a fountain with our own hands.

Examples of building fountains

Using a tire

For this we will need

  1. Old used tire, for example from under a tractor
  2. Cement, water, gravel and sand
  3. Concrete mixing tool
  4. Film
  5. Level
  6. Stones of various sizes
  7. Mastic or silicone
  8. Pump

Tire fountain lined with stone


  1. We are preparing a concrete solution.
  2. Pour the solution to the bottom 10 cm high and level using a level.
  3. After the solution has dried, we put the tire on the bottom, having previously cut off the sidewall on one side.
  4. Using mastic or silicone, glue the tire to the base.
  5. Concrete is poured along the edge of the tire, thereby strengthening the structure.
  6. We put the pump in the center of the tire.
  7. We decorate the fountain. Using a tire

Using film

For this type of fountain you will need:

  1. Thick film
  2. Shovel
  3. Sand
  4. Pump
  5. Stones of different sizes

Fountain in a pond made of film


  • First, you need to dig a pit, remove everything unnecessary from the pit, for example, stones and ram the bottom.
  • Next, you need to fill the pit with sand.
  • The next thing to do is lay the film. We lay it so that the edge goes beyond the pit. Then we press the film with stones along the contour of the pond.
  • Then we install the pump depending on its type and instructions.
  • We decorate an almost completed work of art to your taste.
  • We fill the pond with water.

Using an old bath

For this case, you need to have in stock:

  1. Shovel
  2. Stones
  3. Pump
  4. Bath
  5. Insulating tape
  6. Metal scissors
  7. Metal sheet
  8. Drill

Fountain from old bath


  1. We dig a hole according to the size of the bath.
  2. We lower the bath into the hole and plug all the holes.
  3. From a sheet of metal, you need to cut out wide strips and lay them around the perimeter of the bath, pressing down with stones.
  4. Decorative rubble can be placed in the bath itself.
  5. We install the pumping system.
  6. It is possible to install the backlight, and change the color of the water using blue. Thanks to this, the bath will not be noticeable.
  7. We decorate our structure.

Using a plastic bottle

For such a fountain, if I may say so, you need to have:

  1. Plastic bottle
  2. Carnation
  3. Insulating tape
  4. garden hose

Practicality in everything!


  1. Remove all stickers from the bottle.
  2. We punch holes in the bottle with a hot nail.
  3. We install the hose in the bottle and fasten it tightly with tape.
  4. We place our structure in the planned place and turn on the pressure.

This mini fountain is perfect for watering your vegetable garden and garden.

Home decorative fountain

For this we need:

  1. Flower pot
  2. Glass paint
  3. water pump
  4. Contours
  5. Decoration for aquarium

Flower pot fountain


  1. We paint the pot with paints.
  2. We make a small hole at the bottom of the pot.
  3. We mount the pump under the pot stand.
  4. We pass the tube through the hole made.
  5. We put stones at the bottom.
  6. Making a decoration.
  7. We fill the container with water.


Decorating your fountain will further emphasize how unique it is. Next to the pond you can put natural stones you can even different colors, expose houseplants, put various figures of toys or animals, etc.

Lighting design can amaze your guests with its originality. This is done using special equipment. Lamps are placed along the perimeter of the structure, and illumination is installed at the bottom.

Plants and decor for the fountain

At the bottom of the reservoir you can place aquatic plants, and plant shrubs around it.

Fountain care

After you make a fountain at home, of course, it will need to be well looked after. In order to maintain order, and the water was clear, and also the building had a pleasant appearance, it is important to constantly clean the container. Using special tools, you can remove foliage and similar things from the pond that can spoil the water and damage the equipment.

When the summer cottage season is over, you will need to drain the water from the reservoir, remove the equipment into the room, and cover the rest with oilcloth to protect from dirt.

Making a fountain with your own hands at a summer cottage or in your apartment is not so difficult and does not require large material expenditures. Before erecting a structure, you need to find out what its shape, size and location will be. You can place it anywhere - in your garden or near the gazebo. Subsequently, the fountain needs to be well looked after - to control the purity and water level, as well as to remove fallen leaves.

Such structures are often installed in summer cottages... The fountain can decorate any free area or become its oasis. If you connect your imagination and use different decorative elements, the fountain will look even better and more original.

How to mount a fountain in your garden (video)

All 176 fountains of the famous Peterhof operate without an external source of energy. How do these amazing hydraulic structures function? And is it possible to build a similar fountain on your personal plot without a pump with your own hands? Just think: so elegant design recreation areas - and absolutely no expenses for the purchase of equipment, worries about the possibility of theft in the absence of the owners, increased bills for electricity consumption! Is this fiction or reality?

All this beauty is created without participation pumping equipment

Is a perpetual motion machine possible - how and how to replace a pump in a fountain

The Peterhof fountain complex operates at the expense of multilevel system from the locks and pools fed by the Ropsha springs. Not every site can boast of a good location next to a natural spring. But you should not give up the idea of ​​creating a home fountain with your own hands without a pump.

In achieving the goal, the patient applicant will be helped by studying the scheme with Heron's fountain (Fig. Scheme 2). It is this engineering structure, discovered in ancient times, that will form the basis of the future decorative stream. To implement the design in real conditions, it is worth considering it in more detail.

The principle of operation of the fountains of Peterhof Park - scheme 1

The principle of creating a fountain without a pump with your own hands - scheme 2

The diagram shows three containers (A, B and C), located one under the other and communicated with each other by a system of pipes. Tanks B and C are completely sealed, while tank A is an open bowl that acts as a drainage basin. An airtight tube connects it to vessel B, in the same way vessel B is connected to C. Another sealed tube connects vessels A and C. Before starting work, vessel C is empty, while water is drawn in A and B. In this position, the system is in equilibrium.

As soon as it was violated (for example, a little more water was added to bowl A), liquid begins to flow into container C, pushing air out of there and thereby increasing the air pressure in container B. Due to the excess pressure, water from the middle container enters container A, and the fountain begins to function.

Thus, due to the height difference H1, the height of the stream H2 is created. To make it maximum, you need to make the entire structure higher by increasing the distance H1. For long-term work It is important to select very thin tube connectors for the fountain, but as soon as all the water from the middle vessel flows into the lower one, the water will stop flowing.

Practical implementation of ancient knowledge of hydraulics

In the figure, everything looks quite simple. However, in reality, an obstacle appears before a nugget engineer trying to implement it: such a fountain does not have closed system, like a fountain with a pump, which means that its action quickly stops. In addition, its design is not completely autonomous: after a short period of time, it is necessary to remove water from the lower vessel and pour it into the upper one.

Fountains without a pump do not "know how" to maintain a multiple working cycle of a watercourse

Preparatory work - choosing a location and the right materials

First of all, it is worth taking care of the location of the non-volatile fountain. Its weak point is the purity of the watercourse. Therefore, it is definitely not worth equipping a mini-stream near trees and bushes. Optimal location location - near the flower garden. In the event of an overflow of water, the fountain will perform useful work, relieving the owners of the nightly irrigation of the soil.

In addition, in order for the above principle to work in a specific place (in the country) and under specific conditions (absence external sources energy), several important conditions:

  • select the volume of vessels that provides a satisfactory operating time;
  • to create tightness of containers and places of their connection;
  • arrange them in a structure dimensioned to give the desired jet height.

If the durability of an artificial watercourse is not important, bottles from under drinking water

Since the fountain is planned to be placed outdoors, the volume of the vessels should be about 5 liters. This amount of water will ensure uninterrupted operation of the fountain for 40-50 minutes. It is better if the containers are made of plastic-polycarbonate: you can easily make holes in it, for example, with a hot nail.

Connecting tubes can be borrowed from a dropper. Optimal material to provide a closed space in plastic bottles, there are tight lids, similar to those that close wine during fermentation. Before starting the installation of the system, you need to check the availability silicone sealant.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a garden fountain without a pump

After preparation, you can proceed to the main work in the following sequence:

Video: How to make a fountain without a pump

Video: Laboratory version of a mini-fountain without a pump

Decorative design of the structure

Giving the fountain an attractive appearance becomes a priority immediately after installation. Indeed, in its original form, the structure is more associated with an experimental installation than with an exquisite element. landscape design... It is not so easy to hide the "pitfalls", leaving only the upper part - the device is raised high enough above the ground level.

What can you think of in this case? Before making a fountain in the country without a pump, at the place of its installation, you can prepare a platform in advance, deepened by 20-30 cm and carefully rammed. This will slightly reduce the height of the fountain, and hence the area that needs to be decorated.

From the front side, flat stones look great, stacked on top of each other and fastened together with a metal base. It's good if you can fine-tune the stream of the fountain so that it naturally falls on them. A wall of aged brick and splashed with greenery is another way to paint a landscape that is pleasing to the eye.

No one would guess that a small fountain system is hidden behind a neat stone slide.

No matter how fantasy works, you should not refuse if there is an opportunity to consult a professional designer.

And finally important point: during the design process, it is recommended not to forget to leave free access to all elements of the fountain, so that at any time you can “start” it and enjoy the music of water.

For those who want to update the exterior, make it special and memorable, we suggest using a small homemade fountain. Step-by-step instruction making a fountain with your own hands is quite simple and everyone who has a certain set of tools and materials will be able to create this beauty in their yard.

Installing a fountain in the country

The first point of the fountain installation plan is planning its size and appearance. Consider the size of the yard; don't make the fountain too large or small - this will not give a positive visual effect. Remember, pumping capacity is directly proportional to the size of the structure.

Now you should choose correct piece of land for installation. First, the fountain should be located where it can be clearly seen. Secondly, it should be close to the resting place. The sound of running water and cool freshness in the heat of summer are important components of a pleasant and peaceful holiday on fresh air... Try not to place the fountain in direct sunlight. The water will have to be changed frequently due to its blooming. There is also no place next to the trees, the roots can damage the thicket and for repair it will be necessary to disassemble the entire decor element.

To install the fountain with your own hands on the site correctly, do not choose places near the walls. In this case, the structure will not avoid exposure to mold and mildew. And this, in turn, will not only spoil the appearance, but also cause an unpleasant musty smell.

Plan in advance for future buildings on the site. You shouldn't install a fountain on the road to them.

Step-by-step guide to installing a fountain in the country with your own hands

Let's talk about how to make a fountain with your own hands using a very simple design as an example - fontanel fountain... A structure of this type has a number of advantages:

  • Spectacular appearance;
  • Easy care;
  • Easy access to parts for repair purposes;
  • Possibility of parsing for the winter.

Having found a place for installation, we dig out pit slightly larger than the fountain bowl. Additionally, a shallow should be dug around it. gutter(about 10 cm).

DIY fountain. Instruction in the photo

At the bottom of the pit there should be sand pillow 15 cm thick.This will protect underground part structures from plant roots. We level the surface and install on it plastic bowl... We set the font on a level, fill in and ram the sand. The container should be installed in such a way that its edges protrude 5-8 cm.

The next step is to fill the plastic container under the bowl with water. It is not necessary to pour "with a slide", we leave 4-6 cm to the edge.

Now it is necessary install a fountain and check the operation of the pumping equipment. If the power pump can be adjusted, then we adjust so that the water falls back into the bowl. The choice of equipment should be approached very carefully. Ideally, when buying, explain to the vendor what bowl size and bowl volume is expected. Then he will help you choose the equipment of the required power.

DIY fountain. Instruction in the photo

After installing the bowl and pump, you need to do waterproofing cloth... Cut out a canvas with a diameter of a hole for a fountain. Starting from its center, we cut the strips. This must be done so that the diameter of the resulting inner circle is equal to the diameter of the bowl of the structure. We bend the resulting strips of material and lower them into the container. You can fix them with a sealant. Do-it-yourself fountains always require a lot of patience and accuracy in work, especially at this stage of construction.

So that the base of the structure does not lose its shape and is stable, we put a couple of rods on the sealed fabric fittings, and on top of them - galvanized fine mesh... The size of the cell will affect the size of the stones or rubble used found in the decor of the fountain.

DIY fountain. Instruction in the photo

The final stage of construction - decorating constructions. The border of the fountain can be laid out with larger stones, but do not make it too clear. Small stones such as sea pebbles or gravel are laid out on the net. If it is necessary to add naturalness to the fountain, then its boundaries should not be too clear. Various plants will look good around the edges of the structure.
Thematic japanese fountainfor lovers of oriental exoticism it is set in a similar way. Step-by-step instructions for making a do-it-yourself fountain for a garden in japanese style consists of the same items. You will find the construction scheme below.

DIY waterfall fountain

We will not build anything grand, but small, about 1 m high, cascading waterfall we are quite capable. Above, it has already been described in detail how to prepare a foundation pit for a pond bowl. But this time we are building a waterfall. And if there is no natural elevation for him, you will have to create it yourself.

Make embankment convenient in the process of digging a foundation pit. We just throw off the ground where the slide should be, and carefully ram it. For the hose supplying water to the point where the water falls, make a small groove pits and embankments in the wall.

DIY waterfall fountain. Instruction in the photo

After the foundation pit and embankment of the waterfall are ready, we begin to cover the bottom and walls of the mini-pond. waterproofing material (for example, PVC film). It is necessary to lay the canvas in such a way that it not only completely covers the bottom and walls of the pit, but also protrudes about half a meter on the sides of the pit.

Be sure to lay a pipe for supplying water to the top of the waterfall in a previously prepared channel-ditch. Fold one edge 30-40 cm up.

This time we make a permanent structure, and therefore it is best to concrete the bowl of the pond. First, carefully lay out metal mesh at the bottom of the pit. Do not allow the waterproofing to be damaged. Next, fill in a layer of concrete about 12-15 cm thick.

How to make a fountain in the country with your own hands. Photo

Now you need to prepare bowl walls... We lay out the mesh, strengthening it in a solution that has not yet solidified. You can continue to install a fountain with a pump with your own hands, which will look like a cascading waterfall, in a day. We fill the walls of the pond bowl and finish the most difficult stage of construction.

The next part of the construction is decorating the resulting structure. We build steps on a pre-rammed slide. The step should be about 30 cm and three steps should be sufficient.

On the resulting flat surfaces, lay out flat sandstone, pebbles or any other material to your liking. The rest of the fountain, including the film around the perimeter, is decorated with stones, rubble, marble or other pre-prepared materials.

It remains only to turn on the pump and fill the font of the building with water. We observe how the stream falls steadily along the steps of the waterfall and enjoy the originality of our suburban area.

DIY stone fountain

How to build stone fountain? We will talk about this right now. First you need to take care of the presence of all necessary devices and materials. We will need:

  • Water pump (an underwater pump with an average power is suitable);
  • Plastic container under the bowl;
  • Metal or PVC tube for conducting electrical cables;
  • Coupling;
  • Flat stones and gravel;
  • Wooden bars;
  • Water flow power regulator;
  • Copper tube with a diameter of 15 mm.

Pit for the bowl of the fountain, it should be slightly larger than the container prepared for these purposes. Having covered the space between it and the walls of the pit with soil, we will significantly strengthen the position of the bowl. As in the previous cases, do not forget to create at the bottom of the pit sand pillow ... On top, you need to lay out a layer of pebbles.

Water pump is located in the water tank freely. This will facilitate the work of repairing it, if the need arises. The water tank can be protected from debris by simply fine mesh... To give strength to the structure on top metal mesh put wooden blocks (if desired, they can be replaced with metal fittings).

The base of the fountain will be metal pipe which is mounted vertically to the pump.

The next step is preparation flat stones. To do this, using special tools, we make holes with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter metal pipe- the foundations of the structure.

Further, according to the principle of a child's pyramid, we "put" stones on the pipe. It remains only to add decorative elements to the fountain and connect the pump. A very simple, but effective and beautiful do-it-yourself fountain in the country is ready for use.

A variety of do-it-yourself fountains in personal plots

Submersible fountains

If there is already a reservoir in the yard, then it can be used as a basis. submersible fountain... The principle of its operation is simple. Water is pumped directly from the pond. In this case, to install a submersible fountain, you will need:

  • Pump;
  • Water supply pipe;
  • Matching nozzle for shaping the water jet and guiding it in the right direction.

The attachments are very different. For example, bell attachment is a design of two discs. The flow of water passes between them and changes when adjusting the gap. Nozzle " geyser"- a tube narrowed towards the top - quite effectively copies the corresponding natural phenomenon.

Such structures have quite a few possibilities. For example, you can create the effect of a key beating out of the ground. To do this, the do-it-yourself fountain is mounted in such a way that the end of the pipe does not protrude above the surface of the reservoir.

Using more complex attachments, you can significantly expand the possibilities of decoration. The effect of water spraying, the simultaneous combination of several nozzles and many other variations for the choice of the one who designs the fountain in his country house.

Stationary fountains

A fountain of this type is a real find for amateurs and professionals in design art. Structures can take the form of natural stone fonts, antique structures; they are made from clay pots, plastic bottles and any material that is at hand. Fountains for Japanese gardens are especially popular lately.

Any frost-resistant material will do: marble, fake diamond, sea pebbles and more. Painting is often used to decorate such fountains. There are two ways to do it:

  • Coloring of the material before the manufacture of the structure;
  • Painting an already finished figure.

The first option is much more expensive, but it is also much more reliable. To protect against moss, mildew and mildew, it is useful to treat the structure of the fountain with special means.

Small stationary fountain will look good in family vacation spots or near playgrounds. Our master class "Do-it-yourself fountain in the country" will help novice designers to correctly build, perhaps, one of the main decorative elements for suburban area... It doesn't matter if it is a small geyser fountain or a large-scale cascading waterfall 2 meters high. The main thing is that he pleases the owners and does not cause problems.

Video instructions for making a fountain in the country

From improvised means?

A pumpless fountain can be made small, but if there is a desire to equip a larger structure, you will have to design it with a pump, this device can work with a large flow of water.

In order to design a fountain without a pump, you must:

  • Find two matching containers that are the same shape and size. The usual one is great. plastic canister, which any homeowner will find in.
  • Then connect them with a thin tube. The thickness of the tube determines how long the water is poured out of the fountain. A thick tube is too fast, and a thin tube is slow.
  • The tubes are inserted into the lower parts of the canisters, therefore, two holes must be made in their bottom, the width of which is slightly less than the diameter of the tube itself, because it must be fixed tightly. Glue can be applied to this tube so that the quality of the fountain is better and no water leaks.
  • The third container is needed in size more than the two previous ones, since their contents must fit in the lower container. An adapter is placed in it at the bottom in the center in the shape of the letter "T", after which two holes must be made in the walls through which the hoses from the first two containers should be pulled out. These cans will also have to be sealed for the same reason as for the third.


Usually, homeowners who have a house or summer cottage far from the city are engaged in the manufacture of such mechanisms, so it will not be difficult to find a place to install a fountain. In order to correctly position the fountain on, we must not forget that the containers located at the top must be at the same height, but be lower than the third. If you place the fountain outside, the water can simply flow onto the ground. If it will be in any room, then it is better to equip the lower container so that it can be removed, and the water overflows into the upper reservoirs.

You can embellish the structure to your taste. The best option there will be natural materials that will give a natural design due to their natural look.

You can place the hydraulic mechanism anywhere, but its upper containers should still be high at the same distance. The outdoor fountain can be equipped without a bottom container for water flowing to the ground. If the structure will be located in any building, the lower container should be made removable. You can design a fountain at your own discretion.

Fountain location and design

To determine the location of the fountain, you will have to consider:

  • Distance from the water source.
  • Stylistically designed arkatures.
  • Lack of trees.
  • A nearby place to relax.
  • It is undesirable for the fountain to interfere with other nearby structures.

The fountain will have to be installed far from the house so that the water pouring in its direction does not spoil the walls, roads and the passage. A place where there is little sunshine is great. Unsuccessful plants will be nearby, which can damage the structure with their root system. If the fountain is located in an area that has irregularities, its best location will be at the bottom, which will allow best conditions in hot weather, where you can adjust the direction of the stream of water, it is better to place it on a small hillock, where these jets will pour a little more beautifully.

Design and planning

After choosing a suitable place to install the fountain, you can move on to its decor (it is probably better to create it yourself rather than buy it in a store).

You need to know:

  • Fountain design style.
  • The parameters of the mechanism to match the dimensions of the fountain to other structures located in this recreation area.
  • Type of installation of the structure.

Much attention should be paid to the style of the fountain and its proportions. Everything should look beautiful, tasteful, symmetrical to all sizes, in line with the environment. A person with a good imagination and fantasy will definitely cope with this issue. The fountain can always be decorated natural materials, tree bark, decorative stones of any size. If you have the ability to fine arts, you can paint the structure with beautiful patterns. Everything should correspond to the general style.

Now let's decide on the type of a suitable hydraulic unit or pump. There are 2 types:

  • Stationary.
  • Submersible.

The principle of operation of a submersible system will resemble a certain trickle from which water breaks out. To create it, you will need a jet nozzle and a pipeline. It should be noted that the mechanism will be installed in water.

Principle of operation fixed structure consists in creating a figurine from a bowl and a stone in which water will be collected. This is where the tube and pump come in handy. For small fountains, the pump power must be appropriate. About 1-2 l / s, the average has a little more, but more energy is needed for the system to work properly.

Choosing a pump for a fountain

The productivity of the pump is determined by the way the stream bed and the water level are designed. The size of the pumps must be appropriate for the size of the streams. Suppose for a stream with a width of 0.4-0.7 m, a pump will be quite normal, the flow of which will be 60-80 l / min or more. Obviously, a stream with a little large size, the pump flow will have a high performance.

The pump performance parameter affects the water level. The lower this indicator, the greater the water rise parameter. When the water height is equal to zero, the pump flow becomes maximum and vice versa.

The length of the tube influences the loss of water pressure. Both the resistance and the filter defined at the input can reduce the work. The pressure becomes low when the hose is 1 meter long. It should be noted that a pump without a filter will stop working due to the ingress of unwanted particles. Only a pump with a higher capacity will be able to compensate for the losses.

The power indicator and the type of fountain affect the cost of the installation. Submersible systems are often more expensive than ordinary ones, since they use specific materials that are resistant to high pressure, continuous interaction with liquid.

Often, manufacturers complete their pumps with accessories. The presence of various attachments and modules is determined by the model of the device. Ultraviolet light and lighting contribute to a noticeable increase in the cost of the pump for the fountain.

To choose the right pump, you need to follow these instructions:

  • First of all, you need to choose a pump with additional extensions, special nozzles, hoses, water flow control device, spray heads.
  • It is necessary to correctly compare the dimensions of the pool with the power of the device.
  • When arranging a multi-level fountain or waterfall nice results show surface settings.
  • Good pumps are robust. This should not be neglected as the pump is always submerged and ready for operation. The duration of the pump's operating period will increase if a reliable protective coating is selected.
  • You should always familiarize yourself with the documentation of the device in advance. You need to make sure of the authenticity of the documents and the presence of quality certificates.
  • You need to pay attention to the terms of the guarantee. Devices of this type should be serviced free of charge in special services.

If these selection instructions are followed, the pump will run efficiently for a very long time. Water compressors vary in size and shape. Manufacturers always have to make certain adjustments when designing devices.

Heron's fountain principle of operation - on video: