Cupid Horoscope: This is how different signs of the zodiac fall in love. How different zodiac signs fall in love

How loving zodiac signs behave

There are two ways to find out what is inside a taciturn man with a very mysterious face: by taking him to an x-ray or by rubbing our editorial magic ball. The second option is obviously preferable, because, in this case, the mysterious male soul is not obscured by banal male bones. So, if you want to find out whether he is in love with you or is just fooling around, come here. We've already figured it out.


Capricorn in love will not drag you into bed, he will be friends with you. Because Capricorn is a beast: a) smart, like Wikipedia; b) shy, like a bunny on a tank range. He must first wait for you to relax and forget what gender he is. And then he will shake all the secrets out of you as a girlfriend. And only then he will either offer to take off his panties, or he will run away with a cry of horror and shuddering with disgust. In general, if Capricorn is interested in the details of your divorce, he has serious plans.


Aquarians usually come up, ask what time it is, and then a blackout. And in the morning you wake up in some strange apartment, and some strange Aquarius sniffs next to you. Which then promises to call back and disappears. This obviously means that he is not in love and can be dealt with. Dealing with an Aquarius in love is a task with an asterisk. Aquarius in love with dark determination destroys your lives so that you can wear your favorite Aquarius mask with a clear conscience: “Everything is very difficult. Everything is complicated, just kapets ”.


A man in love with Pisces, without hesitation, will tell the whole world about his passion in all available social networks. He will call acquaintances who do not have social media accounts. And to acquaintances who do not have a telephone, he will write a hundred letters, put them in a hundred bottles and flush them into the water supply. Then the Pisces man will perform some feat to immortalize your name in history. And he will commit a heinous crime to defend your honor. As a result, he will fall into Alcatraz, run away, swim across the ocean and come to your doorstep with a bouquet and poems. In short, if a Pisces man falls in love with you, you don't need our ball. You’ll figure it out for yourself.


With Aries, everything is also pretty simple. If Aries has fallen in love, he comes up and says: "I fell in love, take off your panties." Aries, of course, can play romance, but this is definitely not his favorite game. Aries believes that if you love a woman, then you need her by the hair - and into the cave. And there already to love her, as it should, without all this blah-blah-blah. Therefore, with Aries, the strategy is very dangerous: “no, no, what are you, I'm not like that”. Aries will shrug and find one.


Taurus in love turns into Comedy Club. Well, in a good way. Therefore, it is very difficult to miscalculate here - if Taurus goes out of his way to make you laugh, you can start coming up with names for your great-grandchildren. But I must say, this Taurus strategy works perfectly - everyone loves to neigh. Therefore, in the case of Taurus, you need to be aware that if he starts to make another laugh, she will also not be able to resist. And great-grandchildren will have to curse grandfather without leaving the pot.


The enamored Gemini will talk much more than usual ... What does it mean - it's impossible? Love is for that and love to do the impossible. A Gemini in love is able to speak twenty-four hours a day for a week in a row, without taking breaks for food, sleep and toilet. If you turn off the phone, he will talk to the wall, but nevertheless he will tell another - yes, the last - cool story, how he went with a spear to a polar butterfly. That is, yes - it is quite difficult to distinguish a Gemini in love from an unloved one. You will have to measure the intensity of white noise - if it is higher than the human ear can withstand, then this is definitely love.


This mysterious infection in a chitinous shell is difficult even for our magic ball. Damn him, Cancer, can figure out what's on his mind. Caring? He is always caring. Attentive? This is Cancer's middle name. Strict grown daddy? Well, he was like that from birth. And these women around him? Either he had something with everyone. Either he had nothing with everyone. Either he has almost already happened to everyone, but something got in the way. Nothing with Cancer is clear. It is possible to unequivocally judge that Cancer is in love, for example, in the registry office, when he says “yes”. The probability is quite high here. Although the devil, Cancer, will take it apart.


Well, that's easy. Leo in love will behave in such a way that your girlfriends will burst with envy. And the parents - from emotion: oh, our girl was presented with ponies, minibuses and lamborghini diablo. Leo's love passes under the incessant pacifying rustle of banknotes. Tremble jackals, the king of beasts goes to spawn.


A Virgo in love is such an archetypal lover that she stands all night under a lantern with a pack of cigarettes, shivering in the icy wind, to at least once see your thin silhouette flickering behind a light curtain. At the same time, Virgo quite rationally calculates the coefficient of the need for her behavior - is the silhouette thin enough? is the curtain light? Isn't there a mess and old non-sexy boxes from under the refrigerator on the coveted balcony? If all the answers to Virgo are satisfied, he will go to surrender in plain text without all these ambiguous: “what are you doing tomorrow night?”.


Libra in love are beginning to actively push themselves to you in the best traditions of marketing. He doesn’t say “buy a product”. He says: "This is the best product, he won this beautiful tennis cup, went canoeing down the Missouri tributaries and gave a fortune to charity, that's what a good product." At the same time, in the best, again, traditions of influencing the target audience, he will make sure that your glass is not empty. And when you soften, it will take you lukewarm. You, in fact, do not even have time to think: "Is he in love?" You are already washing his jersey with the words: "Champion of 2010".


Scorpio in love looks. Or rather, no. Excuse me, now there will be a capslok: Scorpio in love LOOKS. And in his eyes there is drama, grief, regrets about the unfulfilled, a dream of love, a shadow of sadness, a touch of thoughtfulness, your reflection and the inevitability of a transition to a horizontal position. Scorpio in love does not like to chat. Scorpio in love seeks to be on his territory as soon as possible in order to make a crushing impression on the victim. And Scorpio's territory, as all kids know, is sex.


The Sagittarius will not spin the intrigue and will say from the doorway: "Marry me, pull the fuck out." In the meantime, you gasp for air, buy rings, order a restaurant, show up to your parents, kiss your mom's hand, dad will like it, and you have a lot of long explanations why you don't want to marry such a wonderful guy. Well, if for some reason you don't want to. It doesn't matter though. Sagittarius in love do not understand the word “no”, and refusal will only inflame it. A Sagittarius in love can be tied up and sent to Paris to the Chamber of Weights and Measures with the signature: "Excitement". Or you can give up and go to Paris together. Because he still won't get loose.

Text: Alexandra Smilyanskaya
Photo: Shutterstock

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Aries will only fall in love with a person with good taste! That is, in someone who can understand that Aries is ideal, flawless and generally the best in the world.

A Taurus in love immediately confesses his feelings! After making sure that he is loved, the Taurus will go to work. He has no time for trifles, like honeymoon! He now needs to provide for the family!

A twin who is passionately in love today may not even remember tomorrow that he was in love ... Alas!

For a cancer to fall in love, he must know that someone else is in love with his chosen one! Cancer wants the best! He does not need what is not in demand ...

A lion in love is ready for anything! In love, a lion is more like a boa constrictor than a lion! He swallows his lover whole, because he wants to own him completely. However, the lion is not jealous. He is sure that in comparison with him, all other people do not represent the slightest interest, therefore, in fact, there is no one to be jealous of ...

A maiden in love will try to make an ideal person out of her chosen one! She will improve everything in the chosen one: intelligence, hair, dress style, figure, manners, speech ... If the result of the upgrade does not satisfy her, the maiden will retire to improve someone else.

Libra, having won the heart of her beloved, falls into a stupor, because they do not know what to do with it now! And since the Libra's heart is large and tender, they are constantly surrounded by people with whom they do not know what to do ...

If a scorpio in love realizes that his feelings are mutual, he will be deeply disappointed! He will be disappointed in his beloved, and in his feelings, and in love in general ... Scorpio will immediately grow cold and retire in search of a less accessible object for his passion.

Sagittarius falls in love because it is much more interesting to play sports and spend summer holidays together! He believes that a good friend and good sex are quite compatible concepts ... If in good friend Sagittarius will find good sex, then he will definitely fall in love!

In order for a Capricorn to truly fall in love, the whole Capricorn family must fall in love with him! If the family falls in love with his chosen one, the Capricorn will immediately try on the relationship on the subject "together to the grave."

Aquarius will never fall in love with the bay-flounder! He's not that kind of person! Aquarius must observe a potential contender for the role of a lover ... Look closely ... Sniff ... Think ... Observe ... Then observe from a different angle ... After carefully weighing the pros and cons, Aquarius will most likely decide not to fall in love, but to make friends.

For a fish to fall in love, you first have to catch it. Whoever caught is the beloved! The fish will peacefully splash around in the aquarium until the end of time ... Well, or until another fisherman catches it!

To be very brief, falling in love will look like this:

Aries: fell in love, suffered from this, but did not stop loving.
Taurus: eventually fell in love.
Twins: fell in love, then fell in love, then fell in love ...
Cancer: fell in love - got married.
A lion: fell in love - did not like it, did not fall in love anymore.
Virgo: pretended to be in love.
Scales: thought, thought .. fell in love.
Scorpion: fell in love - suffered, fell in love - suffered.
Sagittarius: fell in love - achieved!
Capricorn: fell in love, and made myself fall in love.
Aquarius: chose for a long time, chose - fell in love.
Fishes: fell in love, dropped, regretted.

Each person was born under some specific constellation, and these heavenly bodies determine our character, destiny. Even birth new love does not do without them.

He falls in love relatively calmly, does not pursue the object of his passion, does not arrange wars with rivals, but can calmly wait for his turn. After that, Aries, slowly and even with a note of negligence, can offer a loved one to register a marriage, as if to do something quite ordinary.

When love touches Taurus, he becomes a furious greedy person who wants the other half to belong entirely to him. He does not accept a voluntary feeling of reciprocity and will force himself to love, even if it will have to hurt. Perhaps that is why Taurus is rarely refused, and if they leave, then, as a rule, quickly, quietly and in pitch darkness.

Gemini are very sincere and loyal guys. True, they are enough for six months at most, two or more people can be objects of love. At the same time, a representative of the sign may die in the morning because of a failed date with love No. 1, and in the evening try to jump off the roof, if No. 2 for some reason did not call. And all this is absolutely sincere!

Cancer is cautious, therefore, if an impatient person becomes the object of his love, the romance will fail miserably without ever starting. Representatives of the sign can spend half a day on painful thoughts about whether they should let a person they like into their hearts. And if he is not the one who is needed? What if then his true face will be revealed, and now instead of him a feigned mask? However, if Cancer "snapped his claws" for the last time in the affirmative for himself, the object of his worship will be generously rewarded for patience. Peace will be laid at his feet. Cancer will only accompany this process with reflections.

A lion in love is a real sloth. He reluctantly admits that a fire has lit up in his heart, and cannot fully understand why he should be equal to others, albeit loved ones. But as soon as he obey and perceive himself as overwhelming, he immediately shows interest and is ready to surround the object of his attention with comprehensive care.

The Virgin of love surrenders completely and is ready to offer not only her hand, heart, but also everything else that she loves and values. However, not every person is ready to accept into open arms, in addition to the Virgin herself, her family, pets and rare flowers, so the faint of heart sometimes run away. Virgo responds to such an act with humble suffering and can even wait several years until the object of love decides to return.

Libra refers to feeling like magpies to shiny objects. For them, love is an art and beauty, so they try to act beautifully with the object of their lust: they take good care of them, have amazing sex and masterly betray them, in order to return pompously afterwards. They do this not out of harm, they just have to try everything in life, because it is so short!

Scorpio prefers to combine business with pleasure. He can accidentally fall in love, having come to some cafe, and choose a victim very quickly. The Scorpios should be given credit for their powerful poison of seduction, which strikes the chosen person very quickly. However, the representative of the sign does not bother about this and can run away to the premiere of the film immediately after rough sex.

Sagittarius is afraid that in love, as elsewhere, he will feel bad, so he is not eager to have a mate. But if he stops remembering the previous lover, he will be able to do a lot of good for the present and even devote his life to him.

Capricorns are sedate people, so love at first sight, a song in the heart and butterflies in the stomach are not familiar to them. They perceive the feeling as a very expensive purchase, so they will try to study the subject of their sympathy to the smallest detail. Acquaintance can last for years, but if Capricorn realized that his time has come, he can instantly become passionate and loving.

Aquarians, unlike other signs of the zodiac, fall in love correctly. They do not require increased attention to themselves and do not pretend to be their lover's slippers, but at the same time they will gladly give up theirs. Their "trick" is that they should take care of those they love, but not vice versa. If the other half does not call and comes home late from work, Aquarius will not make a scandal, but will prepare a delicious sandwich so that the next day, if he is late at work, the loved one does not suffer from hunger.

Pisces in love are great sufferers. They are ready to go to hell on Easter cakes to meet with their beloved and tear a shirt from overwhelming feelings or scratch their back. If Pisces does not suffer, she loses interest in the novel, and therefore needs regular bloodshed. After a relationship with a representative of this sign, nothing remains in the soul, it resembles a scorched desert.

Love has long been recognized by psychotherapists as a disorder with certain symptoms and consequences. For each sign of the Zodiac, these symptoms are different - someone gets depressed, and someone vomits and flutters.

Falling in love and passion, many people equate with the remnants of youth and adolescence, and sometimes even worse - with infantilism. You can and even need to fall in love throughout your life until you find the very person who can become a real soul mate for you. Love compatibility horoscopes can save you time when searching the right person, but they will not teach you feelings, so improve constantly, without being afraid of problems, obstacles, and, moreover, failures. What matters is not how love ends, but how it begins. Lovers Zodiac signs are different in their behavior.


Aries of both sexes will not seek romance unless there is a good reason for it. Unless, of course, there are special individuals who combine insolence, perseverance, fire and romance, but there are very few of them. Basically, if Aries falls in love, they come up and say straight to their face: "Hello, can we make love?" It's not that they just think about sex, but physical love is most important to them.


Taurus is also not averse to get down to business, bypassing the flower-candy period. This applies to both women and men of this Sign. You seem to be on a second date, but they themselves will undress you and show you the upper class - they won't even ask for consent. But after the act of love, romance will follow, which may even make you sick, but do not tell Taurus that they are overdoing it, otherwise, in a fit of passion, they can break off the relationship.


Lovers Gemini are very strange people. Representatives of this Sign can be divided into two huge groups: those who do not tolerate romance and try to quickly persuade you to move to the next level of relationships, as well as those who will not do absolutely anything - no declarations of love, no gifts. Just emptiness. It is impossible to guess what your Gemini will turn out to be.


Cancers, when they love, will do anything to impress the person they love. Men deserve special attention. It is a pleasure to watch them when they are head over heels in love. They look like the heroes of Hollywood melodrama films. Even Aries and Taurus would envy such grace. For girls, everything is simpler - more smiles and more frank clothes.

a lion

The average Leo is a work-focused person who doesn't care about the people around him. He or she is just doing their thing with serious faces. When Lions fall in love, serious predators turn into cute, playful kittens. Lions are the sweetest people in love. If they are overwhelmed by feelings, then they cannot work, their effectiveness decreases, because they come to life and become kind, fluffy and gentle.


Virgos fall in love carefully. If they happen to fall in love, then they usually behave as if something happened to them - the grandmother got sick or they lost a million rubles in the casino. They worry about the relationship, so they ask everyone for advice on what to do next, how to be. They are afraid of changes in life, even such good ones, so they perceive falling in love as a signal of distress.


Libra, falling in love, feels extravaganza. They are so cheerful and strong in spirit that they can move mountains. This sign of the Zodiac more than others depends on this state. They like to fall in love more than to love, so it can be very difficult to maintain a tumultuous relationship with these people. Libra can love you more than anyone in the world, and then say: "Hey, I'm tired of something." In short, they love affairs and fall in love all the time, so it's hard to tell when they're not in love.


Scorpio falls in love strongly or in no way. The enamored representatives of this Sign fall out of life - you can simply forget about them. If someone fooled them, then they will give up everything, just to be with a loved one. Their love is so strong that a bad breakup early in a relationship can break their hearts. Scorpio's revenge will be dire. When Scorpios fall in love, they become a little gloomy and brooding.


Despite their fiery disposition, Sagittarius fall in love incredibly carefully. Even the Virgos would have envied them. Sagittarius pretend that everything is easy for them, but inside they build themselves fantasies about the future and imagine absolutely everything, from how you will name your children to how they will call your soul mate when parting. That is why they rarely meet with someone, and it rarely comes to the registry office.


Falling in love, Capricorns learn everything there is to know about their "sacrifice". Then they weigh the pros and cons for a long time. Then they again try to find out if there is any catch. Only after lengthy tests for strength and compatibility do they finally agree to physical love, tenderness and everything else. Their crush is very exhausting, but well worth it.


Aquarians fall in love when they are young and then try not to. If they are overwhelmed with emotions, then they will tell you about them, be sure. They will come up to you with a seductive smile and so sweetly say the cherished “I like you” that you will be speechless. Beware, because often after sex, Aquarius cools down, so they will have to be interested in something. They fall in love with inaccessible people, because they are very gambling.


Pisces is one of the main romantics on the planet. Falling in love, they will certainly arrange original dates. If their love is not like the one that they have met in movies and books, then this greatly upsets them. According to many representatives of this water Sign, it is better to let love be tragic than empty and meaningless. Pisces in love are like Leos - they are scattered, mysterious.

All Zodiac Signs fall in love and experience this feeling in different ways. The main thing for each of us is to remember the wonderful moments that leave a pleasant "aftertaste". Life is a constant search, so enjoy this process. Enjoy every minute. Good luck and remember to press the buttons and

We could all happily fall in love, marry and live, if not for the stars under which we had to be born.

Representatives of different signs of the zodiac do everything in their own way, even fall in love, reports "Lisa".

Capricorns fall in love rationally.

Such people know that butterflies in the stomach are contrary to physiology, and before falling in love, you need to properly study the tactical and technical characteristics of the alleged sudden passion.

Aquarius falls in love correctly.

All other signs see falling in love something like this: "I love you, so you owe me your time, attention, wallet and everything else that you have." Aquarius believes that if I fell in love with someone, then I should take care of him.

They have a fantastic gift - when the romance is in full swing, do not be offended if your loved one has not called for forty minutes.

Fishes fall in love classically.

According to the clear canons of love stories - for passion, hormones, torn shirts, happiness, pain and bloody snot. An important point: the object of falling in love should be as difficult to access as possible: to live in another city, even better - in another country.

Pisces must suffer and overcome obstacles. After romance with Pisces, a scorched desert remains, covered with a thick layer of colorless ash.

Aries falls in love calmly.

This is that rare case when Aries puts aside his fiery temperament and sits quietly on the river bank with a blade of grass in his teeth until the corpses of all rivals float past.

Taurus falls in love violently.

The object of love must belong to Taurus completely - with all the "guts". Taurus always reciprocate (otherwise scary, very scary). And if they suddenly leave Taurus, then on tiptoe, under the cover of night.

Twins fall in love sincerely.

And forever. "Forever" lasts about six months, and there can be, for example, two objects of sincere love. But both of them are really quite genuinely loved. It is absolutely normal for a Gemini to cry in the morning because of one eternal love, and in the evening to cut veins because of eternal love number two. Moreover, the grief in both cases is completely genuine.

Cancer falls in love carefully.

She crawls in a circle, not approaching, and gently clicks her claws: "What if it's not her?" But especially patient ones will be rewarded - Cancer in love is able to put the whole world at the feet of his beloved. However, the process of shifting the worlds under the feet of the beloved follows the usual pattern: "What if this world is boring?"

a lion falls in love reluctantly.

That is, it is clear that it is good for health, but the modern social contract offers equal rights to lovers. It is completely incomprehensible to Leo how one can have equal rights with a soul mate.

Virgo falls in love like the last time.

A Virgo in love from the doorway provides the object of passion for the undivided use of her hand, heart, friends and children. If suddenly the object of passion evaporates, Virgo will suffer humbly and wait a couple of years for the object to change his mind.

scales fall in love out of love for art.

Because a novel is beautiful. Libra will look after beautifully, have beautiful sex and beautifully go into the night forever. And then it's nice to come back. But by no means out of malice - it's just that life is short, and you need to try everything. After all, everything is so tasty.

Scorpion falls in love with lunch break.

In addition, Scorpio falls in love very technically: a quick choice of "victim" and a puncture in the heart. But they are very faithful, although it is very difficult in a relationship with them.

Sagittarius prefers not to fall in love at all.

Starting a relationship, representatives of this sign are already aiming at the most negative result. Everything will be very bad, as always. If a Sagittarius still falls in love, he will listen sensitively - and everything is already bad? Or is it still okay? Or maybe not! But if suddenly Sagittarius manages to stop projecting the terrible experience of previous relationships on each current chosen one, all other signs will envy.

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