The uniting stone of Aries and Libra. What stones are suitable for people born with the sign of Aries? Strong stones from the evil eye for the zodiac sign Aries

Sagittarius, for the most part, will overtake its own "social Armageddon" in 2016. The fact is that representatives of this sign can develop normally only in communication. They need the exchange of information with the people around them like air. The Fire Monkey will give you a chance to radically revise your social circle. It will be simply necessary to do this.

Over the past periods, people of this sign have accumulated a lot of destructive connections that hinder their development. You will have to get rid of them. Sometimes it will be difficult and painful. Only in this way can you increase the harmony of your soul, and hence the space around you. Take advantage of a good situation. Life will start throwing you new partners who can become friends. Some may even change their personal plans.

In general, the year promises positive and productive. "Trash" will gradually leave the living space, opening the way for new opportunities. Just don't resist change. If you cling to the old, you will stumble upon a serious problem. It will be materialized through the "little, aching man". It can be someone from family or friends. This person, taking advantage of the responsiveness of your heart, will distract you from solving the tasks set, turning your attention to himself. Believe me, sometimes you can show some cruelty and point the whiner to laziness. Let him do at least something to improve his life.

Love horoscope

Love, too, can be threatened by a personal "Armageddon". Those who made a choice not under the influence of Above may clearly realize that there is a person nearby who is not capable of fruitful cooperation. Marriages can be on the brink of collapse. The stars recommend not to despair. Know, the time has come for profound changes. Just do not refuse to communicate with children because of disagreements with your spouse. It is on them that you should focus your attention in the "transition period".

But divorce, of course, does not threaten all representatives of the sign. The fact is that Sagittarius is initially inclined to trust Providence. Most of their marriages are literally "in heaven." Such lucky people are encouraged to talk frankly with their half, telling what is going on in the soul. Together you will quickly cope with the reorganization of the sphere of communication, which will be for all Sagittarius without exception.

Lonely representatives of the sign will survive the year easier than others. Their contacts with the opposite sex will be richer and deeper. By the middle of the year the light will dawn true love on their horizon. The stars warn them against making bold and unfounded promises and advances. You know that sooner or later you will have to answer for the words. Moreover, for those who broke someone's heart. Just enjoy the conversation without making plans. Fate itself will go to a meeting, then, when the time comes.

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Monetary predictions of the stars

Metamorphoses of the soul cannot but influence professional activity... In this area, the risk of rapid change increases. The process must be taken under control from the very beginning. The point is that the service will notice your internal changes. Management's reactions can be unpredictable. The horoscope indicates the need to have a plan "B" in case of an unexpected proposal to leave the team.

Fortunately, proposals will be received regularly. It may be that your abilities have already been noticed in the organization in which you have long dreamed of working. Feel free to accept the offer, or advertise yourself to those people cooperative activity with which it seems more promising to you. Here one should focus not only on income, but on the possibility of deeper and more voluminous self-realization. And the money won't go anywhere.

By the way, about receipts. The Fire Monkey has saved a "treasure" for you. They can find him where work is a celebration of the soul. Let it seem to you that you are going to work in a place where big money is not expected. If you do not compromise your own principles, you will receive checks with many zeros as a reward. Remember that in business sphere are led by the Higher Forces. They favor those who show kindness and compassion. The reward may come from a source that you have no idea about yet.

Sagittarius health horoscope for 2016

The need to constantly work hard with the mind will affect the body. You need to be smart about this challenging year. The fact is that we wrongly believe that the body fails only due to physical adverse circumstances. Thoughts and experiences affect him much sharper and faster. Since during the period of "Armageddon" you will need a lot of strength, they should be protected.

Sagittarius will need to follow a body-friendly regimen. This means that it is necessary to eat well and variedly, without overeating, and to sleep the allotted time. For representatives of this sign has great importance intake of "living water" into the body. It comes with raw fruits and vegetables. Don't forget about them. More stars recommend reducing the intake of carcinogens.

The horoscope recommends paying attention to the liver. Try not to overload this organ. Fatty and fried - only occasionally. Even less medicine. It is better to use them only when other methods are powerless. Then the disease will bypass you. And do not forget that movement prolongs the life of the fiery Sagittarius! Run, walk, go to nature. It will be even more useful in 2016 than usual.

Sagittarius woman horoscope

2016 for Sagittarius ladies will be a turning point in terms of heartfelt life. Almost everyone will face the question of the need to make some changes in personal relationships. The stars whisper quietly so that you do not make hasty decisions. Married ladies may want quick and dramatic changes at the beginning of the year. Channel your energy into renovating or buying a new home. This will turn out to be a more rational use of forces.

If a spouse appeared in life not from Higher Forces, he himself will leave. Ladies - Sagittarius should not waste energy on regulating this process. You will be under special patronage in 2016. Unnecessary people will be replaced by new, more suitable and "warm" people. And women themselves should spend their strength wisely.

The stars recommend lonely Sagittarius women to go further away from home. It can be a business trip or vacation. Some will travel on weekends and holidays. This will have a positive effect on your personal life. In distant lands lives your "prince", or "king", maybe a "knight". In general, you will see for yourself if you do not lie on the couch.

Horoscope of the Sagittarius man for the year of the Monkey

Men born under the constellation Sagittarius will be desperately lucky. 2016 could be the peak of the current career. Many will have a chance to rise in a way they never dreamed of before. The point is that you have been building your own "empire" for many years. Let it be only dreams. For some, they did not apply to the whole world, but were limited to the framework of the organization or enterprise where they worked. Does not matter. You will have the opportunity to realize all your wildest dreams. Make up your mind. There won't be another chance like that for a long time. The stars converge on the line of your career.

Financially, the year also promises a fruitful period. It won't start right away. Somewhere in the spring, you will feel sufficient stability. Don't be complacent. Work tirelessly. This is not the peak yet. Only late autumn you will be able to appreciate the generosity of the Fire Monkey. But, only if you work tirelessly.

In 2016, men will be worried about family matters. One of the people close to you will have "permanent depression." Finding out and helping you will become boring. It is bad if this person turns out to be a wife. You may be faced with the unpleasant discovery that she had another long ago. Let go, show your inherent compassion. The stars will open up other opportunities for you to build your personal life.

For representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius, the year of the Fire Monkey will be especially successful in terms of the work direction. In general, this statement is true for many signs, but Sagittarius will receive special "bonuses" here. First, it sharpens your "gut" (or whatever you call it), the very sense that allows you to identify promising projects from potential failures. Secondly, your leadership will provide you with new opportunities, a whole field for activity, and this will be an excellent chance to implement your innovative ideas and initiatives. If you work for yourself, and you do not have a manual as such, then all the above points will take a very specific form for you. In any case, this year you will have much less time and attention than usual in the sensory-emotional sphere. But this is okay, moreover, everything will happen harmoniously and calmly, so you probably won't even notice any significant changes. In addition, no one says that there will be absolutely no romance, tenderness and mutual warmth. All this will not go anywhere, just current priorities will push such moments into the background.

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius woman

Women representing zodiac sign Sagittarius, in the year of the Fire Monkey, you have to fight for your happiness, but hardly - in the literal sense. You will constantly be at the junction of two types of problems - related to your relationship and those located in the career area. There is no need to mix these moments, you will have to solve them sequentially, setting priorities in accordance with your own views. The Fire Monkey recommends that you first pay attention to the work area, and then to "matters of the heart", because everything is fine only in theory, in practice it usually turns out somehow differently. Ultimately, the choice is yours, but remember that this year will be held under the banner of evolution, fundamental changes. This is a subtle hint that it may be time to bring some significant metamorphosis into your life. Someone will part with their "second half", someone will find one, but all these events will be natural and are unlikely to actually surprise you. But sudden career prospects can be really overwhelming. But you need to be ready for such a turn, because it is the adaptability and reaction that usually determine the leader.

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius man

For Sagittarius men, the year of the Fire Monkey may well be a turning point. At the beginning of the year, you will probably feel a little insecure, because a lot in the world around you will start to change rapidly. But do not hesitate, you will adapt very quickly, it will not cause problems, the maximum is a slight stupor for a short time. Get involved in the work as soon as you come to your senses, you have to work hard. It will not be easy, this is a fact, but set the bar as high as possible anyway, otherwise you risk missing out on an opportunity that may turn out to be defining for you. By the way, at this stage, one of the key nuances will be that you will have to learn to identify not just the key, but the secondary directions. This applies specifically to working moments. On the "love front" everything will be much calmer, although it makes sense not to forget about these promises. Remember what distinguishes a man from a boy, and then you will not be mistaken in your choice. Do not doubt your decisions, but remember that you are not a loner, you need friends, relatives, “brothers in mind”.

The horoscope for 2016 for the zodiac sign Sagittarius is a generalized astrological forecast for 2016 for the typical representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. For a more accurate representation of the events of 2016, we recommend compiling a personal horoscope for 2016. By ordering an individual astrological forecast for 2016, you will receive an accurate analysis of planetary aspects, their impact on your destiny throughout 2016. This is also a significant advantage in the form of leadership, which allows you to more efficiently manage events by taking optimal solutions to achieve the desired goals.
- Horoscopes for 2016 for the signs of the zodiac:

Sagittarius will remember 2016 as one of the brightest, most amazing and incredibly positive periods of their lives. Under the auspices of this year's hostess, the Fire Monkey, even your wildest dreams will either come true completely, or come as close as possible to their embodiment. And this, dear Sagittarius, will give you tremendous confidence in yourself and in own forces! You will sparkle like a thousand stars and shine from within with a rainbow light. Others will be flattered that there is such a radiant and charming person next to them. As a result, your property will become not only colossal success, but also the rapid growth of your public popularity. The only thing you should be afraid of in 2016 is the intrigues of envious people (alas, other people's victories do not always make others smile).

Sagittarius men in the year of the Monkey do not have to apply special efforts to always and everywhere gain leadership status. People themselves will take the initiative to make you the head of their team. You will have to either accept this "position", or with feeling dignity step aside (it all depends on your personal interest in a particular project). Sagittarius women 2016 will give the opportunity to relax a little. During the reign of the Fire Monkey, you, even without taking care of yourself, will look like a true queen. Moreover, in the next 12 months you should not worry that a couple of cakes or a high-calorie dessert will deplorably affect your figure.

In the love sphere of their lives, Sagittarius in 2016 should tune in to a rapid change of events. If back in January you were languishing from painful loneliness, by the end of the year of the Monkey, the situation for you will radically change. You will not only find an ideal soul mate, but you will even have time to build a mini-cell of society with her! No, we are not talking about the registry office yet (in this segment, you and your new passion will limit yourself to studying each other within the framework of cohabitation). Family Sagittarius in the year of the Monkey will decide to carry out a series of cardinal reforms in their home life. What exactly we are talking about (about moving, capital repairs, about the birth of a new family member) only time will tell. One thing is clear - yours married couple in 2016 does not learn about boredom, routine and monotony.

Throughout the year of the Fire Monkey, Sagittarius will not face problems in the field of finance. Moreover, while representatives of other signs are complaining about Destiny, which has sent them numerous tests, you will be able to build up your capital. It is highly likely that a long-standing hobby, an online business or a family business that has arisen on the basis of an unexpected idea from someone in your household, will become a new source of income for you.

In 2016, success will accompany all the professional endeavors of Streltsov. If you have been planning to change your "office role" for a long time, you can hardly imagine a better moment than the year of the Fire Monkey! However, do not rush "out of the fire and into the fire." Before changing jobs, carefully study all your options. Think about whether you will be comfortable at the new enterprise? If nothing and no one prevents you from carrying out this reform, boldly go ahead, conquer professional horizons that you have never known before!

In 2016, there will be many factors that can seriously improve the health of Sagittarius (yes, success is a huge test for human psyche!). You should find a way to quickly and easily regain emotional balance in advance (consider options such as yoga or breathing exercises).

Attention horoscope for Sagittarius for 2016 gives only general idea about the upcoming 2016 year of the red Monkey, for a more accurate forecast, you should draw up a personal horoscope for 2016 with individual card birth of a person.