Honeymoon in June. Where to go to the wedding trip? Best wedding trip

Where to go to the wedding trip in 2019 on the honeymoon? The best tours and prices from tour operators of foreign wedding tours and in Russia. The organization of the wedding abroad and all the subtleties of wedding travel.

Sweet and even sweeter - it's about wedding travels. Just imagine such happiness: after the excitement ceremony, marking the union of two hearts, celebration, gifts and various cheerfulness to tear away from the noisy crowd and escape to the edge of the world, so that under the ocean roof and the rustle palm trees to dive into a leisurely ... In general, you understood What we are about. It is not surprising that wedding tourism occupies an impressive segment of the world tourist market: the festive start of joint lives, possibly, and does not guarantee cloudless happiness in the future, but at least gives the radiant and "long-playing" memories of carefree days in the Lon of Tropical Nature - and what Rates more as not joint pleasant experiences! Especially since the creator clearly did not stupid on the beauty of the People's World: To the attention of lovers, he offers the tropical islands in the heart of the ocean and secluded calm, emerald valleys, endless sands and fluffy snow valleys ... Word, all variety of paints, textures and weather. It remains only to decide on the choice: a wedding abroad or in native fenats followed by a honeymoon. And in the first case, and in the second there is its advantages.

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Those who decided to be married abroad, two equal attractive options are offered: "With the record" (official paper is issued, valid in Russia) and "Ponaroshka" (the action does not oblige anything and is not fixed anywhere). Depending on the seriousness of the intentions of the parties to the choice will be offered different countries: For example, in Cuba or Seychelles, everything is serious, and on Bali, Maldives and in India, you can face a fool. Accordingly, the preparation for the journey will be either a serious or trivial - after all, it's one thing to throw a swimsuit, shale and sundress into a suitcase, and quite another - to collect a fairly volumetric package of documents, as a rule, with translation to local language and notarization. By the way, after the official conclusion of marriage abroad, it will be necessary to legalize the testimony in Russia, which will slightly add to the wedding enterprise. The choice of the declared dive into the sweet hummue of family life is offered as an old Good Europe (Greece, Czech Republic, Italy, Cyprus, Slovenia, Latvia, etc.), and all sorts of exotic (Sri Lanka, Mexico, Thailand, island states).


Before those who decided to exchange oaths under the arches of domestic regulations and then spend a honeymoon abroad, lies, without exaggeration, the whole world - you want, relax on the beaches of the oceans and seas, you want to conquer the mountain peaks South America Or run into the wilderness of alpine villages - it all depends only on the bridal addictions. However, among the popular "honey" destinations, the ubiquitous Maldives-Seychelles, radiant Thailand and Indonesia, eternal and spiritual India, the authentic Middle East and North of Africa are finally for Vikings and Valkyrie - Norway with its breathtaking beauty fjords, neat Sweden and amber -Work Baltic. It is certainly worth mentioning both the wedding vigi in the royal France and cultural and eccentric Italy: what can be romantic than the Just-Married kiss against the background of the Eiffel Tower or lonely walks on the streets of the Eternal City.

Wedding trip is another joyful event in the life of each couple, after the wedding ceremony. We suggest you look at 17 unusual and exciting routes for a wedding trip, which newlyweds will be remembered forever.

Dracula Castle in Romania

The official name of the castle is a Bran Castle. He gained world popularity after entering the screens of the film about the column Dracula. If you do not give peace of thought about vampires, boldly go to Transylvania.

Hotel A'jia in Turkey

This boutique hotel is located near the city of Istambul, it offers a beautiful view of the Bosphorus strait. And although you can not find close to these attractions such as Romel Fortress, you will certainly like it romantic atmosphere Your room.

Borobudur, Prambanan and Tattle of Boko in Indonesia

Have you already visited Picchu's urine and want to once again plunge into an antiquity atmosphere? Then the mystical temples of Borobudura, Prambanan and the tattle of Boko are waiting for you. Try spiritual awakening and enjoy the incredibly beautiful sunrise and sunset.

Hot springs in Iceland.

Rent a car and travel your pleasure. You can stay and watch all the sights without a fuss and crowd of tourists. Consider this with your first family adventure.

Arch National Park in Utah

Here is another place where the spirit of the Arch Republic is captured from the romantic sunsets. And movie lovers will be interested to visit the town of Moab, who served as a decoration for films such as "Dilizhans", Talma and Louise and 127 hours.

Portmailion in Wales

In the 60s, the cult series "Prisoner" was removed here. This place still reminds the amazing country of miracles in which celebrity such as Paul McCartney and Frank Lloyd Wright visited. In addition, the famous music Festival № 6.

Waterpark "Happy Magic Water Cube" in China

In 2011, the Water Space, where the 2008 Summer Olympic Games Competitions were converted to the indoor water park - a place where all your children's dreams come true. This is the second attendance place in China after the Great Wall of China.

Hammondport, New York

The title "One of the best small towns in America 2012", Hammondport is a combination of magnificent wine and amazing landscapes. Stay in one of the cozy mini hotels and enjoy wine at the same time with whom you are going to spend the rest of your life together.

Trinidad and Tobago

Plant on clean beaches Trinidad. Having in love with exotic birds, go to luxury beaches Port-of-Spain.

Sea cruise on ship Silver Shadow

Silver Shadow is the best seabed for newlyweds. Enjoy the view of the snowy mountains, and then retire with your beloved in one of the private suites. By the way, on board the ship is a luxurious living room.

Holy Jacob's path in Europe

If you wanted to make a pilgrimage to the honeymoon or organize a bicycle tour - the path of St. Jacob (El Kamino de Santiago), which runs to the Spanish town of Santiago de Compostela - this is what you need. On the way, you can venture in the hostel, and if you wish to add a note of the adventurism on the road, then scroll the tent right in the open sky.

Makepis Island in Australia

This resort is so exclusive that if you have booked there tickets, you may not doubt - you will be the only guests on the whole island (of course, if you didn't make friends with you). There you can set your dress code. And, by the way, this island has a heart shape.

Other romantic islands:

But Macepis is not the only island-heart one. You are offered to your attention: Croatia Island in Croatia, Tavarua Island for Fiji, as well as Harbor Island in Maine.

Republic of Botswana, Africa

Wild safari and picturesque rivers Okavango will turn your honeymoon in a fascinating journey.

Hotel Elqui Domos in Chile

Your holiday with your loved one will turn into a peaceful contemplation heavenly Tel. Rooms The hotel is similar to the dome, and beds are located on the upper tiers, from where you can "reach" to the stars from the removable window in the roof.

Rangali Island, Maldives

Yes, this restaurant is right under water, and to be more accurate - under the Indian Ocean. MaldivesUndoubtedly, are the place from where with their own eyes you can see all the beauty of the world and enjoy the honeymoon.

"Tour on the edge of the world", Argentina

This is an eleven-day tour starting in Buenos Aires and passing through many landmarks of Argentina, including the pathogonium and the Perito-Moreno Glacier. The milestone part of your journey will be a meeting with penguins from Magdalena Island.


City of lovers - Paris. Little cozy coffee shops with Charlay Aznavour from all columns, kisses on the Eiffel Tower and walks on the ship on the waters of the Seine - Paris creates a romantic mood to any weather and at any time of the year. Here you can go in the spring and buy tulips on the Elysee fields, in the summer you can lie on the green grass from any palace, falling on the streets in the fall and there are fried chestnuts, and in the winter to drink Mulled wine and look like snowflakes flying over the Paris roofs.

For a honeymoon in Paris, it is not necessary to remove the room at the hotel at all, the delivery of apartments in which your solitude will definitely not interfere with your solitude.

Thailand, Samui Island is one of the main resorts of the country with pure blue waters and warm sun. Numerous hotels of varying degrees of star are right on the shores of the Siamese Gulf, and Elitic Bangkok Airways flew from Bangkok on Samui.

It is not only a honeymoon, but also a wedding ceremony, which can be organized in a European or traditional Thai style. The latter is held with the blessing of Buddhist monks, in traditional Thai wedding outfits.

If after the noisy and crowded wedding in the homeland you left the only desire - to retire and be in silence, then the Maldives are the most the best way For travel. As a rule, in the Maldives one hotel occupies a whole atoll island, so you will have almost no neighbors. Turquoise crystal clear sea, small coral sand white color And coconut palms are all that will be around you.

Venice as a place of conducting a honeymoon is chosen by nature not just romantic, but also in a certain extent adventurous. After all, around the canals, masks, sometimes gloomy stories about the Middle Ages and the foggy sea around the city. Venice is better to go to the warm season, but even the gloomy and rainy, this city will allow you to feel not just newlyweds, and characters from movies about love.

Santorini Island (Greece) is one of the most popular honeymoon sites. The combination of blue with white is perfectly harmonized with the peaceful mood of a young couple, and in addition, Santorini's species have to play Love Story photos and to the wedding ceremonies on open air.

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One of the important traditions at the wedding is a walk through the beautiful places of newlyweds and guests after registration of marriage or wedding. But the question is where exactly go to the wedding walk, should be thought out long before the event.


Make a wedding walk route. Often, urban attractions, monuments of great people, "Bridges of Love" and other symbolic places, where lovers perform local rituals of fastening their feelings are included in it.

Personal commemoration places of the bride and groom can be included in the route for a walk. For example, a romantic place where they first met, kissed where they liked to be together before the wedding.

Consult the photographer who will hold video and taking pictures of your wedding, where he recommends visiting a walk. Photographers and operators are well aware of which city places the photographing is obtained particularly successful.

Think out the script that will play on the wedding walk. Depending on it, a place is selected where a small creative production will take place. As a result, such experiments are obtained very interesting photos and videos.

The honeymoon should remain in the memory of the newlyweds as the most vivid event of living together. Where to go to the wedding journey to the new spouses? How to fill your first joint holiday with romantic impressions and exciting events? If you have not yet chosen where to fly into a wedding trip, then read this article. We will tell about the most charming corners of our planet and share useful advice with you.

We choose the direction

Plan a honeymoon should be planned in advance so that in the pre-wedding turmoil does not break her head over the details of the trip. Determine the direction that would arrange both spouses so that the joy of vacation does not dare with reproach and caustic comments.

If you came to an agreement with the future spouse and chose the direction, you can start working out the details and choose hotels for wedding travel. I must say that in this you are limited in any way, for for all tourist destinations their huge many. The only thing worth noting is - do not skimp. Choose not budget, but more expensive hotels (4 or 5 stars), because the honeymoon for quite understandable reasons must be carried out not in the hostel, but in a comfortable hotel running on the "All Inclusive" system. So that it was possible not to take care of household trifles and "food of the pressing", but to devote each other minute to each other.


This beautiful country is famous not only for excellent service, but also by democratic prices. You can use the "All Included" system, sunbathing, swimming, plunge into bright nightlife. Active people can do diving or rafting, ride scooters, boat or yacht. History lovers can visit the monuments of antiquities, see the ancient ruins or see the local attractions.


Wedding journey promises to be magical and amazing. Divided from civilization you will feel free and happy. Enjoy the crystal purity of the sea, virgin nature and your own happiness. There are not so many active entertainment, but diving lovers will find a lesson. Visit the spa and please yourself with relaxing procedures.


Allow yourself the best wedding trip and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of love and happiness! This place is called paradise for lovers, and this statement is not far from truth. Fantastic species, nature, amazing sunsets and turquoise bays are something that will be remembered for all your life. Under envious sighs of friends and acquaintances, you will talk about your impressions and show photos.

Dominican Republic

Honeymoon in this country will give newlyweds several beautiful weeks. You will also have a soul white sandy beaches, gentle sea, fragrant and exotic dishes of local cuisine. Here you can make a fairly wide excursion program: visit the Siabo Valley and look at chocolate trees, the Chico-Bor's coast will surprise you by coral reefs, and Bayaibe Coconut Plantations. If you want sharp sensations, then try to experience your strength in mountain climbing and climbing - the most courageous spouses will try to conquer Peak Duarta.


If you make time, go on tour in Europe. Agree that much more interesting to look at several countries than to stay for two weeks in one city. Visit famous cities And look at their attractions, take a photo with all the famous monuments, castles and towers. Try national dishes of different nations And, if you are lucky, take part in local festivals or parades.

But if you are not a lover of frequent moves and shifts, choose one country.


Wedding journey to the city of lovers - a great choice. The romantic atmosphere of the French capital will not be able to leave anyone indifferent. Beautiful streets, monuments of architecture, walks on the shore of the Seine - all this will leave indelible impressions in your memory. Do not forget that Paris is also considered the capital of fashion. Take advantage of this and purchase a new wardrobe.


This city will appreciate all lovers of elegant European style. You will not be bored, as the list of attractions is large enough. Be sure to schedule a visit to the opera and an expensive restaurant. You will forever remember romantic walks along narrow curves and kisses under vintage cast-iron lamps.


Solar Italy, Warm Sea, delicious cuisine - What else is needed for a romantic holiday? Get ready to walk a lot, as the city and its surroundings are one huge museum. Your photo report about the Roman holidays will be impressive - picturesque views, beautiful buildings, the sea and the sun!


What could be more interesting than a wedding trip to Mexico? Local hotels are rendered annually in the first stitching of the rating. better rest. The quality of service here is always at the height, and the staff is distinguished by politeness and benevolence. Enjoying the ocean and beauty of nature, you can go on sightseeing. Ancient culture of Aboriginal left in this country many traces, and you must discover historical architectural monuments. Evening program also promises to be saturated. Tequila, passionate Latin rhythms, beautiful restaurants and a romantic setting - all this will be a pleasant bonus of your honeymoon.

Ski resort

Tour operators on all frets advertise romantic wedding travel. Where can I go to people who do not hurt warm countries and vintage cities? If you do not imagine your life without sports, healthy image Life and active activity, choose a ski resort for your trip. In the evenings you can enjoy each other's society in the cozy room of the hotel, and in the afternoon skiing and snowboarding.

Popular Recreation Places and Wedding Travel

The reviews of the younger on European bases are perhaps the best. The quality of ski tracks and equipment, the qualifications of instructors fully correspond to the stated prices. You will be happy to accept in Sweden, Spain, France, Italy.

If you can not make a choice between a hot climate and an exciting time, select the country that combines all the necessary requirements. For example, in the UAE there is an excellent ski complex for 1500 people. It is located right in the desert and works. round year.


About the country of the rising Sun Russian citizens know not so much. Newlyweds can take advantage of the chance and see it with their own eyes. The spouses will plunge into the contradictory culture of Japan, will appreciate the magic of ancient temples and the charm of picturesque landscapes. Each couple can find here entertainment to your liking. National parks, ski slopes, coral reefs and hot springs are waiting for you.

Many dream of a grand honeymoon, sea cruises, expensive purchases and a variety of pleasures. But before you decide to spend all savings on dear vacation, try soberly assess the situation. Two people who love each other in any place will be happy. Remember that first of all you should enjoy the spouse's society, and not spend everything free time on shopping or excursions.

Place your leisure, leave a place in the schedule for romantic dinners, walks under the moon and joint outputs. Take on vacation beautiful clothes and shoes, try to please your soul mate and do not let yourself be bored. Think what business it would be interesting to do together. If both of you are interested in the story, ask you in advance what interesting places You can visit. If you are not indifferent to art, then plan a trip to the art gallery or art exhibition. In case you are lovers of outdoor activities, be sure to do on vacation, mountaineering or skiing.

Remember that most importantly in the wedding travel is your favorite person. Spend the first days of your life together in a good mood, and they will be stored in memory as one of the happiest.

  • Carefully choose time and place, going to the wedding trip. Where to go, if you do not have a Schengen visa? You will be happy to take you in Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Bulgaria, Thailand, UAE.
  • Do you find it difficult to choose a choice and can not decide how much to spend on a wedding trip? Where to go and how much a romantic vacation will cost, you will be prompted by travel agencies. Ask your friends and acquaintances, ask to share your own experience of colleagues and relatives. Interesting information You will learn if you don't get lazy to look at the wedding forums, on social networks.
  • If you experienced travelers and visited many countries, you can easily choose a city or a resort for a honeymoon. But maybe you love variety? Then look for new places for a wedding trip. The world is so huge - discover all his facets.
  • Count all possible expenses in advance. Of course, in the honeymoon I want to afford everything, but it is better not to lose your head and not start family life with debt obligations.
  • Ordering tickets or hotel room, do not forget to report that you are newlyweds. Perhaps you are waiting for pleasant surprises from carriers and hotel owners. It can be a bottle of good wine, a beautifully decorated room, and sometimes a significant discount.
  • Remember that if one of the spouses changes the last name, he does not have to urgently change the documents. Boldly go to a wedding trip with old passports, as they are valid three weeks after marriage.
  • If you are not yet tired of wedding hassle and congratulations, arrange yourself another ceremony right at the place of rest. For this, it is not necessary to mess with documents and permissions - it may be a symbolic marriage or present wedding in the temple. Find agency that specializes in similar services and choose a suitable place. In Europe, wedding ceremonies in old castles are very popular, and in southern countries - on the ocean. Fans of exotic can stylize marriage conclusion in accordance with folk traditions Or the beliefs of the country.


So we waited for the warmth and the sun. In the yard summer and everyone relax. And someone else has a wedding. Have you already decided how to spend after the wedding time? Where are you going to go to a wedding trip in June 2019? The site authors selected interesting routes for you that you can use. Look, and let your wedding journey be chic as the wedding itself.

In the wedding trip to the sea!

Most newlyweds want to spend their honeymoon at sea. It is not surprising if they wanted to hold it together in pastels, they would have stay at home. And June is just a great time to visit the sea. But not in all countries season, although in the yard and summer.
For example, you can visit Bulgaria or Croatia. These two countries are inexpensive in terms of rest, but there is a lot of interesting things. Sand beaches, wild bays and entertainment for every taste. You can rent a yacht or boat and sail away from all eyes to the bay. And if you want to just sunbathe, then stay on the beach. Weather in June in Bulgaria and in Croatia are simply chic. It comes to +25 degrees in the day, and the weather is free to +24 degrees. No wind and stuffiness, and rains already in the past.
You can also go to the sea to Spanish resorts, for example, Tenerife, Mallorca or Barcelona. But it is more expensive than Croatia or Bulgaria. But the level is slightly higher. In Spain more placeswhere you can go instead of the beach. And in the evening, you can spend the fun almost every institution.

In a wedding trip to excursion tours.

There are such pairs that love just travel and discover something new and interesting. If you want to just visit other countries and see another culture, then visit the countries and cities:
First, you can visit the United Kingdom in countries such as Wales and Scotland. Here great amount Vintage castles. Britain has a rich story and you will be interested in seeing it all to see. You will be able to visit the castles in which the kings and Queen lived. You will be in places where important historical events were taken.
Secondly, you can go to Holland - to the country of tulips. There are many channels and colors. Holland is not such a big and rich history, but in this country there is a lot of interesting things. It is especially good to see how the country is developing now. No secret that possessing large quantity Water, the country still build windmills, which provide energy almost the whole country.
And finally, you can visit the countries of South America: Chile, Peru, Uruguay. This is another hemisphere of the Earth and there is completely different. Another life, other culture and even other interests. These countries have beautiful and high mountains. You can visit them and see everything from a height above the clouds.

In the wedding trip to the islands.

In childhood, we all read the book about Robinson Cruzo. And we all dreamed like him to visit the uninhabited island. It seemed to us that it was so romantic and beautiful!
Now every person has the opportunity to visit the island, albeit inhabitants. At this summer, the island of Cyprus in Europe. Want to go away, then fly to Jamaica, Easter Island or Maldives.
Also consider the option with a visit to the island of Mauritius. This is an amazing island. Which is located in the Indian Ocean. He is small, but very beautiful. You can relax there all year round and all this time will delight the sun and the warm sea.