Why see yourself naked in a dream - to shame or an erotic adventure? Nudity dream, naked in a dream, naked dream book.

Uncertainty and weakness, chills and fever, dry mouth, heavy sweating, indigestion are the main symptoms that real life can induce a dream of nudity.

Seeing yourself naked in a dream - an important event

Often people say that in their dreams they were completely naked, or they were wearing only underwear. Such dreams often reveal our vulnerability, hidden under the seemingly impenetrable cover of self-confidence. This vulnerability begins in that part of our essence, which we carefully hide from others. This concealment can be deliberate, for example, not advertising some kind of taboo, or unconscious, coming from our conclusion that if the people around him know everything about a person, then he will not be accepted and understood in full, and he will be absolutely defenseless.

Seeing yourself naked in a dream with the awareness of the abnormality of the position, but not feeling ashamed

It means seeing your illness (or the cause of your own failures) exposed. Comprehending the cause of this disease is already the first step to recovery. Understand emotional reason disease - means getting rid of negative emotions along with the disease. Sleep is very favorable.

Seeing yourself naked in a dream, while experiencing the strongest shame and the desire to get dressed

A dream speaks of a reluctance to realize the source of the disease (one's own participation in its appearance). The dream is most likely not very favorable.

Interpretation of sleep according to the English dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a dream is very bad sign predicting misfortune, poverty and dishonor. If you are a businessman, then expect a complete failure and bankruptcy of your business, which can lead to prison. If you are a sailor and go sailing on ships, then, according to this dream, a strong storm with a shipwreck awaits you. And if you have your own farm, then expect a crop failure and loss of livestock, possibly a robbery. For a man in love, such a dream says that his girlfriend will marry another person, and he himself will marry a woman with a difficult character. For married people, a dream predicts marital infidelity, dysfunctional children and poverty.

Interpretation of sleep according to the oriental dream book

Naked - to trouble and illness. Seeing others naked is a sign that they will try to persuade you to donate your ideas and If a woman in a dream sees naked men who are swimming in clean water, then she has many admirers ahead. If the water is muddy and dirty, one of her suitors will spread evil gossip about her.

Interpretation of sleep according to the latest dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a bath (bath) in a dream is an unexpected illness, and very fast. Your nakedness is a disease, but a stranger

ah - to the illness of the person whom they saw. Predisposition to skin diseases.

Interpretation of sleep according to a family dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a dream is a prediction of a scandal and some suspicious cases. If you saw someone else naked, then get ready for the fact that your ill-wishers will try to lead you astray. Illness will hinder your success. If in a dream you unexpectedly discovered your nakedness and tried to cover it up, this means that your sublime sensations will come into conflict with the desire for forbidden passions. A young lady, admiring her nakedness in a dream, will conquer a man in real life, but cannot keep him. This is provided that she has a good physique, in otherwise she will generally be disgraced by some scandal.

Interpretation of sleep according to a modern dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a dream is a sign of unreasonable actions and scandals. Seeing others naked is a sign that insidious people in reality will try to persuade you to change your duty. Illness will interfere with your luck. If you saw yourself naked in a dream and are trying to cover your nakedness, then in real life you are trying to get forbidden pleasures contrary to your noble nature and intend to break with unacceptable attractions. If a woman dreams that she is swimming without clothes in clean water, then in real life she will rejoice in forbidden love, but in the future nature will take revenge on her by sending illness or taking away her charm.

Bald head - for a secret romantic date with a partner much older than you.

Modern dream book

Seeing a man with large bald patches means for a young woman that she will marry a wealthy man; for a man, this dream portends career success.

Seeing large bald patches in yourself - for the upcoming intense and emotionally overloaded work.

If in a dream someone tells you that he likes your receding hairline - you can count on support from the outside, which means that one of your acquaintances will prove himself to be a real friend.

If your beloved pays attention to your bald patches, enemies or ill-wishers will take advantage of the mistakes that you made in your work.

Trying to hide the receding hairline - confirms that you are hiding your true affections even from your best friends.

Dream Interpretation Bald

If in a dream you dreamed of a Bald head, you saw Hair Loss on your head or on the head of someone from your family and friends, Dream Interpretations are convinced that in reality you cannot avoid a lot of problems. A bald head in a dream is a sign that you can either fall for a major deception, Or, through your own fault, financial ruin and ruin await you.

I dreamed of a bald head in a dream, Go bald in a dream, I dreamed of a bald spot on my head- beware of scammers.

In the near future, in real life, you can "go bald", That is, lose something very significant for you and dear.

I dreamed that you were bald or bald, go bald in a dream- loss of vitality and energy.

Dreamed of partial baldness, Small bald spot on the top of the head or baldness- partial loss of vitality; otherwise, wisdom and experience.

Hair symbolizes the dreamer's vitality. Hair Loss in Sleep- an alarming signal, in reality you can lose some of your energy, become weak and helpless in reality.

A woman dreamed that she was bald, Seeing her baldness in a dream, A bald spot on her head, Hair fell out and hair loss continues (for women) - excessive concern for her appearance.

Dreams of the category "I am Bald" do not need deep analysis and thorough deciphering. Beautiful Hair for you is a part of your image and a guarantee of external beauty and attractiveness. The dream was provoked by your excessive concern for your own beauty.

I dreamed of a bald man, a bald guy or a man- you will be dealing with a narrow-minded person.

It is believed that Bald People are narrow-minded, Not distinguished by high intelligence. From this position, a dream portends you a meeting with a not very smart young man.

Dreamed of a bald girl, girl, bald woman or friend (for men)- will be a grumpy wife.

The old and traditional interpretation of this dream portends to you that your spouse will harass you with unfounded claims and reproaches.

Dreamed of a bald singer- surprise.

If you see any of the media faces Bald, This indicates that in reality some major surprise awaits you. You can more accurately understand what you saw by remembering all the additional symbols and images of this dream.

Dreamed of a bald child, a bald son or daughter- family well-being, Growth of wealth in the family.

I dreamed about a bald husband or friend- betrayal; unsuccessful marriage.

Old interpretations that relate to the field of acceptance. Bald head in modern world is not considered to be something abnormal or defective. It is only external distinctive feature a certain category of people.

Dreamed of bald people- deception; large financial losses.

Hairless People in Dreams- warning sign. In reality, you may find yourself involved in a kind of adventure, which will result in a partial or complete loss of finances or vitality for you.

Dreamed of a bald dog- trouble with a friend; disease.

Dreamed of a bald rat- the enemy will lose its strength.

Dreamed of a bald cat- enemies will temporarily retreat.

Bald Animals Seen in a Dream Will Help You Make a Forecast- from where and from some side you should expect trouble in the near future.

Dreamed of a bald nanny- worries about your own baby.

"Bald" Nanny should be deciphered in the meaning of "inconsistent", "unreliable". You are probably very worried about the candidacy of the person to whom you have decided to entrust your child and care for him.

Bald patches on the head

Dream interpretation - umbilical cord of the head

Pay attention to your health and regime moments of work / rest. (There should not be anything superfluous on the head)

Dream interpretation - severed head

Thoughts, talk about money, finances will be. Wake up be surprised

Dream interpretation - severed head

Looking from the outside at my own thoughts (holding them in my hands), putting them in order (combing them). Has your thoughtfulness surprised you? An easy decision? (easy), in a word, it is not typical for themselves, they judged something without straining (not like mine)

Dream interpretation - severed head

Such a dream can promise sudden changes, relocation, change of residence.

Dream interpretation - Ants in pants and a head on an airplane

The impression that the image of oneself (pants) is strongly influenced by the public subconscious (metro). The two dream plots are related. Ants represent your numerous, aggressive, well-coordinated mental states. Which, moreover, are actively multiplying. They are hostile to you. The labyrinth and dangerous movement along it is your search for the answer. An important symbol is a bag. It is you, your feminine essence. I think the plot is twisted around this (I forgot my bag, that is, I lost myself as a woman). You strive to find approval of yourself, your self-expression in this area from society. Without this it is difficult for you to come to terms with your "oddities". You believe that it is so right (head) and act (hands) in accordance with the "truth", while ignoring the voice of the heart and other organs (there is no whole person). Your primary task (you have to go to work) is to accept and love yourself as you are Ignoring the opinion of the public For a start.

Dream Interpretation - Catfish with a moray eel head instead of a tail

Good evening, Vasily! Moray eel is one of the good and strong symbols in a dream. I know this very well since adolescence. Therefore, I respect this predatory smart fish. He is associated with the power, statehood, the highest government positions. Since the catfish is associated with Russia, it can be said that it lives in the “whirlpools of Russian politics,” I assume that you have some connection with this sphere of activity. In the past, present or future. If this is not the case now, then do not laugh))) It is quite possible that you have influential relatives or acquaintances, maybe classmates, at the helm of our state. Moray eel in the tail! But the tail also controls the entire movement (direction) of the fish, because it is the rudder. Therefore, it clearly indicates that you can stand at the "helm of power", either through your acquaintances, or by the power of your spirit through the subtle planes of being, or else with the help of something. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow, there are many options for the development of events ... Take my words seriously. Go for it! God is with us! Save Khristos!

Dream interpretation - severed head. Blood. Shoes

Good day. 1. Galya (or someone else, are you?) Let her take care of her health (throat + head) 2. You have a new friend / relationship. 3. There will be stress / quarrels, it will not affect you.

Dream interpretation - I washed my daughter's head, preparation for the wedding

Good evening! "My little daughter (in fact, she is much older) seems to be standing on the bench, and I lathered her head with shampoo and then washed it off. That's all." - You want to help your daughter avoid life trials. “I feel like I'm in a hotel. "- in a dream you find yourself in the region of the subtle world, where you are a rare guest, the mind transforms all this into the image of a hotel. “On the ground floor, preparations are underway for someone's wedding. "- Your unfulfilled hopes. “Tables are laid in the banquet hall (or restaurant). I went to one of them. There are dishes on it, but there is no food yet. I decided that a place was given to me at this table, and decided to look, and at others the same or better dishes. "- You are really unhappy with what is happening in your life. “I see a lot of men of different ages (and elderly ones too) who carried food to the tables, they seem to be employees. At the same time, they all sing. The singing is beautiful, the voices are strong, loud, sonorous. They all sang the same song very harmoniously and with several voices. I really liked it, I was surprised a little, they really cheered me up. I have not looked at the tables. "- in fact, you understand that everything in your life is in your hands. You shouldn't even be guided by the life of others, be yourself. “Then I have front door to this banquet hall. The door is double, I fiddle with one of the doors. It's closed, I'm trying to open it. It opens in one direction, but I try it in the other. Happened. "- even if fate prepares one turn today, tomorrow you can change to another. Often a thought, word, feeling, or significant deed is enough for this. You are the mistress of your destiny, within reasonable limits, of course))) - “But then a girl next to me says that I tore the belt that held this door. I look at the bottom edge of the door and see a torn old rubber belt, I wonder how I didn’t notice. Then the girl suddenly smiled (before that she seemed stern to me) and said that nothing, but the bath will be replaced. »Save Khristos!

Dream Interpretation - Drive down the railing and a broken head

Downward movement in dreams is a sign that some kind of failure is possible in reality .. You will try to prevent it, but nothing will work out ... Losing consciousness in a dream symbolizes self-deception. This is a warning that in reality you did not notice something important or you close your eyes to some urgent problem. It can harm you.

Dream Interpretation - Hands clasped tightly in the castle. Head on the ground

I think that little will depend on you in the development of relations, he is also not very free in something. There will be some kind of connection, but there will be a ban on it. Because of what the ban - you will receive an explanation from this man, but later ...

Why is Zalysin dreaming?

Why is Zalysina dreaming

A secret romantic date with a partner much older than you.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

To be naked, to be undressed is a Scandal; monetary collapse, ruin, need; disease; self-knowledge. Others naked - trouble, malaise; drunkenness.

Why dream of seeing yourself naked

Modern dream book

Seeing yourself naked is a Disease; others - quarrels and troubles, you may be prosecuted for peeping.

Why dream of seeing yourself naked

Christian dream book

Seeing yourself naked is a disease. Imagine that you are dressing in beautiful, expensive, sturdy clothes.

Why dream of seeing yourself naked

Old Russian dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a dream is a sign of illness, poverty, insult and labor; running naked marks crafty relatives and unworthy friends; to see yourself naked in the bath is a sign of joy, pleasure; to see your friend or servant naked portends a quarrel with them; see a stranger naked portends an unintended fear.

Why dream of seeing yourself naked

Dream interpretation of Stuart Robinson

A dream about how you see yourself naked, or naked - speaks of your true personality. This applies to various facets of your personality - mind, feelings, love, beauty, creativity. To be completely naked or naked in a dream testifies to the disclosure of something true, intimate in reality. The question is how you yourself react to this. If in a dream you are embarrassed, ashamed, you run away, try to shut yourself up with something, then in real life, you betray your truth, try to seem, and not be, if in the plot you behave confidently, being naked, you have taken the right step towards your self-realization ..

Why dream of seeing yourself naked

Home dream book

Seeing yourself naked - your actions will lead to a scandal: you are the only one in the company who is naked - a quarrel with a person close to you will make you an outcast among relatives. Being naked in front of strangers in a dream - your inappropriate actions will put you in a delicate position. Seeing yourself naked in front of familiar people speaks of an exacerbation chronic illness... Seeing yourself naked with a child - to the death of a close elderly person. In a dream, you see many naked people and yourself in this form - such a dream predicts a catastrophe in which your relatives or people you know will be injured. Seeing yourself naked without witnesses - you will show the ability for self-control throughout the scandal. Your nakedness makes the audience laugh, but at the same time you do not feel ashamed - your frankness will cause a major quarrel. Seeing yourself naked in a crowded place - your inappropriate actions will put you in an awkward position.

Why dream of seeing yourself naked

Danilova's erotic dream book

Seeing yourself naked - Being deprived of clothes as the basis of a dream can be interpreted as a concern for your state of mind. Even if you are not aware of some problems, this does not mean at all that they do not exist. Something still eats away at your soul, causing anxiety, to which the unconscious reacts first of all, it then sends signals that in symbolic form reach consciousness. The lack of purpose in life is symbolically expressed in undisguised, pristine nudity. Being born like this, we soon acquire many threads that connect us with the world around us, we become actors in the theater, whose name is society. Falling out of this theater, breaking the threads connecting us with the world is the central plot of the dream. It is worth considering how justified your departure from reality is. Disappointment is a constant companion of anyone, even outwardly successful and happy person... The main thing to remember is that everything is in your hands. You can always find the strength to continue life or direct it in a direction that will be radically different from your previous position. A return to the origins, to that state of nirvana, in which we all stayed before the birth - this is the plot of the dream itself. It would seem that no hidden subtext is found here. Despite this, it is still present, just in a less encrypted form than any other. The craving for a happy existence, childish serenity and carelessness - this is the main meaning put by the unconscious in this dream. Dreams of being in the womb often foreshadowed birth. famous people... For example, the mother of Alexander the Great, shortly before his birth, saw the future son in her womb in the form of a huge snake. The fortunetellers of dreams predicted to her the birth of a great commander.

Modern dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a dream means you should prepare for an alarming signal that may come from real life. Such a dream warns of problems that will soon appear. Also, this dream can warn that a situation will soon occur in which the dreamer will be completely defenseless. Seeing yourself naked in a dream means that you will soon have to face some kind of ailment or illness. This interpretation is more suitable for someone who has a completely naked body in a dream. Do not forget that dreams are, first of all, transformed fantasies, desires and representations. So perhaps a naked body is just a manifestation of great physical dissatisfaction in real life.

English dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a dream means being weak and vulnerable in reality. A deterioration in reputation is also possible. Seeing yourself naked in front of a crowd in a dream will soon have to experience public shame. Or, it is probably just the embodiment of hidden emotions. Maybe the sleeper feels uncomfortable in his current environment and is afraid to remain defenseless and vulnerable in this society.

Freud's dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a dream is not very good. This means that the body signals that disease-causing processes have begun to occur in it. Most likely, this is a common cold, which is associated with a weak immune system. This means that at the moment the body is defenseless and weak, and in real life, attention should be paid to it. Seeing a naked person of the opposite sex in a dream means feeling dissatisfaction and a thirst for physical contact.

Erotic dream book

If you dreamed of a person with whom the sleeping person is in fact connected with a very close and intimate relationship, then there is no need for special decoding - the interpretation is identical to the previous one. But if in a dream a person saw naked someone who does not cause sexual interest (for example: a relative, a friend, a person of the same sex), then this is a rather disturbing dream. This means that a person who appeared in a dream will have some serious trouble or illness in his life.

Female sonny


Seeing yourself naked in a dream means having an overestimated self-esteem, although the girl herself may not be aware of this or even not suspect. However, the eastern female dream book interprets this vision the other way around (the sleeping girl is not sure of herself). If you dreamed about some person in the nude, it means that the mistress of the dream has a rather strong desire to humiliate this person.

French dream book

The naked body of a familiar person seen in a dream, who belongs to the same sex as the owner of the dream, indicates that he wants to see the weakness or defenselessness of the opponent. It is worth analyzing the relationship that connects the sleeping person with this person. Probably, the dreamer feels in the depths of his soul stronger than this person. In addition, such a vision can be interpreted as a sign that things will go well for the sleeping person soon. Perhaps he will get a good amount of money.

If in a dream you happened to see yourself naked, then the consequences of such an unusual plot in reality can be noticeably different. Much depends on the emotions experienced by the dreamer during such a dream. If a sleeping person sincerely admired his own body, then the dream book advises him to think: is he too self-confident, selfish? And if nudity in a dream was perceived with a feeling of shame and embarrassment, then waking up you need to think about health or about your position in society. There is a great risk of losing your reputation, losing a prestigious place.

The dream book contains a detailed explanation of such a dream. Often it is caused by psychological stress in reality. A person can observe such a dream, precisely because he is too timid, shy. And it prevents him from finding Good work, to succeed with the opposite sex.

Do you know why you dream of seeing yourself naked in a festively dressed crowd? If you are completely naked, and the crowd of people confuses and worries a lot, then do not rush to worry. In fact, everything will be fine. It will be possible to save some secret information that is meaningful to you. It will not be made public and everything will turn out exactly as you intended.

But if without clothes you are not at all embarrassed in public, then the dream book warns against excessive carelessness and frivolity.

The interpretation of a dream in which you are trying to hide nudity is a reflection of the inner struggle taking place in reality. It is possible that you are faced with a dilemma: how to achieve a certain goal, and at the same time, for the time being, without notifying anyone about the plans. Also, your reputation and honor may be in question if you manage to achieve the desired result.

The dream book advises to pay attention to the emotions experienced during sleep with a "naked" plot. Admiring your body, proudly showing it, means that there is a wonderful period ahead without material hassle. And if you dream about yourself naked and suddenly find sores, scars and other ugly marks on your body? In this case, beware. The dream book, alas, does not promise an easy life.

Why else can you dream of seeing yourself naked

According to Loff's dream book, woman similar dream guarantees a momentous event soon. It will happen unexpectedly. And its consequences will be just as unpredictable. Initially, the dreamer will feel awkward and indecisive. In order for everything to end in her favor, you need to take into account such a sign sent from above, and be fully armed for any surprises.

But Miller, in his dream book, gives a less optimistic forecast. In his opinion, seeing yourself naked in a dream is not good. If similar plot dreamed of a young girl, and even while in a dream she enjoyed the sight of the body in the mirror, then she needs to know that luck accompanies her for a short time.

A critical attitude towards one's own reflection in the nude style, in a dream, can be reflected in reality by conflicts and quarrels. Try to avoid scandals and disputes, they are now completely inappropriate.

Why dream of swimming naked in clear water? Such a vision in a dream suggests that the temptation will be great to know the joys of secret passion. The dreamer should think carefully before succumbing to temptation. The fact is that everything secret will become clear, and she will have to bitterly repent of what she has done.

Was the water in a dream dirty and cloudy? Such bathing in a dream anticipates troubles, the reasons for which will be mistrust and jealousy of a fan or legal spouse.

According to the popular French dream book, nudity is an unpleasant sign. A woman who finds herself in a dream in a similar form should be more careful with own health, since there is a high probability of exacerbation of a number of diseases. However, she needs to be prepared for other unkind surprises.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 03/20/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is full of activity and an abundance of various plots. Finding the only correct semantic thread in this chaos is almost impossible. ...