All tired - emotional burnout syndrome, causes and solution. Everything is tired - what to do

The man is so created - want something more and with joyful cast to seek it. Why does it turn out that a person does not want anything and cares every day with a feeling, how is it all tired?

Another groundhog day. The dead is tired of the morning, barely forced yourself to move. A closed circle without a hint of happiness. At work - useless shifting of pieces of paper, at home - pushing out, in the head - deadly thoughts. How to all!

This problem can overtake a careerist, and a housewife, and unrecognized genius with enormous potential, because the cause of such a state is one at all. When the desires are not executed, they hang a stone on the neck, selecting the strength of the strength and pleasure of what is happening. Such existence oppresses. About how without misses to fill their desires and return joy to life, tell me in the article.

Tired \u003d do not want

A person is an extra desire, it's "I want to". Once upon a time, our ancestor persecuted by hunger, wanted more foodWhat was needed for saturation, wanted a "added" mammoth for tomorrow. It made us develop - from a stone ax to the newest food technologies. The man is so created - want something more and with joyful cast to seek it. Why does it turn out that a person does not want anything and cares every day with a feeling, how is it all tired?

The problem is that the desire to achieve greater is when we are aware of our natural desires. But more and more often false installations, bad experience, other people's lovesturs lead us from their own way. And it seemed like something, sought, I tried, but it did not work out, and the hands sank. Nothing is not necessary, and it is not clear what to do when everything is so tired. But soon everything will become clearer.

I want \u003d mi.

Congenital vector set gives a man's psyche unconscious desires. They pushed us strain to get the pleasure intended by nature itself. If these desires are implemented, then a person enjoys every victory as a child who first made an independent step. He pisses energy and wants yet. After all, after the action he will find a big reward for efforts - joy, pleasure.

The filled desire doubles: I wanted Zhiguli - I earned, I purchased, I immediately wanted the Volga, and then the jeep. But it happens, worked, worked, copied-copied, and the money was stolen - the car went to someone else. It hurts. If nothing leads to the desired goal for a long time, the feeling that the whole life has been taken. So, instead of the car in each vector - his desire.

Everyone wants to live in pleasure, but something interferes. The training "System-Vector Psychology" Yuri Burlan clarifies that our desires are provided with all the necessary properties of the psyche for their implementation. Detect in the "garage" of the subconscious of their real "I want" and pave a direct route to enjoyment from life - this is what needs to be done.

The first destination is the liberation from the captivity of ignorance. Go?

Desire to success in imprisonment

Alarm clock - Shower - Coffee - Metro - Mail - Calls - Lunch - Calls - Metro - Shower - Bed. Weekdays office worker Do not shine a variety. For owners created to change and constantly change something, the lack of a novelty factor is torture.

If the work itself does not prevent any surprises, the skin acrobat in life will wage from boredom. What to do if everything is tired of monotonous work?

The owners of the skin vector tend to constantly move, they are able to adapt new challenges every minute. It brings pleasure. Athletes and dancers, businessmen, military, engineers. In their lives, a new goal is constantly looming, not giving peace. Azart, adrenaline, accurate movement, a reasonable effect in the new conditions is such a realized skin person.

If you became bored at work, add something new to your daily working routine. Put the bar higher, the new tasks awaken the skin logical thinking. In addition, the achievements relies the material award, so highly valued by the leather. The organizers of the workflow, good managers in any sphere are boring. Changing events, new people, business trips and career prospects - that's what gives skin pleasure in work.

But it happens that consciously the leather seeks to success and seems to do something for this, but he invariably overtakes failure. Yuri Borlan at the training "System-vector psychology" tells in detail about the causes of the script for failure in the skin vector.

Tired under house arrest

Everything is dried, converted, broken, unscrewed, scattered, bottled, appear, broken down ... snot, bruises, windmill, hysterics. ! When will it be calm? When will it be pure, if I removed? If stroked - it means, no one will stand ...

Even the most caring, patient and created to be best Mom - A woman with on maternity decrees is not easy. Her love for ideal cleanliness is experiencing colossal stress from permanent spots, endless garbage and "kalyak" on a snow-white tablecloth.

It seems that neither in life, nor in the head of the order will not be. Not that before. Everyone is spread, pull in different directions, constantly jerk. And a person with an anal vector must be able to do everything without hurrying, with feeling, with a sense, with the arrangement. And permanent zadietot with a small child exhausts. Sometimes you want to simply close in the bathroom and there are two hours to go out until everything goes.

Any life stage can enjoy. It is possible only to those people who know themselves and can fill their unconscious aspirations in time, preventing the appearance of urokomi from life.

In captivity of your own thoughts

And if everyone is tired? Not some separate situation or person, but all that is, including yourself? It is unbearable in this senseless cattle. Tips are powerless. But the awareness of its inner nature can be removed from the most severe apathy.

It will never be filled with the material handouts of the universe. He eager to know how everything was arranged. He tried to find, he read, thought, listened. Not found. It became bad and lonely with people. Only own thoughts remained. And they are not and hooking, indicating that there is at least some meaning in life - where and why go.

The strength of sound desire to awareness of the laws of the Universe is the largest. Its impossible to ignore it. Philosophers, physics, programmers, musicians, writers tried to somehow fill in abstractions. But today's sound is not enough. He wants to know the basis of the foundations, general principle, comprehend the axis around which everything is spinning, and the direction where everything goes.

An uncommitable sound desire dismissively looks at the deaths of the deaths for success and family well-being: "How don't they do?" It nails a person to the side of the life of apathy and depression.

To rise and taste life with meaning, to understand and start implementing your big task, the soundfield can, realizing the universal unconscious. The closest of your cranial box will no longer crush when it becomes clear how to apply your powerful abstract intelligence in the Unified System "Man".

"Now the process of understanding, thinking, the process of creativity, concentrations of thoughts and outlook the world came to replace the depression. The feeling of the desires of other people is incomparable with nothing. This is real happiness! "

"I am now calmly work. Not even calmly, but I just rushing from work. I have so much desire and strength to work that I perform a monthly plan for a half months, and even faster. Now I can't sit at work without a minute, I need to do and do. And that's not all - I have a little one work, I wanted to find even extra work. ""

"I'm tired of all!" - With such words, the morning of any person can begin. Opening his eyes, the morning no longer pleases the rays of the sun, and even the bright items of the interior of their room no longer give the former feeling of joy and tranquility.

The prospect of lifting and further cases only strengthens this mood. The teapot broken in the kitchen reduces the number of most valuable morning time, which could be spent on some more pleasant minutes under the blanket.

The dog squeezing under his feet so badly get along the nose, and children with their morning whims are able to remove any person from the equilibrium. Many people, this is all annoying so much that there is a persistent feeling of hopelessness, which is exactly how all the remaining days will be held, and nothing is bright and positive in them.

You can describe all this in words - "How I'm getting tired!". This is how many family psychological conflicts begin. What to do when everything got, and how to prevent the emergence of such a situation in the future?

What is this state of apathy

This is just an emotion emotion that happens to all of us. So it is necessary that some people can cope with this, and others - no.

The first is distinguished by a violent temper and even sharpness, they clearly show their emotions, good and bad, and practically do not dig them in themselves.

The other type of people is characterized by good education, good temper and in general is considered socially oriented. Surprisingly, education sometimes interferes with people normally evaluate reality, because it exits all emerging emotions, which from time to time needs to be released to make questions why everything is so bad, no longer arose.

If everything is tired and nothing pleases, it does not mean that man is tired of family, work, responsibilities or habits. In most cases, such apathy is only a reflection of internal conflicts that accumulated in the soul of man.

To the same effect lead a large number of Internal reflection on the already past unpleasant situations. Sometimes all decisive thoughts often appear after a day after they could come in handy.

Despite the fact that everything has already been done and is said, for a person the situation has not yet gained a logical conclusion, and the likelihood is great that there will be a sense of fatigue, chanders and apathy in the future. Constant thinking, pronouncing his thoughts leading to internal conflict. Not far from the mountain, when all this splashes outward, and then it turns out that everything is bad in this life, although the reason has created a person himself.

Harbingers of bad mood and apathy

They can be the most different. A little irritation from the fact that the favorite brand has released a new collection, and now, as it has called, simply do not have the means for new things. Or, the favorite households once again did not wash the dishes.

Even the sluggish rhe is even for several days can lead to that result, which was listed above, and now the decline has already appeared. What to do in this case? It seems that everything is just terrible, and it can not be worse. In fact, these are only the first symptoms that can grow into a more severe condition and even a disease.

Seasonal handra

What to do when everything is bad without visible reasons? To begin with, you can see the window. Interest should be chained to the weather, or rather - to the sun.

Disadvantage sun rayCharacteristic especially for offseason entails a steady state of apathy and. It is in the fall of the phrase "all bad" arises in the speech of people much more often, although there is no objective reason for this.

Here everything is quite simple and even studied in detail by specialists. Reducing the daylight day, including constant cloudy during the daytime, leads to a decrease in the content in the body of the joy - serotonin hormone. This is frequent cause Handers and fatigue.

Conflicts on study or work

When everything got, then the usual business is much more difficult, and it seems that colleagues are trying to aggravate the situation with their soldiers. The sluggish conflict, which began for a long time, is particularly strong, but still does not go to a sharper phase.

It is believed that in this case a person is experiencing a constant tension, stress, to get rid of which then can only be with the help of a specialist.

Feeling of own aimlessness

Surprisingly, people who bring joy to others feel happier than others, and it does not matter that they spent part of their own. The received positive emotions cannot be estimated at all, because the feeling of such a lifetime is only the brightest. Do good deeds best Prevention Poor mood.

There are other positive side Medals of this situation. In the process of such social activities, a person meets with many people, communication with which is also peculiar prevention and therapy against poor mood, chanders and apathy.

It is a tense timetable

"I'm so tired from everything!" - These words can be told and in the event that a person is almost completely busy with cases that do not give him an emotional discharge. Even the most beloved work in excessive quantities can lead to a feeling of apathy.

Difficult forces can not be noticed immediately. First, the body signals simple fatigue, and a person is trying to cheer up with the help of stimulants - coffee, power engineers, chocolates. Then there is a decrease in immunity, and symptoms of diseases may appear - runny nose, sore throat, pain in the side.

All this is a cry of an organism about help, an attempt to draw a person's attention to his health.

And now the most peak comes, when neither physical, nor moral forces have no longer left to continue their daily activities. "How did everything get me!" - With these words, a new day begins, and in the power of a person to break this vicious chain of a disrespectful attitude towards himself. Handra, apathy and bad mood appear suddenly.

Do I need to deal with such a state

If everything got out and nothing pleases, it cannot be left unattended. This situation can lead to a deterioration in the quality of life, to family conflicts, quarrels and even divorce.

Often the feeling that "everything is bad" is the direct reason for the emergence of many chronic diseaseswhich will also be difficult to overcome without medical care. In other words, the first signs of apathy and Handra cannot be ignored, and the measures should be taken as soon as possible.

What to do in such situations. Step-by-step instruction

First you need to calm down and understand that even this complex problem Fully solved. What to do when everything is bad? You can try the following options:

  • Decide on a crazy act

If a person does not want anything, it means only that he needs to change the scope of activity, at least temporarily, and a spontaneous act is a great solution to the problem. Do not think about it too long and arguing whether the person has enough forces for this. You can go on a weekend to another city or even to another country. Stay in another country, acquaintance, even a short-term, with its culture and people are those memories that a person will emotionally eat a few more weeks or months.

Also, the spontaneous actions can be attributed to the old friend or friend with whom in last years Contact was lost. And how many pleasant experiences can bring reconciliation with those people, about a quarrel with whom a person regretted for a long time!

  • You can also advise the change in appearance.

To do this, it is worth contacting professionals, and not try to do something for yourself. Only professionals can appreciate a person objectively. Psychologists note that the cardinal change in appearance often leads to just as radical changes in life. A person sees himself a new one, he wants to create a new, different from the previous, life, and therefore negative thoughts are unlikely to disturb the updated externally.

  • Relaxation

It is necessary to sleep well in the morning and make a favorite breakfast. This is the best beginning of the day for those who solve the question of what to do with the decline of forces. Now you can go to the bookstore and buy a light fiction. Novels with complex philosophical arguments are better to postpone until better times.

You can also visit the shop of creativity and needlework and choose something entertaining that the look will fall. Only one evening such works can bring a lot of positive emotions, and maybe it will be the beginning for a new hobby.

  • Release of negative energy

If everything is tired, and considerable merit in this - colleagues, bosses or classmates in studying, it is necessary to understand that it is impossible to radically change the situation in a couple of days. For own health Psychologists recommend spending vandal acts - throw a pillow, beat the dishes and so on.

It is necessary to feel all the rage that a person so want to overturn on the people hated by him, and with these thoughts to break the subject. Thus, all negative emotions go, and the state of apathy disappears rather quickly.

Now you can think about the further action plan. If there is a conflict with the teacher, then it is necessary to prepare ideally for its subject, and so for at least a couple of weeks. The impression of a person from the teacher will change, and gradually unpleasant emotions and will come at all.

  • View good movies with simple plot

It can be christmas comedies, movies with simple and understandable humor and irony. You should not stop on works with social drama, tragic events and other similar scenarios. Looking at the funny screen heroes, a person already ceases to perceive his life with bad side. Enough effective method For those who have just got it.

  • Call for help friends and relatives

If a young mother gets tired of life, then you need to forget for a weekend about all your duties. Children can be left with a grandmother, and the husband will be happy to spend the weekend on fishing with friends. If everything got, and the fault of this is life and family, then you need rest from our loved ones.

Free apartment, silence and minimum of action - this is exactly what you need at such a moment. You should not immediately try to wash the floors or clean the teapot to the brilliance. This day is created perfectly for another, to obtain inner peace of mind and psychological relaxation.

Why is everything so bad? Such thoughts rarely come to the head of those people who follow their health. Daily physical exertion, albeit small but regular, leads to an increase in the number of hormones in the body.

Moreover, appearance Athletic man is much more attractive, and the pleasure of its reflection in the mirror is a well-known reason for improving the mood, especially for female.

When the only emotions remain - "everything got out", then this is not a reason to allow themselves more than it is possible in terms of health. On the contrary, the balanced diet will help to overcome crises, and some products and at all contribute to improved mood - bananas, nuts, cheese. If everything is bad, then healthy diet It will help to overcome apathy and a difficult period in life.

Walking in the evenings - another reason to change your whole life for the better, and excuses are not accepted here. You can go walk along with your family, because the hour is on fresh air Before bedtime will be useful to everyone.

Even when everyone is tired and I want to just go into a blanket with pillows, you should not succumb to these negative gusts. Contemplation of the beauty of nature, young people, children, dogs and even the movements of the clouds in the sky - all these are the joy of life that people in recent decades have forgotten.

And of course, more positive in your life. It is not necessary to put overwhelmed planks, and then unfulfilled hopes will be much smaller, and forces for action - much more, and then moments with the words "how everything got it!" In life there will be much less.

The state of apathy, indifference, unwillingness to do something or change in life many people are experiencing. Perhaps every person at least once in his life experienced. All that gave strength, instilled hopes, spread the wings behind his back, suddenly loses its former attractiveness. What if everything is tired?

It is difficult to follow the advice of the surrounding people without understanding the individual causes of such states. Using the knowledge of the training "System-Vector Psychology", Yuri Burlan investigate the origins of the state when everything is tired. Then independent decision The problems will become apparent without any tips from outsiders.

When everything is bored

The person is designed for pleasure, and so set since his birth. Congenital desires and properties to achieve them are called vectors. The filling of these desires a person is experiencing like happiness, while the fulfilled desire generates the following, even greater.

Unrealized desire generates suffering, which increases with each fact of unrealization. Nature prudently preserves a person and his environment from such consequences, reducing the desire, forces to live and joy from life is also not added. A person begins to feel like apathy unwillingness to change something in his life. Due to dissatisfaction, a person is fasterly tired of physically and intellectually. Every often a thought appears: how it is all tired.

In the system-vector psychology, Yuri Burlan clearly shown that the reason for these problems in the total ignorance of himself and its true, not imposed by the Society of desires. When a person lives not his life, puts not his goals and uses them who does not have any ways to achieve them.

Point of reference - how to return joy

The modern world seemingly simply created to implement the properties of the skin vector. Flexible, adaptive, who know how to live at high speeds and taking advantage of all the changes to the census vector holders perfectly fit into the rapidly developing world.

What should happen to the owner of the skin vector, so that he is tired of everything and is boring? The most important reason is the lack of realization of their talents, which can happen if he is busy work, where there are no novelty and opportunities for career growth. Especially if the work requires perfection, patience, the ability to bring every detail to perfection.

A man with a skin vector is the soldier who dreams to become a general. Anytime and anywhere. Without participation in hostilities and receiving awards, he simply does not want to live. They begin to get thoughts: how is it all tired, every day the same thing.

What to do the owner of the skin vector when all is tired? Determine the presence of the skin vector, and therefore corresponding to desires and properties for their satisfaction. Clearly designate the desired result and allocate those areas in your life who consider in vain spending time and strength. And change your life in accordance with this awareness.

What to do to the conscientious performer when everything is tired

Having ended with nature talent to be the best in the chosen area, the owner of the anal vector is not chasing prestige and glory. Honor, respect, authority - here is his landmarks in life. The work started always tries to bring to the end, changes the habits with difficulty.

Human values \u200b\u200bwith anal vector are house, family, children, parents. Good husband (wife), caring father (mother), thankful son (daughter).

Patient, he is waiting for him to appreciate others according to merit, not even giving a hint of it. And when she declares that he was all tired, he was waiting for the recognition of his merit. And gratitude. And to be no less than he invested, because the main thing is justice, equally.

It is difficult to see a good person in a character who criticizes everything and everyone, lying on the couch with a remote control. He is just all tired.
Tired of being the best worker, working for two, and in response, not to get simple thanks. It was tired that the awards give others - more shrouded and dodgy owners of the skin vector. It was tired that the praise always goes to someone else.
Tired of hope that someday will be assessed.

If the owner of the anal vector is all tired, it will be expressed in resentment, stubbornness. Without correcting the situation such good man turns into its opposite. The stubborn criticism comes into infinite disputes for any reason, stopping in the past.

Since the psyche protects itself from the events that can not cope, and for the owner of the anal vector, this behavior will be a way to escape from reality. Without an understanding of the reason, it is impossible to exit this state on their own.

How it is all tired, and silence no longer saves

The owner of the sound vector, endowed with nature by abstract intelligence, is little interested in the material world with his endless bustle. It is bored among people discussing insignificant, in his opinion, situations about material achievements or losses. " How do I get tired of "- Such a thought often visits him.

He is all in other worlds in his desire to look into the unknown, hidden from other people. Previously, representatives of the audio vector filled their desires in music, philosophy, physics, literature, programming. Now because of the increased psyche volume, dissatisfaction of the desires for the knowledge of the unknown can lead to depression, up to getting into a psychiatric clinic, when I do not want to live.

Like any person, the owner of the sound vector wants to get pleasure from life. He is trying to live the values \u200b\u200bof other vectors, then building a career, then looking for love of life, then developing different abilities that are in demand in society. Internal emptiness, the sensation of meaningless life, the reason for which is hidden in the peculiarities of the psyche is growing proportionally spent effort.

When everything bothers the owner of the sound vector, he is looking for solitude, silence to focus on problems that are interesting only to him alone.
Sounds without filling the desires of the sound vector quickly everything is bored. Just in a moment, he suddenly feels that he is all tired, breaks all the ties and retires in his world.

In search of an unknown can go to Himalayas or other places of the globe, where, as they say, special knowledge opens, or there is a guru, which will send on the right path. Years can be spent on learning esoteric literature, philosophy, religions, and the state "go there - I do not know where, I bring something - I do not know what" will grow.

What to do the owner of the sound vector when everything is tired? Council universal for all vectors: to realize the presence of this vector, and therefore, the corresponding desires. And to fill them, they do not need to go to the distance far, do not seek the one who will discover the meaning of life. It is worth the sound to switch the spell of attention from yourself to other people, how even the most difficult states are released.

If everything is tired: get acquainted with you

Already at the first free lectures of the training "System-Vector Psychology", Yuri Burlan, every person who is tired of his life and who is not able to cope with changes, will find an answer. We often can't change something not because the life around is so, but because we do not know ourselves: what can inhibit positive changes in our life, what do we need to do to remove everything boring and replace it with sources of joy and happiness?

First you need to understand who we are and what we give joy, how do we come to these sources of joy. To participate, it is enough to register on the link and be ready to listen to the fact that I was looking for years on the Internet and throughout ground Shar., what will return the joy of life. And again want to live in full force. And it never get bored.

"... Training gave me energy. I'm sorry for time to lie on the sofa. It is a pity not to know, do not understand something new. Sorry to idle. And forces now grabs and in order to sit out the night of the training, and in order to pull out 1.5 hours, to work out with pleasure working day, and then in the weekend to go skiing or go to the rink, and still Many of these "in order to" ... "

"After training on system-vector psychology, the awareness of the reasons for their bad states launched the mechanism for correcting the consequences, such as sustainable scenarios for failure, psychological dependencies, stupor in the thinking process, the inability to make a decision and start any action, all sorts of fears, the absence of any -Lo desires, misunderstanding, where to move, to which to rely on and how to place priorities. Now I understand that it just suddenly, after long expectations, nothing will change miraculously, only my actions and awareness will create positive changes. After the training, my children appeared mom! It has come to understand how to navigate in this world and how to interact with it, what exactly needs to be changed in yourself! Waking up in the morning, I do not feel a terrible feeling of hopelessness and the uselessness of your existence ... "

Elizabeth Babanova


For many Spring - update time. It's time for new impressions, discoveries, undertakings. The heyday is not only nature, but also our revived enthusiasm to life. But suddenly you are one of those to whom Spring has not yet reached. "

If you are all tired, in your heart it does not feel the thirst for new feats, and the current realities of your life leave much to be desired - much better - what to do? If everything is tired and you do not know how to cope with Apatia, nothing particularly pleases, if the paints of life have fed, here are my recommendations:

Method 1. Turn off the Internet

Especially from news. How to deal with apathy when from all sides you get threads of negative information. I am amazed well-known influential peopleWriting and speaking about "hatred", inciting the media in recent years.

I am amazed not an endless and uncontrolled flow of information dirt (this is natural for today's stage of development of humanity), and the fact that these well-known, smart people, a twitch finger in others and condemning them for the negative, they themselves constantly pour oil into this poisonous cocktail of pessimism.

What do we feel when we say "everything is tired"? Why do we have this feeling? What kind possible reasons Make us say - "all tired"?

Here is some of them:

Simple fatigue

This is a body signal and psyche that you need to relax, change the type of activity and the situation, carefully treat yourself, observe the hygiene of labor and rest, eat right, go on vacation and get new impressions. As a rule, simple physiological fatigue easily passes after such measures.

Non mental disorders

These states do not correspond to the criteria for these mental disorders.

Emotional burnout syndrome (eng. Burnout) is a concept, was introduced by the American psychiatrist Freudenberger in 1974. Emotional burnout syndrome is the process of gradual loss of emotional, mental and physical energy, manifested in exhaustion, fatigue, deductiveness and reducing satisfaction with their work.

The development of this state promotes labor in monotonous or intense rhythm, with high emotional load, especially in working with a complex contingent. The lack of adequate material remuneration and emotional promotion for work is also factors for the development of this state - a person begins to think that his work does not make sense and value. Emotional burnout syndrome more often develops in people who are prone to empathy, too ideally belonging to their work sensitive emotionally. Often this state is found in people whose work is associated with close contact with people and representatives of the "helping" professions - doctors, psychologists, consultants, teachers, social workers, telephone operators.

The development of emotional burnout syndrome, as a rule, is preceded by a period of professional activity, when a person is completely absorbed by the work, forgetting about personal needs. Exhaustion begins with a sense of overvoltage and exhaustion of psychological and physical resources, and fatigue does not pass even after a long stay.

Remaining OT. professional activity The person who burned her earlier is the second sign of emotional burnout syndrome. In extreme manifestations, a person loses its interest, does not think about her results and looks scattered and indifferent.

A third sign of emotional burnout syndrome - the experience of its unnecessaryness and depreciation of their activities, its own inefficiency or a decrease in self-esteem. People do not see the prospects for their professional activities, the work is declining, faith is lost in their professional qualities.

Syndrome chronic fatigue - disorder that have been distributed in developed countries. The disease is characterized by fatigue, not eliminating even after a long rest.

Chronic fatigue syndrome was first diagnosed in 1984, when a flash of diseases resembling flu ride in the United States - young, physically strong people began to apply for help. It was characteristic that most of them were careerist managers who held senior positions and worked much more than others. Therefore, the press first called the unusual disease "manager's syndrome", since most of the victims really were managers. Doctors have the name of chronic fatigue syndrome.

At first, this disease was considered as a purely psychiatric disorder, along with anxiety and depression, but later its biological nature was proven - many viruses, both quite rare (Epstein Viruses Barra or Cokasaka), and often found (simple herpes).

Provoking factors is an unbalanced labor and recreation mode, elevated mental and emotional loads at small physical activity. More often by chronic fatigue syndrome, residents of large cities, businessmen, people whose work is associated with increased responsibility suffer.

In the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome special attention It is paid to non-specific, complex and often unconventional methods of treatment aimed at psychological and physical recovery: normalization of labor and recreation regime, physiotherapy, diet and therapy, psychotherapy, meditation and yoga.

Mental disorders

The feeling that "all is tired," may be a consequence of some mental disorders that manifest themselves in the emotional-volitional sphere of man:

Hypothymia - steady reduced mood, depression, sadness.

Dysphoria - angrily-dreary mood with displeasure and surrounding. Often accompanied by severe emotional reactions of anger, rage

Emotional weakness is the instability of the mood, a reflection that is provoked by even insignificant stimuli.

Of all mental disorders, the most likely the reason that "everything is tired," is depression. Depressive syndrome is characterized by persistently reduced mood, slowdown in thinking and motor insertion. The range of mood disorders can be wide - from easy depression and sadness to deep longing and thoughts about suicide.

In the treatment of depression, methods are used as specific, affecting the mental sphere (psychotherapy) and on biochemistry of the brain (antidepressant treatment), and non-specific - treatment with light, massage ,. In some cases, it is possible to advise the psychotherapist online.

Finishing the article, I want to advise - if you feel that "everything is tired" for a long time and independently overcome emotional and physical fatigue you can't work, then do not engage in self-medication and do not tolerate - you need to refer to a qualified specialist (psychiatrist, psychotherapist or psychologist) and he will help you deal with the reasons for ailment and tell me how to effectively cope with it.

Work with the syndrome "All Tired" - psychotherapy, meditation, yoga.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, "Time of Joy"