Coleus burgundy. All types and varieties of coleus

1. Growing temperature: Coleus prefers warm content throughout the year - the air temperature should be between 18 and 24 ° C.
2. Lighting: in the morning and evening, the flower should take sun baths for one 3 - 4 hours daily. Plants should be protected from the sun during the day.
3. Watering and humidity: in spring and summer, watering should be plentiful, with drying of the soil surface to a depth of 3 - 4 cm. In autumn and winter, watering, especially when kept in cool conditions, is reduced to a minimum. Air humidity is increased only when the air temperature exceeds 18 degrees Celsius.
4. pruning: the flower needs regular sanitary pruning, when weak and diseased shoots are removed, flower stalks are also pinched as soon as they appear, pinching the tips of young shoots to form side branches.
5. Priming: Coleus like a neutral or slightly alkaline substrate. Plants prefer soils with a high nutrient content. Suitable for cultivation in soils with excellent drainage.
6. top dressing: from spring to autumn, the flower is fed 2 times a month with fertilizers for decorative leafy plants. In autumn, top dressing is nullified and resumed only in spring, with the appearance of small leaves.
7. reproduction: Coleus reproduce by sowing seeds in spring, air layering, stem cuttings.

botanical name: Coleus.

Coleus flower - family . Lamiaceae.

plant homeland. The plant originates from Southeast Asia.

Description. The genus Coleus consists of 150 species of perennial and annual herbaceous plants and shrubs. Perhaps no other plant can compete with this species in the richness of foliage shades.

Multicolored, sometimes openwork, leaves vary greatly in shape and size in different varieties. The leaf arrangement is alternate.

Leaf blades can be heart-shaped, spear-shaped, carved, oblong-lanceolate. The upper side of the leaf blade often has a velvety pubescence.

leaf shades range from green with a variety of spots, stripes and strokes to red, pink, salmon, yellow, purple, burgundy and even almost black. The color scheme is very diverse, and does not contain, perhaps, only blue.

The edges of the leaf plates sometimes have denticles, the venation of the leaves is reticulate.

Bloom is not of particular interest and the flower stalks are pinched off so that the plant does not waste energy in vain.

The second name - "room nettle" was given to the coleus for its external resemblance to a garden plant.

Height. Grows fast and reaches height 60 - 70 cm.

2.Coleus - planting and care at home

2.1. Reproduction, growing from seeds

The coleus indoor flower is easily propagated vegetatively - by cuttings and seeds, its breeding does not cause any particular difficulties even for beginner flower growers.

  1. Cuttings about 10 cm long can be taken when pruning in spring and summer.
  2. To reduce moisture loss, the lower leaves are removed from the cuttings.
  3. For planting prepare small pots or plastic cups.
  4. Drainage holes are made at the bottom of the cups and a drainage layer is placed.
  5. Fill the pots with a mixture of sand and peat.
  6. The soil is moistened with a sprayer with water at room temperature.
  7. The bases of the cuttings are immersed in the ground by 1 - 2 cm.
  8. Seedlings are covered with a transparent plastic cap and placed in heat - about 18 ° C.

The cuttings will take root in about two weeks. Rooting goes well even in a simple glass of water. Successfully rooted coleuses put out new leaves.

Modern variegated coleus hybrids are easy to breed. seeds, which sown in spring.

Germination occurs at temperatures around 24°C. Shoots appear quite amicably.

the first a pick young bushes are carried out when they have 2 - 3 true leaves.

Coleus seedlings are planted in open ground in May when the danger of frost has passed.

2.3. How to care, pinch

Usually coleus is unassuming and easy to grow even by novice flower growers, however, this plant also requires compliance with certain agricultural practices - growing features.

Coleus needed regularly pinch to maintain a compact shape and better branching.

Appearing inflorescences preferably immediately delete so that the plant does not waste its energy on inconspicuous buds.

If you grow a bush as a perennial plant, then in early spring, with the beginning of growth cut the stems 1/3 length. Pruning is carried out only with a sharply sharpened, sterile instrument.

With the help of competent pruning, you can even form a standard tree or bonsai.

In summer, the plant will appreciate being outdoors protected from wind and rain, while the temperature Not should go down below 10°C.

2.4. When it blooms

Coleus at home sometimes throws out small blue, lilac or white flowers, but they are not very attractive and better than them. delete.

2.5. Coleus transplant

Often this species is grown as annuals, but sometimes they can be transplanted into fresh soil, into a larger pot.

Landing in a new flowerpot is carried out spring.

Young plants are transplanted several times a year, as they grow, the transplant is easy.

Instead of a transplant, you can use transshipment, transferring the flower to a new container along with a clod of earth - while not disturbing the roots.

2.6 Diseases and pests

  • Tips leaves turn yellow and dry out with a lack of moisture, the lower leaves fall off. When watering is resumed, the plant often regains attractiveness, but the lower leaves do not grow back.
  • Coloring leaves fades with a lack of lighting.
  • rots with insufficient drainage, excessive watering.

Red spider mite, aphid, scale insect and whitefly.

Insects - pests

insect name Signs of infection Control measures
Small bright dots on leaf blades, yellowing and falling leaves. Disturbed white, small butterflies take off from the surface of the leaves Chemicals: Zeta, Rovikurt, INTA-VIR, Fufanol and even Karbofos, Aktellik, Aktara, Confidor, Commander, Tanrek. Folk remedies: soap solution, garlic solution, yarrow and tobacco infusion, dandelion infusion, sticky traps for adult insects
Inconspicuous cobwebs on the leaves, yellowing and falling of foliage with extensive damage. The surface of the leaf plates becomes dead and covered with small cracks. Plant development slows down. Folk ways. Plants can be washed in the shower and left in the bathroom in a humid atmosphere for half an hour. Irradiation with an ultraviolet lamp every week for 2 minutes. Chemicals based on pyrethrum, sulfur powders, Fitoverm, Aktellik.
Sticky droplets appear on the leaf blades, leaf blades curl and deform, tender buds and young leaves wither. On the tops of the shoots, buds or the underside of the leaf plates, insect colonies can be seen. The flowers of an aphid-infested plant may become misshapen. Folk ways: nettle infusion, decoction of rhubarb leaves, wormwood, soap solution, tobacco and dandelion infusion, onion, marigold, yarrow, tansy, dusting with virgin ash. Chemicals: Sulfur powders, treatment with green potassium soap of green mass without getting into the ground, Decis, Aktellik, Fitoverm.
Shield and false shield Sticky droplets on the leaves, yellow small spots on the surface of the leaf blades. With a large spread of scale insects, they contribute to the drying and falling of leaves. Flowers slow down Folk methods of struggle. Spraying with soapy-alcohol solution. Scale insect larvae do not like garlic infusion, they also use pyrethrum-based products. Chemicals. Fitoverm, Aktellik, Fufanon.

  • 2.7. Watering

    In summer, the soil should be evenly moist, excess water from the pan must be drained. In autumn and winter, the frequency of watering will depend on the temperature of the content - the cooler the wintering, the less the frequency of watering should be.

    Water so that the top layer of soil is thick about 5 cm. let dry before every watering.

    2.8.Containment conditions - temperature

    Develops well with normal room temperature. The ideal range is from 18 to 24 ° WITH.

    Not expose the plant to temperatures below 13°C. Variegated, decorative coleus, unfortunately, does not differ in frost resistance.

    2.9. Fertilizer

    Multi-colored coleus feed from spring to autumn liquid fertilizers every two weeks.

    Top dressing is carried out only after abundant watering, introducing mineral fertilizers into well-moistened soil.

    2.10 Lighting

    Prefers brightly lit location with direct sunlight in the morning and evening. Brightly colored varieties of coleus are especially photophilous.

    This flower can be grown in partial shade, but with a lack of light, the color of the leaves fades, the plant looks lanky, but with excessive light, the leaves may burn out.

    2.11 Spraying

    If the room temperature exceeds 18°C, the plant must be placed on a tray with wet pebbles.

    It is not advisable to spray pubescent leaves, and if you can’t do without spraying, then spend them in the morning so that the leaves have time to dry before dark.

    The ingress of hard water on velvety leaves contributes to the appearance of ugly white spots.

    2.12. Purpose

    Very attractive ornamental plant. Compositions from several varieties of coleus look great.

    Varieties of coleus with drooping stems look great in pots when grown as ampelous plants.

    You may also be interested in:

    • Lobelia - photo of a flower, planting and care, growing seedlings, keeping in the open ground, in a flower bed, on a balcony and in a pot, flowering time of a home plant, transplanting
    • 2.13 Note

      Mature plants often bare stems at the bottom and become less attractive.

      The color of the leaves sometimes becomes less intense - such coleuses are changed to fresh ones.

      The plant has volatile properties and is capable of killing airborne pathogens.

      Coleus is not poisonous, so if your cat decides to eat its leaves, then only the plant will suffer from the two.

      It is believed that the smell of dog coleus, one of the varieties of the plant, repels dogs and cats.


      They grow well in hydroponics.

      3. Varieties and types of coleuses:

      3.1. Coleus Blume - Plectranthus scutellarioides

      This species is currently assigned to the genus Plectranthus or Spurflower, is a perennial herb resembling a nettle with brightly colored leaves. Stems erect, ribbed, rarely branched. The leaves are broadly lanceolate, with small teeth along the edge of the plate, their shades include perhaps all the colors of the rainbow except blue, and in all sorts of combinations. There are variations with corrugated edges of the sheet plates. The height of the plant is very variable and can range from 15 cm to 90 cm. For indoor cultivation, it is worth choosing low, compact varieties. Flowering is inconspicuous and may even go unnoticed - the flowers are small blue or white.

      3.2.Coleus hybrid - Coleus hybridus

      Decorative leafy perennial or annual indoor plant 30 - 60 cm high. Often, plants of this species have not only attractive, brightly colored leaves, but also colored ribbed stems. The shape of the leaves is variable, the leaf blades can have teeth of different sizes, corrugated edges, or even just deep cuts down to the veins. The flowers are small, blue.

      3.3. Coleus Wizard Jade - Coleus Wizard Jade

      Low, strong, original plants that reach 15 - 35 cm in height. Young leaves of this variety have a pleasant orange middle - with age it fades and becomes almost white. The edges of the leaf plates have small teeth and are painted in a light green tint.

      3.4. Coleus forskohlii - Coleus forskohlii

      A perennial evergreen plant that is unlikely to attract attention against the background of its fellows. It is a low, strong species with green leaves covered with pubescence, resembling nettles.

      The main feature of this plant is its use in medicine as a fat-burning agent. It is believed that preparations based on coleus forskolia are especially effective in increasing metabolism and removing fat from the abdomen.

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Coleus stands out from the whole variety of indoor plants with its colorful foliage. Unusual combinations of contrasting shades allow you to create bright compositions on your windowsill. Not every flower can compete in beauty with this plant.

Easy care at room conditions is also a nice bonus.

Coleus - a small shrub(up to a meter high) with well-branched shoots. Its stems have a geometric shape of a three- or four-hedron. At the base, the bark is woody, and at the top it retains a green color.

The leaves are oval-heart-shaped and grow in pairs. Their apex is pointed, with symmetrical teeth along the edges. On the surface, finely hairy pubescence is barely distinguishable, for example, in the Coleus Faust variety. Their coloration is variegated in shades of red and green (depending on the variety).

The description of the coleus will remain incomplete if you do not mention its flowering: small buds are painted blue or pink and are collected at the top of the trunk in an inflorescence spike.

In the people, due to the external similarity of leaves and trunks with nettles, the flower was nicknamed "coleus-nettle". The size of the plant, depending on the variety, can be from 30 to 100 cm in height., and the crown is easily formed by pruning.

Popular types and varieties of coleus

In nature, according to the new classification, there are more than 300 species of coleus. They grow in forest areas in Asian and African territories.

Interesting! In the natural habitat, local residents use plant tubers for food.

Varieties are both with large leaves more than 10 cm in length, and small-leaved varieties. The latter are also bred in household plots: the plant is resistant to temperature extremes and the crown grows rapidly.

The most popular coleus (varieties and species, photos) are described in detail below.


The most common species among all coleus. It can reach a meter in height. The basis of the lush crown are strong trunks with 4 hard edges.

The leaves of the classical form are ovate with a sharp apex. The color is varied and depends on the variety. The most popular combination of yellow-light green edges and a bright raspberry core.

Coleus bloome can change the intensity of leaf color depending on temperature and lighting. The plant loves an abundance of sunlight and heat, in return it will delight with its bright colors. In the same time coleus will need frequent watering and well-drained soil.

If there is a summer cottage, then the flower in May-June can be transplanted into open ground, and in August transferred back to the room. At the same time, the coleus will become as attractive as possible over the summer.

The best way to propagate is cuttings.

Carefully! Coleus blume is toxic, if parts of the plant are ingested, it can worsen well-being and cause hallucinations.

Therefore, children and animals should not be allowed near it, and all work should be done with gloves.


A frequently used coleus in landscape design (photo), which forms the lower tier of flower beds and, of course, decorates window sills.

The color of the leaves combines several bright colors. The classic Rose variety has a raspberry center surrounded by a muted burgundy color, and a rich green color contrasts along the edge. The teeth are smoothed and have a semicircular shape.

Coleus Wizard grows very quickly and needs to be repotted frequently.


Sor is bred by breeders from coleus blume. It is even more capable of changing colors depending on the conditions of detention. With a lack of lighting, the leaves are painted green, and after constant exposure to the sun they become burgundy or purple.

Black dragon

An unusual look for lovers of rare colors. Leaves look like dragon scales, which gave such a name - a burgundy middle and a dark, almost black edge of the leaves. The plate itself has large grooves and pronounced notches, its surface is pubescent with small villi and does not tolerate frequent spraying.

A plant of the compact size up to half a meter in height.


Coleus Renelt is native to the tropical forests of India and Sri Lanka.

It belongs to ampelous plants, the shoots of which reach half a meter and grow mainly horizontally. The leaves are elongated with a purple-burgundy color scheme in the center and green on the periphery.

Cantigny Royale

Coleus Cantigny Royale is distinguished by its miniature size and dark purple leaves.

Tilt a Whirl

The variety Tilt a Whirl Coleus is original with twisted leaf plates and elongated teeth along the edges in the form of needles.


Coleus Watermelon in English means "watermelon". It got its name for its juicy color, similar to a slice of watermelon.

Lemon Chiffon

Lemon Chiffon coleus combines light green edging and bright pink leaf core.

Coleus Solar Flare resemble flames: a dark core is surrounded by a red-orange border, the edges of the leaves are bright yellow.

Stormy Weather

Coleus Stormy Weather is speckled in yellow, green and burgundy.

Fishnet Stockings

Coleus Fishnet Stockings is painted light green with purple-burgundy veins.


Coleus Pele - yellow leaves with small dots of purple color over the entire surface.


Coleus Henna - a wine-yellow combination of leaf color and sharp, elongated teeth.


Coleus Gilda has lacy leaves with wide notches and beige-pink edging.

Coleus care at home

Although coleus can grow in the garden, it dies even in southern latitudes at winter temperatures below 5 ° C. Therefore, each owner of this plant needs knowledge about the rules of care at home.


For the brightness of the leaves, the coleus needs abundant sunlight, so the plant is placed on the windowsill in the eastern or southern part of the room. In low light in some species, the colors turn pale and growth slows down, for example, in Bonnie Gold.

Lighting duration should be 12 hours. With a lack of daylight, you will have to install artificial lamps with a white spectrum of rays.

Temperature and Humidity

Coleus vegetative must be kept at temperatures above 20 ° C, but below 28 ° C. With a thermometer reading of 30 ° C, the plant begins to shed foliage. It is undesirable to allow this, since the coleus may not come out of such a state and die.

In winter for 2-3 months you need to create conditions for a dormant period: lower the temperature to 15 ° C. The minimum temperature for maintaining a decorative look is 10 ° C. If the thermometer falls below, then the coleus also sheds foliage and dies.

Not only seasonal temperature fluctuations are important, but also daily ones. If the difference between day and night temperatures is more than 7 degrees, then the plant begins to go into hibernation. This circumstance should be taken into account in winter and avoid drafts. A in summer, when keeping a plant on a balcony or in a garden, cover the pot cold nights or return indoors.

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Coleus prefers high humidity - not lower than 70%. To this end the plant is sprayed with settled water at room temperature. Some species react negatively to spraying, they need other ways to increase humidity. For example, place the pot on a stand, and put a wide cup of water at the bottom.

Another way is to put the pot on a pallet, 2-3 times the diameter of the base, while filling it with expanded clay. Periodically add water to the tray as it evaporates.


The frequency of watering depends on the season. The plant needs abundant moisture during the entire active period of growth - from spring to autumn. No need to let the soil dry out. If the pot is not standing on a pallet with expanded clay, then the excess liquid is drained from it after watering.

Advice! If you urgently need to water the flower, but there is no settled water, then you need to take boiled room temperature.

It is important that the water for irrigation is soft. To do this, it is defended in an open container for at least 3 days. With constant watering with hard water, the soil will quickly become alkaline, which will lead to problems with the leaves.

In winter, at temperatures above 18 ° C, watering is carried out weekly. At lower thermometer readings by the window - half as often.

top dressing

The entire period of spring and summer, coleus is actively fed every week. At first fertilizers should consist of nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of foliage. At the beginning of summer (or when buds appear), complex mineral fertilizers are used.


Pruning is carried out in early spring or before the first top dressing with nitrogenous fertilizer. Withered trunks are removed, a beautiful crown is formed. The upper 1/3 or even 1/2 of the extended shoots are cut off, which contributes to the beginning of the growth of lateral branches.

The entire growing season, extra shoots can also be cut. If it is not planned to propagate the coleus with seeds, then the released flowers must also be immediately removed. High energy consumption for flowering can provoke plant disease and loss of decorative effect.


The soil for transplantation is selected with an acidity of 6–7 pH and a predominance of nitrogenous components. When preparing the land yourself, you need to take the following components:

  • 4 parts of sod and leaf land;
  • 2 parts of humus;
  • 1 part peat and sand.

Before planting, the soil is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The pot is selected equal in width and height. For 1-3 young sprouts, a container with a diameter of 10 cm is enough. Subsequent flowerpots increase in diameter by several centimeters.

Transplantation is carried out annually in a new substrate and a larger pot by transshipment.

Coleus: breeding methods and planting features

Coleus can be propagated using cuttings at the next pruning or seeds.

Seeds for propagation can be obtained from a house plant after flowering. Seeds are sown in spring in the ground for adult coleus or for seedlings:

  1. Cover the ground with a film or a jar (bottle).
  2. Seeds do not need light for germination, but the temperature is needed in the range of 18 ... 20 ° C.
  3. When 2 leaves appear, the time comes when the coleus dive.
  4. Irrigate from now on with a nitrogen-based fertilizer to encourage growth.
  5. In an adult pot, the plant is transplanted with 6 leaves.
  6. It is necessary to fertilize a young plant with nitrogen before the appearance of flowers, and then switch to mineral supplements. To preserve the strength of the coleus, the first flowers are immediately cut off.

Reproduction by cuttings

In the spring, when pruning the plant, apical areas with 3-4 pairs of buds are selected. The lower leaves are removed from the stem, leaving only the upper ones. The cuttings are placed in clean water on the window. Roots can be expected in 2 weeks..

The main problems in growing and how to solve them

Yellowing of the tips of the leaves is associated with a lack of moisture in the soil and air.

Yellowing and falling of the lower leaves is observed with rare watering, hard water or a lack of nutrients in the soil.

Coleus rot results from overwatering or insufficient drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Interesting! Signs and superstitions say that the withering of the bush indicates a serious illness of one of the household members.

It is believed that the plant takes on part of the negative energy of the disease, but is not able to fully cope with it.

Coleus(Coleus) is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family, which is valued for the foliage of the most diverse unusually bright and spectacular color. The color of nettle leaves (this is the popular name of the plant associated with the shape of the leaves) can have various original combinations of green, burgundy, pink, purple, red, white, yellow, cream, brown. Various shades and colors form exquisite patterns on the leaves, thanks to which the plant has a very exotic and attractive look. There are about 150 types of coleus, hybrid forms and varieties are usually grown in culture. The height of the plant is about 30-50 cm, flowering is usually inconspicuous, and if it appears, the flower arrow is immediately removed.

Coleus are grown indoors and as annuals in the garden. In the garden, more hardy small-leaved forms are usually used.

A bright and varied coleus will decorate any flower bed or rabatka; plants of different colors can be used to make intricate patterns. From the coleus, an original border is obtained along the edge of the flower beds. Coleus will also complement and give originality to any flower arrangement in garden flowerpots and balcony boxes. The combination of coleus with other decorative leafy plants looks very elegant. For example, a coleus with a maroon color and silver, or, say, a coleus with, or a golden green coleus and.

Coleus require a sunny to slightly shaded location with light, fertile, well-drained, slightly acidic soil. With a lack of light, the plant stretches, and the leaves lose their bright color.

Coleus should be watered regularly and plentifully, as well as sprayed. The shape of the bushes can be formed using pruning, the elongated shoots are cut off, the tops are pinched for good branching, and when flower arrows appear, they should be removed immediately. It is also necessary to regularly feed the plant with a frequency of once every 2 weeks. Under favorable conditions and proper care, coleuses grow rapidly, forming a bright carpet of interlocking motley bushes.

Coleus can be propagated by cuttings and seeds. The seeds are small, they are sown for seedlings in March - April on the surface of the soil, lightly sprinkled with sand, moistened and covered with glass. Young seedlings dive at a distance of 2 cm, and when they still grow into separate pots, pinch the tops of 10-centimeter seedlings. Coleus are very thermophilic and do not tolerate the slightest frost, so they are planted in open ground in June, the distance between plants during planting is about 20-30 cm.

A lovely coleus is a nettle, but not one that stings, but one that performs a decorative function. This culture is considered both indoor and garden, so you can enjoy the colorful and colorful appearance of the plant both indoors and outdoors.

Growing a coleus with your own hands is not difficult, and there will be no problems at all if you know how to properly care for it. More on this later.

A little about coleus

Nettle came to us from the island of Java Coleus. The name from the Greek "kleos" - case, scissors, possibly due to the structure of the flower. It has about 150 species, the leaves are somewhat similar to nettles, therefore it is popularly called "nettle".

It has a variety of colors - light lemon, velvety black-violet, burgundy and many others up to four color combinations, while it pleases with extremely beautiful patterns that are not similar to any other plants.

The leaves of some species can reach 15 cm in length, so these coleus cannot but amaze with their beauty. At the same time, some varieties are quite hardy, others are injured from the slightest draft.

Popular varieties

As mentioned above, coleus has about 150 varieties, the most popular are the following:

  1. By colored leaves and a variety of patterns on them:
    • coleus bloom hybrids;
    • dwarf coleus hybrids, the height of which does not exceed 30 cm;
    • Coleus Verschaffelt hybrids - has large and very colorful leaves.
  1. Leaf shape:

    • split - Inky Fingers, Wisley Tapestry;
    • wrinkled - Pineapple Beauty;
    • the most popular among standard varieties is Paisley Shawl with large leaves, a wide white border and pink-raspberry strokes;
    • Wisley Flame has elongated, cut and wrinkled leaves.
  1. In terms of growth:
    • upright;
    • ampelous - hanging down. The most popular variety is Wisley Tapestry, which has small cut leaves that acquire a red-yellow color in the sun. An interesting hanging variety is Royal Scot, which pleases with a bright color of leaves throughout the year.

Nettle cultivation

Nettle can be grown in the following ways:

  • rooting cuttings;
  • sowing seeds.

The first method is simple, but still the majority prefers growing with seeds.

Rules for growing from seeds

The most favorable period for sowing seeds is March. The optimal container for planting is a wooden box, the depth of which should be approximately 10 cm.

After choosing a container, it is important to prepare the soil for planting, its composition should be as follows:

  • three parts of leafy land;
  • one part of sod land;
  • one part sand.

Carefully consider the choice of seeds, they must be fresh.
A low price indicates poor quality, so it is better not to buy such seeds.
Before sowing, carry out disinfection, thereby facilitating further cultivation, the instructions on the label will help you with sowing.

The seeds are prepared as follows - soak them for a quarter of an hour in potassium permanganate diluted with water. After that, the seedlings must be thoroughly dried, if they crumble, it means that they have already dried up. Now the material is ready for planting.

The soil is placed in a container and slightly moistened. Seeds are evenly spread over the surface of the soil, then slightly pressed. After that, you can sprinkle with a 4-5 mm layer of soil.

When the seeds are planted, they must be covered with a film or placed under glass to create a greenhouse effect. For the container, you need to find a warm place where the temperature regime of 22-25 degrees will be observed. It is important to open the soil daily for airing and moisten it as it dries.

If everything is observed, then in a week you will notice the first shoots.

The subtleties of seedling care

When the plant just sprouts, it must be carefully looked after, long-term lighting plays an especially important role in the first days. It is better if you transfer the containers with seedlings to a bright windowsill, where there will be diffused light.

It is imperative to carry out a picking of sprouts, they do it for the normal future development of the plant. As soon as you notice that the first full-fledged leaves have appeared on the sprouts, immediately dive them into separate containers, they are suitable for this.

Growing coleus in the garden is a pleasure, and the result will please for a long time

Coleus seedlings are very fond of bright diffused light, which is vital for them. Be sure to keep the temperature at 21-23 degrees. If these conditions are not met, then the sprouts will begin to stretch, from which they only weaken.

Start feeding seedlings a couple of weeks after the dive.
It is better to choose complex fertilizers.
The amount should be 3-4 times less than indicated in the instructions.
Be sure to moisten the soil before applying.

When the seedlings get stronger, it can be transferred to a well-lit balcony, but only on condition that it is warm there, the best time is June - when there are no more frosts. For permanent residence - in the garden, relocation is best done in mid-late June. Here it is important to choose a well-lit place, protected from wind and drafts.

plant care

Grooming is an important part of coleus cultivation. There are no difficulties. First of all, it is important to remember that the plant loves heat and bright light very much, which means that it needs to provide precisely these conditions for growth. If everything is in order, then as a result you will get ideal bushes - lush, colorful with bright, regular-shaped leaves.

However, do not forget that coleus does not like direct sunlight at all, which are even harmful to the plant. If the weather is very dry, try to water the nettles abundantly and, if possible, create shade.

In the summer, especially on dry days, moisture from the soil actively evaporates, so be sure to replenish the water balance of the soil. The best method is spraying with water at room temperature, but there is a nuance here - if the weather is sunny, create a shadow before spraying, because droplets in the sun play the role of a lens, which can even lead to burning the leaves by the sun's rays.

Pruning the coleus is a very important procedure.

Feed coleus regularly - as this plant is a fast growing fertilizer, it needs to be applied at least once a week. In the cool season, it is necessary to reduce watering, since the root system may begin to rot in this way, and it is better to completely eliminate spraying.

If the coleus blooms often enough, then the plant grows in unsuitable conditions for it.


Everyone can grow this pretty plant. Simple rules in care - watering, a place protected from drafts, light, heat and pruning will help you achieve excellent results. Coleus will transform your garden, bringing a variety of colors to it. The video in this article will complement the information on coleus care.

-a flowering plant, but it is valued not so much for its flowers as for its variegated and curly leaves. However, the beauty of the coleus also lies in a number of other advantages. It can be both indoor and garden, and in both cases you will not have any difficulties in caring for it, which even a beginner can handle (of course, if he understands the cultivation of coleus). In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, and after reading the article, you will see for yourself this statement.

Sowing coleus seeds for seedlings

The plant can be propagated by both cuttings and seeds.

The most commonly used is seed germination., since this is a more reliable, albeit rather laborious, method.

Did you know? The plant has the name Coleus and belongs to the genus of the Lamiaceae or Lamiaceae family. The name comes from the Greek kleos, which means "case". But some gardeners call it "poor man's croton" because the color of the leaf resembles croton, although it looks simpler. In our latitudes, it is usually called "nettle" because the leaves actually look more like nettles. The historical homeland of the coleus is Africa and Asia.

The best sowing dates

The seeds of the plant are relatively small, which creates some difficulties when sowing them. In addition, they have a strictly defined period of awakening. Sowing coleus with seeds can be started from the end of February and continued until April.

soil mixture

For planting seeds, you will need a special soil mixture. It should include part of the sand, part of the sod land and three parts of the leafy land. The soil is placed in a bowl or in a wooden box to a depth of about 8 cm.

Did you know? Today, about 60 varieties of coleus are known, most of which are descended from the Blume species. Moreover, breeders still continue to develop new varieties. Therefore, among such a variety, you will surely find a species for your garden.

Seed preparation before planting

Before sowing the seeds, it is recommended to process them in a light solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, the seed material is placed in the solution for about 15 minutes. After that, they must be taken out and dried so that they do not stick together, after which the seeds will be ready for planting.

Proper planting of seeds

Usually the seeds are scattered on top of the soil, as it is believed that such surface sowing is ideal for the plant.. However, experienced gardeners recommend pushing them in a little, without being too zealous.

The soil itself must be sufficiently moist, and the planting material must be evenly distributed. From above it is sprinkled with soil or sand by about 4 mm.

To ensure the greenhouse effect, containers with seedlings should be covered with film or glass, placed in a warm place where the temperature can be maintained at +22 ... 25 ° C.

Seedlings will have to wait about a week, but every day you need to check the soil under the film and water it if necessary.

Important! How else does coleus reproduce? Of course, cuttings. It is necessary to choose the strongest and healthiest shoot, carefully cut it with a sharp knife and put it in slightly warm, not hard water. The container is placed in a sufficiently lit place without direct sunlight. When roots appear on the handle, it is planted in a flower pot with neutral or slightly acidic soil.

Proper care of the plant is necessary so that the coleus in the flower bed retains its decorative effect. By the way, some gardeners grow it as an annual plant.

Others are transplanted once every two to three years, and planted in neutral or slightly acidic soil. In order for the shoots to be bushy, the top of the plant must be pinched, leaving 5–8 eyes each.

Location and lighting

The plant is quite photophilous, especially in the first days of its active growth. Therefore, caring for a coleus involves arranging containers on a well-lit windowsill. It is important that this light be diffused.

The nature of the lighting depends on the type of plant. So, if there are green blotches on the leaves, then the direct rays of the sun are categorically contraindicated for him - the color may fade, and the plant will look burnt out.

If bright shades prevail on them, then direct rays are not a hindrance to them. But even in this case, the plant must be gradually accustomed to the sun.

Picking sprouts

Coleus seedling picking begins when the sprouts have one or two pairs of leaves. Then they are planted in separate pots to a depth of 7 cm. After a month, the sprouts should be moved to deeper pots - by 9–11 cm.

They take care of the sprouts in the same way as for an adult plant: they organize intense, but diffused lighting, water it enough, pinch it if necessary. After about six months, coleus can be planted in a flower bed for the purpose of decorating.

Important! It is important to observe not only a sufficient level of lighting, but also the temperature regime. It is optimal to grow coleus seedlings at a temperature of +21...+23 °C. Otherwise, the sprouts will stretch out strongly, weaken, and the leaf mosaic present in the coleus will lose its decorative value.

Seedling feeding

Already two weeks after diving, seedlings can be fed with complex fertilizers. As for the proportions, it is better to reduce the dose recommended by the instructions by 3-4 times. Before fertilizing, the soil near the plant must be moistened.

Coleus care in the garden

Relocation of seedlings to open ground begins in mid-June or towards the end of the month. If the coleus is planted as a houseplant, then the procedure can be carried out two weeks earlier.

Landing site selection

When choosing a place for a plant, remember that it is photophilous, but does not tolerate direct sunlight (it may lose all its beauty and decorative effect). Therefore, for a flower bed, choose shaded areas.

If your territory is completely illuminated by the sun's rays and there is simply nowhere to "hide", then stop at varieties with bright colors. Otherwise, you will have to figure out how to shade the plants at noon.

Adult coleus are even less demanding on the soil. They give excellent growth both on leafy, soddy, and in ordinary garden soil.

In summer, the plant easily tolerates elevated temperatures and intense heat, but only if it is well watered. However, it is sensitive to sudden changes in temperature. At temperatures below + 15 ° C, growth slows down noticeably.

Proper watering

Proper watering of the coleus is to ensure that the soil under it does not dry out. From spring to autumn, it is watered quite plentifully, periodically spraying the plant with clean water.

It is advisable to carry out such a refreshing procedure in the evening hours. Water for the plant should be taken soft, preferably settled and slightly warm. Ideal use of rain water. If the air temperature is low, then the amount of watering is reduced.

plant fertilizer

In general, the plant is unpretentious and grows well in flower beds and without top dressing. But still, such care will not be superfluous for him.

Mineral (preferably potash) fertilizer can be purchased at specialty stores and follow the instructions on the package. During the period of intensive growth (spring and summer), organic fertilizers can be used. Top dressing is carried out once a week.

Use in landscape design and combination with other plants

Coleus is considered a real find for the designer. The variety of its varieties allows you to come up with various compositions in flower beds, which are often used to create patterns in city parks.

You can also create amazing compositions with other plants if you know what coleus goes with. Variegated and openwork leaves of the plant look great in combination with plants that have plain foliage. This is gray fescue, sage, cineraria.

Coleus pests and diseases, their control

As already mentioned, plants weaken when they have little light, they are not pinned down, or they do not follow the watering regimen. With insufficient lighting, the leaves fade, with little watering, they crumble. As a result, they not only lose their decorative effect, but also weaken. At this point, coleus can become a victim of diseases or pests.

Most often, whiteflies and spider mites attack the plant. Aphids feed on its juice, which causes the leaves damaged by it to curl and turn yellow. She is also a carrier of disease.

You can get rid of aphids if you treat the plant with a soap solution, after covering the soil so that soap does not get into it. But this is only if there are few plants in the flower bed, otherwise insecticides must be used.

Against aphids, they use Fitoverm or Actellik, whiteflies and aphids - Oberon, Aktara, Actellik and others. But we must understand that chemicals have a bad effect on the plants themselves. Therefore, it is better to take preventive measures by ensuring proper care for the coleus.

In most cases, coleus disease is the result of improper plant care. For example, leaf fall may indicate insufficient watering, stem rot appears from excessive watering.

If the leaves turn yellow, but do not fall off, and the coleus itself grows slowly, it does not have enough nutrition. Brown spots on the tips and edges of the leaves indicate excessively dry air. If the leaves are crushed and drooping, the plant is too cold.

Useful properties of coleus

One of the most beneficial benefits of coleus is its bactericidal action. Certain types of plants have medicinal properties that have been used since time immemorial.

For example, coleus "Forskolia" contains an important component - forskolin. Plant extract treats respiratory diseases, colitis, hypertension. It helps to reduce spasms in asthma, thyroid activity, and is also used in the prevention of glaucoma, allergies.

The substance normalizes bowel function, promotes the absorption of nutrients, therefore it has an excellent fat-burning effect and is actively used in weight loss preparations.

Forskolia extract is believed to increase testosterone levels and have a vasodilating effect, which improves muscle nutrition. In addition, it helps to restore peripheral nerve fibers. Anti-inflammatory action is used in the treatment of infections of the genitourinary system in combination with antibiotics.

As you can see, coleus is an amazing plant. Unpretentious in cultivation, it helps to form amazingly beautiful flower beds in gardens, parks, alleys. In addition, some types of plants are actively used in medicine, as they have a lot of useful properties.

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