Nephrolepsis - home care. Home fern - Nephrolepis: photos and tips for caring for at home Soil for fern nephrolepis what it is

The world of ferns is unusually vast, and many varieties are successfully grown as indoor crops. Among the most enduring and grateful are nephrolepis, whose care and cultivation at home can be done even by a beginner in floriculture.

The genus Nephrolepis, which unites about 40 independent species, includes both terrestrial ferns and true epiphytes. Most of the plants come from the subtropical and tropical regions of the western and eastern hemispheres. Creating conditions for this flower in the apartment, you need to take into account its natural preferences and habits.

Lighting for Nephrolepis

Ferns are the indigenous inhabitants of the forest, which reliably shelters them from the scorching sun. When caring for nephrolepis at home, plants are chosen for places protected from direct sunlight, for example, on eastern or western windows. In the warm season, the flower will not feel discomfort even on the north side. Only in winter, the plant may need a little illumination.

But on the south side, the lighting for nephrolepis is clearly unsuitable. Its excess leads to yellowing and drying of the leaves, the fern looks oppressed, the existing fronds slow down growth, new ones very rarely appear.

If there is no alternative to the south window, it is better to bring the pot with nephrolepis deep into the room or put a shading screen between the fern and the glass.

Temperature and humidity for nephrolepis

Nephrolepis does not tolerate dry air and a long stay in coolness at temperatures below +12 ° C. Most of the plants of humid subtropical forests and the tropics would not be able to comfortably triple in a city apartment. However, this genus of ferns is very hardy. If you artificially maintain high humidity, the temperature for nephrolepis can be + 16–25 ° C. In hotter air, the plant looks depressed, but comes to life if it is regularly sprayed or irrigated with a crown.

In winter, when growth activity drops, the temperature is reduced and the pot must be removed away from radiators and other heat sources. The big enemy is the draft. So that caring for nephrolepis is not in vain, you should not put the plant under an open transom or at the balcony door.

As in summer, in winter, a warm shower with soft water is regularly arranged for the fern. Before "water procedures" the soil is covered with a film or other moisture-proof material.

Watering nephrolepis

When growing nephrolepis at home, flower care is impossible without properly organized watering. On the one hand, fern is a crop that requires constant soil moisture. But on the other hand, excess moisture is a sure way to the development of rot, the spread of pests, the loss of decorativeness and the death of the plant.

The root system of most species of this fern does not penetrate deep into the soil, but at the same time forms a dense lump under the very surface of the soil. In order to exclude drying out, which is dangerous for the crop, and to prevent acidification of the soil from moisture stagnation, it is better to use watering nephrolepis from a pallet. Mulching the surface with dry sphagnum or fine expanded clay will help to keep water in the soil. Well helps in the fight against the drying of the soil and the whole flower, the use of home humidifiers.

When caring for nephrolepis, whether it be watering or spraying, you need to take soft, settled or filtered water. Its temperature should be slightly higher than room temperature.

In winter, it is especially important to prevent moisture from accumulating in the pot and the tray underneath. If the soil under the nephrolepis is still acidic, it is better to carry out an unscheduled transplant and replace the damaged soil.

Soil for nephrolepis and fern top dressing

Under normal conditions, transplantation is carried out in the spring and is often combined with fern propagation by dividing rhizomes. In order for the specimen transferred to the new pot to quickly acclimatize and start growing, they acquire ready-made soil for ferns for it or prepare the mixture on their own.

The plant feels comfortable in a slightly acidic or neutral substrate, which perfectly passes water, air and does not interfere with the development of the root system. If the soil is made by hand when caring for nephrolepis and growing it at home, add to it in equal parts:

  • fertile garden soil;
  • enumerated ;
  • well-washed river sand;
  • soil from under coniferous crops.

Chopped sphagnum and crushed charcoal can be a useful component. These additives not only structure the substrate, but also protect the plant from bacterial flora and decay.

If the acidity of the soil for nephrolepis goes beyond pH 5.0–6.0 units, it is necessary to add dolomite flour.

From spring to autumn, the fern is fed twice a month, using it for decorative and deciduous crops. In winter, the frequency of top dressing is reduced to once a month.

Difficulties in caring for nephrolepis

The main symptom that signals problems is yellowing, drying and falling off of elongated complex-pinnate wai. There can be many reasons for this. What are the main difficulties in caring for nephrolepis await the grower?

Most often, a houseplant lover has to deal with the natural process of renewing the green part of the plant. The outdated vayams are being replaced by young ones. At the same time, the crown is not exposed, it looks elastic, alive and healthy. In this case, dry fronds are carefully removed and the soil under the flower is cleaned.

Another thing is the loss of decorativeness due to a violation of the care of nephrolepis. Leads to leaf fall:

  • systematic drying of an earthen coma;
  • excessive watering, which caused the appearance of root rot;
  • an incorrectly chosen place for a flower, on which the plant suffers from an excess of light or a draft.

Growth retardation is usually associated with low temperatures, lack of nutrition or free meth in the pot. In the last two cases, difficulties in caring for nephrolepis are solved by transplanting or establishing a feeding regimen.

A common florist mistake is refusing to sterilize or disinfect the soil before planting a houseplant. On dense leathery fronds of a fern, only spider mites can settle, which annoy with excessively dry air, or scale insects brought from the garden. But the number of soil pests is much greater. Nephrolepis is threatened by putrefactive bacteria and pathogenic fungi, mealybugs, thrips. Complex treatment with insecticides and fungicides will help to cope with them. If there is a nematode in the soil, then the flower will inevitably die.

Video about caring for nephrolepis at home

Latin name: Nephrolepis

Family: Davalliaceae (Davalliaceae)

Homeland: forest tropics of Southeast Asia

Fern nephrolepis - a wonderful unpretentious plant, interesting information

Nephrolepis (Nephrolepis) is an unpretentious fern that belongs to the Davallia family. We will not be mistaken if we say that about thirty species of herbaceous perennials have spread throughout the entire tropical zone of the globe. Key habitats for nephrolepis can be identified. The main attribute of the existence of ferns is the increased humidity of the environment, which is ensured by the shady forest; the hidden side of the rock, where the sun's rays do not fall; and the presence of tropical trees, because many ferns are epiphytes. And to be specific, most of all the accumulation of nephrolipes occurs in the Eurasian eastern and southeastern territories. Nephrolepis is native to Southeast Asia.

Why are ferns classified as higher plants? The nephrolepis fern, like all higher plants, has a root, an underground stem and leaves called fronds.

The generic name of the plant comes from the Greek phrase: "nephros" - kidney, "lepis" - scales, having the shape of a bedspread. And together it is in Russian "kidney scales". Nephrolepis acquired this unusual name due to the shape of unusual films covering the sori of sporangia located in the lower part of the frond. They grow up to seventy centimeters long from an underground short vertical rhizome. Nephrolepis are not flowering plants, but they reproduce by spores that ripen in sporangia, forming sori on the lower plane of the frond. They look like brown scales. Fern fronds grow in a very unusual way, continuing their growth in length throughout life. Snail-shaped leaves are initially twisted, and then grow up and open. With its unusual leaves - fronds, the fern resembles large openwork leaves jacaranda .
Indoor fern flower is an unpretentious and hardy plant. Any grower can easily and simply grow it, and most importantly, for this you need to know that nephrolpis wants high humidity and daily spraying with warm soft water. It is for the excellent and easy cultivation performance that nephrolepis is very popular with flower lovers.

Room fern nephrolepis will decorate your home interior. This ornamental - deciduous plant will grow well in bathroom or kitchen, saturates the air with moisture, and the room - with freshness.

Types of nephrolepis

Nephrolepis sublime (Nephrolepis exaltata)

Herbaceous fern terrestrial plant or epiphyte, having a short vertical root from which a dense lush apical rosette grows. It consists of huge leaves up to seventy centimeters long. Fern leaves - arcuate fronds on short petioles, bright green. Their five-centimeter segments are lanceolate, their edges are slightly serrate. The lower side of the segments along the edges is covered with rounded outgrowths of sori, which contain plant spores. From the rhizome above the ground, leafless shoots covered with scales depart, taking root, they give life to new plants. The homeland of nephrolepis sublime is the tropical forest expanses of Southeast Asia.

Nephrolepis cordifolia (Nephrolepis cordifolia)

In home floriculture, hearty nephrolepis has been grown for a relatively long time, in England, for example, it has become popular since ancient times. The difference from sublime nephrolepis is represented by underground shoots - stolons, which have tuberous swellings for moisture storage. They also perform the function of vegetative propagation of nephrolepis cordifolia. Its more than half-meter fronds, assembled into a socket, have an almost perpendicular arrangement relative to the ground. Densely spaced leaf segments overlapping each other, reminiscent of tiling.

The forest tropical and subtropical expanses of both hemispheres are considered to be the homeland.

Nephrolepis xiphoid (Nephrolepis biserrata)

Very huge epiphytic or terrestrial nephrolepis. Large chic fronds reach a length of one meter.

Boston Nephrolepis (Nephrolepis Bostoniensis)

Nephrolepis Bostonis is one of the many varieties of Nephrolepis sublime. And this very decorative species with wide and short fronds was bred in American Boston. The Boston fern has gained popularity for its graceful foliage, and is also an air purifier and looks good in any interior, be it a residential apartment or other industrial space.

Nephrolepis home care

Nephrolepis caring for him is absolutely not difficult, because he is unpretentious in growing. The main attribute is the increased moisture content of the air and, if possible, that there are no sources of heating near. Let us consider in more detail and step by step how to care for nephrolepis at home?


Houseplant fern is a shade-loving plant.

Room nephrolepis will not be an exception either. He prefers diffused light, if possible, we place the plant on the northern windowsill, or the eastern and western ones will do. In rooms with bright lighting, it is necessary to place it away from the window, but not in the dark.

Nephrolepis grows very well with artificial lighting. This handsome man is simply indispensable in the interior of offices, hotels, kindergartens, shops and other public spaces, where daylight bulbs have been used for a long time.

Temperature regime

A suitable temperature in the summer for nephrolepis is 20˚С. In hot weather, spray the plant frequently. Winter ideal temperature for nephrolepis is within 15˚С. A detrimental temperature will be thermometer readings below 11 ° C.

Air humidity

High humidity required! Although successfully nephrolepis can adapt to dry rooms. It is not advisable to place plants close to heating radiators in winter. Make him feel comfortable. Prefers light showers and frequent misting using warm, soft water.

Nephrolepis watering

Watering nephrolepis directly depends on the temperature regime. You need to find the golden mean. After all, nephrolepis prefers wet soil, has a negative attitude towards waterlogging, but drying of the soil should not be allowed. Naturally, in the warm months - we water abundantly as the soil dries, and less often in winter. Watering is carried out with warm settled, soft water.

top dressing

In the warm season, a houseplant fern - nephrolepis must be fed every fourteen days. Fertilizers should be used, reducing the concentration by half the recommended dose. And in winter, do not fertilize the plant.

The soil

A mixture in equal proportions of leafy earth, sand, peat and humus is well suited for the growth of nephrolepis. You can buy a special mixture for ferns in a flower shop. The main thing is that the mixture is light, loose, it is not harmful to add lime or dolomite flour.


Nephrolepis care for him is not difficult. An important role is played by the annual spring transplant into a wide, low pot larger than the previous one. Transplantation for nephrolepis is a painful procedure and must be performed correctly. An important factor in transplantation is the placement of nephrolepis to the same height; it is impossible to deepen the plant more so that decay does not occur. Good drainage is a must.

Nephrolepis reproduction

  • Dividing the bush during transplantation is the easiest way to propagate. In spring or summer, separate the young shoots of the fern along with the roots, plant them in pots.
  • Nephrolepis reproduces well with whip-like stolon shoots. They need to be sprinkled a little with earth, wait for rooting and the appearance of young small plants.
  • Reproduction of nephrolepis by spores is a very complex and troublesome process. Basically, in this way, ferns reproduce in natural conditions. Home nephrolepis is almost always propagated by vegetative methods.


Almost rarely, nephrolepis can infect scale insects, spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs. In case of damage, treat the plant with actara, actelik or other insecticides.

Problems that arise when growing nephrolepis:

  • Why does nephrolepis dry? The reasons for this problem may be: insufficiently moist soil or indoor air, lack of light, do not expose the plant to direct sunlight;
  • Weak growth of nephrolepis, leaves turn pale - low air temperature, insufficient watering, lack of useful trace elements, cramped pot, poor lighting;
  • Yellowing of young leaves can cause dry air; most likely the defeat of the plant by a mealybug or scale insect;
  • Blackening and rotting of the leaves is a fungal infection.
Useful properties of nephrolepis

Nephrolepis is a beautiful picturesque plant that can improve the interior of any room. It is an excellent air purifier and can be compared with plants such as spathiphyllum And chlorophytum .

Florists often use cut fronds of nephrolepis, which retain their freshness and attractiveness for more than two weeks, in the design of flower arrangements and to decorate bouquets.

Nephrolepis is a very useful plant, it is a natural air purifier, it can reduce the presence of toluene, formaldehyde and xylene in the room, it can perfectly absorb electromagnetic radiation if placed near a TV or computer. And it can also absorb a piece of dysfunctional energy that is dangerous for the human body. Most interestingly, nephrolepis can boost immunity.

Love your fern, because it's easier to breathe and more fun to live with!

1. Growing temperature: throughout the year, moderately warm content at a temperature of 16 to 18 ° C.
2. Lighting: well lit location with shading from direct sunlight during daylight hours. When grown in partial shade will also feel great.
3. Watering and humidity: Keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged at any time of the year. The plant does not tolerate the dry air of heated rooms - by any means try to keep the humidity at a high level.
4. Peculiarities: nephrolepis is able to decorate any interior, but to maintain health, it needs regular watering and high humidity.
5. Priming: nutritious and well-drained soil with an acidic pH and a high content of leafy and soddy soil.
6. top dressing: at any time of the year, plants are fed with mineral or organic fertilizers every 2 weeks.
7. reproduction: division at transplantation, small daughter ferns, vegetative shoots and sowing spores in spring.

Botanical name: Nephrolepis.

Family. Davallia.

Fern nephrolepis homeland. Southeast Asia, Central America.

Description. A diverse genus of ferns that consists of evergreen or semi-evergreen, epiphytic or terrestrial plants. The rhizome is short, thick, covered with brown scales. Thick, lacy fronds of this fern reach a length of 2 meters and beautifully fall down. The leaves are arranged alternately, light green, triangular. Under each leaf on the underside are sporangia. From time to time, plants produce long, leafless shoots with scales on the surface, which easily root in the substrate.

Height. When grown as a houseplant, it reaches a height of 50 cm. The fronds vary from 30 to 90 cm in length.

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2. Care for nephrolepis at home

2.1. Reproduction

The division of adult plants during transplantation. Only large adult plants can be divided, which have enough growing points in the root system. Before dividing, the fern is not watered for several days, drying the soil. The rhizomes are divided into several parts with a sharp sterile instrument, the wound surface resulting from division with charcoal powder or ash is treated and planted in separate pots. Each division should have its own leaves - 2 - 3 fronds and well-developed roots, as well as 1 - 2 growth points on the rhizome.

To help the plants adapt to new conditions faster, the delenki are covered with a transparent plastic bag or plastic cap to maintain a high level of humidity and sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle from time to time. Keep the divided plants indoors with a temperature of at least 16 degrees Celsius.

Sometimes small daughter plants appear near the mother plant - they are separated with a sharp sterile knife and planted in separate pots.

Nephrolepis spores germinate easily and often self-seed at the foot of large plants. Not all varieties form spores - some ferns remain sterile. Reproduction by spores will require much more time and labor, but it will allow you to observe the development of the fern from the very beginning. For reproduction, you can use spores of your own collection, only they must be fully matured. Spores can be sown on the surface of the soil in spring. For sowing spores, a plastic transparent container with a lid is selected and a small drainage layer is placed on its bottom.

The container is filled with fresh loose peat-based substrate with leaf humus and river sand. The soil in the container is thoroughly moistened with warm water using a spray bottle. Since fern spores are too small, they are pre-mixed with a small amount of sand or the tip of a toothpick slightly moistened with water is used for sowing. Spores should not be covered from above with a layer of earth. Crops are covered with a transparent lid to create a greenhouse effect and maintain high humidity.

The container is placed in a well-lit, but closed to direct sunlight place with a temperature of about 22 ° C. Fresh spores have good germination, and it can also be increased by using bottom heating. Every day, the crops are ventilated, removing the shelter and removing the condensate that has come out from it. Gradually increase the ventilation time. The first sprouts may appear within a month, some bushes may linger in the ground for 2-3 months.

If most of the spores have sprouted in the container, then the shelter can be completely removed and from time to time moisten the air around the plants with warm settled water. When the sprouts grow a little and form several wai each, the plants are thinned out - weak and diseased bushes are removed that thicken the planting. The distance between the bushes is kept approximately equal to 2 - 3 cm. The first dressing is done 2 - 3 weeks after thinning. The nutrient solution is used in a very low concentration.

Many nephrolepis with age form long shoots resembling rhizomes. Such roots are buried in the ground and they successfully germinate. For rooting, you can use a small pot placed next to the mother bush. Shoots are fixed on the surface of the substrate with small staples, while the upper part of the shoot should protrude from the ground.

You can even sprinkle such a shoot with a small layer of soil 5-8 mm thick, which is kept evenly moist throughout the entire rooting time. After the first signs of new growth appear, and this occurs within about 2 months, the rhizome is separated from the mother plant with a sharp sterile instrument. The appearance of young wai will mean that the fern has its own roots under the surface of the soil.

2.2. How to transplant indoor nephrolepis

In the spring, when the root system filled the entire pot and the plant is frankly cramped. Once again, it is not worth disturbing nephrolepis with a transplant. Mature plants will only need repotting every 2 to 3 years. Young ferns can be transplanted every year, gradually increasing the size of the pot.It will be possible to talk about the need for another transplant when the tips of the plant roots appear in the drainage holes of the pot.

Nephrolepis slow down development when grown in cramped pots, however, when planted in too large containers with a large amount of free soil, the plants will rot. Each time the plants are planted in a pot that exceeds the previous capacity by 2 - 3 cm in diameter. It is better not to use ceramic or just deep pots for planting ferns - pick up small and wide bowls. Clay pots allow moisture and air to pass through, so the substrate in them dries out faster, and ferns love water.

In large plants, the transplantation of which causes difficulties, annually in the spring the top layer of soil 5–7 cm thick is replaced with a fresh one. If you want to get a fairly compact plant, cut the root system when transplanting by ¼ length. A pot for nephrolepis should have large drainage holes, and a layer of drainage should be placed on its bottom. The drainage layer can be made up of components such as expanded clay, pieces of foam, river pebbles. When planting, place the fern at the same depth at which it was in the previous pot - with a strong penetration, the plant slows down development and may rot.

If the plant looks healthy and there are no obvious signs of decay of the root system, then transshipment can be carried out instead of transplanting. When transshipping, the flower is taken out of the old pot along with an earthy clod and simply placed in the center of a new growing container, and then sprinkled with soil. If there are signs of root rot, then the plant is carefully shaken off the old substrate, if necessary, the rotten roots are inspected and cut off and planted only in new soil. Planting in an old soil mixture can lead to the appearance of old diseases, as pathogens could remain in the soil.

Plants are sprinkled with fresh substrate and lightly tamped. After transplanting, the flower is watered and if the soil has sunk heavily, then more earth is poured into the voids. The transplanted plants are placed in a place shaded from direct sunlight and begin to be fed only after a couple of weeks. During this period, the fern will have enough of those nutrients that are already in the fresh soil mixture. The root system of the flower during this period of time will have time to heal the wounds received during transplantation.

If the soil of an adult fern is depleted, then instead of transplanting, you can replace the upper part of the mixture with a thickness of about 5 cm with fresh soil. After transplantation, many flowers stop developing and do not form new fronds for several weeks - this is normal. Only plants bought in a flower shop should not be transplanted immediately - they are kept in an old pot for 1 - 2 weeks, giving time for acclimatization to new conditions.

2.3.How to care

The nephrolepis flower is considered the fern most adapted to room culture, however, it also has its own requirements for the conditions of detention. Provide the plant with high humidity, remove old, withered branches. Cut out old and diseased leaves at the base. Pruning is carried out with a sharply sharpened sterile pruner. Take nephrolepis to fresh air during the warm season. When placed in a garden or on a balcony, make sure that the fern is in shading from direct sunlight and has protection from strong winds and heavy rainfall.

2.4. Land for nephrolepis

A mixture of garden soil, leaf humus and peat with the addition of small pieces of charcoal, a small amount of bone meal and coarse river sand to improve drainage. The soil should retain moisture for some time and contain a sufficient amount of organic matter. The flower prefers nutritious soils rich in organic compounds. You can also add a little finely chopped pine needles to the substrate - it will help maintain the necessary sour pH of the soil.

Plants will also respond well to pine bark in small pieces - it will keep the soil loose and fill it with nutrients. Coconut fiber will make the soil moisture and breathable. This fern needs soil with an acidic pH. The substrate should easily pass moisture and air to the roots - the root system should be able to breathe. To improve drainage, a small amount of coarse river sand or perlite and vermiculite can be mixed into the soil. Often, hydrogel balls are added to the substrate for growing ferns. If it is not possible to make the soil yourself, then you can simply buy a ready-made mixture for growing ferns or azaleas.

2.5. Watering

Keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. With the onset of warm weather, the plants begin to be watered abundantly and regularly, completely wetting the soil with water. In the summer months, you can immerse the pot with plants in a large container filled with warm and well-settled water. Excess moisture that appeared in the pan after watering, in the summer months, can not be drained immediately, but after 15 - 20 minutes after watering. During the period of active growth between waterings, it is only necessary to slightly dry the substrate in a pot to a depth of 1 - 2 cm.

If the temperature of the content is less than 13 °, you can reduce the frequency of watering, but at the same time do not allow the soil to dry out. For irrigation, only water at room temperature is used, since when watering with cold water, the plant can get sick. Add 1 teaspoon of table salt to 5 liters of water for irrigation and the leaves of nephrolepis will acquire a bright emerald color. Such irrigation is used every six months.

Useful are periodic bathing in the shower. When carrying out water procedures, the soil in the pot should be covered with plastic wrap - this will protect it from erosion. The water temperature in the shower can be 35 - 40 degrees Celsius. After taking a shower for half an hour, it is worth leaving the plant in the bathroom so that it has time to enjoy the warm and humid atmosphere of the room.

2.6.Nephrolepis fertilizer

Nephrolepis at home does not have a distinct dormant period and is able to grow all year round, so feed it at any time of the year every two weeks, using a liquid fertilizer diluted to half the recommended dose. Top dressing is carried out only on wet soil - once in dry ground, the nutrient solution can burn tender roots. In autumn, the frequency of fertilizing can be reduced if you plan to keep the plant in a cool room. Such specimens are not fed at all in winter.

Resume fertilization in the spring, when the flower will form new, young fronds. For top dressing, mineral fertilizers are used for ornamental leafy plants or specially designed for ferns. Nephrolepis responds well to organic top dressing, which can be used to make well-rotted cow or horse manure, humus.

The best results can be achieved by alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. Do not fertilize weak and diseased ferns. with any signs of damage to the root system, foliar top dressings begin to be applied, applying a nutrient solution directly to the fronds of the flower.

2.7. Flowering time

Doesn't bloom.

2.8 Diseases and pests

The tips of the leaves dry and turn brown with insufficient air humidity. Vayi turn yellow with waterlogging and insufficient drainage - a sign that the plant is rotting. With a sharp change in the conditions of detention, the plant may lose part of its leaves. If you keep nephrolepis in poorly ventilated rooms with high humidity and low temperature, powdery mildew may appear. Direct sunlight on fronds during the daytime provokes the appearance of sunburn in the form of brownish spots on the leaves.

Plants also stunt development when the light is too strong or kept in deep shade. Will restrain the development of the plant and growing in a pot that is too tight. A delay in development and insufficiently bright coloring of wai will indicate a lack of nutrients in the substrate - feed the flower. Vayi turn brown, curl and fall off when kept too cool, exposed to cold drafts, watered with cold and unsettled water.

Of the harmful insects, the fern can be attacked by mealybugs and root bugs, spider mites appear when the content is too dry and warm, thrips, weevils, scale insects. Nematodes cause fern leaves to turn black or brown. Sometimes aphid settles on the fronds of a flower.

Insects - pests

insect name Signs of infection Control measures
or felt The surface of the leaves and shoots is covered with a fluffy cotton-like white bloom. Plants lag behind in development Folk remedies: spraying with soapy-alcohol solution. Infusion of tobacco, garlic, cyclamen tubers, alcohol treatments, and pharmacy tincture of calendula performed well. Chemicals: green soap solution, Aktellik, Fitoverm.
Leaf blades turn yellow in places located between the veins, then turn brown, black. Eventually the leaves fall off the plants. When the root system is damaged, the plant becomes weak and withers before our eyes for no apparent reason. Folk methods: destruction of infected parts of plants, abundant watering with hot water at a temperature of about 70 ° C, hot bath - immersion of the pot in a large container with water at a temperature of 55 ° C for 20 minutes. Chemicals: anthelmintic agents.
Inconspicuous cobwebs on the leaves, yellowing and falling of foliage with extensive damage. The surface of the leaf plates becomes dead and covered with small cracks. Plant development slows down. Folk ways. Plants can be washed in the shower and left in the bathroom in a humid atmosphere for half an hour. Irradiation with an ultraviolet lamp every week for 2 minutes. Chemicals based on pyrethrum, sulfur powders, Fitoverm, Aktellik.
Sticky droplets appear on the leaf blades, leaf blades curl and deform, tender buds and young leaves wither. On the tops of the shoots, buds or the underside of the leaf plates, insect colonies can be seen. The flowers of an aphid-infested plant may become misshapen. Folk ways: nettle infusion, decoction of rhubarb leaves, wormwood, soap solution, tobacco and dandelion infusion, onion, marigold, yarrow, tansy, dusting with virgin ash. Chemicals: Sulfur powders, treatment with green potassium soap of green mass without getting into the ground, Decis, Aktellik, Fitoverm.
The appearance of yellow spots on the leaf plates, small brown dots can be observed on the underside of the leaves. When spreading, pests cause the leaves to turn yellow, dry and fall off. Folk ways. Increase the humidity of the air, wipe the surface of the leaves with soapy water to reduce the number of pests. Preparations based on pyrethrum - 2-fold treatment with an interval of 7-10 days, spraying with tobacco infusion, infusion of yarrow or Persian chamomile, decoction of cyclamen tubers. Chemicals: dusting with sulfur powders, the use of anabasin - sulfate in a soapy solution.
Shield and false shield Sticky droplets on the leaves, yellow small spots on the surface of the leaf blades. With a large spread of scale insects, they contribute to the drying and falling of leaves. Flowers slow down Folk methods of struggle. Spraying with soapy-alcohol solution. Scale insect larvae do not like garlic infusion, they also use pyrethrum-based products. Chemicals. Fitoverm, Aktellik, Fufanon.
Small teeth appear along the edges of the leaf plates, leaves and shoots of plants lose turgor Folk ways: transplant with complete replacement of the substrate. The surface of the soil can be covered with plastic wrap for several days in order to prevent adult insects from getting there to lay eggs. Adult insects are easy to collect by hand at night. Spraying with a decoction of hot pepper. Chemicals: Bona Forte; Fitoverm; Actellik; Fufanon-Nova; Aktar; Kinmiks.
White fluffy coating on the walls of the pot, plants slow down development, leaf blades become dull and pale, with severe infection, leaf blades become wrinkled and dry. Plants attacked by root bugs are often subject to fungal diseases. Folk methods: manual collection of insects from the soil surface, hot bath - immersing the pot in a large container of water at a temperature of 55 ° C for 20 minutes, removing damaged roots and further transplanting into a new substrate. Insecticide preparations

  • 2.9.Growing temperature

    Moderately - warm content at a temperature of 16 to 18 ° C. At higher temperatures, it is necessary to increase the frequency of watering and air humidity. Ferns also develop well in warmer conditions - at a temperature of 20 - 22 ° C. With difficulty, plants endure the onset of hot summer weather, when the air temperature exceeds 28 °C. In the winter months, with poor lighting, you can lower the temperature of the content to 14 - 16 ° C - this will slow down the development of the flower, it will stop forming new fronds. Do not expose the plant to temperatures below 10°C. These ferns do not like sudden changes in temperature conditions and intense heat, preferring rather cool conditions. With the onset of frost, all terrestrial plants often die.

    2.10 Lighting

    Unlike most other house ferns, it can grow in bright sunlight, but not in direct sunlight. Plants can take sunbaths only in the very early morning or pre-sunset evening hours. Nephrolepis tolerates penumbra well, which allows the flower to be used for landscaping dark corners of the house. For even growth, rotate plants every week with different sides to the light source. The windows of the western or northern side of buildings are suitable for keeping nephrolepis.

    When grown in the south or east, the fern is deepened into the room or shaded with a light tulle curtain. The optimal daylight hours for nephrolepis should be at least 14 hours a day. Reducing the length of daylight hours will encourage plants to go dormant and slow down development. In order for the flower not to suffer when kept warm during the winter months, artificial lighting can be used. Fluorescent lamps or special phytolamps can be used as light sources at this time.

    2.11 Spraying

    Nephrolepis does not like drafts and placement near heating appliances. Take the flower to another room when airing on cold winter days. Humidity can be increased by placing the fern on a tray of wet pebbles, or by surrounding the pot with a layer of moist sphagnum moss. Make sure that the surface of the water in the pan does not touch the bottom of the pot directly. Spray the plant with room temperature water in the morning so that the water droplets evaporate from large wai before nightfall.

    A room humidifier or any container of water placed in close proximity to the plants will well increase the humidity of the air. Evaporating naturally for a long time, the water will humidify the air near the flower. Placing several plants with large leaves in a limited space also contributes to an increase in atmospheric humidity. Ventilate the rooms where the fern is kept - it likes to be in rooms with constant air circulation.

    2.12. Purpose

    An adult fern is a majestic ampelous plant, its fronds will hang in a beautiful cascade over the edge of a hanging basket. Feels great in bathrooms, where the humidity is quite high. Nephrolepis is often used in spacious rooms with artificial lighting - for example, it often decorates offices and hotel lobbies.

    2.13 Note

    Sometimes plants of this species, due to errors in the conditions of detention, look almost dead, but the plant is able to re-grow beautiful fronds from the rhizome, so do not rush to throw it away. Able to live for a very long time indoors with proper care. Fern is able to purify the air in rooms from many harmful impurities - for example, it effectively removes formaldehyde and toluene. Phytoncides contained in fronds are released into the atmosphere of living rooms and help fight viruses.


    3. Varieties:

    3.1. Nephrolepis cordifolia - Nephrolepis cordifolia

    A rather large evergreen fern with linear fronds that reach 90 cm in height and are only 8 cm wide. The fronds are deeply carved, as if consisting of long, glossy leaves arranged alternately. There are sporangia from the lower part of the leaves, but most often this fern is spread by rhizomes.

    3.2. Nephrolepis Boston - Nephrolepis bostoniensis

    Very delicate, beautiful, green, lacy fern with erect or drooping fronds, which looks great when grown as an ampelous plant in a hanging planter. The fronds are narrow, long, with alternate light green leaves. On the reverse side, along the edges of the leaves are brown sporangia.

    3.3. Nephrolepis sublime or Exaltata - Nephrolepis exaltata

    Evergreen ferns, individual specimens have completely different sizes - from 50 cm in height to 2.5 m. The width of the fronds reaches 6 - 15 cm. On the fronds there are green, glossy, oblong leaves 2 to 8 cm long. edge. Young leaves appear tightly curled in the form of a shell in the center of the rosette, as adults they straighten out, and then become gracefully curved in the form of an arc.

    Nephrolepis curly is a variety of sublime nephrolepis.

    3.4. Nephrolepis xiphoid - Nephrolepis biserrata

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Plant nephrolepis (lat. Nephrolepis) belongs to the genus of ferns of the Lomariopsis family, in some classifications it belongs to the Davallia family. The Latin name is formed from the Greek words "nephros" and "lepis", meaning "kidney" and "scales" in translation and containing a hint of the shape of the coverlet. About 30 species of nephrolepis grow in nature, distributed throughout the world, however, the birthplace of the nephrolepis plant is the shady forests of the tropics of Africa, America, Australia and Southeast Asia. In culture, the nephrolepis fern is used as a pot or ampelous culture to decorate interiors - besides the fact that nephrolepis is very beautiful, it perfectly purifies the air.

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Planting and caring for nephrolepis

  • Bloom: does not bloom.
  • Lighting: diffused light (near the window, as well as on the north, west or east windowsill). The plant needs 14-16 hours of daylight.
  • Temperature: during the growing season - 20-24 ˚C, during the dormant period - about 15 ˚C.
  • Watering: The higher the temperature in the room, the more often and more abundantly you need to water. There is only one principle: the substrate is moistened as the top layer of soil in the pot dries.
  • Air humidity: increased. Frequent spraying, occasional showers and wet pebbles are recommended.
  • Top dressing: from March to September 3-4 times a month with complex fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants. In conditions of wintering in a warm room, one top dressing per month is enough.
  • rest period: from October to February.
  • Transfer: young plants are transplanted annually, adults - once every 2-3 years.
  • Reproduction: only vegetatively: offspring, shoots and division of the bush.
  • Pests: aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, rootworms and scale insects.
  • Diseases: loss of decorative effect due to improper care and dry air.

Read more about growing nephrolepis below.

Fern nephrolepis - description

Nephrolepis flower is a herbaceous plant, epiphytic or terrestrial, with a short rhizome, a rosette of light green, short-petiolate pinnate leaves up to 70 cm long, consisting of lanceolate, serrate-crenate segments up to 5 cm long along the edge, on the underside of which on both sides the midrib contains rounded sori. With age, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Leafless shoots extend from the rhizome, covered with scales and easily rooted.

Care for nephrolepis at home

How to care for nephrolepis

If you decide to purchase indoor nephrolepis, then you first need to familiarize yourself with the conditions for its cultivation. Indoor fern nephrolepis prefers diffused light, so it would be better to place it near a window where direct sunlight does not reach.

If you prefer to keep flowers on the windowsills, windows of northern, western or eastern orientation are suitable for nephrolepis. However, the length of daylight hours in the natural habitats of the plant is 14-16 hours, so if you want to see the Nephrolepis home fern in its best shape, be prepared to organize additional lighting for it. Nephrolepis is tolerant of fluorescent lamps, so it can often be seen in hotel lobbies and large office centers.

The optimum temperature regime for a fern in the warm season is 20-24 ºC, but with frequent spraying of leaves, it can withstand higher temperatures. In winter, comfortable conditions for a resting nephrolepis are a temperature of about 15 ºC, but the main thing is to keep the plant as far away from heating devices as possible. If you do not have the opportunity to place the plant in a cool room during the dormant period, leave it in its usual place and continue spraying and watering - nephrolepis will continue to develop, although not as intensively as in the summer.

Nephrolepis fern care includes regular feeding of the plant with complex fertilizers for decorative foliage plants at a concentration equal to one fourth of that indicated by the manufacturers. Top dressing is applied about three to four times a month from March to September - subject to a cool wintering, the plant does not need fertilizers for the rest of the year. If the fern stays warm in winter, then you can feed nephrolepis in winter no more than once a month.

Watering nephrolepis

As for watering nephrolepis, its frequency and water consumption at a time depend on the temperature in the room: the higher it is, the more often and more abundant watering should be. Let the topsoil in the pot dry out between waterings. If in winter the indoor plant nephrolepis rests in cool conditions, it does not need frequent watering and a lot of water - watering is carried out as the top layer of the soil dries.

In order to organize a high humidity regime for the plant in the warm season, it is recommended to spray its leaves with non-cold, settled water as often as possible and it is advisable to arrange a nephrolepis shower at least once a month. You can keep the fern on a tray with wet pebbles or expanded clay so that the bottom of the pot does not touch the water. By the way, you also need to water nephrolepis with settled or filtered water at room temperature.

Nephrolepis transplant

Young ferns are transplanted every spring, adults - once every two to three years. It is preferable to grow nephrolepis in a plastic container rather than in a ceramic container - plastic retains moisture in the soil longer. Since the root system of the plant is superficial, choose a shallow wide pot for it. Before transplanting nephrolepis, place a layer of expanded clay in a new pot so that excess water does not stagnate in the roots of the plant, then place a layer of substrate in it.

The soil for nephrolepis should be light: high-moor peat, greenhouse and coniferous land in equal parts. It is advisable to add a little bone meal to the soil mixture in the proportion of 5 g per 1 kg of soil. If you don’t want to mess with the preparation of the soil mixture, purchase a ready-made acidic fern substrate from the store, although Nephrolepis and camellia soil will do, calla or hydrangeas with a pH of 4.5-5.5. When transplanting, the root collar is left above the soil surface. A transplanted plant needs at first constantly moist soil and high humidity.

Pests and diseases of nephrolepis

Nephrolepis at home, with insufficient care, is affected by whiteflies, aphids, scale insects and spider mites. You can deal with these harmful insects by treating the plant. insecticides Aktellik, Aktara and similar drugs.

Sometimes readers ask the question why nephrolepis leaves dry. Most often, nephrolepis dries out from insufficient or rare watering. If only the tips of the leaves dry, this is a sign that the room has a low level of air humidity for the plant.

If the leaves turn brown, curl up and fall off, drafts, low temperatures, or watering with cold, chlorinated or hard water may be the cause. When dry spots appear on the leaves of a fern, most likely these are traces of burns from direct sunlight.

Nephrolepis properties

It is believed that nephrolepis absorbs energy and electromagnetic radiation harmful to humans, improves immunity, inspires vigor, purifies the air of dust and harmful fumes. You can keep nephrolepis at home by placing it near the TV or next to the computer, or you can grow it in the office, and everywhere it will be in place. Psychologists say that the neighborhood with nephrolepis reveals perseverance, perseverance and prudence in a person - just the qualities that we all lack so much, but it should be borne in mind that tobacco smoke reduces the effect of these wonderful properties of the plant.

Nephrolepis plant - reproduction

How does nephrolepis reproduce?

Nephrolepis reproduces by dividing the rhizome, shoots and offspring. The fact is that many varieties of this genus are sterile, and even if they form spores, they do not convey the characteristics of the mother plant. That is why nephrolepis is propagated vegetatively at home.

Reproduction of nephrolepis by dividing the bush

Usually the bush is divided in the spring, at the same time as the plant is transplanted. You can only divide a large plant that has several points of growth. Delenki, each of which must have at least one growth point, are seated in a separate plastic container, watered and rooted, creating conditions of high humidity at a temperature of 15-18 ºC. However, do not expect quick successes: for normal development, delenki need to build up the root system, and this takes time.

Reproduction of nephrolepis offspring

Mustaches of nephrolepis (leafless shoots) are taken aside and added dropwise to a bowl with light soil to a depth of 0.5-0.8 cm, leaving the tops above the surface. During the rooting of the offspring, the soil in the bowl should be slightly damp all the time. After 10-15 days, the offspring take root, and after a while new shoots appear. When the seedlings get stronger, they are separated from the mother plant and transplanted into individual containers.

Types and varieties of nephrolepis

Not many types of nephrolepis are grown in culture, but we will tell you about the most popular ferns.

Nephrolepis sublime (Nephrolepis exaltata)

In nature, an epiphyte or terrestrial herbaceous plant with a vertical rhizome, on which a rosette of large, pinnate light green leaves up to 70 cm long, on short petioles develops. The leaves consist of lanceolate segments up to 5 cm long, serrate-crenate along the edges. As the leaves turn yellow and fall off. On the lower side of the segments on both sides of the midrib, sori with spores mature. On the rhizome, lashes (stolons) covered with scales are formed, which take root easily. Nephrolepis sublime comes from the tropical regions of Southeast Asia. This species has many garden forms and varieties:

  • Roosevelt's nephrolepis is a large fern with fronds sticking out in different directions with wavy segments;
  • nephrolepis Maas - a compact variety with wavy leaves;
  • Scott's nephrolepis is also a small plant with segments twisted around the edges;
  • Nephrolepis Green Lady - a very beautiful fern with a lush fountain of openwork wavy leaves with a pointed top, crowning a vertically located rhizome;
  • Emin's nephrolepis is a low-growing compact variety with almost erect fronds with curly leaves in carved teeth along the edges;
  • Boston nephrolepis, or Boston nephrolepis, is a straight-growing plant that was bred in the USA and literally immediately became popular with breeders: on its basis, varieties with double-, triple- and four-pinnate fronds, reaching a length of 120 cm, were bred, the segments of which, depending on varieties can be wavy or twisted:
  • Nephrolepis Hills and Fluffy Raffles are ferns with double-pinnate leaves;
  • Whitman's nephrolepis - a plant with three-pinnate leaves;
  • Smith's nephrolepis is a nephrolepis with four pinnate leaves.

Nephrolepis cordifolia (Nephrolepis cordifolia)

It differs from sublime nephrolepis in swellings on underground shoots, similar to tubers, covered with silver or white scales, and also in that its fronds with a denser, sometimes tiled arrangement of segments rounded in shape, are directed upwards almost vertically. Nephrolepis cordifolia comes from the subtropical forests of both hemispheres, this species has been cultivated since 1841, it is often used to make bouquets.

Nephrolepis xiphoid (Nephrolepis biserrata)

Native to Central America. Differs in long leaves, sometimes in greenhouse conditions reaching 2-2.5 m in length. It is possible to grow xiphoid nephrolepis only in large rooms.

Nephrolepis - signs

The nephrolepis fern is a very popular plant, maybe that's why there are legends about it, it is the central character of many superstitions and signs. Some talk about the positive effect of the plant on human health and the environment, others attribute witchcraft properties to nephrolepis that can influence the fate of a person. An ancient legend tells that none of the people could see a fern flower, because on the night of Ivan Kupala, when it blooms, an invisible hand rips it off, and all sorts of mystical horrors await those who go into the forest in search of this flower.

Another belief says that the fern scares away evil spirits, protects the house from evil witchcraft and black magic, not allowing the evil eye or damage to be cast on the owners. They also argue that the fern brings success in business, has a positive effect on material well-being - it attracts money to the house, protects its owners from irrational acts and impulsive spending. They say that there were cases of sudden enrichment, which are associated with the presence of a fern in the house.

If people of different temperaments live in the house, the fern contributes to the establishment of good harmonious relations between them. Under the influence of his aura, the aggressive manifestations of the character of people are softened, irascibility disappears, confrontation is smoothed out. This is probably why nephrolepis is called the “golden mean” plant.

decorative leafy Shade-tolerant Plants on H ferns Nephrolepisaceae

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