How much can oil in gasoline for chainsaws. Varieties of motor oils, their appointment

For household appliances, such as chainsaws, high-quality fuel is important as well as for a beloved horse fresh food and water. Selecting it is important not to overdo it, and do not save, but strictly adhere to the rules and recommendations. Otherwise, the technique, as well as the horse, one day will refuse to fulfill obligations assigned to it, affected by poor-quality food. After all, excess oil will leave the nagar inside the device, and the disadvantage will lead to premature wear of parts, and as a result - repair.

Proportions of oil and gasoline for chainsaw

It is no secret that many saws require that the use of fuel mixtures, and not separately spilled gasoline and oil for the fuel system. Only some manufacturers are such an option that allows you to monitor the state of the fuel system and do not bother the formation of a mixture of gasoline and oil in the appropriate proportion.

The proportions of gasoline and oil for chainsaws Stihl

Each of the manufacturers of such sawmills considers the rule to invent their own proportions of oil and gasoline, which significantly complicates the life of users. And only some of them create special meansallowing to mix fuel and lubricants in the desired ratio. The company includes the company Stihl.


This manufacturer not only creates its own sawing technique, but also offers its buyers consumables in the appropriate container, which allows you to mix materials in the desired proportion and measured them according to the rules developed by STIHL.

If you get them without such a container, you will have to mix them in a given proportion, namely 1 to 50, i.e. 2% of STIHL oil per 100% gasoline, provided that the two-stroke engine saw has a power of 1.5 kW and above. Otherwise, the proportion of 1 to 40 is applied.

Proportions of oil and gasoline for chainsaws Husqvarna

Similar rules are offered to use and manufacturers from Husqvarna. They also create their own materials for lubrication, including two-stroke oils for chainsaw engines.
As for the auxiliary devices, their company Husqvarna also produces. These are not only standard containers with divisions for measurement, but also for transportation containers, including pairs connected for greater use.

Proportion of oil and gasoline for chainsaws Partner

Some other mysterious rules for their saws chose Partner. Canadian manufacturers manufacture techniques for other standards and technologies, therefore, they have the requirements for fuel mixtures. So, for two-stroke engines, they recommend using a mixture of oil and fuel in the proportion of 1 to 33, which is much larger than the competitors.

Like any technically complicated product, gasoline saw requires proper care and maintenance. Careful use of the tool - this is just half an end.

Much depends on the timely replacement of consumables. Two-stroke and chain oil - the main consumables, the correct work with which the maximum life of the chainsaw will increase.

Basic brands of two-stroke oils

Full answer to the question - What to use oil for chainsaws, lies not only in the technical part. The modern buyer is also interested in the marketing component.

As in many other areas, in the field of oils can be noted economy class for lovers and semi-professional and professional products for those who use a gasoline tool daily.

  • Economy. In this case, the category is not in vain is economical. Lithing bottle Two-stroke mineral oil can be purchased at a price of 150-200 rubles. Such products are presented on russian market under the rezer brand;
  • Semi-professional class. One of the representatives of such a category is the famous brand OREGON - all sorts of consumables for gasoline saws are sold under this brand. The manufacturer has long established itself as a qualitative supplier of such products with relatively low prices. For example, Oregon two-stroke oil liter costs from 350 to 500 rubles;
  • Professional category. One of the leaders in this niche is the brand stihl. Like a gasoline tool itself, consumables Under this brand is intended for professionals. The liter oil capacity for the two-stroke engine will cost the consumer in 600-800 rubles, but in this case the price fully corresponds to the quality.

What type of oil is used for chainsaw chains

The working element of the gasoline saw is the sawmaker consisting of a guide tire, a spaced asterisk and chains. In order to ensure the maximum duration of work and the greatest effectiveness of these elements, it is necessary to make timely service according to the manufacturer's regulation.

The chain oil is consumable, the presence and quality of which directly affects the life of the saw apparatus.

The selection of the chain oil is not as folded as, for example, oils for the two-stroke engine. Many experienced petrol saw users converge in the opinion that the lubricating fluid for the chain may be of any type of oil. The exception is working out, since it beneficial features Already lost, so its use is unacceptable.

Engine Chainsaws is the "heart" of the tool, so it is very important to use a properly prepared fuel mixture.

Fuel mixture for chainsaws Prepared from two components - oil and gasoline. Chainsaws are equipped with two-stroke engines, so oil is added not to the lubricant system (like a four-stroke engine), but directly to gasoline. At the same time, it is very important to observe the correct proportions of the ingredients, of course, in no case try to work on pure gasoline, because in this way you will quickly "kill" a chain saw.

Oil must be intended for two-stroke engines of gardening and forest equipment (That is, in no case cannot use oil for boat engines or scooters). As the practice shows this can be bought at any store or service centerwhere there are chainsaws or maintenance of the latter.

If we talk about what gasoline to fill in chainsaw, it will be optimally used fuel with an octane number A-95.In this case, the savings on the stuff can turn into deplorable. Often european manufacturers Indicate that gasoline A-90 or A-92 can be used, but in the post-Soviet countries the quality of gasoline is inferior to European, so in our realities it is better to use better gasoline.

As for Samoa the proportions of the benzo-oil mixtureHere everything is simple: you need to follow the instructions for the instrument. All manufacturers of chainsaw indicate the necessary relationship in the instruction manual or in the instrument passport, in addition to the proportion for refueling, chainsaws may differ depending on the chain saw model. As a rule, the proportion of oil and gasoline to the chainsaw of eminent producers is a ratio of 1:40 or 1:50, which means 1 part of the oil on, for example, 40 parts of gasoline. Now arithmetic 1 l gasoline \u003d 1000 ml of gasoline, divide by 40 and get 25ml oil. If you perform the same actions to the ratio 1:50, then we get 20 ml oil on 1 liter of gasoline. As for budget chainsaw of Chinese production, the situation is slightly different. The ratio of gasoline and oil for chainsaws made in China. 1:25, that is, 1000ml gasoline divide on 25, we get 40ml oil. The fact is that in branded chainsaws, the strong assembly and the distance between pistons and cylinders in the engine is much less than the Chinese chainsaw, therefore required amount Oils differ almost twice.

In order to measure the proper portion of the oil, use the usual medical syringe sufficient volume.

Another subtlety - In a dry canister for gasoline, first pour gasoline, and then oil. The procedure on the contrary is fraught with a low-quality fuel mixture, because the oil is more denser, the canister sticks to the bottom - what is good mixing here.

Be sure to prepare the fuel mixture in the canister and pour into the benzobak already ready-made special curtain! Never cook and do not mix it directly in the fuel tank chainsaws!

If with the question how to breed gasoline for chainsaws, then on the conditions of storage and timing of the fuel mixture It is worth saying a few words. It is best to prepare a benzo-oil mixture to 1 liter of gasoline, it is recommended to do it immediately before work with the tool. Fuel tanks chainsaws have a volume from 0.3 to 1 liter. In conditions household use For one session, the entire volume of cooked combustible mixture is rare, so the residue can be saved until the next session. Store the fuel mixture is necessary in a special canister for gasoline, in a dry dark place. Optimally expect that the shelf life of the finished mixture will be 7-10 days. The fact is that the oil presented now on the market is not synthetic, but organic, that is, natural. After 10 days, all lubricants are lost, gasoline simply "eats" oil. Naturally, it is impossible to use such a fuel, it can cause a breakdown and failure of chainsaws.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to drain the fuel mixture, start a chainsaw, the tool will stall (so that the saw has a dry carburetor) and now you can leave it until the next session of operation.

Unsuitable fuel mixture must be disposed of.

» Gasoline gasoline - how to dilute and why it is done

At the heart of the chainsaw of different firms laid a two-stroke engine of internal combustion, which actuates the cutting headset of the tool. To actuate the engine, gasoline proportions are used for chainsaw. Gasoline compound with oil is mandatory procedure, so if you just bought a tool, then you need to understand the features of his refueling.

Why is gasoline mixes with oil to refuel chainsaw

Gasoline with butter is needed to avoid the failure of the engine. The reason for this is constructive features Two-stroke motor lubrication systems. In the design of such engines there is no chamber for pouring engine oil, and if fueling the fuel without lubricating material, then the crankshaft, the piston, bearings and rods will not receive lubricant. This will significantly reduce the service life of all listed parts, so it is prohibited to pour clean fuel.

Gasoline and oil for chainsaws are required in the corresponding proportions, which makes it possible to effectively lubricate the driving parts. The lack of lubricant or its excess will lead to negative consequences in the form of nagar education. So that the tool worked properly, you need to refill it from the first day of operation of the tool quality materials, but also comply with the correct proportions.

It's important to know! In the two-stroke engine, gasoline is required with an octane number not lower than 92. Many experts argue that it is possible to fill a Russian or Ukrainian type of fuel only with an octane number, not less than 95, which is associated with its low quality.

So that the engine worked properly, the main thing is pure a clean fuel without contamination.

The ratio of gasoline and oil for chainsaw

Proportions of oil and gasoline to refill two-stroke engines chainsaw different marks It is 40 k 1 or 50 K 1. Such a relation is standard, which are used not only newcomers, but also experienced pins. It is like this ratio for the preparation of the fuel mixture is close to the perfect, and provides lubrication of the crushing parts of the crank-connecting mechanism and the piston.

The proportions of the preparation of the fuel mixture

It is interesting! Before mixing petroleum products, external factors should be taken into account. If the chainsaw is new, then it requires running around, and for this you need to add to a fuel at 20% more than standard values. 20% more lubricating material is also required to add if the tool is performed when low temperatures.

How many oils need to pour into gasoline in milliliters? Obtained on ml of oil and gasoline proportions 1 to 50 is 20 ml per 1 liter. To prepare the right mixture, you should dial in plastic bottle 1 liter of gasoline, and breed it with 20 ml of oil. To correctly measure how much oil pouring, you should take a special dimensional container, and fill it to the corresponding mark. If it is immediately planned to prepare 2 liters of fuel, then this amount of gasoline needs to add 40 ml of lubricant material.

There are other ratios that offer different manufacturers. These values \u200b\u200bare slightly different, but if you read other values \u200b\u200bin the instrument passport, you must be required to stick. The value of 1 to 50 or 40 is standardized. Pour on 1 liter of fuel 15 ml oil summer time, and in the winter to add no less than 20-25 ml. Knowing the recipe for the preparation of the mixture, should be understood even in the question, what gasoline to fill in a chainsaw?

Gasoline and petrol oil - what better

Often, newcomers are asked, and what better to take gasoline for his tool? In order not to make a mistake in the choice, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the instrument. In the instructions, each manufacturer indicates the corresponding fuel brand. If the manufacturer indicates that the octane number should not be below 95, it is not recommended to pour 92 gasoline.

Now we will understand which oil is better to take chainsaws for motors. For such purposes, special oils are used. Take motor oils of car engine oils for the preparation of the fuel mixture are prohibited. For chainsaws, you need to buy lubricant for two-stroke engines that are on sale not only in specialized centers, but also in online stores.

It's important to know! It is necessary to distinguish that manufacturers are produced for chainsaw two types of lubricants - for chains and engines. Chain materials are poured into a separate tank of the tool, and they are spent on the lubricant chain during the chainsaw.

Motor oils for two-stroke engines are produced by such manufacturers:

  • Stihl.
  • Kreissman.
  • Sadko.
  • Husqvarna.

Typically, the ratio is indicated on a bottle with a lubricant material, so it will be difficult to get confused with the preparation of the fuel mixture even beginners. With no pretext, do not use the development even as a lubricating material of the chain. This will lead to the fact that they will soon need to repair the tool.

Instructions for fueling fuel in chainsaw

Knowing the ratio of the preparation of a benzo-oil mixture, you can proceed to it. The instruction for refueling has the following form:

  1. First you need to prepare the mixture. Connecting two main components, you should carefully stir them
  2. The tool is located on a clean and smooth surface. Before unscrewing the gas tank cover, it is necessary to clean or blow sawdust, dust and pollution
  3. Tank neck should look up
  4. Set a small watering can in the neck, after which fuel fuel
  5. Control the refueling process, as the tank volume is small, so it is quickly filled
  6. Pour not up to a complete maximum, since when closing the tank cover, the remains of fuel will spill out
  7. After the fuel is flooded into the tank, immediately need to top up the lubricant for the chain
  8. Fuel consumption and lubrication chains are approximately the same, so and to fill both tanks at the same time
  9. After refueling, you can proceed to the start of the motor

Motor starts better not at the place where refueling was carried out, but to move for a distance of 2-3 m. The tool is ready for operation, and you can start it. How the chainsaw engine is started, you can read in this material (link).

What will happen if pouring the work on the chainsaw

If you do not want your chainsaw to refuse at a inappropriate moment, use exceptionally high-quality fuel and lubricants. Mix through gasoline is prohibited. The reasons are the following factors:

  • Another viscosity of the material, so the development is not able to ensure efficient lubrication of the driving parts and mechanisms
  • The development contains small particles of metal and chips, which fall into the tank, will result in clogging the fuel filter and channel. If the lubricant falls into the cylinder together with small particles, they will leave their imprint in the form of accelerated wear of piston rings
  • Selection large number black smoke that talks about oil burning

Pumping surrogate materials can not be not only in the tank with gasoline, but also in the tank for lubricating the chain. What will happen if you use a hole in a tank for lubrication chain, you can see on video.

Using the instruction, you can independently prepare the right fuel mixture on which the chainsaw will work. If the fuel mixture is incorrectly, not only the tool resource is reduced, but also its performance is reduced.

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  • High-quality fuel;
  • Proportions;
  • Tools and mixing technology.

Fuel quality

If you want the tool to perform its work on perfectly and served more than one year, it is necessary to ensure its fuel and lubricant material.


According to experts, it is necessary to use unleaded fuel with an octane number exceeding 90. The ideal is considered gasoline A92 and AI92. You can also use the 95th, but there is an opinion that it is better to refrain from such a kind of gasoline, since some of them are made on the basis of the 92nd with additives. The latter, in turn, though harmless to 4 clock automotive engines, but they will be superfluous for "sensitive" mechanisms of 2 clock motors.


By international Classification For chainsaws, oils apply the following labels:

  • API-TB;
  • API-TS;
  • Jaso-fb;
  • Jaso-Fd.

To the question: "What brand use motor oil?" - In full, the instructions for the product will respond, because for each model, the manufacturer forms an individual list of materials. It is best to adhere to these recommendations, a breakdown of the product due to poor-quality supplies is a non-warranty case. In this case, the owner of the goods (buyer) pays for repair on its own (the amount can reach up to 80% of the cost of chainsaws). If for any reason the manufacturer's recommendation cannot be executed, try to follow the following rules:

  • Use oil only for 2 clock engines;
  • Do not use the material after the expiration date;
  • It is strictly forbidden to add tooling (it contains many unnecessary impurities - harmful chainsaws for the central mechanism);
  • It is impossible to use a chain lubricant (for each device: chains and engine - it is yours);
  • Preferably, the use of synthetics or semi-synthetic (when working it almost does not form combustion products, but the price of such a material is higher than that of mineral oils).


There are several options for the ratio of fuel and lubricant. As a rule, this number ranges from 20 to 50 ml of oil per 1 liter of gasoline.

Repeat, it is necessary to be guided by the instructions for the product or recommendations specified on the oil label (instruction priority). For the absence of those, before breeding gasoline, it is necessary to pay attention to the product capacity indicator, since the proportion created directly depends on it.

For chainsaw with power:

  • Up to 1.5 kW Recommended ratio of 25 ml of oil per 1 liter of gasoline;
  • Above 1.5 kW of 20 ml / l.

The gasoline for chainsaws is allowed to add an oil slightly more recommended proportions (up to 5 ml per 1 liter). It should be extremely attentive, because non-compliance with the proportions can lead to breakage, and as a result, costly repair.

If you dilute gasoline with a large volume of oil, then in the process of operation, the number of shock loads on the cylindrophone system will be increased, and can also be formed to form a CSG.

Adding to gasoline for chainsaws of a small amount of oil can lead to insufficient lubrication of the surfaces of moving elements, which will lead to additional friction of the elements and their heating with the subsequent malfunction of the entire mechanism.


Not only the quality and proportion of fuel and lubricants is important (although it is dominant in this matter), but where and how (how) gasoline oil for chainsaw is diluted.

Technology provides for the use of tanks with measuring divisions, some brands (along with chainsaws and oil) produce containers for mixing and storing fuel. They are produced from special non-combustible material. They are produced in the forms of canister or bottles, often endowed with dimensional lines, and some of them have two inputs (separate for each type of gas lines).

Often, applying tools are used for mixing:

  • Plastic / glass bottles;
  • Syringe (without a needle);
  • Measuring glasses;

Using household Tools Be extremely careful because in the process of mixing when combustible material interacts with the surface of non-specialized containers, static electricity may occur - this is fraught with an explosion. In the manufacture of the mixture, oil is added to gasoline, since it has greater density.


It is recommended to breed fuel in a small amount without surplus. It is impossible to store such a mixture for a long time (gasoline properties are lost), maximum up to 25-30 days. Upon completion of the work, it will not be superfluous to drain the remains of fuel and at idle to work out its resource. This is explained by the fact that the storage of the mixture in the tank of the product increases the wear of the seals.

Remember, the use of high-quality fuel and compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations guarantees a long and fruitful operation of the product.