The name of the husband on the table. How to find out the name of the future husband

Divination in the name of the future husband on the table is based on observations and allegations that the same letters in your name and the name of your chosen one affect the relationship. If when choosing a satellite, you will pay attention to the coincidence in your names at least one consonant, it increases the chance of a happy marriage. And if two or more such letters, then it guarantees happy life With such a person. Everyone can remember the pattern in their love adventures, when he was charming at first glance and could not forget his love for a long time. If, for example, Elena analyzes which names these guys have, it will notice a certain pattern, in all names there is a letter "L" is Ilya, Vitaly, Alexander or Vladimir.

You can in advance for any name to determine the main features of the character of its owner. From the table of letters of the Russian alphabet, you will learn a set of features that the future husband possesses or another subject you are interested in. In addition, he will have a lot of other features acquired by him from the influence of the planets at the moment of birth or inherited from the parents. But the features caused by the influence of sounds that make up his name will be in front of you as on the palm. The fact that the name given at birth determines its character and fate of a person, no one is in doubt. An explanation for this phenomenon is easy to find: each sound component of the name is a wave of a strictly defined frequency. Sound waves act on the owner name at the moments when the surrounding call it by name.

In medicine it is known that each frequency of the wave affects the body in its own way. Each sound in the name, for example, a, o or and is different sound waves that form a variety of mental qualities, for example, caution or keenness. And the leitmotif of the life of a person possessing in his name, for example, the sound of t becomes a passion for a variety of trifles. So you can only conquer the heart of Tatiana only on the edge of the abyss or an unexpected explosion of emotions. But men who are ready to grasp the surprise, is not enough, so there are also a little capable of conquering her heart. All these observations fully apply to men in fortune investment on the future of relationships.

Fortune telling on the table of letters of the Russian alphabet

The divination in the name of the future husband on the table is to determine the same letters in the composition of their names, and hence the same character traits. Such people willingly draw each other due to the wave resonance, when the waves of the same frequency facing space, significantly enhance each other and increase their energy. Meeting a man, something similar to himself, you feel the raised mood and tide of strength. Such happy moments of life can be predicted if you know the true nature of the behavior of others. Knowing the secret meanings of sounds in the name will allow you to skillfully build a personal life and anticipate the vitality of vitality and the fate of any person associated with his name.




Basic character traits

Sound decryption example in behalf


Hard work as a natural need, especially if the work is beloved Alexey loves comfort, and all his efforts are aimed at multiplying their own amenities, and Anton is a talented worker, spends energy for the well-being of those who are dear to His heart, and Alexander and Anatoly will achieve a lot in commerce and creating own house, and Andrey is lucky in business
==== ==================== =========================================
B. Lover of acute sensations, dizzying love, risky travel and risks in commerce Boris Culking and indomitable, a rich amur life does not end with him, and Bronislav moves the brides and does not marry for a long time, in life they are usually lucky
==== ==================== =========================================
IN Man carefully planning his life and scrupulously incarnating his fantasies Valery has quite earthvelops and stubbornly achieve them, his heart is easier to conquer fundamental intentions, and not adventurous passionate promises, from Vadim, it will be a good leader, hardworking and purposeful, fall in love and strongly, and Vladimir is very enterprising and compatible, often achieves high position in Society, in love
==== ==================== =========================================
G. Characteristic feature - intolerance and squeamishness George loves order and purity, does not like unprofessional artists and singers, refuses the burnt cake, loves neat and cheerful people, can part in marriage with anyone, as it will always find something
==== ==================== =========================================
D. Courage, the desire to be always first, rarely thinking about the consequences of their actions Dmitry is associated with the impostor, he dare, charming and cruel, first rushes into battle, rarely thinks how it threatens, it is often punished for it, and David has an incomplete physical strength and does not endure a lie
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E. The desire for power and infertility, all human thoughts are visible to the naked eye Egor gentle and stubborn, over time leaves less and less living space around, and Evgeny is a big visionary, very jealous, but quarrels avoids to the last
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J. The desire for aesthetic perfection and completion Georges lives like on stage, in his costume everything is thought out of the laces to the cufflink, it will not tolerate the missing device from another service on the table, in best case Invite fewer friends
==== ==================== =========================================
Z. Reliability to other people's problems and readiness to help Zakhar defenseless to other people's accusations, trouble free and ready to help, even to the detriment of his own interests, the household and trusts his wife, often marries a woman with a child
==== ==================== =========================================
AND Circumstance and foundation, sanity and suspension in words and actions Ivan soberly looks at the world, does not trust the adventurous proposals, it has a wonderful feeling of harmony, values \u200b\u200bmarriage, and Ilya is extremely economic and kind, but sometimes quick-tempered
==== ==================== =========================================
J. Fear for the well-being of your body, often unreasonable Vitaly is purposeful, faithful in marriage, fears to lose his wife's love and reacts with great anxiety to changes in his sex potency
==== ==================== =========================================
TO Mystery and secrecy, trick and stubbornness Cyril is delicten and does not want to hurt the feelings of others, he is purposeful and able to subdue the actions of other achievement of its plans, as a rule, does not change his wife, but can secretly collect, for example, brands and does not want others to know about it
==== ==================== =========================================
L. Family of bodily comfort, soft touches and delicacies Leo appreciates an apartment without drafts, a complete fridge of delicious products and soft chair By the fireplace with a glass of a liqueur, not a scandalist, loves his wife for loyalty and kindness
==== ==================== =========================================
M. Traveler and experimenter, amateur to experience and try on your own experience Mikhail quickly focuses in an unfamiliar situation, poorly tolerates loneliness, calm and patient, and Maxim is a rich imagination and the desire for a variety of knowledge and impressions
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N. Very high selectivity in heart attachments, words and actions Nikita knows the price, go directly to the goal, very devoted son, with his wife prefers not to divorce, and Nikolai puts a lot of strength into the device of his own home
==== ==================== =========================================
ABOUT Conservative by nature with principles that make it possible Oleg absorbs the worldview of his mother so firmly that he disappears in a different look at the world, so his wife is easier to become a mother-like mother-in-law than trying to remake her husband
==== ==================== =========================================
P The conqueror of the vertex is not for the sake of glory and autographs, but in order to overcome its inaccessibility Peter will not delay in the chair of the head, he seeks ahead, to new heights, and Paul does his work so that it does not have to customize him
==== ==================== =========================================
R Distinctive feature - loyalty to the word and the chosen goal Roman in love and passionen, with the birth of children becomes an excellent father and the leader in the family, without excessive stubbornness and dictates, and Rudolph is extremely talented and hardworking, knows how to bring the case to the desired completion
==== ==================== =========================================
FROM Sparkiness and fame, shine and glory Sergey will not remain unnoticed, attracting attention to theatrical stage or police reports, and Stanislav even cares for the future wife not as everyone, causing these ridiculous friends and acquaintances
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T. Passion for a variety and frequent change, especially in trifles Timofey is impulsive and persistent, inquisitive and moved, he has a lot of ideas that he is ready to share with others, he is tireless in search of the opportunity to meet with an interesting person for him
==== ==================== =========================================
W. The ability to thoroughly hide most of its intentions, trick in achieving the goal Ruslan was created for political games, he is able to find a common language, both with like-minded people, and with opponents, but the enemy should not expect mercy from him, his perseverance on the way to glory will meet everyone in its path
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F. Ability to defend their interests, business and purposefulness Fedor will achieve in the life of everything, he will create a house with prosperity, will lead to him working his wife and will give a ticket to his children, does not like a rush, so impatient women may not wait for his sentences hands and hearts
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H. Responsiveness and willingness to come to the rescue Mikhail perceives someone else's pain as his own, the easiest to find healing from mental wounds and assistance to the act or advice
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C. A person who has this letter in his name personifies hope for the best In Russia, rarely meet names with this sound
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C. The desire to provide disinterested care of the neighbor, the desire for justice Vyacheslav is always ready to help exclusively from the knightly generosity and the latitude of the soul, it is difficult to put up with injustice
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Sh Clarity of thought B. extreme situations and coldness in everyday life Rashid is not amenable to panic and soberly assesses circumstances, he will quickly find a way out of any hopeless position.
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B Installs an element of insecurity Albert, Ilya and Oles Easy wounds and touchy, a little skeptics and never believe in the word
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E. Calcality, the desire of wealth, wealth and personal happiness at any cost Eduard helpful and generous, but should not be dedicated, behind this is worth the usual calculation, politeness may disappear in the blink of an eye as soon as it affects his personal interests.
==== ==================== =========================================
YU Purposefulness, overestimated assessment of its own abilities and excessive romanticization of others Yuri is capable of working capacity, but often it is based on the representation of its exclusivity, monochief in the family, often becomes a toy in the hands of a woman, does not want to notice the flaws of his wife
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I Thinker enjoying his own thoughts and conclusions Yaroslav, often immersed in himself, pensive, vain and hardworking, will decorate any position and any woman, and Yakov - Tugodum, is getting used to new people and a new situation for a long time, it has good commercial abilities, in his wife chooses "homemade" woman

What are the ways of fortune telling in the name, appearance, profession of the future husband, groom? Prayer for the future husband.

Hello unmarried girl At least at least a second to look into the future and find out the name of their narrowed-dressed. For these purposes, numerous rituals, fortune telling and tests were used. Today, this practice has not lost its popularity, but has acquired some other outlines and forms of manifestation. In this article, we tried to collect the most effective and demanded ways of fortune telling on the future husband, the groom.

Divorcing test for the name of the future husband, boyfriend on the table

Test for the name of the future groom with a table

To carry out this test, it is necessary to simply close the eyes and think about the future groom. Under the influence of these dooms, you need to poke your finger into a table with numbers. Each digit in the table corresponds to male name. What the name falls - and will call the narrowed.

Here is a list of numbers and the corresponding names:

2. Arkady

3. Arseny

5. Grigory

8. Georgy.

9. Gennady

11. Daniel

12. Dmitry.

14. Eugene

16. Ildar

18. Cyril

19. Konstantin

20. Leonid

23. Maxim

29. Robert

31. Ruslan

32. Rustam

33. Svyatoslav.

34. Stanislav.

35. Stepan.

36. Azamat.

38. Alexander

39. Alexey

40. Albert.

41. Anatoly

42. Valery

43. Valentine

44. Vasily

46. \u200b\u200bVladimir

47. Vladislav.

48. Victor

49. Vitaly

50. Vyacheslav

51. Bogdan

53. Andrey

58. Mikhail

60. Nikita

61. Nicholas

66. Daniel

67. Dmitry.

69. Evgeny

73. Ildar

74. Eldar

76. Eduard

78. Yaroslav

80. Nikolai

81. Sergey

84. Timofey

85. Philipp

89. Valery

90. Valentine

91. Vasili

93. Sergey

96. Cyril

97. Konstantin

98. Arseny

100. Bogdan

It is not necessary to treat this test too seriously and get upset if its result does not coincide with expectations. Many unmarried girls are very surprised, seeing the male name, which they falls. By the way, many married women, passing this test, found under the figure that their finger pointed out, names of their real or ex-husbands. So dare!

Test for appearance, profession of the future husband, guy

Fortune telling the appearance of the future guy

To determine the external qualities of the future guy or husband, girls can take advantage of the next fortune tough:

  • From fabrics different colors Cut small loskutka (white, black, red, brown).
  • We fold all the patchwork into one box.
  • Cover the box with a lid.
  • We shake the box so that the pillars inside it are mixed.
  • We ask the box of our question. For example: "What color will my hair be sick?" Or "What color of my eyes will be from my narrowed" (for this test you will need other colors of the patchwork: blue, brown, green, gray or black).
  • Without peeping, we get their box one of the pillars.
  • That color that will have a cut of the fabric, and will be answered by the color of the eyes or hair of the future groom.

You can also see the narrowed by divination with a mirror:

  • We prepare two mirrors and a candle.
  • I exhibit the mirrors in such a way that they are opposite each other and created an endless corridor.
  • Before the mirror put the candle.
  • At midnight, sit opposure of the mirror with the candle.
  • Focus on an infinite corridor in the mirror.
  • We are waiting until the corridor and the face of the narrowed groom will appear away.
  • Having considered the guy, we pronounce a protective spell: "Chur of place!".
  • After the spell, the narrowed should disappear.

A similar ritual is quite terrible - many girls are afraid of him. For consumer effect and greater accuracy of the ritual with a mirror you need to spend on special days (night before Merry Christmas, on the old New Year, From Thursday to Friday, during the full moon).

To determine the profession or the occupation of the future husband, you can use the following divination:

  • Take a large sheet of paper (preferably Watman).
  • We draw it on numerous squares - the number of squares must respond to the number of professions of interest.
  • In each of the squares, we glue a picture with the subject associated with a certain type of activity (for example, a stethoscope is characterized by a doctor, the image of the goddess of the femis - a lawyer, a keyboard - a programmer, etc.).
  • On the prepared Watman throw the "bone".
  • The square on which the "bone" stops, and will symbolize the profession of the narrowed.

By the way, in Starina Watman with pictures replaced with real objects (hammer, hay, rifle, feather, etc.).

Is it possible to feel the future husband?

Is it possible to feel that a man is narrowed?

Some women who have developed intuition, when meeting with their lover, may experience a number of emotions, which later they extract how some kind of premonition. The same ladies who have such sensations are not too developed, you can take advantage of rites helping to see your beloved in a dream.

Conspiracy, prayer, to dream of a future husband, boyfriend

Rite №1

  • In the evening, sit down at the window in a long night shirt.
  • Take the comb or comb.
  • Looking at the moon, start combing hair.
  • We repeat the spell: "Daughty, my rich, come to me on the moonwalk, braids my clearing and face show your own!"
  • Stay sleeping with flocculation hair.
  • Comb, cracking under the pillow or the head of the bed.

Rite №2.

  • From the rods of broom or broom weave a little bridge.
  • On the bedside table or table, at the head of the bed, we put the saucer (plate) with water.
  • Braided bridge put in such a way that he touched over the water.
  • Put into bed with the words: "Daisted, my gorgeous, come - through the bridge of me translate!".

Rite number 3.

  • We take on Thursday evening bathroom.
  • Put in proud loneliness in bed.
  • I speak words with closed eyes: "All day-day-Degtees are living together, but live. Only Friday one alone in solitude and sleep and spend the night, and the girl is red, the servant of God (his name) one sleep, relax, cute to wait. I am in the Sion Mountains, three supreme angels in the heads: the first one sees everything, another will tell everything, but I will predict the third fate. "

Rite number 4.

  • We buy a new any the padlock - We give money without surrender.
  • Install near the bed (on a bedside table, on the floor or on a table near the bed) a jug or a cup with a spring (required) water.
  • Keep the lock above the water and close it on the key.
  • During locking the castle, we senten the following words: "Daughty, my long-awaited, come to me in a dream, come, the water will ask. I take a key with me, my heart from. "

Rules of fortune telling on the groom in a dream

When conducting these rites, it is desirable to comply with a number of conventions:

  1. Night in the room Girl should alone - even pets are not allowed.
  2. Three days before the fortune telling it is better to abandon the food of animal origin, as well as greasy, fried, salt, smoked dishes.
  3. Also at this time, it is advisable to refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages and carnal joy.
  4. On the day of the ritual, the girl is allowed to eat only white bread and drinking spring water.
  5. All residents of the dwellings must be satisfied on the eve of fortune telling.
  6. After pronouncing the spell, the girl can no longer talk to anyone.
  7. On the night of divination, it is also desirable to disable the phone so that spontaneous calls do not shoot down the course of events.

How to find out the name of the future husband by hand?

Chiromantia is a system of divination that allows lines, tubercles and irregularities to determine the future and the present person.
Experienced chiromers argue that it is almost impossible to call the exact name of the breath of hand. However, you can try to find out what the letter will begin the name of the future groom, her husband with the help of a female hand:

  • We make ") "- the assistant worst a girl's hand in two places with their own hands at a distance of no more than 10 cm and starts to turn the skin in different directions.
  • During twisting on the skin, several folds will be formed.
  • I look closely in the resulting folds.
  • Among the various lines and folds are trying to disassemble the characters similar to the letters.
  • The discovered letter can be considered the title in the name of the narrowed.

Simple fortune telling on the playing cards on the future husband, boyfriend

Before you begin to fortunate on maps, you need to get acquainted with a number of conditions that are desirable to follow during the card ritual:

  1. Make layouts best on Friday closer to midnight.
  2. Playing cards should be new - to fortune telling they can not play and even take another girl in the hands.
  3. If the first alignment of the cards turned out to be unsuccessful, it is not necessary to re-perform it until the desired result falls.
  4. In young girls, there is a preliminary ritual before fortune telling on the cards - sit on the maps, pour three times on them and say: "36 cards, 4 masters, tell me the whole truth about ..."

Foreign on simple maps at the wedding

Divination number 1.

This type of card layout will help girls find out how soon they will get married.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Choose a map of yourself - the girls under 25 are characterized by the lady of Bubnovaya, and after 25 years old - Chervoy.
  • Carefully pull the new deck of cards from 52 pieces.
  • Lay out the first 20 cards shirt down, and face up.
  • If ours will come among the highlighted cards, then this year will be a wedding.
  • If there are no needed card among the laveled 20 cards, then without looking, we replace any other card on our.
  • Reduce the cards again and lay them out in 5 stacks of 4 pieces each.
  • We find in one of the stacks of our card and analyze the result.
  • If the map was in the first stack, then the wedding is soon.
  • If the card was found in the second stack, then in the near future you can not dream about marriage.
  • If the face of the desired lady became the third stack, then the wedding will be, but a little later.
  • The presence of a card in the fourth stack testifies to the ambulance, which, unfortunately, does not bring to the registry office.
  • If the lady will be in the fifth stack of cards, then you can not dream of a girlfriend about marriage.

Fortune telling on ordinary maps on the attitude of the guy to the girl

Divination number 2.

Such fortune telling will find out how her young man is interested in the girl.


  • Mix carefully a deck of cards from 36 pieces.
  • During the shuffling, we think about the sweetheart, presenting it to yourself.
  • Remove the cards with your left hand towards the heart.
  • We begin to lay out the maps of a shirt down and face up six cards in a row.
  • Under the following, we post the same row of six cards.
  • Under the second next to lay out the third, under the third - the fourth, etc.
  • Staying cards, closely monitor the maps of the same dignity in contact with each other.
  • If the same cards lie defects, we remove them from the stack.
  • We shift the rest of the cards, thereby filling the spaces.
  • Make sure that the jigsaw of the cards of the same dignity are not formed again.
  • When the whole alignment is ready, we collect all the remaining cards and pull them well.
  • We start posting cards again, only now in the number of five pieces in a row.
  • Remove the same cards in contact with the scene.
  • Having postponing all the cards into a five-line alignment, and removing the cards of the same dignity, re-shivering them again.
  • Then we repeat the same, but first with four cards in the string, then with three and two.
  • At the very end, we are determined with how many pairs of cards are left.
  • If only one pair of cards remained, then a proposal will be received from the guy who was aimed at fortune telling.
  • If you can count two pairs of cards, then the man is experiencing genuine feelings.
  • If there are three pairs of cards, then the guy has, at least, love.
  • Five pairs of cards suggest that the young man constantly thinks of his girlfriend.
  • If there are six pairs of cards, then the guy has another girl.
  • The remaining seven and more cards of cards indicate that they are better than one.

Fortune telling on simple playing cards: video

Fortune telling on tarot maps on the future husband, guy, in his name, future, relationship

  • We take the deck of tarot cards and pull it thoroughly.
  • We post on the table the first map of shirt up.
  • Nearby, at a distance of the map, put the second card.
  • Left the first card in the next row lay out the third.
  • To the right of the second card in the second row we put the fourth card.
  • We skip the third row and exactly under the first card in the fourth row lay out the fifth card.
  • Under the second card in the fourth row lay out the sixth card.
  • In the third row, under the space between the first and second card, lay out the seventh.
  • The eighth map is located in the fifth row strictly under the seventh card.

Tract the resulting alignment:

  1. The first card will be responsible for the qualities that should be in a man suitable for a gadget girl.
  2. The second card will indicate those traits of character, which in reality will be a woman's husband.
  3. Map at number three is responsible for the ratio of the future husband to family values.
  4. The fourth card will indicate the financial side of the future spouse - whether he will be able to fully provide his family.
  5. Map number 5 is responsible for the business of the man and his desire to help in the life of his spouse.
  6. The sixth carat helps to describe a man like a father.
  7. The seventh card will highlight the likelihood of treason from the future husband.
  8. The eighth card is the final and summary of the entire divination - it will give advice whether it is worth a woman to associate her fate with this man.

Divination on tarot cards on relationship: video

How to find out where I meet when I get acquainted with my future husband? How to find out the name of the future husband on a horoscope?

Astrologers argue that in the presence of the exact time of the human birth, the dates of the events of events in his life can be found almost everything. These calculus have very complicated scheme and the formula, because for their calculation it is recommended to turn to professionals. By the way, you can also find many sites on the Internet, which in a couple of minutes are able to calculate the dates the most important points From the future person. Some astrologers even promise online to predict the name of the narrowed. Of course, it is impossible to argue that such predictions will have one hundred percent sales, but you can try for the sake of interest.

How to find out the name of the future husband by date of birth?

Numerology is also quite accurate science, based solely only on numbers and dates. Perhaps such calculus really have a scientific attack and are able to predict the most significant events in a person's life. However, only professionals are capable of dealing with them.

The Internet offers dozens, or even hundreds of ways to calculate the name of the squeezed by the date of birth. In some interpretations of such calculations, only the number, month and year of birth should be taken into account. In others, you need to use also exact timewhen a man was born. Third, when calculating the main number of man, you need to use additional formulas.

We offer the easiest way to calculate the name of the future husband by date of birth:

  • We write on the paper number, month (numbers) and the year of birth of a girl without punctuation signs.
  • Now we fold all the written numbers.
  • We get a number of two digits.
  • We fold both numbers.
  • We get an unambiguous number.
  • We are looking for the resulting number in the list and find out the title letter of the name of the narrowed.

What letters respond to numbers:

  1. Digital 1 corresponds to the letters A, C, I.
  2. Digital 2 correspond to the letters B, T, R.
  3. The figure 3 is tied to the letters to, B, U.
  4. Digital 4 are characterized by letters G, K, F, E.
  5. Figure 5 is associated with letters D, X, M, Y.
  6. Digit 6 corresponding letters c, n, e, i.
  7. The figure 7 has a relationship with letters h, k, o.
  8. The figure 8 is tied to the letters l, p, w, sh.
  9. Digital 9 impress the letters P, Sh, Z.

How to calculate the personal number of happiness: video

Lord, Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, give me a loved one and loving her husband. Give me a satellite of life with whom I would be happy all my life. Give me to get acquainted with him in your time. If I have any features of the character, which will prevent my future family happiness, you turn me away and teach me how I can change. Teach me to love, forgive, teach me to be loved. Amen.

Oh, all-selling Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on the fact that I love you all soul and with all my heart and to fulfill yours in all of the holy Will. Manage yourself, oh my God, my soul and fill my heart: I want to please you with one, because you are the creator and my God! Save me from pride and vague: mind, modesty and chastity let them decorate me. The idleness is contracted to you and gives rise to the vices, give me a hunt for hard work and bless my works. Alone the law of your law commands people to live in an honest marriage, bring me, the saint, to this consecrated rank, not to help my lust, but for the fulfillment of your destination, because you yourself said: it's a good person to be one and, creating him a wife In the assistant, blessed
They grow, multiply and populate the Earth.
Hear a humble prayer from my depth of the girl's heart. You can risky: give me a spouse of the honest and piety, so that we are in love with him and in harmony you glorify you, the mercifulness of God: the Father and the Son and Saints of the Spirit, now and are also confused. Amen.

Fortune telling on tarot maps on beloved: video

Fortune telling on the narrowed in a dream: video

It is more likely to have young lonely women in the hope of getting an answer - who will be her husband and how soon the wedding will be. The divination in the name of the narrowed will be able to make even a girl who does not have magical abilities.

Popular ways of gadas for love

From a long time, women had a custom guess. Most frequent question - Who are their narrowed. It concerned young girls who were not married yet. With the help of fortunes, you can predict the function of the future lover, meeting time and name.

There are fortune-laws on the beloved and for those who are already in relationships. In this case, you can pay for the success of the relationship, how will they end and the thy of human thoughts nearby. Whatever the results of fortune telling, you should not hope for their absolute accuracy and launching good relationships.

To get the most accurate and truthful result, you can not guess per day church holidays.

  • 12, 14, 18 lunar days;
  • 1st of January;
  • day ;
  • Halloween.

You can move away from the rules and repay the other day. Compensate inappropriate time can desireAs a result of which there is a powerful energy connection with otherworldly forces at the gadget.

If you treat the fortune, it will not come true.

Number Table

Divination in the name of the future husband on a table with numbers has several options. In each of them, the grid should be drawn with numbers, it is best to print harvested.

In the first fortune, there should be numbers from 1 to 100 in the table, they can go with a swab. To find out enough to close the eyes and poke a finger at random, it will show what the name it corresponds. Each digit will mean the sequence number of the letter alphabetically.

Another way to find out the name of the future husband with a table. For this fortune telling:

  • paper;
  • a pen;
  • table;
  • corn.

The table must consist of 2 parts, one contain numbers corresponding to the sequence number of the vowel letter, the other - the consonant letter. Candle to light, pronounce ourselves:

"Durable mine is called."

Take a few grains in your hand and throw on the table. After that, burn numbers on a separate piece and match them with letters. The name that will be drawn up from the maximum number of numbers and will be the name of the narrowed.

Card layout

Divination in the name of the husband can be conducted or. You can pay as on unfamiliar guyAnd on which you already know to understand the prospects for the development of relations.

It is necessary to guess on the maps in the afternoon, staying in a good mood of the Spirit so that it passes the cards.

In the room at the time of the rite there should not be anyone. Cards must be taken to be clean, new who did not participate in gambling. It is strictly forbidden to guess during church holidays, on Sundays and.

For divination, you need a deck of 36 cards, they should be shuffled. After that, they make a number in mind and count it. If the map turned out to be a red color, the name of the future husband begins on the vowel letter. If red ace falls out, this means that the husband will have a non-Russian name.

The value of red cards:

  • the six corresponds to the letter A;
  • 7 - e;
  • 8 - e;
  • 9 - and;
  • 10th;
  • Valts - y;
  • Lady of worms or tambourine - I;
  • King - O.

Black cards indicate consonant letters.

  • Peaks: 6 - B, 7 - g, 8 - d, 9 - w, 10 - z, curren - k, lady - l, king - m, ace - n.
  • Trephs: 6 - p, 7 - p, 8 - s, 9 - t, 10 - x, curren - c, lady - h, king - sh, ace - F.

On the paper

The fortune telling on paper on the narrowed is best to spend on the shield after sunset. There may be guessing only those who do not consist of this moment in relationships. The energy of the narrowed, intended by fate, is associated with the energy of the girl throughout his life until the moment of their meeting.

For divination, you need to take a basin, pour water into it, the A4 sheet, the handle that does not wash in contact with water and sheets to cover the container with water.

Divination on paper includes several actions.

  1. Write 25 male names on paper that liked most. It is necessary to do it on one side of the paper with a small gap between each other.
  2. Cutting them with scissors so that one name is on each scrappy.
  3. Lower the papers into the water.
  4. Cover sheets. It is desirable to slip white color - This personifies purity and innocence and does not create energy interference.
  5. Close all windows, turn off the light.
  6. Stop next to the water and pronounce three times spell:

"Water-driver of a blue body, show the red maiden of good well done. As there is show - not the sick name of my narrowed. "

The name of the narrowed will be on the piece of paper that pops up. If it is not one, then marriages will be several.

Sophisticated prediction techniques

The fortune telling is the sacrament to which a person can touch. The effectiveness of each of them depends on how the personality believes in what does.

Based on the book

You can take the name of the names, pronounce a conspiracy and, opening, pointing your finger to the name. Words need to pronounce such:

"Letters, lines and words, indicate me narrowing my, I want to know how to call him."

There is another method, more comprehensive. To do this, take a book and open on that page that corresponds to the day of your birth. The first letter that appears on the page will be the first letter of the name of the narrowed.

The second letter will correspond to the month of birth, the third page corresponding to the father's birthday.

By hand

To find out the name of the souched hand is difficult, but there are ways to help get closer to the desired one. This requires the help of an unauthorized person, friend or girlfriend. It is necessary that he picked the palm with two hands and began twisting the skin in different directions.

At this point, you need to pay attention to the type of folds that are formed on the hand. The one that will be similar to the letter - the beginning of the name of the future husband.

By date of birth

Enough to know the date of birth of your young manto pay out in this way. This option is suitable only to those who are already in relationships and wants to know what can be expected from them in the future. With the help of numbers, you can learn a lot, the whole science is devoted to this -. Deciphering the date of birth is its basis.

You need to fold all the numbers of the date of the male of one. It is necessary to do this until the number turns into an unambiguous one. The date of birth of your young man 15.09.1993. It is necessary to add 1 + 5 + 0 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 3 \u003d 37, we fold 3 + 7 \u003d 9. Now you need to determine with what name the number is compatible:

  • and, with, and - Anna, Sofia, Inna, etc.;
  • b, V, T - Bogdan, Victoria, Tatiana;
  • u, K, C - Ulyana, Karina, Svetlana;
  • e, G, N - Ella, Galina, Hope;
  • i, E, M - Yana, Elena, Marina;
  • p, Z, L - Rita, Zina, Love;
  • oh, K, C - Olga, Christina, Sofia;
  • l, g, p - face, Jeanne, Polina;
  • yu, M, D - Julia, Maria, Diana.

Names can be others, but the first letter will remain unchanged. Divination by date of birth works in the opposite direction. You can choose your date of birth and compare with the same letters, only a male name.

On the ring

For this divination, you need to take a ring, better if it is engaged. You can borrow with grandmother or mom. The most accurate prediction will be able to give a ring that the rite of wedding passed.

The ring must be tied with a thread and omit in half a full glass with water. The ring in the water will begin to move and beat about the wall of the glass, at this moment you need to not lose vigilance and count every blow. One blow + 1 letter alphabet. That is, if the ring hit 5 times, the name of the narrowed begins onto d, etc.

In a dream

To learn the name of the narrowed in a dream, you need to take a glass of water, honey, wooden spoon. Looking at bedtime drinking this mixture, adding more honey and pronounce a conspiracy:

"Outside the house is high, in the old old house ancient, Verevo honey cooks, they will have me, the flour does, you, narrowed, come to me, in a dream, appear, from the old woman, save my name, you call you, I will thank you, forever has it You will remember. "

After that, go to bed and no longer get up until the morning. In a dream, a person should appear either a creature that will pronounce the name of the narrowed. Only it can be very quick to forget, so next to the bed you need to keep a handle and notepad, so that after sleeping to write it down.

Life becomes more interesting when some of its secrets are disclosed. And one of the most intriguing secrets of fate - what is the name of the future husband: little which girl will refuse to learn this information. To spend the fortune telling on the name of the narrowed quite easily. The only condition is to believe in the power of the rite performed and really want to "meet the bridegroom" in absentia.

When and how to find out the name of the future husband at home?

Rules of magical work

Delivered practices are art, studying which is possible all life. Experienced practices in a literal sense are able to predict the knee, but novice sorcerer are encouraged to adhere to a number of conditions that contribute to a more efficient and reliable result.

There are many questions regarding the optimal time to obtain prediction. Noticed that some dates are suitable better than others:

  • the divination on the name of the narrowed for Christmas is able to girls under the patronage of Christian Egregore (experiencing sympathy for the forces of this religion and ready to conclude transactions with them);

  • the period from Christmas to baptism is ideal for all sorceressants, since the fortune telling on the name of the sanguage for the shield is performed for hundreds of years, and rituals are well worked out from an energy point of view. If the rite is fulfilled correctly, then the truth will open up the absolute novice;

  • in your own birthday, it is easy to find out the name of the narrowed: fortune telling, because in this date, the gates in the subtle world open before each person. Any predictions will turn out, especially with the established relationship with the generic egregor (it can be said about it if the family honor the memory of the deceased relatives, and the dead themselves sometimes communicate with alive by means of signs or dreams);

  • you can find out the name of your narrowed on the eve of a new or old new year. As in the case of holiness, these holidays are worked out by many generations, and therefore allow you to access hidden information without any special difficulties.

It is permissible to spend the ritual and on the usual day, but the results are better then confirmed into the "special" date.

Rules of predictive rites Standard:

  • Not to talk about the planned work.

  • Guess alone.

  • Be confident and not be afraid. Fear burns human energy resources, making it magically helpless.

  • Believe in the ritual. The rite needs to be selected for itself: if it does not cause rejection, then the chances of success increase at times.

  • Keep calm and share of humor. A successful prediction assumes that it does not apply to the process excessively and gives itself the right to an error. In such a state, all internal feelings are exacerbated, and it is very simple to get an accurate answer.

Fortune telling narrowed with ring

Ring - unique decoration. It is a closed circumference, due to which the energy integrity of the product is ensured. This feature gives a decoration of such powerful magic and predictive potential. To find out the name of your narrowed, you need to wait for the evening: when the sun hides behind the horizon, the world is less carefully guarded its secrets.

For ritual, you will need:

  • simple ring without stone and thread (silver or copper);

  • thin wax candle;

  • durable thread;

  • a sheet of paper on which the alphabet is recorded.

It is necessary to light the wick: if it does not work from the first time, it means that fortune telling should be discontinued, since today the answer is not received. It is necessary to carefully put the ring on the candle (it will fall on the table or hooked for the candlestick) and pronounce a plot:

"Daughty-rude my light wanders, the ring is looking for, he looks in the ground, can't find it, he needs his own, he says. What is your name, rude? "

When the candle does to the end, you should hang the ring on the thread. It turns out a peculiar pendulum. It must be kept over a sheet of paper - the ring, deviating, will indicate the letters from which the name is narrowed.

How to find out the name of the future husband on the book

Working with the text is very simple, because the answer will be unequivocal: the universe does not have to look for ways how to file a gadget sign, "enough for the girl to see the printed word. For the rite, only the book (preferably artistic, but the name reference is also suitable. Technical literature is not relevant for obvious reasons: the probability of meeting there is small. You should put both palms on the book and, concentrating, pronounce a conspiracy:

"Where my squeezed, the fate sent, the heavens given, led by God, wandering on the tracks, the name of my who does not know, standing up with me. Let the name goes out to me, let him get on my eyes, let him not hide from her eyes, let me know, so that I was waiting for, named, called. "

Divination to the name narrowed on paper

You can only make a request - and fate will answer. As in the case of a book, find out the name of the future husband on paper is easy: per second of illumination The girl's hand will delete the necessary, truthful name.

It will take:

  • major clay pot;

  • as much as possible chopped paper;

  • pen or pencil;

  • blue or black dense fabric.

First of all, you need to prepare. On each piece of paper, it is recommended to write a male name: what they will be more, the higher the chances that the "then the same thing is gading. One piece of paper is traditionally pure; Her loss says that the prediction failed, since there was no correct name. All notes should be reset to the pot, cover with cloth and mix. Next, you need to pronounce the text three times:

"Warry-cook, stove, for the sickness of the bake, and who called something? How to contact the groom? You me, the fate-fate, have a nice to tell me, the truth from me is not thai, so I called the groom on the pancakes. "

It is enough to lower your hand into the ass and pull the first piece of paper. The name written on it belongs to the future spouse of the sorceress. If you wish, after completion of the divination, you can bake pancakes and put them on the windowsill, expressing gratitude to the highest forces.

How to find out the name narrowed in a dream

The spirit of the sleeping person is partially exempt from the "tyranny" of the body, and many hidden things become available for understanding. This should be used. You will need not so many attributes:

  • glass with clean water;

  • honey;

  • prut or wooden spoon.

It is necessary to sit in bed, pour more honey to the water and mix it well. The resulting fluid drink a volley, after which the conspiracy is pronounced:

"Outside the house is high, in the old old house ancient, Verevo honey cooks, they will have me, the flour does, you, narrowed, come to me, in a dream, appear, from the old woman, save my name, you call you, I will thank you, forever has it You will remember. "

Next you need to go to bed. It should not be paid to thirst: it will soon pass, replaced by an amazing bed. In it, the girl will be able to find out the name of the narrowed; It will be called to her or the young man himself, attracted in a dream, or some entity. The main thing is immediately after waking up somewhere to fix the information obtained, because it disappears very quickly from memory.

The easiest way to find out the name of the narrowed

If there is no desire to carry out any ritual actions, you can use the most easy way Predictions. We need only determination and self-confidence. Focusing on the desire to find out the name of the narrowed, utter:

"I call for fate, I wish the name of your loved one, the truth from me is not Tai, as is - all say!"

Immediately after that, they enter the street and ask the name from the first man's fellow: exactly the same will be worn and the girl's spouse. If the stranger refuses to be called, it means that you guess either will never marry, or this event is still very far away.

In fact, there is nothing easier than to know the name of the narrowed. But such predictions have one danger: in the future the sorceress may begin to reject all the guys who are called "wrong". Thus, she will make an irreparable mistake by depriving himself the necessary experience defined by her fate.

Each girl comes the moment when she wants to learn about the future family life And its second half. That is why the fortune telling in the name of the future husband will never lose its relevance.

Open the curtain of the secrets, to learn about the future family life and our second half will help

Today there are many magic methods Satisfy your curiosity. The weak floor representatives at least once thought about them and when they go under the crown, and the fortune telling would allow to open the curtain of the secrecy.

Simple christmas fortune telling

The fortune telling on the future husband will be as accurate as possible if the ritual is done on Christmas Eve.

Before you know the name of the future husband, the girls thoroughly prepared for secret rituals. It has long been believed that if in the Christmas night to go outside and at the first counter guy find out the name, then the same will be the same.

You can use another proven way. Before you go to bed, take a few pieces of paper and write to them in any order in any order. Notes lie under the pillow. After waking up, we first take out at random one of them and see the name. Everything, fortune-telling completed!

Such simple ways Satisfy not all, so girls try to use more serious methods to satisfy their curiosity.

Fortune telling using the finished table

The fortune telling in the name of the future husband on the table is also impossible to be called particularly difficult, but it is already a deeper meaning. The method is based not only on observations, but also on proven facts, which suggest that the presence of the same letters in the name of the wife and husband speaks of mutual understanding and happy marriage. And the more coincidences will be in your names, the greater attachment and love will be in the family.

It is enough just to remember the guys with which you have a romantic relationship at first sight. Most likely, Olga cannot forget - Oleg, Leonid or Igor.

Having studied the next table, the girls will be able to learn a lot of interesting things not only about the future husband, but also about any person from their surroundings. If the fortune telling in the name of the future husband on a table with numbers makes it possible to learn how to call a person chosen on fate, then on the table of alphabet letters, you can calculate the main spiritual qualities of the challenger on hand and heart.

A - Letter, symbolizing a man as a true workaholic

Letter Main character traits
BUT It does not represent life without difficulty. True workaholic, especially if the work is a favorite thing.
B. Risk instance, supporter of love adventures, extreme travel and risk in business.
IN A person who plans every day of his life and slowly, but confidently conquers the peaks created in fantasy dreams.
G. Men are distinguished by squeamishness and minimal patience.
D. The main feature is the desire to take a leading position, even if you have to go through the heads.
E. Open person striving to power at any cost. But with the truth in mind and in practice.
J. Estet and Gourmet. Wishes to bring everything started to perfection.
Z. The trouble-free guy who is ready to stretch the help hand at any time and help solve problems.
AND It is distinguished by sanity and a solid approach to both work and family creation.
TO Stubborn cunning, which can hide its true intention under the mask of purity.
L. Man accepts only a comfortable life. If I'm going, then delicacies, if a woman, then the queen.
M. Desperate experimenter who prefers travel to the household and seeks to learn new on his experience.
N. The person is elected in friends and loved ones. His actions speak about true feelings.
ABOUT A fundamental conservative that spoils often his personal life because of fear of disclosure. Many opportunities misses this.
P She strives for victory is not pleased with glory, but just glad to prove to himself that any unpaulous vertex can be taken.
R It is faithful not only to its half, but also set goal and a dream.
FROM She strives for fame and glory, has a sparkled charm that can help achieve the desired one.
T. Man loving constant changes, and a variety in all directions. Permanent little things only annoy it.
W. Trying to achieve the goals, resorting to the cunning tricks. May well hide from those surrounding their true views.
F. The purposeful owner, who is the right to go to any price and will not be offended by relatives and loved ones.
H. Responsiveness and friendliness are the main features of these men.
C. People who are not looking in friendship and love, but constantly seek to help and find justice.
Sh Does not be panic in extreme conditions, keeping a sober look and coldness in any situations.
E. An calculating man seeking to profit and benefit by any means.
YU Self love, an inflated assessment of your capabilities that interfere with build harmonious relationships.
I An ardent thinker who enjoys his mental abilities and deductive skills.

I am a letter, symbolizing a thinker man enjoying his deductive abilities

Card fortune telling

Such a direction as fortune-telling on the maps is also very common among weak sex representatives. To understand that you feel the chosen guy is enough to know it full name And the next alignment. Thoroughly mix the cards and lay them into a stack by the number of letters in the name of the narrowed. A stack on which the last map of the deck is laid down.

When the last pair of stacks will be on the table, then the fortune telling turns to the next level. Now we open with each of them at the same time on the map, if their name matches, the pair is postponed to the side. After all the cards of the move begins the most interesting - decoding the values \u200b\u200bof the coincided pairs.

Deciphering this fortune telling on the maps in the name as follows:

  • 6 - The guy dreams of a meeting;
  • 7 - waiting for a conversation;
  • 8 - misses much;
  • 9 - without a doubt loves;
  • 10 - considers it ideal your character;
  • In - jealous;
  • D - like your appearance;
  • To - chosen one dreams of kissing you;
  • T - all thoughts about sex.

Letter "T" warns: a man thinks exclusively about sex

Such fortune telling on playing cards It may not answer global questions, but will help create a certain impression that a person thinks about you and your relationship.

In the presence of the house of the Tarot cards, you can use them for fortune telling on your beloved, the presence of feelings for a gadget person and a joint future.

The main thing in the process of working with any maps believing them will focus on the result and the truthful answer. The deck for divination is used only new, this is a personal thing of gadgetting. It is important that other people's hands do not touch her.

Before guess, thoroughly tasuch a deck and remove the seven cards at rag. Selected cards are put on the table with a shirt up. They will tell the entire history of relationships:

  • the first card will tell about your condition and readiness for marriage and general attitude to marriage;
  • the second card will report when you meet the narrowed, how to meet and in what place;
  • the third map specifically describes the circumstances of the meeting so that you find out your second half;
  • the fourth card will tell about the identity of the narrowed, sometimes there can be even the main features of his appearance;
  • the fifth card will tell if this young man is the purpose of destiny or has come to your life by chance;
  • the sixth card carries information about your wife with a wife of family life after the wedding;
  • the seventh card is the result of the entire scenario, it gives advice regarding marriage with the selected man.

In the process of divination on the maps in the name of the Beloved, it is worth considering what will be paid information regarding your present chosen one who goes on fate. If a general information It turns out unreliable, this suggests that none of the men who are near you at the moment will not be a husband.

To find out what will be the narrowed and your future joint life will be, then you can pay the following to the husband in this way.

We take your working deck of cards and pull the kings out of it. Before you go to bed lay them under the pillow, pronouncing a certain conspiracy. One nuance - you can not read words on paper, you need to learn by heart. This rule concerns not only this divination. All conspiracies are definitely pronounced by heart.

Early in the morning, only opening the eyes, lower the hand under the pillow and select one card. The crown of the king and will be the basis of predictions:

  • Peak king - groom with severe character, but provided.
  • The Cross King is a big love of her husband, but at the same time it promises a lot of tears in family life.
  • The worm king is a calm husband and a happy family life.
  • Bubnov King - predicts misunderstanding and swearing between you with her husband.

Bubnic king predicts frequent conflicts in the family

How to see your soul mate in a dream

All exciting questions, hidden thoughts and even pictures from the future can pop up during sleep.

The universe does not share the present and the future, so seeing your future about a dream, running the program with a certain conspiracy, quite real.

The first way. If you want to see in a dream of a narrowed, it can be done by the following method. We take a breadpid and put a note in it with a plot: "I leave a piece of bread under the pillow for you, my squeezed, come, treat my face." The girl dresses in a spacious nightie and dismisses braids.

If in the dream process it was not possible to consider the appearance or it was forgotten after waking up, the procedure can be repeated. However, if the sleep carried in itself the negative is better to refuse to re-attempt and just forget everything.

The next fortune telling, which is carried out before bedtime, is called "Bridge". To see the future husband in a dream you need to take a deep vessel and pour into it clean water. Rims of plates are connected by wooden plank, after which the design falls under sleeping place. Before sleeping on a plate with water, a certain spell is screwed. Future husband Be sure to dream.

Thus, it will not be possible to find out nor the name nor the name, but only to define the appearance and other habits of a young man going with you on fate.

Recognize husband's name on hand lines

Do not look for a name on your palm, but the first letter can be defined as follows. Ask someone from acquaintances to make "stray" on the hand below the shoulder. After this procedure, carefully look into the drawing of the red stripes, among them you can consider the first letter from which the name of the person prepared by the girl fate begins.

When a girl sees his chosen one, she will understand it immediately. The body will pass the wave of lightness and heat. The girl will immediately feel that it is with this man to her easily and ease. Maybe even a desire to live with him next to the rest of my life.

And no matter how you were looking for a narrowed, using fortune telling on the name narrowed on a table with numbers, card folds or sealed prophetic dreams, It is important that he appeared and seeks to give family happiness to his chief.