Fortune telling on cards layouts. Layout "What was and what will be"

Online fortune-telling for the future - simplest view fortune-telling for the future - fortune-telling by one card. You can tell fortunes for the future using cards, this type of fortune telling will give you an accurate forecast for the next week. Although the layout is very easy to use, it should not be neglected. It is accurate and fast. Fortune-telling will allow you to understand whether something is worth fearing in the future, or maybe a fateful meeting awaits you. Tune in and start online fortune telling.

Fortune telling on the cards of the merchant Platonov

With the help of the online fortune telling of the Merchant Platonov, a girl can find out how a guy, her soul mate, treats her. This is an online infusion of love, it will allow you to understand what is happening now with her boyfriend or soulmate, how he feels and whether it is worth expecting a meeting. You can read fortunes online at once for 4 questions: "How does he feel about me?", Guess online for the question "How does he feel now?" Ask the cards "What's in store for him in the near future?" or "Will we have a meeting?"

Divination for love

This online fortune telling will allow you to find out the relationship between you and your soulmate. It will also help to answer some of the questions from the "likes / dislikes" series. Why isn't a relationship getting started? Online love alignment will tell you about your relationship. You can guess not just for yourself, but for another pair. Ask a question and use online fortune telling.

4 card destiny

Online fortune telling will tell you the answers to your questions and tell you what happened and what lies ahead in the future and will show you the present. This fortune-telling online will allow you to find answers to exciting questions, and possibly give an option for solving problems. rules free deal online: for single and single lady and king of spades, married and married - king and queen of hearts. For elderly people - the lady and the king baptize. Tune in to the question of fate and start fortune telling.

The answer to the question

Divination the answer to the question on playing cards - the simplest way find out the answer to the question posed. For online fortune telling on playing cards, ask a question to the cards and focus on it. The cards will tell you the answer. Be honest with yourself. Throw away unnecessary soaps and start fortune-telling.

Fortune telling what awaits me

Fortune telling online is very simple and easy way learn a little about the near future. On our website, you can ask the cards online "what awaits me in the future" using this layout. It is simple, takes little time, and is very straightforward. Ask a question, concentrate and look into the near future online with the help of this fortune-telling.

On playing cards for the future

Fast and convenient layout for the future online. On playing cards, the alignment will tell you what to do in the envisioned situation. With the help of this alignment for the future, all the secrets will be revealed to the questioner. Throw away all doubts and thoughts, focus on the future and start fortune-telling.

Will I get married?

This is the fortune-telling "Will I get married?" performed once a year. With the help of this fortune telling, you can find out whether marriage will happen this year or not. Best of all is this love fortune telling spend on some holiday, for example, your birthday. Fortune telling is very simple, but informative. It will help you tune in family life if fortune-telling answers positively. To start divination online for marriage, follow the instructions: open one card at a time and look for a couple. Fortune-telling for marriage online is considered successful if there are no cards left.

Divination of the Spirits of Glory

Online prediction of the Spirits of Glory comes true within seven days. As the author of this alignment says, with the help of it you can answer many questions concerning yourself and your loved ones. With the help of the Divination of the Spirits of Glory, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from sorrows and hardships. it online fortune telling will help to get out of any seemingly hopeless situation. Start fortune-telling online now, because it is free, and you can clarify a lot for yourself.

Card fortune telling

it online fortune telling on two cards for a situation will show you the answers to 2 questions: "Why did this happen?" and "What will be the outcome?" Layout on card cards will help you get out of this unpleasant situation and give advice on how to do this. You can guess once for one situation. The next online fortune telling should be only after the past has not been clarified.

On the situation What is, What will be, What was?

If you need to consider any situation from all sides, resort to the help of free online card fortune telling on the situation. It will help you to consider the situation in three aspects: "What is?", "What will be?" and "What happened?" This fortune-telling is very true, albeit simple. But there are limitations: for the future, think of a period of no more than 2 months in advance, and for the past - no more than 2 months ago. Tune in and start choosing cards from the deck.

Fortune telling on the Four Kings

Online fortune telling for four Kings is very simple, affordable and truthful divination on maps. Just shuffle the cards and see the result. If you got 4 Kings, then your wish will certainly come true. 3 Kings - with 75 percent confidence that the wish will come true. 2 Kings - maybe, but maybe the wish will not come true. 1 King or none - unfortunately, your wish is unattainable. Make a wish and start fortune-telling online for a wish.

Divination by the guy and the King

With the help of this free online card fortune telling for a guy, you can find out how a young man really treats you and what the people around him think of you. Just shuffle the cards and see where the King of Hearts and Queen of Hearts are. But there is a peculiarity in this online fortune-telling: only cards from Jack and higher are used here.

Fortune telling on the love of her husband

This online fortune telling about your beloved husband will tell you about what your faithful is now doing, what his thoughts are now and how he feels. Online cards for a loved one will give advice for the future on how to behave with your loved one and how happy your marriage will be. Shuffle the cards and get started online fortune telling.

For the next week

Quite simple online fortune telling for a week on playing cards. Show you what awaits you in the week. Each card corresponds to two days. Using this online fortune telling for the future, you can set dates, for example, "What will be the next week for me from the first to the eighth of February?" Focus and start online fortune telling for a week

Long-term divination is universal

it online fortune telling on playing cards is versatile. With the help of it, you can answer yourself to any question posed about the future, present and past. This online map layout is very flexible, the main thing is to tune in to it and ask the right question. The layout on the playing cards will tell you about three times, and will also divide each time into three periods. For example: the past - a period from 5 to 3 years, from 3 to 1 year and from 1 year to a week. Present: what caused this situation, or what led to this state of affairs; What is the state of affairs at the moment; Possible dynamics. Future: from a week to 1 year; from 1 to 3 years; from 3 years to 5 years. Ask a question to playing cards and read the interpretation for your hand.

Fortune telling for 28 days

Online fortune telling for the future - for 28 days is suitable for you if you want to look a little into the future. It is simple, you need to focus on the issue and think about it. It is better to guess at the beginning of the month, so the prediction for the future will work better. Ask a question about the future and click on the "Shuffle" button. In total, there are 7 cards in the layout for the future, each card will tell you about four days to come.

Online fortune telling for the future of relationships

This online fortune-telling for the future of relationships on the cards will tell you a lot of interesting things about you and about your relationship not only with the chosen one, but also with those around you. The online layout will answer many questions about the future. The layout is very simple, it has 7 positions, i.e. 7 answers to questions.

Online fortune telling

This online fortune-telling card will help you understand the issues related to your destiny. V online layout there are 3 positions on fate: the first 2 are clarification of the situation, the answer to the question you are interested in, and the third card is the outcome. Ask the cards a question and start online fortune telling.

Fortune telling on a man online

You can perform fortune telling on a man online completely free of charge. This alignment will tell you about the man you are thinking of. This is a fortune-telling about attitude and love. With the help of this free online fortune telling, you can find out what awaits you in love, what kind of relationship you will have with a man. Guess a man and ask a question, then start fortune-telling by clicking on the deck of cards.

Divination by desire

This simple, but accurate alignment of desire will help you find out if your desire can be fulfilled. Guessing your wish online is very simple: tune in and imagine for a couple of minutes that your wish has already come true or is in the process of being fulfilled. Then start your fortune telling. Click on the deck of cards and select a card - the significator. Follow the instructions.

Wish Solitaire

Everyone has their own desires. Intimate and lightning fast. And the date of fulfillment of each desire is different. In this online scenario for a desire, you are invited to find out the exact date of the fulfillment of the desire, up to the day. Online fortune telling is accurate, the cards do not lie. So, tune in to your desire and think about it, focus and follow the instructions.

Fortune-telling solitaire

This is a very long, but very accurate, wish-fulfilling solitaire online. He will let you know if your wish will come true or not. Will tell you how long to wait for its execution. Everything is very simple. Technique online solitaire the desire is very simple: you need to remove one card from the deck when someone tells you the name of the cards. For example, they said "Ace", and you click on the card. If the card and the word match, then the card is removed. If not, then scroll further. The speed of the wish fulfillment depends on how quickly you remove all the cards from the deck.

Divination for marriage and marriage

This online divination of marriage and marriage is considered the most truthful. It will answer questions about marriage. This online fortune telling is conducted on playing deck kart. For this fortune-telling, there is a rule: do not guess after 12 at night, otherwise the fortune-telling on the cards will not be true. In addition, this online fortune-telling will answer the question "Will I get married?" and "Am I getting married?"

Fortune telling on three cards

This online fortune-telling on playing cards will answer any questions, be it about the future, about love, or about the state of affairs. Online fortune telling on three cards will tell you about any spheres of a person's life. To do this, you need to shuffle the cards and follow the instructions. Shoot the cards with the question in mind.

Online solitaire game

Online solitaire game - play solitaire and see if your wish will come true or not. You can also get an answer to a question using this online solitaire game. This solitaire game is versatile. He will help you find the answer to any question about life situations. If you want to play this solitaire, you can play several times a week, and to answer a question - only once. If you play solitaire on a wish, then the timing of its execution is about a month. If the answer to the question, then when posing the question, indicate the time frame. Solitaire is very simple - you need to shoot paired cards until you remove all the cards from the field. If there are no cards left, then the wish will come true. And if you stayed, then, alas, your desire is unattainable.

On relationship

This online fortune telling about a person's attitude towards you is quite truthful. And all because it is personalized. Everything is very simple. Enter the name of the person for whom the fortune-telling will tell you the answers to questions such as "What does he think of me?", "What feelings does he have for me?" and other love questions related to the chosen person. Enter the name, and start fortune telling. Then get your answer.

What he is doing now?

What he is doing now? this is a very old fortune-telling, it was used in the old days. It was very popular among young girls at that time. And now we offer you to read fortunes online. It is accurate, and will allow you to answer the question about a loved one: "What is he doing now?" Everything is very simple. Remove cards one by one until you find the same Jack and read the prediction.

Divination by the betrothed

This is a very old Russian fortune-telling. They wondered young unmarried girls... This is online fortune telling. It will allow you to find the answer to such exciting questions as "What kind of husband will I have?", "Will he love me?", "When will I get married?" Then the girls took a pebble, laid out a deck of cards and threw a pebble onto the cards. Then they turned the map over and looked at the prediction. We also offer you online fortune telling about your betrothed.

What does he think of me

What does he think of me? - an old Russian fortune-telling was especially loved by young girls. Through the divination "What does he think of me?" the girls wondered at their beloved. It doesn't matter if it's a husband or a boyfriend. Fortune-telling is very simple, and we invite you to read fortunes online to the question "What does he think of me?", Everything is very simple. Guess a guy, focus on fortune-telling and choose a card. Then shoot one at a time. If the cards match, then read the answer to your divination question "What does he think of me."

Fortune telling "Does he love me?"

"Does he love me?" is a free online fortune telling on a guy. It is simple, but true, and will help you find out how the envisioned young man treats you. All that is needed for this online fortune-telling for love is to make a guy's guess and focus on the question. Then choose a card of four Kings and find out the answer to the question "Does he love me?" Make a guess about a guy and start online fortune telling.

Fortune telling on birthday

Birthday is a day when not only the mood and the general physical background improve, but also the energy of a person on this day is special. Therefore, fortune-telling, even online fortune-telling on this day is the most truthful. Fortune telling on Birthday is a kind of ritual. With the help of it, you can find out what fate has in store for you for the next year. Focus on the question, ask it to the cards and start online fortune telling on your birthday. We assure you that you will receive the most accurate forecast for the year using this online fortune telling. There are 4 positions in total. Each position corresponds to three months of the coming year.

Does he love me much?

Online fortune telling "Does he really love me?" suitable for those girls who doubt the love of their partner. Online fortune telling is simple, you only need to guess a man or a guy. Then start divination. Enter the person's name below and read the answer to the love question.

Fortune telling on playing cards came to the modern world from ancient times. Various ways that made it possible to see the future were invented a long time ago. In those days, a person still did not know how to write and read, and the study of the world around him took place on the basis of intuition.

There is a huge variety of divinations that use playing cards. With their help, you can get a forecast for a variety of events of interest. But the most popular are fortune-telling, which allows you to predict the future. There are many options for fortune-telling that do not differ in a complex layout and can be carried out independently at home. But at the same time, it is very important to remember that all the rules of the ceremony must be observed.

In order to get the correct forecast regarding certain events in a person's life, you need to use only a new deck of cards. Moreover, in the future, you cannot use these cards for the game.

In addition, it is important to understand the following:

  • It is necessary to pose specific questions to the cards during fortune-telling;
  • Any hypocrisy on your part will cause the cards to give you incorrect information;
  • It is important to sincerely believe that you will be able to get a true forecast.

A very popular fortune-telling for the future is ancient fortune-telling"Black Rose". It uses a deck of 36 cards. According to professional fortune-tellers, simple fortune-telling on playing cards for the future can clarify all questions.

This method involves very simple steps. You need to take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle it and guess what you want to know about. Next, you need to draw out any card and put it in front of you - it will symbolize your inner state in the present tense.

After that, the following actions are performed:

  • You need to take the top three cards from the top of the deck and place them on the left of the laid out card. Such cards will mean events that await you in the future.
  • You need to take the three bottom cards from the top of the deck and put them on the right of the laid out card. Such cards will mean how everything will end in the future.

The highest cards by suit symbolize the following:

  • Spades - hatred and anger that has accumulated in your soul;
  • Clubs - helplessness in the face of the current life situation;
  • Tambourines - a passionate desire to achieve justice;
  • Worms - love and tender feelings in the soul.

Lower cards by suit symbolize other feelings:

  • Peaks - sadness and anxiety that has accumulated in your soul;
  • Clubs - humility and unwillingness to fight;
  • Tambourines - a passionate desire to take revenge on the offender;
  • Worms are the expectation of love and the desire to achieve their goal.

After that, the cards on the left are decrypted.

In this case, the interpretation is carried out according to the values ​​of the cards:

  • Six - disappointment in life and useless hopes;
  • Seven - life situation resolve in your favor;
  • Eight - you can expect real help from like-minded people;
  • Nine is yours cherished desire will be fulfilled;
  • Ten - the emergence of serious obstacles and problems in life;
  • Jack - close people will be the source of your troubles and tears;
  • Lady - you will be deceived or used for selfish purposes;
  • King - only after solving all the problems, you will be able to carry out your plan;
  • Ace - you should prepare for an unpleasant conversation or illness.

The cards on the right are interpreted as follows:

  • Peaks - portend disappointment, trouble and possibly even illness;
  • Clubs - warn that you will be a victim of rumors and gossip;
  • Tambourines - indicate that joy, love, money and success await you in the future;
  • Worms - portend changes for the better in the future.

You also need to take into account when interpreting the card layout, some combinations of cards:

  • "Ace - Ace" - the most prosperous, it portends positive changes in life in the future;
  • "Ace - King" - warns that one should be wary of the influence of strangers, therefore, new acquaintances should be avoided in the near future;
  • "Ace - Lady" - indicates that a very influential woman will appear in your environment;
  • "Ace - Jack" - portends a successful outcome of your project or any event;
  • "King - King" - you can enlist the support of an influential patron and successfully solve all your problems;
  • "King - Lady" - the gossip around you can hurt you a lot.

When decoding card layouts, you always need to listen to your intuition. But even if on the cards, during fortune-telling, a not very pleasant alignment fell out, then you should not give up, but you should take all measures to change the situation in your favor.

Today, there are many ways to know your future. Fortune-telling on cards is considered the most popular. Card fortune-telling, as before, remains one of the most common in our country.

There are many ways to make excursions into the future today. However, cards, as before, remain one of the most ubiquitous in our country. Perhaps the reason for this is their meaningfulness.

Perhaps the fact that they warn a person, activate his analytical abilities, make him reflect on his past actions or carefully plan future ones. And perhaps everything is even simpler.

After all, cards give hope, and it, as you know, is the core on which each individual taken separately and humanity as a whole rests.

Types of card fortune-telling

The types of fortune telling on ordinary playing cards (both from 36 and from 52 cards) are of two types:

  1. Elementary
  2. Complicated

The former presuppose a maximum of simple actions and the unambiguity of the answers received, while the latter are guided by complex compositions from cards and, as a consequence, by meaningful pictures obtained as a result.

So, if, using an elementary alignment, you can find out, for example, how the business you started will end or what to expect from your new love, then as a result of the use of more complex solitaire games, you will get a detailed answer to the question about the past, present, future of a person, as well as about his house, family and personal experiences.

You will find one of the fortune telling options in this video:

Card interpretation

As a rule, for most layouts designed to determine the future as a whole or separate fragments, there is a single interpretation of the cards, having learned it once it will be easy to navigate in the interpretation of the results of fortune-telling in the future. Within the framework of this interpretation, for example, a jack of diamonds means gossip, a nine of clubs - love and marriage, an ace of spades - bad news, etc.

Of course, remembering the meanings of all the cards will not be easy at first, but if you stock up on special memorizing tables or diagrams, then this process will not take much time, especially since the future is at stake. In this article, several popular options for fortune-telling on cards for the future are given as examples.

Fortune-telling for the near future

Humanity has always sought to look beyond the veil of the future. People were constantly striving to open the door to the unknown and try to unravel their fate.

Therefore, it is not surprising that at all times - from the pharaohs to presidents, from the slave system to modern democratic regimes - there were people who devoted their lives to one single cause - fortune telling for the future. They invented crystal balls and runes, they came up with fortune-telling cards and various signs by which one can determine what awaits a person tomorrow. And with all this, they seemed to be leading an enlightened society by the hand into that mysterious twilight in which its future lies.

The history of card fortune-telling

However, it cannot be said that their existence was simple, because wizards, sorcerers and sorcerers were always treated with caution, no matter whether the latter were black magicians and necromancers or simple fortune-tellers and sorcerers.

Of course, this position is understandable. After all if a common person cannot know his future, then the one who succeeds can hardly be considered ordinary. This means that it raises suspicion and a reasonable question why he can do what others cannot.

Nevertheless, despite the distrust of the common people, despite the persecution from the authorities and the church, fortune-tellers, sorcerers and other specialists in predicting the future perfectly survived until the 21st century and continue their triumphant march across the planet.

A real fortuneteller or not

There are a lot of charlatans among fortune-tellers in our time. He mastered simple techniques of laying out cards, learned the basic techniques of reading the psychological state of a person and learned to speak confusedly and abstrusely "about everything and nothing."

but good specialists sometimes found among advertisements in newspapers or on poles. Most of them are hereditary wizards. Many of them received their gift of clairvoyance and the accompanying skills and abilities by inheritance from their parents. They not only thoroughly know their craft, but also have a talent for it, as a result of which they make mistakes less often and the picture is given more clear and closer to reality.

Fortune-telling for the future online

But fortune-tellers are not alone in the knowledge industry of the future. Indeed, in fact, anyone who has a special deck of cards and who knows what to do with it can spy on what happened, what will be and how his heart will calm down.

Fortunately, today there are many tutorials and reference books on fortune-telling cards, which are dedicated to their various hypostases. There are manuals for ordinary decks, on which our grandmothers played solitaire. There are also complex manuals for handling and interpreting the Tarot cards.

Moreover, in our enlightened era, fortune-telling about the future is possible by means of a computer and the Internet. This method is especially good in that the fortuneteller does not need to stock up on special cards.

There is no need for manuals on their use and interpretation, there is no need to learn the basics of fortune telling. It is enough just to find the site you need, make a couple of right clicks, and the answer to the heart-piercing question will appear on the monitor in the blink of an eye.

How to guess for the future?

So as shows personal experience many modern people, it is not at all necessary to "go to the grandmother" for the latest news "from the fortune-telling fields." You can completely carry out all the procedures necessary for this event yourself.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to be seven inches in the forehead for this. There are at least a few things to do:

  • buy a fresh deck of cards (better than non-playable ones, but how will it turn out);
  • stock up rough plan layouts that will be used in fortune-telling, and the interpretation of their possible results (you will find them in this article).

4 proven ways to tell fortunes for the future

Fortune telling for the next month

The simplest fortune-telling for the near future is called "Fortune-telling for the next month." It is best done at the end of the current month to find out what awaits in the new one. The essence of fortune-telling is to get nine cards from a shuffled deck and study their meanings by the interpreter.

These cards predict the near future, however, their interpretation is not trivial, since not only the cards themselves and their sequence, but also the number of cards of the same suit or of the same rank, matter.

According to experts, only the whole complex of coincidences in the suit and values ​​of the cards significantly affects the events of the next 30 days.

This is a popular 36-card fortune telling. It is known to many from mothers and grandmothers. It is very simple to do, it is easy to remember both in the layout and in the interpretation. Moreover, it can be practiced often (it focuses on the nearest future):

For fortune-telling, you will need a deck of 36 cards.
Having shuffled it, you will need to take five cards to yourself (without removing from the deck, but from above) and put them separately, in a row, on the table, while saying:

"For myself, for the heart, for the house, what was, what will be."

You need to do this with your left hand (it is closer to the heart, less rational).
Then you should repeat the procedure again, but with the last display of cards, get another, sixth, with the words:

"Than the heart will calm down."

Now you can interpret the values ​​of the cards according to traditional schemes... Given the enormous popularity of this particular alignment, you can always find this fortune-telling for the future for free.

Fortune telling 13 cards

This fortune-telling is widely known under the name "13 cards", it is not recommended to use it constantly, but only when it is necessary to make some responsible decision (or in a critical situation). For the layout, you need a classic deck of 36 cards.

The deck is shuffled, at this time it is advisable to think about the situation or the person who is being guessed at, after which thirteen cards are removed (you can choose any cards from the deck)
The peculiarity of the interpretation lies in the fact that only those cards that are taken out of total mass odd:

  • The first card in order symbolizes the most important phenomenon that worries the object of fortune-telling
  • The third is the cause of anxiety
  • Fifth - events to be experienced in the near future
  • Seventh - potential talents of the individual
  • Ninth - people and phenomena that will soon surprise you
  • Eleventh - that which will carry the negative.

Based on the analysis of the results of this alignment, it is possible to draw an approximate picture of not only the upcoming events, but also the moods and experiences that will soon fall to the lot of a person, use an interpreter for this.

As you know, the concept of "future" is quite extensible, because it includes everything: from tomorrow to the last second of the existence of our planet. It is for those who want to know about the near and far future that this alignment was invented.

It is done using a deck of 36 cards, which, after shuffling, is removed 3 times to itself, after which sixteen cards are randomly selected from it. The resulting cards must be placed in four rows above the one that symbolizes the person who is being fortune-telling (this card is chosen depending on the gender (king or queen) and eye / hair color (suit) of the object of fortune-telling).

16 cards

The first sixteen cards will be those that are responsible for the near future. In addition to them, you need to separately select one more. It will lie on top of the resulting rows and will indicate the event that will become key in a person's life in the near future.

The next stage of fortune-telling is the choice of 16 cards for the distant future of the personality. They will be located under the card, symbolizing the person who is being used to guess. They should be laid out from left to right, and then do not forget to get two more separate cards from the deck. One is for a defining event in the distant future, the second is for a phenomenon or a person who will leave the fate of the one they are guessing at.

As you can see, almost all popular types of fortune telling for determining the near or distant future are quite simple, the main thing is to have a good interpreter of the meanings of the cards at hand and to understand a little the principles of implementing the correct card layout.

Do you believe fortune-telling?

Of course, from the point of view of hereditary fortune-tellers, soothsayers and others like them, fortune-telling "via the Internet" is completely different from fortune-telling on cards. And, of course, there is some truth in this.

The principle of information processing in online fortune telling is based on the generation of random numbers (in our case, cards), as well as on the issuance of an interpretation "from a textbook" (that is, a dry text that does not take into account a lot of purely personal factors).

But this is understandable, technical limitations are technical limitations. The computer cannot look into the eyes of a person and ask him to think about his problems in order to produce the most reliable and believable result.

On the other hand, how is shuffling a deck and choosing cards from it different from generating random numbers? After all, the main thing in this process is the direction of the mind of the fortuneteller, who wants to know his fate. The problem of liquidity of such fortune-telling procedures is rather controversial.

Nevertheless, divination for the future is very popular at the present time. It successfully replaces the classic cardboard cards and fortune-tellers grandmothers. Although, perhaps online fortune telling is just high quality new level the development of the most insightful technologies, which in itself is not a negative moment, but quite the opposite - testifies to the rigorous movement of this art forward.

Believe it or not the fortune-telling is up to you. But know that fortune telling on cards not only allows you to look into your future, but also, it is a great way for an interesting pastime. In order to read fortunes on the cards, you will need a deck of ordinary playing cards and some free time.

Black Rose

Most often, everyone is attracted by fortune-telling to fulfill desires, which are easy even for novice fortune-tellers. To find out whether your dream will come true, you will only need to read the description of fortune-telling, shuffle a deck of 36 cards, make a wish and draw one card, the decoding of the meaning of which will be the answer to your question.

  • Ace of hearts or diamonds - the wish will certainly come true;
  • Heart pictures - a wish will come true, you just need to wait a little;
  • Hearts 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - the chances that everything will work out are also considerable;
  • A picture of diamonds - there are big problems on the way of fulfilling a desire;
  • Diamonds 6-10 - decide minor problems and the wish will come true;
  • Clubs or ace of spades - the desire is not destined to come true;
  • Pictures of a black suit - the fulfillment of a desire is a big question;
  • The numbers are black - the chances of a wish being fulfilled are extremely small.

Male thoughts

To the simplest fortune-telling for beginners, who will be able to tell that your beloved man has a fortune-telling "Men's thoughts" in his heart. To carry it out, you need to shuffle a deck of 36 ordinary cards, thinking about who you are guessing at.

Then remove the deck with your left hand to your heart and pull 6 cards out of it out of order. At the same time, it is very important to believe that this fortune-telling is true. 1 card symbolizes what your man thinks about, 2 - what is in his heart, 3 - your future, 4 - his desires, 5 - his fears, and 6 will tell about what is happening with your lover in life.

We look at what is shown on the cards and read their description.






The description of this fortune telling suggests that it will be an ideal help for novice fortune tellers. You will need to take a deck of 36 ordinary cards, shuffle them, asking an exciting question, and at the same time sincerely believe in the veracity of the answer, and then lay it face up, saying: "Ace, six, seven ... king", and then everything again in a circle. If the named cards correspond to the inverted ones, then we put them aside, so that they can then be interpreted.

At the same time, worms make us believe that everything will be fine, because they symbolize love, friendship, sincerity and loyalty. Tambourines predict wealth, fun and pleasure for us. Clubs predict success in the plan and cash receipts. But the peaks signify illness, sadness and trouble, so they should be believed and try to prepare yourself for the worst so that it does not become too painful a blow.

After viewing the suit of the drawn cards, we read the description of the cards themselves and compare them for ourselves.

So the ace is the most significant card and enhances the meaning of any of them that is next to him. For example, if you are guessing at a man, then the ace of hearts next to the jack symbolizes mutual love, but the peak, unrequited.

Kings symbolize income, therefore, if the king falls out surrounded by diamonds cards, this means that the fortuneteller enjoys the love of his superiors, and if the king is next to the queen and jack, then this means the respect of colleagues.

Ladies are women surrounded by a fortuneteller, jacks are men. In this case, it is worth looking at the suit, which will determine their relationship to the fortuneteller: hearts - love, tambourines - friendship, clubs - work, and spades - dislike.

10 - messages, naturally, tens of hearts are romantic and love letters.

9 and 8 - success or failure in business.

7 will answer questions about meetings.

Description 6 will tell you if your trip is going to be successful.

Divination for marriage

Most frequent question asked by women is when they get married. To find out, you need to read a simple description of marriage fortune telling for beginners and carefully follow the instructions. But first of all, it is worth remembering that if a girl is guessing, then her card is a lady of diamonds, if a woman is a heart of hearts.

Then we take a deck of 52 ordinary cards, shuffle, and after that we begin to lay out the first 20 cards face up. If your card turns out to be among them, then we stop fortune-telling - this means that this year you will get married, you just need to believe it with all your soul.

If your card is not among them, then we replace one of the 20 cards with yours, shuffle them and lay out 4 pieces in 5 piles. Then we look at which of the piles your card is in, and read the description of the result of fortune-telling:

  • 1 - you will get married soon;
  • 2 - you will not get married;
  • 3 - get married after a while;
  • 4 - there will be an engagement, but there will be no marriage;
  • 5 - you will never get married.

But again, it's up to you to decide whether to believe this fortune-telling, so if you don't like the result, just forget about it and move on.

Love does not love

Another way of fortune telling on cards, which can complete the training of a novice fortune teller and allow her to learn all the most important things about her beloved man, is fortune telling "Loves - does not love". It refers to fortune-telling solitaire games.

In order for the solitaire to decompose and be true, you need to shuffle the deck, drawing in your imagination your man, remembering the smallest details about him. Then remove the cards to your heart and start playing solitaire. To do this, lay out a row of six cards face up in front of you, and below it another row of the same number of cards, and behind the second row - a third, and so on, until the end of the deck. At the same time, we carefully look at what is depicted on the cards, and if cards of the same value lie obliquely from each other, then they should be removed, and the remaining cards should be moved in their place, and if they are again the same, then we remove them again.

The remaining cards are shuffled again and laid out this time into five columns, then into four, three and, finally, two. Now we count how many pairs of cards are left, because the decoding of this fortune-telling depends on their number.

  • 1 - your chosen one wants to call you in marriage.
  • 2 - your man is attracted to you by true love.
  • 3 - he likes you.
  • 4 - he yearns for you.
  • 5 - he thinks about you.
  • 6 - your lover has another woman.
  • 7 or more - read fortunes next time.

Fortune-telling originated with humanity. The first divination devices were sticks, rune stones, animal entrails, or fortune telling on cards. But the very idea of ​​fortune-telling remained unchanged: special objects, depending on the order of exit, answer the question of the fortuneteller. This principle is observed in all fortune-telling on cards for the future.

To get started card fortune telling or solitaire, you must follow the rules for handling the deck. Fortune-telling is the result of mutual attunement of the fortuneteller and the cards. The setting should take place under certain conditions developed by centuries of experience:

For fortune telling on cards for the future, you need to prepare a place and accessories for the layout.

  1. Cards. You can choose Tarot or regular 36 (or 52) cards. If you are new to divination, it is recommended to start with a regular deck.
  2. Surface. The place where you lay the deck should be flat and dark. A table covered with a dark cloth, or at least a dark handkerchief, will do.
  3. Candle. When fortune-telling, it is advisable to use a candle. It is believed that all the negative that may arise in the process of fortune-telling will burn in its flame. It is not necessary to take a candle from the church, but it is better that it be wax: wax does not smoke, and it smells more pleasant than paraffin, which will help set you in the right mood.

Ways to know the future

There are many ways to find out the future using maps. There are various layouts that talk about the near or distant future, describe the situation in general, or give answers to specific questions.

Fortune telling "Book"

This is the most famous and simplest card fortune-telling ... Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle them and remove the top five with your left hand. Arrange them in a row from left to right. Lay the next five in a row under the top row. Repeat this three times, then remove the top card in the remaining deck and place it in the middle under three rows.

You will get five columns of three cards each plus one at the bottom. Each column is responsible for its own sphere:

A single card tells how the heart will calm down.

Flip the cards. It is better to turn them over in turn so that you have time to think about what you see. The meanings of the cards in this fortune-telling are as follows:

Prediction "Nine"

The layout was named after the number of cards that should be taken from the top of the shuffled deck. This is probably the easiest way to tell fortunes on playing cards... So, if prevail:

  • hearts are a sign of strengthening any kind of cooperation;
  • clubs - what will happen will affect all areas of life;
  • tambourines - a large amount is on the way;
  • peaks - something that may upset you is approaching.

Rarely, but still it happens that four identical cards fall out... In this case, the values ​​will be as follows:

Also you need to interpret the meaning of the combination of cards:

Morning alignment

It is believed that if you start this fortune-telling with a fresh mind and vigorous after sleep, the result will be clearer and more transparent.

You need to mix the deck well and get all the big cards, as well as the top ten. They are shuffled, while thinking about their question. The question should be simple, non-descriptive and can be answered with “yes” or “no”.

Now draw two cards. Their suit does not matter , only the combination is important:

It is worth remembering that the cards show the most probable variant of the future, only one facet of the multifaceted, multifactorial interweaving of destinies and probabilities, which are then embodied in reality. And the future is not final. It is in our power to influence the outcome of events by our actions and even simply by positive thoughts. Therefore, if the cards predicted unfavorable events for you, do not despair and submit to fate. After all, forewarned is forearmed.

Attention, only TODAY!